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3 Jul 09 - 29 Jan 11
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Hlavička MÚA

PHYSICS - personal papers

Jaroslav Šafránek’s experiments with low-frequency television (from his personal papers)
František Záviška

Jindřich Bačkovský (*1912) - eminent Czech physicist whose work focused on X-ray spectroscopy, the structure of crystals, vacuum techniques, radiometry and the physics of high pressures, many of his findings used in industry, esp. in the manufacture of semiconductor parts and artificial diamonds. 9 boxes, 1947-1972, take-over list

August Seydler (*1849, +1891) - distinguished physicist and astronomer, built an astronomy centre at the Czech University in Prague, author of the first Czech scientific textbook on physics, a close friend of T.G. Masaryk. 2 boxes, 1866-1949, inventory

Jaroslav Šafránek (*1890, +1957) - physicist (medical physics), 17 boxes, 1883-1966, inventory

Viktor Trkal (*1888, +1956) - eminent Czech physicist engaged in theoretical quantum physics, inter alia 1942-1952 CASA General Secretary. 6 boxes, 1906-1955, inventory

Miroslav Trlifaj (*1921, +1982) -physicist, 5 boxes, 1927-1982, inventory

Zdeněk Trousil (*1913, +1983) - physicist, working at the CSAS Physics Institute, involved in the technology for preparing semiconductors and semiconductor monocrystals, elaborated a technique for preparing pure germanium and silicon and their monocrystals. 3 boxes, 1946-1983, inventory

Miloslav Valouch (*1903, +1976) - physicist , 19 boxes, 1903-1976, inventory

Josef Velíšek (*1896, +1947) - technical physicist, physical chemist, 11 boxes, 1890s - 1940s, take-over list

František Záviška (*1879, +1945) - physicist, primarily engaged in physical optics and theories of electromagnetic fields, gained recognition in Czechoslovak physics for his acceptance of the theory of relativity, perished on a death march from the Osterode concentration camp, 8 boxes, 1801-1971, inventory

August Žáček (*1886, +1967) - physicist, 2 boxes, 1928-1956, inventory

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