Closed projects on national level
Learn about closed activities of National Contact Centre - Women in Science.
The Young Talents
The project introduced young Czech scientists. The project focused on experiences of young women scientists at the outset of their careers, asking them about their mobility experiences, plans for the future and issues of work-life balance. The project was closed with the publication of Queen’s Gambit: The Launch of a Research Career.
Work-life Balance in the Science
The Centre analysed situation in the Czech Republic concerning work-life balance in the science, legislative, examples of good praxis and arranged a conference, where the women scientists discussed theire difficulties with the deputies of notable institutions of research and science in the Czech Republic.
Interships of students from Department of Gender Studies (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University)
The Centre as a partner of Department of Gender Studies provided a programme of students fellowships intended for the students of Master programme of Department of Gender Studies. This project was carryed out due to funding of ESF, government of the Czech Republic, Prague City Hall and the Ford Foundation.
Woman of the Month
Every month the Centre featured a new “Woman of the Month” on its website where we feature a prominent Czech scientist. The goal of the project was to give visibility to successful female scientists and at the same time to present them as role models for young female students and researchers beginning their scientific careers. Researchers were asked about their studies and scientific career, their work, how they have achieved their high-ranking position, the position of women and men in R&D, and how they harmonize family and work responsibilities.
Seminars and lectures
The Centre organised regular Thursday seminars in spring and autumn 2003. The first series was dedicated to gender issues in science. The second series presented various gender research projects conducted in the Czech Republic. The primary target audience was experts. In 2004 we focused on discussions about students´ thesis wich concerned gender issues.