Study room

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Vlašská 9, Prague 1 – Malá Strana


Tel: 257 286 361

Opening hours for public:

Monday 11:00-16:30
Tuesday 09:00-16:30
Wednesday closed
Thursday 09:00-16:30
Friday 09:00-14:00


Books and journals can be borrowed by employees of the Institute of Contemporary History and members of their research teams, other users can only borrow books and journals for use in the study room. If requested by internal researchers the library organizes intrastate and international borrowing services. For all interested persons the library processes background research from its own databases and catalogues. The study room is secured by a radio-frequency system GATEWAY.


Akademie věd v ohrožení Demokratická revoluce 1989 Československo Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu

Current events in picture

Historik a ředitel ÚSD Oldřich Tůma, politolog a historik Jacques Rupnik a novinář, publicista a moderátor udílení ceny Vladimír Kučera.

Slavnostní předání Ceny Jana Slavíka udělované Fondem angažovaných nestraníků Jacquesu Rupnikovi.
