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Info for visitors


Travelling exhibition "The story of a drop" will visit in turn the cities of Pardubice, Brno and Prague

(the poster of the exhibition)


PARDUBICE 23.9. – 18.10.2009 (opening 23.9.2009).

University of Pardubice- building of  Faculty of Technology, Studentská str. 573 (University campus at  Polabiny).


Opening hours:

For the public the exhibition will be opened on working days from 10 to 17 h.





The exhibition will be installed in the entrance hall of the new FCHT building in the University campus. Glass, concrete and steel - those are the materials that will "shelter" for a month the exhibits, the dumb witnesses of the passing time, that will tell their story of a drop...(Photos from a visit of FCHT on Thursday 16.7.2009 for preparation of the Pardubice exhibition).


BRNO 21.10. 8.11.2009 (opening 20.10.2009) .

The Nicolaus Copernicus astronomical observatory and planetarium, Kraví hora str.2, Brno.


Opening hours:

For the public the exhibition will be opened on working days from 9 to 13 h. and in evening hours always for 1 hour before the beginning of the daily program in planetarium. On weekends the exhibition will be accessible during usual programs of the observatory, i.e., on Saturdays from 14 to 19 h., on Sundays from 14 to 16 h. Information about the observatory programs can be found at its web pages.





Even the Brno exhibition will have its special features - the space of the Nicolaus Copernicus observatory and planetarium has no right angles, the walls are "roundish". The story of a drop and Jaroslav Heyrovský will be installed in the space where at present is the exhibition "400 years since Galileo" (Photos from 8.7.2009 when the space was inspected for preparation of the exhibition).


PRAGUE 2.12. 2009 18.12.2009 (opening 1.12.2009).

Charles University - building of Carolinum (corridor of the Cross), Ovocný trh, Prague 1.


Opening hours:

For the public the exhibition will be opened on working days from 10 to 17 h.



The exhibits, for visitors perhaps rather "heavy" as far as the topic is concerned, for the organizers are heavy because of their weight which had to be transferred.


Among us, who decided to prepare the material for exhibition reminding of 50th anniversary of Nobel Prize to Jaroslav Heyrovský for polarography, the story of a drop originated more than a year ago, i.e., at the beginning of 2008. (Photo taken in the J.H.Institute during preparation of the exhibits by the team Dr K.Stejskalová, Dr M.Heyrovský and Dr R.Kalvoda).


Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AV ČR, v. v. i.

Tři nástroje akademického pracoviště jako odpověď na otázku, jak účinně zapojit mladou generaci do vědy a výzkumu


Akademie věd České republiky

DataApex s.r.o.

Hvězdárna a planetárium Mikuláše Koperníka v Brně

Přírodovědecká fakulta UK v Praze

Univerzita Pardubice

Nadační fond Jaroslava Heyrovského

Sigma Aldrich

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