Conferences and Courses - Archive - 2009

2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
13. - 16. 9. 2009, Berlin, Germany
2nd European Congress of Immunology << Detail >> 
20. 7. - 1. 8. 2009, Cargese, Corsica
"DNA and Chromosomes: Physical and Biological Approaches"
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4. - 9. 7. 2009, Prague
34th FEBS Congress
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25. - 26. 6. 2009, Leiden, Netherlands
Innovative Mouse Models (IMM2009)

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5. 6. 2009, Praha, ÚMG
2nd IMG PhD Conference << Detail >>
23. - 27. 3. 2009, BTI, Vídeňská 1084, Prague 4
Real Time Open qPCR course

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25. - 27. 3. 2009,  Stará Lesná, Slovakia
Mikroscopy 2009

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11. - 12. 2. 2009, Prague, IMG
Ensembl workshop

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