Study of nano-structure materials consolidated from powder compacts by ECAP technique
Investigator: Ing. Jiří Dvořák, Ph.D.
Number of Project: KJB200410801
Agency: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Duration: 01. 01. 2008 - 31. 12. 2010
The powder metallurgy is attractive due to possibility of preparation of materials which are difficult to be prepared by casting. However production of UFG or nano-materials consolidated only by standard powder metallurgical procedure is associated with problems like porosity or the grain coarsening during sintering or hot isostatic pressing, which causes the loss of desired UFG or nano-structure properties and reduction of mechanical properties. These problems can be overcame by additional using of SPD methods. The main aim of this project is the preparation of bulk materials from metallic and nano-composite powders by means of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) and a detailed research of these materials from the point of view of microstructure stability and mechanical properties.