Degradation of properties and lifetime assessment of engineering materials under mechanical loading
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Ludvík Kunz, CSc.
Number of Project: IBS2041001
Agency: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Duration: 01. 01. 2000 - 31. 12. 2004
The main target of the proposed project is material research focused on problems of degradation of properties and lifetime assesment of engineerign maerials subjected to complex loading conditions. The influence of small defects and cracks on lifetime, determination of local material damage characteristics and their application for rediction of fracture behaviour of structural materials, fatigue/creep interaction and creep behaviour of advanced heat resistant engineering materials will be addressed. Thebasic research will be pointed in such a way to attain practical outputs directly applicable in applied research in trafffic and power engineering industry.
I. Elayachi, G. Pluvinage, M. O. Bensalah, Michel Lebienvenu, I. Dlouhý: To Joint Effect of Temperatura and Noch Root Radius on Fracture Toughness; Engineering MECHANICS, Vol. 12, 2005, Vo. 1, pp. 11-22.
I. Dlouhý, M. Holzmann, J. Zbořil: Lomové chování svarů perlitické a bainitické oceli; mezinárodní konf. 20. dny tepelného zpracování, Jihlava, 2004, s. 19-26.
Y. A. Garasim, I. Dlouhý, S. P. Oshkadyorov: Hardening heat treatment of high-strength constructional steels with usage of effect of inexact homogenisation; Metallofizika i noveishie tekhnologii, Vol. 25, No. 7, 2003, pp. 935-958.
I. Dlouhý, G. Lenkey, M. Holzmann: Master Curve Validity for Dynamic Fracture Toughness Characteristics; Transferability of Fracture Mechanical Characteristics, I. Dlouhy Ed., 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 243-254.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, M. Holzmann: Master Curve Evaluation at Static and Dynamic Conditions of Loading (for Cast Ferritec Steel and Pressure Vessel Steels); IAEA TECDOC, Praha, 2001, pp. 177–188.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, M. Holzmann: Master Curve Evaluation at Static and Dynamic Conditions of Loading (for Cast Ferritec Steel and Pressure Vessel Steels); IAEA - Specialists´ Meeting on Master Curve Testing and Results Application, Praha, Česká republika, 2001, pp. přísp.č.16.
M. Holzmann, I. Dlouhý: Mechanické vlastnosti a lomové chování oceli na odlitky s bainitickou strukturou a její využití v srdcovkách výhybek; Hutnické listy 57, č. 12, 2003, s. 8-20.
M. Holzmann, I. Dlouhý, J. Zbořil: Mechanické vlastnosti a lomové chování baintické oceli na odlitky a její využití v srdcovkách výhybek; Vědeckotechnický sborník Českých drah, 2003, s. 81-96.
Z. Chlup, I. Dlouhý: Mikromechanistické aspekty vlivu délky trhliny na lomovou houževnatost, Kovové materiály 40, č. 4, 2002, pp.254-267.
Last update
26. 08. 2009