Generalization of linear elastic fracture mechanics to crack propagation problems in non-homogenous materials
Investigator: doc. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D.
Number of Project: KJB200410803
Agency: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Duration: 01. 01. 2008 - 31. 12. 2010
Advanced materials, such as fiber or particle reinforced composites, layered composites, protective layers etc. have many important applications in the industry. Their behavior with regard to fatigue is strongly influenced by the existence of material interfaces. The design process of the components requires a better understanding of their failure mechanisms. In general, the conditions of failure of structures with material interfaces will be investigated in project suggested. An important task is devoted to investigations of the fracture characteristics of fatigue cracks propagating around the bi-material interface. The generalized form of linear elastic fracture mechanics will be advanced and used for the solution of the project. The results of the analytical and the numerical investigations will be used to develop specific recommendations for design of new materials featuring a better resistance to fatigue crack propagation and for design of new structures with material interfaces.
Last update
26. 08. 2009