MBÚ - Mikrobiologický ústav Praha


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

052701 - MBU-M 980285 ES eng A
Abrhámová, Z. - Nešvera, J. - Pátek, M.
Localization of nic-site in double-stranded origin of replication on plasmid pGA1 from Corynebacterium glutamicum.
In: Initiation of Replication in Prokaryotic Extrachromosomal Elements. - (Ed. Espinosa, M.; Díaz-Orejas, R.; Chattoraj, D.K.; Wagner, E.G.H.). - Madrid, Instituto Juan March de Estudios e Investigaciones 1998. - S. 83.
[Workshop on Initiation of Replication in Prokaryotic Extrachromosomal Elements. Madrid (ES), 98.02.09-98.02.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0528

052718 - MBU-M 980303 CZ eng A
Abrhámová, Z. - Nešvera, J. - Pátek, M.
Plasmids pGA1 and pSR1 from Corynebacterium glutamicum, members of a new group of plasmid replicating by rolling-circle mechanism.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 50.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0528

046218 - MBU-M 980343 CZ eng A
Adamec, J. - Adámková, V. - Novotná, G. - Schindler, J. - Spížek, J.
Distribution of genes encoding resistance to erythromycin, lincomycin and clindamycin in methicillin-resistant staphylococci.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 205.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052634 - MBU-M 980168 RIV US eng J
Bachechi, F. - Flieger, M. - Sinibaldi, M.
Molecular structure of a chromatographic chiral selector based on a terguride derivative.
Structural Chemistry, 9 [1] 39-45 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.877(93) 0.833(94) 0.527(95) 0.784(96) 0.591(97) 0.471(98) 0.458(99) 0.745(00) 0.854(01) 0,652(02) 1.537(03) ]

072236 - FGU-C 20000018 RIV PL eng J
Bačáková, L. - Starý, V. - Kofroňová, O.
Improved biocompatibility of carbon-fibrereinforced carbon composites in vitro after their polishing and coating with a carbontitanium layer.
Engineering of Biomaterials, 1, [-] 22-24 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/95/0359

052777 - MBU-M 980111 CZ cze A
Baldrian, P.
Obsahy kovů v houbách - praktické výsledky.
In: Biodegradace 2 - sborník semináře. - Chrudim, Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor 1998. - S. 59-62.
[Biodegradace /2./. Seč u Chrudimi (CZ), 98.03.04-98.03.05]

052801 - MBU-M 980143 CZ cze J
Baldrian, P.
Některé vyšší houby v laboratoři.
Živa, - [2] 89-90 (1998).

052680 - MBU-M 980241 IL eng A
Baldrian, P. - Nerud, F. - Zadražil, F. - In der Wiesche, C. - Gabriel, J.
Effect of cadmium on the biodegradative ability of Pleurotus ostreatus.
In: 6th International Mycological Congress IMC6 - abstracts. - Jerusalem, Kenes, Organizers of Congresses and Tour Operators 1998. - S. 107.
[International Mycological Congress /6./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 106

046236 - MBU-M 980365 CZ eng A
Bečka, S. - Plháčková, K. - Hasal, P.
Stability of immobilised and soluble penicillin G acylase from Escherichia coli and its repeated use in a stirred batch reactor.
In: 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 98. - Praha, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1998. - S. 156.
[International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering /13./. Praha (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]

046232 - MBU-M 980359 CZ eng A
Bečka, S. - Plháčková, K. - Kyslík, P. - Hasal, P.
The effect of pH, conversion products and temperature on the inactivation of penicillin G acylase (PGA).
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 289.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

046207 - MBU-M 980331 CZ eng A
Behenský, P. - Běhal, V. - Stenzl, V. - Plachý, J. - Adámek, F.
Glutamine preparation by means of conversion of glutamic acid.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 88.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

058947 - MBU-M 990501 RIV NL eng J
Behrenfeld, M. J. - Prášil, O. - Kolber, Z. S. - Babin, M. - Falkowski, P. G.
Compensatory changes in photosystem 2 electron turnover rates protect photosynthesis from photoinhibition.
Photosynthesis Research, 58, 259-268 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/98/P110; -(US) UPN161-35-05-08; -(US) DE-AC02-76CH00015
[Impact factor:2.469(91) 3.017(92) 2.664(93) 2.903(94) 2.964(95) 2.947(96) 1.948(97) 1.689(98) 1.714(99) 1.633(00) 1.739(01) 1,567(02) 2.239(03) ]

052643 - MBU-M 980177 CZ cze J
Benada, O. - Venclíková, Z.
Elektrondensní inkluze v patologicky zbarvené lidské gingivě(dásni) - EDX mikroanalýza.
Bulletin CSEM, 9, [-] 15 (1998).
[Výroční shromáždění Československé společnosti pro elektronovou mikroskopii /1./. České Budějovice (CZ), 98.07.10]

059804 - MBU-M 990081 DE eng A
Bendjelloul, F. - Malý, P. - Jirkovská, M. - Mandys, V. - Prokešová, L. - Tučková, L. - Tlaskalová, H.
The role of ICAM-1 in development of acute and chronic colitis in mice.
In: Intestinal Mucosa and its Diseases - Pathophysiology and Clinics. - Titisee, - 1998. - S. 102.
[Falk Symposium /110./. Titisee (DE), 98.10.16-98.10.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020716; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020808

047584 - MBU-M 980542 HU eng A
Benešová, J. - Ostrochovská, P. - Komenda, J. - Štys, D.
Composition and spectral properties of pigment binding proteins in normal-grown and iron-stressed termophilic Synechococcus sp.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Budapest, International Society of Photosynthesis Research 1998. - S. 123.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]

058949 - MBU-M 990504 RIV NL eng C
Benešová, J. - Štys, D. - Ničková, K. - Komenda, J.
Composition and spectral properties of pigment binding protein in iron stressed termophilic cyanobacterium.
In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects. - (Ed. Garab, G.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998. - S. 2645-2648.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96085

069892 - MBU-M 20000519 RIV SK eng J
Benešová, J. - Štys, D. - Ničková, K. - Komenda, J.
Isolation, identification, and characterization of stress induced protein CP34 in Synechococcus elongatus.
Chemical Papers, 52, 375-376 (1998).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96085
[Impact factor:0.380(91) 0.342(92) 0.179(93) 0.224(94) 0.131(95) 0.140(96) 0.150(97) 0.156(98) 0.067(99) 0.154(00) 0.349(01) 0,336(02) 0.226(03) ]

059803 - MBU-M 990080 BE eng A
Beschin, A. - Bilej, M. - Brys, L. - Magez, S. - Lucas, R. - Timmermans, M. - De Baetselier, P.
A protein from Eisenia foetida earthworm involved in the activation of prophenoloxidase cascade may represent a primitive inflammatory cytokine.
Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 106, [-] B4 (1998).
[Progress in Plant Molecular Biology. Louvain-La-Neuve (BE), 98.02.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1259
[Impact factor: 0.210(95)0.296(96) 0.113(97) 0.479(99) 0.841(00)]

052686 - MBU-M 980248 RIV US eng J
Beschin, A. - Bilej, M. - Hanssens, F. - Raymakers, J. - Van Dyck, E. - Revets, H. - Brys, L. - Gomez, J. - De Baerselier, P. - Timmermans, M.
Identification and cloning of a glutan- and lipopolysaccharide-binding protein from Eisenia foetida earthworm involved in the activation of prophenoloxidase cascade.
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 273 [38] 24948-24954 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1259; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020601; Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research(BE) NFWO G.0325.95
[Impact factor:6.714(91) 6.733(92) 6.739(93) 7.716(94) 7.385(95) 7.452(96) 6.963(97) 7.199(98) 7.666(99) 7.368(00) 7.258(01) 6,696(02) 6.482(03) ]

059802 - MBU-M 990079 BE eng A
Beschin, A. - Bilej, M. - Raymakers, J. - Brys, L. - Gomez, J. - De Baetselier, P. - Timmermans, M.
Identification and cloning of a glucan- and Ips-binding protein from Eisenia foetida earthworm involved in the activation of prophenoloxidase cascade.
Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 106, [-] B4 (1998).
[Progress in Plant Molecular Biology. Louvain-La-Neuve (BE), 98.02.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1259
[Impact factor: 0.210(95)0.296(96) 0.113(97) 0.479(99) 0.841(00)]

060826 - UMG-J 990064 SK eng A
Bezouška, K. - Halada, P. - Novák, P. - Havlíček, V. - Jonáková, V.
Complete Covalent Structure Determination of DQH Sperm Surface Protein.
Chemické zvěsti, 52, 306 (1998).
[Meeting of the Slovak and Czech Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with international participation /16./. Stará Lesná (SK), 98.10.12-98.10.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96141
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A23/98:Z5-052-9ii
[Impact factor:0.380(91) 0.342(92) 0.179(93) 0.224(94) 0.131(95) 0.140(96) 0.150(97) 0.156(98) 0.067(99) 0.154(00) 0.349(01) 0,336(02) 0.226(03) ]

052165 - MBU-M 980142 HU eng A
Bezouška, K. - Novák, P. - Halada, P. - Jonáková, V. - Havlíček, V.
Primary structure of DQH sperm surface protein.
In: 16th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry. - Budapest, Institute of Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1998. - S. 131.
[Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry /16./. (HU), 98.05.04-98.05.06]

059856 - MBU-M 990140 GB eng A
Bezouška, K. - Horváth, O. - Fišerová, A. - Křen, V. - Pospíšil, M.
Towards the construction of the high-affinity chitooligosaccharide-based glycomimetics activating natural killer cells and cytotoxicity.
Immunologist, - [Suppl 1] 412 (1998).
[International Congress of Immunology /10./. New Delhi (IN), 98.11.01-98.11.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0937; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96141; Volkswagen Stiftung(DE) I/77188

059796 - MBU-M 990073 RIV DE eng J
Bezouška, K. - Křen, V. - Horváth, O. - Fišerová, A. - Pospíšil, M.
Towards the high-affinity carbohydrate mimetics for activating receptors of rat natural killer cells.
Chemical Papers, 52, [-] 377 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0937; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96141; Volkswagen Stiftung(DE) I/71188
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

058532 - MBU-M 990070 RIV NL eng J
Bezouška, K. - Křen, V. - Kieburg, C. - Lindhorst, T. K.
GlcNAc-terminated glycodendrimers form defined precipitates with the soluble dimeric receptor of rat natural killer cells, sNKR-P1A.
FEBS Letters, 426, [-] 243-247 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0937; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267
[Impact factor:3.505(92) 3.339(93) 3.600(94) 3.842(95) 3.750(96) 3.504(97) 3.581(98) 3.720(99) 3.440(00) 3.644(01) 3,912(02) 3.609(03) ]

052790 - MBU-M 980129 RIV NL eng J
Bilej, M. - Rossmann, P. - Šinkora, M. - Hanušová, R. - Beschin, A. - Raes, G. - De Baetselier, P.
Cellular expression of the cytolytic factor in earthworms Eisenia foetida.
Immunology Letters, 60 [1] 23-29 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/93/0610
[Impact factor:1.513(91) 1.559(92) 1.241(93) 1.223(94) 1.241(95) 1.255(96) 1.096(97) 1.485(98) 1.494(99) 1.546(00) 2.009(01) 1,847(02) 1.710(03) ]

058515 - MBU-M 990053 CZ cze A
Binarová, P. - Borge, L. - Pollaschek, C. - Calderini, O. - Hirt, H. - Heberle-Bors, E.
MAP kináza MMK3 je aktivována v pozdní mitóze a lokalizována v cytokinetickém aparátu rostlin.
In: VI. Cytoskeletální klub. - Vranovská Ves, Katedra fyziologie živočichů a vývojové biologie PřF UK 1998. - S. -.
[Cytoskeletální klub /6./. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 98.05.13-98.05.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5020803

068510 - MBU-M 20000075 RIV GB eng J
Binarová, P. - Doležel, J. - Draber, P. - Bors-Heberle, E. - Strnad, M. - Bögre, L.
Treatment of Vicia faba root tip cells with specific inhibitors to cyclin-dependent kinases leads to abnormal spindle formation.
The Plant Journal, 16 [6] 697-707 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5020803; GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235
[Impact factor:4.513(92) 5.389(93) 5.947(94) 6.458(95) 5.666(96) 5.804(97) 5.765(98) 5.090(99) 5.629(00) 5.792(01) 5,850(02) 5.914(03) ]

052649 - MBU-M 980183 RIV GB eng J
Binarová, P. - Hause, B. - Doležel, J. - Dráber, P.
Association of G-tubulin with kinetochore/centromeric region of plant chromosomes.
Plant Journal, 14 [6] 751-757 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1020; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5020803
[Impact factor:4.513(92) 5.389(93) 5.947(94) 6.458(95) 5.666(96) 5.804(97) 5.765(98) 5.090(99) 5.629(00) 5.792(01) 5,850(02) 5.914(03) ]

052183 - UMG-J 980083 FR eng A
Binarová, P. - Hause, B. - Dráber, P.
Association of gamma-tubulin with kinerochore/centromeric region of plant chromosomes.
In: 13th European Cytoskeleton Forum. - Strasbourg, - 1998. - S. P66.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum /13./. Strasbourg (FR), 98.08.22-98.08.26]

047566 - MBU-M 980524 DE eng J
Bínová, J. - Tichý, V. - Lívanský, K. - Zahradník, J.
Bacterial contamination of microalgal biomass during outdoor production and downstream processing.
Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. Algological Studies, 89, 151-158 ( 1998).
[Impact factor:0.710(91) 0.637(92) 0.590(93) 0.818(94) 1.095(95) 1.881(96) 1.363(97) 1.367(98) 1.280(99) 1.072(00) 1.186(01) 1,195(02) 1.261(03) ]

047574 - MBU-M 980532 CZ eng A
Bišová, K. - Vítová, M. - Zachleder, V.
The effect of cycloheximide on the course of growth and reproductive processes of the alga Scenedesmus quadricauda.
In: Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Strnad, M.; Lenobel, R.; Rolčík, J.). - Olomouc, Palacký University 1998. - S. 42.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0576

047575 - MBU-M 980533 CZ eng A
Bišová, K. - Vítová, M. - Zachleder, V.
Distinct histone H1 kinase regulate the key cell cycle check-points in the chlorococcal alga Scenedesmus quadricauda.
In: Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Strnad, M.; Lenobel, R.; Rolčík, J.). - Olomouc, Palacký University 1998. - S. 43.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0576

052797 - MBU-M 980138 RIV GB eng J
Branny, P. - De La Torre, F. - Garel, J. -R.
An operon encoding three glucolytic enzymes in Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate kinase and triosephosphate isomerase.
Microbiology, 144, [-] 905-914 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1263
[Impact factor:0.194(91) 0.268(92) 0.204(93) 0.248(94) 0.287(95) 2.477(96) 2.307(97) 2.564(98) 2.700(99) ]

046215 - MBU-M 980340 CZ eng A
Brenner, V. - Totevová, S. - Jindrová, E. - Demnerová, K.
Utilization of reporter genes in environmental biotechnology.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 113.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052647 - MBU-M 980181 PL eng A
Brodská, B. - Stadler, N. - Gášková, D. - Sigler, K.
Effect of hydrogen peroxide and the fenton reagent on plasma membrane H+-ATPase of yeast cells.
In: 4th Symposium Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine - abstracts. - Lodz, Polish Biophysical Society 1998. - S. 63.
[Symposium Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine /4./. Lodz (PL), 98.06.08-98.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261

052652 - MBU-M 980187 RIV GB eng J
Buchta, M. - Jegorov, A. - Cvak, L. - Havlíček, V. - Buděšínský, M. - Sedmera, P.
A cyclosporin from Mycelium sterilae.
Phytochemistry, 48 [7] 1195-1198 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/97/0623; GA AV ČR(CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:1.090(91) 1.133(92) 1.102(93) 1.157(94) 1.285(95) 1.115(96) 1.165(97) 1.179(98) 1.106(99) 1.112(00) 1.296(01) 1,686(02) 1.889(03) ]

047576 - MBU-M 980534 CZ eng A
Budáč, P. - Kovář, V. - Šetlíková, E.
Isolation of photosystem 2 particles and reaction centers from the filamentous cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis - immunochemical detection.
In: Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Strnad, M.; Lenobel, R.; Rolčík, J.). - Olomouc, Palacký University 1998. - S. 48-49.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/1266

052706 - MBU-M 980291 CZ eng A
Cajthaml, T. - Kubátová, A. - Erbanová, P. - Pacáková, V.
Application of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) in the study of biodegradation in soil.
In: Biosorption and Bioremediation 2. - (Ed. Macek, T.; Demnerová, K.; Macková, M.; Košťál, J.). - Prague, Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1998. - S. 2.
[International Symposium Biosorption and Bioremediation /2./. Prague (CZ), 98.07.12-98.07.17]

057080 - MBU-M 990001 RIV GB eng J
Calderini, O. - Bögre, L. - Vicente, O. - Binarová, P. - Heberle-Bors, E. - Wilson, C.
A cell cycle regulated MAP kinase with a possible role in cytokinesis in tobacco cells.
Journal of Cell Science, 111, [-] 3091-3100 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5020803; Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung(AT) P11481-GEN
[Impact factor:3.293(91) 3.593(92) 3.432(93) 4.336(94) 4.827(95) 4.935(96) 5.081(97) 5.453(98) 6.044(99) 5.996(00) 6.213(01) 6,954(02) 7.250(03) ]

058506 - MBU-M 990044 CZ eng A
Cenklová, V. - Binarová, P. - Havel, L.
The role of cytoskeloton in early stage of embryogenesis induced from somatic cells of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.)Karst.)
In: VI. Cytoskeletální klub. - Praha, Přírodovědecká fakulta University Karlovy 1998. - S. -.
[Cytoskeletální klub /6./. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 98.05.13-98.05.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5020803

052620 - MBU-M 980151 RIV CZ eng J
Chaloupka, J. - Kučerová, H. - Váchová, L. - Krchňáková, E. - Chaloupková, A. - Pavlíková, L. - Zicha, D. - Veselý, P.
Effect of pH on proteinase secretion by transformed fibroblast populations.
Folia Biologica, 44, [-] 111-116 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1481
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

052791 - MBU-M 980130 DE eng A
Cukrowska, B. - Řeháková, Z. - Šinkora, J. - Šplíchal, I. - Kozáková, H. - Tlaskalová, H.
B cell response in germ-free piglets after colonization with Escherichia coli 086.
In: Induction and Modulation of Gastrointestinal Inflammation. - Freiburg, Falk Foundation 1998. - S. 64.
[FALK Symposium /104./. Saarbrücken (DE), 98.03.05-98.03.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1366

059852 - MBU-M 990136 GB eng A
Cukrowska, B. - Řeháková, Z. - Šinkora, J. - Šplíchal, I. - Kozáková, H. - Tlaskalová, H.
Mucosal and systemic immune response after colonization of germ-free piglets with Escherichia coli 086.
Immunologist, - [Suppl 1] 549 (1998).
[International Congress of Immunology /10./. New Delhi (IN), 98.11.01-98.11.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020716

059800 - MBU-M 990077 CZ eng A
Cukrowska, B. - Šinkora, J. - Řeháková, Z. - Saalmüller, A. - Tlaskalová, H.
Pig fetusses and germ-free piglets: a gnotobiological model for the study of preimmune.
Folia Microbiologia, 43 [5] 553 (1998).
[International Workshop on Immunodeficient Animals /9./. Praha (CZ), 97.06.15-97.06.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020716
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

057081 - MBU-M 990002 RIV MY eng J
Cukrowska, B. - Trebichavský, I. - Rossmann, P. - Řeháková, Z. - Šinkora, J. - Haverson, K. - Lodinová-Žádníková, R. - Tlaskalová, H.
Antigenic stimuli do not influence thymic B lymphocytes: a morphological and functional study in germ-free and conventionally reared piglets.
Developmental Immunology, 6, [-] 171-178 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1256; GA ČR(CZ) GA302/94/0051; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3761
[Impact factor: 0.821(96) 0.964(97) 0.000(98) 0.000(99) ]

052784 - MBU-M 980121 RIV CZ cze P
Cvak, L. - Beneš, K. - Pavelek, Z. - Schreiberová, M. - Stuchlík, J. - Sedmera, P. - Flieger, M. - Golda, V.
6'-Deoxoderiváty ergopeptidů a způsob jejich výroby. Opava-Komárov, Galena, a.s. 1998. - 4 s.

059807 - MBU-M 990084 RIV GB eng J
Čejka, J. - Horák, Z. - Pakhomova, S. - Kratochvíl, B. - Sedmera, P. - Havlíček, V. - Cvak, L. - Jegorov, A.
Synthesis and crystal structure of pergolide sulfoxide.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 63, [-] 803-812 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/94/0135; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/0111; GA AV ČR (CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:0.465(91) 0.466(92) 0.382(93) 0.467(94) 0.550(95) 0.549(96) 0.550(97) 0.546(98) 0.717(99) 0.960(00) 0.778(01) 0,848(02) 1.041(03) ]

052786 - MBU-M 980123 RIV GB eng J
Černý, B. - Jegorov, A. - Polívková, J. - Sedmera, P. - Havlíček, V.
Synthesis of [W-3H-MeBmt1]-Cyclosporin A.
Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 41 [3] 267-272 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/97/0623; GA AV ČR(CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:0.734(91) 0.676(92) 0.639(93) 0.647(94) 0.913(95) 0.854(96) 0.767(97) 0.527(98) 0.941(99) 0.756(00) 0.839(01) 1,186(02) 1.207(03) ]

052668 - MBU-M 980208 RIV CZ eng J
Červinková, M. - Smetana, K. - Holub, M. - Šíma, P. - Funda, D.
Shifts of lymphoid and phagocytic cell populations during mild cold acclimation in hairless mice.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [5] 481-482 (1998).
[International Workshop on Immunodeficient Animals /9./. Praha (CZ), 97.07.15-97.07.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA305/95/0635
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

052700 - MBU-M 980284 CH eng J
Čurdová, E. - Baldrian, P. - Suchánek, M. - Rychlovský, P. - Gabriel, J.
Determination of heavy metal content in wood-rotting fungi in the Czech Republic.
Chimia, 52 [7-8] 380 (1998).
[Euroanalysis /10./. Basel (CH), 98.09.06-98.09.11]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) 340/VAV/1997
[Impact factor:1.000(92) 0.873(93) 0.604(94) 0.517(95) 0.450(96) 0.632(97) 1.058(98) 1.253(99) 1.081(00) 0.597(01) 0,528(02) 0.717(03) ]

052629 - MBU-M 980161 FI eng A
Daniel, G. - Volc, J.
HR-Cryo-FE-SEM and TEM immunocytochemical studies on fungal degradation of wood.
In: Extended Abstracts of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy. - (Ed. Punnonen, E. L.). - Espoo, Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy 1998. - S. 82-83.
[Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy /50./. Espoo (FI), 98.06.07-98.06.10]

058834 - UOCHB-X 990067 CZ cze K
Demnerová, K. - Macková, M. - Macek, T. - Pazlarová, J. - Burkhard, J. - Kaštánek, F. - Brenner, V.
Možnosti biodegradace PCB různými biologickými systémy.
In: Biodegradace 2. Sborník semináře. - Seč u Chrudimi, Ekomonitor 1998. - S. 21-24.
[Biodegradace /2./. Seč u Chrudimi (CZ), 98.03.04-98.03.05]

052633 - MBU-M 980167 RIV NL eng J
Denham, S. - Zwart, R. J. - Whittall, J. T. D. - Pampusch, M. - Cortey, A. H. - Bianchi, A. T. J. - Tlaskalová, H. - Šinkora, J. - Šinkora, M. - Řeháková, Z.
Monoclonal antibodies putatively identifying porcine B cells.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 60, [-] 317-328 ( 1998).
[Impact factor:1.194(91) 1.074(92) 1.100(93) 1.201(94) 1.138(95) 1.508(96) 0.867(97) 1.138(98) 1.056(99) 1.343(00) 1.389(01) 1,659(02) 1.652(03) ]

052676 - MBU-M 980237 IT eng A
Dondi, M. - Sinibaldi, M. - Bachechi, F. - Olšovská, J. - Flieger, M. - Messina, A.
An X-ray study of the diastereoisomeric complex formed between allyl-terguride and (S)-naproxen.
In: 22nd International Symposium on Chromatography - book of abstracts. - Roma, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" 1998. - S. P485.
[International Symposium on Chromatography /22./. Roma (IT), 98.09.13-98.09.18]

060859 - UMG-J 990116 RIV GB eng J
Dráber, P. - Binarová, P. - Dráberová, E.
Probing Microtubules with Monoclonal Antibodies.
Cell Biology Interantional, 21 [12] 863-864 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/1054; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5020803
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A23/98:Z5-052-9ii
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

047573 - MBU-M 980531 RIV US eng J
Durnford, D. G. - Prášil, O. - Escoubas, J. M. - Falkowski, P. G.
Assessing the potential for chloroplast redox regulation of nuclear gene expression.
Methods in Enzymology, 297, 220-234 (1998).
[Impact factor:3.306(91) 4.671(92) 2.837(93) 1.545(94) 1.586(95) 2.082(96) 2.435(97) 2.823(98) 4.068(99) 2.340(00) 1.793(01) 1,692(02) 1.618(03) ]

052623 - MBU-M 980155 RIV CZ eng J
Dvořáková, J.
Phytase: sources, preparation and exploitation.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [4] 323-338 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

046198 - MBU-M 980322 CZ eng A
Dvořáková, J. - Vavrušková, P. - Sedmera, P. - Halada, P. - Bezouška, K. - Křen, V.
Transfer of b-GalNAc moiety by the action of Penicilium oxalicum b-N-acetylhexosaminidase.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 290.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267; GA ČR(CZ) 303/96/0936; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6020605

058502 - MBU-M 990040 IL eng A
Eichlerová, I. - Ruel, K. - Homolka, L. - Joseleau, J. P. - Nerud, F.
Degradation of birch wood Bileurotus ostreatus and its ligninolytic enzymes-overproducing isolate.
In: 6th International Mycological Congress IMC6 - Abstracts. - Tel Aviv, Kenes 1998. - S. 122.
[International Mycological Congress /6./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.08.23-98.08.28]

047599 - MBU-M 980507 RIV US eng J
Feild, T. S. - Nedbal, L. - Ort, D. R.
Nonphotochemical reduction of the plastoquinone pool in sunflower leaves originates from chlororespiration.
Plant Physiology, 116, 1209-1218 (1998).
Grant: Department of Energy(US) DEFGO2-92ER20095
[Impact factor:2.888(91) 2.925(92) 2.847(93) 3.542(94) 3.825(95) 3.696(96) 4.311(97) 4.521(98) 4.434(99) 4.831(00) 5.105(01) 5,800(02) 5.634(03) ]

046227 - MBU-M 980354 CZ eng A
Fiala, J. - Patáková, P. - Kent, A. A. - Rychtera, M. - Votruba, J. - Al-Rubeai, M.
Use of flow cytometry for process monitoring.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 321.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052682 - MBU-M 980243 CZ eng A
Finkeová, J. - Kmínek, M. - Palatová, M. - Votruba, J.
PSI/c-efficient tool for identification, simulation and optimisation of models in biochemistry and biotechnology.
In: CHISA 98. - Prague, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1998. - S. -.
[International Congress of Chemical and Precess Engineering /13./. Prague (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]

059808 - MBU-M 990085 GB eng A
Fišerová, A. - Kovářů, H. - Starec, M. - Bezouška, K. - Horváth, O. - Pospíšil, M.
Involvement of neurotransmitter receptors in antineoplastic activity of NK cells.
International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2 [Suppl 1] S39 ( 1998).
[World Congress on Advances in Oncology /3./. Island of Crete (GR), 98.10.15-98.10.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA314/98/0347
[Impact factor: 1.058(99) 1.899(00) 1.689(01) 2,063(02) 1.940(03) ]

059853 - MBU-M 990137 GB eng A
Fišerová, A. - Starec, M. - Kovářů, H. - Horváth, O. - Bezouška, K. - Manďáková, P. - Šíma, P. - Pospíšil, M.
Dopamine and alpha-adrenergic receptors are involved in tumor recognition and killing by NK cells.
Immunologist, - [Suppl 1] 252 (1998).
[International Congress of Immunology /10./. New Delhi (IN), 98.11.01-98.11.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA314/98/0347; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020809

048343 - UZFG-Y 980017 RIV GB eng J
Fliegerová, K. - Benada, O. - Flint, H.
Large plasmid in ruminal strains of Selenomonas ruminatium.
Letters IN Applied Microbiology, 26 [26] 243-247 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA508/93/2485
[Impact factor:1.206(91) 1.042(92) 1.097(93) 1.040(94) 0.764(95)0.948(96) 1.008(97) 0.964(98) 1.157(99) ]

048296 - UZFG-Y 980171 SI eng A
Fliegerová, K. - Pažoutová, S. - Hodrová, B.
Genetics ans systematics of anaerobic fungi.
In: Animal Microbiology. - Domžale, Universita Lublaň 1998. - S. 0.
[Animal Microbiology. Domžale (SI), 98.05.29]

052804 - MBU-M 980149 CZ cze J
Funda, D.
Differential display RT-PCR: metoda pro identifikaci rozdílů genové exprese.
Imunologický zpravodaj, 13 [1] 21-25 (1998).

057082 - MBU-M 990004 RIV DK eng J
Funda, D. - Hartoft-Nielsen, M. L. - Kaas, A. - Buschard, K.
Effect of intrathymic administration of mycobacterial heat shock protein 65 and peptide p277 on the development of diabetes in NOD mice: caution required in vaccination studies.
APMIS, 106, [-] 1009-1016 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA306/98/0433; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAC7020801
[Impact factor:0.868(92) 0.765(93) 0.917(94) 0.973(95) 1.016(96) 1.015(97) 0.765(98) 1.097(99) 1.713(00) 1.924(01) 0,968(02) 0.896(03) ]

052669 - MBU-M 980209 RIV CZ eng J
Funda, D. - Houštěk, J. - Holub, M. - Kazdová, L. - Michalský, M. - Burýšek, L. - Červinková, M. - Šíma, P.
Differences in thermoregulation between immunocompetent and immunodeficient hairless mice exposed to mild cold.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [5] 487-489 (1998).
[International Workshop on Immunodeficient Animals /9./. Praha (CZ), 97.06.15-97.06.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA305/95/0635
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

057103 - MBU-M 990028 DE eng A
Funda, D. - Kaas, A. - Hartoft-Nielsen, M. L. - Bock, T. - Hartmann, K. U. - Tlaskalová, H. - Buschard, K.
Impairment of mucosal immune system in the small intestine of nod mice.
Diabetologia, 41 [Suppl1] 243 (1998).
[Annual Meeting of the EASD /34./. Barcelona (ES), 98.09.08-98.09.12]
[Impact factor:5.261(92) 5.047(93) 4.988(94) 4.525(95) 5.376(96) 5.347(97) 4.986(98) 5.177(99) 5.721(00) 6.299(01) 5,136(02) 5.689(03) ]

059805 - MBU-M 990082 GB eng A
Funda, D. - Tučková, L. - Farré Castany, M. - Moro, I. - Tlaskalová, H.
CD14 is expressed on human intestinal epithelial cell lines.
Immunologist, - [suppl1] 548 (1998).
[International Congress of Immunology /10./. New Delhi (IN), 98.11.01-98.11.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAC7020801; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020716; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA7020808

052776 - MBU-M 980110 CZ cze A
Gabriel, J.
Biosorpce kovů myceliem vyšších hub.
In: Biodegradace 2 - sborník semináře. - Chrudim, Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor 1998. - S. 63-64.
[Biodegradace /2./. Seč u Chrudimi (CZ), 98.03.04-98.03.05]

052802 - MBU-M 980144 CZ cze J
Gabriel, J.
Obsahy těžkých kovů v dřevokazných houbách.
Živa, - [2] 57-58 (1998).

052619 - MBU-M 980150 CZ eng A
Gabriel, J. - Baldrian, P.
Concentrations of heavy metals in wood-rotting fungi: a role of atmospheric pollution.
In: Pathways and Consequences of the Dissemination of pollutants in the biosphere. - Praha, Research Institute of Crop Production Prague 1998. - S. 27.
[Pathways and Consequences of the Dissemination of pollutants in the biosphere. Praha (CZ), 98.05.21-98.05.23]

046219 - MBU-M 980344 CZ eng A
Gakh, A. - Janata, J. - Adamec, J. - Spížek, J. - Kalousek, F.
Normal and mutant forms of the yeast mitochondrial processing peptidase.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 260.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052688 - MBU-M 980250 RIV GB eng J
Gášková, D. - Brodská, B. - Heřman, P. - Večeř, J. - Malínský, J. - Sigler, K. - Benada, O. - Plášek, J.
Fluorescent probing of membrane potential in walled cells: diS-C3(3) assay in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Yeast, 14, [-] 1189-1197 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261; Volkswagen Stiftung(DE) I/70 979
[Impact factor:2.184(91) 2.699(92) 2.949(93) 2.862(94) 2.000(95) 2.809(96) 2.442(97) 2.221(98) 2.641(99) 2.825(00) 2.540(01) 2,340(02) 1.980(03) ]

052646 - MBU-M 980180 PL eng A
Gášková, D. - Brodská, B. - Sigler, K.
Effect of stressors on membrane energization-measurement of membrane potential in yeast by a fluorescent probe.
In: 4th Symposium Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine - abstract. - Lodz, Polish Biophysical Society 1998. - S. 87.
[Symposium Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine /4./. Lodz (PL), 98.06.08-98.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261

058948 - MBU-M 990502 GB eng J
Geiken, B. - Masojídek, J. - Rizzuto, M. - Pompili, M. L. - Giardi, M. T.
Incorporation of [35S]menthionine in higher plants reveals that stimulation of the D1 reaction centre 2 protein turnover accompanies tolerance to heavy metal stress.
Plant, Cell and Environment, 21, 1265-1273 (1998).
Grant: MZP(CZ) VaV/340/2/97
[Impact factor:4.119(92) 2.713(93) 2.291(94) 3.263(95) 3.277(96) 3.084(97) 3.070(98) 3.579(99) 2.799(00) 3.296(01) 3,015(02) 3.613(03) ]

046224 - MBU-M 980351 CZ eng A
Grafková, J. - Sobotková, L. - Sikyta, B. - Kyslík, P.
Significance of indigenous plasmids in production of penicillin G acylase in Escherichia coli.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 305.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

057083 - MBU-M 990005 RIV NL eng J
Gryndler, M. - Hršelová, H.
Effect of flavonoids on in-vitro proliferation of hyphae of Glomus fistulosum.
Biologia Plantarum, 41 [2] 303-306 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0595
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

058492 - MBU-M 990030 RIV NL eng J
Gryndler, M. - Hršelová, H.
Effect of diazotrophic bacteria isolated from a mycelium of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on colonization of maize roots by Glomus fistulosum.
Biologia Plantarum, 41 [4] 617-621 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0595
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

086101 - MBU-M 20010335 SE eng A
Gryndler, M. - Hršelová, H.
Proliferation of intraradical hyphae of AM fungus Glomus fistulosum in vitro.
In: Methods for Studying the Physiology of Nutrient Transport in Arbuscular Mycorrhizas. - (Ed. Kling, M.). - Uppsala, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 1998. - S. 16.
[COST Working Group Meeting. Uppsala (SE), 98.07.03-98.07.04 (WRD)]

052661 - MBU-M 980196 RIV GB eng J
Gryndler, M. - Hršelová, H. - Chvátalová, I. - Vosátka, M.
In vitro proliferation of Glomus fistulosum intraradical hyphae from mycorrhizal root segments of maize.
Mycological Research, 102 [9] 1067-1073 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA502/93/0665
[Impact factor:0.694(92) 0.909(93) 0.975(94) 1.306(95) 1.133(96) 1.099(97) 0.993(98) 1.158(99) 1.133(00) 1.346(01) 1,306(02) 1.436(03) ]

057084 - MBU-M 990006 RIV NL eng J
Gryndler, M. - Hršelová, H. - Chvátalová, I. - Jansa, J.
The effect of selected plant hormones on in vitro proliferation of hyphae of Glomus fistulosum.
Biologia Plantarum, 41 [2] 255-263 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0595
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

086102 - MBU-M 20010336 SE eng A
Gryndler, M. - Hršelová, H. - Chvátalová, I.
Growth of intraradical hyphae of AM fungi in vitro.
In: Second International Conference on Mycorrhiza - book of abstracts. - Uppsala, Swedish Council for Forestry 1998. - S. 75.
[International Conference on Mycorrhiza /2./. Uppsala (SE), 98.07.05-98.07.10 (WRD)]

052710 - MBU-M 980295 RIV CZ eng J
Gryndler, M. - Vosátka, M. - Hršelová, H. - Chvátalová, I. - Škrdleta, V.
Effect of glucose on the development of Glomus fistulosum colonization and extraradical mycelium on maize roots.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [6] 635-643 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0595; GA MŠk(CZ) OC 821.10
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

052799 - MBU-M 980140 HU eng A
Halada, P. - Jegorov, A. - Cvak, L. - Sedmera, P. - Havlíček, V.
DH-ergosedmine, a novel peptide ergot alkaloid.
In: 16th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry. - Budapest, Institute of Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1998. - S. 130.
[Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry /16./. Budapest (HU), 98.05.04-98.05.06]

052665 - MBU-M 980201 RIV CZ cze J
Halada, P. - Jegorov, A. - Ryska, M. - Havlíček, V.
Hmotnostní spektrometrie námelových alkaloidů.
Chemické listy, 92 [8] 538-547 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

059809 - MBU-M 990086 RIV GB eng J
Halada, P. - Sedmera, P. - Havlíček, V. - Jegorov, A. - Cvak, L. - Ryska, M.
Mass spectrometric amino acid structure determination in ergopeptines.
European Mass Spectrometry, 4, [-] 385-392 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.985(96) 1.360(97) 1.195(98) 1.091(99) 0.920(00) 1.411(01) ]

059825 - MBU-M 990104 RIV GB eng J
Haltrich, D. - Leitner, C. - Neuhauser, W. - Nidetzky, B. - Kulbe, K. D. - Volc, J.
A convenient enzymatic procedure for the production of aldose-free D-tagatose.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 864, [-] 295-299 ( 1998).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 116; Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry(AT) L844/94; Austrian Science Foundation FWF(AT) P11459-MOB
[Impact factor:0.784(91) 0.830(92) 0.850(93) 0.868(94) 0.868(95) 1.030(96) 0.903(97) 0.959(98) 0.964(99) 1.381(00) 1.593(01) 1,682(02) 1.892(03) ]

049985 - ENTU-I 980099 SIGLE CZ eng A
Handel, U. - Wegensteiner, R. - Weiser, J. - Žižka, Z.
Pathogens and parasitoids in Polygraphus poligraphus (Coleoptera, Scolytidae).
In: Book of Abstracts. Proceedings of the 6th European congress of entomology. - (Ed. Brunnhofer, V.; Soldán, T.). - České Budějovice, Institute of entomology CAS 1998. - S. 669.
[European congress of entomology /6./. České Budějovice (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.29]

059801 - MBU-M 990078 BE eng A
Hanušová, R. - Bilej, M. - Brys, L. - De Baetselier, P. - Beschin, A.
Identification of a coelomic mitogenic factor in Eisenia foetida earthworm.
Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 106, [-] B13 (1998).
[Progress in Plant Molecular Biology. Louvain-La-Neuve (BE), 98.02.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1259
[Impact factor: 0.210(95)0.296(96) 0.113(97) 0.479(99) 0.841(00)]

046185 - MBU-M 980308 CZ eng A
Hašek, J. - Vavřičková, P. - Malínská, K. - Pichová, A. - Streiblová, E. - Janatová, I. - Raková, R.
Role of cytoskeloton in yeast morphogenesis.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 67.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1368

059810 - MBU-M 990087 GB eng J
Havlíček, V.
Vladimír Hanuš - an Appreciation.
European Mass Spectrometry, 4, [-] 301-302 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.985(96) 1.360(97) 1.195(98) 1.091(99) 0.920(00) 1.411(01) ]

052664 - MBU-M 980200 RIV GB eng J
Havlíček, V. - Kieburg, C. - Novák, P. - Bezouška, K. - Lindhorst, T. K.
Structure analysis of trivalent glycoclusters by post-source decay matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 33, [-] 591-598 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.000(95) 1.987(96) 2.403(97) 2.814(98) 3.167(99) 2.638(00) 2.685(01) 2,781(02) 2.875(03) ]

052800 - MBU-M 980141 HU eng A
Havlíček, V. - Kieburg, C. - Novák, P. - Bezouška, K. - Lindhorst, T. K.
Mass spectrometry of oligovalent glycoclusters.
In: 16th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry. - Budapest, Institute of Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1998. - S. 53.
[Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry /16./. Budapest (HU), 98.05.04-98.05.06]

046202 - MBU-M 980326 CZ eng A
Hladíková, K. - Velík, J. - Baldrian, P. - Kunc, F. - Gabriel, J.
Copper sorption to pellets of wood-rotting fungi.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 363.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

046194 - MBU-M 980317 CZ eng A
Hlaváček, O. - Adamec, J. - Chaloupka, J.
Regulation of GroEL and DnaK chaperon synthesis in non-growing Bacillus megaterium.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 273.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261

052679 - MBU-M 980240 RIV NL eng J
Hlaváček, O. - Adamec, J. - Vomastek, T. - Babková, L. - Sedlák, M. - Vohradský, J. - Váchová, L. - Chaloupka, J.
Expression of dnaK and groESL operons during sporulation of Bacillus megaterium.
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 165 [2] 181-186 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1050; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261
[Impact factor:1.374(91) 1.334(92) 1.296(93) 1.597(94) 1.488(95) 1.735(96) 1.560(97) 1.581(98) 1.673(99) 1.615(00) 1.806(01) 1,804(02) 1.932(03) ]

057085 - MBU-M 990007 RIV CZ cze J
Hlaváček, O. - Vinter, V. - Chaloupka, J.
Sporicidní působení Preseptu a Chloraminu B na spory Bacillus cereus.
Epidemiology, Microbiology, Immunology, 47 [4] 150-153 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1050; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261

052713 - MBU-M 980298 CZ eng D
Hoang, Q.-K.
Contribution of 2D electrophoresis to understanding of gene expression under stress conditions and nutritional limitation in streptomycetes. Praha, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1998. - 108 s.

046188 - MBU-M 980311 CZ eng A
Hochmannová, J. - Nešvera, J. - Pátek, M.
Determinant of resistance to streptomycin of plasmid pCG4 from Corynebacterium glutamicum is a part of an integron.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 206.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0528

052670 - MBU-M 980210 RIV CZ eng J
Holub, M. - Nečas, E. - Jirásková, Z.
Essential defects of anthymic nude mice affect also the nu/+ heterozygotes.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [5] 491-492 (1998).
[International Workshop on Immunodeficient Animals /9./. Praha (CZ), 97.06.15-97.06.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA305/95/0635
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

052658 - MBU-M 980193 IL eng A
Holubová, I. - Janščák, P. - Hubáček, J. - Firman, K. - Weiserová, M.
Evidence for membrane-association of the typeI restriction-modification enzyme EcoKI.
In: 8th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms - Program and Abstracts. - Jeruzalem, KENES - Organizers of Congresses and Tour Operators 1998. - S. 110.
[Interantional Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms /8./. Jeruzalem (IL), 98.06.28-98.07.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1365

046189 - MBU-M 980312 CZ eng A
Holubová, I. - Weiserová, M. - Janščák, P. - Firman, K.
Localisation of the type I restriction-modification enzyme EcoKI and its individual subunits in E.coli cells.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 247.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1365

059854 - MBU-M 990138 GB eng A
Horváth, O. - Krausová, K. - Bezouška, K. - Pospíšil, M.
Screening of saccharide binding capacity of peripheral blood lymphocytes using flow cytometry technique.
Immunologist, - [Suppl 1] 29 (1998).
[International Congress of Immunology /10./. New Delhi (IN), 98.11.01-98.11.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV312/98/K034; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020602

059859 - MBU-M 990143 GB eng A
Hovorka, O. - Ulbrich, K. - Strohalm, J. - Říhová, B.
Differences in the intracellular pathway and cytotoxic effect of free and HPMA copolymer-bound doxorubicin.
Immunologist, - [Suppl 1] 470 (1998).
[International Congress of Immunology /10./. New Delhi (IN), 98.11.01-98.11.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MPO(CZ) PZ-Z2/24/97

052627 - MBU-M 980159 RIV CZ eng J
Hubáček, J. - Holubová, I. - Weiserová, M.
The effect of recA mutation on the expression of EcoKI and EcoR124I hsd genes cloned in a multicopy plasmid.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [4] 353-359 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1365
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

046197 - MBU-M 980321 CZ eng A
Huňková, Z. - Weignerová, L. - Kubátová, A. - Křen, V.
Occurrence and inducibility of glycosidases - an important chemotaxonomic marker in Aspergillus.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 242.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6020605

052785 - MBU-M 980122 RIV GB eng J
Hušák, M. - Kratochvíl, B. - Sedmera, P. - Havlíček, V. - Votavová, H. - Cvak, L. - Bulej, P. - Jegorov, A.
Molecular structure of cis- and trans- tergurides.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 63 [3] 425-433 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/94/0135; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/0111; GA AV ČR (CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:0.465(91) 0.466(92) 0.382(93) 0.467(94) 0.550(95) 0.549(96) 0.550(97) 0.546(98) 0.717(99) 0.960(00) 0.778(01) 0,848(02) 1.041(03) ]

058494 - MBU-M 990032 CZ eng D
Isikhuemhen, O. S.
Studies on an edible tropical white rot fungus Pleurotus tuberregium (Fr.) Sing. Praha, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1998. - 147 s.

058503 - MBU-M 990041 IL eng A
Isikhuemhen, O. S. - James, T. Y. - Moncalvo, J. M. - Nerud, F.
Breeding behavior, phylogeny, and cultivation biology of Pleurotus tuberregium.
In: 6th International Mycological Congress IMC6 - Abstracts. - Tel Aviv, Kenes 1998. - S. 160.
[International Mycological Congress /6./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.08.23-98.08.28]

052708 - MBU-M 980293 RIV CZ eng J
Jalč, D. - Nerud, F. - Siroka, P.
The effectiveness of biological treatment of wheat straw by white-rot fungi.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [6] 687-689 (1998).
Grant: GA SAV(SK) 2/1320; U.S. Agency for International Development (US) HRN-5544-G-00-2068-00
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

052778 - MBU-M 980113 RIV CZ eng J
Janáček, K. - Metlička, R. - Nešpůrková-Rauferová, L.
Effects of external saccharides on cell wall properties and ion transport in Hydrodictyon reticulatum.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [2] 187-189 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6020603
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

046220 - MBU-M 980345 CZ eng A
Janata, J. - Lichá, I. - Kadlec, J. - Najmanová, L. - Tichý, P. - Spížek, J.
Lincosamide antibiotics - the last step of biosynthesis.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 292.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

046239 - MBU-M 980368 CZ eng A
Janatová, I. - Botanch, C. - Masson, J. M.
Structural and functional analysis of the upstream region of the Schwanniomyces occidentalis invertase encoding gene.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 258.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0594; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAC5020701

052935 - MBU-M 980349 CZ eng A
Janda, L. - Damborský, J. - Kopecký, J. - Petříček, M. - Spížek, J. - Tichý, P.
Characterization of alfa-glucosidase from the thermotolerant bacterium Thermomonospora curvata.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 319.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052783 - MBU-M 980118 RIV GB eng J
Jegorov, A. - Havlíček, V. - Sedmera, P.
Rapid screening of destruxins by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 33 [2] 274-280 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor: 0.000(95) 1.987(96) 2.403(97) 2.814(98) 3.167(99) 2.638(00) 2.685(01) 2,781(02) 2.875(03) ]

052696 - MBU-M 980268 CZ cze P
Jegorov, A. - Říhová, B. - Ulbrich, K. - Maťha, V. - Strohalm, J. - Fornůsek, L.
Směrované polymerní konjugáty cyklosporinu. Opava-Komárov, Galena a.s. 1998. - 8 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA307/93/0057

059811 - MBU-M 990089 RIV GB eng J
Jegorov, A. - Sedmera, P. - Havlíček, V. - Maťha, V.
Destruxin Ed1 a cyclopeptide from the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae.
Phytochemistry, 49 [6] 1815-1817 (1998).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96085; GA AV ČR(CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:1.090(91) 1.133(92) 1.102(93) 1.157(94) 1.285(95) 1.115(96) 1.165(97) 1.179(98) 1.106(99) 1.112(00) 1.296(01) 1,686(02) 1.889(03) ]

047765 - URE-Y 980024 RIV CZ eng C
Jelínek, F. - Pokorný, J. - Šaroch, J. - Trkal, V. - Hašek, J. - Palán, B.
Detection electrodes for measurement of electromagnetic field of living cells.
In: Biologické systémy a elektromagnetická pole. - (Ed. Coufalová, B.). - Praha, Katedra elektromagnetického pole FEL ČVUT 1998. - S. 23-25.
[Biologické systémy a elektromagnetická pole. (CZ), 98.06.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867; EU COST(XE) OC244.50

047769 - URE-Y 980026 RIV CZ eng C
Jelínek, F. - Pokorný, J. - Šaroch, J. - Trkal, V. - Hašek, J. - Palán, B.
Microelectronic sensors for measurement of electromagnetic field of living cells.
In: Radioelektronika'98. - (Ed. Svačina, J.). - Brno, CERM 1998. - S. 143-145.
[International Czech-Slovak Scientific Conference Radioelektronika'98 /8./. (CZ), 98.04.28-98.04.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867; EU COST(XE) OC244.50

059812 - MBU-M 990090 US eng A
Jelínková, M. - Hovorka, O. - Kovář, M. - Strohalm, J. - Ulbrich, K. - Říhová, B.
Antibody-targeted polymer-bound cytostatics as a potential novel generation of drugs for improved cancer therapy.
Cancer Detection and Prevention, 22 [Suppl 1] 248 (1998).
[International Symposium on Predictive Oncology and Therapy /4./. Nice (FR), 98.10.24-98.10.27]
Grant: GA MPO(CZ) PZ-Z2/24/98
[Impact factor: 0.927(99) 1.258(00) 1.324(01) 1,289(02) 1.180(03) ]

052803 - MBU-M 980148 RIV NL eng J
Jelínková, M. - Strohalm, J. - Plocová, D. - Šubr, V. - Šťastný, M. - Ulbrich, K. - Říhová, B.
Targeting of human and mouse T-lymphocytes by monoclonal antibody-HPMA copolymer-doxorubicin conjugates directed against different T-cell surface antigens.
Journal of Controlled Release, 52, [-] 253-270 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226
[Impact factor:1.939(92) 1.474(93) 1.526(94) 1.483(95) 1.674(96) 1.493(97) 1.894(98) 2.059(99) 2.151(00) 2.626(01) 3,131(02) 3.298(03) ]

061150 - MBU-M 990008 RIV CZ cze J
Jirka, J. - Reneltová, I. - Rossmann, P. - Skibová, J. - Macurová, H. - Chadimová, M. - Vítko, Š. - Matl, I. - Lácha, J. - Adamec, M.
Opakované transplantace ledviny.
Časopis lékařů českých, 137 [22] 686-689 (1998).
[Czech Nefrological Congress /25./. Praha (CZ), 95.10.29-95.10.30]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ260

046245 - MBU-M 980374 RIV DE eng J
Jirků, V. - Žižka, Z. - Sedlářová, R. - Pospíšil, F.
A modulatory effect of yeast cell-humic salt interaction.
Microbiological Research, 153, [-] 149-152 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.376(96) 0.544(97) 0.496(98) 0.516(99) 0.382(00)0.531(01) 0,549(02) 0.573(03) ]

052782 - MBU-M 980117 RIV GB eng J
Jiřincová, H. - Vavřičková, P. - Paleček, J. - Hašek, J.
Monoclonal antibody register, a new monoclonal antibody against Rpg1p.
Folia Biologica, 44, [-] 73 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1368
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

046229 - MBU-M 980356 CZ eng A
Johnová, A. - Dobišová, M. - Abdallah, M. A. - Kyslík, P.
Deregulated synthesis of pyoverdins by the mutant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 314.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052714 - MBU-M 980299 CZ eng D
Joulanova, E. I.
Two GTP-binding proteins EF-Tu and FtsZ from Streptomyces collimus producing kirromycin. Praha, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1998. - 139 s.

047585 - MBU-M 980543 HU eng A
Kaftan, D. - Trtílek, M. - Kroon, B. - Nedbal, L.
Fast-response double-modulation fluorometer.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Budapest, International Society of Photosynthesis Research 1998. - S. 221.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11.. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]

058950 - MBU-M 990505 NL eng C
Kaftan, D. - Trtílek, M. - Kroon, B. - Nedbal, L.
Fast-response double-modulation fluorometer.
In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects. - (Ed. Garab, G.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998. - S. 4297-4300.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]

068528 - MBU-M 20000095 RIV US eng J
Kieburg, C. - Lindhorst, T. K. - Křen, V.
Enzymatic glycosylation of branched symmetrical non-carbohydrate polyols.
Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry, 17 [8] 1239-1247 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii
[Impact factor: 1.455(95) 1.234(96) 1.079(97) 0.033(98) 0.808(99) 0.855(00) 0.835(01) 0,798(02) 0.974(03) ]

052936 - MBU-M 980350 CZ eng A
Klierová, H. - Brenner, V. - Demnerová, K.
Enhancement of chlorobenzoate degradation by the strain Pseudomonas A7.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 362.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

046231 - MBU-M 980358 CZ eng A
Klímová, R. - Sobotková, L. - Kyslík, P.
Stability of recombinant plasmid pKA18 in strains of Escherichia coli overproducing penicillin G acylase.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 306.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

047586 - MBU-M 980544 HU eng A
Koblížek, M. - Komenda, J. - Masojídek, J.
State transition in Synechococcus PCC 7942. Mobil antenna or spillover?
In: Book of Abstracts. - Budapest, International Society of Photosynthesis Research 1998. - S. 20.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]

058951 - MBU-M 990506 RIV NL eng C
Koblížek, M. - Komenda, J. - Masojídek, J.
State transitions in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7942. Mobile antenna or spillover?
In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects. - (Ed. Garab, G.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998. - S. 213-216.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/1222

047562 - MBU-M 980520 RIV US eng J
Koblížek, M. - Masojídek, J. - Komenda, J. - Kučera, T. - Pilloton, R. - Mattoo, A. K. - Giardi, M. T.
A sensitive photosystem 2-based biosensor for detection of a class of herbicides.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 60 [6] 664-669 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) EC 006/96; GA AV ČR(CZ) EC 007/96
[Impact factor:1.979(92) 1.911(93) 2.474(94) 2.420(95) 2.350(96) 1.979(97) 2.059(98) 2.115(99) 2.081(00) 2.037(01) 2,211(02) 2.173(03) ]

064660 - MBU-M 990169 SK eng A
Kočová, J. - Červinková, M. - Manďáková, P. - Šíma, P. - Beranová, M. - Vožeh, F.
The utilization of the modified trichrome staining for the higher resolution of congenitally induced changes in endocrine and immune organs.
In: Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. - Bratislava, Slovak Society for Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 1998. - S. 48.
[Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. Bratislava (SK), 98.09.03-98.09.05]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii

047563 - MBU-M 980521 RIV NL eng J
Kolber, Z. - Prášil, O. - Falkowski, P. G.
Measurements of variable chlorophyll fluorescence using fast repetition rate techniques: defining methodology and experimental protocols.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1367, 88-106 (1998).
Grant: -(US) DE-AC02-76CH0000016; -(US) 97PR00617-00
[Impact factor:2.460(91) 2.610(92) 2.467(93) 2.507(94) 2.500(95) 2.430(96) 2.411(97) 2.478(98) 2.590(99) ]

047564 - MBU-M 980522 RIV CZ eng J
Komenda, J.
Photosystem 2 photoinactivation and repair in the Scenedesmus cells treated with herbicides DCMU and BNT and exposed to high irradiance.
Photosynthetica, 35 [3] 477-480 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1043; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/0418
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

058952 - MBU-M 990507 RIV NL eng C
Komenda, J.
A distinct effect of the phenolic herbicide BNT on the photosystem 2 photoinactivation in two cyanobacterial strains Synechococcus PCC 7942 and Synechocystis PCC 6803.
In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects. - (Ed. Garab, G.). - Dordrech, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998. - S. 2209-2212.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1043; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/0418

047581 - MBU-M 980539 HU eng A
Komenda, J. - Koblížek, M. - Masojídek, J.
Degradation and turnover of the D1 protein in cyanobacteria: mechanisms and regulation.
In: Adverse effects of visible and UV-B light in plants and algae. - Szeged, Biological Research Center 1998. - S. 1.
[Satellite Meeting of the International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Szeged (HU), 98.08.14-98.08.17]

047565 - MBU-M 980523 RIV NL eng J
Komenda, J. - Masojídek, J.
The effect of photosystem 2 inhibitors DCMU and BNT on the high-light induced D1 turnover in two cyanobacterial strains Synechocystis PCC 6803 and Synechococcus PCC 7942.
Photosynthesis Research, 57, 193-202 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1043; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/0418
[Impact factor:2.469(91) 3.017(92) 2.664(93) 2.903(94) 2.964(95) 2.947(96) 1.948(97) 1.689(98) 1.714(99) 1.633(00) 1.739(01) 1,567(02) 2.239(03) ]

047587 - MBU-M 980545 HU eng A
Komenda, J. - Masojídek, J.
The effect of photosystem 2 inhibitors DCMU and BNT on the high-light induced D1 turnover in two cyanobacterial strains.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Budapest, International Society of Photosynthesis Research 1998. - S. 112.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]

046205 - MBU-M 980329 CZ eng A
Kopecký, J. - Pospíšil, S. - Janata, J.
Acetolactate synthase from mutant strains of Streptomyces cinnamonensis.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 83.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

047572 - MBU-M 980530 CZ eng R
Kopecký, J.
Rec.: Jeffrey, S.W. - Mantoura, R.F.C. - Wright, S.W.: Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods.
Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. Algological Studies, 89, 160-161 ( 1998).

052712 - MBU-M 980297 RIV CZ eng J
Kormanec, J. - Ševčíková, B. - Sprušanský, O. - Benada, O. - Kofroňová, O. - Nováková, R. - Řežuchová, B. - Potúčková, L. - Homérová, D.
The Streptomyces aureofaciens homologue of the whiB gene is essential for sporulation. Its expression correlates with the developmental stage.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [6] 605-612 (1998).
Grant: GA SAV(SK) 2/4007/97
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

047596 - MBU-M 980554 CZ eng A
Kotrbáček, V. - Chmelař, L. - Vizárová, G. - Doucha, J.
Influence of cytokinin isolated from Chlorella on cell reproduction of RK - 13 cell line.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Brno, Section of Pathological and Clinical Physiology of the Czech Medical Association J. E. Purkyně 1998. - S. 69.
[Congress of Pathological and Clinical Physiology /13./. Brno (CZ), 98.09.21-98.09.23]

059827 - MBU-M 990106 RIV GB eng J
Kováčik, V. - Pätoprstý, V. - Havlíček, V. - Kováč, P.
Letter:Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry:sodium-cationized oligosaccharides do not exhibit "internal-residue loss" rearrangement.
European Mass Spectrometry, 4, [-] 417-420 (1998).
Grant: SAS(US) VEGA214144198
[Impact factor: 0.985(96) 1.360(97) 1.195(98) 1.091(99) 0.920(00) 1.411(01) ]

052781 - MBU-M 980116 RIV DE eng J
Kovarik, P. - Hašek, J. - Valášek, L. - Ruis, H.
RPG1: an essential gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encoding a 110-kDa protein required for passage through the G1 phase.
Current Genetics, 33, [-] 100-109 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1368
[Impact factor:2.347(91) 2.420(92) 2.455(93) 2.217(94) 2.171(95) 1.802(96) 1.924(97) 1.864(98) 1.889(99) 1.977(00) 1.885(01) 1,890(02) 2.168(03) ]

059813 - MBU-M 990091 GB eng A
Kovář, M. - Strohalm, J. - Ulbrich, K. - Říhová, B.
Treatment of BALB/c mice bearing BCL1 B-cell lymphoma with targeted polymeric drug conjugate based on N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide.
In: 3rd International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics - Programme and Proceedings. - London, University of London 1998. - S. 56.
[International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics /3./. London (GB), 98.01.07-98.01.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MPO(CZ) PZ-Z2/24/97

052934 - MBU-M 980333 RIV DE eng J
Kovářová, H. - Hajdúch, M. - Radzioch, D. - Šírová, M. - Bláha, V. - Macela, A. - Stulík, J. - Hernychová, L.
Natural resistance to intracellular parasites: a study by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis coupled with multivariate analysis.
Electrophoresis, 19, [-] 1325-1331 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/95/0634; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3449
[Impact factor:1.935(91) 2.152(92) 1.842(93) 2.274(94) 2.730(95) 2.467(96) 2.848(97) 3.054(98) 3.447(99) 3.385(00) 4.282(01) 4,325(02) 4.040(03) ]

059876 - MBU-M 990161 NL eng A
Kovářů, H. - Fišerová, A. - Španová, A. - Lisá, V. - Fišar, Z. - Velek, J.
Antidepressants as neuroimmunomodulators at postreceptor level.
Journal of Neuroimmunology, 90 [1] 41 (1998).
[International Congress of the International Society of Neuroimmunology /5./. Montreal (CA), 98.08.23-98.08.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/95/1121
[Impact factor: 3.233(99) 3.355(00) 3.342(01) 3,577(02) 3.054(03) ]

059877 - MBU-M 990162 CH eng A
Kovářů, H. - Fišerová, A. - Španová, A. - Lisá, V. - Kovářů, F. - Velek, J.
Cell signalling by c-6 glioma cells and natural killer lymphocytes modulated by antidepressants.
In: Growth and Death in the Nervous System. - St.Moritz, Swiss Society of Neuropathology 1998. - S. 48-49.
[International Winter Meeting /17./. St.Moritz (CH), 98.03.14-98.03.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/95/1121

052621 - MBU-M 980153 RIV DE eng J
Kozáková, H. - Štěpánková, R. - Kolínská, J. - Tučková, L. - Tlaskalová, H.
Changes of intestinal mucosa in hand-fed rats-model for human coeliac disease.
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 36 [4] 336 (1998).
[European Intestinal Transport Group Meeting /15./. Sundvollen (NO), 98.05.17-98.05.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1256; GA ČR(CZ) GA311/97/0784; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3761
[Impact factor:0.538(91) 0.681(92) 0.572(93) 0.680(94) 0.632(95) 0.958(96) 1.021(97) 0.890(98) 0.857(99) 0.887(00) 0.803(01) 0,837(02) 1.076(03) ]

052774 - MBU-M 980107 DE eng A
Kozáková, H. - Štěpánková, R. - Kolínská, J. - Řeháková, Z. - Tučková, L. - Tlaskalová, H.
Brush-border enzymatic activities in rodent models of celiac disease.
In: Induction and Modulation of Gastrointestinal Inflammation. - Saarbrücken, - 1998. - S. 38.
[Falk Symposium /104./. Saarbrücken (DE), 98.03.05-98.03.07]

052685 - MBU-M 980246 RIV GB eng J
Kozáková, H. - Štěpánková, R. - Řeháková, Z. - Kolínská, J.
Differences in enterocyte brush border enzyme activities in ageing rats reared in germ-free and conventional conditions.
Physiological Research, 47 [2] 253-258 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1256; GA ČR(CZ) GA311/97/0784; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA7020716; GA MZd(CZ) IZ4150; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3761
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

057095 - MBU-M 990019 FI eng A
Krupičková, S. - Tučková, L. - Flegelová, Z. - Tlaskalová, H.
Characterisation of common epitopes on gliadin, enterocytes and calreticulin recognised by antigliadin antibodies isolated from sera of patients with coeliac desease.
In: Changing Features of Coeliac Disease. - (Ed. Lohiniemi, S.; Collin, P.; Mäki, M.). - Tampere, The Finish Coeliac Society 1998. - S. 166.
[Changing Features of Coeliac Disease. Tampere (FI), 98.07.10-98.07.12]

059851 - MBU-M 990135 GB eng A
Krupičková, S. - Tučková, L. - Flegelová, Z. - Tlaskalová, H.
The specificity of antigliadin antibodies of patients with coeliac disease.
Immunologist, - [suppl 1] 591 (1998).
[International Congress of Immunology /10./. New Delhi (IN), 98.11.01-98.11.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020808

061152 - MBU-M 990024 DE eng A
Krupiová, S. - Tučková, L. - Flegelová, Z. - Walters, J. R. F. - Whelan, A. - Tlaskalová, H.
Mapping of common epitopes on gliadin, enterocytes and calreticulin recognised by antigliadin antibodies of patients with coeliac desease.
In: Pathogenic and diagnostic relevance of autoantibodies. - (Ed. Conrad, K.; Humbel, R. L.; Meurer, M.; Shoenfeld, Y.; Tan, E.M.). - Dresden, - 1998. - S. 38.
[Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies /4./. Dresden (DE), 98.10.21-98.10.24]

052632 - MBU-M 980166 RIV NL eng J
Křen, V. - Dvořáková, J. - Gambert, U. - Sedmera, P. - Havlíček, V. - Thiem, J. - Bezouška, K.
b-Glucosylation of chitooligomers by galactosyltransferase.
Carbohydrate Research, 305, [-] 517-523 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0639; GA AV ČR (CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:1.506(92) 1.363(93) 1.569(94) 1.506(95) 1.417(96) 1.437(97) 1.354(98) 1.252(99) 1.606(00) 1.349(01) 1,631(02) 1.533(03) ]

058501 - MBU-M 990039 RIV JP eng J
Křen, V. - Huňková, Z. - Halada, P. - Suzuki, Y.
Transglycosylation of thiamin by fungal b-N-acetylhexosaminidases.
Biosciences Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 62 [12] 2415-2417 ( 1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6020605
[Impact factor: 0.913(96) 0.919(97) 0.973(99) 1.039(00) 0.968(01) 0,992(02) 1.025(03) ]

052766 - MBU-M 980023 RIV GB eng J
Křen, V. - Minghetti, A. - Sedmera, P. - Havlíček, V. - Přikrylová, V. - Crespi-Perellino, N.
Glucosylation of silybin by plant cell cultures of Papaver somniferum var. setigerum.
Phytochemistry, 47 [2] 217-220 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267; GA AV ČR(CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:1.090(91) 1.133(92) 1.102(93) 1.157(94) 1.285(95) 1.115(96) 1.165(97) 1.179(98) 1.106(99) 1.112(00) 1.296(01) 1,686(02) 1.889(03) ]

046237 - MBU-M 980366 RIV GB eng J
Křen, V. - Rajnochová, E. - Huňková, Z. - Dvořáková, J. - Sedmera, P.
Unusual nonreducing sugar GleNAcb(1-1)Manb formation by b-N-Acetylhexosaminidase from Aspergillus oryzae.
Tetrahedron Letters, 39, [-] 9777-9780 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6020605; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267
[Impact factor:2.074(91) 2.321(92) 2.258(93) 2.378(94) 2.257(95) 2.497(96) 2.500(97) 2.617(98) 2.400(99) 2.558(00) 2.280(01) 2,357(02) 2.326(03) ]

059833 - MBU-M 990115 RIV CZ eng J
Kubátová, A. - Huňková, Z.
Culture Collection of Fungi (CCF) in Prague -Accessions and new biochemical data since 1997.
Novitates Botanicae Universitates Carolini, - [12] 41-52 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6020605

058520 - MBU-M 990058 RIV IN eng J
Kubátová, A. - Matucha, M. - Erbanová, P. - Novotný, Č. - Vlasáková, V. - Šašek, V.
Investigation into PCB Biodegradation using uniformly 14C-labelled Dichlorobiphenyl.
Isotopes Environmental Health Studies, 34, [-] 325-334 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.333(96) 0.567(97) 0.387(99) ]

066859 - MBU-M 990263 BE eng A
Kubátová, A. - Vermeylen, R. - Claeys, M. - Cafmeyer, J. - Maenhaut, W.
Characterisation of urban atmospheric aerosols by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
In: Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry 3rd Annual Meeting. - Mons, Belgische Vereniging voor Massaspectrometrie 1998. - S. -.
[Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Meeting /3./. Mons ( BE), 98.09.11]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii

047602 - MBU-M 980516 CZ eng R
Kubín, Š.
Rec.: Kostkowski, H.J.: Reliable spectroradiometry. - Spectroradiometry Consulting, La Plata 1997. - 609 s.
Photosynthetica, 35 [2] 168 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

046199 - MBU-M 980323 CZ eng A
Kubisch, J. - Koetter, S. - Sedmera, P. - Bezouška, K. - Lindhorst, T. K. - Křen, V.
Enzymatic preparation of ligands stimulating NKR-P1A receptor.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 288.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6020605

059846 - MBU-M 990130 RIV CZ cze J
Kubrycht, J. - Borecký, J.
Maticová formalizace pro jednoduché aproximativní porovnávání a prohlížení sekvencí.
Imunologický zpravodaj, 13 [3] 21-27 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0639

046193 - MBU-M 980316 CZ eng A
Kučerová, H. - Váchová, L. - Chaloupka, J.
Regulation of protein degradation in Bacillus megaterium by heat stress.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 272.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261

046235 - MBU-M 980362 CZ eng A
Kyslík, P.
Siderophore-mediated iron transport in Gram-negative bacteria and its implications in biotechnology.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 106.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

046238 - MBU-M 980367 RIV NL eng J
Lang, E. - Nerud, F. - Zadražil, F.
Production of ligninolytic enzymes by Pleurotus sp. and Dichomitus squalens in soil and lignocellulose substrate as influenced by soil microorganisms.
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 167, [-] 239-244 (1998).
[Impact factor:1.374(91) 1.334(92) 1.296(93) 1.597(94) 1.488(95) 1.735(96) 1.560(97) 1.581(98) 1.673(99) 1.615(00) 1.806(01) 1,804(02) 1.932(03) ]

047597 - MBU-M 980505 RIV US eng J
Lardans, A. - Foster, B. - Prášil, O. - Falkowski, P. G. - Sobolev, V. - Edelman, M. - Osmond, C. B. - Gillham, N. W. - Boynton, J. E.
Biophysical, biochemical, and physiological characterization of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants with amino acid substitutions at the Ala251 residue in the D1 protein that result in varying levels of photosynthetic competence.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 273 [18] 11082-11091 (1998).
Grant: DOE(US) DE-AC02-76CH00016
[Impact factor:6.714(91) 6.733(92) 6.739(93) 7.716(94) 7.385(95) 7.452(96) 6.963(97) 7.199(98) 7.666(99) 7.368(00) 7.258(01) 6,696(02) 6.482(03) ]

052796 - MBU-M 980137 RIV FR eng J
Le Bras, G. - De La Torre, F. - Branny, P. - Garel, J. -R.
Enzymatic and genetic regulation of glycolysis in Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus.
Lait, 78 [1] 85-90 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1263
[Impact factor: 0.663(96) 1.044(97) 1.573(98) 1.655(99) 0.777(00) 1.029(01) 1,281(02) 0.818(03) ]

052642 - MBU-M 980176 RIV CA eng C
Leitner, C. - Friebnegg, H. - Volc, J. - Nidetzky, B. - Kulbe, K. D. - Haltrich, D.
Characterization of pyranose oxidase from the white-rot fungus Trametes multicolor.
In: 7th International Conference on Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry - poster presentations. - Vancouver, Technical Section, CPPA 1998. - S. 85-88.
[International Conference on Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Indutry /7./. Vancouver (CA), 98.06.16-98.06.19]

057094 - MBU-M 990018 RIV MY eng J
Leitner, C. - Neuhauser, W. - Volc, J. - Kulbe, K. D. - Nidetzky, B. - Haltrich, D.
The cetus process revisited: a novel enzymatic alternative for the production of aldose-free D-fructose.
Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 16, [-] 365-382 (1998).
Grant: FWF(AT) P11459-MOB
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.852(95) 1.124(96) 0.887(97) 1.075(98) 1.345(99) 1.309(00) 0.866(01) 0,928(02) 1.085(03) ]

046222 - MBU-M 980347 CZ eng A
Lichá, I. - Janata, J. - Novotná, J. - Tichý, P. - Spížek, J.
Candidates for condensation reaction of lincomycin biosynthesis.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 308.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

046221 - MBU-M 980346 CZ eng A
Lichá, I. - Kalousek, F. - Spížek, J.
Bacterioferritin-like proteins in Streptomyces.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 309.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052631 - MBU-M 980164 RIV DE eng J
Lidén, H. - Buttler, T. - Jeppsson, H. - Marko-Varga, G. - Volc, J. - Gorton, L.
On-line monitoring of monosaccharides and ethanol during a fermentation by microdialysis sampling, liquid chromatography and two amperometric biosensors.
Chromatographia, 47 [9] 501-508 (1998).
[Impact factor:1.137(91) 1.573(92) 1.601(93) 1.885(94) 1.438(95) 1.869(96) 2.079(97) 1.844(98) 1.741(99) 1.619(00) 1.317(01) 1,230(02) 1.145(03) ]

052630 - MBU-M 980162 RIV DE eng J
Lidén, H. - Volc, J. - Marko-Varga, G. - Gorton, L.
Pyranose oxidase modified carbon paste electrodes for monosaccharide determination.
Electroanalysis, 10 [4] 223-230 (1998).
[Impact factor:1.350(92) 1.204(93) 1.589(94) 1.266(95) 1.392(96) 1.833(97) 1.651(98) 1.795(99) 1.972(00) 1.702(01) 1,783(02) 1.811(03) ]

052653 - MBU-M 980188 RIV DE eng J
Lindhorst, T. K. - Kötter, S. - Kubisch, J. - Krallmann-Wenzel, U. - Ehlers, S. - Křen, V.
Effect of p-substitution of aryl a-D-mannosides on inhibiting mannose-sensitive adhesion of Escherichia coli - syntheses and testing.
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, -, [-] 1669-1674 (1998).
[Impact factor: 2.150(00) 2.193(01) 2,195(02) 2.227(03) ]

057098 - MBU-M 990022 CZ eng A
Lisá, L. - Homolka, L.
Cryopreservation of some agaricales species in CCBAS.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - book of abstracts. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 56.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052702 - MBU-M 980286 CZ eng A
Lisá, L. - Homolka, L. - Erbanová, P.
Tolerance of fungal cultures to freezing and thawing.
In: 8th Days of Plant Physiology - book of abstracts. - Olomouc, Palacký University 1998. - S. 142.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/97/0853

047567 - MBU-M 980525 RIV DE eng J
Lívanský, K. - Doucha, J.
Influence of solar irradiance, culture temperature and CO2 supply on daily course of O2 evolution by Chlorella mass cultures in outdoor open thin-layer culture units.
Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. Algological Studies, 89, 137-149 ( 1998).
[Impact factor:0.710(91) 0.637(92) 0.590(93) 0.818(94) 1.095(95) 1.881(96) 1.363(97) 1.367(98) 1.280(99) 1.072(00) 1.186(01) 1,195(02) 1.261(03) ]

047568 - MBU-M 980526 RIV DE eng J
Lívanský, K. - Doucha, J.
Testing of fine-bubble aeration diffusers as CO2 saturation elements for outdoor microalgal cultures.
Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. Algological Studies, 91, 129-138 ( 1998).
[Impact factor:0.710(91) 0.637(92) 0.590(93) 0.818(94) 1.095(95) 1.881(96) 1.363(97) 1.367(98) 1.280(99) 1.072(00) 1.186(01) 1,195(02) 1.261(03) ]

059798 - MBU-M 990075 RIV NL eng J
Lodinová-Žádníková, R. - Sonnenborn, U. - Tlaskalová, H.
Probiotics and E.coli infections in man.
Veterinary Quarterly, 20, [-] 78-81 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020716
[Impact factor: 0.250(96) 0.227(97) 0.173(98) 0.339(99) 0.342(00) 0.808(01) 0,835(02) 0.727(03) ]

058014 - PAU-O 990072 RIV GB eng J
Lukeš, J. - Jirků, M. - Avliyakulov, N. - Benada, O.
Pankinetoplast DNA strusture in a primitive bodonid flagellate, Cryptobia helicis.
The EMBO Journal, 17, 101-109 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/0285; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6022503
[Impact factor:12.392(91) 12.634(92) 13.208(93) 13.871(94) 13.505(95) 13.255(96) 12.643(97) 13.171(98) 13.973(99) 13.999(00) 12.45(01) 10,6989(02) 10.456(03) ]

058056 - PAU-O 990114 US eng A
Lukeš, J. - Yurchenko, V. - Hobza, R. - Benada, O.
Kinetoplast DNA of Trypanosoma avium contains large minicircles.
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 45, 1 (1998).
[Effect of high temperature on infectivity of Encephalitozoon cuniculi spores. Praha (CZ), 98.01.01-98.01.02]
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 2.000(94) 1.173(95) 1.738(96) 1.232(97) 1.148(98) 1.417(99) 1.519(00) 1.739(01) 1,444(02) 1.513(03) ]

066860 - MBU-M 990264 US eng A
Maenhaut, W. - Cafmeyer, J. - Rajta, I. - Kubátová, A. - Claeys, M.
Aerosol chemistry at Balbina, Brazil, during LBA-CLAIRE-98.
Earth and Ocean Sciences, 79 [45] 155-156 (1998).
[American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco (US), 98.11.10]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii

052787 - MBU-M 980124 RIV GB eng J
Mandal, T. K. - Baldrian, P. - Gabriel, J. - Nerud, F. - Zadražil, F.
Effect of Mercrury on the growth of wood-rotting basidiomycetes Pleurotus ostreatus, Pycnoporus cinnabarinus and Serpula lacrymans.
Chemosphere, 36 [3] 435-440 (1998).
[Impact factor:1.109(91) 1.211(92) 0.877(93) 1.086(94) 1.334(95) 1.204(96) 1.145(97) 1.019(98) 1.255(99) 1.033(00) 1.181(01) 1,461(02) 1.904(03) ]

057102 - MBU-M 990027 NL eng A
Mára, M. - Trebichavský, I. - Prokešová, L. - Štěpánková, R. - Šinkora, J.
New immunomodulatory effects of Bacillus firmus.
Immunologist, - [Suppl1] 456 (1998).
[International Congress of Immunology /10./. New Delhi (IN), 98.11.01-98.11.06]

046196 - MBU-M 980319 CZ eng A
Martínková, L.
Use of enzymatic nitrile hydrolysis in organic chemistry.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 76.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA4020802

061151 - MBU-M 990009 RIV GB eng J
Martínková, L. - Klempier, N. - Přepechalová, I. - Přikrylová, V. - Ovesná, M. - Griengl, H. - Křen, V.
Chemoselective biotransformation of nitriles by Rhodococcus equi A4.
Biotechnology Letters, 20 [10] 909-912 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA4020802
[Impact factor:1.110(92) 1.092(93) 0.976(94) 0.957(95) 0.963(96) 0.848(97) 0.864(98) 0.916(99) 0.967(00) 0.915(01) 0,802(02) 0.778(03) ]

086055 - MBU-M 20010288 US eng A
Martínková, L. - Patáková, P. - Havlíček, V. - Hovorka, O. - Říhová, B. - Veselý, D. - Ulrichová, J. - Přikrylová, V. - Křen, V. - Veselá, D.
Preparation and biological testing of Monascus pigments.
In: Natural Pigments and Related Substances. - New Jersey, - 1998. - S. -.
[Natural Pigments and Related Substances. New Jersey (US), 98.04.01 ( WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6020509

104416 - MBU-M 20030272 RIV AU eng C
Martínková, L. - Patáková-Juzlová, P. - Havlíček, V. - Hovorka, O. - Říhová, B. - Veselý, D. - Veselá, D. - Ulrichová, J. - Přikrylová, V. - Křen, V.
Preparation and biological testing of monascus pigments.
In: IACM International Association of Color Manufactures /1998./. - Hamden, - 1998. - S. 221-224.
[IACM International Association of Color Manufactures /1998./. Hamden (AU), 98.04.19-98.04.22 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906; CEZ:AV0Z5020903

047595 - MBU-M 980553 HU eng A
Masojídek, J. - Torzillo, G. - Koblížek, M. - Kopecký, J. - Bernardini, P. - Sacchi, A. - Komenda, J.
The xanthophyll cycle in algae: its role in energy dissipation.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Tata, FESPP 1998. - S. 15.
[International Workshop of Stress Synergism in Plants - Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Photosynthesis. Tata (HU), 98.08.23-98.08.26]

046217 - MBU-M 980342 CZ eng A
Mašín, J. - Konopásek, I. - Šebo, P. - Svobodová, J.
Fluorescence studies of Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase toxin.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 180.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

066982 - UEB-Q 990178 RIV CZ eng J
Matucha, M. - Bubner, M. - Kubátová, A. - Erbanová, P. - Uhlířová, H. - Novotný, Č. - Šašek, V.
Some Applications of Isotopic Labelling in Ecological Research.
Environmentalica, 12 [1-2] 49-60 (1998).

057101 - MBU-M 990026 PT eng A
Melzoch, K. - Votruba, J. - Rosiero, F. M. - Gírio, F. M. - Rychtera, M.
Behaviour of Debaryomyces hansenii in a continuous high dense cell cultures producing xylitol.
In: 2nd European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science. - (Ed. Feyo de Azevedo, S.; Ferreira, E.C.; Luyben, K.CH.A.M.; Osseweijer, P.). - Porto, European Federation of Biotechnology 1998. - S. 294.
[European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering /2./. Porto (PT), 98.09.16-98.09.19]

058953 - MBU-M 990508 NL eng C
Mészáros, T. - Kaftan, D. - Prášil, O. - Šetlík, I. - Whitmarsh, J. - Nedbal, L.
Photosynthetic activity during the cell cycle of the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda.
In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and effects. - (Ed. Garab, G.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998. - S. 1165-1168.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]
Grant: INCO-COPERNICUS(XX) OC15 CT96-0105; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96085; USDA (US) 94-37306-0412

047577 - MBU-M 980535 CZ eng A
Mészáros, T. - Kaftan, D. - Šetlík, I. - Whitmarsh, J. - Nedbal, L.
The functional and structural heterogeneity of photosystem 2 during cell cycle of the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda.
In: Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Strnad, M.; Lenobel, R.; Rolčík, J.). - Olomouc, Palacký University 1998. - S. 151.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]

061323 - UMBR-M 990051 RIV NL eng M
Mészáros, T. - Kaftan, D. - Prášil, O. - Šetlík, I. - Whitmarsh, J. - Nedbal, L.
Photosynthetit activity during the cell cycle of the green alga Scenedemus quadricauda.
In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and effects. - (Ed. Garab, G.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer academic publishers 1998. - S. 1165-1168.

047588 - MBU-M 980546 HU eng A
Mészáros, T. - Kaftan, D. - Šetlík, I. - Whitmarsh, J. - Nedbal, L.
Functional and structural heterogeneity of PS2 during the cell cycle of the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Budapest, International Society of Photosynthesis Research 1998. - S. 55.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]

052622 - MBU-M 980154 RIV CZ eng J
Mikulík, K.
The role of GTP-binding proteins in mechanochemical movements of microorganisms and their potential to form filamentous structures.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [4] 339-352 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/0421; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/0422; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1153
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

052932 - MBU-M 980307 CZ eng A
Mikulík, K.
Protein kinase associated with ribosomes of streptomycetes.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 62.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/0421; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/0422

052771 - MBU-M 980097 RIV NL eng J
Mikulík, K. - Dobrová, Z. - Janeček, J. - Khanh-Hoang, Q.
Pattern of phosphoproteins during cell differentiation in Streptomyces collinus.
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 158, [-] 147-151 (1998).
[Impact factor:1.374(91) 1.334(92) 1.296(93) 1.597(94) 1.488(95) 1.735(96) 1.560(97) 1.581(98) 1.673(99) 1.615(00) 1.806(01) 1,804(02) 1.932(03) ]

046223 - MBU-M 980348 CZ eng A
Najmanová, L. - Spížek, J. - Janata, J. - Novák, P. - Kalousek, F.
Two forms of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase alfa subunit in streptomycetes.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 310.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

047589 - MBU-M 980547 HU eng A
Nedbal, L. - Mészáros, T. - Kaftan, D. - Tichý, V. - Prášil, O. - Komenda, J. - Šetlík, I.
Photoinhibition in a synchronized culture of the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Budapest, International Society of Photosynthesis Research 1998. - S. 107.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]

046203 - MBU-M 980327 CZ eng A
Nekolný, D. - Hlaváček, O.
Strategy for the preparation of a polyclonal antibody against low stability minor intracellular proteins: troubleshooting in identification of IST-1.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 229.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

047582 - MBU-M 980540 HU eng A
Neori, A. - Xiong, F. - Tichý, V. - Nedbal, L.
Impact of the natural UV-B radiation on the photosynthetic apparatus of freshwater microalgae.
In: Adverse effects of visible and UV-B light in plants and algae. - Szeged, Biological Research Center 1998. - S. 1.
[Satellite Meeting of the International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Szeged (HU), 98.08.14-98.08.17]

052767 - MBU-M 980028 RIV CZ eng J
Nesměrák, K. - Pelouchová, H. - Všetečka, V. - Němec, I. - Gabriel, J.
Antifungal effects of new heterocyclic compounds, 6H-pyrimido/2,1-a/isoindole derivatives.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [1] 39-41 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

046184 - MBU-M 980306 CZ eng A
Nešvera, J.
Replication and maintenance of plasmids from Coryneform bacteria.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 52.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0528

057087 - MBU-M 990011 RIV NL eng J
Nešvera, J. - Hochmannová, J. - Pátek, M.
An integron of class 1 is present on the plasmid pCG4 from gram-positive bacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum.
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 169, [-] 391-395 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0528
[Impact factor:1.374(91) 1.334(92) 1.296(93) 1.597(94) 1.488(95) 1.735(96) 1.560(97) 1.581(98) 1.673(99) 1.615(00) 1.806(01) 1,804(02) 1.932(03) ]

052795 - MBU-M 980136 RIV DE eng J
Neusser, D. - Schmidt, H. - Spížek, J. - Novotná, J. - Peschke, U. - Kaschabeck, S. - Tichý, P. - Piepersberg, W.
The genes ImbB1 and ImbB2 of Streptomyces lincolnensis encode enzymes involved in the conversion of L-tyrosine to propylproline during the biosynthesis of the antibiotic lincomycin A.
Archives of Microbiology, 169, [-] 322-332 (1998).
[Impact factor:1.640(91) 1.995(92) 1.898(93) 2.126(94) 1.801(95) 1.939(96) 2.351(97) 2.272(98) 2.209(99) 2.056(00) 2.156(01) 1,903(02) 1.989(03) ]

046206 - MBU-M 980330 CZ eng A
Novotná, J. - Schmidt, H. - Peschke, U. - Neusser, D. - Spížek, J. - Piepersberg, W. - Tichý, P.
Early steps of lincomycin aglycon biosynthesis.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 84.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052775 - MBU-M 980108 RIV GB eng J
Opekarová, M. - Caspari, T. - Pinson, B. - Bréthes, D. - Tanner, W.
Post-translational fate of CAN1 permease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Yeast, 14 [2] 215-224 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1047
[Impact factor:2.184(91) 2.699(92) 2.949(93) 2.862(94) 2.000(95) 2.809(96) 2.442(97) 2.221(98) 2.641(99) 2.825(00) 2.540(01) 2,340(02) 1.980(03) ]

057097 - MBU-M 990021 CZ eng A
Osička, R. - Basar, T. - Osičková, A. - Sheshko, V. - Šebo, P.
Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase toxin penetration into cells and immunological applications.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - book of abstracts. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 13.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052692 - MBU-M 980254 CZ eng A
Páca, J. - Marek, J. - Sobotka, M. - Schmauder, H. P.
Aerobic phenol degradation in packed bed reactors.
In: 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 98 - Summaries. - Praha, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1998. - S. 20.
[International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering /13./. Praha (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]

068549 - MBU-M 20000121 FR eng A
Páca, J. - Weigner, P. - Koutský, B. - Sobotka, M.
Degradation of xylene and toluene mixture in various hights of biofilter bed.
In: Eurodeur 98. - Harbour, - 1998. - S. -.
[Eurodeur 98. Harbour (FR), 98.04.28-98.04.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/0496
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii

046240 - MBU-M 980369 CZ eng A
Palková, Z. - Janderová, B. - Zikánová, B. - Gabriel, J. - Forstová, J.
Communication between yeast colonies.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 69.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0249

046187 - MBU-M 980310 CZ eng A
Pánek, J. - Vohradský, J.
Point-pattern matching in 2-D gel electrophoretogram analysis.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 108.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/0636

052626 - MBU-M 980158 RIV CZ eng J
Patáková-Jůzlová, P. - Řezanka, T. - Víden, I.
Identification of volatile metabolites from rice fermented by the fungus Monascus purpureus (Ang-kak).
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [4] 407-410 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6020509
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

052677 - MBU-M 980238 RIV DE eng J
Pátek, M. - Hochmannová, J. - Jelínková, M. - Nešvera, J. - Eggeling, L.
Analysis of the leuB gene from Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 50 [1] 42-47 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1737; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0528
[Impact factor:1.426(91) 1.237(92) 1.325(93) 1.488(94) 1.363(95) 1.325(96) 1.331(97) 1.471(98) 1.641(99) 1.505(00) 1.754(01) 1,744(02) 2.034(03) ]

052798 - MBU-M 980139 HU eng A
Pätoprstý, V. - Kováčik, V. - Szilágyi, Z. - Havlíček, V. - Kováč, P.
Post-source decay analysis in MALDI TOF MS fluorine labelled methyl-O-galactotriosides.
In: 16th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry. - Budapest, Institute of Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1998. - S. 129.
[Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry /16./. Budapest (HU), 98.05.04-98.05.06]

057104 - MBU-M 990029 RIV DE eng J
Pavlíček, J. - Bezouška, K.
Preparation and study of activating receptor NKR-P1 from rat NK cells.
Chemical Papers, 52, [-] 327 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.380(91) 0.342(92) 0.179(93) 0.224(94) 0.131(95) 0.140(96) 0.150(97) 0.156(98) 0.067(99) 0.154(00) 0.349(01) 0,336(02) 0.226(03) ]

052656 - MBU-M 980191 CZ eng A
Pavlů, L. - Brenner, V.
Influence of chlorocatechol dioxygenases type on the chlorobenzoate degradation.
In: 2nd International Symposium Biosorption and Bioremediation - book of abstracts. - (Ed. Macek, T.; Demnerová, K.; Macková, M.; Košťál, J.). - Praha, Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1998. - S. P3-30.
[International Symposium Biosorption and Bioremediation /2./. Praha (CZ), 98.07.12-98.07.17]

046216 - MBU-M 980341 CZ eng A
Pavlů, L. - Vosáhlo, J. - Brenner, V.
Characterization of chlorobenzoate degraders isolated from different PCB contaminated sites in the Czech Republic.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 114.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052645 - MBU-M 980179 RIV GB eng J
Pažoutová, S. - Fučíkovský, L. - Leyva-Mir, S. G. - Flieger, M.
Claviceps citrina sp. nov., a parasite of the halophytic grass Distichlis spicata from Mexico.
Mycological Research, 102 [7] 850-854 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/97/0611
[Impact factor:0.694(92) 0.909(93) 0.975(94) 1.306(95) 1.133(96) 1.099(97) 0.993(98) 1.158(99) 1.133(00) 1.346(01) 1,306(02) 1.436(03) ]

068551 - MBU-M 20000126 RIV GB eng M
Pažoutová, S. - Parbery, D. P.
The taxonomy and phylogeny of Claviceps.
In: Ergot - the Genus Claviceps. - (Ed. Křen, V.; Cvak, L.). - London, Harwood Academic Publishers 1998. - S. 57-77.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii

052635 - MBU-M 980169 RIV NL eng J
Pescovitz, M. D. - Book, B. K. - Aasted, B. - Dominguez, J. - Ezquerra, A. - Trebichavský, I. - Novikov, B. - Valpotic, I. - Sver, L. - Nielsen, J.
Summary of workshop findings for antibodies reacting with porcine T-cells and activation antigens: results from the Second International Swine CD Workshop.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 60, [-] 251-260 ( 1998).
[Impact factor:1.194(91) 1.074(92) 1.100(93) 1.201(94) 1.138(95) 1.508(96) 0.867(97) 1.138(98) 1.056(99) 1.343(00) 1.389(01) 1,659(02) 1.652(03) ]

052636 - MBU-M 980170 RIV NL eng J
Pescovitz, M. D. - Book, B. K. - Aasted, B. - Dominguez, J. - Ezquerra, A. - Trebichavský, I. - Novikov, B. - Valpotic, I. - Nielsen, J. - Arn, S.
Analyses of monoclonal antibodies reacting with porcine CD3: results from the Second International Swine CD Workshop.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 60, [-] 261-268 ( 1998).
[Impact factor:1.194(91) 1.074(92) 1.100(93) 1.201(94) 1.138(95) 1.508(96) 0.867(97) 1.138(98) 1.056(99) 1.343(00) 1.389(01) 1,659(02) 1.652(03) ]

052637 - MBU-M 980171 RIV NL eng J
Pescovitz, M. D. - Book, B. K. - Aasted, B. - Dominguez, J. - Bullido, R. - Trebichavský, I. - Novikov, B. - Valpotic, I. - Tomaskovic, M. - Nielsen, J.
Analyses of monoclonal antibodies reacting with porcine CD5: results from the Second International Swine CD Workshop.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 60, [-] 269-273 ( 1998).
[Impact factor:1.194(91) 1.074(92) 1.100(93) 1.201(94) 1.138(95) 1.508(96) 0.867(97) 1.138(98) 1.056(99) 1.343(00) 1.389(01) 1,659(02) 1.652(03) ]

052638 - MBU-M 980172 RIV NL eng J
Pescovitz, M. D. - Book, B. K. - Aasted, B. - Dominguez, J. - Bullido, R. - Trebichavský, I. - Novikov, B. - Valpotic, I. - Nielsen, J. - Arn, S.
Analyses of monoclonal antibodies reacting with porcine wCD6: results from the Second International Swine CD Workshop.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 60, [-] 285-289 ( 1998).
[Impact factor:1.194(91) 1.074(92) 1.100(93) 1.201(94) 1.138(95) 1.508(96) 0.867(97) 1.138(98) 1.056(99) 1.343(00) 1.389(01) 1,659(02) 1.652(03) ]

052641 - MBU-M 980175 RIV GB eng J
Peters-Wendisch, P. G. - Kreutzer, C. - Kalinowski, J. - Pátek, M. - Sahm, H. - Eikmanns, B. J.
Pyruvate carboxylase from Corynebacterium glutamicum: characterization, expression and inactivation of the pyc gene.
Microbiology, 144 [4] 915-927 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0528
[Impact factor:0.194(91) 0.268(92) 0.204(93) 0.248(94) 0.287(95) 2.477(96) 2.307(97) 2.564(98) 2.700(99) ]

052715 - MBU-M 980300 RIV CZ cze D
Petříček, M.
Studium a-amylázového genu z Thermomonospora curvata. Praha, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1998. - 170 s.

052657 - MBU-M 980192 CZ eng A
Pitterová, J. - Pavlů, L. - Cajthaml, T. - Brenner, V.
Microbial degradation of cresols and polycyclic aromatic pollutants soil bacterial strains.
In: 2nd International Symposium Biosorption and Bioremediation - book of abstracts. - (Ed. Macek, T.; Demnerová, K.; Macková, M.; Košťál, J.). - Praha, Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1998. - S. P3-19.
[International Symposium Biosorption and Bioremediation /2./. Praha (CZ), 98.07.12-98.07.17]

046230 - MBU-M 980357 CZ eng A
Plháčková, K. - Bečka, S. - Kyslík, P.
Screening for acylases used in biotransformation of b-lactam antibiotics.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 307.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052699 - MBU-M 980283 RIV CZ cze P
Plháčková, K. - Kyslík, P. - Bečka, S.
Způsob jednorázové příkrmové submerzní kultivace buněk s aktivitou 7b-(4-karboxybutanamido)cefakisporánové kyseliny. Praha, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1998. - 8 s.

059815 - MBU-M 990093 GB eng A
Pospíšil, M. - Vannucci, L. - Horváth, O. - Krausová, K. - Fišerová, A.
Activation of cytotoxic lymphocytes through C-type lectin receptors and immunotherapy of cancer.
International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2 [Suppl 1] 237 ( 1998).
[World Congress on Advances in Oncology /3./ and International Symposium on Molecular Medicine /1./. Island of Crete (GR), 98.10.15-98.10.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020602; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96141
[Impact factor: 1.058(99) 1.899(00) 1.689(01) 2,063(02) 1.940(03) ]

059855 - MBU-M 990139 GB eng A
Pospíšil, M. - Vannucci, L. - Horváth, O. - Fišerová, A. - Turánek, J. - Rossmann, P. - Krausová, K. - Bezouška, K.
C-type lectin lymphocyte receptors and relevance to cancer treatment.
Immunologist, - [Suppl 1] 102 (1998).
[International Congress of Immunology /10./. New Delhi (IN), 98.11.01-98.11.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV312/98/K034; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020602

052788 - MBU-M 980125 RIV GB eng J
Pospíšil, R. - Mage, R. G.
CD5 and other superantigens as 'ticklers' of the B-cell receptor.
Immunology Today, 19 [3] 106-108 (1998).
[Impact factor:17.988(91) 20.274(92) 19.590(93) 22.047(94) 25.228(95) 21.941(96) 16.465(97) 15.439(98) 17.134(99) ]

058499 - MBU-M 990037 RIV CA eng J
Pospíšil, S. - Benada, O. - Kofroňová, O. - Petříček, M. - Janda, L. - Havlíček, V.
Kytococcus sedentarius (formerly Micrococcus sedentarius) and Dermacoccus nishinomiyaensis (formerly Micrococcus nishinomiyaensis) produce monensins, typical Streptomyces cinnamonensis metabolites.
Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 44, [-] 1007-1011 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/95/1053; GA AV ČR(CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:1.240(91) 1.006(92) 0.906(93) 1.290(94) 1.184(95) 1.184(96) 1.243(97) 1.134(98) 1.072(99) 1.105(00) 1.071(01) 1,080(02) 1.094(03) ]

052684 - MBU-M 980245 RIV US eng J
Pospíšil, S. - Kopecký, J. - Přikrylová, V.
Derepression and altered feedback regulation of valine biosynthetic pathway in analogue-resistant mutants of Streptomyces cinnamonensis resulting in 2-ketoisovalerate excretion.
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 85 [1] 9-16 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/95/1054
[Impact factor: 1.521(99) 1.511(00) 1.479(01) 1,819(02) 1.743(03) ]

052640 - MBU-M 980174 RIV GB eng J
Pospíšil, S. - Sedmera, P.
Stimulation of monensin biosynthesis in Streptomyces cinnamonensis by antioxidants butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene.
Biotechnology Letters, 20 [5] 519-523 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/95/1054
[Impact factor:1.110(92) 1.092(93) 0.976(94) 0.957(95) 0.963(96) 0.848(97) 0.864(98) 0.916(99) 0.967(00) 0.915(01) 0,802(02) 0.778(03) ]

047583 - MBU-M 980541 HU eng A
Prášil, O. - Behrenfeld, M. J. - Kolber, Z. - Babin, M. - Falkowski, P. G.
Excess capacity of photosystem II protects photosynthesis from photoinhibition.
In: Adverse effects of visible and UV-B light in plants and algae. - Szeged, Biological Research Center 1998. - S. 10.
[Satellite Meeting of the International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Szeged (HU), 98.08.14-98.08.17]

047590 - MBU-M 980548 HU eng A
Prášil, O. - Kolber, Z. - Falkowski, P. G.
Modulation of fluorescence quantum yields by secondary acceptors of photosystem 2.
In: Book of Abstracs. - Budapest, International Society of Photosynthesis Research 1998. - S. 58.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]

052694 - MBU-M 980256 US eng A
Prell, A. - Plháčková, K. - Sobotka, M. - Kyslík, P.
Production of a glutaryl-7-aminocephalosporanic acid acylase: optimization of pilot-plant fermintation process.
In: 216th Academy of Sciences National Meeting - book of abstracts. - Boston, US Academy of Sciences 1998. - S. 104.
[Academy of Sciences National Meeting /216./. Boston (US), 98.08.23-98.08.27]

052695 - MBU-M 980257 CZ eng A
Prell, A. - Sobotka, M.
Process control automation: a way to higher efficiency of fermentation production.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology. - Hradec Králové, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 91.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052691 - MBU-M 980253 CZ eng A
Prell, A. - Šolar, K. - Šafář, H. - Fořt, I. - Sobotka, M.
Change of impellers design may improve an efficiency of yeast growth process.
In: 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 98 - Summaries. - Praha, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1998. - S. 23.
[International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering /13./. Praha (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]

052933 - MBU-M 980320 CZ eng A
Přepechalová, I. - Martínková, L. - Ovesná, M. - Stolz, A. - Bezouška, K. - Křen, V.
Purification and characterization of the nitrile hydatase from Rhodococcus equi A4.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 285.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA4020802

046200 - MBU-M 980324 CZ eng A
Rajnochová, E. - Dvořáková, J. - Sedmera, P. - Bezouška, K. - Křen, V.
Enzymatic synthesis of immunoactive aminosugars.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 284.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267; GA ČR(CZ) 303/96/0936; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6020605

046191 - MBU-M 980314 CZ eng A
Raková, R. - Janatová, I. - Pichová, A. - Hašek, J.
Eno1 gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a multicopy suppressor of an essential gene Rpg1 encoding a subunit of Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF3.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 255.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1368

058500 - MBU-M 990038 RIV US eng J
Ramsden, J. J. - Vohradský, J.
Zipf-like behavior in procaryotic protein expression.
Physical Review. E, 58 [6] 7777-7780 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.888(94) 2.159(95) 2.149(96) 2.233(97) 2.066(98) 2.045(99) 2.142(00) 2.235(01) 2,397(02) 2.202(03) ]

046211 - MBU-M 980336 RIV GB eng J
Rossmann, P. - Jirka, J. - Matoušovic, K.
Segmental glomerulopathy of early rejection.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 13, [-] 2399-2401 (1998).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ2602
[Impact factor: 1.693(96) 1.682(97) 1.752(99) 2.056(00) 2.432(01) 2,570(02) 2.607(03) ]

057086 - MBU-M 990010 RIV CZ cze J
Rossmann, P. - Jirka, J. - Matoušovic, K.
Imunohistochemie biopsií alotransplantované ledviny.
Časopis lékařů českých, 137 [24] 757-762 (1998).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ2602

046208 - MBU-M 980332 SI eng A
Rossmann, P. - Jirka, J. - Matoušovic, K. - Chadimová, M.
Immunohistochemistry of renal allograft biopsy and its significance.
In: International Conference on Transplantation with Emphasis on Kidney - proceedings. - (Ed. Bren, A.F.; Ferluga, D.; Olsen, S.; Rossmann, P.). - Ljubljana, Medical Faculty of Ljubljana 1998. - S. 41.
[International Conference on Transplantation with Emphasis on Kidney. Ljubljana (SI), 98.10.08-98.10.09]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ2602

052772 - MBU-M 980105 CZ cze B
Rosypal, S. - Šašek, V. - Beneš, J. - Beneš, K. - Buchar, J. - Heráň, I. - Homola, J. - Hůrka, K. - Kubišta, V. - Kvaček, Z.
Přehled biologie. 2. vyd. Praha, Scientia 1998. - 642 s.

052683 - MBU-M 980244 CZ eng A
Rychtera, M. - Votruba, J. - Melzoch, K. - Čermák, J. - Fiala, J. - Vendlichová, Z. - Patáková, P. - Kent, C. A. - Al-Rubeai, M. - Náhlík, J.
Knowledge-based control strategies of sterol biosynthesis in yeast cells.
In: CHISA 98. - Prague, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1998. - S. -.
[International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering /13./. Prague (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]

052671 - MBU-M 980212 RIV CZ eng J
Řeháková, Z. - Šinkora, J. - Šinkora, M. - Kozáková, H. - Šplíchal, I. - Barot-Ciorbaru, R. - Trebichavský, I.
Effect of controlled antigenic stimulation on lymphocyte subsets in pigs and pig fetuses.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [5] 513-516 (1998).
[International Workshop on Immunodeficient Animals /9./. Praha (CZ), 97.06.15-97.06.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/97/0533; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1256
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

052938 - MBU-M 980364 IN eng A
Řeháková, Z. - Šinkora, J. - Šinkora, M.
Early hematopoiesis in pigs: a flow cytometric study.
In: 5th International Veterinary Immunology Symposium. - (Ed. Naessens, J.; Oberoi, M.S.; Jand, S.K.). - Ludhiana, International Union of Immunological Societies 1998. - S. 109.
[International Veterinary Immunology Symposium /5./. Ludhiana (IN), 98.11.08-98.11.13]

059795 - MBU-M 990072 RIV CZ eng J
Řeháková, Z. - Trebichavský, I. - Šinkora, J. - Šplíchal, I. - Šinkora, M.
Early ontogeny of monocytes and macrophages in the pig.
Physiological Research, 47, [-] 357-363 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/98/0435; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1256; GA MZd(CZ) IZ4150
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

052789 - MBU-M 980127 RIV GB eng J
Řezanka, T.
Branched and very long-chain dicarboxylic acids from Equisetum species.
Phytochemistry, 47 [8] 1539-1543 (1998).
[Impact factor:1.090(91) 1.133(92) 1.102(93) 1.157(94) 1.285(95) 1.115(96) 1.165(97) 1.179(98) 1.106(99) 1.112(00) 1.296(01) 1,686(02) 1.889(03) ]

052780 - MBU-M 980115 RIV GB eng J
Řezanka, T. - Dembitsky, V. M.
Very-long-chain alkyl esters in Cereus peruvianus wax.
Phytochemistry, 47 [6] 1145-1148 (1998).
[Impact factor:1.090(91) 1.133(92) 1.102(93) 1.157(94) 1.285(95) 1.115(96) 1.165(97) 1.179(98) 1.106(99) 1.112(00) 1.296(01) 1,686(02) 1.889(03) ]

066868 - MBU-M 990272 RIV IN eng J
Řezanka, T. - Dembitsky, V. M.
Chiral high performance liquid chromatography of astaxanthin's stereoisomers.
Trends in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 5, [-] 301-304 (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii

046226 - MBU-M 980353 CZ eng A
Řezanka, T. - Votruba, J.
Fermentation odor and bioprocess scale-up.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 316.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052662 - MBU-M 980197 RIV DE eng J
Řezanka, T. - Votruba, J.
Fermentation odor and bioprocess scale-up.
Bioprocess Engineering, 19 [8] 159-160 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.853(91) 0.718(92) 0.717(93) 0.852(94) 0.574(95) 0.726(96) 0.528(97) 0.655(98) 0.703(99) 0.673(00) 0.426(01) 0,693(02) ]

052769 - MBU-M 980030 RIV CZ eng J
Řezanka, T. - Votruba, J.
Effect of salinity on the formation of avermectins, odor compounds and fatty acids by Streptomyces avermitilis.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [1] 47-50 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1192
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

052717 - MBU-M 980302 RIV NL eng J
Říhová, B.
Receptor-mediated targeted drug or toxin delivery.
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 29, [-] 273-289 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3404
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 2.189(93) 1.914(94) 2.243(95) 1.916(96) 1.975(97) 2.153(98) 2.171(99) 2.406(00) 3.022(01) 4,190(02) 6.588(03) ]

059816 - MBU-M 990094 GB eng A
Říhová, B. - Jelínková, M. - Plundrová, D. - Kovář, M. - Čtrnáctá, V. - Novák, M. - Strohalm, J. - Pechar, M. - Ulbrich, K.
Mechanisms of action of polymeric drugs.
In: 3rd International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics - Programme and Proceedings. - London, University of London 1998. - S. 9.
[International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics /3./. London (GB), 98.01.07-98.01.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MPO(CZ) PZ-Z2/24/97

059817 - MBU-M 990095 NL eng A
Říhová, B. - Jelínková, M. - Strohalm, J. - Hovorka, O. - Šubr, V. - Plocová, D. - Pechar, M. - Dráber, P. - Ulbrich, K.
Targeting to mouse cDw90 antigen (Thy 1.2 receptor) expressed on T-lymphocytes or on transfected human colorectal cancer.
In: Fifth European Symposium on Controlled Drug Delivery - abstract book. - (Ed. Sam, A.P.). - Noordwijk aan Zee, University of Twente 1998. - S. 81-82.
[European Symposium on Controlled Drug Delivery /5./. Noordwijk aan Zee (NL), 98.04.01-98.04.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MPO(CZ) PZ-Z2/24/97

059857 - MBU-M 990141 GB eng A
Říhová, B. - Jelínková, M. - Šťastný, M. - Strohalm, J. - Ulbrich, K.
Antibody-targeted polymer-bound drugs.
Immunologist, - [Suppl 1] 467 (1998).
[International Congress of Immunology /10./. New Delhi (IN), 98.11.01-98.11.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MPO(CZ) PZ-Z2/24/97

046210 - MBU-M 980335 RIV SK cze J
Říhová, B. - Strohalm, J. - Jelínková, M. - Šťastný, M. - Hovorka, O. - Plocová, D. - Šubr, V. - Ulbrich, K.
Využití směrovaných léčiv v protinádorové a imunosupresivní terapii.
Bratislava Medical Journal, 99 [8-9] 439-446 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226

059797 - MBU-M 990074 RIV NL eng J
Saalmüller, A. - Pauly, T. - Lunney, J. K. - Boyd, P. - Aasted, B. - Sachs, D. H. - Arn, S. - Bianchi, A. - Tlaskalová, H. - Trebichavský, I.
Overview of the second international workshop to define swine cluster of differentiation (CD) antigens.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 60, [-] 207-228 ( 1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020716
[Impact factor:1.194(91) 1.074(92) 1.100(93) 1.201(94) 1.138(95) 1.508(96) 0.867(97) 1.138(98) 1.056(99) 1.343(00) 1.389(01) 1,659(02) 1.652(03) ]

057100 - MBU-M 990025 DE eng A
Sánchez, D. - Tučková, L. - Tlaskalová, H. - Walters, J. R. F. - Whelan, A.
Evaluation of newly characterized serological markers of coelic disease.
In: Pathogenic and diagnostic relevance of autoantibodies. - (Ed. Conrad, K.; Humbel, R. L.; Meurer, M.; Shoenfeld, Y.; Tan, E.M.). - Dresden, PABST 1998. - S. 277.
[Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies /4./. Dresden (DE), 98.10.21-98.10.24]

052650 - MBU-M 980184 DK eng A
Sardanelli, A. M. - Techniková, Z. - Speranza, F. - Lorusso, V. - Cocco, T. - Papa, S.
Characterization and substrate identification of cAMP-dependent protein kinase of bovine heart mitochondria. An extension of the cAMP-mediated intracellular signal transduction.
In: 25th Silver Jubilee FEBS Meeting. - Copenhagen, Federace evropských biochemických společností 1998. - S. 149.
[Silver Jubilee FEBS Meeting /25./. Copenhagen (DK), 98.07.05-98.07.10]

059842 - MBU-M 990125 RIV GB eng J
Schmid, G. - Thewalt, U. - Sedmera, P. - Hanuš, V. - Mach, K.
Dimeric structures of Cp'TiCl2 compounds with bulky substituents at the cyclopentadienyl rings.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 63, [-] 636-645 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA4040711
[Impact factor:0.465(91) 0.466(92) 0.382(93) 0.467(94) 0.550(95) 0.549(96) 0.550(97) 0.546(98) 0.717(99) 0.960(00) 0.778(01) 0,848(02) 1.041(03) ]

046243 - MBU-M 980372 RIV US eng J
Sedmera, P. - Přikrylová, V. - Bezouška, K. - Rajnochová, E. - Thiem, J. - Křen, V.
Preparation of ManNAc containing chitooligomers by isomerisation and their binding to NKR-P1 protein.
Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry, 17 [9] 1351-1357 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0639
[Impact factor: 1.455(95) 1.234(96) 1.079(97) 0.033(98) 0.808(99) 0.855(00) 0.835(01) 0,798(02) 0.974(03) ]

052779 - MBU-M 980114 CZ eng J
Sigler, K. - Denksteinová, B. - Gášková, D. - Stadler, N. - Radovanovič, N. - Höfer, M.
Effect of stressors on yeast plasma membrane integrity, proton gradient and H+-ATPase function.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [2] 229-230 (1998).
[Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics /15./. San José de Vistahermosa (MX), 97.09.01-97.09.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

052689 - MBU-M 980251 SK eng A
Sigler, K. - Gášková, D. - Brodská, B.
Membrane potential response of yeasts to changes in physiological conditions and to stress.
In: Proceedings of the 16th SMYTE. - Bratislava, Přírodovědecká fakulta Komenského university 1998. - S. 43.
[Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics /16./. Častá-Papiernička (SK), 98.09.23-98.09.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261

052624 - MBU-M 980156 RIV CZ eng J
Sigler, K. - Gille, G.
Stability and refractoriness of the high catalase activity in the oxidative-stress-resistant fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [4] 369-372 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

052625 - MBU-M 980157 RIV CZ eng J
Sigler, K. - Gille, G. - Vacata, V. - Stadler, N. - Höfer, M.
Inactivation of the plasma membrane ATPase of Schizosaccharomyces pombe by hydrogen peroxide and by the fenton reagent (Fe 2+/H2O2): nonradical vs. radical-induced oxidation.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [4] 361-367 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

052648 - MBU-M 980182 PL eng A
Sigler, K. - Stadler, N. - Brodská, B. - Pokorná, A.
Effect of oxidants (H2O2, Fe2+/H2O2) on the yeast plasma membrane functions.
In: 4th Symposium Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine - abstracts. - Lodz, Polish Biophysical Society 1998. - S. 44.
[Symposium Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine /4./. Lodz (PL), 98.06.08-98.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261

060831 - UMG-J 990070 US eng A
Sklenář, J. - Novák, P. - Bezouška, K. - Jonáková, V.
Analysis of 0-glycosylation of DQH sperm surface glycoprotein.
Glycobiology, 8 [11] S118 (1998).
[Annual Conference of the Society for Glycobiology /3./. Baltimore ( US), 98.11.11-98.11.14]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96141
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A23/98:Z5-052-9-ii
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 5.950(94) 4.539(95) 3.296(96) 2.927(97) 3.641(98) 3.728(99) 3.419(00) 3.657(01) 3,457(02) 3.490(03) ]

052693 - MBU-M 980255 CZ eng A
Sobotka, M. - Prell, A.
Development of microbial biotechnologies in pilot-plant of the Institute of Microbiology CAS, Prague.
In: 216th Academy of Sciences National Meeting - book of abstracts. - Boston, US Academy of Sciences 1998. - S. 127.
[Academy of Sciences National Meeting /216./. Boston (US), 98.08.23-98.08.27]

047591 - MBU-M 980549 HU eng A
Sofrová, D. - Šetlíková, E. - Budáč, P. - Kučera, T.
Cyanobacterial photosystem 2 particles stability and acceptor side study.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Budapest, International Society of Photosynthesis Research 1998. - S. 60.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]

058954 - MBU-M 990509 RIV NL eng C
Sofrová, D. - Šetlíková, E. - Budáč, P. - Kučera, T.
Cyanobacterial PS 2 particles - stability and acceptor side study.
In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects. - (Ed. Garab, G.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998. - S. 1137-1140.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/1266

047592 - MBU-M 980550 HU eng A
Soukupová, J. - Lukavská, A. - Lukavský, J. - Prášil, O. - Kopecký, J. - Nedbal, L.
Detection of the photosystem 2 herbicides by the marine algal biotest (ISO 10253).
In: Book of Abstracts. - Budapest, International Society of Photosynthesis Research 1998. - S. 199.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]

047601 - MBU-M 980514 CZ eng C
Soukupová, J. - Lukavský, J. - Nedbal, L.
Role of adaptation and biomass growth in an algal biotest for determination of the pollution by herbicides.
In: Development applications cost-effectiveness. - Brno, Masaryk University 1998. - S. 98.
[International symposium on new microbiotests. Brno (CZ), 98.06.01-98.06.03]

047600 - MBU-M 980513 CZ eng C
Soukupová, J. - Lukavský, J. - Trtílek, M. - Nedbal, L.
Fluorescence emission: a rapid and low-cost assessment method for algal biotests.
In: Development applications cost-effectiveness. - Brno, Masaryk University 1998. - S. 99.
[International symposium on new microbiotests. Brno (CZ), 98.06.01-98.06.03]

059818 - MBU-M 990096 GB eng A
Soyez, H. - Schacht, E. - Seymour, L. - Říhová, B.
Polymeric prodrugs based on poly(2-hydroxyethyl)glutamine.
In: 3rd International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics - Programme and Proceedings. - London, University of London 1998. - S. 73.
[International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics /3./. London (GB), 98.01.07-98.01.09]

058514 - MBU-M 990052 RIV SK eng J
Spížek, J. - Adamec, J. - Janata, J. - Lichá, I.
Genetic control of antibiotic biosynthesis and antibiotic resistance.
Chemical Papers, 52, [-] 258 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.380(91) 0.342(92) 0.179(93) 0.224(94) 0.131(95) 0.140(96) 0.150(97) 0.156(98) 0.067(99) 0.154(00) 0.349(01) 0,336(02) 0.226(03) ]

046201 - MBU-M 980325 CZ eng A
Spížek, J. - Tichý, P. - Janata, J. - Lichá, I.
Genetic and physiological control of production of secondary metabolites.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 78.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052716 - MBU-M 980301 RIV NL eng J
Stoychev, I. - Homolka, L. - Nerud, F. - Lisá, L.
Activities of ligninolytic enzymes in some white-rot basidiomycete strains after recovering from cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 73, [-] 211-214 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/97/0853; U.S.Agency for International Development(US) HRN-5544-G-00-2068-00
[Impact factor:1.051(92) 1.169(93) 1.190(94) 1.608(95) 2.173(96) 1.810(97) 2.701(98) 1.423(99) 2.555(00) 2.066(01) 0,988(02) 1.458(03) ]

047569 - MBU-M 980527 RIV IL eng J
Sukenik, A. - Schneider, J. C. - Roessler, P. G. - Livne, A. - Berner, T. - Kolber, Z. - Wyman, K. - Prášil, O. - Falkowski, P. G.
Photosynthetic characterization of a mutnat of Nannochloropsis deficient in the synthesis of eicosapentaenoic acid.
Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 46, 101-108 (1998).
Grant: US(CZ) DEAC02-76CH00016

052703 - MBU-M 980287 CZ cze B
Šašek, V.
Experimentální mykologie v Mikrobiologickém ústavu ČSAV.
In: Kapitoly z historie československé mikrobiologie. - (Ed. Ebringer, L.; John, C.; Matějů, J.; Vinter, V.). - Praha, Československá společnost mikrobiologická 1998. - S. 50-51.

052705 - MBU-M 980289 DE eng A
Šašek, V. - Novotný, Č.
Soil bioremediation using white rot fungi:strong and weak points.
In: Fungi in Ecology and Biotechnology. - Jena, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena 1998. - S. 23.
[Fungi in Ecology and Biotechnology. Jena (DE), 98.10.08-98.10.09]

052704 - MBU-M 980288 IL eng A
Šašek, V. - Novotný, Č. - Erbanová, P. - Cajthaml, T. - Kubátová, A.
Removal of PAHs and PCBs from contaminated soil by white rot fungi.
In: 6th International Mycological Congress - abstracts. - Jerusalem, Kenes, Organizers of Congresses and Tour Operators 1998. - S. 87.
[International Mycological Congress /6./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6301501

052690 - MBU-M 980252 RIV CZ eng J
Šašek, V. - Novotný, Č. - Vampola, P.
Screening for efficient organopollutant fungal degraders by decolorazation.
Czech Mycology, 50 [4] 303-311 (1998).

052654 - MBU-M 980189 RIV US eng J
Šcigelová, M. - Sedmera, P. - Havlíček, V. - Přikrylová, V. - Křen, V.
Glycosidase-catalysed synthesis of ergot alkaloid a-glycosides.
Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry, 17 [6] 981-986 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1257; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1542
[Impact factor: 1.455(95) 1.234(96) 1.079(97) 0.033(98) 0.808(99) 0.855(00) 0.835(01) 0,798(02) 0.974(03) ]

052793 - MBU-M 980134 RIV CZ eng J
Šebo, P.
A meeting of good friends: when the cell biology of prokaryotes and eukaryotes meet.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [3] 235-238 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

047578 - MBU-M 980536 CZ eng A
Šetlík, I.
Progress in photosynthesis research in the second half of the 20th century.
In: Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Strnad, M.; Lenobel, R.; Rolčík, J.). - Olomouc, Palacký University 1998. - S. 209.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]

047579 - MBU-M 980537 CZ eng A
Šetlíková, E. - Budáč, P. - Sofrová, D. - Prášil, O. - Šetlík, I.
Preparation of PS2 particles and core complexes from the thermophilic cyanobacteria for crystallization studies.
In: Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Strnad, M.; Lenobel, R.; Rolčík, J.). - Olomouc, Palacký University 1998. - S. 210.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/1266

047593 - MBU-M 980551 HU eng A
Šetlíková, E. - Budáč, P. - Sofrová, D. - Prášil, O. - Šetlík, I.
Preparation and characterization of PS2 particules and core complexes from the thermophile Synechococcus elongatus.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Budapest, International Society of Photosynthesis Research 1998. - S. 59.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]

058955 - MBU-M 990510 NL eng C
Šetlíková, E. - Prášil, O. - Sofrová, D. - Koblížek, M. - Budáč, P. - Šiffel, P. - Šetlík, I.
PS2 particles extracted with various detergent from the thylakoids of the thermophile Synechococcus elongatus.
In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects. - (Ed. Garab, G.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998. - S. 1141-1144.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/1266; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96085

052672 - MBU-M 980213 RIV CZ eng J
Šíma, P. - Červinková, M. - Funda, D. - Holub, M.
Enhancement by mild cold stress of the antibody forming capacity im euthymic and athymic hairless mice.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [5] 521-523 (1998).
[International Workshop on Immunodeficient Animals /9./. Praha (CZ), 97.06.15-97.06.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA305/95/0635
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

057090 - MBU-M 990014 CZ cze D
Šinkora, J.
Pre- a perinatální ontogeneze prasečích leukocytů. Nový Hrádek, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1998. - 121 s.

046242 - MBU-M 980371 RIV GB eng J
Šinkora, J. - Řeháková, Z. - Šinkora, M. - Cukrowska, B. - Tlaskalová, H. - Bianchi, A. T. J. - De Geus, B.
Expression of CD2 on porcine B lymphocytes.
Immunology, 95, [-] 443-449 (1998).
[Impact factor:2.867(92) 2.867(93) 2.951(94) 2.832(95) 2.945(96) 2.556(97) 2.752(98) 2.575(99) 2.292(00) 2.656(01) 2,729(02) 2.853(03) ]

052937 - MBU-M 980363 IN eng A
Šinkora, J. - Řeháková, Z. - Šinkora, M. - Cukrowska, B. - Tlaskalová, H. - Bianchi, A. T. J. - De Geus, B.
Ontogeny of CD2 expression on porcine B cells.
In: 5th International Veterinary Immunology Symposium. - (Ed. Naessens, J.; Oberoi, M.S.; Jand, S.K.). - Ludhiana, International Union of Immunological Societies 1998. - S. 109.
[International Veterinary Immunology Symposium /5./. Ludhiana (IN), 98.11.08-98.11.13]

059799 - MBU-M 990076 CZ eng A
Šinkora, J. - Řeháková, Z. - Štěpánková, R. - Hudcovic, T. - Tlaskalová, H. - Holoda, E. - De Geus, B. - Bianchi, A.
Germ-free animals as a sensitive tool for testing the safety of live vectors.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [5] 558 (1998).
[International Workshop on Immunodeficient Animals /9./. Praha (CZ), 97.06.15-97.06.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020716
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

058513 - MBU-M 990051 RIV GB eng J
Šinkora, M. - Šinkora, J. - Řeháková, Z. - Šplíchal, I. - Yang, H. - Parkhouse, R. M. E. - Trebichavský, I.
Prenatal ontogeny of lymphocyte subpopulations in pigs.
Immunology, 95, [-] 595-603 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1256; GA ČR(CZ) GA524/98/0435
[Impact factor:2.867(92) 2.867(93) 2.951(94) 2.832(95) 2.945(96) 2.556(97) 2.752(98) 2.575(99) 2.292(00) 2.656(01) 2,729(02) 2.853(03) ]

059858 - MBU-M 990142 RIV FR eng J
Šplíchal, I. - Šinkora, J. - Řeháková, Z. - Šinkora, M. - Charley, B.
Absence of porcine interferon alpha secreting cells in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice inoculated with porcine leukocytes.
Veterinary Research, 29, [-] 567-572 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.492(95) 0.343(96) 0.614(97) 0.852(98) 0.941(99) 1.660(00) 1.490(01) 2,031(02) 1.609(03) ]

059820 - MBU-M 990098 US eng A
Šťastný, M. - Jelínková, M. - Strohalm, J. - Plocová, D. - Ulbrich, K.
P-glycoprotein mediated multidrug resistance: possibility to overcome it by polymer conjugated drugs targeted by different antibodies.
Cancer Detection and Prevention, 22 [Suppl 1] 589 (1998).
[International Symposium on Predictive Oncology and Therapy /4./. Nice (FR), 98.10.24-98.10.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MZd(CZ) IZ5050
[Impact factor: 0.927(99) 1.258(00) 1.324(01) 1,289(02) 1.180(03) ]

059819 - MBU-M 990097 GB eng A
Šťastný, M. - Strohalm, J. - Plocová, D. - Ulbrich, K. - Říhová, B.
Multidrug resistance (MDR) in cancer chemotherapy: possibility to overcome by HPMA-conjugated drugs.
In: 3rd International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics - Programme and Proceedings. - London, University of London 1998. - S. 55.
[International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics /3./. London (GB), 98.01.07-98.01.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MPO(CZ) PZ-Z2/24/97

059821 - MBU-M 990099 FR eng A
Šťastný, M. - Strohalm, J. - Ulbrich, K. - Rossmann, P. - Říhová, B.
T-Cell Development in Bone-Marrow Transplanted Mice: Differences in Treatment with Free Cyclosporin A (CsA) and HPMA-conjugated (targeted or nontargeted) CsA.
In: ENII Conference 1998 - Pathogenic and Protective T cell Responses. - (Ed. Adorini, L.). - Ile des Embiez, European Network of Immunology Institutes 1998. - S. 94.
[Pathogenic and Protective T cell Responses. Ile des Embiez (FR), 98.05.13-98.05.17]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ5050

052651 - MBU-M 980186 CZ cze D
Štěpánek, V.
Konstrukce produkční možnosti vysoce expresního bakteriálního systému pro penicilin G acylasu. Praha, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1998. - 114 s.

052673 - MBU-M 980214 RIV CZ eng J
Štěpánková, R. - Šinkora, J. - Hudcovic, T. - Kozáková, H. - Tlaskalová, H.
Differences in development of lymphocyte subpopulations from gut-associated lymphatic tissue (GALT) of germfree and conventional rats: effect if aging.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [5] 531-534 (1998).
[International Workshop on Immunodeficient Animals /9./. Praha (CZ), 97.06.15-97.06.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA311/97/0784; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1256
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

057096 - MBU-M 990020 ES eng A
Štepánková, R. - Šinkora, J. - Tlaskalová, H.
Differences in development of lymphocyte subpopulations from gut associated lymphatic tissue of germ free and conventional rats.
In: Infectious Pathogens in Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disorders: Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Implications. - Vall de Nuria, International Researchers in Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1998. - S. A7.
[Infectious Pathogens in Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disorders: Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Implications. Vall de Nuria (ES), 98.09.15-98.09.19]

052674 - MBU-M 980215 RIV CZ eng J
Šterzl, J.
Cellular and molecular basis of immunodeficiencies: their consequences for the development and induction of the immune response.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [5] 535-542 (1998).
[International Workshop on Immunodeficient Animals /9./. Praha (CZ), 97.06.15-97.06.18]
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

057089 - MBU-M 990013 RIV CZ cze M
Šterzl, J.
Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR -jeho vznik, růst a zrání (1948-1969).
In: Kapitoly z historie československé mikrobiologie. - (Ed. Ebringer, L.; John, C.; Matějů, J.; Vinter, V.). - Praha, Československá společnost mikrobiologická 1998. - S. 1.

059847 - MBU-M 990131 RIV CZ cze J
Šterzl, J.
Cytokin leptin ovlivňuje nejen metabolismus, ale také stres, zánět a imunitu.
Imunologický zpravodaj, 13 [3] 9-17 (1998).

057088 - MBU-M 990012 RIV GB eng J
Šterzl, J. - Milerová, J. - Votruba, J. - Šterzl, I.
Effect of protein kinase inhibitors on primary antibody induction in tissue cultures.
International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 20, [-] 583-587 ( 1998).
[International Congress of Immunology /10./. New Delhi (IN), 98.11.01-98.11.06]
[Impact factor:1.013(91) 1.093(92) 0.892(93) 1.170(94) 1.148(95) 0.955(96) 1.053(97) 0.531(98) 0.847(99) 1.142(00) 1.276(01) 1,559(02) ]

058956 - MBU-M 990511 RIV NL eng C
Štys, D. - Veverka, V. - Motejl, M. - Hrabal, R.
Identification and role of the lipid binding site on light-harvesting complex 2.
In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects. - (Ed. Garab, G.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998. - S. 369-372.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96085; GA ČR(CZ) GA206/97/0325

046204 - MBU-M 980328 CZ eng A
Tichý, P. - Petříček, M. - Stoycheva, Z. - Janda, L. - Bharat, K. - Váchalová, K. - Felsberg, J. - Spížek, J.
New type of regulatory proteins in prokaryotic, mycelial actinomycetes.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 81.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052675 - MBU-M 980216 RIV CZ eng J
Tlaskalová, H. - Štěpánková, R. - Tučková, L. - Farré Castany, M. - Funda, D. - Verdú, E. F. - Šinkora, J. - Hudcovic, T. - Řeháková, Z. - Cukrowska, B.
Autoimmunity, immunodeficiency and mucosal infections: chronic intestinal inflammation as a sensitive indicator of immunoregulatory defects in response to normal luminal microflora.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [5] 545-550 (1998).
[International Workshop on Immunodeficient Animals /9./. Praha (CZ), 97.06.15-97.06.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1366; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1256; GA ČR(CZ) GA311/97/0784; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020716
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

059850 - MBU-M 990134 GB eng A
Tlaskalová, H. - Štěpánková, R. - Tučková, L. - Hudcovic, T. - Cukrowska, B. - Verdú, E. - Šinkora, J. - Farré Castany, M. - Sokol, D. - Kozáková, H.
The role of gut microflora in development of intestinal inflammation.
Immunologist, - [suppl 1] 545 (1998).
[International Congress of Immunology. New Delhi (IN), 98.11.01-98.11.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020808; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020716; GA MZd(CZ) IZ5051

047570 - MBU-M 980528 RIV US eng J
Torzillo, G. - Bernardini, P. - Masojídek, J.
On-line monitoring of chlorophyll fluorescence to assess the extent of photoinhibition of photosynthesis induced by high oxygen concentration and low temperature and its effect on the productivity of outdoor cultures of Spirulina platensis (cyanobacteria).
Journal of Phycology, 34, 504-510 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/93/0663; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1043
[Impact factor:2.141(92) 2.213(93) 1.932(94) 1.876(95) 2.080(96) 1.847(97) 1.623(98) 2.053(99) 1.773(00) 2.057(01) 2,174(02) 2.026(03) ]

052655 - MBU-M 980190 CZ eng A
Totevová, S. - Jindrová, E. - Sorensen, J. S. - Brenner, V. - Demnerová, K.
Utilization of reporter genes in environmental biotechnology.
In: 2nd International Symposium Biosorption and Bioremediation - book of abstracts. - (Ed. Macek, T.; Demnerová, K.; Macková, M.; Košťál, J.). - Praha, Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1998. - S. L2-12.
[International Symposium Biosorption and Bioremediation /2./. Praha (CZ), 98.07.12-98.07.17]

068517 - MBU-M 20000083 RIV CZ cze J
Totevová, S. - Prouza, M. - Brenner, V. - Demnerová, K.
Geny zodpovědné za syntézu enzymů metabolismu PCB.
Chemické Listy, 92, [-] 312-316 (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

052687 - MBU-M 980249 GB eng B
Trebichavský, I.
Porcine immune system.
In: Encyklopedia of Immunology. - London, Academic Press 1998. - S. 1991-1994.

058528 - MBU-M 990066 RIV CZ cze C
Trebichavský, I. - Mára, M.
Imunostimulace Bacillus firmus in vivo.
In: Infekce a imunita. - (Ed. Hána, I.; Bilej, M.). - Praha, Česká imunologická společnost 1998. - S. 111-113.
[Pracovní imunologická konference /15./. Třešť (CZ), 98.05.28-98.05.30]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3749

052709 - MBU-M 980294 RIV CZ eng J
Trebichavský, I. - Schulze, J. - Dlabač, V. - Cukrowska, B. - Tlaskalová, H. - Řeháková, Z.
Salmonellosis:lessons drawn from a germ-free pig model.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [6] 697-701 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/98/0435; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1256; GA MZd(CZ) IZ4150
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

046213 - MBU-M 980338 RIV GB eng M
Trebichavský, I. - Tlaskalová, H.
Neonatal Immune Responses.
In: Handbook of Vertebrate Immunology. - (Ed. Pastoret, P.P.; Griebel, P.; Bazin, H.; Govaerts, A.). - London, Academic Press 1998. - S. 397-398.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/98/0435

046212 - MBU-M 980337 RIV GB eng M
Trebichavský, I. - Tlaskalová, H. - Cukrowska, B. - Šinkora, J.
Ontogeny of the Immune System.
In: Handbook of Vertebrate Immunology. - (Ed. Patoret, P. P.; Griebel, P.; Bazin, H.; Govaerts, A.). - London, Academic Press 1998. - S. 394-395.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/98/0435

052773 - MBU-M 980106 RIV CZ eng J
Trebichavský, I. - Valíček, L.
Immunoreactivity of interleukin-8 and absence of interferon-alpha in porcine bronchoalveolar lavage cells infected with PRRS virus.
Veterinary Medicine - Czech, 43 [1] 7-10 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/97/0533; GA ČR(CZ) GA508/95/0337
[Impact factor:0.112(91) 0.028(92) 0.076(93) 0.088(94) 0.250(95) 0.162(96) 0.189(97) 0.231(98) 0.220(99) 0.188(00) 0.348(01) 0,204(02) 0.608(03) ]

046183 - MBU-M 980304 GB eng A
Tučková, L. - Krupičková, S. - Flegelová, Z. - Sanchez, D. - Harries, J. - Whelan, A. - Walters, J. - Tlaskalová, H.
Characterization of common epitopes on gliadin enterocyte autoantigens recognized by isolated celiac patient's antigliadin antibodies.
In: The Cells and Molecules Important in Mucosal Tolerance and Inflammation. - London, - 1998. - S. 21.
[European Mucosal Immunology Meeting. London (GB), 98.10.02-98.10.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020808; GA MZd(CZ) 5051

052792 - MBU-M 980131 DE eng A
Tučková, L. - Krupičková, S. - Fléglová, ,. Z. - Harris, J. - Whelan, A. - Walters, J. - Tlaskalová, H.
Characterization of enterocyte autoantigens recognised by isolated celiac patients antigliadin antibodies.
In: Induction and Modulation of Gastrointestinal Inflammation. - Freiburg, Falk Foundation 1998. - S. 25.
[FALK Symposium /104./. Saarbrücken (DE), 98.03.05-98.03.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1366

059860 - MBU-M 990144 GB eng A
Tučková, L. - Tlaskalová, H. - Zídek, Z.
Activation of mouse macrophages by proteolytic fragments of gluten and gliadin.
Immunologist, - [Suppl 1] 169 (1998).
[International Congress of Immunology /10./. New Delhi (IN), 98.11.01-98.11.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020808; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020716; GA MZd(CZ) IZ5051

052468 - UMCH-V 980033 NL eng A
Ulbrich, K. - Šubr, V. - Oupický, D. - Strohalm, J. - Jelínková, M. - Říhová, B.
Polymeric drugs based on conjugates of synthetic and natural macromolecules.
In: Abstract Book. - Noordwijk aan Zee, University of Twente 1998. - S. 27-29.
[European Symposium on Controlled Drug Delivery /5./. Noordwijk aan Zee (NL), 98.04.01-98.04.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226

048403 - UMCH-V 980140 PL eng C
Ulbrich, K. - Šubr, V. - Pechar, M. - Strohalm, J. - Jelínková, M. - Říhová, B.
Hydrophilic polymers for drug delivery.
In: Book of Summaries. - Szczecin, Publishing Office of the Technical University of Szczecin 1998. - S. 67-68.
[European Polymer Federation Symposium on Polymeric Materials /7./. Szczecin (PL), 98.09.20-98.09.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226

046192 - MBU-M 980315 CZ eng A
Váchová, L. - Kučerová, H.
Regulation of intracellular protease ISP1 in Bacillus megaterium.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 271.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261

052628 - MBU-M 980160 RIV NL eng J
Váchová, L. - Kučerová, H.
Calcium as a regulator of Bacillus megaterium cytoplasmic proteolytic activity in vitro.
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 162 [2] 283-288 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1050; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261
[Impact factor:1.374(91) 1.334(92) 1.296(93) 1.597(94) 1.488(95) 1.735(96) 1.560(97) 1.581(98) 1.673(99) 1.615(00) 1.806(01) 1,804(02) 1.932(03) ]

052678 - MBU-M 980239 RIV US eng J
Valášek, L. - Trachsel, H. - Hašek, J. - Ruis, H.
Rpg1, hte Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologue of the largest subunit of mammalian translation initiation factor, 3, is required for translational activity.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 273 [33] 21253-21260 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1368; Swiss National Foundation(CH) 31-45528.95
[Impact factor:6.714(91) 6.733(92) 6.739(93) 7.716(94) 7.385(95) 7.452(96) 6.963(97) 7.199(98) 7.666(99) 7.368(00) 7.258(01) 6,696(02) 6.482(03) ]

057092 - MBU-M 990016 RIV GB eng J
Vašicová, P. - Abrhámová, Z. - Nešvera, J. - Pátek, M. - Sahm, H. - Eikmanns, B.
Integrative and autonomously replicating vectors for analysis of promoters in Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Biotechnology Techniques, 12 [10] 743-746 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0528
[Impact factor: 0.532(93) 0.612(94) 0.589(95) 0.558(96) 0.534(97) 0.557(98) 0.613(99) 0.548(00) 0.697(01) ]

046195 - MBU-M 980318 CZ eng A
Vašicová, P. - Pátek, M. - Nešvera, J. - Eikmanns, B. - Sahm, H.
Molecular analysis of the promoter P-dapA from Corynebacterium glutamicum.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 296.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0528

052770 - MBU-M 980092 RIV GB eng J
Vavřičková, P. - Jiřincová, H. - Paleček, J. - Hašek, J.
Monoclonal antibody register A new monoclonal antibody against p34CDC28.
Folia Biologica, 44 [1] 33-34 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1368
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

052794 - MBU-M 980135 RIV AT eng J
Vavřičková, P. - Kohlwein, S. D. - Dráber, P. - Hašek, J.
Accumulation of b-tubulin-containing fibres in the cortical domain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae spheroplasts.
Protoplasma, 202, [-] 11-16 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1368
[Impact factor:1.717(91) 1.661(92) 1.798(93) 1.754(94) 1.487(95) 1.626(96) 1.724(97) 1.702(98) 1.631(99) 1.333(00) 1.188(01) 1,473(02) 2.206(03) ]

046190 - MBU-M 980313 CZ eng A
Venkova, T. - Pátek, M. - Nešvera, J.
Transcriptional analysis of the cryptic plasmid pGA1 from Corynebacterium glutamicum.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 249.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0528

057093 - MBU-M 990017 ES eng A
Verdu, E. - Michetti, P. - Bercik, P. - Štěpánková, R. - Hudcovic, T. - Cukrowska, B. - Farre, M. A. - Bouzourene, H. - Tučková, L. - Tlaskalová, H.
The role of microflora antigens in development and prevention of intestinal inflammation.
In: Infectious Pathogens in Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disorders: Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Implications. - Vall de Nuria, International Researchs in Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1998. - S. A6.
[Infectious Pathogens in Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disorders: Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Implications. Vall de Nuria (ES), 98.09.15-98.09.19]

059822 - MBU-M 990101 US eng A
Verdú, E. - Michetti, P. - Farré Castany, M. - Bercík, P. - Saraga, E. - Blum, A. L. - Tlaskalová, H. - Cortésy-Theulaz, I.
Oral administration of intestinal flora sonicate reduces severity of DSS-induced acute colitis in BALB/C mice.
Gastroenterology, 114 [4] G4538 (1998).
[Annual Meeting of the American Gastroenterological Association. Washington,D.C. (US), 98.04.15]
[Impact factor:5.733(91) 5.919(92) 5.856(93) 7.251(94) 8.203(95) 9.329(96) 10.250(97) 10.330(98) 12.182(99) 12.246(00) 13.02(01) 13,4406(02) 12.718(03) ]

046214 - MBU-M 980339 GB eng A
Verdu, E. - Michetti, P. - Štěpánková, R. - Hudcovic, T. - Bercik, P. - Cukrowska, B. - Farré Castany, M. - Sokol, D.
Luminal microflora influences the development of experimentally induced intestinal inflammation.
In: The Cells and Molecules Important in Mucosal Tolerance and Inflammation. - London, Astra Hassle 1998. - S. 14.
[European Mucosal Immunology Meeting. London (GB), 98.10.02-98.10.03]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3761

046209 - MBU-M 980334 RIV CH eng B
Větvička, V. - Šíma, P.
Evolutionary Mechanisms of Defense Reactions. (Ed. Větvička, V.; Šíma, P.). - Basel, Birkhäuser 1998. - 191 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020809

047594 - MBU-M 980552 HU eng A
Veverka, V. - Motejl, M. - Hrabal, R. - Štys, D.
Structural changes upon binding of phosphatidylglycerol to light-harvesting complex 2 of higher plants, identity of large-scale organised structures in lipid-protein complexes.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Budapest, International Society of Photosynthesis Research 1998. - S. 29.
[International Congress on Photosynthesis /11./. Budapest (HU), 98.08.17-98.08.22]

047580 - MBU-M 980538 CZ eng A
Vítová, M. - Bišová, K. - Zachleder, V.
Protein reacting with anti-plectin antibodies are present in the green algae Chlamydomonas and Scenedesmus.
In: Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Strnad, M.; Lenobel, R.; Rolčík, J.). - Olomouc, Palacký University 1998. - S. 232.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0576

059826 - MBU-M 990105 IL eng A
Vohradský, J. - Li, X. M. - Novotná, J. - Folcher, M. - Viollier, P. - Dale, G. - Thompson, C. J.
Coordinated developmental and stress-induced changes in the Streptomyces coelicolor proteome.
In: 8th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms - Program and Abstracts. - Jerusalem, Kenes 1998. - S. 30.
[International Symposium of the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms /8./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.06.28-98.07.02]

057091 - MBU-M 990015 RIV NL eng J
Volc, J. - Sedmera, P. - Halada, P. - Přikrylová, V. - Daniel, G.
C-2 and C-3 oxidation of D-Glc, and C-2 oxidation of D-Gal by pyranose dehydrogenase from Agaricus bisporus.
Carbohydrate Research, 310, [-] 151-156 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1191
[Impact factor:1.506(92) 1.363(93) 1.569(94) 1.506(95) 1.417(96) 1.437(97) 1.354(98) 1.252(99) 1.606(00) 1.349(01) 1,631(02) 1.533(03) ]

057099 - MBU-M 990023 RIV DE eng J
Vomastek, T. - Nádvorník, R. - Janeček, J. - Dobrová, Z. - Weiser, J. - Branny, P.
Characterisation of two putative protein Ser/Thr kinases from actinomycete Streptomyces granaticolor both endowed with different properties.
European Journal of Biochemistry, 257 [1] 55-61 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 204/96/1236; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/0443
[Impact factor:3.499(92) 3.306(93) 3.578(94) 3.451(95) 3.275(96) 3.136(97) 3.249(98) 3.307(99) 2.852(00) 2.849(01) 2,999(02) 3.001(03) ]

046241 - MBU-M 980370 RIV DE eng J
Voříšek, J.
Cytochemical images of secretion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and animal cells are different.
Acta Histochemica, 100, [-] 419-438 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.370(91) 0.442(92) 0.517(93) 0.472(94) 0.731(95) 0.734(96) 0.750(97) 0.878(98) 0.726(99) 0.943(00) 0.865(01) 0,867(02) 0.656(03) ]

058516 - MBU-M 990054 GB eng A
Voříšek, J.
Advantages of ultracytochemical localization over immunogold detection of yeast proteinases: carboxypeptidase Y and Kex2.
Histochemical Journal, 30, [-] 847 (1998).
[Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. Praha ( CZ), 97.12.10-97.12.12]
[Impact factor:1.358(91) 1.247(92) 1.324(93) 1.524(94) 1.500(95) 1.561(96) 1.747(97) 1.397(98) 1.161(99) 1.078(00) 1.169(01) 1,150(02) 0.671(03) ]

086099 - MBU-M 20010333 GB eng A
Vosátka, M. - Gryndler, M.
Dual inoculation of micropropagated potatoes with AMF and soil bacteria.
In: The Establishment of the Beneficial Rhizosphere. - Edinburgh, - 1998. - S. 57.
[Inter-COST Meeting of COST Actions 8.21, 8.22, 8.30 and 8.31. Edinburgh (GB), 98.09.17-98.09.19 (WRD)]

068616 - MBU-M 20000207 RIV SK cze P
Votruba, J. - Kutová, A. - Machová, A. - Sobotka, M. - Pazlarová, J.
Způsob fermentační přípravy hydrolitických extracelulárních enzymů. Praha, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1998. - 5 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii

046225 - MBU-M 980352 CZ eng A
Votruba, J. - Pazlarová, J. - Chaloupka, J.
Use of zeolites in overproduction of hydrolytic enzymes by Bacilii.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 89.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052711 - MBU-M 980296 RIV CZ eng J
Votruba, J. - Pazlarová, J. - Chaloupka, J.
Use of zeolite to control Bacillus megaterium extracellular proteinase production.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [6] 613-616 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA525/98/0440
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

046228 - MBU-M 980355 CZ eng A
Weignerová, L. - Spížek, J. - Sedmera, P. - Halada, P. - Huňková, Z. - Křen, V.
Enzymatic glycosylation of lincomycin.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 281.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052659 - MBU-M 980194 IL eng A
Weiser, J. - Kalachová, L. - Branny, P. - Weiserová, M. - Pernodet, J. L.
Bacterial luciferase reporter gene system for in vivo measurement of nonsense suppression in Streptomyces.
In: 8th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms - Abstracts. - Jeruzalem, KENES - Organizers of Congresses and Tour Operators 1998. - S. 110.
[International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms /8./. Jeruzalem (IL), 98.06.28-98.07.02]

046186 - MBU-M 980309 CZ eng A
Weiser, J. - Kormanec, J. - Kalachová, L. - Novotná, J. - Benada, O.
Phosphorylation of Streptomyces aureofaciens translation factor EF-Tu overexpressed in Escherichia coli.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 64.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/0443

050016 - ENTU-I 980130 SIGLE CZ eng A
Weiser, J. - Řeháček, J. - Žižka, Z.
Two types of spores in microsporidia infecting infecting ixodid ticks.
In: Book of abstracts. Proceedings of the 6th European congress of entomology. - (Ed. Brunnhofer, V.; Soldán, T.). - České Budějovice, Institute of entomology CAS 1998. - S. 687.
[European congress of entomology /6./. České Budějovice (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.29]

050017 - ENTU-I 980131 SIGLE CZ eng A
Weiser, J. - Řeháček, J. - Žižka, Z. - Čiampor, F. - Kociánová, E.
Microsporidia infecting hard ticks in central Europe.
In: Book of abstracts. Proceedings of the 6th European congress of entomology. - (Ed. Brunnhofer, V.; Soldán, T.). - České Budějovice, Institute of entomology CAS 1998. - S. 682.
[European congress of entomology /6./. České Budějovice (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.29]

052697 - MBU-M 980281 RIV IT eng C
Weiser, J. - Řeháček, J. - Žižka, Z. - Čiampor, F. - Kociánová, E.
Microsporidia in ixodid ticks.
In: ICOPA IX - 9th International Congress of Pasasitology. - (Ed. Tada, I.; Kojima, S.; Tsuji, M.). - Bologna, Monduzzi 1998. - S. 1035-1037.
[International Congress of Parasitology /9./. Chiba (JP), 98.08.24-98.08.28]

049967 - ENTU-I 980081 RIV CZ eng J
Weiser, J. - Wegensteiner, R. - Žižka, Z.
Unikaryon montanum sp.n.(Protista: Microspora), a new pathogen of the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).
Folia parasitologica, 45, 191-195 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.263(91) 0.118(92) 0.107(93) 0.447(94) 0.519(95) 0.977(96) 0.716(97) 0.706(98) 0.796(99) 0.844(00) 0.557(01) 0,515(02) 0.469(03) ]

050019 - ENTU-I 980133 SIGLE CZ eng A
Weiser, J. - Žižka, Z. - Wegensteiner, R.
The polar filament, its origin as evident in microsporidia of bark beetles.
In: Book of abstracts. Proceedings of the 6th European congress of entomology. - (Ed. Brunnhofer, V.; Soldán, T.). - České Budějovice, Institute of entomology CAS 1998. - S. 570.
[European congress of entomology /6./. České Budějovice (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.29]

046233 - MBU-M 980360 CZ eng A
Weiserová, M. - Firman, K.
Characterisation of mutants altering subunit assembly of type I restriction endonuclease R.EcoR124I.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 248.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052660 - MBU-M 980195 RIV DE eng J
Weiserová, M. - Firman, K.
Isolation of a non-classical mutant of the DNA recognition subunit of the type I restriction endonuclease R.EcoR124I.
Biological Chemistry, 379 [4] 585-589 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1365
[Impact factor: 2.429(96) 2.551(97) 2.636(98) 3.356(99) 2.978(00) 2.606(01) 2,548(02) 3.366(03) ]

052681 - MBU-M 980242 RIV GB eng J
Wenschuh, H. - Halada, P. - Lamer, S. - Jungblut, P. - Krause, E.
The ease of peptide detection by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry: the effect of secondary structure on signal intensity.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 12 [2] 115-119 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 2.732(93) 2.484(94) 2.515(95) 2.273(96) 2.390(97) 2.502(98) 2.437(99) 2.184(00) 2.478(01) 2,372(02) 2.789(03) ]

059844 - MBU-M 990128 RIV CZ cze J
Wohl, P. - Chadimová, M. - Engliš, M. - Táborský, P. - Rossmann, P. - Matl, I.
Nemoc z ukládání lehkých řetězců jako příčina renálního selhání.
Časopis lékařů českých, 137 [23] 721-724 (1998).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ2602

059823 - MBU-M 990102 RIV DE eng J
Wróblewski, S. - Kopečková, P. - Říhová, B. - Kopeček, J.
Lectin-HPMA copolymer conjugates: potential oral drug carriers for targeting diseased tissues.
Macromolecular and Chemical Physicians, 199 [11] 2601-2608 ( 1998).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.350(94) 1.455(95) 1.340(96) 1.432(97) 1.662(98) 1.539(99) 1.672(00) 1.629(01) 1,359(02) 1.390(03) ]

059824 - MBU-M 990103 RIV US eng C
Wróblewski, S. - Kopečková, P. - Říhová, B. - Kopeček, J.
Lectin-HPMA copolymer conjugates - drug carriers for gastrointestinal tract targeting.
In: The 25th International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials - Proceedings Book. - Deerfield, The Controlled Release Society 1998. - S. 768-769.
[International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials /25./. Las Vegas (US), 98.06.21-98.06.24]

046323 - UOCHB-X 980095 RIV US eng J
Zábranský, A. - Andreánský, M. - Hrušková-Heidingsfeldová, O. - Havlíček, V. - Hunter, E. - Ruml, T. - Pichová, I.
Three Active Forms of Aspartic Proteinase from Mason-Pfizer Monkey Virus.
Virology, 245, 250-256 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/97/0416; GA AV ČR(CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:4.412(92) 3.946(93) 3.879(94) 3.901(95) 3.612(96) 3.540(97) 3.550(98) 3.548(99) 3.507(00) 3.270(01) 3,363(02) 3.391(03) ]

047571 - MBU-M 980529 CZ eng R
Zachleder, V.
Rec.: van den Hoek, C. - Mann, D.G. - Jahns, H.M.: Algae. An introduction to phycology. - Cambridge, 1995. 623 s.
Photosynthetica, 35 [4] 506 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

046371 - UOCHB-X 980150 AT eng A
Zarevúcka, M. - Vacek, M. - Kuldová, J. - Wimmer, Z. - Weignerová, L. - Křen, V.
b-glycosidases a tool in the chiral discrimination.
In: 10th International Symposium on Chiral Discrimination. - Vienna, ISCD 1998. - S. PO34.
[International Symposium on Chiral Discrimination /10./. Vienna (AT) , 98.08.30-98.09.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1617; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267

047598 - MBU-M 980506 RIV DE eng J
Zeisler, R. - Dekner, R. - Zeiller, E. - Doucha, J. - Mader, P. - Kučera, J.
Single cell green algae reference materials with managed levels of heavy metals.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 360, 429-432 (1998).
[Impact factor:1.213(92) 0.973(93) 0.975(94) 1.065(95) 1.038(96) 1.398(97) 1.513(98) 1.428(99) 1.418(00) 1.649(01) 1,948(02) 1.924(03) ]

052663 - MBU-M 980199 RIV US eng J
Zhulanova, E. - Mikulík, K.
Characterization of ftsZ gene and its protein product from Streptomyces collinus producing kirromycin.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 249, [-] 556-561 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/0421; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/98/0442
[Impact factor:3.803(91) 3.583(92) 3.312(93) 3.400(94) 3.179(95) 2.872(96) 2.971(97) 2.780(98) 3.161(99) 3.055(00) 2.946(01) 2,935(02) 2.836(03) ]

046134 - FKU-U 980009 RIV GB eng J
Zídek, Z. - Tučková, L. - Mára, C. - Barot-Ciorbaru, R. - Prokešová, L. - Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H.
Stimulation of macrophages by Bacillus firmus: production of nitric oxide and cytokines.
International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 20 [7] 359-368 ( 1998).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96149; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3761; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/0516; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1366
[Impact factor:1.013(91) 1.093(92) 0.892(93) 1.170(94) 1.148(95) 0.955(96) 1.053(97) 0.531(98) 0.847(99) 1.142(00) 1.276(01) 1,559(02) ]

052707 - MBU-M 980292 RIV CZ eng J
Zobač, P. - Kumprecht, I. - Volfová, O.
The effect of dietary microbial phytase on phosphorus output in laying hen droppings.
Czech Journal of Animal Sciences, 43 [8] 187-194 (1998).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) RE5545
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

052639 - MBU-M 980173 RIV NL eng J
Zuckermann, F. A. - Pescovitz, M. D. - Aasted, B. - Dominguez, J. - Trebichavský, I. - Novikov, B. - Valpotic, I. - Nielsen, J. - Arn, S. - Sachs, D. H.
Report on the analyses of mAb reactive with porcine CD8 for the second international swine CD workshop.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 60, [-] 291-303 ( 1998).
[Impact factor:1.194(91) 1.074(92) 1.100(93) 1.201(94) 1.138(95) 1.508(96) 0.867(97) 1.138(98) 1.056(99) 1.343(00) 1.389(01) 1,659(02) 1.652(03) ]

052768 - MBU-M 980029 RIV CZ eng J
Žižka, Z.
Biological effects of macrotetrolide antibiotics and nonactic acids.
Folia Microbiologica, 43 [1] 7-14 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

052667 - MBU-M 980203 CZ eng A
Žižka, Z. - Hostounský, Z.
RCH-microscopy and insect pathology.
In: VIth European Congress of Entomology - book of abstracts. - (Ed. Brunnhofer, V.; Soldán, T.). - České Budějovice, Entomologický ústav AV ČR 1998. - S. 606-607.
[European Congress of Entomology /6./. České Budějovice (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.29]

052698 - MBU-M 980282 CZ eng J
Žižka, Z. - Hostounský, Z.
RCH-Microscopy - a new method for studying living and fixed cells.
Folia Biologica, 44 [S1] 18 (1998).
[Biological Days /14./. Prague (CZ), 97.09.03-97.09.06]
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

046234 - MBU-M 980361 CZ eng A
Žižka, Z. - Hostounský, Z. - Kálalová, S.
The use of RCH-microscopy in microbiology.
In: 21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology - abstract book. - Praha, Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology 1998. - S. 235.
[Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

052644 - MBU-M 980178 CZ cze J
Žižka, Z. - Weiser, J. - Jizba, J.
Porovnání ultrastrukturních změn buněk komára Culex sitiens po působení dvou vysoce purifikovaných makrotetrolidů.
Bulletin CSEM, 9, [-] 34 (1998).
[Výroční shromáždění Československé společnosti pro elektronovou mikroskopii /1./. České Budějovice (CZ), 98.07.10]

052666 - MBU-M 980202 CZ eng A
Žižka, Z. - Weiser, J. - Jizba, J.
Destruction of tissues of Culex sitiens larvae after monactin intoxication - ultrastructures.
In: VIth European Congress of Entomology - book of abstracts. - (Ed. Brunnhofer, V.; Soldán, T.). - České Budějovice, Entomologický ústav AV ČR 1998. - S. 604-605.
[European Congress of Entomology /6./. České Budějovice (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.29]

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