ÚEB - Ústav experimentální botaniky


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

051651 - UEB-Q 980174 CZ eng A
Albrechtová, J. - Lipavská, H. - Svobodová, H. - Vágner, M. - Vondráková, Z. - Chalupa, V.
Somatic embryogenesis in Norway spruce.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 26.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186; GA MŠk(CZ) OC 822.40

051645 - UEB-Q 980167 CZ eng A
Albrechtová, J. - Votrubová, O. - Gaudinová, A. - Motyka, V. - Trčková, M. - Kamínek, M.
Development of wheat caryopses: The effect of application of exogenous cytokinin.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 25.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/0347; GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/1032

051814 - UEB-Q 980341 GB eng A
Angelis, K. - Mannová, P. - Burketová, L.
Induction of tobacco genes by chemical mutagens.
In: Plant Proteins in Abiotic Stress Responses. - York, - 1998. - S. 23.
[Plant Protein Club 1998 Annual Symposium. York (GB), 98.09.27-98.10.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/1080; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0396; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0154; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/98/0682
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051772 - UEB-Q 980298 AT eng A
Angelis, K. - Staňková, M.
Arabidopsis thaliana a workhorse for plant comet assay.
In: Abstracts - Salzburg, - 1998. - S. 67.
[Annual Meeting European Environmental Mutagen Society /18./. Salzburg (AT), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0396; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0154; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/98/0682
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051781 - UEB-Q 980308 RIV GB eng J
Astot, C. - Doležal, K. - Moritz, T. - Sanberg, G.
Precolumn derivatization and capillary liquid chromatographic /frit-fast atom bombardment mass spectrometric analysis of cytokinins in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 33, 892-902 (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor: 0.000(95) 1.987(96) 2.403(97) 2.814(98) 3.167(99) 2.638(00) 2.685(01) 2,781(02) 2.875(03) ]

051778 - UEB-Q 980305 SE eng A
Astot, C. - Doležal, K. - Moritz. T., - Sanberg, G.
Frit-FAB capillary LC/MS methods enabling improved analysis of cytokinins in Arabidopsis thaliana plant material.
In: Nordic Conference on Mass Spectrometry /10./. - Umea, - 1998. - S. 45.
[Nordic Conference on Mass Spectometry /10./. Umea (SE), 98.08.22-98.08.25]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051807 - UEB-Q 980334 NL eng A
Aytasheva, Z. - Hájek, T. - Čapková, V.
Presence of mitochondrial proteins in wall structures of tobacco male gametophyte.
In: International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction /15./. - Wageningen, - 1998. - S. 66.
[International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction /15./. Wageningen (NL), 98.08.16-98.08.21]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

052851 - UEB-Q 980353 CZ cze A
Bancířová, M. - Lasovský, J. - Kolářová, H. - Lenobel, R. - Strnad, M.
Chemiexcitovaný fotodynamický jev a jeho studium na buněčných kulturách.
Chemické listy, 92 [11] 965-966 (1998).
[Pokroky v organické, bioorganické a farmaceutické chemii -Liblice 98. Liblice (CZ), 98.11.16-98.11.18]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154; UP 1998(CZ) 3190 3005; GA ČR(CZ) 03/98/P257
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

051660 - UEB-Q 980183 BG eng A
Bárta, J. - Schmülling, T. - Strnad, M.
Isolation, detection and tentative identification of unknown cytokinins in A. thaliana mutans.
In: Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998. - Varna, - 1998. - S. 126.
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154

051521 - BFU-R 980114 CZ eng A
Benková, E. - Witters, E. - Van Dongen, W. - Kolář, J. - Motyka, V. - Brzobohatý, B. - Van Onckelen, H. - Macháčková, I.
Cytokinins in tobacco and wheat chloroplasts: occurence and changes due to light/dark treatment.
In: Days of Plant Physiology 8th. Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Strnad, M.; Lenobel, R.; Rolčík, J.). - Olomouc, Palacký University 1998. - S. 36.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/K188; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 040
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A17/98/:Z5-004-9-ii

051656 - UEB-Q 980179 BG eng A
Benková, E. - Witters, E. - Van Dongen, W. - Kolář, J. - Brzobohatý, B. - Van Onckelen, H. - Macháčková, I.
Cytokinins in tobacco and wheat chloroplasts: occurence and changes due to light/dark treatment.
In: Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998. - Varna, - 1998. - S. 124.
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]

051805 - UEB-Q 980332 CZ eng A
Benková, E. - Witters, E. - Van Dongen, W. - Kolář, J. - Brzobohatý, B. - Van Onckelen, H. - Motyka, V. - Macháčková, I.
Cytokinins in tobacco and wheat chloroplasts: Occurrence and changes due to light/dark treatment.
In: European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research. - Brno, - 1998. - S. 108.
[European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research, Annual Meeting /28./. Brno (CZ), 98.08.26-98.08.29]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051793 - UEB-Q 980320 PL eng A
Binarová, P. - Bögre, L. - Hirt, H. - Haberle-Bors, E. - Strnad, M.
Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibition by olomoucine analogues leads to abnormal spindle formation in higher plant cells.
Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 3 [3] 275 (1998).
[International Conference on Inhibitors of Protein Kinases /1./. Warsaw (PL), 98.09.15-98.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.655(91) 0.705(92) 0.957(93) 0.914(94) 0.986(95)0.970(96) 1.113(97) 1.151(98) 1.172(99) 1.449(00)1.625(01) 1,747(02) 1.153(03) ]

051670 - UEB-Q 980193 CZ cze A
Binarová, P. - Bogre, L. - Pollaschek, C. - Calderini, O. - Hirt, H. - Heberle-Bors, E.
MAPkináza je aktivována v pozdní mitóze a lokalizována v cytokinetickém aparátu rostlin.
In: Cytoskeletární klub /6./. - Vranovská Ves, - 1998. - S. 1.
[Cytoskeletární klub /6./. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 98.05.13-98.05.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052605

051667 - UEB-Q 980190 CZ eng A
Binarová, P. - Cvikrová, M. - Pospíšilová, M. - Cenklová, V. - Eder, J.
Reinitiation of cell cycle and polyamine level during high auxin induced somatic embryogenesis in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.).
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. -.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052605

051725 - UEB-Q 980251 RIV GB eng J
Binarová, P. - Doležel, J. - Dráber, P. - Heberle-Bors, E. - Strnad, M. - Bögre, L.
Treatment of Vicia faba root tip cells with specific inhibitors to cyclin-dependent kinases leads to abnormal spindle formation.
Plant Journal, 16 [6] 697-707 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5020803; GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:4.513(92) 5.389(93) 5.947(94) 6.458(95) 5.666(96) 5.804(97) 5.765(98) 5.090(99) 5.629(00) 5.792(01) 5,850(02) 5.914(03) ]

052649 - MBU-M 980183 RIV GB eng J
Binarová, P. - Hause, B. - Doležel, J. - Dráber, P.
Association of G-tubulin with kinetochore/centromeric region of plant chromosomes.
Plant Journal, 14 [6] 751-757 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1020; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5020803
[Impact factor:4.513(92) 5.389(93) 5.947(94) 6.458(95) 5.666(96) 5.804(97) 5.765(98) 5.090(99) 5.629(00) 5.792(01) 5,850(02) 5.914(03) ]

051715 - UEB-Q 980240 FR eng A
Binarová, P. - Hause, B. - Dráber, P.
Association of gamma tubulin with kinetochore/centrometric region of plant chromosomes.
In: European Cytoskeleton Forum /13./, Book of Abstracts. - Strasbourgh, - 1998. - S. 70.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum /13./. Strasbourgh (FR), 98.08.22-98.08.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052605

051668 - UEB-Q 980191 CZ eng A
Bögre, L. - Binarová, P. - Weingartner, M. - Schweighofer, A. - Pollaschek, C. - Till, S. - Calderini, O. - Heberle-Bors, E.
Cell cycle control of higher plants.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 46.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052605

051669 - UEB-Q 980192 FR eng A
Börge, L. - Mattauch, M. - Kiegerl, S. - Pollaschek, C. - Binarova, P. - Jonak, C. - Till, S. - Calderini, O. - Barker, P. - Huskinson, N. S. - Hirt, H. - Heberle-Bors, E.
A MAP kinase is activated late in plant mitosis and becomes localised to the plane of cell division.
In: European Cytoskeleton Forum /13./. - Strasbourg, - 1998. - S. P70.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum /13./. Strasbourg (FR), 98.08.22-98.08.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052605

051690 - UEB-Q 980213 RIV PL eng C
Brutovská, R. - Čellárová, E. - Doležel, J.
Cytogenetic variation in tissue culture-derived Hypericum perforatum L. plants and their seed progenies.
In: Plant Cytogenetics. - (Ed. Maluszynska, J.). - Katowice, Wydawnictwo uniwersitetu Slaskiego 1998. - S. 270-274.
[Plant Cytogenetics, Spring Symposium. Cieszyn (PL), 97.05.19-97.05.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117

051696 - UEB-Q 980219 RIV NL eng J
Brutovská, R. - Čellárová, E. - Doležel, J.
Cytogenetic variability of in vitro regenerated Hypericum perforatum L. plants and their seed progenies.
Plant Science, 133, 221-229 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117
[Impact factor:1.471(91) 1.355(92) 1.296(93) 1.257(94) 1.179(95) 1.235(96) 1.274(97) 1.155(98) 1.015(99) 1.259(00) 1.384(01) 1,556(02) 1.652(03) ]

051640 - UEB-Q 980162 IL eng A
Březinová, A. - Zažímalová, E. - Holík, J. - Malá, J. - Kamínek, M.
Interactions of exogenous and endogenous phytohormones in induction of somatic embryogenesis of oak.
In: Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century. - Jerusalem, 1998. - S. 67.
[International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture /9./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.06.14-98.06.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186

051784 - UEB-Q 980311 ES eng A
Březinová, A. - Zažímalová, E. - Malá, J. - Kamínek, M.
Cytokinin-induced somatic embryogenesis in Quercus robur L. and Sorbus aria L. and its relation to endogenous auxin and cytokinin levels.
In: Plant Embryogenesis Workshop /5./ and European Plant Embryogenesis Network Meeting /2./. - Barcelona, - 1998. - S. No. 19.
[Plant Embryogenesis Workshop /5./ and European Plant Embryogenesis Network Meeting /2./. Barcelona (ES), 98.11.19-98.11.21]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051592 - UEB-Q 980094 RIV RU eng J
Bubner, M. - Meyer, M. - Fuksová, K. - Matucha, M. - Heise, K. H. - Nitsche, H.
Synthesis of Uniformly 13C and 14C-Labelled PCB-Congeners.
Ecological Chemistry, 7 [1] 65-68 (1998).

051786 - UEB-Q 980313 CZ eng A
Burketová, L. - Šindelářová, M. - Ryšánek, P.
Changes in ribonuclease activities in sugar beet infected by beet necrotic yellow vein virus.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 50.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/1412
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051785 - UEB-Q 980312 GB eng A
Burketová, L. - Šindelářová, M. - Šindelář, L.
Induction of proteins displaying chitinase and b-1,3-glucanase activities in sugar beet by abiotic inducers.
In: Plant Proteins in Abiotic Stress Responses. - York, - 1998. - S. No. 51.
[Plant Protein Club 1998 Annual Symposium. York (GB), 98.09.27-98.10.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/1412
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051617 - UEB-Q 980119 CZ eng A
Cenklová, V. - Binarová, P. - Havel, L.
The role of cytoskeleton in early stage of embryogenesis induced from somatic cells of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.).
In: Cytoskeletární klub /6./. - Vranovská Ves, - 1998. - 1 s.
[Cytoskeletární Klub /6./. (CZ), 98.05.13-98.05.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052605

051791 - UEB-Q 980318 PL eng A
Chmela, Z. - Veselý, J. - Lemr, K. - Hanuš, J. - Havlíček, L. - Rypka, M. - Kryštof, V. - Ulrichová, J. - Walterová, D. - Fuchsová, L. - Lukeš, J. - Kolářová, H. - Strnad, M. - Lenobel, R.
Metabolism of olomoucine, roscovitine and bohemine in small laboratory rodents.
Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 3 [3] 280 (1998).
[International Conference on Inhibitors of Protein Kinases /1./. Warsaw (PL), 98.09.15-98.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.655(91) 0.705(92) 0.957(93) 0.914(94) 0.986(95)0.970(96) 1.113(97) 1.151(98) 1.172(99) 1.449(00)1.625(01) 1,747(02) 1.153(03) ]

051727 - UEB-Q 980253 CZ eng A
Cvikrová, M.
Function of plant phenolic compounds.
In: Book of Abstracts - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 51-52.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV206/96/K188
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051730 - UEB-Q 980256 RIV FR eng C
Cvikrová, M. - Havlíčková, H. - Eder, J. - Hrubcová, M.
Pattern of phenolic acids in two winter wheat cultivars differing in their resistance to cereal aphids.
In: Polyphenols Communications 98. - Lille, - 1998. - S. 463-464.
[International Conference on Polyphenols /19./. Lille (FR), 98.09.01-98.09.04]
Grant: GA MZe(CZ) EP0960006442
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051620 - UEB-Q 980122 RIV FR eng J
Cvikrová, M. - Malá, J. - Eder, J. - Hrubcová, M. - Vágner, M.
Abscisic acid, polyamines and phenolic acids in sessile oak somatic embryos in relation to their conversion potential.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 36 [3] 247-253 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186
[Impact factor:0.919(91) 0.920(92) 1.288(93) 0.967(94) 0.991(95) 1.147(96) 1.613(97) 1.374(98) 1.347(99) 1.292(00) 1.333(01) 1,582(02) 1.729(03) ]

051665 - UEB-Q 980188 IL eng A
Cvikrová, M. - Malá, J. - Eder, J. - Hrubcová, M. - Vágner, M.
Abscisis acid, polyamines and phenolic acids in sessile oak somatic embryos in relation to their conversion potential.
In: Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century. - Jerusalem, - 1998. - S. 71.
[International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture /9./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.06.14-98.06.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186

051607 - UEB-Q 980109 CZ eng R
Čatský, J.
Rec.: Goto, E. - Kurata, K. - Hayashi, M. - Sase,S.(ed.): Plant production in closed ecosystems.
Photosynthetica, 35 [1] 40 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051609 - UEB-Q 980111 CZ eng R
Čatský, J.
Rec.: Langhans, R.W. - Tibbits, T.W.(ed.): Plant Growth Chamber Handbook.
Photosynthetica, 35 [2] 232 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051751 - UEB-Q 980277 CZ eng R
Čatský, J.
Rec.: Wang, W. - Gorsuch, J.W.: Plants for environmental studies. - Boca Raton, 1997. 563 s.
Photosynthetica, 35 [3] - (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051752 - UEB-Q 980278 CZ eng R
Čatský, J.
Rec.: Koch, G.W.: Carbon dioxyde and terrestrial ecosystems. - San Diego, 1996. 443 s.
Photosynthetica, 35 [3] - (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051608 - UEB-Q 980110 CZ eng R
Čatský, J. - Šesták, Z.
Rec.: Larcher, W.: Ökophysiologie der Pflanzen, Physiological Plant Ecology.
Photosynthetica, 35 [1] 12 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

066983 - UEB-Q 990179 RIV CA eng J
Čeřovská, N. - Filigarová, M. - Moravec, T. - Šubr, Z.
Mapping antigenic epitopes of potato virus A using monoclonal antibodies and overlapping synthetic peptides.
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 20 [3] 221-226 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/0398
[Impact factor: 0.667(96) 0.797(97) 0.548(98) 0.844(99) 0.637(00) 0.752(01) 0,857(02) 1.047(03) ]

051680 - UEB-Q 980203 RIV GB eng J
Čeřovská, N.
Production of monoclonal antibodies to potato virus Y NTN strain and their use for strain diferentiation.
Plant Pathology, 47, 505-509 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA503/94/0128
[Impact factor: 0.831(96) 1.070(97) 0.842(98) 0.950(99) 0.903(00) 1.025(01) 1,167(02) 1.264(03) ]

051733 - UEB-Q 980259 RIV SK eng J
Čeřovská, N. - Moravec, T. - Petrzik, K.
Detection of two main potato potyviruses - comparison of serological and molecular biological methods.
Chemical Papers, 52, 292-293 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/0398; GA ČR(CZ) GA522/98/1512
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.380(91) 0.342(92) 0.179(93) 0.224(94) 0.131(95) 0.140(96) 0.150(97) 0.156(98) 0.067(99) 0.154(00) 0.349(01) 0,336(02) 0.226(03) ]

051682 - UEB-Q 980205 RIV SK eng J
Čeřovská, N. - Petrzik, K. - Moravec, T. - Mráz, I.
Potato virus A detection by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction.
Acta Virologica, 42, 83-85 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/0398
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

051681 - UEB-Q 980204 RIV AT eng C
Čeřovská, N. - Petrzik, K. - Mráz, I. - Dědič, P. - Moravec, T. - Filigarová, M.
Detection of potato virus A (PVA) - comparison of serological and molecular biological methods.
In: EAPR Virology Section Meeting/10./. - Baden, - 1998. - S. 52-53.
[European Association for Potato Research/10./. Baden (AT), 98.07.05-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/0398

063749 - UEB-Q 990063 RIV AT eng C
Čeřovská, N. - Petržík, K. - Mraz, I. - Dědič, P. - Moravec, T. - Filigarová, M.
Detection of potato virus a (PVA)- comparison of serological and molecular biological methods.
In: Virology section. - Baden, Federal Office and Research Centre for Agriculture 1998. - S. 1.
[Virology Section Meeting. Baden (AT), 98.07.05-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/0398

051700 - UEB-Q 980225 RIV PL eng C
Číhalíková, J. - Lysák, M. - Doležel, J.
Cells cycle synchronisation and chromosome isolation in barley (Hordeum vulgare).
In: Plant Cytogenetics. - (Ed. Maluszynska, J.). - Katowice, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego 1998. - S. 153-158.
[Plant Cytogenetics, Spring Symposium. Cieszyn (PL), 98.05.19-98.05.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117

061325 - UMBR-M 990053 SIGLE AT eng C
Dědič, P. - Ptáček, J. - Horáčková, V. - Filigarová, M. - Matoušek, J.
PVS eradication programme in Czech potato breeding.
In: Proceedings on European Association for Potato Research (EAPR), 1Oth. Virology section meeting. - Wien, BFL 1998. - S. 143-146.
[EAPR virology section meeting /10./. Baden (AT), 98.07.05-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/1308

063750 - UEB-Q 990064 AT eng A
Dědič, P. - Ptáček, J. - Horáčková, V. - Filigarová, M. - Matoušek, J.
PVS eradication programme in czech potato breeding.
In: Virology section. - Baden, Federal Office and Research Centre for Agriculture 1998. - S. 56-57.
[Virology Section Meeting. Baden (AT), 98.07.05-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/1512

051657 - UEB-Q 980180 BG eng A
Dobrev, P. - Kamínek, M.
Biosynthesis of cytokinins in developing wheat seeds.
In: Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998. - Varna, - 1998. - S. 125.
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV209/96/K188; GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/1032

051779 - UEB-Q 980306 RIV SE eng C
Doležal, K. - Astot, C. - Moritz, T. - Sanberg, G.
In-vivo labelling of cytokinins by D2O measured by frit-FAB LC/MS: A powerful method for studiing different aspects of cytokinin biosynthesis.
In: Nordic Conference on Mass Spectometry /10./. - Umea, - 1998. - S. 85-87.
[Nordic Conference on Mass Spectrometry /10./. Umea (SE), 98.08.22-98.08.25]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051619 - UEB-Q 980121 RIV AT eng M
Doležel, J.
Flow cytometry, its application and potential for plant breeding.
In: Current Topics in Plant Cytogenetics Related to Plant Improvement. - (Ed. Lelley, T.). - Vienna, Universitätsverlag 1998. - S. 80-90.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117

051638 - UEB-Q 980160 US eng A
Doležel, J.
Flow analysis and sorting of plant chromozomes.
In: Cytometry. - Colorado Springs, Wiley-Liss 1998. - S. 24.
[Congress of the International Society for Analytical Cytology /19./. Colorado Springs (US), 98.02.28-98.03.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117

051702 - UEB-Q 980227 RIV PL eng C
Doležel, J.
Flow karyotyping and chromosome sorting in plants.
In: Plant Cytogenetics. - (Ed. Maluszynska, J.). - Katowice, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego 1998. - S. 39-50.
[Plant Cytogenetics, Spring Symposium. Cieszyn (PL), 98.05.19-98.05.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/95/K117

051735 - UEB-Q 980261 CZ eng A
Doležel, J.
Plant genome analysis by flow cytometry.
In: Book of Abstracts - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 60.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051736 - UEB-Q 980262 FR eng A
Doležel, J.
Flow analysis of plant genomes: from basic research to plant breeding.
Analytical Cellular Pathology, 17, - (1998).
[Association Francaise de Cytometrie, Toulose 1998. Toulose (FR), 98.10.06-98.10.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor: 0.986(99) 0.838(00) 0.625(01) 1,076(02) 1.255(03) ]

051693 - UEB-Q 980216 RIV FR eng J
Doležel, J. - Doleželová, M. - Roux, N. - Van den Houwe, I.
A novel method to prepare slides for high resolution chromosome studies in Musa ssp.
Infomusa, 7 [1] 3-4 (1998).
Grant: IAEA(AT) 8145/RB

051782 - UEB-Q 980309 RIV GB eng J
Doležel, J. - Greilhuber, J. - Lucretti, S. - Meister, A. - Lysák, M. - Nardi, L. - Obermayer, A.
Plant genome size estimation by flow cytometry: inter-laboratory comparison.
Annals of Botany, 82 [Supplement A] 17-26 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:1.069(92) 1.041(93) 1.066(94) 1.127(95) 1.045(96) 1.301(97) 1.384(98) 1.326(99) 1.274(00) 1.352(01) 1,476(02) 1.370(03) ]

051691 - UEB-Q 980214 RIV AT eng C
Doležel, J. - Lysák, M. - Doleželová, M. - Valárik, M.
Analysis of Musa genome using molecular cytogenetics and flow cytometry.
In: Celluar biology and biotechnology including mutation techniques for creation of new useful banana genotypes. - Vienna, IAEA Vienna 1998. - S. 39-48.
[Research Co-ordination Meeting /2./. Kuala Lumpur (MY), 97.10.13-97.10.17]
Grant: IAEA(AT) 8145/RB

051699 - UEB-Q 980224 RIV PL eng C
Doleželová, M. - Valárik, M. - Doležel, J.
Molecular cytogenetic of Musa ssp.
In: Plant Cytogenetics. - (Ed. Maluszynska, J.). - Katowice, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego 1998. - S. 159-163.
[Plant Cytogenetics, Spring Symposium. Cieszyn (PL), 98.05.19-98.05.22]
Grant: IAEA(AT) 8145/RB

051798 - UEB-Q 980325 RIV CZ eng J
Doleželová, M. - Valárik, M. - Swennen, R. - Horry, J. P. - Doležel, J.
Physical mapping of the 18S-25S and 5S ribosomal RNA genes in diploid bananas.
Biologia Plantarum, 41 [4] 497-505 (1998).
Grant: IAEA(AT) 8145/RB
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

068387 - UEB-Q 20000027 RIV XX eng J
Dršata, J. - Netopilová, M. - Tolman, V.
Fluorinated glutamic acid derivates: Influnece of stereoisomers on glutamate decarboxylase in vitro.
Chemical Papers, 52, [-] 344 (1998).

051776 - UEB-Q 980302 RIV CZ eng J
Fellner, M. - Lebeda, A.
Callus induction and protoplast isolation from tissues of Cucumis sativus and C.melo L.seedlings.
Biologia Plantarum, 41 [1] 11-24 (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051630 - UEB-Q 980303 CA eng A
Fellner, M. - Sawhney, V. P.
Morphological and physiological characterization of a photoperiod-sensitive male sterile tomato line 7B-1.
In: Annual Meetings of the Canadian Botanical Association / L'Assocation Botanique du Canada. - (Ed. Lelley, T.). - Saskatoon, - 1998. - S. -.
[Annual Meetings of the Canadian Botanical Association. (CA), 98.06.27-98.07.01]

052852 - UEB-Q 980355 CZ eng A
Frébortová, J. - Slouka, J. - Medková, J. - Strnad, M.
Antimicrobial activity of compouds related to biologically active derivatives of purine and pyrimidine.
In: Abstrakta. - Hradec Králové, - 1998. - S. 207.
[Kongres Československé společnosti mikrobiologické /21./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 98.09.06-98.09.10]

051618 - UEB-Q 980120 RIV US eng M
Galbraith, D. W. - Doležel, J. - Lambert, G. - Macas, J.
Nuclear DNA content and ploidy analyses in higher plants.
In: Current Protocols in Cytometry. - New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1998. - S. 7.6.1-7.6.22.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117

051721 - UEB-Q 980247 RIV IN eng J
Galuszka, P. - Šebela, M. - Luhová, L. - Zajoncová, L. - Frébort, I. - Strnad, M. - Peč, P.
Cytokinins as inhibitors of plant amine oxydase.
Journal of Enzyme Inhibition, 13, 457-463 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154
[Impact factor: 1.033(96) 0.727(97) 0.887(98) 1.295(99) 1.733(00)1.086(01) ]

051723 - UEB-Q 980249 RIV US eng J
Gibbon, B. C. - Zonia, L. - Kovar, D. - Hussey, P. - Staiger, C. J.
Pollen profilin function depends on interaction with proline-rich motifs.
Plant Cell, 10 [6] 981-993 (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor: 9.579(96) 9.709(97) 10.463(99) 11.093(00) 11.081(01) 10,751(02) 10.679(03) ]

051714 - UEB-Q 980239 RIV NL eng J
Gichner, T. - Plewa, M. J.
Induction of somatic DNA damage as measured by single cell gel electrophoresis and point mutation in leaves of tobacco plants.
Mutation Research. Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 401, 143-152 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/97/0128; -(EU) CIPA-CT94-0133; GA AV ČR(CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

051712 - UEB-Q 980237 RIV NL eng J
Gichner, T. - Wagner, E. D. - Plewa, M. J.
Pentachlorophenol-mediated mutagenic synergy with aromatic amines in Salmonella typhimurium.
Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Enviromental Mutagenesis , 420, 115-124 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/97/0128
[Impact factor: 1.506(00) 1.624(01) 1,636(02) 1.748(03) ]

051652 - UEB-Q 980175 CZ eng A
Gösslová, M. - Albrechtová, J. - Kumstýřová, L. - Svobodová, H. - Lipavská, H. - Vágner, M.
Somatic embryogenesis in Norway spruce: Anatomical study of embryo development.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 76.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186; GA MŠk(CZ) OC 822.40

051745 - UEB-Q 980271 NL eng A
Hajdúch, M. - Nosková, V. - Feketová, G. - Novotný, R. - Jess, K. - Gojová, L. - Kašpárek, I. - Kryštof, V. - Veselý, J. - Strnad, M. - Mihál, V.
Olomoucine derived synthetic cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors - new generation of potent anti-cancer drugs.
Leukemia, 12 [2] 268 (1998).
[Drug Resistance in Leukemia and Lymphoma, International Symposium /3./. Amsterdam (NL), 98.03.04-98.03.07]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor: 2.350(95)2.945(96) 1.046(97) 3.163(98) 3.562(99) 3.736(00)4.293(01) 4,693(02) 5.116(03) ]

051746 - UEB-Q 980272 NL eng A
Hajdúch, M. - Nosková, V. - Havlíček, L. - Feketová, G. - Gojová, L. - Kryštof, V. - Veselý, J. - Strnad, M. - Mihál, V.
Olomoucine derived synthetic CDK inhibitors: Selective induction of apoptotic death in tumor cells and in vivo anti-tumor activity are mediated via direct inhibition of cdk7.
In: Abstract Book. - Amsterdam, - 1998. - S. 136.
[NCI-EORTC Symposium on New Drugs in Cancer Therapy /10./. Amsterdam (NL), 98.06.16-98.06.19]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

052850 - UEB-Q 980351 CZ cze A
Hajdúch, M. - Nosková, V. - Havlíček, L. - Feketová, G. - Gojová, L. - Kryštof, V. - Veselý, J. - Strnad, M. - Mihál, V.
Alterace buněčného cyklu nádorových buněk a syntetické inhibitory cyklin dependentních kináz odvozené od olomoucinu.
In: Abstrakta. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 48.
[Olomoucké hematologické dny /11./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.06.18-98.06.20]

051719 - UEB-Q 980245 RIV CZ cze J
Hajdúch, M. - Nosková, V. - Novotný, R. - Feketová, G. - Gojová, L. - Havlíček, L. - Strnad, M. - Veselý, J.
Mechanismus protinádorového účinku syntetických inhibitorů cyklin-dependentních kináz odvozených od olomoucinu.
Zpravodaj klinické farmakologie a farmacie, 12 [1-2] 15-16 ( 1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051815 - UEB-Q 980342 RIV AU eng P
Havlíček, L. - Hajdúch, M. - Strnad, M.
Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor. Praha, Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR 1998. - 16 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051726 - UEB-Q 980252 RIV DE eng J
Havlíčková, H. - Cvikrová, M. - Eder, J. - Hrubcová, M.
Alterations in the levels of phenolics and peroxidase activities induced by Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) in two winter wheat cultivars.
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 105 [2] 140-148 (1998).
Grant: GA MZe(CZ) EP0960006442
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.238(92) 0.191(93) 0.208(94) 0.336(95) 0.335(96) 0.442(97) 0.459(98) 0.354(99) 0.526(00) 0.272(01) 0,322(02) 0.286(03) ]

051799 - UEB-Q 980326 IL eng A
Hofman, P. - Haisel, D. - Čapková, V. - Tichá, I. - Schäfer, C.
Sucrose feeding enhances high light resistance of in vitro grown tobacco plantlets. Adaptation of phenotypically modified plantlets on transfer into soil conditions.
In: Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century. - Jerusalem, - 1998. - S. 81.
[International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture /9./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.06.14-98.06.19]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051780 - UEB-Q 980307 IL eng A
Holub, J. - Doležal, K. - Swaczyna, P. - Strnad, M.
Development of highly active cytokinins for plant tissue culture.
In: Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century. - Jerusalem, - 1998. - S. 82.
[International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture /9./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.06.14-98.06.19]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051819 - UEB-Q 980346 BG eng A
Holub, J. - Doležal, K. - Swaczyna, P. - Strnad, M.
Meta-topolin and related derivatives exhibit high morphogenic activity in vitro.
Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998, -, 61 (1998).
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154; GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051720 - UEB-Q 980246 RIV NL eng J
Holub, J. - Hanuš, J. - Hanke, D. E. - Strnad, M.
Biological activity of cytokinins derived from Ortho- and Meta- Hydroxybenzyladeline.
Plant Growth Regulation, 26, 109-115 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV206/96/K188; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0391
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.701(91) 0.621(92) 0.701(93) 0.913(94) 1.286(95) 0.687(96) 0.803(97) 0.750(98) 0.887(99) 0.837(00) 0.761(01) 0,850(02) 0.688(03) ]

051741 - UEB-Q 980267 CZ eng A
Holub, J. - Kryštof, V. - Strnad, M.
Interaction of subtituted adenines with plant cyclin-dependent kinase CDC2.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 98.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051806 - UEB-Q 980333 NL eng A
Honys, D. - Čapková, V.
Translational regulation of pollen tube wall-specific glycoprotein.
In: International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction /15./. - Wageningen, - 1998. - S. 32.
[International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction /15./. Wageningen (NL), 98.08.16-98.08.21]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051692 - UEB-Q 980215 RIV FR eng J
Horry, J. P. - Doležel, J. - Doleželová, M. - Lysák, M.
Do natural AxB tetraploid bananas exist?
Infomusa, 7 [1] 5-6 (1998).
Grant: IAEA(AT) 8145/RB

051671 - UEB-Q 980194 RIV NL eng J
Hradec, J. - Dufek, P. - Matucha, M.
Quantitation of individual molecular species of phosphatidylcholines by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection.
Journal of Chromatography B, 714, 145-151 (1998).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ1287
[Impact factor:1.958(92) 1.874(93) 2.523(94) 1.255(95) 1.341(96) 1.588(97) 1.395(98) 1.666(99) 1.802(00) 1.911(01) ]

051675 - UEB-Q 980198 FR eng A
Hrubá, P. - Tupý, J.
Developmental-related glycoproteins in tobacco pollen and microspores.
In: Anther and Pollen: from Biology to Biotechnology. - Reims, - 1998. - S. 40.
[Anther and Pollen: from Biology to Biotechnology. Reims (FR), 98.04.09-98.04.10]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC 824.10; GA AV ČR(CZ) A53804

051728 - UEB-Q 980254 PL eng A
Janas, K. M. - Cvikrová, M. - Palagiewicz, A. - Eder, J.
Changes in the content of phenolics acids in chilled soybean roots.
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 20 [1,supplement] - (1998).
[Ecophysiological Aspects of Plant Responses to Stress Factors /2./. Krakow (PL), 97.06.12-97.06.14]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor: 0.560(99) 0.296(00) 0.232(01) 0,310(02) 0.438(03) ]

051729 - UEB-Q 980255 RIV PL pol C
Janas, K. M. - Cvikrová, M. - Palagiewicz, A. - Eder, J.
Zmiany zawartosci kwasów fenolowych w korzeniach soi hodowanej w niskiej temperaturze.
In: Ekofizjologiczne aspekty reakcji roslin na dzialanie abiotycznych czynników stresowych. - (Ed. Grzesiak, S.; Skoczowski, A.; Miszalski, Z.). - Krakow, Polska akademia nauk 1998. - S. 179-182.
[Ecophysiological Aspects of Plant Responses to Stress Factors. Krakow (PL), 97.06.12-97.06.14]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

046245 - MBU-M 980374 RIV DE eng J
Jirků, V. - Žižka, Z. - Sedlářová, R. - Pospíšil, F.
A modulatory effect of yeast cell-humic salt interaction.
Microbiological Research, 153, [-] 149-152 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.376(96) 0.544(97) 0.496(98) 0.516(99) 0.382(00)0.531(01) 0,549(02) 0.573(03) ]

068389 - UEB-Q 20000030 RIV NL eng C
Kadleček, P. - Tichá, I. - Čapková, V. - Schaffer, C.
Acclimatization of micropropagated tabacco plantlets.
In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and effects. - (Ed. Garab, G.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Acad. Publ. 1998. - S. 3853-3856.
[Photosynthesis. Dordrecht (NL), 98.00.00]

052847 - UEB-Q 980348 RIV PL eng J
Kalinowski, A. - Doležal, K. - Radlowski, M. - Klimko, M. - Bartkowiak, S.
Variability of proteins from single microgametophyte in two lines of maize and their hybrids.
Biological Bulletin of Poznan, 35 [2] 75-83 (1998).

051646 - UEB-Q 980169 CZ eng A
Kamínek, M. - Gaudinová, A. - Dobrev, P. - Vaňková, R. - Motyka, V.
Co-operation of auxins and cytokinins in hormonal regulation of plant development.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, 1998. - S. 114.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/1032; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1424

051655 - UEB-Q 980178 BG eng A
Kamínek, M. - Motyka, V. - Gaudinová, A. - Dobrev, P. - Vaňková, R. - Kománek, D.
Mechanisms controlling cytokinin levels in plant cells.
In: Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998. - Varna, - 1998. - S. 124.
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/1032; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1424

051774 - UEB-Q 980300 PT eng A
Kamínek, M. - Trčková, M.
Role of cytokinins in uptake of nitrate and allocation of nitrogen in wheat.
In: International Symposium on Inorganic Nitrogen Assimilation /5./. - Luso, - 1998. - S. 59-60.
[International Symposium on Inorganic Nitrogen Assimilation. Luso ( PT), 98.07.13-98.07.17]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051803 - UEB-Q 980330 CZ eng A
Klemš, M. - Macháčková, I. - Eder, J. - Procházka, S.
The uptake and metabolism of 3H-benzylaminopurine in the explants of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.).
In: European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research. - Brno, - 1998. - S. 133.
[European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research, Annual Meeting /28./. Brno (CZ), 98.08.26-98.08.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV206/96/K188
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

052719 - UEB-Q 980999 RIV NL eng J
Klemš, M. - Procházka, S. - Macháčková, I. - Eder, J.
Uptake, transport and metabolism of 14C-2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). In vitro cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) explants.
Plant Growth Regulation, 26, 195-202 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.701(91) 0.621(92) 0.701(93) 0.913(94) 1.286(95) 0.687(96) 0.803(97) 0.750(98) 0.887(99) 0.837(00) 0.761(01) 0,850(02) 0.688(03) ]

050492 - UMBR-M 980001 RIV US eng J
Koblížková, A. - Doležel, J. - Macas, J.
Subtraction with 3'modified oligonucleotides eliminates amplification artefacts in DNA libraries enriched for microsatellites.
Biotechniques, 25, 32-38 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ)
[Impact factor:3.000(91) 2.643(92) 2.497(93) 2.251(94) 2.305(95) 1.946(96) 1.913(97) 1.707(98) 1.749(99) 1.756(00) 1.955(01) 2,173(02) 2.383(03) ]

046292 - UOCHB-X 980063 RIV CZ eng J
Kohout, L. - Slavíková, B. - Strnad, M.
17a-oxa-17a-homobrassinosteroid analogues.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 63 [5] 646-654 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/95/1309
[Impact factor:0.465(91) 0.466(92) 0.382(93) 0.467(94) 0.550(95) 0.549(96) 0.550(97) 0.546(98) 0.717(99) 0.960(00) 0.778(01) 0,848(02) 1.041(03) ]

051802 - UEB-Q 980329 DE eng A
Kolář, J. - Johnson, C. H. - Macháčková, I.
Presence and possible role of melatonin in a short-day flowering plant, Chenopodium rubrum.
In: Melatonin After Four Decades: An Assessment of its Potential. - Hamburg, - 1998. - S. 40.
[Melatonin After Four Decades: An Assessment of its Potential. Hamburg (DE), 98.08.24-98.08.30]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 056; NSF(US) INT-9605193
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051800 - UEB-Q 980327 DE eng A
Kolář, J. - Macháčková, I. - Johnson, C. H.
Effect of a melatonin analogue CGP 52608 on the photoperiodic flower inductionin a short-day plant, Chenopodium rubrum.
In: News from the Plant Chronobiology Research. - Markgrafenheide, - 1998. - S. -.
[News from the Plant Chronobiology Research. Markgrafenheide (DE), 98.09.18-98.09.20]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051801 - UEB-Q 980328 CZ eng A
Kolář, J. - Xu, Y. - Johnson, C. H. - Macháčková, I.
Rhythmicity in the regulation of plant development: A possible role of melatonin.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 120.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 056
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051816 - UEB-Q 980343 CZ cze A
Kolářová, H. - Kotala, L. - Strnad, M. - Bancířová, M. - Lasovský, J. - Ambrožová, P.
Fluorescenční metody studia buněčného poškození.
In: Sborník abstrakt. - Horní Poříčí, - 1998. - S. 36.
[Dny lékařské biofyziky /21./. Horní Poříčí (CZ), 98.00.00]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

066964 - UEB-Q 990194 RIV CZ cze J
Kolářová, H. - Kotala, L. - Strnad, M. - Bancířová, M. - Lasovský, J. - Ambrožová, P.
Fluorescent methods study of cells damage.
Sborník lékařský, 99 [4] 437-442 (1998).

052848 - UEB-Q 980349 IT eng A
Kolářová, H. - Kubínek, R. - Jírová, D. - Ditrichová, D. - Strnad, M. - Lasovský, J. - Bancířová, M.
Photodynamic effect study based on laser - induced phototoxicity.
Experimental Dermatology, 7 [6] 425 (1998).
[Meeting European Immunodermatology Sodiety /8./. Rome (IT), 98.11.19-98.11.21]

051724 - UEB-Q 980250 RIV US eng J
Koppen, G. - Angelis, K.
Repair of X-ray induced DNA damage measured by the comet assay in roots of Vicia faba.
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 32, 281-285 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5038505; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0396; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0154; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/98/0682; FWO(BE) AGR/PR(97)FS/A; GA AV ČR(CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:2.419(91) 2.303(92) 2.255(93) 2.847(94) 2.370(95) 1.940(96) 2.469(97) 2.259(98) 1.990(99) 2.278(00) 2.276(01) 2,546(02) 2.000(03) ]

051747 - UEB-Q 980273 BR eng A
Kovařík, J. - Kotala, L. - Trbusek, M. - Strnad, M. - Vojtěšek, B.
Olomoucine,new inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases induces WT P53 expression and affects dephosphorylation of RB protein in tumor cell lines.
In: Abstract Book. - Rio de Janeiro, - 1998. - S. 86.
[International Cancer Congress /17./. Rio de Janeiro (BR), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5207601; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

052846 - UEB-Q 980375 RIV CZ cze M
Krekule, J. - Sladký, Z. - Šebánek, J.
Tvorba květů, plodů, semen a hlíz.
In: Fyziologie rostlin. - Praha, Academia 1998. - S. 359-387.

051790 - UEB-Q 980317 PL eng A
Kryštof, V. - Bögre, L. - Binarová, P. - Doležel, J. - Strnad, M.
Regulation of plant cyclin-dependent kinases and cell cycle machinery by plant hormone analogues.
Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 3 [3] 310 (1998).
[International Conference on Inhibitors of Protein Kinases /1./. Warsaw (PL), 98.09.15-98.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.655(91) 0.705(92) 0.957(93) 0.914(94) 0.986(95)0.970(96) 1.113(97) 1.151(98) 1.172(99) 1.449(00)1.625(01) 1,747(02) 1.153(03) ]

051792 - UEB-Q 980319 PL eng A
Kryštof, V. - Havlíček, L. - Veselý, J. - Hajdúch, M. - Strnad, M.
Trisubstituted purines as inhibitors of cyclin dependent kinase p34cdc2.
Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 3 [3] 309 (1998).
[International Conference on Inhibitors of Protein Kinases /1./. Warsaw (PL), 98.09.15-98.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.655(91) 0.705(92) 0.957(93) 0.914(94) 0.986(95)0.970(96) 1.113(97) 1.151(98) 1.172(99) 1.449(00)1.625(01) 1,747(02) 1.153(03) ]

051622 - UEB-Q 980125 CZ cze D
Křížková, L.
Přímé repetice T-DNA v rostlinném genomu po transformaci agrobakteriem. Praha, Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR 1998. - 87 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV206/96/K188

051623 - UEB-Q 980126 RIV CZ cze J
Křížková, L.
Přenos a integrace T-DNA do rostlinného genomu.
Biologické listy, 63 [1] 17-37 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV206/96/K188

051687 - UEB-Q 980210 RIV GB eng J
Křížková, L. - Hrouda, M.
Direct repeats of T-DNA integrated in tobacco chromosome: characterization of junction regions.
The Plant Journal, 16 [6] 673-680 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV206/96/K188
[Impact factor:4.513(92) 5.389(93) 5.947(94) 6.458(95) 5.666(96) 5.804(97) 5.765(98) 5.090(99) 5.629(00) 5.792(01) 5,850(02) 5.914(03) ]

051701 - UEB-Q 980226 RIV PL eng C
Kubaláková, M. - Číhalíková, J. - Doležel, J.
Localisation of GAA microsatellites on barley chromosomes by direct cycling-prins (C-Prins).
In: Plant Cytogenetics. - (Ed. Maluszynska, J.). - Katowice, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego 1998. - S. 173-177.
[Plant Cytogenetics, Spring Symposium. Cieszyn (PL), 98.05.19-98.05.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117

051695 - UEB-Q 980218 RIV CZ eng J
Kubaláková, M. - Doležel, J.
Optimization of PRINS and C-PRINS for detection of telomeric sequences in Vicia faba.
Biologia Plantarum, 41 [2] 177-184 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051694 - UEB-Q 980217 RIV CZ eng J
Kubaláková, M. - Nouzová, M. - Doleželová, M. - Macas, J. - Doležel, J.
A combined PRINS-FISH technique for simultaneous localisation of DNA sequences on plant chromosomes.
Biologia Plantarum, 41 [2] 293-296 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

058520 - MBU-M 990058 RIV IN eng J
Kubátová, A. - Matucha, M. - Erbanová, P. - Novotný, Č. - Vlasáková, V. - Šašek, V.
Investigation into PCB Biodegradation using uniformly 14C-labelled Dichlorobiphenyl.
Isotopes Environmental Health Studies, 34, [-] 325-334 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.333(96) 0.567(97) 0.387(99) ]

051684 - UEB-Q 980207 RIV CZ eng J
Kutík, J. - Wilhelmová, N. - Snopek, J.
Changes in ultrastructure of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cotyledons associated with their modulated life span.
Photosynthetica, 35 [3] 361-367 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/95/1302
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051650 - UEB-Q 980173 CZ eng A
Lipavská, H. - Kumstýřová, L. - Svobodová, H. - Albrechtová, J. - Vondráková, Z.
Somatic embryogenesis in Norway spruce: Carbohydrate status during embryo maturation on media with and without PEG.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 141.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186

051697 - UEB-Q 980222 RIV IT eng J
Lysák, M. - Doležel, J.
Estimation of nuclear DNA content in Sesleria (Poacae).
Caryologia, 52 [2] 123-132 (1998).
Grant: UP(CZ) 31903003
[Impact factor:0.394(91) 0.274(92) 0.263(93) 0.141(94) 0.194(95) 0.147(96) 0.221(97) 0.338(98) 0.180(99) 0.361(00) 0.258(01) 0,267(02) 0.337(03) ]

051698 - UEB-Q 980223 RIV PL eng C
Lysák, M. - Doleželová, M. - Doležel, J.
Flow cytometric analysis of nuclear genome size in Musa ssp.
In: Plant Cytogenetics. - (Ed. Maluszynska, J.). - Katowice, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego 1998. - S. 178-183.
[Plant Cytogenetics, Spring Symposium. Cieszyn (PL), 98.05.19-98.05.22]
Grant: IAEA(AT) 8145/RB

051795 - UEB-Q 980322 RIV CZ cze M
Macháčková, I.
Růst a vývoj: Růstové regulátory.
In: Fyziologie rostlin. - Praha, Academia 1998. - S. 226-285.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051804 - UEB-Q 980331 CZ eng A
Macháčková, I. - Kolář, J. - Eder, J. - Prinsen, E. - Van Dongen, W. - Van Onckelen, H.
Does melatonin play in plants a similar role as in animals?
In: European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research. - Brno, - 1998. - S. 136.
[European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research, Annual Meeting /28./. Brno (CZ), 98.08.26-98.08.29]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051808 - UEB-Q 980335 BG eng A
Macháčková, I. - Kolář, J. - Eder, J. - Prinsen, E. - Van Dongen, W. - Van Onckelen, H.
Does melatonin play in plants a similar role as in animals?
In: Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998. - Varna, - 1998. - S. 79.
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051625 - UEB-Q 980129 RIV SE eng J
Macháčková, I. - Konstantinova, T. N. - Sergeeva, L. I. - Lozhnikova, V. N. - Golyanovskaya, S. A. - Dudko, N. N. - Eder, J. - Aksenova, N. P.
Photoperiodic control of growth, development and phytohormone balance in Solanium tuberosum.
Physiologia Plantarum, 102 [1] 272-278 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV206/96/K188; NATO Linkage Grant(US) 950070
[Impact factor:1.685(91) 1.720(92) 1.548(93) 1.507(94) 1.700(95) 1.916(96) 1.797(97) 2.160(98) 2.460(99) 1.476(00) 1.760(01) 1,565(02) 1.767(03) ]

051794 - UEB-Q 980321 RIV CZ cze M
Macháčková, I. - Krekule, J.
Růst a vývoj: Záření.
In: Fyziologie rostlin. - Praha, Academia 1998. - S. 286-307.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051731 - UEB-Q 980257 HU eng A
Malá, J. - Cvikrová, M. - Kálal, J. - Cvrčková, H. - Eder, J.
The influence of PVP on rooting of oak microcuttings.
In: COST 822 - Programme and Abstracts. - Budapest, - 1998. - S. -.
[Cost 822 -Identification and control of phase changes in rejuvenation Meeting of the Working Group 3 /5./. Budapest ( HU), 98.11.27-98.12.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051810 - UEB-Q 980337 RIV DE eng J
Martinec, J. - Feltl, T. - Macháčková, I.
Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate binding site from Chenopodium rubrum.
Experimental Biology Online, 3, - (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0599
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051809 - UEB-Q 980336 BG eng A
Matschke, J. - Amenda, R. - Macháčková, I.
Phytohormone imbalance - the cause of sprout dying in oak (Quercus robur)?
In: Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998.- - Varna, - 1998. - S. 117.
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051811 - UEB-Q 980338 GB eng A
Matucha, M.
Some applications of 14C-labelling in ecological research.
Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 41, 1056 (1998).
[Joint European IIS Conference. Bad Soden (DE), 98.06.24-98.06.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA62001; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA65539; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1190; -(DE) X.244.2
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.734(91) 0.676(92) 0.639(93) 0.647(94) 0.913(95) 0.854(96) 0.767(97) 0.527(98) 0.941(99) 0.756(00) 0.839(01) 1,186(02) 1.207(03) ]

051812 - UEB-Q 980339 CZ cze A
Matucha, M.
Isotopové jevy v chromatografii organických sloučenin. -
Chemické listy, 92 [11] 950 (1998).
[Pokroky v organické, bioorganické a farmaceutické chemii /33./. Liblice (CZ), 98.11.16-98.11.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA62001; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620425
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

066982 - UEB-Q 990178 RIV CZ eng J
Matucha, M. - Bubner, M. - Kubátová, A. - Erbanová, P. - Uhlířová, H. - Novotný, Č. - Šašek, V.
Some Applications of Isotopic Labelling in Ecological Research.
Environmentalica, 12 [1-2] 49-60 (1998).

051737 - UEB-Q 980263 DE ger A
Meister, A. - Doležel, J. - Greilhuber, J. - Lucretti, S. - Lysák, M. A. - Nardi, L. - Obermayer, R.
Bestimmung des Absoluten DNA-Gehaltes in Pflanzlichen Zellkernen - Vergleich der Ergebnisse von vier Laboratorien.
In: Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium /11./. - Heidelberg, - 1998. - S. 42.
[Heidelberg Cytometry Symposium /11./. Heidelberg (DE), 98.10.22-98.10.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117; -(AT) P9593-BIO
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051813 - UEB-Q 980340 AT eng A
Menke, M. - Angelis, K. - Schubert, I.
Comets in plants - what do we measure?
In: Abstract Book. - Salzburg, - 1998. - S. 70.
[European Environmental Mutagen Society, Annual Meeting /28./. Salzburg (AT), 98.09.07-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0396; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0154; GA ČR(CZ) GA302/98/0682
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051722 - UEB-Q 980248 RIV SK eng J
Moravec, T. - Čeřovská, N. - Pavlíček, A.
Electron microscopic observation of potato virus A using murine monoclonal antibodies.
Acta Virologica, 42, 341-346 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/0398
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

051773 - UEB-Q 980299 SK eng A
Navrátil, O. - Vojtěchová, M. - Fischer, L. - Blafková, J. - Linhart, M.
Characterization of transgenic potato plants with an additional bacterial gene coding for phosphofructokinase.
Chemical Papers, 52 [Focus issue] 598 (1998).
[Biochemický zjazd /14./. Stará Lesná (SK), 98.10.12-98.10.16]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.380(91) 0.342(92) 0.179(93) 0.224(94) 0.131(95) 0.140(96) 0.150(97) 0.156(98) 0.067(99) 0.154(00) 0.349(01) 0,336(02) 0.226(03) ]

050515 - UMBR-M 980043 RIV IE eng J
Neumann, P. - Lysák, M. - Doležel, J. - Macas, J.
Isolation of chromosomes from Pisum sativum L. hairy roots and their analysis by flow cytometry.
Plant Science, 137, 205-215 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117; NAZV(CZ) 6046
[Impact factor:1.471(91) 1.355(92) 1.296(93) 1.257(94) 1.179(95) 1.235(96) 1.274(97) 1.155(98) 1.015(99) 1.259(00) 1.384(01) 1,556(02) 1.652(03) ]

051796 - UEB-Q 980323 RIV SK cze A
Novotný, J. - Müllerová, E. - Vagera, J. - Ohnoutková, L.
Androgenní responzibilita in vitro u pšenice a ječmene.
In: Nové poznatky z genetiky a šlachtenia polnohospodárských rastlín. - Piešťany, - 1998. - S. 48-49.
[Nové poznatky z genetiky a šlachtenia polnohospodárských rastlín. Piešťany (SK), 98.11.00-98.11.00]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0395; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/97/0205; MZČR(CZ) 9660321482-01

051634 - UEB-Q 980156 CZ eng A
Ohnoutková, L.
Induction of haploid and polyhaploid plants in cereals.
In: MendelNET'98. - Brno, Mendelova zemědělská a lesnická univerzita 1998. - S. 38-39.
[MendelNET'98. Brno (CZ), 98.09.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0395; MZ ČR(CZ) 9660321482-01

051797 - UEB-Q 980324 RIV SK cze A
Ohnoutková, L. - Vagera, J.
Indukce haploidního a polyhaploidního materiálu u obilovin.
In: Nové poznatky z genetiky a šlachtenia polnohospodárských rastlín. - Piešťany, - 1998. - S. 9-12.
[Nové poznatky z genetiky a šlachtenia polnohospodárských rastlín. Piešťany (SK), 98.11.00-98.11.00]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0395; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/97/0205
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051633 - UEB-Q 980155 IL eng A
Ohnoutková, L. - Vagera, J. - Fojtík, A.
Haploid and polyhaploid production through induced androgenesis in vitro important forage grasses.
In: Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century. - Jerusalem, - 1998. - S. 96.
[International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture /9./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.06.14-98.06.19]
Grant: MZ ČR(CZ) 9660321482-01

051615 - UEB-Q 980117 FR eng A
Ohnoutková, L. - Vagera, J. - Nesvadba, Z.
The haploid and polyhaploid plants in Triticum aestivum and Avena sativa obtained through zygotic embryogenesis induced by pollination of maize pollen.
In: Proceeding of Anther and Pollen: from Biology to Biotechnology. - Reims, - 1998. - S. 50.
[Anther and Pollen: from Biology to Biotechnology. (FR), 98.04.09-98.04.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0395; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/97/0205

051740 - UEB-Q 980266 CZ eng A
Otyepka, M. - Holub, J. - Strnad, M.
Molecular modelling and structure-activity relationships of aromatic cytoknins.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 168.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051644 - UEB-Q 980166 RIV AT eng J
Petrášek, J. - Freudenreich, A. - Heuing, A. - Opatrný, Z. - Nick, P.
Heat-shock protein 90 is associated with microtubules in tobacco cells.
Protoplasma, 202, 161-174 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA50194/1039
[Impact factor:1.717(91) 1.661(92) 1.798(93) 1.754(94) 1.487(95) 1.626(96) 1.724(97) 1.702(98) 1.631(99) 1.333(00) 1.188(01) 1,473(02) 2.206(03) ]

051642 - UEB-Q 980164 CZ eng A
Petrášek, J. - Seifertová, D. - Zažímalová, E.
The accumulation and carrier-mediated efflux of auxin during the subculture interval of VBI-0 tobacco cell strain.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 176.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/98/1510

051641 - UEB-Q 980163 GB eng A
Petrášek, J. - Zažímalová, E.
The accumulation and carrier-mediated efflux of auxin during the development of the cells of VBI-0 tobacco strain grown in suspension culture.
In: Final Programme and Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Tester, M.; Morris, CH.; Davies, J.). - Cambridge, 1998. - S. 300.
[International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology /11./. Cambridge ( GB), 98.08.09-98.08.14]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/98/1510

051629 - UEB-Q 980133 CZ eng R
Pospíšilová, J.
Rec.: Procházka, S. - Šebánek, J.: Regulátory rostlinného růstu.
Biologia Plantarum, 40 [3] 479 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051689 - UEB-Q 980212 CZ eng R
Pospíšilová, J.
Rec.: Anderson, H.M., Barlow, P.W., Clarkson, D.T., Jackson, M.B.: Plant Roots - From Cells to Systems.
Biologia Plantarum, 41 [1] 38 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051748 - UEB-Q 980274 CZ eng R
Pospíšilová, J.
Rec.: Thomas, H.: Putting Plant Physiology on the Map: Genetic Analysis of Developmental and Adaptive Traits.
Biologia Plantarum, 41 [2] - (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051749 - UEB-Q 980275 CZ eng R
Pospíšilová, J.
Rec.: Mohren,G.M.T. - Kramer, K.: Impacts of Global Change on Tree Physiology and Forest Ecosystems. - Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1997.372 s.
Biologia Plantarum, 41 [2] - (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051750 - UEB-Q 980276 CZ eng R
Pospíšilová, J.
Rec.: Raghavendra, A.S.(ed.): Photosynthesis. A Comprehensive Treatise. - Cambridge, 1998. 376 s.
Biologia Plantarum, 41 [4] - (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051753 - UEB-Q 980279 CZ eng R
Pospíšilová, J.
Rec.: Murray, D.R.: Carbon Dioxyde and Plant Respons. -Tauton, 1997. 275 s.
Biologia Plantarum, 41 [1] - (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051688 - UEB-Q 980211 CZ eng A
Pospíšilová, J. - Synková, H. - Haisel, D. - Čatský, J. - Wilhelmová, N.
Improvement of acclimation of tobacco plantlets to ex vitro conditions by CO2 enrichment.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 179.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA501/95/1303

051626 - UEB-Q 980130 RIV CZ eng J
Pospíšilová, J. - Synková, H. - Macháčková, I. - Čatský, J.
Photosynthesis in different types of transgenic tobacco plants with elevated cytokinin content.
Biologia Plantarum, 40 [1] 81-89 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051686 - UEB-Q 980209 RIV GB eng J
Pospíšilová, J. - Wilhelmová, N. - Synková, H. - Čatský, J. - Krebs, D. - Tichá, I. - Hanáčková, B. - Snopek, J.
Acclimation of tobacco plantlets to ex vitro conditions as affected by application of abscisic acid.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 49 [322] 863-869 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA501/95/1303
[Impact factor:1.628(91) 1.478(92) 1.558(93) 1.463(94) 1.620(95) 1.931(96) 1.988(97) 2.218(98) 2.482(99) 2.314(00) 2.433(01) 2,852(02) 3.180(03) ]

051653 - UEB-Q 980176 CZ eng A
Rolčík, J. - Lenobel, R. - Sieglerová, V. - Macháčková, I. - Strnad, M.
The immunoaffinity chromatography of melatonin in plant tissues.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 189.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154

051661 - UEB-Q 980184 BG eng A
Rolčík, J. - Siglerová, V. - Macháčková, I. - Strnad, M.
Development of polyclonal antibodies, ELISA and immunoaffinity chromatography for estimation of melatonin in plants.
In: Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998. - Varna, - 1998. - S. 142.
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235

051738 - UEB-Q 980264 IL eng A
Roux, N. S. - Doležel, J. - Zapata-Arias, F. J.
Cytochimera dissociation through shoot-tip culture of mixoploid bananas.
In: Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century. - Jerusalem, - 1998. - S. 58.
[International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture /9./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.06.14-98.06.19]
Grant: IAEA(AT) 8145/RB
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051771 - UEB-Q 980297 AT eng A
Staňková, M. - Menke, M. - Schubert, I. - Angelis, K.
Does the comet assay detect clastogenic lesions in plants?
In: Abstracts. - Salzburg, - 1998. - S. 319.
[Annual Meeting European Environmental Mutagen Society /28./. Salzburg (AT), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: DFG(DE) 436 TSE 113/23/0; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0396; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0154; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/98/0682
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051713 - UEB-Q 980238 RIV NL eng J
Stavreva, D. - Ptáček, O. - Plewa, M. J. - Gichner, T.
Single cell gel electrophoresis analysis of genomic damage induced by ethyl methanesulfonate in cultured tobacco cells.
Mutation Research. Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 422, 323-330 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/97/0128; GA AV ČR(CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

051658 - UEB-Q 980181 BG eng A
Strnad, M.
The aromatic cytokinins: from identification to physiological effects.
In: Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998. - Varna, - 1998. - S. 125.
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154

051739 - UEB-Q 980265 CZ eng A
Strnad, M.
Role of cytokinins in regulation of cell division cycle.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 201.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235; GA MŠk(CZ) RS96154
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051820 - UEB-Q 980347 BG eng A
Strnad, M.
The aromatic cytokinins - present and future prospects.
Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998, -, - (1998).
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154; GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051789 - UEB-Q 980316 PL eng A
Strnad, M. - Hajdúch, M. - Havlíček, L. - Binarová, P. - Bögre, L.
Antimitotic properties of plant hormone-derived inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases in plant and animal cells.
Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 3 [3] 340 (1998).
[International Conference on Inhibitors of Protein Kinases /1./. Warsaw (PL), 98.09.15-98.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.655(91) 0.705(92) 0.957(93) 0.914(94) 0.986(95)0.970(96) 1.113(97) 1.151(98) 1.172(99) 1.449(00)1.625(01) 1,747(02) 1.153(03) ]

051662 - UEB-Q 980185 BG eng A
Strnad, M. - Havlíček, L. - Binarová, P. - Kryštof, V. - Hanuš, J. - Siglerová, V. - Meijer, L. - Veselý, J.
Development of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors derived from plant hormones cytokinins.
In: Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998. - Varna, - 1998. - S. 18.
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154

051817 - UEB-Q 980344 PL eng A
Strnad, M. - Havlíček, L. - Binarová, P. - Kryštof, V. - Hanuš, J. - Siglerová, V. - Meijer, L. - Veselý, J.
Development of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors derived from plant hormones cytokinins.
Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 3 [3] - (1998).
[International Conference on Inhibitors of Protein Kinases /1./. Warsaw (PL), 98.09.15-98.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.655(91) 0.705(92) 0.957(93) 0.914(94) 0.986(95)0.970(96) 1.113(97) 1.151(98) 1.172(99) 1.449(00)1.625(01) 1,747(02) 1.153(03) ]

051718 - UEB-Q 980244 RIV CZ cze J
Strnad, M. - Veselý, J. - Hajdúch, M. - Havlíček, L. - Rypka, M. - Kryštof, V. - Hanuš, J. - Weigl, E. - Lenobel, R. - Macháček, J.
Syntetické inhibitory cyklin-dependentních kináz.
Zpravodaj klinické farmakologie a farmacie, 12 [1-2] 10-14 ( 1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051649 - UEB-Q 980172 CZ eng A
Strnadová, Z. - Vondráková, Z. - Vágner, M. - Svobodová, H.
Induction of somatic embryogenesis of Abies sp.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 202.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186

051627 - UEB-Q 980131 CZ eng R
Synková, H.
Rec.: Foyer, C.H. - Quick, W.P.: A Molecular Approach to Primary Metabolism in Higher Plants.
Biologia Plantarum, 40 [3] 478 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051628 - UEB-Q 980132 CZ eng R
Synková, H.
Rec.: Lichtenthaler, H.K.(ed.): Vegetation Stress.
Biologia Plantarum, 40 [3] 448 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051616 - UEB-Q 980118 FR eng A
Šafářová, D. - Vagera, J.
In vitro induced androgenesis in Silene species.
In: Proceeding of Anther and Pollen: from Biology to Biotechnology. - Reims, - 1998. - S. 49.
[Anther and Pollen: from Biology to Biotechnology. (FR), 98.04.09-98.04.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117

051636 - UEB-Q 980158 CZ eng A
Šafářová, D. - Vagera, J. - Uvírová, L.
In vitro induced gametic embryogenesis in Silene latifolia subsp. alba.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 205.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117

051742 - UEB-Q 980268 CZ eng A
Šebestová, M. - Faiss, M. - Schmülling, T. - Ockelen van, H. - Strnad, M.
Isolation, detection and tentative identification of unknown cytokinins in Thaliana mutants.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 208.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051744 - UEB-Q 980270 BG eng A
Šebestová, M. - Faiss, M. - Schmülling, T. - Strnad, M. - Onckelen van, H.
Kinetics of ipt gene induction and cytokinin metabolism in tobacco callus.
Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998, -, [ -] 128 (1998).
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051593 - UEB-Q 980095 CZ eng R
Šesták, Z.
Rec.: Alley, M.: The Craft of Scientific Writing. 3rd Ed.
Photosynthetica, 35 [1] 28 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051594 - UEB-Q 980096 CZ eng R
Šesták, Z.
Rec.: Mathis, P.ed.: Photosynthetis: from Light to Biosphere. vol.
Photosynthetica, 35 [1] 157-160 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051595 - UEB-Q 980097 CZ eng R
Šesták, Z.
Rec.: Harris, D.A.: Light spectroskopy.
Photosynthetica, 35 [1] 20 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051596 - UEB-Q 980098 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Záchrana zámků po rakousku?
Panorama, -, 14 (1998).

051597 - UEB-Q 980099 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Zachraňte Pompeje!
Panorama, -, 16 (1998).

051598 - UEB-Q 980100 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Helsinky, město umění a architektury.
Panorama, -, 7-8 (1998).

051599 - UEB-Q 980101 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Současný novorenesanční oltář.
Panorama, -, 19 (1998).

051600 - UEB-Q 980102 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Kluby přátel v zahraničí - Švýcarsko.
Panorama, -, 19 (1998).

051601 - UEB-Q 980103 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Pražské loutkářské prodejny před půl stoletím.
Res Musei Pragensis, 8 [4] 4-8 (1998).

051602 - UEB-Q 980104 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Střelili přítele z bodla.
Literární noviny, 9 [4] 2 (1998).

051603 - UEB-Q 980105 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Intelektuálem snadno, ale draze.
Literární noviny, 9 [3] 2 (1998).

051604 - UEB-Q 980106 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Je libo nálepku?
Literární noviny, 9 [15] 4 (1998).

051611 - UEB-Q 980113 CZ eng R
Šesták, Z.
Rec.: Albert, T.: Winning the Publications Game.
Photosynthetica, 35 [2] 254 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051612 - UEB-Q 980114 CZ eng R
Šesták, Z.
Rec.: Cardarelli, F.: Scientific Unit Conversion.
Photosynthetica, 35 [2] 176 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051754 - UEB-Q 980280 CZ eng R
Šesták, Z.
Rec.: Kirkman, J.: Good Style. Writting for Science and Technology. - London. 1992. 221 s.
Photosynthetica, 35 [3] - (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051755 - UEB-Q 980281 CZ eng R
Šesták, Z.
Rec.: Murata, N. (ed.): Molecular Mechanisms of Responses of the Photosynthetis Apparatus to the Environment. - Okazaki, 1997. 2897 s.
Photosynthetica, 35 [3] - (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051756 - UEB-Q 980282 CZ eng R
Šesták, Z.
Rec.: Smith, G.M.: The Peer - Reviwed Journal: A Comprehensive Guide through the Editorial Process. - New Orleans, 1997. 156 s.
Photosynthetica, 35 [3] - (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051759 - UEB-Q 980285 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Jak rychle roste kukuřice.
Vesmír, 77 [6] 355 (98.00.00).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051760 - UEB-Q 980286 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Vesmír, 77 [6] 302 (98.00.00).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051761 - UEB-Q 980287 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Mořské biopolymery a skleníkový jev.
Vesmír, 77 [9] 537 (98.00.00).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051762 - UEB-Q 980288 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Citační index.
Vesmír, 77 [11] 605 (98.11.00).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051763 - UEB-Q 980289 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Docela osiřelé rostlinky.
Literární noviny, 9 [43] 4 (98.00.00).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051764 - UEB-Q 980290 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Dobrá služba cestujícím.
Metro, 13 (98.09.29).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051765 - UEB-Q 980291 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Páni radní a dědictví (kulturní).
Literární noviny, 9 [45] 3 (98.00.00).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051766 - UEB-Q 980292 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
P.T. pan abonent...
Literární noviny, 9 [45] 4 (98.00.00).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051767 - UEB-Q 980293 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Zpátky k spřežkovému pravopisu?
Literární noviny, 9 [30] 2 (98.00.00).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051768 - UEB-Q 980294 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Lepší je ta Moravanka.
Literární noviny, 9 [29] 4 (98.00.00).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051769 - UEB-Q 980295 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Secese? Secese!
Literární noviny, 9 [39] 4 (98.00.00).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051770 - UEB-Q 980296 CZ cze N
Šesták, Z.
Strukturované abstrakty pro vědecká symposia.
Bulletin experimentální biologie rostlin, - [13] 16 (98.00.00).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051777 - UEB-Q 980304 GR eng A
Šesták, Z.
CHlorophyl fluorescence kinetic depends on age of leaves and plants.
In: Program / Abstracts. - Crete, - 1998. - S. 78.
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop The Chloroplast: From Molecular Biology to Biotechnology. Kolymbari-Chania (GR), 98.08.10-98.08.15]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051610 - UEB-Q 980112 RIV CZ eng J
Šesták, Z. - Čatský, J.
Bibliography of reviews and methods of photosynthetis - 80.
Photosynthetica, 35 [2] 289-320 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051757 - UEB-Q 980283 RIV CZ eng B
Šesták, Z. - Čatský, J.
Photosynthesis Bibliography. Volume 25/1 (1994). Praha, Institute of Experimental Botany 1998. - 310 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051758 - UEB-Q 980284 RIV CZ eng B
Šesták, Z. - Čatský, J.
Photosynthesis Bibliography. Volume 25/2 (1994). Praha, Institute of Experimental Botany 1998. - 687 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051716 - UEB-Q 980242 RIV DE eng J
Šimková, H.
Methylation of mitochondrial DNA in carrot (Daucus carota L.).
Plant Cell Reports, 17, 220-224 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:1.698(91) 1.801(92) 1.852(93) 1.590(94) 1.726(95) 0.989(96) 0.967(97) 1.100(98) 1.076(99) 1.277(00) 1.375(01) 1,340(02) 1.423(03) ]

051683 - UEB-Q 980206 RIV CZ eng J
Šindelář, L. - Šindelářová, M. - Burketová, L.
Hexokinases of tobacco leaves: influence of plant age on particulate and soluble isozyme composition.
Biologia Plantarum, 40 [3] 469-474 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/0399
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051788 - UEB-Q 980315 GB eng A
Šindelářová, M. - Burketová, L. - Táborský, V. - Šindelář, L.
Correlation between PVY-RNA and BNYVV-RNA biosynthesis and ribonucleases activities in tobacco and sugar beet plants.
In: International Congress of Plant Pathology /7./. - Edinburg, - 1998. - S. -.
[International Congress of Plant Pathology /7./. Edinburg (GB), 98.08.09-98.08.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/1412; GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/0399
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051783 - UEB-Q 980310 RIV CZ eng J
Šindelářová, M. - Šindelář, L. - Burketová, L. - Táborský, V. - Kazda, J.
Potato virus-Y multiplication in susceptible tobacco cultivar and transgenic breeding line producing coat protein mRNA.
Biologia Plantarum, 41 [4] 565-573 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/0399
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051787 - UEB-Q 980314 CZ eng A
Šindelářová, M. - Šindelář, L. - Burketová, L.
Changes in activity of glucose-6-phosphate and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase isozymes upon potato virus Y infection in tobacco leaf tissues and mesophyll protoplasts.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 212-213.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/0399
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051732 - UEB-Q 980258 CZ cze N
Štorchová, H.
Pohled molekulárního biologa.
Sedmá generace, 7 [3] 6 (98.03.00).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051734 - UEB-Q 980260 CZ cze N
Štorchová, H.
Potíže molekulární taxonomie na Moravě a v Čechách.
Živa, [2] 19 (98.02.00).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

068390 - UEB-Q 20000031 RIV NL eng C
Tichá, I. - Čáp, F. - Pacovská, D. - Haisel, D. - Čapková, V. - Schaffer, C.
Photosynthesis and photoinhibition in tobacco plantlets grown in vitro: an ontogenetic approach.
In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and effects. - (Ed. Garab, G.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Acad. Publ. 1998. - S. 2233-2236.
[Photosynthesis. Dordrecht (NL), 98.00.00]

051621 - UEB-Q 980124 RIV SE eng J
Tichá, I. - Čáp, F. - Pacovská, D. - Hofman, P. - Haisel, D. - Čapková, V. - Schaeffer, C.
Culture in sugar medium enhances photosynthetic capacity and high light resistance of plantlets grown in vitro.
Physiologia Plantarum, 102, 155-162 (1998).
Grant: CIPA(EU) CT930115; -(DE) I/68918
[Impact factor:1.685(91) 1.720(92) 1.548(93) 1.507(94) 1.700(95) 1.916(96) 1.797(97) 2.160(98) 2.460(99) 1.476(00) 1.760(01) 1,565(02) 1.767(03) ]

051775 - UEB-Q 980301 PT eng A
Trčková, M. - Kamínek, M. - Zmrhal, Z. - Čermák, M.
The rate of nitrate uptake by wheat plants and its dependence on different nitrate supply and exogenous cytokinin.
In: International Symposium on Inorganic Nitrogen Assimilation /5./. - Luso, - 1998. - S. 80.
[International Symposium on Inorganic Nitrogen Assimilation /5./. Luso (PT), 98.07.13-98.07.17]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051676 - UEB-Q 980199 CZ cze N
Tupý, J.
K Pomologickému atlasu.
Zahrádkář, [8] 15 (98.08.00).

051677 - UEB-Q 980200 CZ cze N
Tupý, J.
Jabloně Hana, Lotos.
Zahrádkář, 1998 [8] 1 (98.08.00).

051678 - UEB-Q 980201 CZ cze N
Tupý, J.
Jabloně Vanda, Rosana.
Zahrádkář, 1998 [9] 1 (98.09.00).

051679 - UEB-Q 980202 CZ cze N
Tupý, J.
Jabloně Rajka, Rubinola.
Zahrádkář, 1998 [10] 1 (98.10.00).

051710 - UEB-Q 980235 CZ cze N
Tupý, J.
Jabloně Otava, Goldstar.
Zahrádkář, 1998 [12] 1 (98.12.OO).

051711 - UEB-Q 980236 CZ cze N
Tupý, J.
Jabloně Karmína, Topaz.
Zahrádkář, 1998 [11] 1 (98.11.00).

051672 - UEB-Q 980195 RIV EU ger P
Tupý, J. - Louda, O.
Sorte von Malus Mill. Topaz. Praha, Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR 1998. - 1 s.

051703 - UEB-Q 980228 RIV CZ cze P
Tupý, J. - Louda, O.
Odrůda jabloně "Aneta". Praha, Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR 1998. - 2 s.

051704 - UEB-Q 980229 RIV CZ cze P
Tupý, J. - Louda, O.
Odrůda jabloně "Goldstar". Praha, Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR 1998. - 2 s.

051705 - UEB-Q 980230 RIV CZ cze P
Tupý, J. - Louda, O.
Odrůda jabloně "Hana". Praha, Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR 1998. - 2 s.

051706 - UEB-Q 980231 RIV CZ cze P
Tupý, J. - Louda, O.
Odrůda jabloně "Lotos". Praha, Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR 1998. - 2 s.

051707 - UEB-Q 980232 RIV CZ cze P
Tupý, J. - Louda, O.
Odrůda jabloně "Nela". Praha, Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR 1998. - 2 s.

051708 - UEB-Q 980233 RIV CZ cze P
Tupý, J. - Louda, O.
Odrůda jabloně "Rajka". Praha, Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR 1998. - 2 s.

051709 - UEB-Q 980234 RIV CZ cze P
Tupý, J. - Louda, O.
Odrůda jabloně "Vesna". Praha, Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR 1998. - 2 s.

046247 - UOCHB-X 980002 RIV CH eng J
Tykva, R. - Wimmer, Z. - Bennettová, B. - Vlasáková, V.
A Study of the Metabolic Degradation of an Insect Juvenile Hormone Analog Using Different Radiolabeling.
Helvetica Chimica Acta, 81 [1] 163-173 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA505/95/1030; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1617; GA MŠk(CZ) OC D2.10
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.995(93) 2.058(94) 2.000(95) 2.369(96) 2.683(97) 2.463(98) 2.483(99) 2.209(00) 2.027(01) 1,949(02) 1.861(03) ]

051614 - UEB-Q 980116 FR eng A
Vagera, J. - Fojtík, A. - Ohnoutková, L.
The induced androgenesis and polyhaploids production in breeding material from Lolium and Festuca species and Festulolium hybrids.
In: Proceeding of Anther and Pollen: from Biology to Biotechnology. - Reims, - 1998. - S. 51.
[Anther and Pollen: from Biology to Biotechnology. (FR), 98.04.09-98.04.10]
Grant: MZ ČR(CZ) 9646904841-01

051637 - UEB-Q 980159 RIV CA eng C
Vagera, J. - Nesvadba, Z. - Macháň, F. - Martinek, P. - Ohnoutková, L.
In vitro production of haploids (polyhaploids) through induced zygotic embryogenesis initiated by maize pollen in Czech breeding genotypes of wheat and oat.
In: Proceedings of the International Wheat Genetics Symposium /9./. - (Ed. Slinkard, A.E.). - Saskatoon, University of Saskatchewan 1998. - S. 363-365.
[International Wheat Genetics Symposium /9./. Saskatoon (CA), 98.08.02-98.08.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0395

051632 - UEB-Q 980154 IL eng A
Vagera, J. - Ohnoutková, L. - Nesvadba, Z.
In vitro production of haploids in wheat and oat throught fertilization of female gametes by maise pollen.
In: Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century. - Jerusalem, - 1998. - S. 117.
[International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture /9./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.06.14-98.06.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0395

051631 - UEB-Q 980153 IL eng A
Vagera, J. - Šafářová, D.
In vitro induced gametic embryogenesis in Silene sp.
In: Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century. - Jerusalem, - 1998. - S. 117.
[International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture /9./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.06.14-98.06.19]

051624 - UEB-Q 980128 RIV IT eng J
Vágner, M. - Vondráková, Z. - Strnadová, Z. - Eder, J. - Macháčková, I.
Endogenous levels of plant growth hormones during early stages of somatic embryogenesis of Picea abies.
Advances in Horticultural Sciences, 12, 11-18 (1998).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC 822.40; GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186

051666 - UEB-Q 980189 IL eng A
Vágner, M. - Vondráková, Z. - Strnadová, Z. - Cvikrová, M. - Eder, J. - Lipavská, H. - Albrechtová, J. - Svobodová, H. - Macháčková, I.
Norway spruce somatic embryogenesis: endogenous levels of phytohormones during somatic embryo development.
In: Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century. - Jerusalem, - 1998. - S. 44.
[International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture /9./. Jerusalem (IL), 98.06.14-98.06.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186; GA MŠk(CZ) OC 822.40

051663 - UEB-Q 980186 DE eng C
Vágner, M. - Vondráková, Z. - Špačková, J. - Kumstýřová, L. - Gösslová, M. - Svobodová, H. - Albrechtová, J. - Cvikrová, M. - Vaněk, T. - Macháčková, I.
Norway spruce somatic embryogenesis: cultivation in suspension cultures compared to solidified media.
In: COST 822, Plant Regeneration via Suspension Culture Systems. - Erfurt, - 1998. - S. 35-36.
[COST 822. Erfurt (DE), 98.09.10-98.09.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186; GA MŠk(CZ) OC 822.40; GA MŠk(CZ) OC 822.20

051664 - UEB-Q 980187 DE eng C
Vaněk, T. - Gösslová, M. - Svobodová, H. - Vágner, M. - Vondráková, Z. - Macháčková, I.
Large-scale cultivation of embryogenic suspension of Picea abies.
In: COST 822, Plant Regeneration via Suspension Culture Systems. - Erfurt, - 1998. - S. 31-32.
[COST 822. Erfurt (DE), 98.09.10-98.09.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186; GA MŠk(CZ) OC 822.20; GA MŠk(CZ) OC 822.40

051659 - UEB-Q 980182 BG eng A
Vaňková, R. - Dobrev, P. - Opatrný, Z. - Süssenbeková, H. - Kamínek, M.
The ability of cells to establish the cytokinin homeostasis.
In: Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998. - Varna, - 1998. - S. 126.
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1424

051647 - UEB-Q 980170 RIV NL eng J
Vaňková, R. - Gaudinová, A. - Süssenbeková, H. - Dobrev, P. - Strnad, M. - Holík, J. - Lenfeld, J.
Comparison of oriented and random antibody immobilization in immunoaffinity chromatography of cytokinins.
Journal of Chromatography A, 811, 77-84 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1424; GA ČR(CZ) GV206/96/K188
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 2.523(94) 2.296(95) 2.457(96) 2.697(97) 2.321(98) 2.520(99) 2.551(00) 2.793(01) 3,098(02) 2.922(03) ]

051717 - UEB-Q 980243 RIV CZ cze J
Veselý, J. - Chmela, Z. - Kryštof, V. - Hanuš, J. - Hajdúch, M. - Strnad, M. - Havlíček, L.
Regulace buněčného cyklu cyklin-dependentními kinázami.
Zpravodaj klinické farmakologie a farmacie, 12 [1-2] 6-10 (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051643 - UEB-Q 980165 RIV NL eng J
Vlasáková, V. - Březinová, A. - Holík, J.
Study of cytokinin metabolism using HPLC with radioisotope detection.
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 17, 39-44 ( 1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186
[Impact factor: 0.891(96) 1.046(97) 1.010(99) 1.013(00) 1.177(01) 1,360(02) 1.425(03) ]

063732 - UEB-Q 990041 RIV CZ eng J
Vondráková, Z. - Krekule, J.
The role of leaf petiole in photoperiodic induction of flowering.
Biologia Plantarum, 40 [4] 629-632 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/93/1098
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

051648 - UEB-Q 980171 RIV US eng J
Vondráková, Z. - Krekule, J. - Macháčková, I.
Is the root effect on flowering of Chenopodium rubrum mediated by cytokinins?
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 17, 115-119 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV206/96/K188
[Impact factor:1.085(91) 1.240(92) 1.042(93) 1.109(94) 1.182(95) 0.758(96) 0.887(97) 0.824(98) 0.694(99) 0.562(00) 0.781(01) 2,025(02) 2.778(03) ]

051654 - UEB-Q 980177 BG cze A
Vondráková, Z. - Vágner, M. - Opatrná, J. - Macháčková, I.
Characterization of somatic embryos development in Norway spruce.
In: Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998. - Varna, - 1998. - S. 63.
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV522/96/K186; GA MŠk(CZ) OC 822.40

051635 - UEB-Q 980157 RIV CZ cze J
Vyhnánek, T. - Ohnoutková, L. - Bednář, J.
Tvorba pylových embryí a zelených rostlin v prašníkových kulturách vybraných genotypů ječmene (Hordeum vulgare L.).
Sborník Mendelovy zemědělské a lesnické univerzity v Brně, 46 [ 1] 85-88 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0395; MZ ČR(CZ) 9646904841-01

051743 - UEB-Q 980269 CZ eng A
Werner, T. - Rupp, H. M. - Schmülling, T. - Ockelen van, H. - Strnad, M.
Expression of ipt gene in transgenic Arabidopsis plants leads to ubnormal accumulation of cytokinin N-glucosides.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 237.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051818 - UEB-Q 980345 BG eng A
Werner, T. - Rupp, H. M. - Schmülling, T. - Van Onckelen, H. - Strnad, M.
Transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing ipt gene.
Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, special issue 1998, -, 127 (1998).
[Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology /11./. Varna (BG), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96154; GA ČR(CZ) GV204/96/K235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-

051606 - UEB-Q 980108 GB eng A
Wilhelm, J. - Wilhelmová, N.
Lipofuscin - Like pigments in plant ageing.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 49 [suppl.] 47 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/95/1302
[Impact factor:1.628(91) 1.478(92) 1.558(93) 1.463(94) 1.620(95) 1.931(96) 1.988(97) 2.218(98) 2.482(99) 2.314(00) 2.433(01) 2,852(02) 3.180(03) ]

051613 - UEB-Q 980115 CZ eng R
Wilhelmová, N.
Rec.: Dey, P.M. - Harborne, J.B.(ed.): Plant Biochemistry.
Photosynthetica, 35 [2] 204 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

051685 - UEB-Q 980208 CZ eng A
Wilhelmová, N. - Wilhelm, J. - Haisel, D. - Procházková, D.
Cotyledon composition changes induced by ageing and senescence.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Olomouc, - 1998. - S. 238.
[Days of Plant Physiology /8./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/95/1302

051605 - UEB-Q 980107 GB eng A
Wilhelmová, N. - Wilhelm, J. - Valcke, R.
The role of oxidative damage in cotyledon ageing.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 49 [suppl.] 49 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/95/1302
[Impact factor:1.628(91) 1.478(92) 1.558(93) 1.463(94) 1.620(95) 1.931(96) 1.988(97) 2.218(98) 2.482(99) 2.314(00) 2.433(01) 2,852(02) 3.180(03) ]

068388 - UEB-Q 20000029 RIV XX eng J
Wimmer, Z. - Tykva, R. - Bennettová, B. - Vlasáková, V. - Elbert, T.
Degradation of a radiolabelled juvenile hormone analog using two insect species.
Invertebrate Neuroscience, 3, [-] 193-197 (1998).

052849 - UEB-Q 980350 SK eng A
Zahradníček, J. - Čatský, J. - Gaudinová, A. - Kamínek, M. - Kotyk, A. - Pospíšilová, J. - Pulkrábek, J.
The effect of two cytokinins on metabolism and technological quality of vegetative and stored sugar beet.
Chemical Papers, 52 [6] 793 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA501/94/0413
[Impact factor:0.380(91) 0.342(92) 0.179(93) 0.224(94) 0.131(95) 0.140(96) 0.150(97) 0.156(98) 0.067(99) 0.154(00) 0.349(01) 0,336(02) 0.226(03) ]

051639 - UEB-Q 980161 CZ eng A
Zažímalová, E. - Petrášek, J. - Březinová, A.
The auxin and cytokinin economy during the growth cycle of VBI-0 tobacco cell culture.
In: Annual Meeting of European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research /28./. - Brno, 1998. - S. 163.
[Annual Meeting of European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research /28./. Brno (CZ), 98.08.26-98.08.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6038706; GA ČR(CZ) GA206/98/1510

051673 - UEB-Q 980196 IE eng A
Zonia, L. - Tupý, J.
Signal transduction systems regulating microspore development in Nicotina tabacum.
In: Embryogenic Potential and Transformation of Gametic and Somatic Cells. - Dublin, Newbridge Research Centre 1998. - S. 22.
[Joint COST Action 822 & 824. Dublin (IE), 98.04.23-98.04.25]

051674 - UEB-Q 980197 NL eng A
Zonia, L. - Tupý, J.
Reorganization of unique cytoskeletal arrays is a fundamental determinant of pollen development in Nicotiana tabacum.
In: Programme and abstracts. - Wageningen, - 1998. - S. 58.
[International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction /15./. Wageningen (NL), 98.08.16-98.08.21]

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