ÚMG - Ústav molekulární genetiky


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

037775 - UMG-J 970008 US eng J
Angelisová, P. - Černý, J. - Hořejší, V.
Association of the putative B-lymphocyte surface molecule B7.3 with a protein kinase activity.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 228, 489-493 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0674; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/0673
[Impact factor:3.803(91) 3.583(92) 3.312(93) 3.400(94) 3.179(95) 2.872(96) 2.971(97) 2.780(98) 3.161(99) 3.055(00) 2.946(01) 2,935(02) 2.836(03) ]

054376 - UMG-J 980147 XX eng J
Bartůněk, P. - Pichlíková, L. - Stengl, G. - Boehmelt, G. - Martin, F. H. - Beug, H. - Dvořák, M. - Zenke, M.
Avian stem cell factor (SCF): production and characterization of the recombinant His-tagged SCF of chicken and its neutralizing antibody.
Cytokine, 8 [1] 14-20 (1996).
Grant: IA55228IA55206GA204/93/0324
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 3.020(93) 2.734(94) 2.836(95) 2.747(96) 2.076(97) 2.008(98) 2.291(99) 2.490(00) 1.992(01) 2,374(02) 2.183(03) ]

037768 - UMG-J 970001 US eng J
Boubelík, M. - Dráberová, L. - Dráber, P.
Carbohydrate-mediated sorting in aggregating embryonal carcinoma cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 224, 283-288 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA55272; GA ČR(CZ) GA301/94/1674; GA ČR(CZ) GA301/96/0897; HHMI(US) 75195-540301
[Impact factor:3.803(91) 3.583(92) 3.312(93) 3.400(94) 3.179(95) 2.872(96) 2.971(97) 2.780(98) 3.161(99) 3.055(00) 2.946(01) 2,935(02) 2.836(03) ]

078636 - UMG-J 20010324 RIV US eng J
Brewer, C. A. - Liao, S. Y. - Wilczynski, S. P. - Pastoreková, S. - Pastorek, J. - Závada, J. - Kurosak, T. - Manetta, A. - Berman, M. L. - DiSaia, P. J. - Stanbridge, E. J.
A study of biomarkers in cervical carcinoma and clinical correlation of the novel biomarker MN.
Gynecologic Oncology, 63 [3] 337-344 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/96/0843
[Impact factor: 1.860(99) 1.972(00) 2.200(01) 2,115(02) 2.341(03) ]

034044 - UMG-J 960103 GB eng J
Briešťanská, J. - Plachý, J.
Influence of the transduced 3'UTR of the c-src oncogene on tumour growth induced by the v-src gene of avian sarcoma virus PR2257.
Journal of General Virology, 77, 1189-1192 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/0304
[Impact factor:3.358(91) 3.300(92) 3.065(93) 3.478(94) 3.410(95) 3.080(96) 2.863(97) 2.645(98) 3.061(99) 3.126(00) 3.248(01) 3,300(02) 3.036(03) ]

031518 - UMG-J 960002 GB eng J
Bubeník, J.
Cytokine gene-modified vaccines in the therapy of cancer.
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 69 [1] 1-14 (1996).
[Impact factor:3.951(91) 4.545(92) 5.396(93) 3.800(94) 4.469(95) 4.417(96) 4.622(97) 4.708(98) 7.711(99) 6.487(00) 5.517(01) 5,630(02) 7.397(03) ]

034016 - UMG-J 960015 CZ eng J
Bubeník, J.
Genetically Modified Tumour Vaccines Carrying Inserted Genes for Immunoregulatory Molecules.
Folia Biologica, 42 [6] 295-304 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0137IAA7052501IZ3516; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/96/1211
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

034018 - UMG-J 960017 SK eng A
Bubeník, J.
Genetically modified tumour vaccines.
In: Abstracts of the International Symposium on Cell Components and Their Functions in Oncogenesis. - Bratislava, Ústav experimentálnej onkológie SAV 1996. - S. -.
[International Symposium on Cell Components and Their Functions in Oncogenesis. Smolenice (SK), 96.05.20-96.05.22]

034022 - UMG-J 960021 CZ eng A
Bubeník, J.
Cytokine gene-modified tumour vaccines.
In: Abstracts of the ETCS International Meeting. - Brno, Czech Branch of the European Tissue Culture Society 1996. - S. 2.
[ETCS International Meeting of the Czech Branch of the European Tissue Culture Society. Brno (CZ), 96.04.21-96.04.24]

038167 - UMG-J 970058 GB eng J
Bubeník, J.
Gene transfer for immunotherapy of cancer.
Gene Therapy, 3 [11] 944-945 (1996).
[Impact factor: 8.063(95) 7.140(96) 5.996(97) 5.418(98) 5.237(99) 5.964(00) 5.893(01) 5,616(02) 5.293(03) ]

054360 - UMG-J 980106 GR eng Jx
Bubeník, J. - Rössner, P. - Šímová, J. - Bubeníková, D.
Utilization of CD80- and IL-2-transfected cell vaccines for gene therapy of cancer.
International Journal of Oncology, 9 [Suppl.] 829S (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.934(93) 1.061(94) 1.110(95) 1.125(96) 1.181(97) 1.040(98) 1.381(99) 2.142(00) 2.330(01) 2,931(02) 2.536(03) ]

031522 - UMG-J 960006 GR eng J
Bubeník, J. - Šímová, J. - Vondrys, P. - Vonka, R. - Kitasato, H. - Boštík, P. - Vonka, V.
IL-2 as adjuvant for vaccination with cells malignantly converted by HPV 16 or 3-MC.
International Journal of Oncology, 8 [3] 477-481 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052501; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/93/0972; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/93/0322; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0137; IGA MZ(CZ) 597-3PL597
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.934(93) 1.061(94) 1.110(95) 1.125(96) 1.181(97) 1.040(98) 1.381(99) 2.142(00) 2.330(01) 2,931(02) 2.536(03) ]

034025 - UMG-J 960024 US eng J
Carrera, A. - Moos, J. - Gerton, G. L. - Tesařík, J. - Kopf, G. S.
Regulation of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in human sperm by a calcium/calmodulin dependent mechanism: Identification of a kinase anchoring proteins as major substrates for tyrosine phosphorylation.
Developmental Biology, 179, - (1996).
Grant: GV524/96/K162
[Impact factor:3.779(92) 4.256(93) 4.468(94) 4.752(95) 4.963(96) 5.289(97) 6.018(98) 6.049(99) 5.540(00) 5.558(01) 5,194(02) 5.351(03) ]

037804 - MBU-M 970008 NL eng J
Crowley, D. E. - Brennerová, M. - Irwin, C. - Brenner, V. - Focht, D. D.
Rhizosphere effects on biodegradation of 2,5-dichlorobenzoate by a bioluminescent strain of root-colonizing Pseudomonas fluorescens.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 20 [1] 79-89 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/1315GA203/95/1052
[Impact factor:1.708(91) 1.813(92) 1.974(93) 1.703(94) 1.766(95) 1.842(96) 2.266(97) 2.367(98) 2.405(99) 2.439(00) 2.847(01) 2,589(02) 2.947(03) ]

034050 - UMG-J 960109 DE eng A
Čapková, J. - Pěknicová, J.
Binding of boar spermatozoa to porcine oocytes: the effect of ACR. 3 protein.
In: 3rd International Forum of Reproductive Immunology. - Magdeburg, - 1996. - S. -.
[International Forum of Reproductive Immunology /3./. Magdeburg (DE) , 96.06.12-96.06.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052503GV524/96/K162

034031 - UMG-J 960030 DE eng J
Černý, J. - Stockinger, H. - Hořejší, V.
Noncovalent association of T lymphocyte surface proteins.
European Journal of Immunology, 26 [10] 2335-2343 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA552404; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/93/0207; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0674
[Impact factor:4.934(92) 5.577(93) 5.664(94) 6.015(95) 5.701(96) 5.256(97) 5.438(98) 5.635(99) 5.240(00) 4.990(01) 4,832(02) 4.536(03) ]

037779 - UMG-J 970014 DE eng J
Čihák, J. - Hoffmann-Fezer, G. - Wasl, M. - Merkle, H. - Kaspers, B. - Hála, K. - Plachý, J. - Wich, G.
Prevention of spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis in the obese strain (OS) chickens by treatment with a monoclonal Anti-CD4 antibody.
Journal of Veterinary Medicine. A, 43, 211-216 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.197(91) 0.314(92) 0.354(93) 0.416(94) 0.370(95) 0.490(96) 0.408(97) 0.679(98) 0.600(99) 0.650(00) 0.431(01) 0,567(02) 0.558(03) ]

034047 - UMG-J 960106 US eng J
Demant, P. - Lipoldová, M. - Svobodová, M.
Resistance to Leishmania major in mice.
Science, 274 [5291] 1392 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052604; GA ČR(CZ) 310/96/1311
[Impact factor:19.607(91) 20.967(92) 21.074(93) 22.067(94) 21.911(95) 23.605(96) 24.676(97) 24.386(98) 24.595(99) 23.872(00) 23.32(01) 26,6822(02) 29.162(03) ]

054375 - UMG-J 980146 US eng J
Doskočil, J.
The Amplification of Oligonucleotide Themes in the Evolution of the myc Protooncogene family.
Journal of Molecular Evolution, 42 [5] 512-524 (1996).
[Impact factor:3.150(92) 3.484(93) 3.777(94) 3.519(95) 3.052(96) 3.181(97) 3.271(98) 3.655(99) 3.984(00) 4.011(01) 3,041(02) 3.114(03) ]

038165 - UMG-J 970056 US eng C
Dráber, P. - Dráberová, E. - Viklický, V.
Probing of microtubule structures with monoclonal antibodies and immunofluorescence microscopy.
In: Analytical use of fluorescent probes in oncology. - (Ed. Kohen, E.; Hirschberg, J. G.). - New York, Plenum Press 1996. - S. 257-264.
[North Atlantic Treaty Organization Advanced Research Workshop. Miami (US), 95.10.14-95.10.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/94/1674; EC(NL) ERB 3510 PL92 7710

067109 - UMG-J 990208 CZ cze A
Dráber, P. - Nováková, M. - Dráberová, E.
Distribuce š-tubulinu po působení anti-mitotických drog.
In: Cytoskeletální klub. - Praha, ÚMG AV ČR 1996. - S. -.
[Cytoskeletální klub. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 96.02.08-96.02.10]

054534 - UMG-J 980178 CZ cze I
Dráber, P.
RT-PCR, postup a reagencie. Praha, Ústav molekulární genetiky 1996. - 111 s.
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) PG96026

054535 - UMG-J 980200 CZ cze I
Dráber, P. - Kovářová, M. - Boubelík, M. - Dráberová, L.
RT-PCR z 0,1 ml periferní krve - praktická cvičení. Praha, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR 1996. - 111 s.
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) PG96026

067108 - UMG-J 990207 CZ cze A
Dráberová, E.
Detekce cytoskeletálních struktur násobnou fluorescenční mikroskopií.
In: Cytoskeletální klub. - Praha, ÚMG AV ČR 1996. - S. -.
[Cytoskeletální klub. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 96.02.08-96.02.10]

038166 - UMG-J 970057 US eng C
Dráberová, E. - Dráber, P.
Immunofluorescence detection of cytoskeletal structures.
In: Analytical use of fluorescent probes in oncology. - (Ed. Kohen, E.; Hirschberg, J. G.). - New York, Plenum Press 1996. - S. 265-371.
[North Atlantic Treaty Organization Advanced Research Workshop. Miami (US), 95.10.14-95.10.18]
Grant: IAA552407

054368 - UMG-J 980128 NL eng A
Dráberová, E. - Ivanyi, D. - Lukáš, Z. - Viklický, V. - Dráber, P.
Expression of class 3 -tubulin in normal and malignant cells.
In: 11. European Cytoskeleton Forum. - Maastricht, - 1996. - S. 27.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum /11./. Maastricht (NL), 96.08.31-96.09.04]
Grant: GA301/94/1674

037769 - UMG-J 970002 GB eng J
Dráberová, L. - Amoui, M. - Dráber, P.
Thy-1-mediated activation of rat mast cells: the role of Thy-1 membrane microdomains.
Immunology, 87, 141-148 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA552402IAA5052506; GA ČR(CZ) GA301/93/0323; GA ČR(CZ) GA301/94/1674; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1676; HHMI(US) 75195-540301
[Impact factor:2.867(92) 2.867(93) 2.951(94) 2.832(95) 2.945(96) 2.556(97) 2.752(98) 2.575(99) 2.292(00) 2.656(01) 2,729(02) 2.853(03) ]

054363 - UMG-J 980114 CZ cze J
Dudorkinová, D. - Matoušková, E. - Povýšil, C. - Pokorná, E. - Veselý, P.
První zkušenosti s kultivací buněk z tkání karcinomu mammy.
Sborník lékařský, 97 [2] 231-237 (1996).
Grant: GA312/94/1481

034049 - UMG-J 960108 NL eng J
Filipec, M. - Hašková, Z. - Havrlíková, K. - Letko, E. - Holáň, V.
Immunosuppressive effect of bovine seminal ribonuclease on a model of corneal transplantation in rabbit.
Greafe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 234 [5] 586-590 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA514/94/0412

036208 - UZFG-Y 960097 CH eng J
Filipec, M. - Hašková, Z. - Havrlíková, K. - Letko, E. - Holáň, V. - Matoušek, J.
Immunosuppressive effect of bovine ribonuclease on a model of corneal transplantation in rabbit.
Greafe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 234, 586-590 (1996).
Grant: GA514/94/0412

037781 - UMG-J 970016 NL eng J
Forejt, J.
Hybrid Sterility in the Mouse
Trends in Genetics, 12 [10] 412-417 (1996).
Grant: NIH(US) 1RO1 D 28395 01A1
[Impact factor:9.297(91) 11.497(92) 9.976(93) 10.110(94) 10.446(95) 10.781(96) 9.978(97) 11.313(98) 16.342(99) 12.912(00) 12.41(01) 13,2162(02) 12.016(03) ]

038169 - UMG-J 970060 NL eng J
Franěk, F. - Šrámková, K.
Cell suicide in starving hybridoma culture: survival-signal effect of some amino acids.
Cytotechnology, 21, 81-89 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA503/93/2292
[Impact factor:0.753(92) 0.465(93) 0.738(94) 0.563(95) 0.925(96) 0.436(97) 0.616(98) 0.883(99) 0.925(00) 0.703(01) 0,449(02) 0.347(03) ]

038170 - UMG-J 970061 NL eng J
Franěk, F. - Šrámková, K.
Protection of B lymphocyte hybridoma against starvation-induced apoptosis: survival-signal role of some amino acids.
Immunology Letters, 52 [2, 3] 139-144 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA503/93/2292; Volkswagen Stiftung(DE) I/68 957
[Impact factor:1.513(91) 1.559(92) 1.241(93) 1.223(94) 1.241(95) 1.255(96) 1.096(97) 1.485(98) 1.494(99) 1.546(00) 2.009(01) 1,847(02) 1.710(03) ]

034043 - UMG-J 960102 CZ eng J
Geryk, J. - Machoň, O. - Hák, R. - Trejbalová, K. - Hejnar, J. - Plachý, J. - Karakoz, I. - Svoboda, J.
Frequent detection of reviraemia in ducks persistently infected with Avian leukosis retroviruses.
Folia Biologica, 42, 247-257 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/94/0713
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

054371 - UMG-J 980140 XX eng Cx
Geussová, G. - Čapková, J. - Pěknicová, J. - Moos, J.
Human acrosomal proteins.
In: 3rdInternational Forum of Reproductive Immunology. - Magdeburg, - 1996. - S. -.
[International Forum of Reproductive Immunology /3./. Magdeburg (DE) , 96.06.12-96.06.15]

031524 - UMG-J 960010 DE eng J
Gregorová, S. - Mňuková-Fajdelová, M. - Trachtulec, Z. - Čapková, J. - Loudová, M. - Hoglund, M. - Hamvas, R. - Lehrach, H. - Vincek, V. - Klein, J. - Forejt, J.
Sub-milliMorgan map of the proximal part of mouse Chromosome 17 including the hybrid sterility 1 gene.
Mammalian Genome, 7, 107-113 (1996).
Grant: NIH(CZ-US) HD28395-02
[Impact factor:6.302(92) 3.144(93) 4.006(94) 2.714(95) 2.561(96) 2.069(97) 1.946(98) 1.890(99) 2.137(00) 2.318(01) 2,233(02) 2.685(03) ]

034038 - UMG-J 960037 GB eng J
Habrová, V. - Mácha, J. - Češková, N. - Jonák, J. - Takáč, M. - Nedvídek, J.
Formation of actin aggregates in embryonic muscle cells after introduction of v-src gene by sperm of Xenopus laevis.
Histochemical Journal, 28, 313 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1477
[Impact factor:1.358(91) 1.247(92) 1.324(93) 1.524(94) 1.500(95) 1.561(96) 1.747(97) 1.397(98) 1.161(99) 1.078(00) 1.169(01) 1,150(02) 0.671(03) ]

034037 - UMG-J 960036 US eng J
Habrová, V. - Takáč, M. - Navrátil, J. - Mácha, J. - Češková, N. - Jonák, J.
Association of Rous sarcoma virus DNA with Xenopus laevis spermatozoa and its transfer to ova through fertilization.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 44, 332-342 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1477
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

037782 - UMG-J 970017 US eng J
Hála, K. - Malin, G. - Dietrich, H. - Loesch, V. - Boech, G. - Wolf, H. - Kaspers, B. - Geryk, J. - Falk, M. - Boyd, R. L.
Analysis of the initiation period of spontaneous antoimmune thyroiditis (SAT) in obese strain (OS) of chickens.
Journal of Autoimmunity, 9, 129-138 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.577(91) 2.000(92) 1.880(93) 1.756(94) 2.044(95) 2.144(96) 0.000(97) 2.297(98) 2.166(99) 2.176(00) 2.745(01) 2,812(02) 2.353(03) ]

037783 - UMG-J 970018 US eng B
Hála, K. - Plachý, J.
Inbred strains of chickens.
In: Immunology Methods Manual. - San Diego, Academic Press 1996. - S. 1-9. - ().

037772 - UMG-J 970005 US eng J
Hamvas, R. - Trachtulec, Z. - Forejt, J. - Williams, R. W. - Arzt, K. - Fischer-Lindahl, K. - Silver, L. M.
Mouse Chromosome 17.
Mammalian Genome, 6 [6] 281-299 (1996).
Grant: NIH(US) 1RO1 D 28395 01A1
[Impact factor:6.302(92) 3.144(93) 4.006(94) 2.714(95) 2.561(96) 2.069(97) 1.946(98) 1.890(99) 2.137(00) 2.318(01) 2,233(02) 2.685(03) ]

031521 - UMG-J 960005 CZ eng J
Hašková, Z. - Filipec, M. - Holáň, V.
The role of major and minor histocompatibility antigens in orthotopic corneal transplantation.
Folia Biologica, 42 [3] 105-111 (1996).
Grant: GA206/94/1479IZ2203
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

034045 - UMG-J 960104 CZ cze J
Hašková, Z. - Filipec, M. - Letko, E. - Holáň, V.
Experimentální modely transplantace rohovky.
Česká a slovenská oftalmologie, 52 [4] 263-269 (1996).

037790 - UMG-J 970026 CH eng J
Hatina, J. - Králová, J. - Jansa, P.
Identification of an Intragenic Interferon-Stimulated Response Element Sequence of the Mouse Class I Major Histocompatibility Complex H-2Kb Gene.
Experimental and Clinical Immunogenetics, 13 [13] 55-60 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.776(91) 0.340(92) 0.354(93) 0.644(94) 0.904(95) 0.576(96) 0.754(97) 0.792(98) 0.518(99) ]

037786 - UMG-J 970021 CZ cze J
Havelková, H.
Poměr CD4/CD8 a infekce.
Vesmír, 75 [6] 307-308 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1311

034046 - UMG-J 960105 DE eng J
Havelková, H. - Krulová, M. - Kosařová, M. - Holáň, V. - Hart, A. A. M. - Demant, P. - Lipoldová, M.
Genetic control of T-cell proliferative response in mice linked to chromosomes 11 and 15.
Immunogenetics, 44 [6] 475-477 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052604; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1311
[Impact factor:3.540(91) 3.681(92) 3.085(93) 3.352(94) 3.373(95) 3.348(96) 3.340(97) 2.311(98) 2.899(99) 2.142(00) 2.268(01) 2,475(02) 2.690(03) ]

034042 - UMG-J 960041 CZ cze D
Hejnar, J.
Reverze transformovaného fenotypu křeččích nádorových buněk H-19: model pro studium negativní regulace transkripce integrovaných provirů RSV v savčích buňkách. Praha, ÚMG AV ČR 1996. - 104 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0583

078638 - UMG-J 20010326 IT eng A
Hejnar, J. - Machoň, O. - Geryk, J. - Svoboda, J.
Genomic cloning and characterization of the DNA sequences adjacent to the retroviral integration site in the tumor cell line H-19: a possible role in provirus down-regulation.
In: Development, Cell Differentiation and Cancer. - Pisa, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche 1996. - S. 117.
[International Conference of the International Society of Differentation /9./. Pisa (IT), 96.09.28-96.10.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0583

054357 - UMG-J 980103 NL eng A
Hložánek, P. - Dráberová, E. - Ivanyi, D. - Dráber, P.
70 KDa microtubule-interacting protein and its binding to coiled vimentin filaments.
In: 11th European Cytoskeleton Forum. - Maastricht, - 1996. - S. 39.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum /11./. Maastricht (NL), 96.08.31-96.09.04]
Grant: IAA552407; EC(BE) ERB 3510 PL 927710

037780 - UMG-J 970015 US eng J
Holáň, V. - Hašková, Z. - Filipec, M.
Transplantation immunity and tolerance in the eye. Rejection and acceptance of orthotopic corneal allografts in mice.
Transplantation, 62 [8] 1050-1054 (1996).
Grant: GA206/94/1479
[Impact factor:2.841(92) 3.272(93) 2.929(94) 3.829(95) 3.544(96) 3.441(97) 3.522(98) 3.463(99) 4.035(00) 4.184(01) 3,265(02) 3.608(03) ]

031520 - UMG-J 960004 DE eng J
Holáň, V. - Lipoldová, M. - Demant, P.
Identical genetic control of MLC reactivity to different MHC incompatibilities, independent of production of and response to IL-2.
Immunogenetics, 44 [1] 27-35 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052604; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/0334GA206/94/1479 ; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/93/0211
[Impact factor:3.540(91) 3.681(92) 3.085(93) 3.352(94) 3.373(95) 3.348(96) 3.340(97) 2.311(98) 2.899(99) 2.142(00) 2.268(01) 2,475(02) 2.690(03) ]

037771 - UMG-J 970004 US eng J
Holáň, V. - Sedláčková, K. - Růžičková, M.
Production of high levels of Th1 and Th2 cytokines in mice with acquired transplantation tolerance.
Cellular Immunology, 174 [1] 7-12 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/0334GA206/94/1479
[Impact factor:2.178(91) 2.127(92) 2.166(93) 2.065(94) 1.925(95) 2.142(96) 1.830(97) 2.125(98) 2.252(99) 2.206(00) 2.604(01) 1,988(02) 1.829(03) ]

037792 - UMG-J 970028 CH eng J
Hořejší, V.
Association of leukocyte surface receptors with protein kinases.
International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology, 110, 1-6 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0674
[Impact factor:0.886(92) 0.934(93) 1.242(94) 1.331(95) 1.528(96) 1.721(97) 1.586(98) 1.911(99) ]

067093 - UMG-J 990092 RIV CZ cze J
Hořejší, V.
Nadace Howarda Hughese.
Vesmír, 75 [12] 675 (1996).

036608 - UTIA-B 960250 GB eng C
Hraba, T. - Doležal, J.
A mathematical model of HIV infection: The role of CD8+ lymphocytes.
In: System Modelling and Optimization. - (Ed. Doležal, J.; Fidler, J.). - London, Chapman & Hall 1996. - S. 325-330.
[IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /17./. Prague (CZ), 95.07.10-95.07.14]

036609 - UTIA-B 960251 US eng J
Hraba, T. - Doležal, J.
Use of a mathematical model for effectivity estimation of HIV infection therapies.
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 78 [2/3] 156-161 (1996).
[Workshop on Dynamics and Control /7./. Ulm (DE), 94.07.17-94.07.20]
[Impact factor:0.290(91) 0.208(92) 0.255(93) 0.241(94) 0.249(95) 0.143(96) 0.231(97) 0.248(98) 0.284(99) 0.349(00) 0.359(01) 0,436(02) 0.426(03) ]

037108 - UTIA-B 960285 US eng J
Hraba, T. - Doležal, J.
Mathematical modelling approach to CD4+ lymphocyte dynamics in HIV infection.
Emerging Infections Diseases, 2 [4] 297-303 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A50502604
[Impact factor: 0.000(95) 3.515(96) 3.482(97) 4.729(98) 4.326(99) 4.907(00) 5.968(01) 4,757(02) 5.340(03) ]

054373 - UMG-J 980142 NL eng J
Hradec, J. - Franěk, F. - Dufek, P.
Purification of cholesteryl-esterifying enzymes from rat liver cytosol by high-performance liquid chromatography.
Journal of Chromatography B, 681, 55-62 (1996).
Grant: IZ1287
[Impact factor:1.958(92) 1.874(93) 2.523(94) 1.255(95) 1.341(96) 1.588(97) 1.395(98) 1.666(99) 1.802(00) 1.911(01) ]

034021 - UMG-J 960020 CZ eng A
Indrová, M. - Bubeník, J. - Jakoubková, J. - Šímová, J. - Sobota, V.
IFN-a and IL-2 therapy of renal cell carcinoma (RCC): immunologic profile of patients.
In: Abstracts of the ETCS International Meeting. - Brno, Czech Branch of the European Tissue Culture Society 1996. - S. 23.
[ETCS International Meeting of the Czech Branch of the European Tissue Culture Society. Brno (CZ), 96.04.21-96.04.24]

031523 - UMG-J 960009 GB eng J
Jansa, P. - Forejt, J.
A novel type of retinoic acid response element in the second intron of the mouse H2Kb gene is activated by the RAR/RXR heterodimer.
Nucleic Acids Research, 24, 694-701 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA55273
[Impact factor:3.039(91) 3.294(92) 3.783(93) 4.097(94) 4.235(95) 4.488(96) 4.188(97) 4.878(98) 5.748(99) 5.396(00) 6.373(01) 7,051(02) 6.575(03) ]

032081 - UZFG-Y 960005 GB eng J
Kaňka, J. - Hozák, P. - Heyman, Y. - Chesné, P. - Degrolard, J. - Renard, J. P. - Fléchon, J. E.
Transcriptional Activity and Nucleolar Ultrastructure of Embryonic Rabbit Nuclei After Transplantation to Enucleated Oocytes.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 43, 135-144 (1996).
Grant: GA505/95/1371
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

054377 - UMG-J 980151 CZ cze B
Kaprálek, F.
Postavení bakterií v živé přírodě.
In: Lékařská mikrobiologie. - Praha, Marvil 1996. - 17-27 s.

054378 - UMG-J 980152 CZ cze B
Kaprálek, F.
Taxonomie, nomenklatura, identifikace, klasifikace a systematika bakterií.
In: Lékařská mikrobiologie. - Praha, Marvil 1996. - S. 28-32.

054379 - UMG-J 980153 CZ cze B
Kaprálek, F.
Bakteriální technika.
In: Lékařská mikrobiologie. - Praha, MARVIL 1996. - S. 35-62.

054380 - UMG-J 980154 CZ cze B
Kaprálek, F.
Růst a množení bakterií.
In: Lékařská mikrobiologie. - Praha, MARVIL 1996. - S. 63-73.

054381 - UMG-J 980155 CZ cze B
Kaprálek, F.
Bakterie a prostředí.
In: Lékařská mikrobiologie. - Praha, MARVIL 1996. - S. 74-88.

054382 - UMG-J 980156 CZ cze B
Kaprálek, F.
Metabolismus bakterií.
In: Lékařská mikrobiologie. - Praha, MARVIL 1996. - S. 89-113.

034032 - UMG-J 960031 US eng J
Kopečný, V. - Biggiogera, M. - Laurinčík, J. - Pivko, J. - Grafenau, P. - Martin, T. E. - Fu, X. D. - Fakan, S.
Fine structural cytochemical and immunocytochemical analysis of nucleic acids and ribonucleoprotein distribution in nuclei of pig oocytes and early preimplantation embryos.
Chromosoma, 104, 561-574 (1996).
Grant: (CZ) A AV
[Impact factor:2.601(91) 2.633(92) 2.747(93) 2.513(94) 2.825(95) 2.633(96) 2.669(97) 2.651(98) 2.530(99) 3.157(00) 3.286(01) 2,829(02) 2.634(03) ]

034033 - UMG-J 960032 DE eng J
Kopečný, V. - Biggiogera, M. - Pivko, J. - Grafenau, P. - Pavlok, A. - Malatesta, M. - Martin, T. - Fakan, S.
The cell nucleus in early bovine and caprine preimplantation embryos: fine structural cytochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy.
European Journal of Cell Biology, 70 [3] 361-372 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA752403
[Impact factor:2.528(91) 2.595(92) 2.545(93) 2.662(94) 2.802(95) 2.619(96) 2.353(97) 2.485(98) 3.043(99) 2.801(00) 2.244(01) 2,441(02) 2.185(03) ]

034035 - UMG-J 960034 GB eng J
Kopečný, V. - Fakan, S. - Biggiogera, M. - Pivko, J. - Grafenau, P.
Electron microscopical- and immunocytochemical characterization of nuclear bodies in early bovine embryo.
Histochemical Journal, 28, 307-308 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA752403
[Impact factor:1.358(91) 1.247(92) 1.324(93) 1.524(94) 1.500(95) 1.561(96) 1.747(97) 1.397(98) 1.161(99) 1.078(00) 1.169(01) 1,150(02) 0.671(03) ]

034036 - UMG-J 960035 CZ eng A
Kopečný, V. - Landa, V. - Malatesta, M. - Fakan, S. - Martin, T. E.
Immunoelectron microscope analyses of rat germinal vesicle-stage oocyte nucleolus-like bodies.
In: 7th French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction. - Liblice, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 18.
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice Castle (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA752403

037773 - UMG-J 970006 FR eng J
Kopečný, V. - Landa, V. - Malatesta, M. - Martin, T. E. - Fakan, S.
Immunoelectron microscope analyses of rat germinal vesicle-stage oocyte nucleolus-like bodies.
Reproduction Nutrition Development, 36, 667-679 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA752403
[Impact factor:0.516(91) 0.579(92) 0.743(93) 0.549(94) 0.716(95) 1.116(96) 0.619(97) 0.685(98) 0.922(99) 1.351(00) 1.567(01) 0,872(02) 0.780(03) ]

067064 - UMG-J 990016 US eng A
Korb, J. - Štokrová, J. - Karafiát, V.
Interaction of v-Myb protein with chromatin of avian haematopoietic cells.
Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, 8 [4] 235-236 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0914

034015 - UMG-J 960014 GB eng J
Korb, J. - Štokrová, J. - Karafiát, V. - Dvořáková, M. - Čermáková, V.
v-myb oncogene and c-myb proto-oncogene expression in avian cells: morphological changes of the cells and topographic localization of Myb proteins.
Acta Virologica, 40 [2] 81-86 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/93/0210
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

037770 - UMG-J 970003 CZ cze J
Kosařová, M.
Nový cytokin IL-17.
Vesmír, 75 [4] 235-235 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052604

034040 - UMG-J 960039 CZ eng A
Kovář, J. - Kemp, J. D. - Stunz, L. L. - Stewart, B. C. - Kriegerbecková, K.
Apoptosis induced by iron deprivation in cultured tumor cells.
In: International Meeting of the Czech Branch of the European Tissue Culture Society. - Brno, Czech Branch of the European Tissue Culture Society 1996. - S. 24.
[International Meeting of the Czech Branch of the European Tissue Culture Society. Brno (CZ), 96.04.21-96.04.24]

034023 - UMG-J 960022 CZ eng A
Kovář, J. - Stunz, L. L. - Stewart, B. C. - Kriegerbecková, K. - Ashman, R. F. - Kemp, J. D.
Direct evidence that iron deprivation induces apoptosis.
In: Proceeding of 5th International Symposium on Chelating Agentsn in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics. - Plzeň, Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně 1996. - 2 s.
[International Symposium "Chelating Agents in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics" /5./. Plzeň (CZ), 96.07.31-96.08.04]

034041 - UMG-J 960040 ES eng A
Kovář, J. - Stunz, L. L. - Stewart, B. C. - Kriegerbecková, K. - Ashman, R. F. - Kemp, J. D.
Apoptosis induced by iron deprivation.
In: European Iron Club Jaca 96. - Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza 1996. - S. 86.
[European Iron Club Meeting 1996. Jaca (ES), 96.09.11-96.09.14]

054372 - UMG-J 980141 CZ eng J
Kovář, J. - Stunz, L. L. - Stewart, B. C. - Kriegerbecková, K. - Ashman, R. F. - Kemp, J. D.
Direct evidence that iron deprivation induces apoptosis.
Plzeňský lékařský sborník, - [Suppl. 71] 77-78 (1996).
[International Symposium Chelating Agents in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics /5./. Plzes (CZ), 96.07.31-96.08.04]

037789 - UMG-J 970025 US eng A
Krásný, L. - Mesters, J. R. - Fučík, V. - Hilgenfeld, R. - Jonák, J.
Structure Determination of Bacillus stearothermophilus EF-Tu.
In: 1996 Meeting of International Research Scholars from the Baltics, Central Europe, and the Former Soviet Union. - Cheon Chase, Howard Hughes Medical Institute 1996. - S. 57.
[1996 Meeting of International Research Scholars from the Baltics, Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Praha (CZ), 96.06.23-96.06.26]
Grant: HHMI(US) 75195-540305

038171 - UMG-J 970062 CZ eng A
Kraus, M. - Tichá, M. - Jonáková, V.
Isolation and characterization of heparin-binding proteins from boar seminal plasma.
Chemické listy, 90 [9] 645-646 (1996).
[Biochemický sjezd /15./. Olomouc (CZ), 96.09.09-96.09.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844VS96141; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

037785 - UMG-J 970020 CZ cze J
Krulová, M.
Nové cesty v boji s HIV.
Vesmír, 75 [4] 213 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052604

034034 - UMG-J 960033 US eng J
Laurinčík, J. - Kopečný, V. - Hyttel, P.
Detailed analysis of pronucleus development in bovine zygotes in vitro: ultrastructure and cell cycle chronology.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 43 [1] 62-69 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA752403
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

037791 - UMG-J 970027 US eng J
Lescar, J. - Štouračová, R. - Riottot, M. M. - Chitarra, V. - Brynda, J. - Fábry, M. - Hořejší, M. - Sedláček, J. - Bentley, G. A.
Preliminary crystallographic studies of an anti-HIV-1 protease antibody that inhibits enzyme activity.
Protein Science, 5 [5] 966-968 (1996).
Grant: IZ3272; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052502
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 4.000(93) 4.856(94) 4.806(95) 4.867(96) 4.600(97) 4.440(98) 4.457(99) 3.869(00) 3.472(01) 3,546(02) 3.787(03) ]

034048 - UMG-J 960107 CZ cze J
Lipoldová, M.
Cystická fibróza.
Vesmír, 75 [7] 365-368 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1311

067091 - UMG-J 990085 CZ cze R
Lipoldová, M.
Rec.: Adamovič, I.: Slovník české literární fantastiky a science fiction.
Vesmír, 75 [7] 383 (1996).

067092 - UMG-J 990086 CZ cze R
Lipoldová, M.
Rec.: Cook-Deegan, R.: The Gene Wars.
Vesmír, 75 [12] 696 (1996).

038168 - UMG-J 970059 NL eng J
Lüdemann, I. - Pörtner, R. - Schaefer, C. - Schick, K. - Šrámková, K. - Reher, K. - Neumaier, M. - Franěk, F. - Märkl, H.
Improvement of the culture stability of non-anchorage-dependent animal cells grown in serum-free media through immobilization.
Cytotechnology, 19 [2] 111-124 (1996).
Grant: Volkswagen Stiftung(DE) I/68 957
[Impact factor:0.753(92) 0.465(93) 0.738(94) 0.563(95) 0.925(96) 0.436(97) 0.616(98) 0.883(99) 0.925(00) 0.703(01) 0,449(02) 0.347(03) ]

034052 - UMG-J 960118 NL eng J
Machoň, O. - Hejnar, J. - Hájková, P. - Geryk, J. - Svoboda, J.
The LTR, v-src, LTR provirus in H-19 hamster tumor cell line is integrated to the negative regulatory region.
Gene, 174, 9-17 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0583; Fogarty International Research Collaboration Awards(US) 1R03TW00155-01A1
[Impact factor:3.064(91) 2.569(92) 2.407(93) 2.305(94) 2.160(95) 1.931(96) 1.838(97) 2.007(98) 2.258(99) 2.461(00) 3.041(01) 2,778(02) 2.754(03) ]

037787 - UMG-J 970022 US eng J
Malý, P. - Thall, A. D. - Petryniak, B. - Rogers, C. E. - Smith, P. L. - Marks, R. M. - Kelly, R. J. - Gersten, K. M. - Cheng, G. - Saunders, T. L. - Camper, S. A. - Camphausen, R. T. - Sullivan, F. X. - Hingsgaul, O. - von Andrian, U. H. - Lowe, J. B.
The a(1, 3) fucosyltransferase Fuc-TVII controls leukocyte trafficking through an essential role in L-, E-, and P-selectin ligand biosynthesis.
Cell, 86 [August 23] 643-653 (1996).
[Impact factor:30.247(91) 33.617(92) 37.192(93) 39.191(94) 40.481(95) 40.997(96) 37.297(97) 36.686(98) 36.242(99) 32.440(00) 29.21(01) 27,2540(02) 26.626(03) ]

054456 - UZFG-Y 980156 RIV DE eng J
Matoušek, J. - Filipec, M. - Hašková, Z. - Havrlíková, K. - Letko, E. - Holáň, V. - Kalousek, I.
Immunoppressive efect of bovine seminal ribonuclease on a model of corneal transplantation in rabbit.
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 234, 586-590 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA514/94/0412
[Impact factor: 0.716(95) 0.992(96) 0.783(97) 0.919(98) 1.177(99) 1.112(00) 1.192(01) 1,191(02) 1.279(03) ]

054365 - UMG-J 980118 US eng J
Molenaar, M. - van de Wetering, M. - Oosterwegel, M. - Petersen-Maduro, J. - Godsare, S. - Kořínek, V. - Roose, J. - Destree, O. - Clevers, H.
XTcf-3 transcription factor mediates b-catenin-induced axis formation in Xenopus embryos.
Cell, 86 [3] 391-399 (1996).
[Impact factor:30.247(91) 33.617(92) 37.192(93) 39.191(94) 40.481(95) 40.997(96) 37.297(97) 36.686(98) 36.242(99) 32.440(00) 29.21(01) 27,2540(02) 26.626(03) ]

054355 - UMG-J 980066 US eng J
Mollova, M. - Atanasova, G. - Kyurkchiev, S. - Ivanova, M. - Pěknicová, J.
Monoclonal antibodyes reacting against capacitated but not with freshly ejaculated boar spermatozoa.
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 36 [6] 301-308 ( 1996).
Grant: GV524/96/K162IZ3911
[Impact factor:1.931(92) 1.253(93) 1.980(94) 1.707(95) 1.942(96) 1.858(97) 1.707(98) 2.448(99) 1.932(00) 2.020(01) 1,413(02) 2.088(03) ]

034026 - UMG-J 960025 US eng J
Moos, J. - Kopf, G. S. - Schultz, R. M.
Cycloheximide-induced activation of mouse eggs: effects on cdc2/cyclin b and MAP kinase activities.
Journal of Cell Science, 109, 739-748 (1996).
Grant: GV524/96/K162
[Impact factor:3.293(91) 3.593(92) 3.432(93) 4.336(94) 4.827(95) 4.935(96) 5.081(97) 5.453(98) 6.044(99) 5.996(00) 6.213(01) 6,954(02) 7.250(03) ]

034027 - UMG-J 960026 US eng J
Moos, J. - Xu, Z. - Kopf, G. S. - Schultz, R. M.
A role for map kinase in nuclear envelope assembly.
Developmental Biology, 175, 358-361 (1996).
Grant: GV524/96/K162
[Impact factor:3.779(92) 4.256(93) 4.468(94) 4.752(95) 4.963(96) 5.289(97) 6.018(98) 6.049(99) 5.540(00) 5.558(01) 5,194(02) 5.351(03) ]

054356 - UMG-J 980096 CZ cze D
Nováková, M.
Imunolokalizace a funkce - a b-tubulinovĄch podjednotek. Praha, UMG 1996. - 82 s.

034051 - UMG-J 960111 US eng J
Nováková, M. - Dráberová, E. - Schürmann, W. - Czihak, G. - Viklický, V. - Dráber, P.
t-Tubulin redistribution in taxol-treated mitotic cells probed by monoclonal antibodies.
Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, 33, 38-51 (1996).
Grant: IAA552407IA752101
[Impact factor:3.307(92) 2.981(93) 3.310(94) 3.110(95) 2.637(96) 2.461(97) 2.564(98) 2.772(99) 3.029(00) 2.603(01) 2,440(02) 2.905(03) ]

067110 - UMG-J 990209 CZ cze A
Nováková, M. - Linhartová, I. - Riederer, B. - Viklický, V. - Dráber, P.
Diferenciální distribuce b-tubulinových epitopů na úrovni jedné buňky.
In: Cytoskeletální klub. - Praha, ÚMG AV ČR 1996. - S. -.
[Cytoskeletální klub. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 96.02.08-96.02.10]

054366 - UMG-J 980119 GB eng Jx
Nováková, M. - Linhartová, I. - Viklický, V. - Dráber, P.
Differential distribution of beta-tubulin epitopes in mouse brain.
Histochemical Journal, 28, 306 (1996).
Grant: GA301/94/1674
[Impact factor:1.358(91) 1.247(92) 1.324(93) 1.524(94) 1.500(95) 1.561(96) 1.747(97) 1.397(98) 1.161(99) 1.078(00) 1.169(01) 1,150(02) 0.671(03) ]

037776 - UMG-J 970009 NL eng J
Novotná, V. - Mikeš, L. - Horák, P. - Jonáková, V. - Tichá, M.
Preparation of Water-Soluble and Water-Insoluble Poly (Acrylamide-Allylamine) Derivatives of Polysaccharides.
International Journal of Bio-Chromatography, 2(1), 37-47 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/93/0208; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844; GA UK(CZ) 92/95; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162VS96141

034028 - UMG-J 960027 US eng J
Opavský, R. - Pastoreková, S. - Zelník, V. - Gibadulinová, A. - Stanbridge, E. J. - Závada, J. - Kettmann, R. - Pastorek, J.
Human MN/CA9 gene, a novel member of the carbonic anhydrase family: Structure and exon to protein domain relationship.
Genomics, 33, 480-487 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/96/0843
[Impact factor:6.726(92) 5.433(93) 5.037(94) 4.089(95) 3.666(96) 3.424(97) 3.489(98) 3.386(99) 3.425(00) 3.418(01) 3,483(02) 3.488(03) ]

067087 - UMG-J 990077 RIV CZ cze J
Pačes, V.
Co se děje s informací v genomech.
Vesmír, 75 [5] 271 (1996).

067088 - UMG-J 990078 RIV CZ cze J
Pačes, V.
O přeskakujících genech.
Vesmír, 75 [4] 196 (1996).

067089 - UMG-J 990079 RIV CZ cze J
Pačes, V.
Dědičné informace prvních buněk přečteny.
Vesmír, 75 [7] 391-392 (1996).

067090 - UMG-J 990080 RIV CZ cze J
Pačes, V.
K čemu je dobrá fugu.
Vesmír, 75 [4] 235 (1996).

054374 - UMG-J 980143 DE eng Cx
Pěknicová, J. - Čapková, J. - Geussová, G. - Ivanova, M. D. - Mollova, M.
Role of acrosin in the gamete binding.
In: 3rd International Forum of Reproductive Immunology. - Magdeburg, - 1996. - S. -.
[International Forum of Reproductive Immunology /3./. Magdeburg (DE) , 96.06.12-96.06.15]
Grant: IA7052503GA301/96/0721

054370 - UMG-J 980137 SK sla J
Pivko, J. - Kopečný, V. - Grafenau, P.
Nucleolar Ultrastructure and RNA Synthesis in Cow Preimplantation Embryos.
Journal of Farm Animal Science, 29, 47-51 (1996).
Grant: IAA752403

034014 - UMG-J 960013 GB eng J
Pospíšek, M. - Palková, Z. - Korb, J. - Vaněk, D.
Isolation and characterization of a new dsRNA virus from Wickerhamia fluorescens.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [3] 223-227 (1996).
Grant: UK(CZ) 80/95
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

054358 - UMG-J 980104 HU eng Jx
Riederer, B. M. - Probst, A. - Dráber, P.
Alzheimer-related changes of cytoskeletal elements in the human entorhinal cortex.
Clinical Neuroscience, 49 [1] 45-46 (1996).

054367 - UMG-J 980120 HU eng J
Riederer, B. M. - Probst, A. - Dráber, P.
Alzheimer-related changes of cytoskeletal elements in the human entorhinal cortex.
Clinical Neuroscience, 49 [1] 45-46 (1996).

034020 - UMG-J 960019 CZ eng A
Rössner, P. - Sobota, V. - Indrová, M. - Vondrys, P. - Bubeník, J.
IL-2 and CD 80 cDNA transfection of 3-methylcholanthrene induced murine sarcoma cell line MC12 and subsequent characterization of the transfectants.
In: Abstracts of the ETCS International Meeting. - Brno, Czech Branch of the European Tissue Culture Society 1996. - S. 93.
[ETCS International Meeting of the Czech Branch of the European Tissue Culture Society. Brno (CZ), 96.04.21-96.04.24]

037784 - UMG-J 970019 NL eng J
Schwyzer, M. - Styger, D. - Vogt, B. - Lowery, D. - Simard, C. - LaBoissiére, S. - Misra, V. - Vlček, Č. - Pačes, V.
Gene contents in a 31-kb segment at the left genome end of bovine herpesvirus-1.
Veterinary Microbiology, 53, 67-77 (1996).
Grant: IAA552410
[Impact factor:1.165(91) 1.186(92) 1.148(93) 0.979(94) 1.076(95) 1.209(96) 1.251(97) 1.137(98) 1.377(99) 1.428(00) 1.647(01) 1,727(02) 1.571(03) ]

067107 - UMG-J 990291 RIV UA eng J
Smertenko, A. - Blume, Y. - Viklický, V. - Opatrný, Z.
High-charge heterogeneity of Nicotiana tabacum tubulin.
Doklady Nacionalnej Akademii Nauk Ukrajiny, 9, 142-146 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA501/94/1039; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052605

054359 - UMG-J 980105 NL eng A
Smertenko, A. - Dráber, P. - Viklický, V. - Blume, Y.
Phosphorylation of plant tubulin at tyrosine residues.
In: 11th European Cytoskeleton Forum. - Maastricht, - 1996. - S. 20.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum /11./. Maastricht (NL), 96.08.31-96.09.04]

034017 - UMG-J 960016 NL eng J
Sobotková, E. - Indrová, M. - Šímová, J. - Bubeník, J. - Vonka, V.
Cross-reactivity of murine and hamster IL-2 mitogenic signal.
Immunology Letters, 50 [1-2] 115-117 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/93/0972
[Impact factor:1.513(91) 1.559(92) 1.241(93) 1.223(94) 1.241(95) 1.255(96) 1.096(97) 1.485(98) 1.494(99) 1.546(00) 2.009(01) 1,847(02) 1.710(03) ]

037774 - UMG-J 970007 DE eng J
Souček, J. - Marinov, I. - Beneš, J. - Hilgert, I. - Matoušek, J. - Raines, R. T.
Immunosuppressive activity of bovine seminal ribonuclease and its mode of action.
Immunobiology, 195, 271-285 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.576(91) 1.379(92) 1.350(93) 2.088(94) 2.270(95) 1.320(96) 1.378(97) 1.365(98) 2.276(99) 2.416(00) 1.648(01) 1,319(02) 1.773(03) ]

037777 - UMG-J 970012 CZ eng J
Svoboda, J.
Retroviruses and retroelements in Diseases and in gene therapy.
Folia Biologica, 42, 283-294 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0583GA301/94/0713
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

067106 - UMG-J 990127 RIV CZ eng J
Svoboda, J.
In Commemoration of Philippe Vigier.
Folia Biologica, 42 [6] 271-272 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

078639 - UMG-J 20010327 IT eng A
Svoboda, J. - Geryk, J. - Hejnar, J. - Plachý, J. - Machoň, O. - Bodor, J. - Dezélee, P. - Calothy, G.
Transformation and recombination activity of v-src and c-src.
In: Frontiers of Molecular Biology. - Roma, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche 1996. - S. 24.
[New EMBO Member`s Workshop on Frontiers of Molecualr Biology /1./. Roma (IT), 96.10.28-96.10.30]

031519 - UMG-J 960003 CZ eng J
Svoboda, J. - Plachý, J. - Hejnar, J. - Geryk, J.
Specific rejection immunity against src oncogene-induced tumors and involvement of the major histocompatibility complex.
Folia Biologica, 42 [1-2] 41-45 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/96/0670
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

034030 - UMG-J 960029 US eng J
Szölösi, J. - Hořejší, V. - Bene, L. - Angelisová, P. - Damjanovich, S.
Supramolecular complexes of MHC class I, MHC class II, CD20, and tetraspan molecules (CD53, CD81, and CD82) at the surface of a B cell line JY.
Journal of Immunology, 157 [6] 2939-2946 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/93/0207; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/0673
[Impact factor:7.004(91) 6.723(92) 7.065(93) 7.383(94) 7.412(95) 7.296(96) 6.937(97) 7.166(98) 7.145(99) 6.834(00) 7.065(01) 7,014(02) 6.702(03) ]

067065 - UMG-J 990017 US eng A
Štokrová, J. - Korb, J. - Dvořáková, M.
What cellular structure does the Myb protein cooperate with?
Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, 8 [4] 233-234 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0914

067066 - UMG-J 990019 US eng A
Štokrová, J. - Korb, J. - Palková, Z. - Fischer, L. - Forstová, J.
Interaction of Artificially prepared polyoma virus-like particles with heterologous DNA.
Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, 8 [4] 211-212 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0256

054364 - UMG-J 980116 US eng J
Tuháčková, Z. - Křivánek, J.
GTP, a non-substrate of ATP citrate lyase is a phosphodonor of the enzyme histidine autophosphorylation.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 218 [1] 61-66 (1996).
Grant: IAA552103IZ0072
[Impact factor:3.803(91) 3.583(92) 3.312(93) 3.400(94) 3.179(95) 2.872(96) 2.971(97) 2.780(98) 3.161(99) 3.055(00) 2.946(01) 2,935(02) 2.836(03) ]

037788 - UMG-J 970024 DE eng A
Tuháčková, Z. - Sovová, V. - Šloncová, E.
Control of mRNA translation and the activity of c-Src during transient differentiation of cells HT 29.
In: Biological Chamistry (Hoppe-Seyler) 377, Special Supplement. - (Ed. Schafner, W.). - Mnichov, Walter de Gruyter 1996. - S. 120. - ( ).
[Sjezd německé společnosti pro biochemii a molekulární biologii. Lipsko (DE), 96.09.16-96.09.18]
Grant: IZ3517; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1482

054362 - UMG-J 980109 US eng J
van de Wetering, M. - Castrop, J. - Kořínek, V. - Clevers, H.
Extensive alternative splicing and dual promoter usage generates TNF-1 protein isoforms with differential transcription control proteins.
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 16 [3] 745-752 (1996).
[Impact factor:8.291(92) 9.230(93) 10.195(94) 10.498(95) 10.727(96) 10.025(97) 9.571(98) 9.866(99) 9.666(00) 9.836(01) 8,840(02) 8.142(03) ]

054369 - UMG-J 980135 NL eng A
Vavřičková, P. - Kohlwein, S. - Dráber, P. - Hašek, J.
Distribution of -tubulin in cortical domains of Sacharomyces cerevisiae cells.
In: 11th European Cytoskeleton Forum. - Maastricht, - 1996. - S. 74.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum /11./. Maastricht (NL), 96.08.31-96.09.04]

031990 - MBU-M 960283 NL eng CX
Vavřičková, P. - Kohlwein, S. - Dráber, P. - Hašek, J.
Distribution of b-tubulin in cortical domains of Sacharomyces cerevisiae cells.
In: 11th European Cytoskeleton Forum. - (Ed. Ramachers, F.; Teng, F.). - Maastricht, Dutch Society for Cell Biology 1996. - S. 74.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum /11./. Maastricht (NL), 96.08.31-96.09.04]
Grant: GA204/96/1368IAA520418

034039 - UMG-J 960038 US eng J
Veselský, L. - Dostál, J. - Holáň, V. - Souček, J. - Železná, B.
Effect of boar seminal immunosuppressive fraction on B lymphocytes and on primary antibody response.
Biology of Reproduction, 55, 194-199 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/93/0307
[Impact factor:3.257(92) 2.782(93) 2.666(94) 3.123(95) 3.222(96) 3.036(97) 3.327(98) 3.417(99) 3.605(00) 3.508(01) 3,689(02) 3.646(03) ]

054383 - UMG-J 980157 US eng J
Veselý, P. - Boyde, A.
Video rate confocal laser scanning reflection microscopy in the investigation of normal and neoplastic living cell dynamics.
Scanning Microscopy International, Suppl. 10, 201-211 (1996).

037994 - MBU-M 970104 CZ eng A
Veselý, P. - Chaloupková, A. - Sladká, M. - Matoušková, E. - Pavlíková, L. - Chaloupka, J. - Bereiter-Hahn, J. - Curtis, A.
Analysis of malignant cell behaviour in vitro.
In: Cytokinematics 96. - Hradec Králové, Czechoslovak Biological Society 1996. - S. 53.
[International Symposium Cytokinematics 96. Hradec Králové (CZ), 96.09.09-96.09.12]
Grant: GA312/94/1481

054361 - UMG-J 980108 CZ eng A
Veselý, P. - Chaloupková, A. - Sladká, M.
Analysis of malignant cell behaviour in vitro. Hradec Králové, - 1996. - 53 s.
[Cytokinematics' 96 International Symposium. Hradec Králové (CZ), 96.09.09-96.09.12]

038164 - UMG-J 970055 US eng C
Viklický, V. - Lukáš, Z. - Dráber, P.
Immunofluorescence study of intermediate filament protein expressin under normal and pathological conditions.
In: Analytical use of fluorescent probes in oncology. - (Ed. Kohen, E.; Hirschberg, J. G.). - New York, Plenum Press 1996. - S. 331-337.
[North Atlantic Treaty Organization Advanced Research Workshop. Miami (US), 95.10.14-95.10.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/93/0323IAA752101

034019 - UMG-J 960018 CZ eng A
Vlk, V. - Eckschlager, T. - Koutecký, J. - Bubeník, J.
Changes of the selected immunological parameters in pediatric oncological patients with sarcomas, non Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) and Hodgkin disease (HD) treated with hu-rIL-2 (Proleukin) and hu-rIFN a2b (Heberon) administered subcutaneously.
In: Abstracts of the ETCS International Meeting. - Brno, Czech Branch of the European Tissue Culture Society 1996. - S. 105.
[ETCS International Meeting of the Czech Branch of the European Tissue Culture Society. Brno (CZ), 96.04.21-96.04.24]

034024 - UMG-J 960023 GB eng J
Weinreich, S. - Čapková, J. - Hoebe-Hewryk, B. - Boog, C. - Ivanyi, P.
Grouped caging predisposes male mice to ankylosing enthesopathy.
Annales of the Rheumatic Diseases, 55, 645-647 (1996).
Grant: CEC(BE) ERBCIPDCT940290
[Impact factor:1.836(92) 1.630(93) 1.924(94) 2.635(95) 2.121(96) 1.984(97) 2.043(98) 1.968(99) 2.444(00) 3.188(01) 3,593(02) 3.827(03) ]

031525 - UMG-J 960012 GB eng J
Wiemann, S. - Rechmann, S. - Beneš, V. - Voss, H. - Schwager, C. - Vlček, Č. - Stegemann, J. - Zimmermann, J. - Erfle, H. - Pačes, V. - Ansorge, W.
Sequencing and Analysis of 51 kb on the Right Arm of Chromosome XV from Saccharomyces cerevisial Reveals 30 Open Reading Frames.
Yeast, 12, 281-288 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/2349
[Impact factor:2.184(91) 2.699(92) 2.949(93) 2.862(94) 2.000(95) 2.809(96) 2.442(97) 2.221(98) 2.641(99) 2.825(00) 2.540(01) 2,340(02) 1.980(03) ]

037778 - UMG-J 970013 GB eng J
Yatsula, B. A. - Plachý, J. - Mikhailik, A. - David-Pfeuty, T. - Lecoq, O. - Yatsula, V. - Geryk, J. - Svoboda, J. - Calothy, G. - Dezélée, P.
Phenotypic changes induced by wild type and variant c-src genes carrying C-terminal sequence alterations.
Oncogene, 13 [11] 2717-2725 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV312/96/K205
[Impact factor:6.634(92) 6.991(93) 7.387(94) 7.991(95) 7.727(96) 6.772(97) 6.192(98) 6.517(99) 6.490(00) 6.737(01) 5,979(02) 6.495(03) ]

034029 - UMG-J 960028 DE eng A
Závada, J. - Závadová, Z. - Machoň, O. - Kutinová, L. - Němečková, Š. - Pastorek, J. - Pastoreková, S.
MN - a novel type of human oncogene.
In: EMBL Conference: Oncogenes and growth control. - Heidelberg, - 1996. - S. 223.
[Oncogenes and growth control. Heidelberg (DE), 96.04.21-96.04.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/96/0843

037793 - UMG-J 970029 CZ eng J
Železná, B. - Velek, J. - Veselský, L. - Zicha, J. - Dobešová, Z. - Kuneš, J.
Blockade of AT1 Receptors by Specific Antibody Attenuated Hypertension Development in Young Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats.
Physiological Research, 45, 475-477 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA306/94/1480OK170
[Impact factor:0.177(92) 0.300(93) 0.318(94) 0.588(95) 0.532(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) ]

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