ÚSMH - Ústav struktury a mechaniky hornin


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

033353 - USMH-B 960191 IT eng B
Ayala, F. J. - Bandis, S. C. - Delmonaco, G. - De Lotto, P. - Dépifanio, A. - Dutto, F. - Ferrer, M. - Frasson, A. - Lied, K. - Margottini, C. - Mortara, G. - Palandri, M. - Rybář, J. - Sandersen, F. - Serafini, S. - Stemberk, J. - Trocciola, A.
CEC Project MeFISSt - Field trip in the Langhe Hills (November 27-29, 1994).
In: Meteorological Events and Natural Disasters, and appraisalof the Piedmont (North Italy) case history of 4-6 November 1994 by a CEC field mission. - (Ed. Casale, R.B.; Margottini, C.). - Roma, European Commission Bruxelles, ENEA CR Casaccia Roma and Consorzio Civita Roma 1996. - S. 75-83.

039278 - USMH-B 970022 IT eng C
Balík, K. - Glogar, P.
Carbon fabric reinforcement in carbon matrix composites.
In: Congress Papers of Tecnitex 96. - Torino, Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliaments S.p.A, Busto Arsizio 1996. - S. 5-9.
[Tecnitex 96. Torino (IT), 96.11.21-96.11.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/96/0596

033290 - USMH-B 960092 CZ cze C
Balík, K. - Glogar, P. - Kolář, F. - Pešáková, V. - Adam, M.
Některé in vitro zkoušky C/C kompozitů.
In: 6. národní konference s mezinárodní účastí Biomechanika člověka 96. - Praha, ÚTAM AV ČR 1996. - S. 5-6.
[Biomechanika člověka 96. Tichonice (CZ), 96.09.17-96.09.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/96/1066

039295 - USMH-B 970102 SG eng C
Balík, K. - Gregor, J. - Černý, M. - Klučáková, M.
Mechanical Properties of Resin-Based Carbon-Carbon Composites Modified with Needle Coke.
In: Carbon and Carbonaceous Composite Materials. - (Ed. Palmer, K. R.; Marx, D. T.; Wright, M. A.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1996. - S. 371-379.
[Carbon and Carbonaceous Composite Materials, Structure Property Relationships. Malenovice (CZ), 95.10.10-95.10.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/1789

033302 - USMH-B 960106 GB eng A
Balík, K. - Weishauptová, Z. - Glogar, P. - Klučáková, M. - Pešáková, V. - Adam, M.
Carbon - Carbon/Composites as a Biomaterial.
In: Extended Abstracts. - Newcastle, British Carbon Group 1996. - S. 584-585.
[European Carbon Conference Carbon 96. Newcastle (GB), 96.07.07-96.07.12]
Grant: GA104/94/1789

039282 - USMH-B 970042 US eng B
Brož, L. - Sýkorová, I.
Determination of statistical sizes of anisotropic optical textures in pitch cokes.
In: Carbon and Carbonaceous Composite Materials. Structure - Property Relationships. - (Ed. Palmer, K. R.; Marx, D. T.; Wright, M. A.). - New Jersey, World Scientific Publishing 1996. - S. 129-133.

039300 - USMH-B 970137 CZ cze C
Brož, M. - Růžek, B.
Lokální seismická síť Mednet.
In: Analýza dat v seismologii a inženýrské geofyzice. - (Ed. Kaláb, Z.). - Ostrava, UGN AV ČR 1996. - S. 110-121.
[Regionální konference s mezinárodní účastí. Ostrava (CZ), 96.10.08]
Grant: GA205/93/2523

033334 - USMH-B 960162 CZ eng J
Bucha, V.
PEX image of Western Bohemia a priori seismic mmodel.
Acta Montana. A, 9/100/, 187-191 (1996).
[Czech-Polish Conference on Mining Goephysics /24./. Benešov u Prahy (CZ), 95.09.11-95.09.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 346110

033335 - USMH-B 960163 CZ eng J
Bucha, V.
Rendering of 3D seismic model.
Acta Montana. A, 9/100/, 183-186 (1996).
[Czech-Polish Conference on Mining Goephysics /24./. Benešov u Prahy (CZ), 95.09.11-95.09.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 346110

033336 - USMH-B 960164 CZ eng I
Bucha, V.
Reflection ray tracing in lignite seam model COAL. Praha, ÚSMH AV ČR 1996. - 41 s.

038845 - GFU-E 970072 CZ cze B
Bucha, V. - Bucha Jr., V.
Geomagnetická aktivita, změny klimatu a atmosférické cirkulace.
In: Solárně-terestrické vlivy na klima. - (Ed. Bucha, V.; Charvátová, I.). - Praha, Nakladatelství ČHMÚ 1996. - S. 53-80.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/94/1560

035716 - GFU-E 960173 CZ eng C
Bucha, V. - Bucha ml., V.
Climate variability associated with external (geomagnetic) forcing.
In: Climate variability and climate change vulnerability and adaptation. Proceedings. - (Ed. Nemešová, I.). - Prague, - 1996. - S. 337-341.
[Climate variability and climate change vulnerability and adaptation. Regional workshop. Prague (CZ), 95.09.11-95.09.15]

033307 - USMH-B 960111 CZ cze J
Buchtele, J.
Tuhá bezdýmná paliva v ČR.
Energie, 1 [2] 112-115 (1996).

033294 - USMH-B 960096 US eng C
Buchtele, J. - Straka, P.
Possibilities of production of smokeless fuel via carbonization of Czech coals.
In: The Second International Conference on Energy and Environment: Transitions in East Europe. - Grand Forks, Energy and Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota 1996. - S. 701-711.
[International Conference on Energy and Environment: Transitions in East Europe /2./. Praha (CZ), 94.11.01-94.11.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA105/93/0124

067099 - USMH-B 990203 RIV PL pol M
Cacon, S. - Košťák, B. - Makolski, K.
Deformacje górotworu jaskini Niedzwiedziej wskutek antropopresji.
In: Masyw Snieznika. - Warszawa, Polska agencija ekologiczna s.a., wydawnictwo PAE 1996. - S. 71-83.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/94/1769

033324 - USMH-B 960137 CZ eng J
Černý, J. - Šebor, G. - Maxa, D. - Blažek, J. - Sýkorová, I. - Weishauptová, Z.
Influence of Coal Properties on Coprocessing of Coal/Oil Mixtures.
Acta Montana. B, 6/101/, 5-12 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/1791

076266 - USMH-B 20000030 RIV GB eng J
Černý, J.
Structural Dependence of CH bond absorptivities and consequences for FTIR analysis of coals.
Fuel, 75 [11] 1301-1305 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/1791
[Impact factor:0.838(91) 0.788(92) 0.771(93) 1.013(94) 0.867(95) 0.892(96) 0.814(97) 0.768(98) 0.789(99) 0.893(00) 0.905(01) 1,000(02) 1.167(03) ]

039283 - USMH-B 970046 CZ eng J
Číž, R. - Rudajev, V.
Prediction methods based on multichannel statistical extrapolation and their application on induced seismic events.
Acta Montana. A - Geodynamics, - [10/102/] 133-144 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA105/96/1065

033330 - USMH-B 960158 CZ eng C
Doležalová, M. - Venclík, P.
Theoretical basic of distinct element method and parallelization of VDEC code for solving mechanical problems.
In: The proceeding of the lectures High Performance Computing in Geoenvironmental Engineering. - Praha, Reat 1996. - S. 7-42.
[Workshop Parcomp-Waste. Praha (CZ), 96.03.14-96.03.15]
Grant: IAA246403

033332 - USMH-B 960160 HU eng C
Doleželová, M. - Venclík, P. - Zemanová, V.
How complex the material model should be for a given geotechnical problems?
In: Proceedings of Conference Geotechnic '96. - Budapest, Konferencia Alapitrang 1996. - S. 1-8.
[Geotechnic '96. Ráckeve (HU), 96.10.29-96.10.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 246403

033354 - USMH-B 960192 DE ger C
Dušek, R. - Kozák, J.
Gerhard Merkators'Karte von Böhmen und ihre Quellen.
In: Gerhard Mercator und seine Zeit. - Duisburg, Walter Braun 1996. - S. 89-95.
[Gerhard Merkator und seine Zeit. Duisburg (DE), 94.10.06-94.10.08]

031404 - GFU-E 960033 GR eng C
Fischer, T. - Hampl, F.
Seisbase 4.6 - A database oriented program for routine multi-station local seismogram analysis.
In: European Seismological Commission 24th General Assembly 1994. Proceedings and Activity Report 1992-1994. - (Ed. Makropoulos, K.; Suhadolc, P.). - Athens, University of Athens 1996. - S. 120-128.
[European Seismological Commission. General Assembly /24./. Athens ( GR), 94.09.19-94.09.24]

033327 - USMH-B 960154 CZ eng J
Fott, P. - Svítilová, J. - Kolář, F.
Establishing of Emission Factors of Carbon for the Coal of the Czech Republic.
Acta Montana. B, 6/101/, 5-14 (1996).

033322 - USMH-B 960134 GB eng B
Gayer Rod, A. - Pešek, J. - Sýkorová, I. - Valterová, P.
Coal clasts in the upper Westphalian sequence of the South Wales coal basin: implication for the timing of maturation and fracture permeability.
In: Geological Society Special Publication No 109. - London, Geological Society 1996. - S. 103-120. - ().

033287 - USMH-B 960087 CZ eng A
Glogar, P.
Assessment of the Shear Modulus of Unidirectional Carbon/Carbon Composites from Flexural Resonant Frequency Measurements.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Materials and Technologies. - Plzeň, Škoda - výzkum 1996. - S. 81. - ().
[International Conference on Advanced Materials and Technologies. Plzeň (CZ), 95.06.13-95.06.16]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 246405

033288 - USMH-B 960088 GB eng J
Glogar, P.
Assessment of the Shear Modulus of Unidirectional Carbon/Carbon Composites from Flexural Frequency Measurements.
Journal of Materials Science Letters, 15, 699-701 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 246405
[Impact factor:0.487(91) 0.511(92) 0.485(93) 0.444(94) 0.430(95) 0.420(96) 0.467(97) 0.349(98) 0.474(99) 0.496(00) 0.489(01) 0,504(02) 0.470(03) ]

039277 - USMH-B 970021 SG eng C
Glogar, P.
Carbon Research in the Czech Republic.
In: Carbon and Carbonaceous Composite Materials. - (Ed. Palmer, K. R.; Marx, D. T.; Wright, M. A.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1996. - S. 421-425.
[Carbon and Carbonaceous Composite Materials, Structure Property Relationships. Malenovice (CZ), 95.10.10-95.10.13]

039276 - USMH-B 970020 SG eng C
Glogar, P. - Fott, P. - Manocha, L. - Patel, A.
The influence of a secondary heat treatment on mechanical and oxidation properties of unidirectional carbon/carbon and carbon/furfural-siloxane composites.
In: Carbon and Carbonaceous Composite Materials. - (Ed. Palmer, K. R.; Marx, D. T.; Wright, M. A.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1996. - S. 380-392.
[Carbon and Carbonaceous Composite Materials, Structure Property Relationships. Malenovice (CZ), 95.10.10-95.10.13]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 246405

039279 - USMH-B 970024 GB eng J
Glogar, P. - Manocha, L. - Fott, P.
Studies on the influence of secondary heat treatment on structure and properties of unidirectional carbon/carbon and carbon/furfural-siloxane composites.
Carbon, 34 [11] 1343-1356 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 246405
[Impact factor:1.756(91) 1.402(92) 1.584(93) 1.619(94) 1.436(95) 1.500(96) 1.617(97) 1.293(98) 1.722(99) 1.715(00) 2.340(01) 3,048(02) 3.120(03) ]

054227 - USMH-B 980016 GB eng C
Hájek, M. - Svítilová, J. - Gregor, J.
Low-cost pitch-based CFRC.
In: Carbon and carbonaceous composite materials. - (Ed. Palmer, K.R.; Marx, D.T.; Wright, A.M.). - London, British Library 1996. - S. 3-8. - ().
[Structure-Property Relationships. Malenovice (CZ), 95.10.10-95.10.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/93/0835

054228 - USMH-B 980019 CZ eng J
Hájek, M. - Ederová, J. - Endrýs, J. - Glogar, P. - Gregor, J. - Svítilová, J.
Theoretical basis of a new way preparation of composites of the carbon-carbon type.
Acta Montana. AB - Geodynamics & Fuel, Carbon, Mineral Processing, - [2/99/] 21-27 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/93/0835

054229 - USMH-B 980020 CZ cze J
Hájek, M. - Ederová, J. - Endrýs, J. - Glogar, P. - Gregor, J. - Svítilová, J.
Teoretické základy nového způsobu přípravy kompozitů typu uhlík-uhlík.
Acta Montana. AB - Geodynamics & Fuel, Carbon, Mineral Processing, - [2/99/] 119-124 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/93/0835

033291 - USMH-B 960093 CZ eng J
Hájek, M. - Glogar, P. - Svítilová, J.
Carbon - Carbon Composite With Coal Tar Pitch Based Matrixand Simplified Manufacturing Method.
Ceramics - Silikáty, 40 [3] 109-114 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/93/0835
[Impact factor:0.132(92) 0.162(93) 0.099(94) 0.058(95) 0.207(96) 0.098(97) 0.152(98) 0.208(99) 0.167(00) 0.259(01) 0,354(02) 0.449(03) ]

031405 - GFU-E 960034 GR eng C
Hampl, F. - Fischer, T. - Horálek, J. - Boušková, A. - Jedlička, P. - Jíra, T. - Brož, M.
Local West Bohemian Seismic Network WEBNET.
In: European Seismological Commission 24. General Assembly 1994. Proceedings and Activity Report 1992-1994. - (Ed. Makropoulos, K.; Suhadolc, P.). - Athens, University of Athens 1996. - S. 789-794. - ( ).
[European Seismological Commission. General Assembly /24./. Athens ( GR), 94.09.19-94.09.24]

033338 - USMH-B 960166 NL eng C
Heiland, J.
Block-type creep movements and Landslides in the Flysch complex of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mountains.
In: Landslides/Glissements de Terrain. - Rotterdam, A. A. Balkema 1996. - S. 761-765.
[International Symposium on Landslides /7./. Trondheim (NO), 96.06.17-96.06.21]

033286 - USMH-B 960086 CZ eng C
Hnilica, F. - Glogar, P. - Starý, V.
Preliminary Tem Study of Carbon/Carbon Composite.
In: Workshop 96. - Praha, ČVUT 1996. - S. 579-580.
[Annual University - Wide Seminar /5./. Brno (CZ), 96.01.22-96.01.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/95/0359

031402 - GFU-E 960031 GR eng C
Horálek, J. - Boušková, A. - Hampl, F. - Fischer, T.
Seismic regime of the West-Bohemian earthquake swarm region: Preliminary results.
In: European Seismological Commission 24. General Assembly 1994. Proceedings and Activity Report 1992-1994. - (Ed. Makropoulos, K.; Suhadolc, P.). - Athens, University of Athens 1996. - S. 243-253. - ( ).
[European Seismological Commission. General Assembly /24./. Athens ( GR), 94.09.19-94.09.24]

054182 - GFU-E 980075 CZ eng J
Horálek, J. - Hampl, F. - Boušková, A. - Fischer, T.
Seismic regime of the West Bohemian earthquake swarm region: preliminary results.
Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 40 [4] 398-412 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/2523
[Impact factor:0.091(91) 0.194(92) 0.178(93) 0.143(94) 0.051(95) 0.000(96) 0.000(97) 0.000(98) 0.000(99) 0.761(00) 0.680(01) 0,571(02) 0.426(03) ]

031408 - GFU-E 960037 CZ eng J
Horálek, J. - Rudajev, V. - Novotný, O. - Boušková, A. - Hampl, F. - Šílený, J. - Brož, M. - Fischer, T. - Jíra, T. - Janský, J.
Seismic regime of the West-Bohemian earthquake swarms region.
Acta Montana. Ser. AB. Geodynamics & Fuel, Carbon, Mineral Processing, 99 [2] 59-69 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/2523

033323 - USMH-B 960136 CZ eng J
Hradilová, J. - Šťastný, M.
Changes in the Clay Fraction Mineral Compositon in a Loess Profile of the Last Interglacial and Early Glacial in Praha-Sedlec.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Geologica, 38 [2-4] 229-238 (1996).

033289 - USMH-B 960089 GB eng A
Jelínek, R. - Vejvoda, J. - Glogar, P. - Černý, M.
Dynamic Fracture Properties of Carbon/Carbon Composites.
In: Extended Abstracts. - Newcastle, British Carbon Group 1996. - S. 483-484.
[European Carbon Conference Carbon 96. Newcastle (GB), 96.07.07-96.07.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/1789

031689 - UTAM-F 960017 CZ eng C
Jíra, J. - Jírová, J. - Kolář, F.
Research of behaviaur of corrosion pits with reflection photoelastic coatings.
In: 34. konference EAN. - Plzeň, ČSM 1996. - S. 89-94.
[EAN'96. Konference o experimentální analýze napětí /34./. Plzeň ( CZ), 96.06.03-96.06.06]
Grant: GA103/94/0418

054241 - USMH-B 980111 CZ eng J
Kolář, F. - Fott, P. - Svítilová, J.
Adsorption and diffusion of carbon dioxide in phenolic resin carbonizates.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communication, - [61] 1445-1456 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/0596
[Impact factor:0.465(91) 0.466(92) 0.382(93) 0.467(94) 0.550(95)0.549(96) 0.550(97) 0.546(98) 0.717(99) 0.960(00)0.778(01) 0,848(02) 1.041(03) ]

035426 - USMH-B 960115 CZ eng J
Kolář, F. - Svítilová, J.
Microporous Membranes Based on Carbonizates of Phenol Formaldehyde Resins.
Ceramics - Silikáty, 40 [2] 67-71 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/0596
[Impact factor:0.132(92) 0.162(93) 0.099(94) 0.058(95) 0.207(96) 0.098(97) 0.152(98) 0.208(99) 0.167(00) 0.259(01) 0,354(02) 0.449(03) ]

031391 - GFU-E 960017 SIGLE CZ eng J
Konopásková, J. - Bucha ml., V.
2-D linear transformation visualisation.
Travaux Géophysiques, 37, [-] 135-139 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 346110

033351 - USMH-B 960184 CZ cze I
Košťák, B.
Zpráva o hodnocení měřených skalních pohybů v oblasti východního Slovenska. Praha, ÚSMH AV ČR 1996. - 25 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/2342

033342 - USMH-B 960174 CZ cze J
Košťák, B. - Novotný, J. - Rybář, J. - Stemberk, J. - Zika, P.
Přímá měření současných pohybů na tektonických strukturách.
Acta Montana. AB, 2/99/, 163-170 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/2342

033343 - USMH-B 960175 CZ eng J
Košťák, B. - Novotný, J. - Rybář, J. - Stemberk, J. - Zika, P.
Direct field measurements of contemporary movements on tectonic structures.
Acta Montana. AB, 2/99/, 71-78 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/2342

033350 - USMH-B 960183 IS eng A
Kottnauer, P. - Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z. - Mantlík, F.
Computer Programs Tool for Processing Input DATA Used in Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Calculations.
In: Abstracts of 25th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. - Reykjavík, Icelandic Meteorological Office 1996. - S. 87.
[General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission /25./. Reykjavík (IS), 96.09.09-96.09.14]

054238 - USMH-B 980100 IS eng A
Kottnauer, P. - Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z. - Mantlík, F.
Computers programs tool for processing input data used in probabilistic earthquake hazard calculations.
In: Abstracts of 25th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. - Reykjavík, Icelandic Meteorological Office 1996. - S. 87.
[General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission /25./. Reykjavík (IS), 96.09.09-96.09.14]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 2071602

033355 - USMH-B 960193 CZ eng J
Kozák, J. - Lokajíček, T. - Rudajev, V.
Non-Linear Source Processes under Tensile Load Regime?
Acta Montana. A, 9/100/, 45-49 (1996).

039289 - USMH-B 970089 CZ cze J
Litochleb, J. - Šrein, V. - Lantora, M.
Nové poznatky o zlatonosné mineralizaci v endokontaktní zóně středočeského plutonu jv. od Příbrami.
Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1995, -, [-] 116-117 ( 1996).

054039 - GFU-E 980012 CH eng J
Lokajíček, T. - Přikryl, R. - Rudajev, V.
Energy-frequency distribution of acoustic emission from loaded rock samples.
Materials science forum, 210/213, [-] 541-548 (1996).

035602 - GFU-E 960042 GB eng C
Lokajíček, T. - Rudajev, V.
Influence of rock grain size on energy of acoustic emission.
In: Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing. - Aberdeen, Robert Gordon University 1996. - S. 105-110.
[European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing /22./. Aberdeen ( GB), 96.05.29-96.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/95/0263

054233 - USMH-B 980036 CZ eng J
Málek, J. - Buben, J.
Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Assessment for Localities in the Czech Republic.
Acta Montana. A - Geodynamics, - [10/102/] 67-84 (1996).

033352 - USMH-B 960187 GB eng A
Medek, J. - Pleštil, J. - Baldrian, J. - Weishauptová, Z.
Determination of the Distribution of Micropoures of Carbonaceous Substances by Adsorption and by the Saxs Method.
In: Extended Abstracts, European Carbon Conference, Carbon '96. - Newcastle upon Tyne, British Carbon Group 1996. - S. 608-609.
[CARBON '96. Newcastle upon Tyne (GB), 96.07.07-96.07.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA105/94/1371

033329 - USMH-B 960157 NL eng C
Novotný, J. - Rybář, J.
Impact of precipitation and evapotranspiration to water saturation of landslides in claystones.
In: Proceeding of the 7th International Symposium on Landslides. - (Ed. Senneset, K.). - Rotterdam, A. A. Balkema 1996. - S. 829-834.
[International Symposium on Landslides /7./. Trondheim (NO), 96.06.17-96.06.21]

033317 - USMH-B 960129 CZ eng J
Pechoč, J.
Kinetics of Filter Cakes Dewatering.
Acta Montana. B, 6/101/, 57-67 (1996).

033318 - USMH-B 960130 CZ eng J
Pechoč, J.
Dewatering of Coal Bed Using Tensides.
Acta Montana. B, 6/101/, 47-55 (1996).

054231 - USMH-B 980028 CZ eng J
Pechoč, J. - Adámek, S. - Mucha, P.
Dry beneficiation of coal in a counter-current fluidized cascade.
Acta Montana. AB - Geodynamics & Fuel, Carbon, Mineral Processing, - [2/99/] 29-36 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA24664

054232 - USMH-B 980029 CZ cze J
Pechoč, J. - Adámek, S. - Mucha, P.
Suchá úprava uhlí v protiproudé fluidní kaskádě.
Acta Montana. AB - Geodynamics & Fuel, Carbon, Mineral Processing, - [2/99/] 125-132 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA24664

035695 - GFU-E 960140 DE eng A
Petrovský, E. - Kapička, A. - Zapletal, K. - Spanilá, T. - Šebestová, E. - Dekkers, M. J. - Rochette, P.
Correlation between magnetic parameters and chemical composition of lake sediments from North Bohemia - pilot study.
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [Supplement 1] C146 (1996).
[EGS General Assembly /21./. Den Hague (NL), 96.05.06-96.05.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3012605/1996
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

033356 - USMH-B 960194 GB eng B
Procházka, P. - Skořepová, J.
Stability of tunnel heading using coupled modeling.
In: Computational Methods and Testing for Engineering Integrity. - (Ed. Duggan, T. V.). - Southampton, Computational Mechanics Publications 1996. - S. 95-102.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/94/1788

039286 - USMH-B 970062 CZ eng J
Procházka, P. - Skořepová, J.
Coupled modelling study of stress distribution in the vicinity of underground opening.
Acta Polytechnica, 36 [5] 81-92 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/94/1788

033311 - USMH-B 960121 GR eng C
Ramazi, H. R. - Schenk, V.
An Earthquake Epicenter and Tectonic Lineament Map of Iran.
In: Proceedings and Activity Report 1992-1994, 24 General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. - (Ed. Makropoulos, K.; Suhadolc, P.). - Atény, University of Athens 1996. - S. 507-515.
[General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission /24./. Atény (GR), 94.06.19-94.09.24]

054235 - USMH-B 980073 GR eng C
Ramazi, H. R. - Schenk, V.
Preliminary Results Obtained from Strong Ground Motion Analyses of Iranian Earthquakes.
In: Proceedings and Activity Report 1992-1994, 24th General Assembly ot the European Seismological Commission. - (Ed. Makropoulos, K.; Suhadolc, P.). - Athénai, University of Athens 1996. - S. 1762-1770.
[General Assembly of the European Seismological Commision /24./. Athénai (GR), 94.09.19-94.09.23]

054236 - USMH-B 980074 GR eng C
Ramazi, H. R. - Schenk, V.
An Earthquake Epicenters and Tectonic Lineament Map of Iran.
In: Proceedings and Activity Report 1992-1994, 24th General Assembly ot the European Seismological Commission. - (Ed. Makropoulos, K.; Suhadolc, P.). - Athénai, University of Athens 1996. - S. 507-515.
[General Assembly of the European Seismological Commision /24./. Athénai (GR), 94.09.19-94.09.23]

033301 - USMH-B 960105 GB eng A
René, M.
Geochemistry and Petrology of Greisenization at the Slavkovský les Mts /Bohemian Massif/.
Journal of Conference Abstracts, 1, 403 (1996).
[V. M. Goldschmidt Conference. Heidelberg (DE), 96.03.31-96.04.04]

033303 - USMH-B 960107 CZ cze C
René, M.
Greisenová ložiska Slavkovského lesa a J. W. Goethe.
In: Sborník přednášek a materiálů k l. konferenci o hornické minulosti a budoucnosti regionu Slavkovského lesa. - (Ed. Beran, P.). - Sokolov, Okresní muzeum 1996. - S. 93-96.
[Konference o hornické minulosti a budoucnosti regionu Slavkovského lesa /1./. Horní Slavkov (CZ), 96.10.17-96.10.18]

033304 - USMH-B 960108 CZ cze C
René, M.
Vývoj greisenizace Hubského pně.
In: Sborník přednášek a materiálů k l. konferenci o hornické minulosti a budoucnosti regionu Slavkovského lesa. - (Ed. Beran, P.). - Sokolov, Okresní muzeum 1996. - S. 97-101.
[Konference o hornické minulosti a budoucnosti regionu Slavkovského lesa /1./. Horní Slavkov (CZ), 96.10.17-96.10.18]

033305 - USMH-B 960109 AT eng J
René, M.
Geochemistry of Czech part of the South Bohemian pluton.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 141, 191-192 (1996).
[MinPet 96. Schwaz (AT), 96.09.23-96.09.26]

033306 - USMH-B 960110 CZ cze J
René, M.
Fotogrammetrie se stává dostupnější.
CAD, 6, 14-17 (1996).

039284 - USMH-B 970053 CZ cze J
René, M.
Příspěvek ke geochemii spodnokarbonských hornin Nízkého Jeseníku.
Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku v roce 1995, -, [-] 118-119 (1996).

039285 - USMH-B 970054 CZ cze J
René, M. - Fediuk, F.
Příspěvek ke koncentrické zonálnosti kladrubského masivu.
Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1995, -, 65-68 (1996).

033300 - USMH-B 960104 GB eng A
René, M. - Siebel, W. - Wendt, I. - Breiter, K. - Höhndorf, A. - Henjes-Kunst, F.
Rb-Sr, K-Ar Geochronology and Nd Isotopic Study of Contrasting Granite Massifs in Western Bohemia.
Journal of Conference Abstracts, 1, 569 (1996).
[V. M. Goldschmidt Conference. Heidelberg (DE), 96.03.31-96.04.04]

039281 - USMH-B 970028 NL eng C
Rohn, J. - Czurda, K. - Zvelebil, J. - Zika, P.
A steep wall with toppling rock pillars on a clayey subsoil.
In: Proceeding 8th International Conference and Field Trip on Landslides. - (Ed. Chacon, J.; Fernandez, T.). - Rotterdam, A.A.Balkema 1996. - S. 181-188.
[International Conference and Field Trip on Landslides /8./. Granada (ES), 96.09.00]

035425 - USMH-B 960114 CZ cze B
Roubíček, V. - Buchtele, J.
Chemie uhlí a jeho využití. Ostrava, Vysoká škola báňská - Technická universita 1996. - 213 s. - ().

033316 - USMH-B 960128 CZ eng C
Roubíček, V. - Kolát, P. - Buchtele, J.
Environmental Impact of Coal Utilisation Technologies.
In: Coal Research & Development Through Collaboration in Europe. - Ostrava, Vysoká škola báňská - Technická universita 1996. - S. 1/3-1/22.
[CUSNET - International Conference /2./. Ostrava (CZ), 96.09.02-96.09.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA105/93/0124

039287 - USMH-B 970066 GB eng C
Rudajev, V. - Lokajíček, T.
Influence of Rock Grain Size on Energy of Acoustic Emission.
In: 22nd European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing. - (Ed. Rogers, L. M.; Tscheliesnig, P.). - Aberdeen, Robert Gordon University 1996. - S. 105-110.
[Acoustic Emission Testing. Aberdeen (GB), 96.05.29-96.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/95/0263

033314 - USMH-B 960126 CZ eng J
Rudajev, V. - Lokajíček, T. - Číž, R.
Structure Elements of Rocks and Energy-Frequency Distribution of Seismic Phenomena.
Acta Montana. A, 9/100/, 121-130 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA34624

038278 - GFU-E 970030 CZ cze C
Rudajev, V. - Lokajíček, T. - Vilhelm, J. - Číž, R.
Hodnocení akustické emise zatěžovaných vzorků jako prognostického parametru totálního porušení.
In: Analýza dat v seismologii a inženýrské geofyzice. - (Ed. Kaláb, Z.). - Ostrava, ÚGN AV ČR 1996. - S. 131-135.
[Analýza dat v seismologii a inženýrské geofyzice (regionální konference s mezinárodní účastí). Ostrava (CZ), 96.10.08]
Grant: IA34624GA205/93/2346

033315 - USMH-B 960127 CZ eng J
Rudajev, V. - Malinský, K.
Seismic Phenomena Induced by Mining.
Acta Montana. AB, 2/99/, 79-92 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/2346

033313 - USMH-B 960124 GB eng J
Rudajev, V. - Vilhelm, J. - Kozák, J. - Lokajíček, T.
Statistical precursors of instability of loaded rock samples based on acoustic.
International Journal Rock Mechanics Mining Sciences - Geomechanics Abstracts., 33 [7] 743-748 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA34624
[Impact factor:0.434(92) 0.660(93) 0.173(94) 0.288(95) 0.317(96) 0.364(97) 0.569(98) 1.000(99) ]

039275 - USMH-B 970019 SG eng C
Rudnayová, E. - Dusza, J. - Glogar, P.
Influence of the thermal treatment on mechanical and fracture properties of unidirectional C/C fiber composites.
In: Carbon and Carbonaceous Composite Materials. - (Ed. Palmer, K. R.; Marx, D. T.; Wright, M. A.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1996. - S. 393-402.
[Carbon and Carbonaceous Composite Materials, Structure Property Relationships. Malenovice (CZ), 95.10.10-95.10.13]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 246405; GA SAV(SK) 2/1314/94

033328 - USMH-B 960156 NL eng C
Rybář, J.
Basic geological structures conditioning evolution of landslide movements - Examples from Czech Republic.
In: Proceeding 7th International Symposium on Landslides. - (Ed. Senneset, K.). - Rotterdam, A. A. Balkema 1996. - S. 1961-1965.
[International Symposium on Landslides. Trondheim (NO), 96.06.17-96.06.21]

038108 - USMH-B 970143 CZ cze V
Rybář, J.
Hodnocení výsledků kontrolního sledování bočních svahů lomu Čs. armády v období 1983 - 1996. Praha, ÚSMH AV ČR 1996. - 11 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/94/1769

038110 - USMH-B 970147 CZ cze V
Rybář, J. - Hanzlík, J. - Košťák, B. - Mrlina, J. - Skalský, L. - Tobyáš, V. - Kudrna, Z. - Vilímek, V. - Valeš, J. - Vybíral, V. - Osykin, M.
Závěrečná zpráva o řešení grantového projektu :Interpretace údajů o vlivu technogenní činnosti při úpatí Krušných hor na průběh endogenních a exogenních pochodů v okolním horninovém prostředí. Praha, ÚSMH AV ČR 1996. - 288 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/94/1769

038109 - USMH-B 970145 SK cze C
Rybář, J. - Košťák, B.
Vybrané případy ohrožení železničních tratí nestabilitou svahů v Českém masívu.
In: Geotechnical Problems of Long-time Structures. - Bratislava, STU, Stavebná fakulta 1996. - S. 225-230.
[International Geotechnical Conference /2./. Bratislava (SK), 96.09.18-96.09.19]

033326 - USMH-B 960140 DE eng J
Řídkošil, T. - Sejkora, J. - Šrein, V.
Smrkovecite, monoclinic Bi2O(OH)(PO4), a new mineral atellestite group.
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, H3, 97-102 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.298(92) 0.294(93) 0.304(94) 0.272(95) 0.240(96) 0.363(97) 0.289(98) 0.121(99) 0.256(00) 0.255(01) 0,341(02) 0.410(03) ]

033285 - USMH-B 960085 NL eng C
Schenk, V. (Ed.)
Earthquake Hazard and Risk.
In: Proceeding of 27th General Assembly of IASPEI. - (Ed. Schenk, V.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1996. - 287 s. - (Kluwer Bookseries "Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards research No. 6).
[General Assembly of IASPEI /27./. Wellington (NZ), 94.01.10-94.01.21]

033309 - USMH-B 960119 GR eng C
Schenk, V. - Kottnauer, P. - Schenková, Z.
Geographical Information System Technology and Seismotectonic Analysis of the Bohemian Massif.
In: Proceedings and Activity Report 1992-1994, 24 General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. - (Ed. Makropoulos, K.; Suhadolc, P.). - Atény, University of Athens 1996. - S. 375-376.
[General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission /24./. Atény (GR), 94.09.19-94.09.24]

038111 - USMH-B 970148 CZ eng J
Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z.
Geodynamic Investigations of the Contact Zone between the Bohemian Massif and the West Carpathians. A case Study of an Interactive Mobility of the Epivariscan Basements and the Revuca Tectonic Fault System (the West Carpathians).
International Journal of Exploration Geophysics, Remote Sensing and Environment, 3 [2] 2-9 (1996).

039297 - USMH-B 970109 GR eng C
Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z.
Seismotectonic Pattern of the Contact Zone between the West Carpathians and the Bohemian Massif.
In: Proceedings Seismicity of the Carpatho-Balcan Region. - (Ed. Papanikolaou, D.; Papoulia, J.). - Athens, European Centre on Prevention and Forecasting of Earthquakes 1996. - S. 13-21.
[Congress of the Carpatho-Balcan Geological Association /15./. Athens (GR), 95.09.17-95.09.20]

033296 - USMH-B 960099 NL eng C
Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z. - Kottnauer, P.
Earthquake Hazard Assessment for the Czech Republic and Adjacent Area.
In: Earthquake Hazard and Risk. - (Ed. Schenk, V.). - vyd. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1996. - S. 125-140. - ().
[General Assembly of IASPEI /27./. Wellington (NZ), 94.01.10-94.01.21]

033310 - USMH-B 960120 GR eng C
Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z. - Kottnauer, P.
Earthquake Hazard Map Correction for Effects of Near-Surface Sediments: An Example of the Bílina District, Czech Republic.
In: Proceedings and Activity Report 1992-1994, 24 General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. - (Ed. Makropoulos, K.; Suhadolc, P.). - Atény, University of Athens 1996. - S. 1435-1436.
[General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission /24./. Atény (GR), 94.09.19-94.09.24]

033312 - USMH-B 960123 CZ cze I
Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z. - Kottnauer, P.
Zhodnocení materiálů oddílu č. 10 "Geodynamika a seismologie" a oddílu č. 12 "Dálkový průzkum Země" z hlediska vyhledávání stabilních horninových bloků pro výběr kandidátních lokalit trvalého podzemního úložiště jaderného odpadu v České republice. Praha, ÚSMH AV ČR 1996. - 44 s.

033345 - USMH-B 960178 IS eng A
Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z. - Kottnauer, P.
Some New Aspects in a Seismotectonic Analysis of the Bohemian Massif.
In: Abstracts of 25th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. - Reykjavík, Icelandic Meteorological Office 1996. - S. 9.
[General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission /25./. Reykjavík (IS), 96.09.09-96.09.14]

033346 - USMH-B 960179 IS eng A
Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z. - Kottnauer, P. - Guterch, B. - Labák, P.
Seismic Regionalisation of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.
In: Abstracts of 25th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. - Reykjavík, Icelandic Meteorological Office 1996. - S. 41.
[General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission /25./. Reykjavík (IS), 96.09.09-96.09.14]
Grant: IASPEI/ESC Project "Third Level Regionalisation"

033347 - USMH-B 960180 IS eng A
Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z. - Kottnauer, P. - Guterch, B. - Labák, P.
Earthquake Hazard Assessment for the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, Across-Boundaries Case Study in the GSHP-Region 3.
In: Abstracts of 25th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. - Reykjavík, Icelandic Meteorological Office 1996. - S. 81.
[General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission /25./. Reykjavík (IS), 96.09.09-96.09.14]
Grant: IASPEI/ILP Project "Third Level Tegionalisation"

033349 - USMH-B 960182 IS eng A
Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z. - Kottnauer, P.
Preliminary Earthquake Hazard Assessments for "Eurocode 8" and Their Relation to the Existing Czech Building Code.
In: Abstracts of 25th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. - Reykjavík, Icelandic Meteorological Office 1996. - S. 96.
[General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission /25./. Reykjavík (IS), 96.09.09-96.09.14]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 2071602

038112 - USMH-B 970149 LU eng A
Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z. - Kottnauer, P. - Gitis, V.
Application of GIS Technologies to Seismic Risk Assessment.
In: Abstracts. Workshop on Geographical Information Systems and Major Hazards, Walferdange (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg). - Luxembourg, European Centre for Geodynamics and Seismology, Walferdange 1996. - S. 27.
[Workshop "Geographical Information Systems and Major Hazards". Walferdange (LU), 96.12.03-96.12.06]
Grant: XE(CZ) PL963077

039298 - USMH-B 970121 CZ eng C
Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z. - Kottnauer, P. - Guterch, B. - Labák, P.
Third Level Seismographical Regionalisation of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.
In: Proceedings Data Analysis in Seismology and Engineering Geophysics. - (Ed. Kaláb, Z.). - Ostrava, Institute of Geonics 1996. - S. 15-21.
[Data Analysis in Seismology and Engineering Geophysics. Ostrava ( CZ), 96.10.08]
Grant: IASPEI/ILP Project "Third Level Tegionalisation"

039299 - USMH-B 970122 CZ cze C
Schenk, V. - Schenková, Z. - Kottnauer, P.
Eurokód 8 - Mapa seismického ohrožení České republiky - Verze září 1996.
In: Proceeding Data Analysis in Seismology and Engineering Geophysics. - (Ed. Kaláb, Z.). - Ostrava, Institute of Geonics 1996. - S. 22-33.
[Data Analysis in Seismology and Engineering Geophysics. Ostrava ( CZ), 96.10.08]
Grant: IAA2071602

033308 - USMH-B 960118 GR eng C
Schenková, Z. - Kottnauer, P. - Schenk, V.
Maximum Observed Intensity Point Map of the Czech Republic.
In: Proceedings and Activity Report 1992-1994, 24 General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. - (Ed. Makropoulos, K.; Suhadolc, P.). - Atény, University of Athens 1996. - S. 1716-1717.
[General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission /24./. Atény (GR), 94.09.19-94.09.24]

033348 - USMH-B 960181 IS eng A
Schenková, Z. - Schenk, V. - Kottnauer, P. - Guterch, B. - Labák, P.
Earthquake Catalogue for the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.
In: Abstracts of 25th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. - Reykjavík, Icelandic Meteorological Office 1996. - S. 156.
[General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission /25./. Reykjavík (IS), 96.09.09-96.09.14]

034512 - UCHP-M 960131 CZ eng A
Schwarz, J. - Smolík, J. - Veselý, V. - Sýkorová, I. - Kučera, J.
Emissions of toxic elements from the fluidized bed combustion of brown coal.
In: CHISA 96 - Abstracts. - Praha, ČSCHI 1996. - S. P5.17, 1116. - ().
[International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 96 /12./. Praha (CZ), 96.08.25-96.08.30]
Grant: GA104/95/0653

037649 - UCHP-M 970023 GB eng J
Schwarz, J. - Smolík, J. - Veselý, V. - Sýkorová, I. - Kučera, J.
Particulate emissions from the fluidized bed combustion of brown coal.
Journal of Aerosol Science, 27 [Supplement 1] 359-360 (1996).
[European Aerosol Conference 1996. Delft (NL), 96.09.09-96.09.12]
Grant: GA104/95/0653
[Impact factor:0.317(91) 0.213(92) 0.576(93) 1.597(94) 1.197(95) 1.168(96) 1.378(97) 1.508(98) 1.887(99) 2.071(00) 1.605(01) 1,895(02) 1.738(03) ]

039290 - USMH-B 970090 CZ cze J
Sejkora, J. - Šrein, V.
Příspěvek ke krystalochemii mixitu z lokalit v Českém masívu.
Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1995, -, [-] 153-155 ( 1996).

032868 - GLU-S 960169 CZ eng J
Skřivan, P. - Šťastný, M. - Kotková, P. - Burian, M.
Partition of beryllium and several other trace elements insurface waters.
Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 27 [2] 131-145 (1996).
Grant: GA204/93/0276GA205/96/0011

033337 - USMH-B 960165 NL eng C
Spanilá, T.
Landslides and abrasion processes on the shoreline of the water reservoirs Nechranice.
In: Landslides/Glissements de Terrain. - Rotterdam, A. A. Balkema 1996. - S. 579-583.
[International Symposium on Landslides /7./. Trondheim (NO), 96.06.17-96.06.21]

033333 - USMH-B 960161 CZ cze C
Spanilá, T. - Valigurský, L.
Vodní nádrže a jejich vliv na životní prostředí.
In: Proceeding Environmental impact assessment. - Praha, CTU 1996. - S. 393-396.
[Regional Conference IUAPPA /9./. Praha (CZ), 96.09.23-96.09.26]

033292 - USMH-B 960094 CZ eng C
Straka, P.
Adsorbents from brown coals.
In: CHISA 96 - 12th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering. - Praha, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1996. - S. 52/1-52/11.
[International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 96 /12./. Praha (CZ), 96.08.25-96.08.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA105/96/0760

033293 - USMH-B 960095 US eng C
Straka, P. - Buchtele, J.
Co-pyrolysis of coal with organic solids.
In: The Second International Conference on Energy and Environment: Transitions in East Europe. - Grand Forks, Energy and Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota 1996. - S. 471-475.
[International Conference on Energy and Environment: Transitions in East Europe /2./. Praha (CZ), 94.11.01-94.11.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA105/93/0124

033344 - USMH-B 960176 PL eng A
Straka, P. - Buchtele, J.
Properties of sorbents from brown coals.
In: Coal Structure 96, Third International Symposium, 1996. - Gliwice, Polish Academy of Sciences 1996. - S. 102.
[Coal Structure 96 - International Symposium /3./. Zakopane (PL), 96.09.21-96.09.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA105/96/0760

033295 - USMH-B 960098 CZ cze J
Straka, P. - Sýkorová, I. - Brožová, Z.
Distribuce kyslíku v macerálových frakcích uhlí OKR.
Uhlí,rudy,geologický průzkum, 3 [7] 223-226 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 2046602

039296 - USMH-B 970108 CZ cze J
Suk, M. - Reichwalder, P. - Šefara, J. - Schenk, V.
Regionalizace v geologických vědách.
Folia Facultatis Scientiarium Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis. Geologia, 38, [-] 1-227 (1996).

054237 - USMH-B 980090 CZ cze B
Suk, M. - Reichwalder, P. - Šefara, J. - Schenk, V.
Regionalizace v geologických vědách. Brno, Masarykova universita 1996. - 227 s. - ().

033331 - USMH-B 960159 GB eng C
Swoboda, G. - Dong, Q. - Doležalová, M. - Venclík, P.
Back Analysis of Three Dimensional Model for Geotechnical Problems.
In: Proceedings of ECCOMAS 96 - 2nd Conference on Numerical Methods - 3rd Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics. - London, John Wiley & Sons 1996. - S. 1-6.
[ECCOMAS '96. Paris (FR), 96.09.09-96.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 246403

033325 - USMH-B 960139 CZ eng CX
Sýkorová, I. - Čermák, I.
Petrographic examination of coal matter weathering.
In: Weathering of fossil organic matter. - (Ed. Kříbek, B.). - Praha, Český geologický ústav 1996. - S. 28-39.
[Konference české skupiny Mezinárodního geologického korelačního programu 357: Organics and Mineral Deposits. Praha (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/95/0151

033341 - USMH-B 960169 NL eng A
Sýkorová, I. - Čermák, I.
Petrography of North Bohemian brown coals and their solid residues from carbonization, coprocessing and fluidized bed combustion.
In: Abstracts - 48th Meeting - International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology. - (Ed. Laar, H.; David, P.). - Heerlen, Geological Survey of the Netherlands 1996. - S. 36-37.
[Meeting International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology /48./. Heerlen (NL), 96.09.08-96.09.14]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3046607; GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/1791; GA ČR(CZ) GA104/95/0653

033340 - USMH-B 960168 PL eng A
Sýkorová, I. - Čermák, I. - Daněk, V.
Petrographic Determination of Coal Weathering.
In: Zagadnienia ekologiczne w geologii i petrologii wegla. - (Ed. Probierz, K.; Komorek, J.). - Gliwice, Katedra Geologii Stosowanej, Politechnika Slaska 1996. - S. 21.
[Konferencia Zagadnienia ekologiczne w geologii i petrologii wegla /2./. Gliwice (PL), 96.11.28-96.11.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3046607

033321 - USMH-B 960133 GB eng B
Sýkorová, I. - Novotná, M. - Pavlíková, H. - Machovič, V.
Petrological and spectroscopic structural characteristics of Bohemian and Moravian coals and their possible relation to gas proneness.
In: Geological Society Special Publication No 109. - London, Geological Society 1996. - S. 249-260. - ().
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3046607

033339 - USMH-B 960167 PL eng A
Sýkorová, I. - Šrein, V. - Šťastný, M. - Smolík, J. - Schwarz, J. - Veselý, V. - Kugler, J. - Kučera, J.
Fluidized Bed Combustion of Brown Coal from Vršany Mine.
In: Zagadnienia ekologiczne w geologii i petrologii wegla. - (Ed. Probierz, K.; Komorek, J.). - Gliwice, Katedra Geologii Stosowanej, Politechnika Slaska 1996. - S. 13.
[Konferencia Zagadnienia ekologiczne w geologii i petrologii wegla /2./. Gliwice (PL), 96.11.28-96.11.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/95/0653

039291 - USMH-B 970091 DE eng J
Šrein, V.
Skarns in the Bohemian part of the Western and Central Krušné hory Mountains.
Freiberger Forschungshefte, - [467] 107-129 (1996).

039292 - USMH-B 970092 CZ cze J
Šrein, V. - Bohdálek, P. - Sejkora, J.
Stručný přehled výskytů uranylu v širokém okolí Měděnce.
Zpravodaj Geologického pavilonu prof. F. Pošepného, - [6] 35-39 (1996).

039293 - USMH-B 970094 CZ cze B
Šrein, V. - Bohdálek, P. - Šreinová, B. - Sejkora, J.
Průvodce po mineralogických a geologicko-montanistických lokalitách střední části Krušných hor. Praha, USMH 1996. - 18 s.

039288 - USMH-B 970088 CZ cze V
Šrein, V. - Šťastný, M.
Petrografie a mineralogie hornin z k.ú. Habrůvecká bučina ŠLP VŠZ Křtiny, okres Blansko a z okolí Rudky u Kunštátu. Praha, USMH 1996. - 51 s.

039294 - USMH-B 970099 CZ cze V
Šrein, V. - Šťastný, M.
Mineralogický a petrografický výzkum hornin a artefaktů. Praha, USMH 1996. - 44 s.

054230 - USMH-B 980024 CZ cze I
Šrein, V. - Šťastný, M.
Petrografie a mineralogie hornin z k.ú. Habrůvecká bučina ŠLP VŠZ Křtiny, okres Blansko a z okolí Rudky u Kunštátu. Praha, ÚSMH 1996. - 51 s.

033297 - USMH-B 960100 CZ cze J
Vencovský, M.
Odvození účinkové funkce vlivů poddolování z měření poklesů.
Uhlí,rudy,geologický průzkum, 3 [6] 193-200 (1996).

038107 - USMH-B 970142 CZ cze J
Vencovský, M.
Hustota rozmístění diskrétních bodů rovinného pole.
Geodetický a kartografický obzor, 42/84/ [12] 245-248 (1996).

054234 - USMH-B 980064 CZ eng C
Volf, J. - Holý, S. - Obrazová, H. - Vlček, J. - Kunzová, D. - Skořepová, J. - Anger, L.
Application of conductive rubber layer for pressure measurement.
In: Workshop 96. - Praha, České vysoké učení technické 1996. - S. 917-918.
[Workshop 96. Brno (CZ), 96.01.21-96.01.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/94/1788

033320 - USMH-B 960132 GB eng A
Weishauptová, Z. - Balík, K. - Medek, J.
Influence of the Cooling Process on Crack Development in Carbon-Carbon Composite.
In: Extended Abstracts. - Newcastle upon Tyne, British Carbon Group 1996. - S. 765.
[Carbon '96. Newcastle upon Tyne (GB), 96.07.07-96.07.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/1789

039280 - USMH-B 970027 US eng C
Weishauptová, Z. - Balík, K. - Medek, J.
Pores and Cracks Analysis of Carbon-Carbon Composites.
In: Carbon and Carbonaceous Composite Materials. - (Ed. Palmer, K. R.; Marx, D. T.; Wright, M. A.). - Illinois, World Scientific Publishing Go.Pte.Ltd. 1996. - S. 364-370.
[International Conference on Carbon and Carbonaceous Composite Materials. Malenovice (CZ), 95.10.10-95.10.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/1789

033319 - USMH-B 960131 GB eng J
Weishauptová, Z. - Medek, J.
Influence of Chemical Changes of the Isotropic Matrix on Physical Properties of Mesophase Pitch.
Fuel, 75 [1] 67-70 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.838(91) 0.788(92) 0.771(93) 1.013(94) 0.867(95) 0.892(96) 0.814(97) 0.768(98) 0.789(99) 0.893(00) 0.905(01) 1,000(02) 1.167(03) ]

039274 - USMH-B 970018 SG eng C
Yudin, V. E. - Goikhman, M. Y. - Gribanov, A. V. - Gubanova, G. N. - Kudryavtsev, V. V. - Balík, K. - Glogar, P.
Carbon-carbon composites based on a polyimide matrix ITA.
In: Carbon and Carbonaceous Composite Materials. - (Ed. Palmer, K. R.; Marx, D. T.; Wright, M. A.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1996. - S. 187-197.
[Carbon and Carbonaceous Composite Materials, Structure Property Relationships. Malenovice (CZ), 95.10.10-95.10.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/1789

033357 - USMH-B 960195 NL eng C
Zika, P. - Košťák, B.
The Stability Investigations of the Rock Massif Čertova stěna - Devil's Wall.
In: Landslides - Glissements de Terrain. - (Ed. Senneset, K.). - Rotterdam, A. A. Balkema 1996. - S. 941-945.
[International Symposium on Landslides /7./. Trondheim (NO), 96.06.17-96.06.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/2342; GA AV ČR(CZ) 205/93/2340

054239 - USMH-B 980107 CZ cze I
Zvelebil, J. - Cílek, V.
Kontrolní sledování procesů porušování NPP Pravčická brána. Zpráva l. dílčí etapy. Praha, USMH 1996. - 23 s.
Grant: MŽP,PPŽ(CZ) 610/3/96

033299 - USMH-B 960103 CZ cze C
Zvelebil, J. - Novotný, J. - Košťák, B. - Zika, P.
Předběžné výsledky inženýrskogeologického studia svahové deformace hřebene Ledových slují.
In: Příroda - Sborník prací z ochrany přírody. - (Ed. Gruna, B.; Reiter, A.). - Praha, Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR 1996. - S. 41-54. - ().
[5 let NP Podyjí - Výsledky výzkumu. Znojmo (CZ), 96.03.19]

054240 - USMH-B 980110 CZ cze I
Zvelebil, J. - Novotný, J. - Košťák, B.
Inženýrskogeologický výzkum a kontrolní sledování aktivity svahových pohybů na lokalitě Ledové sluje - Vranov n/Dyjí. Etapa 5. Praha, USMH 1996. - 43 s.

033298 - USMH-B 960101 CZ cze I
Zvelebil, J. - Stemberk, J.
Nepřímá rajonizace rizik a návrh postupu prací k odstranění ohrožení železniční trati ČD mezi Děčínem a státní hranicí SRN skalními říceními. Praha, ÚSMH AV ČR 1996. - 25 s.

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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