Kybernetika [Cybernetics]
38 (2002), No. 5 |
O B S A H C O N T E N T |
Christian COMMAULT, Jean-Michel DION, and Jacob W. van der WOUDE
Characterization of Generic Properties of Linear Structured Systems for Efficient Computations.
Ferdinand KRAFFER and Petr ZAGALAK
Parametrization and Reliable Extraction of Proper Compensators
Sabine MONDIÉ, Michel DAMBRINE, and Omar SANTOS
Approximation of Control Laws with Distributed Delays: A Necessary Condition for Stability.
Javier RUIZ-LEÓN, Jorge A. TORRES MUNOZ, and Francisco LIZAOLA
Nonregular Decoupling with Stability of Two-Output Systems
Fréderic ROTELLA, Francisco J. CARILLO, and Mounir AYADI
Polynomial Controller Design Based on Flatness.
Ronald K. PEARSON, Ülle KOTTA, and Sven NOMM
Systems with Associative Dynamics
Richard POTHIN, Claude H. MOOG, and Xiaohua XIA
Disturbance Decoupling of Nonlinear MISO Systems by Static Measurement Feedback.
Jean-Francois POMMARET
Poles and Zeroes of Nonlinear Control Systems
Mihail VOICU and Octavian PASTRAVANU
Time-Domain and Parametric L2-Properties Corresponding to Popov Inequality
Jean-Francois CAMART, Basilio del-MURO-CUÉLLAR, and Michel MALABRE
Fixed Poles of H2 Optimal Control by Measurement Feedback
Didier HENRION, Kenji SAGIMOTO, and Michael ŠEBEK
Rank-One LMI Approach to Robust Stability of Polynomial Matrices
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