Co-ordinating Strategies on Embedded
Systems in the European Research Area
Follow-up Project

COSINE2 will enhance the impact of European RTD strategies in the area of Embedded Systems. Based on optimizing the alignment of national research strategies, leveraging the co-operation of research programmes to a new level it will tune RTD policies optimally to the new European Embedded Systems Research environment.

Embedded Systems are a key driving innovation factor in leading European industry sectors such as consumer electronics, automotive, or aerospace. As a reaction, policy makers in the EU and members states have created a collection of dedicated RTD initiatives. It is now time to improve their impact through opening, co-operation, and co-ordination with key strategic initiatives such as the ARTEMIS technology platform. COSINE2 will facilitate the opening of national research programmes, and create synergy among EU, national, and regional programmes and policies to improve the European Research Area for Embedded Systems.

COSINE2 will achieve its goals based on linking Embedded Systems programme managers and policy makers, the EC and regional actor and creating the basis for informed strategic policy choices. It will distribute best-practice examples for trans-national co-operation and facilitate focused interaction with the industry driven ARTEMIS technology platform. COSINE2 will support countries developing or implementing Embedded Systems RTD strategies regardless of their participation in the project. Dedicated co-operation with regional organisations will improve the involvement of small and medium sized enterprises in research actions and accelerate the take-up of ES technology. COSINE2 will create wide impact with information services on ES RTD initiatives for policy makers, programme managers, and the research community. In this way, COSINE2 will realize the vision of a European Embedded Systems Research Area.

Acronym: COSINE 2
Name: Co-ordinating Strategies on Embedded Systems in the European Research Area Follow-up Project
Project No.: FP7-ICT-215594
Consortium: eu|te|ma Technology Management - coordinator, Austria
TEKES (National Technology Agency of Finland), Finland
DLR (Deutsches Luft- und Raumfahrtzentrum), Germany
ISERD (Israel Directorate for EU FP)), Israel
UTIA (Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR, v.v.i.), Czech Rep.
VINNOVA (Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems), Sweden
BMVIT (Ministry for Transport, Innovation, and Technology), Austria
NKTH (National Office for Research and Technology), Hungary
IWT (Institute for the Promotion of Innovation by S&T in Flanders), Belgium
ESI (Embedded Systems Institute),The Netherlands
MUR (Ministero dell'Universita` e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica), Italy
CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission), France
Duration: 1 December 2007 - 30 May 2010

Project workshops