Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals ASCR, v.v.i. Prague |
(For current information click here) |
People |
Head: M. Puncochar
Deputy: V. Cirkva
Research staff: V. Gruber, M. Hajek, M. Hartman, L. Slavetinska, K. Svoboda, M. Syc, O. Trnka, L. Vlkova
Part time: E. Fiserova, M. Jeremias, V. Pekarek, S. Skoblja, V. Tydlitat, V. Vesely
Technical staff: P. Beer, J. Chour
PhD students: P. Kamenikova, M. Pohorely, S. Relich, J. Sobek, M. Vosecky, H. Zabova
Fields of research |
Applied research |
Research projects |
Near zero emission advanced fluidised bed gasification (FLEXGAS)
(M. Puncochar, supported by Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS), project No. RFCR-CT-2007-00005)
In this project, the ways are examined of overcoming the potential disadvantages of fluidised bed gasification, the technology for CO2 capture/reduction and the advantages in terms of their ability to process biomass/waste in association with coal at different scales of operation and for different applications. [Refs. 5-7, 13, 14, 16-18, 24, 30, 39-41]
Phytoextraction biomass disposal – an unsolved problem
(M. Puncochar, joint project with Czech University of Agriculture, supported by GACR, grant No. GA104/07/0977)
Potentially toxic elements such as Cd or Zn accumulated in the biomass of hyperacumulating and/or highly accumulating plants are bound into different parts of the organic matrix in different extent and direct extraction of these elements is not straightforward. The aim of the project is to grow different plant species with the ability to accumulate metals in above ground biomass mainly willows and to develop procedure degrading organic matrix of the element accumulating plants, into the forms, where elements could be effectively extracted and recovered. [Refs. 29, 35-37, 43, 44]
Waste as raw material and energy source
(M. Puncochar, joint project with Brno University of Technology, and EVECO Brno, supported by MEYS, project No. 2B08048)
The project is concerned with research and application of modern approaches leading to the higher effectivity in using different classes of wastes in energy and recycling processes. Attention is paid especially to the processes of thermal processing of wastes with aim of maximal use of produced energy with minimization of released harmful substances. The project involves both experiments and computer simulations. [Refs. 42, 43]
Fluidization and decontamination of organic-polluted solids in a fluid-bed reactor
(M. Hartman, supported by ASCR, grant No. IAA400720701)
A fundamental understanding of such viable reaction systems for the thermal oxidation of organic liquids entrapped (absorbed) within porous solids is still lacking. The hydrodynamic behavior of the "g"-"s" suspensions with such polluted (wet and sticky) particles is explored with the aid of pressure fluctuations also with respect to their unwanted tendency to stick together and lie down. Hitherto unexplored, inert and porous particles soaked in model organic compounds will be fired in a bench-scale, fluid-bed reactor operated in different regimes. Experimental and modeling efforts seek to explain and describe the dependence of the reactor's combustion efficiency as a function of residence time, excess air, operating temperature and particle size. The study focuses on the overall picture of formation and oxidation destruction of main gaseous pollutants (NO, NO2, N2O, CO, organic residuals, persistent organic pollutants, SO2, and HCl) and their interrelationships. [Refs. 3, 10, 11, 15, 27]
Research of the production of hydrogen and synthesis gases by gasification of waste biomass originating from the production of biofuels
(J. Hanika, V. Vesely, joint project with Research Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Usti n/L, supported by MIT, project No. 2A-2TP1/024)
Project is focused on gasification of waste biomass which comes from the production of bio-ethanol and bio-diesel. The aim is to produce hydrogen from biomass, to capture CO2 rising in the process and to separate present heteroatoms. A specific task of project is to develop the integral process which includes the processing of biomass into existing technology of waste crude oil gasification. [Ref. 45]
PETELYSE-PET recycling
(V. Vesely, joint project with ICT, supported by MIT, IMPULS project No. FI-IM4/096)
The technology of PET recycling deloped in ICPF consists in PET flakes crystallization. Formed crystalline PET is crushed into small particles and then is subject to the basic hydrolysis at an atmospheric pressure. In addition to lye solution, glycol is added in the hydrolysis. Water is eliminated by boiling, which gives rise to suspension of sodium salt of terephthalic acid and glycol. The suspension is skimmed and the filtered glycol is vacuum distilled. Pure glycol is then the distillation product. Electrolysis removes pure terephthalic acid salt from the solution. Glycol sollution is returned to the hydrolysis. Terephthalic acid is precipitated by a mineral acid. Terephthalic acid and glycol are products in a “polymer grade” quality. The waste is a part of washing waters, distillation remainders after glycol regeneration and a filter cake after the terephthalate solution filtration. The main aim of the project is to produce reliable data for scaling up of the process and to evaluate the economy of whole recycling. [Refs. 22, 47, 48]
New technologies for recovery of precious and special metals from electrical and electrotechnical wastes
(V. Gruber, joint project with SAFINA, supported by MIT, IMPULS project No. FI-IMS/075)
The project deals with recovery of precious metals from electrical and electrotechnical wastes. Speciall attention is paid to the recovery of Eu and Y from TV sets. [Ref. 25]
Preparation of the electrodeless discharge lamps for photochemical applications
(V. Cirkva, supported by GACR, grant No. GA104/06/0992)
The project is concerning on preparation of the electrodeless discharge lamps (EDLs) as a suitable source of UV/VIS light for photochemical reactions. The EDL consists of a glass tube filled under a lower pressure with an inert gas and an excitable substance (mercury, sulfur), and generates UV/vis radiation when placed into the microwave field. The effect of operating EDL parameters, the microwave power output and medium properties on spectral characteristics are studied. [Refs. 2, 20, 49, 50, 51]
Investigation on the formation possibility of PCDD/F by synthetic reactions from their surrogates
(V. Cirkva, supported by GACR, grant No. GA104/07/1212)
The project is directed toward a study of the synthetic reactions producing persistent organic pollutants of the type of PCDD and PCDF, with special emphasis on the conditions of formation of these substances in combustion plants. Investigation is focused on the formation possibility of PCDD/F from their surrogates. As the major proposed surrogates are chlorinated phenols and benzenes. The research is also oriented on the formation study of new PCDD/F intermediates and precursors on suitable solid supports from corresponding surrogates. Attention is paid to the effects of matrices and of copper metal forms with various physico-chemical properties on the course of the synthetic reactions. The research results should contribute to initiation of further technical measures in combustion plants that would decrease PCDD/F emissions. [Refs. 1, 8, 9, 32, 33, 42]
Optimization of offgas cleaning system with safe and reliable dioxin destruction
(V. Pekarek, supported by MEYS, project No. OE 200)
The application of the original Czech CMD detoxification technology was solved for the supplementation of the REMEDIA catalytic filter (Gore) in the Czech municipal waste incineration plant TERMIZO, Inc. The organic persistent compounds (POPs) in fly ashes were detoxificated at least from 98% at 350 °C by the CMD technology. By this way the incineration plant might be supposed for POPs compounds as wasteless. The CMD technology was successfully proved in semi industrial scale. The detoxification ability was tested by using different matrices for different POPs compounds. [Refs. 1, 4, 28, 32, 33]
Simultaneous cooling at microwave heating - a new method in heterogeneous catalysis
(M. Hajek, supported by GA CR, grant No. GA104/08/0416)
The research has been focused on application in heterogeneously catalyzed reactions in liquid phase. It has been observed that selectivity of catalytic reaction can be significantly improved. These important findings evoked continuation to study this effect in more detail, what is the subject of this project. Scope and limitation of this method including possibility of potential applications has been studied on model reactions with non-polar (non-absorbing) reactants (alkylation of aromatics by alkenes) in the presence of strong acidic (strong absorbing) solid catalysts. [Refs. 12, 26, 38]
Simultaneous disinfection and microwave drying of books and similar paper-based materials
(M. Hajek, supported by ICPF)
New technology for drying of flooded books including simultaneous disinfection has been completed and protected by EP patent. [Ref. 19]
Microwave technology for production of new glasses
(M. Hajek, J. Brustman, supported by ICPF)
Production of new glasses by microwave radiation has been developed obtaining better properties compared to conventional melting process. [Ref. 31]
Low-energy microwave depolymerization of waste poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and polyurethane (PUR) foams
(M. Hajek, J. Sobek, supported by ICPF)
Microwave energy is applied for total depolymerization of waste PET material, especially waste PET bottles. The products are terephtalic acid and ethylene glycol. The process includes the following steps: depolymerization, purification and separation. Total depolymerization is achieved by applying microwave energy of 2450 MHz frequency with energy consumption of 0.5-1.0 kWh/kg PET. A developed recycling process is based on the chemolysis of polyurethane (PUR) foams using proper diols or triols in combination with microwaves heating. The product is a liquid recyclate with active hydroxyl groups. [Refs. 21]
Cooperation of EPEL with Prague City Hall
(V. Tydlitat, Prague City Hall, department Protection of Environment)
Dependences of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentration in Prague atmosphere on mean atmosphere temperature in years 2006 and 2007 are presented and discussed. [Ref. 46]
Emission factors of POPs and heavy metals from small sources
(V. Pekarek, joint project with TU Ostrava, supported by MEYS, project No. SP/1a2/116/07)
Determination of emission factor for selected POPs compounds and heavy metals is solved. The following topics will be studied (i) the validation of the original air dilution unit for the sampling, (ii) effect of different combustion units from the standpoint of toxic compounds emission, (iii) effect of different fuels on the toxic compounds formation. [Ref. 4]
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International cooperations |
Teaching |
Publications |
Original papers
1. Hartman M., Pohorely M., Trnka O.: Fluidization of Dried Wastewater Sludge. Powder Technol. 178(3), 166-172 (2007).
1. Bures M., Pekarek V., Ocelka T.: Thermochemical Properties and Relative Stability of Polychlorinated Biphenyls. Environ. Toxicol. Phar. 25(2), 148-155 (2008).
2. Cirkva V., Zabova H., Hajek M.: Microwave Photocatalysis of Mono-Chloroacetic Acid over Nanoporous Titanium(IV) Oxide Thin Films Using Mercury Electrodeless Discharge Lamps. J. Photochem. Photobiol., A 198(1), 13-17 (2008).
3. Hartman M., Trnka O.: Physical Characteristics of Fluidized Beds via Pressure Fluctuation Analysis. AIChE J. 54(7), 1761-1769 (2008).
4. Horak J., Hopan F., Krpec K., Dej M., Machalek P., Pekarek V., Syc M., Ocelka T., Tomsej T.: Emise POP a tezkych kovu z malych zdroju znecistovani a jejich emisni faktory. (Czech) POPs and Heavy Metal Emissions from Small Sources and Their Emission Factors. Ochrana ovzdusi 21(56), 38-41 (2008).
5. Kalisz S., Svoboda K., Robak Z., Baxter D., Andersen L.K.: Application of FT-IR Absorption Spectroscopy to Characterize Waste and Bio-Fuels for Pyrolysis and Gasification. Arch. Waste Management Environ. Protect. 8, 51-62 (2008).
6. Miccio F., Kalisz S., Baxter D., Svoboda K.: Combustion of Liquid Bio-Fuels in an Internal Circulating Fluidized Bed. Chem. Eng. J. 143(1-3), 172-179 (2008).
7. Miccio F., Svoboda K., Schosger J.-P., Baxter D.: Biomass Gasification in Internal Circulating Fluidized Beds: A Thermodynamic Predictive Tool. Korean J. Chem. Eng. 25(4), 721-726 (2008).
8. Slavetinska L., Mosinger J., Dracinsky M., Posta M.: NMR Study of Host–Guest Complexes of Disulfonated Derivatives of 9,10-Diphenylanthracene and Corresponding Endoperoxides with Cyclodextrins. J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem. 61(3-4), 241-250 (2008).
9. Slavetinska L., Mosinger J., Kubat P.: Supramolecular Carriers of Singlet Oxygen: Photosensitized Formation and Thermal Decomposition of Endoperoxides in the Presence of Cyclodextrins. J. Photochem. Photobiol., A 195(1), 1-9 (2008).
10. Hartman M., Trnka O.: Drag Coefficients from Explicit Relationships for the Terminal Fall Velocity of Spheres. Chem. Eng. Sci., submitted.
11. Hartman M., Trnka O.: Monitoring the Fluidization Behavior through Time Series of Pressure Fluctuations in a Bed. AIChE J., submitted.
12. Kastanek P., Kastanek F., Hajek M.: Microwave-enhanced Thermal Adsorption of Polyhalogenated Biphenyls from Contaminated Soil. J. Hazard. Mater., submitted.
13. Martinec J., Sen H., Svoboda K., Martincova J.V., Baxter D.: The Thermal Protection of a Specific Experimental Instrument for Monitoring of Combustion Conditions on the Grate of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators. Appl. Therm. Eng., submitted.
14. Svoboda K., Wieczorek K., Miccio F., Baxter D., Kalisz S.: Simplified Modeling of Circulating Flow of Solids between a Fluidized Bed and a Vertical Pneumatic Transport Tube Reactor Connected by Orifices. Powder Technol., in press.
Review papers
15. Hartman M., Trnka O.: Tezke kovy v cistirenskem kalu a jejich chovani pri spalovani. (Czech) Heavy Metals in Sewage Sludge and Their Behaviour in Incineration. Chem. Listy 102(2), 131-138 (2008).
16. Svoboda K., Siewiorek A, Baxter D., Rogut J., Pohorely M.: Thermodynamic Possibilities and Constraints for Pure Hydrogen Production by a Nickel and Cobalt-Based Chemical Looping Process at Lower Temperatures. Energ. Convers. Manage. 49(2), 221-231 (2008).
17. Svoboda K., Pohorely M., Hartman M., Martinec J.: Pretreatment and Feeding of Biomass for Pressurized Entrained Flow Gasification. Fuel Process. Technol., submitted.
18. Svoboda K., Pohorely M., Martinec J., Baxter D.: Integration of Biomass Drying with Combustion/Gasification Technologies and Minimization of Emissions of Organic Compounds. Bioresource Technol., in press.
19. Hajek M., Drahos J.: Method of Drying of Book and Similar Paper Material and Equipment for Its Processing. Pat. No. EP 1441191. Applied: 22.12.2003, Granted: 08.02.13.
20. Zabova H., Cirkva V., Hajek M.: Zarizeni k provadeni fotokatalytickych reakci. (Czech) Equipment for Photocatalytic Reactions. Pat. No. PUV 2007-19451/UV 18240. Applied: 07.11.30, Granted: 08.02.05.
21. Hajek M., Sobek J., Brustman J.: Method for the Chemical Depolymerization of Waste Polyethylene Terephthalate. Pat. No. PCT/EP/2008/058917. Applied: 08.07.09.
22. Novak L., Cernin A., Hanika J., Vesely V.: Zpusob a zarizeni pro izolaci kyseliny tereftalove. (Czech) Princip and Device for Terephthalic Acid Isolation. Pat. No. PV 2008-602. Applied: 08.10.09.
23. Puncochar M., Skoblia S., Kamenikova P.: Zpusob stanoveni celkoveho obsahu dehtu v plynu produkovanem zplynovanim paliva. (Czech) Method of Total Tar Content Determination in Gasifier Gas. Pat. No. PV 2008-780. Applied: 08.12.08.
24. Tydlitat V.: Laboratorni prehrivac vodni pary. (Czech) Laboratory Steam Overheater. Pat. No. PUV 2008-19643/UV18380. Applied: 08.02.04, Granted: 08.03.17.
International conferences
25. Gruber V.: Recovery of Yttrium and Europium from Waste Luminophors from Spent CRT Displays. Pollutec 2008, Workshop Proceedings, pp. 1-3, Lyon, France, 02-05 December 2008.
26. Hajek M.: Application of Microvawe Effects in Heterogeneous Catalysis. 9th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis, Book of Abstracts, pp. 21-27, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia, 08-12 September 2008.
27. Hartman M., Trnka O., Svoboda K.: Pressure Fluctuations in a Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 140 (11 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.
28. Horak J., Hopan F., Krpec K., Dej M., Kubacka M., Pekarek V., Syc M., Ocelka T., Tomsej T., Machalek P.: Determination of Emission Factors for Combusting Solid Fuels in Residential Combustion Appliances. 28th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistant Organic Pollutants-Dioxin 2008, Organohalogen Compounds, Vol. 70, pp. 2470-2473, Birmingham, Great Britain, 17-22 August 2008.
29. Jeremias M., Pohorely M., Vosecky M., Skoblia S., Kamenikova P., Svoboda K., Puncochar M.: Alotermni fluidni zplynovani biomasy. (Czech) Allothermal Fluidized Bed Biomass Gasification. 7. mezinarodni konference Chemie energetickych cyklu, Sbornik prednasek, pp. 107-115, Praha, Czech Republic, 09-10 September 2008.
30. Martinec J., Svoboda K., Martincova J.V.: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Incineration Process on the Moving Grate in Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 150 (9 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.
31. Matejkova A., Hajek J., Hajek M.: Metoda taveni skla pomoci mikrovlnne energie, nove moznosti odlevani sklenenych soch a plastik. (Czech) The Method of Glass Melting by Microwave Energy, New Possibilities of Casting Glass Sculpture. Ceska a Slovenska konference o skle, Sbornik prispevku, Sklar a keramik, rocnik 58 C, pp. 21-24, Luhacovice, Czech Republic, 05-07 November 2008.
32. Ocelka T., Grabic R., Cirkva V., Syc M., Kodes V., Leontovycova D., Pekarek V.: Contamination of Czech Rivers and Dreissena Polymorpha with PCBs from the Point of View of the Ortho Side Chlorinated Congeners. 28th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistant Organic Pollutants-Dioxin 2008 , Organohalogen Compounds, Vol. 70, pp. 002001-002004, Birmingham, Great Britain, 17-22 August 2008.
33. Ocelka T., Pekarek V., Sekula P.: Technology for POPs Destruction: Copper Mediated Destruction (CMD). Contaminated Sites Bratislava 2008, Conference Proceedings, pp. 182-183, Bratislava, Slovakia, 10-13 July 2008.
34. Pekarek V.: 30leta historie kalorimetrickych seminaru. (Czech) 30 Years´ History off Calorimetric Meetings. 30 Mezinarodni cesky a slovensky kalorimetricky seminar, Sbornik prispevku, pp. 11-16, Roznov pod Radhostem, Czech Republic, 26-30 May 2008.
35. Pohorely M., Syc M., Tlustos P., Habart J., Puncochar M.: Vyluhovatelnost Zn, Cd, Pb a Cu ze vzorku penizku modraveho (Thlaspi caerulescens) pouziteho pro fytoremediaci. (Czech) Leaching of Zn, Cd, Pb, a Cu from Penny-Cress (Thlaspi caerulescens) Used for Phytoremediation. 17. Konference Chemicke technologie . Materialy . Petrochemie . Polymery . Ropa . Legislativa . Prostredi . Bezpecnost . APROCHEM 2008, Sbornik prednasek, p. 2390-2395, Milovy, Czech Republic, 14-16 April 2008.
36. Puncochar M., Syc M., Pohorely M., Habart J., Tlustos P.: Postharvest Processes of Biomass Contaminated by Heavy Metals. 14th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Proceedings , pp. 532-534, Taipei, Taiwan, 16-23 November 2008.
37. Puncochar M., Syc M., Pohorely M., Tlustos P.: Methods of Treatment of Contaminated Biomass from Heavy Metals Phytoremediation. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 113, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.
38. Sobek J., Hajek M.: Alkylation of Aromatics by Alkenes in the Microwave Field. 9th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis, Book of Abstracts, pp. 453-458, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia, 08-12 September 2008.
39. Svoboda K., Baxter D., Miccio F., Kalisz S., Pohorely M.: Simplified Modeling of Circulating Flow of Solids between a Fluidized Bed and a Vertical Pneumatic Transport Tube Reactor Connected by Orifices. BIOGASTECH, Book of Abstracts, pp. 1-21, Gebze, Turkey, 09-11 April 2008.
40. Svoboda K., Kalisz S., Martinec J., Pohorely M.: Gas Bypassing and Circulation of Sand and Char Particles in a Dual System with Fluidized Bed and Pneumatic Transport – Effects of Design and Operation Parameters. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, p. 955 (16 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.
41. Svoboda K., Pohorely M., Hartman M., Trnka O.: Pretreatment and Feeding of Biomass for Pressurized Entrained Flow Gasification. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 227 (14 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.
42. Syc M., Pekarek V., Fiserova E., Karban J., Puncochar M.: The Effect of MSWI Start-up and Shut-down on Congener Profiles of PCDD/F Precursors. 28th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistant Organic Pollutants-Dioxin 2008, Organohalogen Compounds, Vol. 70, pp. 001810-001813, Birmingham, Great Britain, 17-22 August 2008.
43. Syc M., Pohorely M., Toufarova H., Zackova P., Puncochar M.: Palivarska charakteristika lnu seteho pouziteho k fytoremediaci znecistenych prumyslovych oblasti. (Czech) Fuel Characteristics of Flax (Linum usitatissimum) Applied for Phytoremediation of Industrially Contaminated Sites. 17. Konference Chemicke technologie . Materialy . Petrochemie . Polymery . Ropa . Legislativa . Prostredi . Bezpecnost . APROCHEM 2008, Sbornik prednasek, pp. 2396-2400, Milovy, Czech Republic, 14-16 April 2008.
44. Tlustos P., Szakova J., Habart J., Pavlikova D., Puncochar M, Najmanova J.: Comparison of Pot and Field Growing Conditions for the Cadmium and Zinc Accumulation by Plants Grown at Contaminated Soils. 14th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Proceedings , pp. 182-185, Taipei, Taiwan, 16-23 November 2008.
45. Tukac V., Hanika J., Vesely V., Lederer J., Necesany V.: Termodynamicky rozbor parcialni oxidace bioodpadu a rafinerskych zbytku. (Czech) Thermodynamics of Biowaste and Refinery Waste Partial Oxidation. 17. Konference Chemicke technologie . Materialy . Petrochemie . Polymery . Ropa . Legislativa . Prostredi . Bezpecnost . APROCHEM 2008, Sbornik prednasek, p. 1174-1181, Milovy, Czech Republic, 14-16 April 2008.
46. Tydlitat V., Kotlik B., Janota J.: Polycyklicke aromaticke uhlovodiky v prazske atmosfere behem let 2006 a 2007. (Czech) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Prague Atmosphere during the Years 2006 and 2007. IX. konference Ceske aerosolove spolecnosti, Sbornik konference, pp. 47-50, Praha, Czech Republic, 04 December 2008.
47. Vesely V., Hanika J.: PET Bottles Recycling. Pollutec 2008, Workshop Proceedings, pp. 1-6, Lyon, France, 02-05 December 2008.
48. Vesely V., Hanika J., Cech B.: Nova metoda chemicke recyklace PET lahvi. (Czech) A New Method of PET Botles Chemical Recycling. 60. Jubilejni sjezd asociaci ceskych a slovenskych chemickych spolecnosti, Chemicke Listy 102(8), p. 648, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 01-04 September 2008.
49. Zabova H., Cirkva V.: Photocatalytic Reactions in a Microwave Fields Using an Electrodeless Discharge Lamp. 60. Jubilejni sjezd asociaci ceskych a slovenskych chemickych spolecnosti, Chemicke Listy 102(8), p. 630, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 01-04 September 2008.
50. Zabova H., Cirkva V.: The Electrodeless Discharge Lamps Coated with the Titania Thin Film for Photocatalysis in a Microwave Field. XXII IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry 2008, Abstracts, p. 257, Gothenburg, Sweeden, 28 July - 01 August 2008.
51. Zabova H., Cirkva V.: Visible-Light Active Titanium Dioxide for Microwave Assisted Photocatalytic Reactions Using Electrodeless Discharge Lamp. The 4th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films 2008 and Surface Coatings, Book of Abstracts, p. 212 (ID-4069), Singapore, Singapore, 13-16 July 2008.
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