Ing. Zdeněk Chlup, Ph.D.
Position: scientific
Group: Brittle Fracture Group
Rooms: 128 a, 5, Zwick lab.
Phone numbers: +420 532 290 335, +420 532 290 314, +420 532 290 308
Fax: +420 541 218 657
Fracture behaviour of ceramic-ceramic and metal-ceramic interface in laminate structures
Development of new matrix types based on pyrolysed resins for composites reinforced with ceramic fibres
Influence of contact stresses on results of the ball on the three balls test
Synergetic effects of microstructure and testing conditions on ceramics fracture resistance assessment
Fracture toughness scatter in ceramics and brittle matrix composites at higher temperatures
Corrections of statistical size effects on fracture toughness characteristics of structural ceramics
Dlouhý, I., Řehořek, L., Chlup, Z.: Tensile Properties of Open Cell Cermaic Foams; Key Engineering Materials. 2009. 409. p. 168-175.
Dlouhý, I.; Chlup, Z.; Hadraba, H.; Krahula, K. (ФИЗИКА ПРОЧНОСТИ И ПЛАСТИЧНОСТИ) Micromechanisms and micromechanics of fracture of TiAl intermetalics. Металлофиз. новейшие технол. (Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol.). 2009. 31(1). p. 81-96. ISSN 1024-1809
Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Hadraba, H., Kozák, V.: Fracture Behaviour of TiAl Intermetalics; Damage and Fracture Mechanics, Eds.: M. Elboujdaini, G. Pluvinage, 2009, p.265-274.
Hynek Hadraba, Karel Maca and Zdenek Chlup: Alumina and Zirconia Based Layered Composites: Part 1 Preparation, EPD2008, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 412 (2009) pp 221-226.
Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I., Gürbüz, S., Dericioglu, A.F., Kozák, V.: Interfacial characterisation in transparent spinel matrix reinforced by SiC fibre; Key Engineering Materials. 2009. 409. p. 252-259.
Černý, M., Chlup, Z., Sucharda, Z., Glogar, P.: Fracture properties of basalt fibre composites with cured of pyrolysed matrix; Key Engineering Materials. 2009. 409. p. 326-329.
Martin Trunec, Zdenek Chlup: Higher fracture toughness of tetragonal zirconia ceramics
through nanocrystalline structure, Scripta Materialia 61 (2009) 56–59
Chlup, Z., Flašar, P., Dlouhý, I.: Response of inherently brittle materials on higher loading rates. Engng Fract Mech (2009), doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2009.04.014
Černý, M., Glogar, P., Sucharda, Z., Chlup, Z., Kotek, J., Partially pyrolyzed composites with basalt fibres - mechanical properties at laboratory and elevated temperatures, Composites: Part A (2009), doi: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2009.08.002
Zdenek Chlup, Hynek Hadraba: Alumina and Zirconia Based Layered Composites: Part 2 Fracture Response, EPD2008, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 412 (2009) pp 227-232.
Řehořek, L., Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I., Boccaccini, A. R.: Changes in Fracture Micromechanism with Increasing Reinforcement Volume Fraction in Glass Matrix Composite; Materials Science Forum 567-568 ,2008, 369-372 (Materials Structure and Micromechanical of Fracture V; ISBN / ISBN-13 : 0-87849-469-3 / 978-0-87849-469-9)
Dlouhý, I., Kotoul, M., Vysloužil, T., Chlup, Z., Boccaccini, A. R.: Crack resistance curve in glass matrix composite reinforced by long SiC fibres; Journal of Materials Science 43, No. 12, pp. 4022–4030, DOI 10.1007/s10853-007-2317-z.
Dlouhý, I., Hadraba, H., Chlup. Kozák, V, M. Holzmann: Současné koncepce hodnocení křehkolomových charakteristik ocelí (významné pro hodnocení lomové odolnosti svaru); konf. Zvariteľnosť a degradačné mechanizmy vlastností TOO zvarových spojov, pozvaná přednáška od IBOK a.s. (pořádané ve spolupráci se Slovenskou zváračskou spoločnosťou).
Dlouhý, I.; Chlup, Z., Kozák, V.: Micromechanisms and Micomechanics of Fracture of TiAl Intermetalics; Meždunarodnaja konferencija „Sovremennyje problemy fiziki metallov“; 7-9.10.2008, Kyjev, Ukrajina
Dlouhý, I., Řehořek, L., Chlup, Z.: Tensile properties of open cell ceramic foams; Tensile properties of open cell ceramic foams; Fractography of Advanced Ceramics III, Stará Lesná, Slovensko, 2008.
Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Hadraba, H., Kozák, V.: Fracture behaviour of TiAl intermetalics; 1ST AFRICAN INTERQUADRENNIAL ICF CONFERENCE, DAMAGE AND FRACTURE MECHANICS;FAILURE ANALYSIS OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. JUNE 1 – 5 JUIN 2008, AIC International Conference of Fracture, Algiers, 2008, Proc. on CD ROM (bude v Springer Book)
Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Hadraba, H., Kozák, V.: Fracture Toughness and Fracture Mechanisms in TiAl Based Intermetalics; New Methods of Damage and Failure Analysis of Structural Parts, Ostrava, 2008, pp. 235-243.
Kotoul, M.; Pokluda, J.; Šandera, P. Dlouhý, I.; Chlup, Z.; Boccaccini, A.R.: Toughening effects quantification in glass matrix composite reinforced by alumina platelets. Acta Materialia. 2008. 56(12). p. 2908-2918.
Hadraba, H., Maca, K., Chlup, Z.: Alumina and Zirconia Based Layered Composites: Part 1 Preparation, EPD2008, AWAJI, Japonsko.
Zdenek Chlup, Hynek Hadraba: Alumina and Zirconia Based Layered Composites: Part 2 Fracture Response, EPD2008, AWAJI, Japonsko.
Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I., Gürbüz, S., Dericioglu, A.F., Kozák, V.: Interfacial characterisation in transparent spinel matrix reinforced by SiC fibre, Fractography of Advanced Ceramics III, Stará Lesná, Slovensko, 2008.
Chlup, Z., Harrer, W., Kozák, V., Řehořek, L.: Cone Crack Development during Ball on the Three Balls Test, 17th European conference on Fracture, Brno, ISBN 978-80-214-3692-3, 2008, pp. 2192-2199.
Chlup, Z., Flašar, P., Kotoji, A., Dlouhý, I.: Fracture behaviour of Al2O3/SiC nanocomposite ceramics after crack healing treatment; Journal of the European Ceramic Society 28 ,2008, 1073-1077
Chlup, Z., Flašar, P., Dlouhý, I.: Response of Inherently Brittle Materials on Higher Loading Rates; 17th Eutopean conference on Fracture, Brno, 2008, pp. 659-666.
Řehořek, L.: Tensile strehgth of ceramic cellular materrials; New Methods of Damage and Failure Analysis of Structural Parts, Ostrava, 2008, pp. 245-251.
Kozák, V., Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z.: Cohesive zone model and GTN model collation for ductile crack growth; Materials Science Forum 567-568 ,2008, 145-148 (Materials Structure and Micromechanical of Fracture V; ISBN / ISBN-13 : 0-87849-469-3 / 978-0-87849-469-9)
Flašar, P., Chlup, Z., Dlouhy, I.: Měření dynamické lomové houževnatosti inherentně křehkých materiálů zkouškou rázem v ohybu, In Víceúrovňový design pokrokových materiálů, Sborník doktorské konference 2007, ISBN 978-80-254-0793-6, Dlouhý Ivo a kol., Brno, ÚFM AVČR, 2007, 115-126.
Flašar, P., Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I.: Stanovení dynamických charakteristik inherentně křehkých materiálů pomoci zkoušky rázem v ohybu, In Porušování a design materiálů, Sborník semináře Křehký lom 2007, ISBN 978-80-254-0725-7, Dlouhý Ivo, Brno, ÚFM AVČR, 2007, 183-194.
Řehořek, L., Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I.: Tahové zkoušky vysoce porézních keramických materiálů, In Víceúrovňový design pokrokových materiálů, Sborník doktorské konference 2007, ISBN 978-80-254-0793-6, Dlouhý Ivo a kol., Brno, ÚFM AVČR, 2007, 127-136.
Řehořek, L., Chlup, Z.: Pevnost v tahu keramických pěnových materiálů na bázi Al2O3, In Porušování a design materiálů, Sborník semináře Křehký lom 2007, ISBN 978-80-254-0725-7, Dlouhý Ivo, Brno, ÚFM AVČR, 2007, 285-296.
Kotoul, M., Pokluda, J., Šandera, P., Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Boccaccini, A.: Experimental and theoretical investigation of fracture in glass matrix composites reinforced by alumina platelets; sb. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Conctere Structures, Vol. 3, Ed. Al. Carpinteri, P.G. Gambarova, G. Rerro, G.A. Plizzari, vyd. Taylor Francis, London 2007, ISBN 978-041-544-0660 (6th International Conference, Catania, Italy, June 17-22.2007), 1691-1698.
Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Hadraba, H., Kozák, V.: Lomová houževnatost a mechanismy porušování u intermetalika na bázi TiAl, In Porušování a design materiálů, Sborník semináře Křehký lom 2007, ISBN 978-80-254-0725-7, Dlouhý Ivo, Brno, ÚFM AVČR, 2007, 169-182.
Kotoul, M., Pokluda, J., Šandera, P., Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Boccaccini, A.R.: Kvantifikace zvyšování houževnatosti kompozitů typu sklená matrice/korundové destičky, In Porušování a design materiálů, Sborník semináře Křehký lom 2007, ISBN 978-80-254-0725-7, Dlouhý Ivo, Brno, ÚFM AVČR, 2007, 243-262.
Hadraba, H., Chlup, Z., Maca, K., Bermejo, R.: Šíření indentačních trhlin v silně vázaných laminátech na bázi Al203/ZrO2, In Porušování a design materiálů, Sborník semináře Křehký lom 2007, ISBN 978-80-254-0725-7, Dlouhý Ivo, Brno, ÚFM AVČR, 2007, str. 219-230.
Hadraba, H., Chlup, Z., Maca, K., Bermejo, R.: Šíření indentačních trhlin v silně vázaných laminátech na bázi Al203/ZrO2; In Porušování a design materiálů, Sborník semináře Křehký lom 2007, ISBN 978-80-254-0725-7, Dlouhý Ivo, Brno, ÚFM AVČR, 2007, 219-230.
Chlup, Z., Boccaccini, A.R., Dlouhy, I.: Fracture Toughness abd Surface Roughness Characteristics of Glass Matrix Composite Reinforced By Alumina Platelets, Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Ceramics : A Global Roadmap, Ed. Stephen Freiman, 2007, on CD
Chlup, Z., Flasar, P., Dlouhy, I., Hadraba, H.: Assessment of Fracture Resistance of Structural Ceramics at Higher Strain Mates, 10th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, Estrel convention Center, Berlin, June 17 - 21, 2007, on CD, in press
Chlup, Z., Flasar, P., Kotoji, A., Dlouhy, I.: Fracture behaviour of Al2O3/SiC nanocomposite ceramics after crack healing treatment, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 8 November 2007.
Chlup, Z., Kozák, V., Supancic, Z.: Použití centrálně zatěžované desky na třech podporách k určení pevnosti křehkých materiálů, In Porušování a design materiálů, Sborník semináře Křehký lom 2007, ISBN 978-80-254-0725-7, Dlouhý Ivo, Brno, ÚFM AVČR, 2007, str. 195-208.
Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I., Hadraba, H., Flašar, P., Řehořek, L.: Vliv podmínek zatěžování na hodnoty lomové houževnatosti keramik, In Porušování a design materiálů, Sborník semináře Křehký lom 2007, ISBN 978-80-254-0725-7, Dlouhý Ivo, Brno, ÚFM AVČR, 2007, str. 209-218.
Chlup, Z., Flašar, P., Dlouhý, I., Hadraba, H.: Assessment of Fracture Resistance of Structural Ceramics at Higher Strain Rates; Proc. 10th International European Ceramic Society Conference, 2007, Berlin, pp. 1236-1240, ISBN 3-87264-022-4.
Kozák, V., Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z.: Cohesive zone model and GTN model collation for ductile crack growth; MSMF-5, Abstracts Booklet, Brno 2007, s.46 (Materials Science Forum 567-568 ,2008, 145-148)
Flašar, P., Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Ando, K.: Crack healing behaviour of Al2O3/SiC nanocomposite ceramics; New Methods of Damage and Failure Analysis of Structural Parts, Ostrava, 2006, pp. 215-222.
Wu, J.P., Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Rawlings, Boccaccini, A.R.: Waste Not, Want Not: An Inexpensive Glass-Ceramic from Waste; American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 85, No.5, pp. 29-33.
Wu, J.P., Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Rawlings, Boccaccini, A.R.: A Glass Ceramic Derived from High TiO2-Containing Slag – Microstructure Development and Mechanical Behaviour, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2006, Vol. 89, No. 8, pp. 2426-2433.
Chlup, Z., Dlouhy, I.: Size Effect in Fracture Toughness Determination of Brittle Materials, Advances in Science and Technology Vol. 45 (2006) pp. 101-106
Zdenek Chlup, Dino N. Boccaccini, Cristina Leonelli, Marcello Romagnoli, Aldo R. Boccaccini: Fracture behaviour of refractory ceramics after cyclic thermal shock, Ceramics-Silikáty, Vol. 50 (4), 2006, pp. 251-256.
Kozák, V., Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I.: Použití kohezních prvků pro modelování šíření trhliny; Bulletin Asociace strojních inženýrů, č. 37, červenec 2006, str. 20-24.
Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Boccaccini, A. R.: Fracture behaviour of brittle (glass) matrix composites; Materials Science Forum, Vol. 482, 2005, pp. 115-122.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup: Fracture Resistance Evaluation of Fibre Reinforced Brittle Matrix Composites; Key Engilneering Materials, Vol. 290, 2005, pp. 167-174.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, S. Atiq, A. R. Boccaccini: Fracture Rezistance of Hybrid Glass Matrix Composite and its Degradation due to Thermal Ageing and Thermal Shock; Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics. Active Materials, Nanoscale Materials, Composites, Glass, and Fundamentals; Eds. R.C. Bradt, D. Munz, M. Sakai, K.W. White; ISBN 0-387-24134-5, 2005, Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., pp. 263-274.
Z. Chlup, I. Dlouhý, A. R. Boccaccini, D. N. Boccaccini, C. Leonelli, M. Romagnoli: Thermal Shock Resistance of Cordierite-Mullite Refractory Composites; Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 290, 2005, pp. 260-263.
Dlouhy, I., Chlup, Z.: Fracture Resistance Evaluation of Fibre Reinforced Brittle Matrix Composites, Fraktografie (2004) Stará Lesná, pp. 167-174.
Dlouhy, I., Chlup, Z. ,Chawla, K. K., Kulkarni, R., Koopman, M., Boccaccini, A. R.: Effect of static pre-loading on fracture toughness of Nicalon® fibre glass matrix composite, Materials Science and Engineering A, Volume 367, Issues 1-2, 2004, pp. 17-23.
Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Kozák, V.: Constraint effects at brittle fracture initiation in a cast ferritic steel, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 71, 2004, pp.873-883.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, A. R. Boccaccini: Lomová houževnatost a mikromechanismy lomu vláknových kompozitů s křehkou matricí; Sborník semináře Křehký lom 2004, Brno, 2004, s. 43-54.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, V. Kozák: Fracture Toughness Transferability – from Small to Full Scale Specimens; Conf. Fracture Damage of Structural Parts, Ostrava, 2004, pp. 53-60.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, A. R. Boccaccini: Fracture resistance degradation of hybrid glass matrix composite; The 15th European Conference of Fracture. Advanced Fracture Mechanics for Life and Safety Asessments (ECF 15), Stockholm, 2004, on CD.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, A. R. Boccaccini: Fracture behaviour of brittle (glass) matrix composites; MSMF – 4, Brno, 2004 , key lecture, s. 89.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, V. Kozák: Constraint Effects at Brittle Fracture Initiation in a Cast Ferritic Steel; Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 71, No. 4-6, 2004, pp. 873-883.
Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I.: High temperature tensile properties of quasicrystalline Al alloy; Nano 04, Brno, 2004, p.63.
Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I., Boccaccini, A. R., Boccaccini, D. N.: Thermal shock resistance of cordierite-mullite refractory composites, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 290 (2005) pp. 260-263
Tood, I., Chlup, Z., O´Dwyer, J. G., Lieblich, García-Escorial, M. A.: The influence of processing variables on the structure and mechanical properties of nano-quasicrystalline reinforced aluminium alloys, Mater.Sci.Eng. A, Volumes 375-377, 2004, pp. 1235-1238.
Z. Chlup, I. Dlouhý: Vliv geometrie zkušebních vzorků na charakteristiky houževnatosti křehkých materiálů; Sborník semináře Křehký lom 2004, Brno, 2004, s. 85-94.
Z. Chlup, I. Dlouhý, A. R. Boccaccini, K. K. Chawla: Fracture Behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Brittle Matrix Composites; Conf. Fracture Damage of Structural Parts, Ostrava, 2004, pp. 31-38.
Dlouhy, I., Chlup, Z., Boccaccini, D. N., Atiq, S., Boccaccini, A. R.: Fracture Behaviour of Hybrid Glass Matrix Composites: Thermal Ageing Effects; Composites: Part A 34, 2003, pp. 1177-1185.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, A. R. Boccaccini: Fracture Resistance of Hybrid Glass Matrix Composite and its Degradation Due to Thermal Ageing and Thermal Shock; Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics 8, Houston, 2003
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, K. K. Chawla, R. Kulkarni M. Koopman, A. R. Boccaccini: Effect of Static Pre-Loading on Fracture Toughness of Nicalon Fiber Glass Matrix Composite; Materials Science and Engineering A 367, 2004, pp. 17-23.
Z. Chlup, H. Dimitrov, A. Chlupova, J. Latuch, J. O'Dwyer: Mechanical Properties of Amorphous Melt Spun Ribbons Prepared by Rapid Solidification of Al - Mm - Ni - (Fe, Co) Master Alloys, Proc. of Degradation, Terchova 2003, pp.179-184.
Z. Chlup, A. Garcia-Escorial, A. Chlupova, E. Natale, J. G. O’Dwyer: Processing and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Aluminium Alloy Al93Fe3Cr2Ti2 in Bulk Form, Proc. of Degradation, Terchova 2003, pp. 174-178.
Z. Chlup, I. Todd, A. Garcia-Escorial, M.Lieblich, J. G. O'Dwyer: Nanostructured Aluminium Alloy - Processing and Characterisation, Proc. of Thermec'2003, Madrid, Material Science Forum, Vols. 426-432, 2003, pp. 2417-2422.
I. Dlouhy, Z. Chlup, A.R. Boccaccini: Applicability of the Chevron-Notch Technique for Fracture Toughness Determination in Glass; ECF 14 - Fracture Mechanics Beyond 2000, Volume I/III, Cracow, Poland, 2002, pp. 481-489.
I. Dlouhý, M. Holzmann, Z. Chlup: Fracture Resistance of Cast Ferritic C-Mn Steel for Container of Spent Nuclear Fuel; Transferability of Fracture Mechanical Characteristics, 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 47-64.
I. Dlouhý, V. Kozák, Z. Chlup: Fracture toughness transferability - from small to full scale specimens; New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture, Francie, Metz, 2002, on CD.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, M. Holzmann: Master Curve Evaluation at Static and Dynamic Conditions of Loading (for Cast Ferritec Steel and Pressure Vessel Steels); IAEA TECDOC, Praha, 2001, pp. 177–188.
Z. Chlup, I. Todd, J. G. O'Dwyer: Influence of Processing Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of a Nanostructured Aluminium Alloy, Proc. of Nano'02, Brno, 2002, pp. 282-285
Z. Chlup, I. Dlouhý: Mikromechanistické aspekty vlivu délky trhliny na lomovou houževnatost, Kovové materiály 40, č. 4, 2002, pp.254-267.
Z. Chlup, I. Dlouhý: Micromechanical Aspects of Constraint Effect at Brittle Fracture Initiation; Transferability of Fracture Mechanical Characteristics, I. Dlouhy Ed., 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 65-78.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, V. Kozák: Constraint Effects at Brittle Fracture Initiation in Cast Ferritic Steel; Joint Meeting of ESIS TC1 + TC8, Mol, Belgie, 2001, (abstract).
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, M. Holzmann: Master Curve Evaluation at Static and Dynamic Conditions of Loading (for Cast Ferritec Steel and Pressure Vessel Steels); IAEA - Specialists´ Meeting on Master Curve Testing and Results Application, Praha, Česká republika, 2001, pp. přísp.č.16.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, V. Kozák: Constraint Effects at Brittle Fracture Initiation in Cast Ferritic Steel; Conf.: Fracture and Damage Mechanics (FDM-2001), Milan, Italy, 2001, pp. 245-250.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, V. Kozák, M. Holzmann: Fracture Toughness Transferability - from Small to Full Scale Specimens; Charpy Centenary Conference - CCC 2001, Poitiers, Francie, 2001, pp. 817-824.
I. Dlouhý, M. Holzmann, Z. Chlup, V. Kozák: Současné koncepce hodnocení křehkolomových vlastností charakteristik ocelí; VII. vědecká konference "Predikce mechanických vlastností materiálů na základě strukturních charakteristik", Ski hotel v Novém Městě, 2001, s. 247-259.
Z. Chlup, I. Dlouhý: Mikromechanické aspekty vlivu délky trhliny na lomovou houževnatost a tranzitní chování oceli; seminář Problémy lomové mechaniky, 2001, Brno, s. 48-59.
Z. Chlup, I. Dlouhý, A. R. Boccaccini: Fracture Toughness of Thermally Shocked SiC-Fibre Reinforced Glass Matrix Composite; High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites Conference, Mnichov, Německo, 2001, pp. 463-468.
Last update
26. 08. 2009