Fracture toughness scatter in ceramics and brittle matrix composites at higher temperatures
Investigator: Ing. Zdeněk Chlup, Ph.D.
Number of Project: 106/05/P119
Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 01. 01. 2005 - 31. 12. 2007
Statistical aspects of fracture behaviour and fracture toughness evaluation of brittle matrix composites at higher
temperatures will be followed. The aim is to analyse the scatter in fracture toughness values for selected
monolithic ceramics and composite with long brittle fibres based on suitable statistical approach. Corresponding
physical (microstructural, microfractographical) explanation of properties of the statistical distribution of fracture
toughness data will be closely investigated. Bend specimens with chevron notch and the same having the
straight notch will be employed for fracture toughness determination. The statistical characteristics thus enable
to determine which test technique applied is more suitable for the assigned group of ceramics based materials.
The effect of loading rate as well as specimen size effect on the applicability of chevron/straight notch technique
will also be analysed due to their importance in connection with transferability of data.
Řehořek, L., Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I., Boccaccini, A. R.: Changes in Fracture Micromechanism with Increasing Reinforcement Volume Fraction in Glass Matrix Composite; Materials Science Forum 567-568 ,2008, 369-372 (Materials Structure and Micromechanical of Fracture V; ISBN / ISBN-13 : 0-87849-469-3 / 978-0-87849-469-9)
Chlup, Z., Dlouhy, I.: Size Effect in Fracture Toughness Determination of Brittle Materials, Advances in Science and Technology Vol. 45 (2006) pp. 101-106
Zdenek Chlup, Dino N. Boccaccini, Cristina Leonelli, Marcello Romagnoli, Aldo R. Boccaccini: Fracture behaviour of refractory ceramics after cyclic thermal shock, Ceramics-Silikáty, Vol. 50 (4), 2006, pp. 251-256.
Chlup, Z., Boccaccini, A.R., Dlouhy, I.: Fracture Toughness abd Surface Roughness Characteristics of Glass Matrix Composite Reinforced By Alumina Platelets, Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Ceramics : A Global Roadmap, Ed. Stephen Freiman, 2007, on CD
Chlup, Z., Flasar, P., Dlouhy, I., Hadraba, H.: Assessment of Fracture Resistance of Structural Ceramics at Higher Strain Mates, 10th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, Estrel convention Center, Berlin, June 17 - 21, 2007, on CD, in press
Chlup, Z., Flasar, P., Kotoji, A., Dlouhy, I.: Fracture behaviour of Al2O3/SiC nanocomposite ceramics after crack healing treatment, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 8 November 2007.
Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I., Hadraba, H., Flašar, P., Řehořek, L.: Vliv podmínek zatěžování na hodnoty lomové houževnatosti keramik, In Porušování a design materiálů, Sborník semináře Křehký lom 2007, ISBN 978-80-254-0725-7, Dlouhý Ivo, Brno, ÚFM AVČR, 2007, str. 209-218.
Chlup, Z., Flašar, P., Kotoji, A., Dlouhý, I.: Fracture behaviour of Al2O3/SiC nanocomposite ceramics after crack healing treatment; Journal of the European Ceramic Society 28 ,2008, 1073-1077
Chlup, Z., Flašar, P., Dlouhý, I., Hadraba, H.: Assessment of Fracture Resistance of Structural Ceramics at Higher Strain Rates; Proc. 10th International European Ceramic Society Conference, 2007, Berlin, pp. 1236-1240, ISBN 3-87264-022-4.
Last update
26. 08. 2009