Bainitic cast steel for dynamically loaded components
Investigator: Ing. Vladislav Kozák, CSc.
Number of Project: GA106/02/0745
Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 01. 01. 2002 - 31. 12. 2004
The purpose of this project is to propose the constitution of bainitic cast steel subjected to dynamic loading (especially the frog of the switch) with respect to resistivity of dynamic contact loading, restistivity of wear and brittle fracture. The proper proposition and optimalization of this steel is hereat qualified in terms of the specification of critical stages of component damage and accordant with the characteristics of fatigue and brittle fracture, which are the subject of the project too. During the solving it is first suggested the design of constitution of low alloyed cast steel and quality verification from point a viev of severe and combine dynamic loading. In the next part of the project is crucial the selection and parameter specification for making a survey of integrity and frog service life on the base of defects detection in the component. The substance of this project is to qualify the influence of metallurgical quality and respectivelly the welding from point a view of fracture properties and integrity on the base data received in the first steps of project solution.
I. Dlouhý, M. Holzmann, J. Zbořil: Lomové chování svarů perlitické a bainitické oceli; mezinárodní konf. 20. dny tepelného zpracování, Jihlava, 2004, s. 19-26.
I. Dlouhý, J. Zbořil, M. Holzmann: Bainitická ocel na srdcovky výhybek - vývoj a vlastnosti; Sborník konf. 19. dny tepelného zpracování s mezinárodní účastí, Brno, 2002, s. 93-102.
M. Holzmann, I. Dlouhý: Mechanické vlastnosti a lomové chování oceli na odlitky s bainitickou strukturou a její využití v srdcovkách výhybek; Hutnické listy 57, č. 12, 2003, s. 8-20.
M. Holzmann, I. Dlouhý, J. Zbořil: Mechanické vlastnosti a lomové chování baintické oceli na odlitky a její využití v srdcovkách výhybek; Vědeckotechnický sborník Českých drah, 2003, s. 81-96.
Z. Chlup, I. Dlouhý: Micromechanical Aspects of Constraint Effect at Brittle Fracture Initiation; Transferability of Fracture Mechanical Characteristics, I. Dlouhy Ed., 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 65-78.
V. Kozák, I. Dlouhý: Weibull stress model in cleavage fracture and toughness scaling model; XXX Summer School "Advanced Problems in Mechanics", St. Petersburg (Repino), Russia, 2002 (sborník 2003), pp. 384-389.
Last update
26. 08. 2009