Behavior and properties of metallic and non-metallic materials in relation to their structure, research on processes leading to degradation of material quality
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Petr Lukáš, CSc.
Number of Project: AV0Z2041904
Agency: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Duration: 01. 01. 1999 - 31. 12. 2004
The research project is focussed on basic study of structure-property relations of materials on different scales starting with the atomic structure through the properties and defects of crystal lattice to the macroscopic behaviour under conditions of static and cyclic loading. This basic feature of the research project has been valid for the whole period of its solution. New ingredient of the extended research project is the outset of a systematic study of relevant properties of new advanced materials which only recently became a subject of intensive research worldwide. It concerns primarily nanocrystalline materials, intermetallics and composites based on intermetallics. The aim is to understand the relevant degradation mechanisms operating in these materials, and in close collaboration with the world-leading materials research institutes contribute to their applications in engineering practice.
Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I.: High temperature tensile properties of quasicrystalline Al alloy; Nano 04, Brno, 2004, p.63.
Z. Chlup, I. Dlouhý: Vliv geometrie zkušebních vzorků na charakteristiky houževnatosti křehkých materiálů; Sborník semináře Křehký lom 2004, Brno, 2004, s. 85-94.
Last update
26. 08. 2009