Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals ASCR, v.v.i.

Laboratory of Aerosol Chemistry and Physics
Annual Report 2008

(For current information click here)


Head: J. Smolik

Deputy: V. Zdimal

Research staff: L. Andelova, I. Benesova Sevcikova, D. Brus, J. Kugler, V.V. Levdansky, P. Moravec, J. Ondracek, L. Ondrackova (Dzumbova), J. Schwarz, T. Travnickova, P. Vodicka

PhD students: D. Rimnacova, L. Stefancova

Fields of research

Research projects

European supersites for atmospheric aerosol research

(J. Smolik, supported by EC, project No. FP6-026140-EUSAAR)

European infrastructure project EUSAAR is focused on improving the current state of aerosol measurement on European supersites for atmospheric aerosol measurement. This aim is being reached by dissemination of knowledge from basic technical level to setting-up a state of the art of experimental methods on selected sites. QA/QC procedures, intercalibration of both basic and advanced measurement methods together with development of new aerosol instrumentation are the ways to fulfill the aims of the project. [Refs. 16, 37]

European integrated project on aerosol cloud climate and air quality interactions

(J. Smolik, supported by EC, project No. FP6-036833-2-EUCAARI)

European infrastructure project EUCAARI is designed as a research chain that aims to advance our understanding of climate and air quality through a series of connected activities beginning at the molecular scale and finishing at the regional and global scale. EUCAARI will build upon the pool of available data from previous field campaigns and long-term measurements in order to establish globally consistent data sets. A hierarchy of complementary models, at the molecular, process, meso-, regional and the global scale will be applied in a coordinated way in EUCAARI.

Improvement of the assessment methods of ambient air pollution loads of PM10 in the Czech Republic

(J. Smolik, joint project with Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, and Norwegian Institute for Air Research, supported by Norwegian Funds (via Ministry of Finance CR), project No. CZ 0049)

The aim of the project is to improve the characterization of PM10 suspended particles with the focus on secondary particle contribution, proposal of chemical model of secondary particles formation, identification of sources, and application and verification of dispersion models. The project provides direct support to the improvement of ambient air quality in the Czech Republic, respects the principle of air pollution prevention and meets the conception of sustainable development. [Refs. 41-43]

Evaluation of dynamics of aerosol particles in indoor environment

(J. Smolik, joint project with CTU, supported by GACR, grant No. GA101/07/1361)

The aim of the proposed project is to study experimentally the behaviour of aerosol particles in three different indoor environments: a full-scale laboratory room, unfurnished room in an apartment, and whole furnished apartment and to compare experimental results with theoretical predictions according to zonal mass-balance (MC-SIAM) and CFD (Fluent/FPM) modelling.The measurements will be done both under well-defined laboratory conditions (simple geometry, defined indoor boundary conditions, laboratory generated aerosol with narrow size distribution) and "real" condition (furnished and/or unfurnished rooms, aerosol from different typical activities indoors, air exchange between indoor and outdoor environment and between compartments indoors). The purpose of the study is to test applicability of zonal mass-balance and CFD modelling and simulation for the prediction of indoor aerosol dynamics. [Refs. 17, 18, 38-40]

Particulate matter: Properties related to health effects

(J. Smolik, supported by ESF, COST Action 633)

The project focuses on the development and evaluation of scientific methodologies and databases that would improve the scientific understanding and regulatory basis on the physico-chemical constituents and emission sources of ambient air particulate matter causing the current substantial mortality and morbidity among European populations.

Hygroscopic properties of urban and suburban carbonaceous aerosols

(J. Schwarz, supported by MEYS, KONTAKT project No. ME 941)

The aim of this project is to study hygroscopic properties of real atmospheric aerosols in an urban environment. Cascade impactors with constant humidity sampling inlets (dry and wet) are going to be used to obtain size resolved samples. These samples are being analysed using ion chromatography in Prague and then for water soluble carbon in collaboration with Ghent University. This attitude aims to assess the influence of water soluble organic carbon on hygroscopicity of separated size fractions of urban aerosols. [Refs. 12, 46, 47]

Composite nanoparticle synthesis by an aerosol process

(P. Moravec, joint project with IIC, and Tampere University of Technology, FI, supported by GACR, grant No. GA104/07/1093)

Project involves an experimental study of nanoparticle synthesis by chemical vapour condensation method in an externally heated tube flow reactor. In the first part of the project: (i) single component metal and ceramic particles (Co, Ni, Pd, MnO) with great potential of applications will be prepared by thermal decomposition of corresponding metal-organic compounds. In the next step:(ii) binary mixed or coated metal-ceramic particles (TiO2-Co, Al2O3-Ni, Al2O3-Pd) with potential use as catalyst and binary metal-ceramic (Co-SiO2) and ceramic-ceramic (MnO-SiO2) particles with potential applications as gas sensors or in electronics will be prepared by simultaneous decomposition of two precursors. Particle morphology, crystallinity, and chemical composition will be examined by SEM, TEM, SAED, XRD, EDS, etc. Results obtained in a hot wall reactor will be compared with those from experiments with liquid flame spray reactor at Tampere University of Technology. [Refs. 9, 27, 30, 33-35]

Friction materials based on polymer matrix containing metals and their impact on environment

(P. Moravec, joint project with TU Ostrava, and Southern Illinois University, US, supported by GACR, grant No. GA106/07/1436)

The project focuses on study of friction processes of laboratory prepared friction materials and original brake samples; further on structure identification of micro- and nanoscale wear particles with a view to reduce adverse anthropogenic impacts related to wear debris generation and deposition on the environment. An interdisciplinary and international CZE-US team consisting of researchers in the areas of materials science, chemistry, toxicology, medicine, and aerosol science will address the fundamental understanding of comprehensive material flow related to braking operations. The proposed research based on interconnection of material analyses and toxicological assessment (ecotoxicity, genotoxicity, and pulmonary toxicity) will allow identification of undesirable components in automotive friction materials and prediction of the environmental impact of wear particles release from brakes.

Influence of surface processes and electromagnetic radiation on transfer phenomena in aerosol systems with nanoparticles and porous bodies with nanopores

(V.V. Levdanski, supported by GA AS CR, grant No. IAA400720804)

The aim of the proposed project is to perform a theoretical study of the influence of surface processes, size effects and electromagnetic radiation on transfer phenomena in aerosol systems with nanoparticles and in capillary-porous bodies with nanoscale pores taking into account physicochemical transformations on the particle and pore surface. It is assumed to study the joint influence of size effects, electric charge and adsorbable foreign gases on formation of nanoparticles. Novel methods of the membrane purification of gases under influence of resonance radiation are assumed to be considered. The effect of radiation on mass transfer and storage of hydrogen in metallic nanoparticles will be investigated. The influence of electromagnetic radiation on coagulation, coalescence of nanoparticles and their deposition on a surface will be studied. [Refs. 6-8, 10, 19, 27-33]

Determination of chemical and toxicological properties of suspended particles and study of their formation

(J. Smolik, joint project with Czech Hydrometeorogical Institute, Technical Services for Air Protection, Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the ASCR, National Institute of Public Health, and TU Ostrava, supported by Ministry of Environment, grant No. SP/1A3/148/08)

The aim of the proposed project is to suggest possible legal measures to decrease level of atmospheric aerosol burden in the Czech Republic. The sampling and chemical analysis of both particulate emissions and immissions at several types of sources and places in the Czech Republic, statistical analysis of the results and toxicological characterization of particles will be used to fulfill the aim of the project.

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International cooperations

Visits abroad




Original papers

1. Brus D., Hyvaerinen A.-P., Wedekind J., Viisanen Y., Kulmala M., Zdimal V., Smolik J., Lihavainen H.: The Homogeneous Nucleation of 1-Pentanol in a Laminar Flow Diffusion Chamber: The Effect of Pressure and Kind of Carrier Gas. J. Chem. Phys. 128(13), 134312-1-7 (2008).

2. Brus D., Zdimal V., Smolik J.: Homogeneous Nucleation Rate Measurements in Supersaturated Water Vapor. J. Chem. Phys. 129(17), 174501-8 (2008).

3. Hladil J., Strnad L., Salek M., Jankovska V., Simandl P., Schwarz J., Smolik J., Lisa L., Koptikova L., Rohovec J., Boehmova V., Langrova A.: An Anomalous Atmospheric Dust Deposition Event over Central Europe, 24 March 2007, and Fingerprinting of the SE Ukrainian Source. Bull. Geosciences 83(2), 175-206 (2008).

4. Karanasiou A., Eleftheriadis K., Vratolis S., Zarbas P., Mihalopoulos N., Mitsakou C., Housiadas C., Lazaridis M., Ondracek J., Dzumbova L.: Size Distribution of Inorganic Species and Their Inhaled Dose in a Detergent Industrial. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 8(1), 71-76 (2008).

5. Lazaridis M., Dzumbova L., Kopanakis I., Ondracek J., Glytsos T., Aleksandropoulou V., Voulgarakis A., Katsivela E., Mihalopoulos N., Eleftheriadis K.: PM10 and PM2.5 Levels in the Eastern Mediterranean (Akrotiri Research Station, Crete, Greece). Water Air Soil Pollut. 189(1-4), 85-101 (2008).

6. Levdansky V.V., Dragun V.L., Cizik S.A, Smolik J.: Vliyanie razmernykh effektov na koalestsentsiiu nanochastits. (Russ) Vestsi Nat. Ak. Nauk Belarusi, Ser. Fyz.-Tekh. Nauk 3, 68-71 (2008).

7. Levdansky V.V., Smolik J., Moravec P.: Vliyanie razmernykh effektov na absorbtsiyu gaza nanochastsitsami. (Russ) Inzh. - Fiz. Zh. 81(5), 944-947 (2008).

8. Levdansky V.V., Smolik J., Moravec P.: Joint Effect of Particle Charge and Adsorbable Foreign Gases on Vapor Condensation on Fine Aerosol Particles. Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer 35(10), 1246-1248 (2008).

9. Levdansky V.V., Smolik J., Moravec P.: Effect of Surface Diffusion on Transfer Processes in Heterogeneous Systems. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 51(9-10), 2471-2481 (2008).

10. Levdansky V.V., Smolik J., Zdimal V., Moravec P.: Osobennosti fazovykh perekhodov pri formirovanii nanorazmernykh aerozolnykh chastits. (Russ) Inzh. - Fiz. Zh. (J. Eng. Phys. Thermophys. 81(2), 280-286) 81(2), 264-270 (2008).

11. Mitrakos D., Zdimal V., Brus D., Housiadas C.: Data Evaluation of Laminar Flow Diffusion Chamber Nucleation Experiments with Different Computational Methods. J. Chem. Phys. 129(5), 054503-1 - 7 (2008).

12. Schwarz J., Chi X., Maenhaut W., Civis M., Hovorka J., Smolik J.: Elemental and Organic Carbon in Atmospheric Aerosols at Two Urban Background Sites in Prague. Atmos. Res. 99(2-4), 287-302 (2008).

13. Smolik J., Dohanyosova P., Schwarz J., Zdimal V., Lazaridis M.: Characterization of Indoor and Outdoor Aerosols in Suburban Area of Prague. Water Air Soil Pollut. Focus 8(1), 35-47 (2008).

14. Vecera Z., Mikuska P., Smolik J., Eleftheriadis K., Bryant Ch., Colbeck I., Lazaridis M.: Shipboard Measurements of Nitrogen Dioxide, Nitrous Acid, Nitric Acid and Ozone in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Water Air Soil Pollut. Focus 8(1), 117-125 (2008).

15. Wedekind J., Hyvarinen A.-P., Brus D., Reguera D.: Unraveling the "Pressure Effect" in Nucleation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 101(12), 125703 (2008).

16. Zdimal V., Brabec M., Wagner Z.: Comparison of Two Approaches to Modeling Atmospheric Aerosol Particle Size Distributions. Aerosol Air Quality Res. 8(4), 392-410 (2008).

17. Hussein T., Hruska A., Dohanyosova P., Dzumbova L., Hemerka J., Kulmala M., Smolik J.: Deposition Rates on Smooth Surfaces and Coagulation of Aerosol Particles Inside a Test Chamber. Atmos. Environ. 43(4), 905-914 (2009).

18. Hussein T., Kubincova L., Dzumbova L., Hruska A., Dohanyosova P., Hemerka J., Smolik J.: Deposition of Aerosol Particles on Rough Surfaces Inside a Test Chamber. Build. Environ., in press.

19. Levdansky V.V., Smolik J., Moravec P.: Radiation-induced Mass Transfer through Membranes. Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, in press.

International conferences

20. Brus D., Hyvaerinen A.-P., Lihavainen H., Viisanen Y., Kulmala M.: Binary Homogenous Nucleation of Sulfuric Acid and Water Mixture. European Aerosol Conference 2008, Book of Abstracts, p. T03A036P, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-29 August 2008.

21. Dzumbova L., Smolik J.: Mereni koncentrace aerosolovych castic v baroknim knihovnim sale Narodni knihovny. (Czech) Measurement of Aerosol Particles Concentration in Baroque Library Hall of National Library. IX.konference Ceske aerosolove spolecnosti, Sbornik konference, pp. 73-76, Praha, Czech Republic, 04 December 2008.

22. Hruby J., Kolovratnik M., Zdimal V., Jiricek I., Bartos O., Moravec P.: Heterogeneous Particles in Steam Turbines: Measurements at Power Plant Prunerov II and Further Development of Measuring Methods. IX. konference Ceske aerosolove spolecnosti, Sbornik konference, pp. 65-68, Praha, Czech Republic, 04 December 2008.

23. Chen S.C., Tsai C.J., Wu C.H., Chang C.S., Lin G.Y., Tsai J.H., Lin C.C., Chou Ch.C.K., Huang W.R., Roam G.D., Smolik J., Chen S.J.: Study of Environmental Nanoparticles at a Road Side and in a High-Way Tunnel. European Aerosol Conference 2008, Book of Abstracts, p. T04A014O, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-29 August 2008.

24. Kolovratnik M., Hruby J., Zdimal V.: Castice v parnich turbinach. (Czech) Particles in Steam Turbines. 7th Conference on Power System Egineering, Thermodynamics & Fluid Flow 2008, Conference Proceedings, pp. 69-72, Plzen, Czech Republic, 26-27 June 2008.

25. Kolovratnik M., Jiricek I., Hruby J., Zdimal V.: Vyzkum rozmerove struktury primesi pary v turbinach. (Czech) Investigations on Size Structure of Steam Impurities in Turbines. 7. mezinarodni konference Chemie energetickych cyklu, Sbornik prednasek, pp. 158-161, Praha, Czech Republic, 09-10 September 2008.

26. Krejci P., Zdimal V., Hruby J., Schwarz J.: Measurement of Sulphuric Acid Vapour Pressure. European Aerosol Conference 2008, Book of Abstracts, p. T03A034P, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-29 August 2008.

27. Levdansky V.V., Dragun V.L., Smolik J., Moravec P.: Techenie gazov v nanorazmernykh kapillyarakh. (Russ) VI Minskii mezhunarodnyi forum po teplo- i massoobmenu, Tezisy dokladov i soobschenii, p. 392, (7 pp. full text na CD-ROM), Minsk, Belarus, 19-23 May 2008.

28. Levdansky V.V., Smolik J., Moravec P.: Membrane Purification and Separation of Gases in Resonant Radiation Fields. International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, Poster Session Proceedings, p. 119, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 12-18 July 2008.

29. Levdansky V.V., Smolik J., Moravec P.: Effect of Laser Radiation on Nanoparticle Formation by Deposition from Gas Mixture. European Materials Research Society, Abstracts, p. B-P1 10, Strasbourg, France, 26-30 May 2008.

30. Levdansky V.V., Smolik J., Moravec P.: Vliyanie vozbuzhdeniya molekul vodoroda na evo massoperenos v metalicheskikh sistemakh. (Russ) VI Minskii mezhunarodnyi forum po teplo- i massoobmenu, Tezisy dokladov i soobschenii, pp. 405-406,(8 pp. full text na CD-ROM), Minsk, Belarus, 19-23 May 2008.

31. Levdansky V.V., Smolik J., Moravec P.: Size Effect in Trapping of Atoms by Aerosol Nanoparticles. European Aerosol Conference 2008, Book of Abstracts, p. T03A053P, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-29 August 2008.

32. Levdansky V.V., Smolik J., Moravec P.: Transfer Processes in Heterogeneous System under Effect of Resonance Radiation. International Conference Advanced Laser Technologies ALT'08, Book of Abstracts, Siofok, Hungary, 13-18 September 2008.

33. Levdansky V.V., Smolik J., Zdimal V., Moravec P.: Zakhvat molekul gaza nanochastitsami. (Russ) VI Minskii mezhunarodnyi forum po teplo- i massoobmenu, Tezisy dokladov i soobschenii, p. 393, (8 pp. full text na CD-ROM), Minsk, Belarus, 19-23 May 2008.

34. Moravec P., Smolik J., Klementova M., Levdansky V.V.: MOCVD Nanoparticle Synthesis from Copper Acetylacetonate. European Aerosol Conference 2008, Book of Abstracts, p. T01A058P, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-29 August 2008.

35. Moravec P., Smolik J., Klementova M., Levdansky V.V.: CuOx Nanoparticle Production from Copper Acetylacetonate. IX. konference Ceske aerosolove spolecnosti, Sbornik konference, pp. 59-62, Praha, Czech Republic, 04 December 2008.

36. Neitola K., Brus D., Sipilae M., Kulmala M.: Binary Homogeneous Nucleation of Sulfuric Acid-Water: Particle Size Distribution and Effect of Detector on Total Count and Determination of Critical Cluster Size. European Aerosol Conference 2008, Book of Abstracts, p. T03A041P, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-29 August 2008.

37. Ondracek J., Dohanyosova P., Zdimal V., Schwarz J., Krejci P., Smolik J.: Novy typ HTDMA systemu pro dlouhodoba mereni hygroskopickych vlastnosti atmosferickych aerosolovych castic. (Czech) New HTDMA System for Long Time Measurements of Hygroscopic Properties of Atmospheric Aerosol. IX. konference Ceske aerosolove spolecnosti, Sbornik konference, pp. 27-28, Praha, Czech Republic, 04 December 2008.

38. Ondracek J., Dzumbova L., Stavova P., Zdimal V., Bartak M., Smolik J.: Monodisperse Aerosol Particles in an Apartment. European Aerosol Conference 2008, Abstract, p. T10A012P, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-29 August 2008.

39. Ondracek J., Dzumbova L., Zdimal V., Stavova P., Bartak M., Smolik J.: Behavior of Well Defined Aerosol Sources in a House. The 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Programme, p. 108, Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-22 August 2008.

40. Ondracek J., Dzumbova L., Zdimal V., Stavova P., Bartak M, Smolik J.: Chovani monodisperznich aerosolovych castic v byte – experimentalni studie. (Czech) The Behavior of Monodisperse Aerosol Particles in a House - Experimental Study. IX. konference Ceske aerosolove spolecnosti, Sbornik konference, pp. 55-58, Praha, Czech Republic, 04 December 2008.

41. Rimnacova D., Zdimal V., Smolik J., Silhavy J.: Vybrane vysledky z kontinualniho mereni atmosferickych aerosolu v Praze - Suchdole. (Czech) Selected Results of the Continuous Measurement of Atmospheric Aerosols in Prague – Suchdol. IX. konference Ceske aerosolove spolecnosti, Sbornik konference, pp. 31-36, Praha, Czech Republic, 04 December 2008.

42. Schwarz J., Stefancova L., Novak J., Macek V., Smolik J.: Composition of PM2.5 in Prague during the Year 2006. European Aerosol Conference 2008, Book of Abstracts, p. T06A219P, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-29 August 2008.

43. Schwarz J., Stefancova L., Novak J., Pokorny R., Smolik J.: Slozeni frakce PM2,5 v Suchdole v roce 2006. (Czech) Chemical Composition of PM2,5 at Suchdol in the Year 2006. IX. konference Ceske aerosolove spolecnosti, Sbornik konference, pp. 63-64, Praha, Czech Republic, 04 December 2008.

44. Schwarz J., Zdimal V., Rimnacova D., Ondracek J., Ondrackova L, Havranek V., Smolik J., Bizek V.: Mereni pocetnich a hmotnostnich velikostnich distribuci v blizkosti dopravniho zdroje (Jizni spojky). (Czech) Number and Mass Size Distribution Measurement Next to Traffic Source (Jizni spojka). IX. konference Ceske aerosolove spolecnosti, Sbornik konference, pp. 37-40, Praha, Czech Republic, 04 December 2008.

45. Stavova P., Ondracek J., Dzumbova L., Bartak M., Smolik J.: Airflow Measurements in a Two-Zone Apartment Using Two Tracer Gases. The 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Programme, p. 49 (8 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-22 August 2008.

46. Stefancova L., Schwarz J., Chi X.., Maenhaut W., Sevcikova I., Smolik J.: Parallel Sampling of Urban Aerosol at Dry and Wet Conditions during Winter 2008. European Aerosol Conference 2008, Book of Abstracts, p. T06A200P, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-29 August 2008.

47. Stefancova L., Schwarz J., Maenhaut W., Smolik J.: Theoretical Mass Size Distribution of Wet Particles Calculated from Ambient Aerosol Sampled upon Dry Conditions during Summer and Winter Campaign 2008. IX.konference Ceske aerosolove spolecnosti, Sbornik konference, pp. 29-30, Praha, Czech Republic, 04 December 2008.

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