» Projects » Grant List » Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of the particle saltation in a channel

Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of the particle saltation in a channel

  • Identification: GA103/06/1487 - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
  • Duration: 2006 - 2008
  • Principal investigator: Ing. Pavel Vlasák DrSc.

Subject of research

Aim of the project is a development of new mathematical model and numerical simulation of the important mode of a bed load transport, called saltation. The model will predict statistical parameters of particle behaviour as a function of hydraulic parameters of the flow and of the particle properties. The mutual influence of the translational and angular particle velocities will be investigated experimentally and theoretically and will be involved in the model as well as the mutual effect of particle motion and fluid flow. Effect of the bed nearness and composition on the kinematical parameters of the particle motion in fluid and its collision with the bed during saltation will be studied and the distribution of the particle concentration along the vertical co-ordinate will also be calculated. Since accuracy of the available values of the dimensionless coefficients of the forces acting on the particle in fluid are in some cases insufficient for numerical simulation the experimental study