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4 Sep 09 - 3 Jan 21
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At the beginning of 1990 a new system was commissioned in stellar department for processing of photographic spectral plates -- the five-channel stellar microphotometer. It can simultaneously scan in all five channels -- two fog and two comparison spectra on both sides of the stellar one -- a spectroscopic plate up to 400 mm long with step as small as 1 micrometer, the data being digitized by 12 bit A/D conversion. Although driven by old-fashioned TMS-9900 based microcomputer, it can be controlled through a serial port from an ordinary PC AT computer. At that time our colleague Dr. Jiri Horn decided to write a new spectra reduction program called SPEFO (as SPEctroFOtometry), the microphotometer driving program being embedded in it. After switching from photographic plates to Reticon 1872F linear detector (in 1993), the SPEFO was upgraded to be capable of processing electronic data produced by Reticon control software RETICON as well as FITS conversion and synthetic spectra investigation. The program was under constant improvement until the author's tragic death in December 1994. The author of this article and will try to maintain SPEFO, as it has, according to opinion of its users, some valuable advantages for 1D spectra processing and investigation against large systems such as MIDAS or IRAF.

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