Matematický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, v.v.i. |
Documents about the Institute
- Foundation
charter of the Institute (in PDF, 340KB; available also in Czech).
- Institutional research plan (proposal, 2004)
- Institutional research plan, 1999 - 2004, selected sections
- International advisory board
- 2004 yearbook of the Mathematical
(in PDF, 850KB).
- 2005 yearbook of the Mathematical
(in PDF, 780KB).
- 2005 annual
report (in Czech, PDF, 560KB)
- 2006 annual
report (in Czech, PDF, 880KB)
- 2007 annual
report (in Czech, PDF, 10MB)
- 2008 annual
report (in Czech, PDF, 4MB)
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