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- Chrtek, J. Jr. (1994): Chromosome numbers in selected Hieracium species in the Krkonoše Mts. (the West Sudeten). - Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 29: 91-100. [abstract]
- Chrtek, J. Jr. (1996): Chromosome numbers in selected Hieracium species (Compositae) in the Sudeten Mts and West and Ukrainian East Carpathians. - Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 41: 783-790. [abstract]
- Chrtek, J. Jr. (1996): Rozšíření Hieracium halleri (okruh H. alpinum) v Západních Karpatech. [Distribution of Hieracium halleri (Hieracium alpinum agg.) in the Western Carpathians]. - Zpr. Čes. Bot. Společ. 31: 125-131. [abstract]
- Chrtek, J. Jr. (1997): Hieracium decipientiforme (Wołoszczak et Zahn) Šljakov (the Hieracium nigrescens group) - an interesting species of the Ukrainian Carpathians. - Preslia 69: 121-128. [abstract]
- Chrtek, J. Jr. (1997): Taxonomy of the Hieracium alpinum group in the Sudeten Mts. and the West and Ukrainian East Carpathians. - Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 32: 67-91. [abstract]
- Chrtek, J. Jr. (1998): Hieracium. In: Marhold K., Hindák F. (eds.): Zoznam nižších a vyšších rastlín Slovenska. [Checklist of non-vascular and vascular plants of Slovakia]. pp. 492-494. - Veda, Bratislava. [link]
- Chrtek, J. Jr. (2002): Hieracium L. In: Kubát K., Hrouda L., Chrtek J. Jr., Kaplan Z., Kirschner J., Štěpánek J. (eds.): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. [Key to the Flora of the Czech Republic]. pp. 706-732. - Academia, Praha.
- Chrtek, J. Jr., Marhold, K. (1996): Lectotypification of the name Hieracium alpinum subsp. augusti-bayeri Zlatník (Compositae). - Preslia 67: 301-304. [abstract]
- Chrtek, J. Jr., Marhold, K. (1998): Taxonomy of the Hieracium fritzei group (Asteraceae) in the Sudeten Mts. and the West Carpathians (Studies in Hieracium sect. Alpina II.). - Phyton (Horn) 37: 181-218. [abstract]
- Chrtek, J. Jr., Mráz, P., Severa, M. (2004): Chromosome numbers in selected species of Hieracium s.str. (Hieracium subgen. Hieracium) in the Western Carpathians. - Preslia 76: 119-139. [abstract]

- Chrtek, J. Jr., Peckert T. (2002): Hieracium rothianum u Starého Vestce ve středním Polabí. - Muzeum a součastnost, ser. natur. 16: 15-17.
- Chrtek, J. Jr., Plačková I. (2005): Genetic variation in Hieracium alpinum (Asteraceae) in the Krkonoše Mts (West Sudeten Mts, Czech Republic). - Biologia 60: 387-391. [abstract]

- Chrtek, J. Jr., Szeląg, Z., Mráz P., Severa, M. (2002): Hieracium silesiacum Krause [Hieracium sparsum subsp. silesiacum (Krause) Zahn] v Západních Karpatech. - Bull. Slov. Bot. Spoloč. 24: 81-90. [abstract]
- Chrtek, J. Jr., Tonková, M., Plačková, I., Mráz, P., Marhold, K. (2004): The Hieracium nigrescens group in the Sudeten Mountains and the Western Carpathians. - Thaiszia - J. Bot. 14 (Suppl. 1): 5-6.

- Chrtek, J. Jr, Mráz, P., Zahradníček, J., Mateo, G., Szeląg, Z. (2007): Chromosome numbers and DNA ploidy levels of selected species of Hieracium s. str. (Asteraceae) Folia Geobotanica 42: 411-430 [abstract]

- Chrtek, J. Jr, Zahrádníček, J., Krak, K., Fehrer, J. (2009): Genome size in Hieracium subgenus Hieracium (Asteraceae) is strongly correlated with major phylogenetic groups. Ann. Bot. 104: 161-178 [abstract]

- Fehrer, J., Krak, K., Chrtek, J. Jr (2009): Intra-individual polymorphism in diploid and apomictic polyploid hawkweeds (Hieracium, Lactuceae, Asteraceae): disentangling phylogenetic signal, reticulation, and noise. BMC Evol. Biol. 9: 239

- Fehrer, J., Gemeinholzer, B., Chrtek, J. Jr, Bräutigam, S. (2007a): Incongruent plastid and nuclear DNA phylogenies reveal ancient intergeneric hybridization in Pilosella hawkweeds (Hieracium, Cichorieae, Asteraceae). Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 42: 347-361 [abstract]

- Fehrer, J., Krahulcová, A., Krahulec, F., Chrtek, J. Jr., Rosenbaumová, R., Bräutigam. S. (2007b): Evolutionary aspects in Hieracium subgenus Pilosella. In: Grossniklaus, U., Hörandl, E., Sharbel, T., van Dijk, P. (eds.) Apomixis: Evolution, Mechanisms and Perspectives, Regnum Vegetabile 147, Koeltz, Königstein pp. 359-390 [abstract]

- Fehrer, J., Šimek, R., Krahulcová, A., Krahulec, F., Chrtek, J. Jr., Bräutigam, E., Bräutigam, S. (2005): Evolution, hybridisation, and clonal distribution of apo- and amphimictic species of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella (Asteraceae: Lactuceae) in a Central European mountain range. In: F.T. Bakker, L.W. Chatrou, B. Gravendeel & P.B. Pelser: Plant species-level systematics: new perspectives on pattern & process. Regnum Vegetabile 143: 175-201. - Koeltz, Königstein. [abstract]
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- Fitze, D., Fehrer, J. (2000): PCR-RFLP studies of non-coding chloroplast DNA in European Hieracium subgen. Pilosella. - Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz 72 (suppl.): 4. [abstract]
- Košťálová, V., Krahulec, F. (2004): Distribution of mixed Hieracium bauhini - H. pilosella populations and hybridization within these populations. - Thaiszia - J. Bot. 14 (Suppl. 1): 7-8.

- Krahulcová, A., Chrtek, J. Jr., Krahulec, F. (1999): Autogamy in Hieracium subgen. Pilosella. - Folia Geobot. 34: 373-376. [abstract]

- Krahulcová, A., Krahulec, F. (1999): Chromosome numbers and reproductive systems in selected representatives of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella in the Krkonoše Mts (the Sudeten Mts). - Preslia 71: 217-234. [abstract]

- Krahulcová, A., Krahulec, F. (2000): Offspring diversity in Hieracium subgen. Pilosella (Asteraceae): new cytotypes from hybridization experiments and from open pollination. - Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 45: 239-255. [abstract]

- Krahulcová, A., Krahulec, F., Chapman, H. M. (2000): Variation in Hieracium subgen. Pilosella: what do we know about its sources? - Folia Geobot. 35: 319-338. [abstract]

- Krahulcová, A., Krahulec, F., Chrtek, J. Jr. (2001): Chromosome numbers and reproductive systems in selected representatives of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella in the Krkonoše Mts (the Sudeten Mts) - 2. - Preslia 73: 193-211. [abstract]
- Krahulcová, A., Papoušková, S., Krahulec, F. (2004): Reproduction mode in the allopolyploid facultatively apomictic hawkweed Hieracium rubrum (Asteraceae, H. subgen. Pilosella). - Hereditas 141: 19-30. [abstract]

- Krahulcová, A. & Suda, J. (2006): A modified method of flow cytometric seed screen simplifies the quantification of progeny classes with different ploidy levels. Biol. Plant. 50: 457-460. [abstract]

- Krahulec, F., Bräutigam, S., Chrtek, J. Jr., Fehrer, J., Krahulcová, A., Procházka, F. & Schuhwerk, F. (2004): The Hieracium subg. Pilosella in the Šumava Mts. - Thaiszia - J. Bot. 14 (Suppl. 1): 9-10.

- Krahulec, F., Chrtek, J. Jr., Krahulcová, A. (2001): Jestřábníky podrodu Pilosella Krkonoš. [Species of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella within the Krkonoše Mts.]. - Opera Corcontica 37: 234-243. [abstract]
- Krahulec, F., Krahulcová, A., Fehrer, J., Bräutigam, S., Plačková, I., Chrtek, J. Jr. (2004): The Sudetic group of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella from the Krkonoše Mts: a sythetic view. - Preslia 76: 223-243. [abstract]

- Krahulec, F. & Krahulcová, A. (2006): Population based approaches in the study of Pilosella Hill (Asteraceae): A new view of its taxonomy? Pp 15-25 in: Bailey, J. & Ellis, R.G. (eds.), Contributions to Taxonomic Research on the British and European Flora. BSBI, London. [abstract]
- Krahulec, F., Krahulcová, A., Papoušková, S. (2006): Ploidy level selection during germination and early stages of seedling growth in the progeny of allohexaploid facultative apomict, Hieracium rubrum (Asteraceae). Folia Geobot. 41: 407-416. [abstract]
- Krahulec, F., Krahulcová, A., Fehrer, J., Bräutigam, S., Schuhwerk, F. (2008): The agamic complex of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella in the Šumava Mts.: Its structure and comparison with other regions in Central Europe. Preslia 80: 1-26 [abstract]

- Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.A., Chapman, H.M., Krahulcová, A. (2004): Interspecific hybridization among Hieracium species in New Zealand: evidence from flow cytometry. - Heredity 93: 34-42. [abstract]

- Mráz, P., Chrtek, J., Šingliarová, B. (2009): Geographical parthenogenesis, genome size variation and pollen production in the arctic-alpine species Hieracium alpinum. Bot. Helv. 119: 41-51 [abstract]

- Mráz, P., Šingliarová, B., Urfus, T., Krahulec, F. (2008): Cytogeography of Pilosella officinarum (Compositae): Altitudinal and Longitudinal Differences in Ploidy Level Distribution in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the General Pattern in Europe Ann. Bot. 101: 59-71 [abstract]

- Mráz, P., Chrtek, J. jun., Fehrer, J., Plačková, I. (2005): Rare recent natural hybridization in Hieracium s.str. - evidence from morphology, allozymes and chloroplast DNA. - Plant Syst. Evol 255: 177-192. [abstract]

- Mráz, P., Chrtek, J. Jr., Kirschner, J. (2001): Genetic variation in the Hieracium rohacsense group (Hieracium sect. Alpina). - Phyton (Horn) 41: 269-276. [abstract]
- Peckert, T. & Chrtek, J. Jr. (2006): Mating interactions among coexisting diploid, triploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Hieracium echioides (Asteraceae). - Folia Geobot., 41: 323-334 [abstract]

- Peckert T., Chrtek J., Plačková I. (2005): Genetic variation in agamospermous populations of Hieracium echioides in southern Slovakia and northern Hungary (Danube Basin). - Preslia 77: 307-315. [abstract]

- Peckert, T., Chrtek, J. Jr., Plačková, I. (2004): Genetic variation of agamospermous populations of Hieracium echioides s.l. in the Danube basin. - Thaiszia - J. Bot. 14 (Suppl. 1): 17-18.

- Petřík, P., Chrtek, J. Jr., Bräutigam, S. (2003): Jestřábníky (Hieracium podrod Pilosella) Ještědského hřbetu. [Hieracium subgen. Pilosella in the Ještědský hřbet mountain ridge.] - Zprávy Čes. Bot. Společ. 38: 85-93. [abstract]
- Rosenbaumová, R., Krahulec, F. (2004): Residual sexuality as a factor influencing genetic structure within the agamic complex of Hieracium subgenus Pilosella. - Thaiszia - J. Bot. 14 (Suppl. 1): 19-20.

- Rotreklová, O., Krahulcová, A., Vaňková, D., Peckert, T., Mráz, P. (2002): Chromosome numbers and breeding systems in some species of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella from the Central Europe. - Preslia 74: 27-44. [abstract]

- Rotreklová, O., Krahulcová, A., Mráz, P., Mrázová, V., Mártonfiová, L., Peckert, T., Šingliarová, B. (2005): Chromosome numbers and breeding systems in some species of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella from Europe. - Preslia 77: 177-195. [abstract]

- Suda, J., Krahulcová, A., Trávníček, P., Rosenbaumová, R., Peckert, T., Krahulec, F. (2007) Genome size variation and species relationships in Hieracium subgen. Pilosella (Asteraceae) as inferred by flow cytometry. Ann. Bot. 100: 1323-1335 [abstract]

- Šingliarová B., Chrtek J., Mráz P. (2008): Loss of genetic diversity in isolated populations of an alpine endemic Pilosella alpicola subsp. ullepitschii: effect of long-term vicariance or long-distance dispersal? Plant Syst. Evol. 275: 181-191 [abstract]

- Štorchová, H., Hrdličková R., Chrtek, J. Jr., Tetera, M., Fitze, D., Fehrer, J. (2000): An improved method of DNA isolation from plants collected in the field and conserved in saturated NaCl/CTAB solution. - Taxon 49: 79-84. [abstract]

- Štorchová, H., Chrtek, J. Jr., Bartish, I.V., Tetera, M., Kirschner J., Štěpánek, J. (2002): Genetic variation in agamospermous taxa of Hieracium sect. Alpina (Compositae) in the Tatry Mts. (Slovakia). - Pl. Syst. Evol. 235: 1-17. [abstract]

- Wilson, L. M., Fehrer, J., Bräutigam, S., Grosskopf, G. (2006): A new invasive hawkweed, Hieracium glomeratum (Lactuceae, Asteraceae), in the Pacific Northwest. Canad. J. Bot. 84: 133-142. [abstract]
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