> Center >
Current events
This year's last grant
meetingof the "Biographic
Narrations of Workers and Intelligentsia" project will take
place on
Thursday, December
14, at 2 p.m., ÚSD
Vlašská 9.
We would like to look
back at what has been accomplished this year and take the
first steps in planning the next one. We will also deal with
the birth of the new Czech Oral History Association.
Afterwards we invite you for a Christmas party in a nearbuy
pub:). Looking forward to seeing you!
October 31: we
would like to announce that the 6th
meeting of grant
researcher and assistants at the project „"Biographic
Narrations of Workers and Intelligentsia""
1 is going to take place on October 31 in the library at
the Institute for Contemporary History, Vlašská 9. We start
at 10 am.
A presentation of The Helplessness of the Powerful Ones and the Power of the Helpless Ones,
a compilation of interpretive essays based on the project
An Investigation in the Czech Society of the „Normalization“ Era: Biographic Narrations of Workers and
Intelligentsia, took place at the Academy of Sciences Prague (Národní 3) on 11th October.
September 27 - 28: The Oral History
Center's researchers have attended a seminar called "The
everyday life naratives in the context of Czech (and) Slovak
historical turning points after the years 1948, 1968, 1989,
1993 from the point of view of dynamics of value
changes", which took place at the
Slovak Institute for Ethnology in Bratislava. Miroslav Vaněk
spoke about the international trends of oral history, Pavel
Mücke discussed the characteristics of French oral history,
Jana Nosková presented the current state of the Workers and
Intelligentsia project and Petra Schindler spoke about the
juridical and ethic side of oral history.
Vaněk |
Petra Schindler |
Nosková |
Pavel Mücke |
July 12:
Miroslav Vaněk has taken part in the 14th
international oral history conference Dancing with memory: oral history and its
audiences on 12 - 16 July 2006 in Sydney, Australia,
with the paper named Victors? Vanquished?: political elites and dissidents in the years of so-called normalization (1968-1989) in Czechoslovakia. Biographical
interviews. Paper abstract
Further conference info: http://www.une.edu.au/ioha2006/index.html
30 June: Jana Nosková and Petra
Schindler have taken part in the 5th annual anthropological
symposium in Plzeň. Jana Nosková has presented her paper
about the usage of mental maps in the research of the
identity of the town Brno and its inhabitants. Petra
Schindler discussed the family life of dissidents in the
so-called Nomalization era. Abstracts (in Czech)
On June 8 – June 10 the annual
History Conference at Sovinec castle near Olomouc
will take place, this time themed Oral History and Its Interdisciplinary
Usage. >
more info here
4th meeting of grant
researchers and assistants at the project An investigation
in the Czech society of the „normalization“ era:
Biographic narrations of workers and intelligentsia“ took
place on May 5, 2006. The main topic of the meeting were
the methodological issues: how to choose and contact the
narrators, how to conduct an interview. We heard the papers
of Jana Svobodová and Zdeněk Doskočil.

Winners? Vaquished? has been chosen the book of the
year 2005 by the readers of the „History and Present“ (Dějiny
a současnost) magazine. >
large picture /cz/
3rd meeting of grant
researcher and assistants at the project „„An investigation
in the Czech society of the „normalization“ era:
Biographic narrations of workers and intelligentsia“ took
place on April 5, 2006. The main topic of the meeting was
the definition of the „workers“ group. Jana Nosková, Dalibor
Státník and Tomáš Vilímek presented their papers.