MBÚ - Mikrobiologický ústav Praha


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036770 - MBU-M 960360 DE eng C
Abrhámová, Z. - Nešvera, J. - Pátek, M. - Hochmannová, J.
Relation between copy number of the Corynebacterium glutamicum plasmid pGA1 and its segregational stability.
In: Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plasmid-Mediated Gene Transfer. - Postdam, European Science Foundation 1996. - S. 33.
[Workshop Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plasmid-Mediated Gene Transfer /2./. Postdam (DE), 96.06.28-96.07.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1737; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA520407

039086 - MBU-M 970329 US eng J
Adamec, J. - Striebel, H. M. - Kalousek, F.
Rat liver mitochondrial processing peptidase (MPP):site-directed mutagenesis.
FASEB Journal, 10 [6] A1384 (1996).
[FASEB Annual Meeting 1-3030. New Orleans (US), 96.06.02-96.06.06]
[Impact factor:18.675(91) 18.213(92) 16.634(93) 15.115(94) 13.404(95) 13.771(96) 14.629(97) 13.861(98) 11.880(99) 9.249(00) 8.817(01) 7,252(02) 7.172(03) ]

031032 - MBU-M 960090 SE eng J
Ascher, M. - Hahn-Zoric, M. - Hanson, L. A. - Kilander, A. F. - Nilsson, L. A. - Tlaskalová, H.
Value of serologic markers for clinical diagnosis and population studies of coeliac disease.
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 31 [1] 61-67 (1996).
Grant: GA310/93/1093IAA720401
[Impact factor:1.314(91) 0.993(92) 1.360(93) 1.484(94) 1.532(95) 1.717(96) 1.641(97) 2.360(98) 2.336(99) 1.842(00) 1.826(01) 1,847(02) 2.140(03) ]

031926 - MBU-M 960192 DE eng J
Assmann, S. - Sigler, K. - Hofer, M.
Cd2+ -induced damage to yeast plasma membrane and its alleviation by Zn2+:studies on Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells and reconstituted plasma membrane vesicles.
Archives of Microbiology, 165, [-] 279-284 (1996).
Grant: GA204/96/1261
[Impact factor:1.640(91) 1.995(92) 1.898(93) 2.126(94) 1.801(95) 1.939(96) 2.351(97) 2.272(98) 2.209(99) 2.056(00) 2.156(01) 1,903(02) 1.989(03) ]

036772 - MBU-M 960363 CZ eng A
Baldrian, P.
Fungal response to heavy metal exposure.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 7-9.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]

036779 - MBU-M 960370 CZ eng A
Baldrian, P. - Gabriel, J.
Effect of heavy metals on the growth of selected basidiomycetes.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 42-43.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]

031971 - MBU-M 960260 CZ eng J
Baldrian, P. - Gabriel, J. - Nerud, F.
Effect of cadmium on the ligninolytic activity of Stereum hirsutum and Phanerochaete chrysosporium.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [4] 363-367 (1996).
Grant: GA203/93/0668; AID(US) C-12-047
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

039082 - MBU-M 970208 CZ cze J
Baldrian, P. - Gabriel, J. - Rychlovský, P. - Krenželok, M.
Obsahy těžkých kovů v dřevokazných houbách v Praze a na Šumavě.
Silva Gabreta, 1 [1] 89-92 (1996).

031978 - MBU-M 960271 IL eng A
Bečka, S. - Plháčková, K. - Sobotková, L. - Štěpánek, V. - Kyslík, P.
Biocatalysts for biotransformations of betalactam antibiotics on industrial scale.
In: IUMS Congresses 96 - abstracts. - Jerusalem, International Union of Microbiological Societes 1996. - S. 137.
[IUMS Congresses /8./. Jerusalem (IL), 96.08.18-96.08.23]

031975 - MBU-M 960268 CZ eng CX
Bečka, S. - Plháčková, K. - Štěpánek, V. - Kyslík, P.
Biocatalysts for transformation of b-lactam antibiotics.
In: Essentia 96. - Praha, Technologické centrum AV ČR 1996. - S. 23.
[ESSENTIA 96 - International Technology Forum. Praha (CZ), 96.01.08-96.01.11]

031977 - MBU-M 960270 IL eng A
Běhal, V. - Nguyen, K. T. - Nguyen, L. T.
Nitrogen metabolism in Streptomyces.
In: IUMS Congresses 96 - abstracts. - Jerusalem, International Union of Microbiological Societes 1996. - S. 137.
[IUMS Congresses /8./. Jerusalem (IL), 96.08.18-96.08.23]

031928 - MBU-M 960194 GB eng J
Bernardini, J. J. - Linget-Morice, C. - Hoh, F. - Collinson, S. K. - Kyslík, P. - Page, W. J. - Dell, A. - Abdallah, M. A.
Bacterial siderophores:structure elucidation, and 1H, 13C and 15N two-dimensional NMR assignments of azoverdin and related siderophores synthesized by Azomonas macrocytogenes ATCC 12334.
BioMetals, 9 [1] 107-120 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.853(94) 0.961(95) 1.117(96) 0.854(97) 0.000(98) 0.978(99) 1.568(00) 1.229(01) 1,582(02) 2.545(03) ]

031036 - MBU-M 960094 GB eng J
Bezouška, K.
C-type lectins of natural killer cells: carbohydrate ligands and role in tumour cell lysis.
Biochemical Society Transactions, 24 [1] 156-151 (1996).
Grant: GA310/94/1533GA312/96/1260
[Impact factor:1.465(91) 1.476(92) 1.807(93) 2.444(94) 1.275(95) 0.633(96) 0.758(97) 0.930(98) 0.964(99) 0.975(00) 1.402(01) 2,205(02) 2.579(03) ]

039352 - UEB-Q 970169 SK eng A
Binarová, P. - Cenklová, V. - Havlický, T.
The effect of short time heat shock treatment on microtubular cytoskeleton and DNA synthesis during induction of embryogenesis in microspore cultures of Brasicca napus.
Biologia, 51 [suppl. 4] 1 (1996).
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.10.02-95.10.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1020
[Impact factor:0.050(91) 0.050(92) 0.038(93) 0.043(94) 0.079(95) 0.110(96) 0.283(97) 0.194(98) 0.220(99) 0.165(00) 0.208(01) 0,169(02) 0.183(03) ]

037807 - MBU-M 970011 GB eng J
Böhm, S. - Ruppertová, I. - Havlíček, V. - Kuthan, J.
On some 2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium 2-benzimidazolate inner salts.
Collection of the Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 61 [4] 597-604 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.465(91) 0.466(92) 0.382(93) 0.467(94) 0.550(95) 0.549(96) 0.550(97) 0.546(98) 0.717(99) 0.960(00) 0.778(01) 0,848(02) 1.041(03) ]

031966 - MBU-M 960254 GB eng J
Bornemann, S. - Crout, D. H. G. - Dalton, H. - Křen, V. - Lobell, M. - Thompson, N. - Turner, M. M.
Stereospecific formation of R-aromatic acyloins by Zymomonas mobilis pyruvate decarboxylase.
Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 1, -, [-] 425-430 (1996).

031986 - MBU-M 960279 IL eng A
Bošková, V. - Nerud, F.
The effect of culture conditions on the production of ligninolytic enzymes by white-rot fungi.
In: IUMS Congresses 96 - abstracts. - Jerusalem, International Union of Microbiological Societes 1996. - S. 72.
[IUMS Congresses /8./. Jerusalem (IL), 96.08.18-96.08.23]

037951 - MBU-M 970073 US eng J
Branny, P. - De La Torre, F. - Garel, J. R.
The genes for phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus constitute an operon.
Journal of Bacteriology, 178 [15] 4727-4730 (1996).
[Impact factor:3.759(91) 3.702(92) 3.965(93) 4.013(94) 3.903(95) 3.889(96) 3.639(97) 3.805(98) 3.712(99) 3.506(00) 3.984(01) 3,959(02) 4.175(03) ]

031976 - MBU-M 960269 FR eng CX
Branny, P. - Nádvorník, R. - Vomastek, T. - Dobrová, Z. - Janeček, J. - Weiser, J.
Eukaryote type protein kinases and protein phosphorylation in Streptomyces granaticolor.
In: Phosphorylation des Proteines. - Dourdan, Société Francaise de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire 1996. - S. 58.
[Phosphorylation des Proteines. Dourdan (FR), 96.06.09-96.06.11]
Grant: GA204/96/1263

031988 - MBU-M 960281 DE eng CX
Branny, P. - Vomastek, T. - Nádvorník, R. - Janeček, J. - Dobrová, Z. - Weiser, J.
Eukaryote type protein kinases and protein phosphorylation in Streptomyces granaticolor.
In: Biology of Streptomycetes. - Ohrbeck, University of Osnabrück 1996. - S. P9.
[Biology of Streptomycetes. Ohrbeck (DE), 96.04.10-96.04.15]
Grant: GA204/96/1263

037823 - MBU-M 970027 DE eng A
Bubner, M. - Heise, K. H. - Matucha, M. - Šašek, V.
Investigation of microbial degradation of /14C/PCB No.77 in soil.
In: Institute of Radiochemistry - Annnual Report 1995. - (Ed. Nitsche, H.). - Rossendorf, Institute of Radiochemistry 1996. - S. 75.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620425GA204/94/1190

037824 - MBU-M 970028 DE eng Bx
Bubner, M. - Meyer, M. - Jander, M. - Heise, K. H. - Matucha, M. - Kubátová, A.
Optimization of the conditions of the /14C/benzidine chlorination for /14C/polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) synthesis and gaschromatographic analysis.
In: Institute of Radiochemistry - Annual Report 1995. - (Ed. Nitsche, H.). - Rossendorf, Institute of Radiochemistry 1996. - S. 68.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1190; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620425

037827 - MBU-M 970032 RU rus J
Buchalo, A. S. - Šašek, V. - Griganski, A. F. - Kachurovskaja, V. P. - Mitropolskaja, N. J. - Zakordonets, O. A.
Microstructures of vegetative mycelium in some rare species of macromycetes.
Mikologiia i Fitopatologiia, 30 [1] 14-16 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.105(92) 0.026(93) 0.080(94) 0.073(95) 0.066(96) 0.165(97) 0.121(98) 0.089(99) 0.170(00) 0.082(01) ]

031949 - MBU-M 960234 CZ eng J
Buchalo, A. S. - Šašek, V. - Kaczurovskaya, V. P. - Griganski, A. F. - Mitropolskaya, N. Y. - Zakordonec, O. A.
Scanning electron microscopy of cultures of rare macromycetous fungi.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [2] 187-192 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

036780 - MBU-M 960371 CZ eng A
Burkhard, J. - Poláková, B. - Demnerová, K. - Brenner, V. - Pazlarová, J.
PCB biodegradation in contaminated soil water suspension.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 46-48.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/1315

036781 - MBU-M 960372 CZ eng A
Cajthaml, T. - Šašek, V. - Pacáková, V.
Comparison of extraction methods for determination of PAHs in liquid nutrient medium.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 49-50.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1190; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620425

037828 - MBU-M 970033 CZ cze J
Chaloupka, J.
Programovaná smrt buňky.
Biologické listy, 61 [3-4] 249-271 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 204/95/1080; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1481

037806 - MBU-M 970010 AU eng J
Chaloupka, J. - Kučerová, H. - Strnadová, M. - Votruba, J. - Ludvík, J.
Asporogenic Bacillus megaterium mutant 27-36 degrades intrinsically short-lived proteins but fails to convert most of other proteins to a short-lived fraction.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, 39 [6] 1185-1192 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1050; GA ČR(CZ) GA510/94/0648
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.566(94) 0.596(95) 0.582(96) 0.578(97) 0.792(98) 0.770(99) 0.888(00) 0.925(01) ]

036766 - MBU-M 960356 CZ eng J
Chaloupka, J. - Vinter, V.
Programmed cell death in bacteria.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [6] 451-464 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 204/95/1080; GA ČR(CZ) GA510/94/0648GA204/96/1261
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

037813 - MBU-M 970017 DE eng A
Chaloupka, R. - Plášek, J. - Slavík, J. - Sigler, K. - Stadler, C.
Attempts at measuring membrane potential in S. cerevisiae by electrochromic probes di-4-ANEPPS and di-8-ANEPPS.
In: Proceedings of the 14th Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics. - Bonn, Organizing Commeettee 1996. - S. 30.
[Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics /14./. Bonn (D), 96.09.06-96.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1051; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261

031673 - MBU-M 960505 IE eng J
Constant, S. - Perewoska, I. - Nedbal, L. - Miranda, T. - Etienne, A. L. - Kirilovsky, D.
A new phenotype for a herbicide resistant mutant of Synechocystis 6714 with a high sensitivity to photoinhibition.
Plant Science, 115, 165-174 (1996).
Grant: OC 614.10
[Impact factor:1.471(91) 1.355(92) 1.296(93) 1.257(94) 1.179(95) 1.235(96) 1.274(97) 1.155(98) 1.015(99) 1.259(00) 1.384(01) 1,556(02) 1.652(03) ]

037804 - MBU-M 970008 NL eng J
Crowley, D. E. - Brennerová, M. - Irwin, C. - Brenner, V. - Focht, D. D.
Rhizosphere effects on biodegradation of 2,5-dichlorobenzoate by a bioluminescent strain of root-colonizing Pseudomonas fluorescens.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 20 [1] 79-89 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/1315GA203/95/1052
[Impact factor:1.708(91) 1.813(92) 1.974(93) 1.703(94) 1.766(95) 1.842(96) 2.266(97) 2.367(98) 2.405(99) 2.439(00) 2.847(01) 2,589(02) 2.947(03) ]

031047 - MBU-M 960185 GB eng J
Cukrowska, B. - Šinkora, J. - Mandel, L. - Šplíchal, I. - Bianchi, A. T. J. - Kovářů, F. - Tlaskalová, H.
Thymic B cells of pig fetuses and germ-free pigs spontaneously produce IgM,IgG and IgA: detection by ELISPOT method.
Immunology, 87, [-] 487-492 (1996).
Grant: GA310/94/1879
[Impact factor:2.867(92) 2.867(93) 2.951(94) 2.832(95) 2.945(96) 2.556(97) 2.752(98) 2.575(99) 2.292(00) 2.656(01) 2,729(02) 2.853(03) ]

037802 - MBU-M 970006 GB eng J
Cukrowska, B. - Šinkora, J. - Řeháková, Z. - Šinkora, M. - Šplíchal, I. - Tučková, L. - Avrameas, S. - Saalmüller, A. - Barot, R. - Tlaskalová, H.
Isotype and antibody specifity of spotaneously formed immunoglobulins in pig fetuses and germ-free piglets:production by CD5-B cells.
Immunology, 88 [5] 611-617 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/93/1094; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1879; GA ČR(CZ) GA302/94/0051
[Impact factor:2.867(92) 2.867(93) 2.951(94) 2.832(95) 2.945(96) 2.556(97) 2.752(98) 2.575(99) 2.292(00) 2.656(01) 2,729(02) 2.853(03) ]

031051 - MBU-M 960191 GB eng J
Cvak, L. - Minář, J. - Pakhomova, S. - Ondráček, J. - Kratochvíl, B. - Sedmera, P. - Havlíček, V. - Jegorov, A.
Ergoladinine, an ergot alkaloid.
Phytochemistry, 42 [1] 231-233 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/94/0135
[Impact factor:1.090(91) 1.133(92) 1.102(93) 1.157(94) 1.285(95) 1.115(96) 1.165(97) 1.179(98) 1.106(99) 1.112(00) 1.296(01) 1,686(02) 1.889(03) ]

031796 - BU-J 960543 SE eng J
Čížková, H. - Lukavská, J. - Přibáň, K. - Kopecký, J. - Brabcová, H.
Carbohydrate levels in rhizomes of Phragmites australis at an oligotrophic and a eutrophic sites: a preliminary study.
Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica, 31, [-] 111-118 (1996).
[Plant Survival under Wetland Conditions. Třeboň (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A60564EV5V-CT92-0083(EUREED)
[Impact factor:0.035(91) 0.048(92) 0.039(93) 0.000(94) 0.153(95) 0.987(96) 0.361(97) 0.611(98) 0.393(99) 0.649(00) 0.467(01) 0,564(02) 1.057(03) ]

032261 - MBU-M 960339 AT eng C
Daniel, G. - Binarová, P. - Volc, J. - Kubátová, E.
Cytochemical and immunocytochemical studies on sites of H2O2 production and catalase activity in hyphae of Phanerochaete chrysosporium grown in liquid culture and on wood.
In: Biotechnology in the pulp and paper industry: recent advances in applied and fundamental research. - (Ed. Srebotnik, E.; Messner, K.). - Vienna, Facultas University 1996. - S. 583-587. - ().
[International Conference on Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry /6./. Vienna (AT), 95.06.11-95.06.15]
Grant: IAA620421GA204/94/1191

037825 - MBU-M 970029 FR eng C
Daniel, G. - Nilsson, T. - Volc, J.
Occurance of Manganes Deposits in Test Stakes Exposed in Ground Contact Situations.
In: The International Research Group on Wood Preservation - 27th Annual Meeting. - Guadeloupe, International Research Group on Wood Preservation 1996. - S. 1-10.
[Annual Meeting - The International Research Group on Wood Preservation /27./. Guadeloupe (FR), 96.05.19-96.05.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1191; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620421

032244 - MBU-M 960302 US eng J
Dembitsky, V. M. - Řezanka, T.
Unusually high levels of eicosatetraenoic, eicosapentaenoid and docosahexaenoic fatty acids in Palestinian freshwater sponges.
Lipids, 31 [6] (1996).
[Impact factor:1.748(91) 1.554(92) 1.742(93) 1.530(94) 1.654(95) 1.918(96) 1.947(97) 2.364(98) 2.040(99) 1.769(00) 2.117(01) 2,044(02) 2.164(03) ]

032257 - MBU-M 960335 GB eng J
Dembitsky, V. M. - Řezanka, T.
Molecular species of wax esters in Cereus peruvianus.
Phytochemistry, 42 [4] 1075-1080 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.090(91) 1.133(92) 1.102(93) 1.157(94) 1.285(95) 1.115(96) 1.165(97) 1.179(98) 1.106(99) 1.112(00) 1.296(01) 1,686(02) 1.889(03) ]

032266 - MBU-M 960344 GB eng J
Dembitsky, V. M. - Řezanka, T.
Furan fatty acids of some brackish invertebrates from the Caspian sea.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 114B [3] 317-320 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.832(91) 0.770(92) 0.685(93) 0.685(94) 0.751(95) 0.746(96) 0.948(97) 0.872(98) 0.814(99) ]

032267 - MBU-M 960345 GB eng J
Dembitsky, V. M. - Řezanka, T.
Comparative study of the endemic freshwater fauna of Lake Baikal - VII. Carotenoid composition of the deept-water amphipod crustacean Acanthogammarus (Brachyuropus) grewingkii.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 114B [4] 383-387 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.832(91) 0.770(92) 0.685(93) 0.685(94) 0.751(95) 0.746(96) 0.948(97) 0.872(98) 0.814(99) ]

032248 - MBU-M 960322 FR eng CX
Denis-Duphil, M. - Benoist, P. - Gas, N. - Voříšek, J.
Ultracytochemical studies show a membrane bound localization of the aspartate transcarbamylase activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
In: Colloque Levure, Modéle et Outil (3.). - Strasbourg, Organizing committee 1996. - S. 112.
[Colloque Levure, Modéle et Outil /3./. Strasbourg (FR), 96.04.11-96.04.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA510/94/0648; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1192

031973 - MBU-M 960266 US eng B
Denksteinová, B. - Gášková, D. - Heřman, P. - Večeř, J. - Sigler, K. - Plášek, J. - Malínský, J.
Speed of accumulation of the membrane potential indicator DIS-C3(3) in yeast cells.
In: Flourescence Microscopy and Fluorescent Probes. - (Ed. Slavík, J.). - New York, Plenum 1996. - S. 151-155. - ().
Grant: GA204/96/1261GA204/95/1051

037811 - MBU-M 970015 DE eng CX
Denksteinová, B. - Gášková, D. - Heřman, P. - Večeř, J. - Malínský, J. - Plášek, J. - Sigler, K.
Monitoring of membrane potential transients in S. cerevisiae by diS-C3/3/ fluoresce.
In: Proceedings of the 14th Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics. - Bonn, Organizing Commeettee 1996. - S. 29.
[Small Meeting on Yeast Transport nad Energetics /14./. Bonn (DE), 96.09.06-96.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1051; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261

031952 - MBU-M 960237 CZ eng J
Denksteinová, B. - Sigler, K. - Plášek, J.
Three fluorescent probes for the flow-cytometric assessment of membrane potential in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [3] 237-242 (1996).
Grant: GA204/95/1051
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

037841 - MBU-M 970053 IT eng J
Denksteinová, B. - Gášková, D. - Heřman, P. - Malínský, J.
Study of membrane potential changes of yeast cells based on the spectroscopy analysis of disc3(3) fluorescence.
Physica Medica, 12 [3] 177 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1051
[Impact factor: 0.266(99) 0.610(00) 0.556(01) 0,288(02) 0.366(03) ]

037953 - MBU-M 970081 NL eng CX
Denksteinová, B. - Gášková, D. - Heřman, P. - Večeř, J. - Plášek, J. - Sigler, K.
Fluorescent probe DIS-C3(3) as the indicator of membrane potential changes in S.cerevisiae.
In: 12th International Biophysics Congress - Proceedings. - Amsterdam, Pergamon 1996. - S. 133.
[International Biophysics Congress /12./. Amsterdam (NL), 96.08.11-96.08.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1051

032000 - MBU-M 960293 SK eng C
Dlabač, V. - Trebichaský, I. - Šplíchal, I. - Řeháková, Z. - Cukrowska, B. - Tlaskalová, H.
Pathogenity, immunogenicity and protective effect of rough mutants of Salmonella typhimurium in germ-free piglets.
In: International Symposium on Novel Methods and Standardisation in Microbiology. - Košice, Federation of European Microbiological Societes 1996. - S. 20-21.
[International Symposium on Novel Methods and Standardisation in Microbiology. Košice (SK), 96.07.01-96.07.04]
Grant: GA508/94/1196

031679 - MBU-M 960522 ZA eng A
Doucha, J. - Lívanský, K. - Kostelník, K.
Thin-layer microalgal culture technology: From experimental tp production plant.
In: Opportunities from micro- and macroalgae. - Knysna, International Association of Applied Algology 1996. - S. 32.
[International Conference /7./. Knysna (ZA), 96.04.16-96.04.19]

039084 - MBU-M 970299 CZ eng J
Dvořáková, J. - Kopecký, J. - Havlíček, V. - Křen, V.
Myo-inositol phosphates produced by microbial phytase.
Chemické listy, 90 [9] 604-605 (1996).
[Biochemický sjezd /15./. Olomouc (CZ), 96.09.09-96.09.12]
Grant: GA203/95/1054
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

038999 - BU-J 970551 GB eng A
Elster, J. - Svoboda, J. - Kopecký, J.
Characteristics and manipulation of cryptogamic soil-crust micro-system in the Canadian polar desert.
European Journal of Phycology, 31, [-] 12 (1996).
[European Phycological Congress Cologne /1./. Koeln (DE), 96.08.11-96.08.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 204/93/1177
[Impact factor: 1.000(95) 1.344(96) 1.403(97) 1.540(98) 1.628(99) 1.276(00) 1.351(01) 1,439(02) 1.446(03) ]

054441 - MBU-M 980517 RIV GB eng J
Engst, D. - Kroh, P. - Polívka, T. - Pšenčík, J. - Nedbal, L. - Hála, J.
Hole burning and low temperature absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy of algae affected by UV-B stress.
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 291, 103-109 (1996).
[Impact factor: 0.885(00) 0.457(01) 0,457(02) 0.446(03) ]

031972 - MBU-M 960261 CZ eng D
Farré, M.
The role of immunopathological mechanisms in coeliac disease. Praha, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - 188 s.

032249 - MBU-M 960323 GB eng A
Farré, M. A. - Tlaskalová, H. - Kolínská, J. - Kozáková, H. - Štěpánková, R. - Barot, R.
Effect of bacterial antigens on enzymatic activities and expression of 65-kilodalton heat shock protein, MHC class II antigens and IL-6 in intestinal epithelial cells.
Histochemical Journal, 28 [3] 302-303 (1996).
[Annual Symposium of the Czech Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. Olomouc (CZ), 94.09.04-94.09.07]
Grant: IAA720401
[Impact factor:1.358(91) 1.247(92) 1.324(93) 1.524(94) 1.500(95) 1.561(96) 1.747(97) 1.397(98) 1.161(99) 1.078(00) 1.169(01) 1,150(02) 0.671(03) ]

037805 - MBU-M 970009 US eng J
Fayolle, C. - Šebo, P. - Ladant, D. - Ullmann, A. - Leclerc, C.
In vivo induction of CTL responses by recombinant adenylate cyclase of Bordetella perussis carrying viral CD8+ T cell epitopes.
Journal of Immunology, 156, [-] 4697-4706 (1996).
[Impact factor:7.004(91) 6.723(92) 7.065(93) 7.383(94) 7.412(95) 7.296(96) 6.937(97) 7.166(98) 7.145(99) 6.834(00) 7.065(01) 7,014(02) 6.702(03) ]

037944 - MBU-M 970066 SK eng A
Fayolle, C. - Šebo, P. - Ladant, D. - Ullmann, A. - Leclerc, C.
New strategies for stimulation of cellular immune response.
In: International Symposium on Novel Methods and Standardisation in Microbiology - Programme and Abstracts. - Košice, Federation of European Microbiological Societies 1996. - S. 13.
[International Symposium on Novel Methods and Standardisation in Microbiology. Košice (SK), 96.07.01-96.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/95/1048; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5020611

032264 - MBU-M 960342 GR eng J
Fišerová, A. - Hajduová, Z. - Křen, V. - Flieger, M. - Pospíšil, M.
Induction of antitumor NK cell-mediated immunity by liposome encapsulated drugs.
International Journal of Oncology, 9 [10] 841 (1996).
[Oncology 1996. Island of Kos (GR), 96.10.03-96.10.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1533; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1542GA312/96/1260
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.934(93) 1.061(94) 1.110(95) 1.125(96) 1.181(97) 1.040(98) 1.381(99) 2.142(00) 2.330(01) 2,931(02) 2.536(03) ]

037815 - MBU-M 970019 US eng CX
Fišerová, A. - Kovářů, H. - Starec, M. - Proška, J. - Pospíšil, M.
The immunomodulatory and antineoplastic potential of ergot alkaloids is partially due to dopaminergic effects.
In: The Third Internatioanl Congress International Society for Neuro-Immuno-Modulation. - Bethesda, International Society for Neuro-Immuno-Modulation 1996. - S. 56.
[International Congress International Society for Neuro-Immuno-Modulation /3./. Bethesda (US), 96.11.13-96.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1542GA312/96/1260

076261 - MBU-M 20000172 CZ eng A
Fišerová, A. - Pospíšil, M. - Horváth, O. - Bezouška, K. - Kovářů, H. - Trinchieri, G.
Generation of human "superkillers", their characterization and practical importance.
In: 42th International Congress of the European Tissue Culture Society - abstracts. - Brno, European Tissue Culture Society 1996. - S. -.
[International Congress of the European Tissue Culture Society /42./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.21-96.04.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/93/0593; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1542

033525 - UZFG-Y 960091 CZ eng J
Fliegerová, K. - Pažoutová, S. - Kostyukovský, V. - Kopečný, J.
DNA fingerprints of anaerobic fungi.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 42 (1996).
[Dny živočišné fyziologie /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA508/93/2485
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

031045 - MBU-M 960115 CZ cze J
Fučíková, A. - Kozáková, H. - Slámová, A. - Cibulka, J.
Vliv kadmia v dietě na hematologické ukazatele a aktivitu disacharidáz v enterocytech jejuna laboratorního potkana.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [2] 63-67 (1996).
Grant: GA312/96/1256
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

037820 - MBU-M 970024 FI eng CX
Funda, D. - Farré, M. - Kolínksá, J. - Ceska, M. - Tučková, L. - Barot, R. - Tlaskalová, H.
Effect of a-gliadin on intestinal epithelial cell lines, a comparison with G+ and G- antigens.
In: All On Coeliac Disease. - Tampere, Finnish Coeliac Society 1996. - S. 82.
[International Symposium on Coeliac Disease /7./. Tampere (FI), 96.09.05-96.09.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1366IAA720401

031961 - MBU-M 960249 DE eng J
Funda, D. - Hartoft-Nielsen, M. L. - Kaas, A. - Buschard, K.
Effect of intrathymic administration of mycobacterial heat shock protein 65 and peptide p227 on the development of diabetes in nod mice: caution required in vaccination studies.
Diabetologia, 39 [8] 367 (1996).
[Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes /32./. Vienna (AT), 96.09.01-96.09.05]
[Impact factor:5.261(92) 5.047(93) 4.988(94) 4.525(95) 5.376(96) 5.347(97) 4.986(98) 5.177(99) 5.721(00) 6.299(01) 5,136(02) 5.689(03) ]

031969 - MBU-M 960257 DE eng C
Funda, D. - Holub, M. - Sýkora, V.
Cellular response to sheep red blood cells on the omentum of nute mice.
In: Immunodeficient Animals: Models for Cancer Research. - (Ed. Arnold, W.; Köpf-Maier, P.; Micheel, B.). - Freiburg, Karger 1996. - S. 28-31. - ().
[Workshop on Immunodeficient Laboratory Animals. Berlin (DE), 93.10.03-93.10.06]

031962 - MBU-M 960250 GB eng J
Funda, D. - Stevang, J. P. - Buschard, K.
FACS analysis of Tgammad cells in NOD mice.
Histochemical Journal, 28 [3] 303 (1996).
[Annual Symposium on the Czech Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. Olomouc (CZ), 94.09.04-94.09.07]
[Impact factor:1.358(91) 1.247(92) 1.324(93) 1.524(94) 1.500(95) 1.561(96) 1.747(97) 1.397(98) 1.161(99) 1.078(00) 1.169(01) 1,150(02) 0.671(03) ]

032276 - MBU-M 960355 CZ cze BX
Gabriel, J.
Výživa hub.
In: Biologická olympiáda 1996-1997 - přípravý text pro kategorie A, B. - Praha, Institut dětí a mládeže Ministerstva školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR 1996. - S. 13-16. - ().

037842 - MBU-M 970054 CZ cze C
Gabriel, J.
Obsahové látky Eleutherine sp. a jejich léčivé účinky.
In: Sborník semináře Léčivé rostliny tradiční čínské medicíny. - Praha, Česká zemědělská univerzita 1996. - S. 117-121.
[Léčivé rostliny tradiční čínské medicíny. Praha (CZ), 96.10.02]

032268 - MBU-M 960346 SK eng J
Gabriel, J. - Baldrian, P.
Applicability of cultures of higher fungi to biosorption of cadmium.
Mineralia Slovaca, 28 [5] 343-344 (1996).
Grant: GA203/93/0668

032259 - MBU-M 960337 NL eng J
Gabriel, J. - Capelari, M. - Rychlovský, P. - Krenželok, M. - Zadražil, F.
Influence of cadmium on the growth of Agrocybe perfecta and two Pleurotus SPP and translocation from polluted substrate and soil to fruitbodies.
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 56, [-] 141-146 ( 1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/93/0668

031954 - MBU-M 960239 CZ eng J
Gabriel, J. - Havlíček, V. - Stádníková, L. - Pospíšek, M. - Valíček, P.
Antimicrobial metabolites of Eleutherine subaphylla.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [3] 280 (1996).
[Annual Conference on Yeast /25./. Smolenice (SK), 96.04.24-96.04.26]
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

031945 - MBU-M 960230 DE eng J
Gabriel, J. - Kofroňová, O. - Rychlovský, P. - Krenželok, M.
Accumulation and effect of cadmium in the wood-rotting basidiomycete Daedalea quercina.
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 57, [-] 383-390 (1996).
Grant: GA203/93/0668
[Impact factor:0.766(91) 0.671(92) 0.580(93) 0.563(94) 0.577(95) 0.676(96) 0.635(97) 0.653(98) 0.617(99) 0.513(00) 0.490(01) 0,556(02) 0.599(03) ]

031944 - MBU-M 960229 NL eng J
Gabriel, J. - Věková, J. - Vosáhlo, J.
High-performance liquid chromatographic study of the aromatic nitrile metabolism in soil bacteria.
Journal of Chromatography. B, 681, [-] 191-195 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.958(92) 1.874(93) 2.523(94) 1.255(95) 1.341(96) 1.588(97) 1.395(98) 1.666(99) 1.802(00) 1.911(01) ]

031991 - MBU-M 960284 GB eng J
Gabriel, J. - Vosáhlo, J. - Baldrian, P.
Biosorption of cadmium to mycelial pellets of wood-rotting fungi.
Biotechnology Techniques, 10 [5] 345-348 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 203/93/0668
[Impact factor: 0.532(93) 0.612(94) 0.589(95) 0.558(96) 0.534(97) 0.557(98) 0.613(99) 0.548(00) 0.697(01) ]

031964 - MBU-M 960252 CH eng J
Gášková, D. - Sigler, K. - Janderová, B. - Plášek, J.
Effect of high-voltage electric pulses on yeast cells: factors influencing the killing efficiency.
Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 39, [-] 195-202 (1996).
Grant: GA204/96/1261
[Impact factor:0.969(91) 1.227(92) 0.878(93) 0.940(94) 1.324(95) 1.069(96) 1.049(97) 1.363(98) 1.085(99) 1.052(00) 1.096(01) ]

034352 - MBU-M 960526 DE eng J
Giardi, M. T. - Cona, A. - Geiken, B. - Kučera, T. - Masojídek, J. - Mattoo, A. K.
Long-term drought stress induces structural and functional reorganization of photosystem 2.
Planta, 199, 118-125 (1996).
Grant: RAISA(IT) 2179GA204/95/1043
[Impact factor:2.953(91) 2.920(92) 2.828(93) 3.300(94) 3.318(95) 3.120(96) 3.323(97) 3.093(98) 2.977(99) 3.199(00) 3.349(01) 2,960(02) 3.053(03) ]

038647 - MBU-M 970132 GB eng J
Gilmanov, V. - Flieger, M. - Dymshits, V.
Influence of hydrocarbons on some Claviceps cultures.
Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 81, [-] 678-680 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.141(91) 1.497(92) 1.688(93) 1.599(94) 1.660(95) 1.479(96) 1.321(97) 1.811(98) 0.000(99) ]

031678 - MBU-M 960521 ZA eng A
Grobbelaar, J. U. - Nedbal, L.
Growth of algae under turbulent conditions and intermittent light.
In: Opportunities from micro- and macroalgae. - Knysna, International Association of Applied Algology 1996. - S. 40.
[International Conference /7./. Knysna (ZA), 96.04.16-96.04.19]

054443 - MBU-M 980519 RIV NL eng J
Grobbelaar, J. U. - Nedbal, L. - Tichý, V.
Influence of high frequency light/dark fluctuations on photosynthetic characteristic of microalgae photoacclimated to different light intensities and implications for mass algal cultivation.
Journal of Applied Phycology, 8, 335-343 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.733(93) 0.803(94) 0.903(95) 0.993(96) 0.486(97) 0.664(98) 0.881(99) 0.629(00) 0.885(01) 0,610(02) 0.828(03) ]

086100 - MBU-M 20010334 DK eng A
Gryndler, M.
Effect of organic compounds on arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi.
In: Transport and Metabolism in Arbuscular Mycorrhizas. - Roskilde, - 1996. - S. 151.
[COST Working Group Meeting. Roskilde (DK), 96.11.28-96.11.30 (WRD)]

031950 - MBU-M 960235 CZ eng J
Gryndler, M. - Hršelová, H. - Chvátalová, I.
Effect of free-soil-inhabiting or root-associated microfungi on the development of arbuscular mycorrhizae and on proliferation of intraradical mycorrhizal hyphae.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [2] 193-196 (1996).
Grant: GA502/93/0665
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

031935 - MBU-M 960210 DE eng J
Gryndler, M. - Vosátka, M.
The response of Glomus fistulosum-maize mycorrhiza to treatments with culture fractions from Pseudomonas putida.
Mycorrhiza, 6 [2] 207-211 (1996).
Grant: GA502/93/0665KSK2017602OC821.10
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.788(95) 0.956(96) 0.683(97) 0.952(98) 1.090(99) 1.278(00) 1.467(01) 1,461(02) 1.870(03) ]

038871 - BU-J 970010 BE eng C
Gryndler, M. - Vosátka, M.
Effect of Bacteria and Organic Matter of Microbial Origin on the Arbuscular Mycorrhiza of Glomus fasciculatum.
In: Mycorrhizas in integrated systems from genes to plant development. - (Ed. Azcon-Aguilar, C.; Barea, J. M.). - Luxembourg, COST 1996. - S. 638-641.
Grant: GA502/93/0665

031042 - MBU-M 960105 US eng B
Hašek, J. - Streiblová, E.
Fluorescence Microscopy Method.
In: Methods in Molecular Biology. - (Ed. Evans, I. H.). - Totowa, Humana 1996. - S. 391-405.
Grant: GA204/96/1368GA204/93/0667IAA520418

037946 - MBU-M 970068 CZ cze C
Hašek, J. - Vavřičková, P. - Malínská, K.
Význam interakcí mikrotubulu s aktinovým skeletem v morfogenezi kvasinek.
In: Cytoskeletální klub. - Praha, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR 1996. - S. 122.
[Cytoskeletální klub. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 96.02.08-96.02.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA520418

033827 - UFCH-W 960142 US eng J
Hiller, J. - Thewalt, U. - Polášek, M. - Petrusová, L. - Varga, V. - Sedmera, P. - Mach, K.
Methyl-Substituted Zirconocene-Bis(trimethylsilyl)Acetylene Complexes (C5H5-nMen)2Zr(.eta.-Me3SiCşCSiMe3) (n=2-5).
Organometallics, 15 [17] 3752-3759 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA440403
[Impact factor:2.970(92) 2.952(93) 2.882(94) 3.118(95) 3.134(96) 3.227(97) 3.471(98) 3.215(99) 3.169(00) 3.182(01) 3,215(02) 3.375(03) ]

031970 - MBU-M 960258 DE eng C
Holub, M. - Houštěk, J. - Funda, D.
Thermoregulation in Athymic and Euthymic Hairless Mice.
In: Immunodeficient Animals: Models for Cancer Research. - (Ed. Arnold, W.; Köpf-Maier, P.; Micheel, B.). - Freiburg, Karger 1996. - S. 1-11. - ().
[Workshop on Immunodeficient Laboratory Animals. Berlin (DE), 93.10.03-93.10.06]
Grant: GA305/95/0635

067112 - MBU-M 990176 RIV CH eng C
Holub, M. - Seichertová, A.
Ultrastructural aspects of thymic dysgenesis in nude mice.
In: Immunodeficient Animals:Models for Cancer Research. - (Ed. Arnold, W.; Köpf-Maier, P.; Micheel, B.). - Basel, Karger 1996. - S. 19-22.
[Workshop on Immunodeficient Laboratory Animals. Berlin (DE), 93.03.03-93.03.06]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii

031050 - MBU-M 960190 GB eng J
Homerová, D. - Benada, O. - Kofroňová, O. - Řežuchová, B. - Kormanec, J.
Disruption of a glycogen-branching enzyme gene, glgB, specifically affects the sporulation-associated phase of glycogen accumulation in Streptomyces aureofaciens.
Microbiology, 142 [5] 1201-1208 (1996).
Grant: GA204/94/1153
[Impact factor:0.194(91) 0.268(92) 0.204(93) 0.248(94) 0.287(95)2.477(96) 2.307(97) 2.564(98) 2.700(99) ]

031937 - MBU-M 960213 GB eng J
Huňková, Z. - Křen, V. - Weignerová, L. - Scheel, O. - Thiem, J.
Induction of b-N-Acetylhexosaminidase in Aspergillus oryzae.
Biotechnology Letters, 18 [6] 725-730 (1996).
Grant: GA203/95/1054IAA6020605
[Impact factor:1.110(92) 1.092(93) 0.976(94) 0.957(95) 0.963(96) 0.848(97) 0.864(98) 0.916(99) 0.967(00) 0.915(01) 0,802(02) 0.778(03) ]

076259 - MBU-M 20000124 CZ eng A
Huňková, Z. - Weignerová, L. - Křen, V.
Fungal alpha-galactosidase with high transglycosylation activity.
Chemické listy, 90 [9] 602 (1996).
[Biochemický sjezd /15./. Olomouc (CZ), 96.09.09-96.09.12]
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

037957 - MBU-M 970092 NL eng J
Ingelse, B. A. - Flieger, M. - Claessens, H. A. - Everaets, F. M.
Ergot alkaloids as chiral selectors in capillary electrophoreses determination of the sepration mechanism.
Journal of Chromatography. A, 755, [-] 251-259 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 2.523(94) 2.296(95) 2.457(96) 2.697(97) 2.321(98) 2.520(99) 2.551(00) 2.793(01) 3,098(02) 2.922(03) ]

032247 - MBU-M 960319 GE eng J
Ingelse, B. A. - Reijenga, J. C. - Claessens, H. A. - Everaets, F. - Flieger, M.
Ergot alkaloids as novel chiral selectors in capillary electrophoresis.
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography, 19 [1] 225-226 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.135(91) 2.020(92) 1.802(93) 2.228(94) 1.909(95) 1.777(96) 1.950(97) 1.570(98) 2.070(99) 2.062(00) 2.214(01) 4,078(02) ]

036782 - MBU-M 960373 CZ eng A
Isikhuemhen, O. - Nerud, F.
Growth and lininolytic properties of different strains of the tropical fungus Pleurotus tuber-regium (Fr.) Sing.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 55.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]

031965 - MBU-M 960253 FR eng J
Jalč, D. - Nerud, F. - Erbanová, P. - Siroka, P.
Effect of white-rot basidiomycetes-trated wheat straw on rumen fermentation in artifical rumen.
Reproduction Nutrition Development, 36 [3] 263-270 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.516(91) 0.579(92) 0.743(93) 0.549(94) 0.716(95) 1.116(96) 0.619(97) 0.685(98) 0.922(99) 1.351(00) 1.567(01) 0,872(02) 0.780(03) ]

031948 - MBU-M 960233 CZ eng J
Jalč, D. - Nerud, F. - Žitňan, R. - Siroka, P.
The effect of white-rot basidiomycetes on chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of wheat straw.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [1] 73-75 (1996).
Grant: AID(US) C12-047
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

031947 - MBU-M 960232 CZ eng J
Janáček, K. - Sigler, K.
Osmotic pressure : thermodynamic basis and units of measurement.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [1] 2-9 (1996).
Grant: GA204/96/1261IAA6020603
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

031955 - MBU-M 960240 CZ eng J
Janatová, I. - Meilhoc, E. - Masson, J. M.
Resistance to phleomycin as a reporter system in Schwanniomyces occidentalis.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [3] 282 (1996).
[Annual Conference on Yeast /25./. Smolenice (SK), 96.04.24-96.04.26]
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

031046 - MBU-M 960118 US eng J
Janda, L. - Tichý, P. - Spížek, J. - Petříček, M.
A deduced Thermomonospora curvata protein containing serine/threonine protein kinase and WD-repeat domains.
Journal of Bacteriology, 178 [5] 1487-1489 (1996).
Grant: GA204/96/1262IAA520405
[Impact factor:3.759(91) 3.702(92) 3.965(93) 4.013(94) 3.903(95) 3.889(96) 3.639(97) 3.805(98) 3.712(99) 3.506(00) 3.984(01) 3,959(02) 4.175(03) ]

031936 - MBU-M 960212 NL eng J
Janeček, J. - Dobrová, Z. - Moravec, V. - Náprstek, J.
Improved method for rapid purification of protein kinase from streptomyces.
Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 31 [1] 9-15 ( 1996).
Grant: GA204/94/1153GA204/95/0636GA204/93/2209GA204/94/1531
[Impact factor:0.798(91) 0.921(92) 0.863(93) 1.106(94) 0.763(95) 0.862(96) 0.648(97) 0.817(98) 0.859(99) 0.926(00) 1.218(01) 1,383(02) 1.611(03) ]

086062 - MBU-M 20010295 US eng A
Jansa, J. - Gryndler, M. - Schüepp, H.
The influence of chitin and its degradation products on mycorrhizal infection, mycelial growth and sporulation of AM fungi.
In: First International Conference on Mycorrhizae - book of abstracts. - Berkeley, University of California at Berkeley 1996. - S. 66.
[International Conference on Mycorrhizae /1./. Berkeley (US), 96.08.04-96.08.09 (WRD)]

031941 - MBU-M 960226 US eng J
Janščák, P. - Abadjieva, A. - Firman, K.
The type I restriction endonuclease R.EcoR1241 : over-production and biochemical properties.
Journal of Molecular Biology, 257, [-] 977-991 (1996).
[Impact factor:5.495(91) 5.253(92) 5.720(93) 6.018(94) 5.346(95) 5.195(96) 5.673(97) 5.803(98) 5.501(99) 5.388(00) 5.826(01) 5,359(02) 5.239(03) ]

031043 - MBU-M 960106 AT eng J
Jegorov, A. - Havlíček, V. - Sedmera, P.
An unusual side chain C-C cleavage at the MeBmt amino acid in cyclosporin A.
Amino Acids, 10 [2] 145-151 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.940(95) 0.744(96) 0.806(97) 1.118(98) 0.681(99) 1.408(00) 1.013(01) 1,352(02) 1.582(03) ]

037836 - MBU-M 970048 GB eng CX
Jelínková, M. - Šrogl, J. - Rossmann, P. - Novák, M. - Ulbrich, K. - Strohalm, J. - Rozprimová, L.
Combined immunotherapy of experimental murine T-lymphoma with antibody-targeted cytostatics and immunomodulating agents.
In: 1st International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics - from laboratory to clinical practice. - London, - 1996. - S. 51.
[International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics /1./. London (GB), 96.01.10-96.01.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA307/96/1265IAA720407

031048 - MBU-M 960187 NL eng J
Jůzlová, P. - Martínková, L. - Křen, V.
Secondary metabolites of the fungus Monascus: a review.
Journal of Industrial Microbiology, 16 [1] 163-170 (1996).
Grant: IAA6020509

032258 - MBU-M 960336 GB eng J
Jůzlová, P. - Řezanka, T. - Martínková, L. - Křen, V.
Long-chain fatty acids from Monascus purpureus.
Phytochemistry, 43 [1] 151-153 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6020509
[Impact factor:1.090(91) 1.133(92) 1.102(93) 1.157(94) 1.285(95) 1.115(96) 1.165(97) 1.179(98) 1.106(99) 1.112(00) 1.296(01) 1,686(02) 1.889(03) ]

036848 - UFCH-W 960272 CZ eng J
Kaagman, J. W. F. - Rep, M. - Horáček, M. - Sedmera, P. - Čejka, J. - Varga, V. - Mach, K.
Titanium-Catalyzed [4+2] and [6+2] Cycloadditions of 1,4-Bis(Trimethylsilyl)buta-1,3-diyne.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 61 [12] 1722-1728 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA440403
[Impact factor:0.465(91) 0.466(92) 0.382(93) 0.467(94) 0.550(95) 0.549(96) 0.550(97) 0.546(98) 0.717(99) 0.960(00) 0.778(01) 0,848(02) 1.041(03) ]

031993 - MBU-M 960286 CZ eng CX
Kmínek, M. - Palatová, M. - Votruba, J.
Computer aided education in Bioprocess engineering (1).
In: CHISA 96. - Praha, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1996. - S. 100.
[International Congress of Chemical Process Engineering /12./. Praha (CZ), 96.08.25-96.08.30]

031994 - MBU-M 960287 CZ eng CX
Kmínek, M. - Palatová, M. - Votruba, J.
Computer aided education in Bioprocess Engineering (2.).
In: CHISA 96. - Praha, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1996. - S. 101.
[International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering /12./. Praha (CZ), 96.08.25-96.08.30]

034354 - MBU-M 960531 DE eng J
Kopecký, J. - Doucha, J. - Loest, K. - Pulz, O.
Photoadaptation to spectral quality of light in the red alga Phorphyridium cruentum.
Algological Studies, 81, 53-67 (1996).
Grant: AZ(DE) II B 1-3141-1/2
[Impact factor:0.710(91) 0.637(92) 0.590(93) 0.818(94) 1.095(95) 1.881(96) 1.363(97) 1.367(98) 1.280(99) ]

031677 - MBU-M 960520 ZA eng A
Kotrbáček, V. - Filka, J. - Doucha, J. - Lívanský, K.
Possible utilization of Chlorella in animal production.
In: Opportunities from micro- and macroalgae. - Knysna, International Association of Applied Algology 1996. - S. 45.
[International Conference /7./. Knysna (ZA), 96.04.16-96.04.19]

031931 - MBU-M 960206 CZ eng J
Kovářů, F. - Kovářů, H. - Kozáková, H.
Ontogenetic development of natural cytotoxicity in pig lymphocytes.
Physiological Research, 45 [2] 3P (1996).
[International Congress of the European Tissue Culture Society /42./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.21-96.04.24]
Grant: GA303/96/1256
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

037816 - MBU-M 970020 US eng A
Kovářů, H. - Fišerová, A. - Lisá, V. - Kovářů, F. - Fišar, F. - Malbohan, I.
Modulation of asubunits in GTP-binding proteins in C-6 glioma cells and natural killer (NK) lumphocytes by psychotropic drugs.
In: The Third International Congress Interantional Society for Neuro-Immuno-Modulation. - Bethesda, Interantional Society for Neuro-Immuno-Modulation 1996. - S. 58.
[International Congress International Society for Neuro-Immuno-Modulation /3./. Bethesda (US), 96.11.13-96.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1542

067111 - MBU-M 990174 CZ eng A
Kovářů, H. - Fišerová, A. - Lisá, V. - Kovářů, F. - Fišar, Z. - Žižkovský, V. - Malbohan, I. - Dobrovský, K.
Antidepressant effects on expression of G-protein alpha-subunits in C-6 glioma cells and natural killer (NK) lymphocytes.
Physiological Research, 45 [2] 3P (1996).
[International Congress of the European Tissue Culture Society /42./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.25]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

031932 - MBU-M 960207 CZ eng A
Kovářů, H. - Kozáková, H. - Hašková, V. - Kovářů, F. - Fišar, Z. - Mareš, V.
Cell surface events in allogeneic reactions between brain cells and/or lymphocytes.
Physiological Research, 45 [2] 3P (1996).
[International Congress of the European Tissue Culture Society /42./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.21-96.04.24]
Grant: GA303/96/1256
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

037831 - MBU-M 970043 US eng A
Kovářů, H. - Kozáková, H. - Kovářů, F. - Hašková, V. - Fišar, Z. - Mareš, V. - Lisá, V.
In vitro early allorecognition in brain cells comparing to lymphocytes.
In: The Third International Congress of International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation. - Bethesda, International Society for Neuroimmunomodulalation 1996. - S. 57.
[International Congress of the International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation /3./. Bethesda (US), 96.11.13-96.11.15]

031933 - MBU-M 960208 CZ eng A
Kozáková, H. - Kovářů, H. - Mareš, V. - Kovářů, F.
Low molecular cytokines of CNS and immune system.
Physiological Research, 45 [2] 3P (1996).
[International Congress of the European Tissue Culture Society /42./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.21-96.04.24]
Grant: GA303/96/1256
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

031039 - MBU-M 960100 SK cze A
Kozáková, H. - Schmeer, A. C. - Lisá, V. - Bačáková, L. - Mareš, V.
Aktivace lymfocytů mercenenem, látkou isolovanou z mořských škeblí.
In: 72. fyziologické dni, súhrny prednášok. - Bratislava, Slovenská fyziologická spoločnosť 1996. - S. 77.
[Fyziologické dni /72./. Bratislava (SK), 96.02.05-96.02.07]

032241 - MBU-M 960299 FI eng A
Kozáková, H. - Štěpánková, R. - Kolínská, J. - Tlaskalová, H.
Gliadin-induced enteropathy in rats affects activities of intestinal brush-border enzymes.
In: All on Coeliac Disease. - (Ed. Collin, P.; Mäki, M.). - Tampere, Organizing committee 1996. - S. 91.
[International Symposium on Coeliac Disease /7./. Tampere (FI), 96.09.05-96.09.07]
Grant: GA311/94/1880GA303/96/1256IAA720401

037826 - MBU-M 970031 CZ eng A
Kozáková, H. - Štěpánková, R. - Řeháková, Z. - Kolínská, J.
Brush-border disaccaridase, dipeptidyl peptidase IV and MHC class II antigen expression in the enterocytes of germ-free rats.
In: Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. - Praha, Czech Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 1996. - S. 14.
[International Symposium Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. Praha (CZ), 96.11.17-96.11.20]
Grant: GA303/96/1256GA311/94/1880

036773 - MBU-M 960364 CZ eng A
Krčmář, P. - Erbanová, P. - Novotný, Č. - Šašek, V.
Purification of manganese-dependent peroxidase isoenzymes from Phanerochaete chrysosporium by isoelectric focusing.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 19.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6301501

032254 - MBU-M 960328 GB eng J
Křen, V. - Fišerová, A. - Augé, C. - Sedmera, P. - Havlíček, V. - Šíma, P.
Ergot alkaloid glycosides with immunomodulatory activities.
Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry, 4 [6] 869-876 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1542; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267; ERBCIPACT (XE) 920168
[Impact factor: 1.155(95) 1.117(96) 1.716(97) 1.779(98) 1.791(99) 1.799(00) 1.798(01) 2,043(02) 2.185(03) ]

037846 - MBU-M 970058 CA eng J
Křen, V. - Řezanka, T.
Sterols and fatty acids in Peziza muralis.
Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 42 [8] 1176-1178 (1996).
Grant: IAA6020509
[Impact factor:1.240(91) 1.006(92) 0.906(93) 1.290(94) 1.184(95) 1.184(96) 1.243(97) 1.134(98) 1.072(99) 1.105(00) 1.071(01) 1,080(02) 1.094(03) ]

032255 - MBU-M 960329 GB eng J
Křen, V. - Sedmera, P.
N-1-Trimethylsilyl derivatives of ergot alkaloids.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 61 [8] 1248-1253 (1996).
Grant: PECO ERBCIPDCT(XE) 930194
[Impact factor:0.465(91) 0.466(92) 0.382(93) 0.467(94) 0.550(95) 0.549(96) 0.550(97) 0.546(98) 0.717(99) 0.960(00) 0.778(01) 0,848(02) 1.041(03) ]

037843 - MBU-M 970055 US eng J
Křen, V. - Sedmera, P. - Polášek, M. - Minghetti, A. - Crespi-Perellino, N.
Dimerization of lysergene by Euphorbia calyptrata cell cultures.
Journal of Natural Products, 59 [6] 609-611 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA455409
[Impact factor:1.204(91) 1.303(92) 1.299(93) 1.498(94) 1.623(95) 1.243(96) 1.432(97) 1.641(98) 1.652(99) 1.878(00) 1.737(01) 1,855(02) 1.849(03) ]

031929 - MBU-M 960195 US eng J
Křen, V. - Sedmera, P. - Přikrylová, V. - Minghetti, A. - Crespi-Perellino, N. - Polášek, M. - Macek, T.
Biotransformation of chanoclavine by Euphorbia calyptrata cell culture.
Journal of Natural Products, 59 [5] 481-484 (1996).
Grant: IAA455409
[Impact factor:1.204(91) 1.303(92) 1.299(93) 1.498(94) 1.623(95) 1.243(96) 1.432(97) 1.641(98) 1.652(99) 1.878(00) 1.737(01) 1,855(02) 1.849(03) ]

037797 - MBU-M 970001 NL eng J
Kubátová, A. - Matucha, M. - Bubner, M.
Application of 13labelled polychlorinated biphenyl congener 153 as internal standard in the gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of polychorinated biphenyls.
Journal of Chromatography, 750, [-] 245-251 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1190; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620425
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 2.523(94) 2.296(95) 2.457(96) 2.697(97) 2.321(98) 2.520(99) 2.551(00) 2.793(01) 3,098(02) 2.922(03) ]

037798 - MBU-M 970002 NL eng J
Kubátová, A. - Matucha, M. - Ševčík, J.
Application of correlation analysis for indentification of polychlorinated biphenyls.
Journal of Chromatography. A, 752, [-] 197-207 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1190; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620425
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 2.523(94) 2.296(95) 2.457(96) 2.697(97) 2.321(98) 2.520(99) 2.551(00) 2.793(01) 3,098(02) 2.922(03) ]

037808 - MBU-M 970012 GB eng J
Kubík, R. - Böhm, S. - Čejka, J. - Havlíček, V. - Strnad, T. - Kratochvíl, B. - Kuthan, J.
Sterically crowded heterocycles. VIII.Preparative photoisomerization of some imidazo/1,2-a/pyridines.
Collection of the Czechoslovak Chemical Communicatons, 61 [10] 1473-1488 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 203/93/03210; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/0111
[Impact factor:0.465(91) 0.466(92) 0.382(93) 0.467(94) 0.550(95) 0.549(96) 0.550(97) 0.546(98) 0.717(99) 0.960(00) 0.778(01) 0,848(02) 1.041(03) ]

039085 - MBU-M 970303 GB eng J
Kubík, R. - Böhm, S. - Havlíček, V. - Kuthan, J.
Photoisomerization of imidazo/1,2-a/pyridines.
Mendeleev Communications, -, [-] 225-226 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.439(94) 0.528(95) 0.667(96) 0.652(97) 0.781(98) 0.630(99) 0.689(00) 0.711(01) 0,668(02) 0.687(03) ]

037996 - MBU-M 970115 CZ cze J
Kubrycht, J.
Nematod Caenorhabditis elegans - model pro diferenciaci, bunečnou smrt, stárnutí a rakovinu.
Imunologický zpravodaj, 11 [3] 13-22 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020602GA312/96/1260

036774 - MBU-M 960365 CZ eng A
Kunc, F.
Biodegradability and recalcitrance of xenobiotic substances.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 20-22.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]

039499 - MBU-M 970316 CZ eng A
Kuthan, J. - Kubík, R. - Böhm, S. - Werfeli, A. - Čejka, J. - Havlíček, V. - Kratochvíl, B.
Photochemical isomerization of sterically crowded imidazo/1,2-a/heteroaromatics.
In: 12th Symposium on Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds and 6th Danube Symposium on Heterocyclic Chemistry - proceedings. - Brno, Přírodovědecká fakulta Masarykovy university Brno 1996. - S. 21.
[Symposium on Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds /12./. Brno (CZ), 96.09.01-96.09.04]

036767 - MBU-M 960357 CZ eng J
Lang, E. - Nerud, F. - Novotná, E. - Zadrazil, F. - Martens, R.
Production of ligninolytic exoenzymes and 14C-pyrene mineralization by Pleurotus sp. in lignocellulose substrate.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [6] 489-493 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

037812 - MBU-M 970016 DE eng CX
Lenz, J. - Höfer, M. - Sigler, K.
A model of substrate-specific non-saturable uptake based on a carrier mechanism.
In: Proceedings of the 14th Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics. - Bonn, Organizing Commeettee 1996. - S. 15.
[Small Meeting on Yeast Transport nad Energetics /14./. Bonn (DE), 96.09.06-96.09.09]

031963 - MBU-M 960251 US eng J
Leparc-Goffart, I. - Julien, J. - Fuchs, F. - Janatová, I. - Aymard, M. - Kopecká, H.
Evidence of presence of poliovirus genomic sequences in cerebrospinal fluid from patients with postpolio syndrome.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 34 [8] 2023-2026 (1996).
[Impact factor:2.724(91) 3.234(92) 3.547(93) 3.474(94) 3.913(95) 3.964(96) 3.783(97) 3.579(98) 3.670(99) 3.503(00) 3.965(01) 3,565(02) 3.489(03) ]

037950 - MBU-M 970072 IT eng CX
Li, X. M. - Vohradský, J. - Thompson, C.
Analyses of 2D page patterns to dissect a prokaryotic developmental program.
In: From Genome to Proteome. - Siena, University of Siena 1996. - S. 141.
[Siena 2D Electrophoresis Meeting /2./. Siena (IT), 96.09.16-96.09.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/0636

037949 - MBU-M 970071 DE eng A
Li, X. M. - Vohradský, J. - Thompson, C. J.
A transition phase in the life-cycle of Streptomyces coelicolor.
In: Conference on Biology of Streptomycetes - abstract book. - (Ed. Schrempf, H.). - Osnabrück, Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft 1996. - S. V56.
[Biology of Streptomycetes. Osnabrück (DE), 96.04.10-96.04.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/0636

037847 - MBU-M 970060 GB eng J
Linhart, I. - Weidenhoffer, Z. - Sedmera, P. - Polášek, M. - Šmejkal, J.
Biotransformation of diethenylbenzenes, V.Identifications of urinary metabolites of 1,2-diethenylbenzene in the rat.
Xenobiotica, 26 [12] 1263-1272 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA313/94/1538
[Impact factor:1.337(91) 1.040(92) 1.181(93) 1.133(94) 1.052(95) 1.204(96) 1.473(97) 1.470(98) 1.335(99) 1.968(00) 1.856(01) 1,919(02) 2.220(03) ]

036783 - MBU-M 960374 CZ eng A
Lisá, L. - Erbanová, P. - Homolka, L. - Nerud, F.
OCCBAS- maintenance and testing of Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus eryngii.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 62-63.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]

031934 - MBU-M 960209 CZ eng A
Lisá, V. - Kozáková, H. - Lisý, V. - Mareš, V.
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase in C6 glioma cells in dissociated cultures and in solid transplants in situ.
Physiological Research, 45 [2] 5P (1996).
[International Congress of the European Tissue Culture Society /42./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.21-96.04.24]
Grant: GA303/96/1256
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

038249 - MBU-M 970507 DE eng J
Lívanský, K.
Effect of O2, CO2 and temperature on the light saturated growth of Scenedesmus obliquus.
Algological Studies, 82, 69-82 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/93/0663
[Impact factor:0.710(91) 0.637(92) 0.590(93) 0.818(94) 1.095(95) 1.881(96) 1.363(97) 1.367(98) 1.280(99) ]

034350 - MBU-M 960524 DE eng J
Lívanský, K. - Dědič, K. - Bínová, J. - Tichý, V. - Novotný, P. - Doucha, J.
Influence of the nutrient solution recycling on the productivity of Scenedesmus obliquus, utilization of nutrients and water in outdoor cultures.
Algological Studies, 81, 105-113 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.710(91) 0.637(92) 0.590(93) 0.818(94) 1.095(95) 1.881(96) 1.363(97) 1.367(98) 1.280(99) ]

031676 - MBU-M 960519 ZA eng A
Lívanský, K. - Doucha, J.
CO2 and O2 gas exchange in outdoor thin-layer high density microalgal cultures.
In: Opportunities from micro- and macroalgae. - Knysna, International Association of Applied Algology 1996. - S. 48.
[International Conference /7./. Knysna (ZA), 96.04.16-96.04.19]

038246 - MBU-M 970504 NL eng J
Lívanský, K. - Doucha, J.
CO2 and O2 gas exchange in outdoor thin-layer high density microalgal cultures.
Journal of Applied Phycology, 8, 353-358 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/93/0663
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.733(93) 0.803(94) 0.903(95) 0.993(96) 0.486(97) 0.664(98) 0.881(99) 0.629(00) 0.885(01) 0,610(02) 0.828(03) ]

035984 - UOCHB-X 960099 CH eng B
Macek, T. - Macková, M. - Očenášková, J. - Demnerová, K. - Pazlarová, J. - Křen, V.
Peroxidase Isoenzyme Pattern and Total Activity Changes in Plant Cells Cultivated in vitro under Abiotic Stress.
In: Plant Peroxidases: Biochemistry and Physiology. - (Ed. Obinger, C.; Burner, U.; Ebermann, R.; Penel, C.; Greppin, H.). - Geneva, University of Geneva 1996. - S. 380-385. - ().
Grant: IAA455409; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/0499

039321 - UOCHB-X 970210 AT eng A
Macek, T. - Macková, M. - Holubková, A. - Křen, V. - Demnerová, K.
Changes in Peroxidase Activity and Isoenzyme Pattern in Response to Abiotic Elicitors.
In: Plant Peroxidases Biochemistry and Physiology. 4th International Symposium. - Wien, Institut für Chemie Universität für Bodenkultur 1996. - S. O-52.
[Plant Peroxidases Biochemistry and Physiology. International Symposium /4./. Wien (AT), 96.07.06-96.07.10]
Grant: IAA455409; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/0499

039322 - UOCHB-X 970211 AT eng A
Macek, T. - Macková, M. - Křen, V. - Očenášková, J. - Ščigelová, M. - Burkhard, J. - Pazlarová, J. - Demnerová, K.
High Peroxidase Producing Plant Cell Cultures as Whole-Cell Biocatalysts.
In: Plant Peroxidases Biochemistry and Physiology. 4th International Symposium. - Wien, Institut für Chemie Universität für Bodenkultur 1996. - S. PA-45.
[Plant Peroxidases Biochemistry and Physiology. International Symposium /4./. Wien (AT), 96.07.06-96.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/0499; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/1267

038611 - UOCHB-X 970023 TW eng C
Macek, T. - Ščigelová, M. - Přikrylová, V. - Macková, M. - Křen, V.
Biotransformation of Ergot Alkaloids by Shaked Plant Cell Suspensions Selected for Peroxidase Activity.
In: Proceedings of Czech-Taiwan Symposium on Biotechnology. - (Ed. Barth, T.; Wang, K. T.; Liao, I. Ch.; Vaněk, T.; Chen, S. T.). - Taiwan, Institute of Biological Chemistry 1996. - S. 121-123.
[Czech - Taiwan Symposium on Biotechnology. Praha (CZ), 95.06.05-95.06.08]

037947 - MBU-M 970069 CZ cze C
Malínská, K. - Vavřičková, P. - Hašek, J.
Interakce MAP110P s mikrotubuly v průběhu životního cyklu S. cerevisiae.
In: Cytoskeletální klub. - Praha, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR 1996. - S. 122.
[Cytoskeletální klub. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 96.02.08-96.02.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA520418

031930 - MBU-M 960205 CZ eng A
Mareš, V. - El-Zawahri, M. - Kozáková, H. - Lisá, V. - Prosperi, E.
Expression of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and heat shock proteins in C6 glioma cells exposed to cisplatin and hyperthermia in culture.
Physiological Research, 45 [2] 5P (1996).
[International Meeting of the Czech Branch of the European Tissue Culture Society. Brno (CZ), 96.04.21-96.04.24]
Grant: GA303/96/1256
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

037849 - MBU-M 970062 CZ cze D
Marešová, H.
Adaptace vztahu "hostitel-plazmid" na selekční tlak kultivačního prostředí. Praha, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - 86 s.

076257 - MBU-M 20000122 CZ eng A
Martínková, L. - Jůzlová, P. - Veselý, D. - Hovorka, O. - Olšovský, P. - Přikrylová, V. - Kučerová, Z. - Křen, V.
Biological activity of secondary metabolites of the fungus Monascus.
Chemické Listy, 90 [9] 699-670 (1996).
[Biochemický sjezd /15./. Olomouc (CZ), 96.09.09-96.09.12]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6020509
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

038657 - MBU-M 970198 GB eng J
Martínková, L. - Stolz, A. - Knackmuss, H. J.
Enantioselectivity of the nitrile hydratase from Rhodococcus equi A4 towards substituted (R,S)-2-arylpropionitriles.
Biotechnology Letters, 18 [9] 1073-1076 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.110(92) 1.092(93) 0.976(94) 0.957(95) 0.963(96) 0.848(97) 0.864(98) 0.916(99) 0.967(00) 0.915(01) 0,802(02) 0.778(03) ]

034356 - MBU-M 960533 GB eng A
Masojídek, J. - Kopecký, J. - Torzillo, G. - Koblížek, M. - Komenda, J.
How important is the role of the xanthophyll cycle for energy dissipation in algal cells.
In: Molecular to Global Photosynthesis. - London, Imperial College 1996. - S. 1-2.
[Internation Conference. London (GB), 96.03.28-96.03.29]
Grant: GA204/95/1043

037822 - MBU-M 970026 BE eng A
Matucha, M. - Kubátová, A.
Isotopically labeled compounds in hyphenated GC techniques.
In: International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography. - Oostende, Catholic Polytechnic College 1996. - S. 67.
[International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography /4./. Oostende (BE), 96.02.05-96.02.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1190; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620425

031996 - MBU-M 960289 CZ eng CX
Melzoch, K. - Votruba, J. - Hábová, V. - Rychtera, M.
Physiological model of lactic acid production in a batch culture using lignocellulosic hydrolysate as a substrate.
In: CHISA 96. - Praha, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1996. - S. 95.
[International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering /12./. Praha (CZ), 96.08.25-96.08.30]

031940 - MBU-M 960216 CZ eng J
Melzoch, K. - Votruba, J. - Rychtera, M. - Hábová, V.
Bath lactic acid fermentation on lignocellulosic hydrolysate: identification of physiological model.
Potravinářské vědy, 14 [1] 1-11 (1996).

031995 - MBU-M 960288 CZ eng CX
Melzoch, K. - Votruba, J. - Rychtera, M. - Hábová, V.
Lactic acid production in chemostat and cell retention continuous cultures using lignocellulosic hydrolysate as a substrate: Identification of a physiological model.
In: CHISA 96. - Praha, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1996. - S. 94.
[International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering /12./. Praha (CZ), 96.08.25-96.08.30]

031951 - MBU-M 960236 CZ eng J
Melzoch, K. - Votruba, J. - Schwippel, J. - Rychtera, M. - Hábová, V.
Lactic acid production in a continuous culture using lignocellulosic hydrolysate as a substrate. Indentification of a physiological model.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [2] 211-215 (1996).
Grant: GA510/94/0648; Project Copernicus(XE) ERB-CIPA-CT94-0205
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

031049 - MBU-M 960188 US eng J
Messina, A. - Girelli, A. M. - Flieger, M. - Sinibaldi, M. - Sedmera, P. - Cvak, L.
Direct Resolution of Optically Active Isomers on Chiral Packing Containing Ergoline Skeletons. 5.Enantioseparation of Amino Acid Derivatives.
Analytical Chemistry, 68 [7] 1191-1196 (1996).
Grant: GA310/94/1542
[Impact factor:3.592(91) 4.494(92) 4.075(93) 4.609(94) 4.509(95) 4.650(96) 4.743(97) 4.580(98) 4.555(99) 4.587(00) 4.532(01) 5,094(02) 5.250(03) ]

032251 - MBU-M 960325 SK eng J
Metlička, R. - Rauferová, L. - Sigler, K. - Janáček, K.
Ba2+ ions hyperpolarize algal cell membrane and enhance plasmalemma resistance without affecting ion and water contents.
General Physiology and Biophysics, 15 [2] 175-179 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA520101IAA6020603
[Impact factor:0.593(91) 0.573(92) 0.567(93) 0.633(94) 0.420(95) 0.349(96) 0.259(97) 0.714(98) 0.400(99) 0.417(00) 0.932(01) 0,719(02) 0.794(03) ]

032269 - MBU-M 960348 CZ cze P
Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR,
Způsob stabilizace imobilizované pelicilinamidasy mikroorganismu Escherichia coli. Praha, MBÚ AV ČR 1996. - 17 s.

032270 - MBU-M 960349 CZ cze P
Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR,
Průmyslový kmen mikroorganismu Aspergillus niger 921, CCT 2951.
In: P 281581. - Praha, MBÚ AV ČR 1996. - 10 s.

032271 - MBU-M 960350 CZ cze P
Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR,
Způsob přípravy kvasničného extraktu. Praha, MBÚ AV ČR 1996. - 4 s.

035956 - MBU-M 960903 CZ cze P
Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR,
Reaktor obsahující skleněnou reakční nádobu s míchadlem.
In: P 280902. - Praha, MBÚ AV ČR 1996. - - s.

035957 - MBU-M 960904 CZ cze P
Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR,
Sodná sůl karboxymetyl-beta-/1-3/-D-glukan-chitozanu a způsob její přípravy.
In: P 281220. - Praha, MBÚ AV ČR 1996. - - s.

035958 - MBU-M 960905 CZ cze P
Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR,
Způsob indukce beta-N-acetyl-hexosaminidasy u vláknitých hub.
In: P 281541. - Praha, MBÚ AV ČR 1996. - - s.
Grant: IAA6020605

036788 - MBU-M 960379 CZ cze P
Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR,
Způsob výroby jednoduchých derivátů kyseliny lysergové.
In: P xxxxx. - Praha, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - 7 s.

032272 - MBU-M 960351 CZ eng A
Mikšík, I. - Gabriel, J. - Deyl, Z.
Microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography of diphenylhydrazones of dicarbonyl sugars.
In: Tenth International Symposium on Capillary Electrophoresis and Isolachophoresis ITP 96 - book of abstracts. - Prague, Charles University Faculty of Sciences 1996. - S. 79.
[International Symposium on Capillary Electrophoresis and Isotachophoresis /10./. Prague (CZ), 96.09.17-96.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 303/94/1725

031981 - MBU-M 960274 IL eng A
Mikulík, K. - Dobrová, Z. - Janeček, J. - Khanh-Hoang, Q.
Phosphorylation of proteins during cell differentiation and detection of GTP-binding proteins in Streptomyces collinus.
In: IUMS Congresses 96 - abstracts. - Jerusalem, International Union of Microbiological Societes 1996. - S. 30.
[IUMS Congresses /8./. Jerusalem (IL), 96.08.18-96.08.23]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 204/94/1153

031041 - MBU-M 960103 DE eng CX
Mikulík, K. - Zhoulanova, E. I. - Dobrová, Z. - Janeček, J. - Quoc, K. H.
Phosphorylation of proteins during cell differentiation and detection of GTP-binding proteins in Streptomyces collinus.
In: Biology of Streptomyces. - (Ed. Schrempf, H.). - Osnabrück, Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft 1996. - S. 7.
[Biology of Streptomyces. Osnabrück (DE), 96.04.10-96.04.15]

038646 - MBU-M 970130 US eng J
Moubarak, A. S. - Piper, E. L. - Johnson, Z. B. - Flieger, M.
HPLC method for detection of ergotamine, ergosine, and ergine after intravenous injection of a single dose.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44 [1] 146-148 ( 1996).
[Impact factor:1.473(92) 1.320(93) 1.342(94) 1.434(95) 1.732(96) 1.502(97) 1.434(98) 1.453(99) 1.560(00) 1.576(01) 1,915(02) 2.102(03) ]

038248 - MBU-M 970506 NL eng J
Nedbal, L. - Tichý, V. - Xiong, F. - Grobbelaar, J. U.
Microscopic green algae and cyanobacteria in high-frequency intermittent light.
Journal of Applied Phycology, 8, 325-333 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/0457; GA ČR(CZ) GA206/95/1257GA206/93/0663 ME 138
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.733(93) 0.803(94) 0.903(95) 0.993(96) 0.486(97) 0.664(98) 0.881(99) 0.629(00) 0.885(01) 0,610(02) 0.828(03) ]

031953 - MBU-M 960238 CZ eng J
Nerud, F. - Mišurcová, Z.
Distribution of ligninolytic enzymes in selected white-rot fungi.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [3] 264-266 (1996).
Grant: US-IL(CZ) CDR; Agency for International Development(CZ) HRN-5544-G-00-2068-00
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

036769 - MBU-M 960359 AT eng CX
Nešvera, J. - Abrhámová, Z. - Pátek, M. - Hochmannová, J. - Vohradský, J.
A positively acting element is involved in regulation of copy number of the plasmid pGA1 from Corynebacterium glutamicum.
In: Plasmid Biology 96. - Seggau/Graz, Institut für Biotechnologie 1996. - S. 36.
[International Symposium on Plasmid Molecular Biology. Seggau/Graz ( AT), 96.09.01-96.09.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1737; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA520407

036775 - MBU-M 960366 CZ eng A
Novák, K.
Current constraints on the release of genetically modified microorganisms into the environment.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 27-28.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]

036776 - MBU-M 960367 CZ eng A
Novák, K.
Degradative potential of nodule bacteria.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 29-30.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]

039356 - UEB-Q 970180 SK eng A
Novák, K. - Mannová, P. - Vrba, L. - Angelis, K.
Control of RAD6 expression in yeast and plants.
In: DNA Repair Network Workshop. - Bratislava, Slovenská akademie věd 1996. - S. 44.
[Central European Countries DNA Repair Network Workshop. Smolenic ( SK), 96.00.00]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/1080; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0396; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA5038505

031939 - MBU-M 960215 GB eng J
Novák, M. - Staněk, J. - Hollerová, I.
Formation of oligofructosides during gluconate production by Aspergillus niger.
Biotechnology Letters, 18 [2] 211-212 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.110(92) 1.092(93) 0.976(94) 0.957(95) 0.963(96) 0.848(97) 0.864(98) 0.916(99) 0.967(00) 0.915(01) 0,802(02) 0.778(03) ]

031987 - MBU-M 960280 DE eng CX
Novotná, J. - Novotná, J. - Neužil, J. - Weiser, J.
Complementation in vitro of the blocked mutant Streptomyces aureofaciens ATCC 12748 by 8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavins.
In: Biology of Streptomycetes. - Ohrbeck, University of Osnabrück 1996. - S. P32.
[Biology of Streptomycetes. Ohrbeck (DE), 96.04.10-96.04.15]
Grant: GA204/94/1153

076277 - MBU-M 20000324 RIV US eng J
Novotná, J. - Pácha, J. - Heller, J.
Low-protein diet decreases intestinal Na, K-ATPase.
Nutrition Research, 16 [6] 991-998 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA311/93/2130
[Impact factor:0.592(91) 0.631(92) 0.474(93) 0.469(94) 0.559(95) 0.638(96) 0.627(97) 0.670(98) 0.746(99) 0.716(00) 0.600(01) 0,791(02) 0.717(03) ]

083777 - MBU-M 20013324 RIV US eng J
Novotná, J. - Pácha, J. - Heller, J.
Low-protein diet decreases intestinal Na, K-ATPase.
Nutrition Research, 16 [6] 991-998 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA311/93/2130
[Impact factor:0.592(91) 0.631(92) 0.474(93) 0.469(94) 0.559(95) 0.638(96) 0.627(97) 0.670(98) 0.746(99) 0.716(00) 0.600(01) 0,791(02) 0.717(03) ]

037800 - MBU-M 970004 NL eng J
Ocaktan, A. - Schalk, I. - Hennard, C. - Linget-Morice, C. - Kyslík, P. - Smith, A. W. - Lambert, P. A. - Abdallah, M. A.
Specific photoaffinity labelling of a ferripyoverdin outer membrane receptor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
FEBS Letters, 396, [-] 243-247 (1996).
[Impact factor:3.505(92) 3.339(93) 3.600(94) 3.842(95) 3.750(96) 3.504(97) 3.581(98) 3.720(99) 3.440(00) 3.644(01) 3,912(02) 3.609(03) ]

037814 - MBU-M 970018 DE eng CX
Opekarová, M. - Caspari, T. - Pinson, B. - Brethes, D. - Tanner, W.
Degradation and phosphorylation of arginine permease in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
In: Proceedings of the 14the Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics. - Bonn, Organizing Commeettee 1996. - S. 26.
[Small Meeting on Yeast Transport nad Energetics /14./. Bonn (DE), 96.09.06-96.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1047

076256 - MBU-M 20000070 RIV NL eng J
Opekarová, M. - Urbanová, P. - Konopásek, I. - Kvasnička, P. - Strzalka, K. - Sigler, K. - Amler, E.
Possible nystatin-protein interaction in yeast plasma membrane vesicles in the presence of ergosterol. A Foester energy transfer study.
FEBS Letters, 386, [-] 181-184 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1047; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1261; Volkswagen Stiftung(DE) I 70979
[Impact factor:3.505(92) 3.339(93) 3.600(94) 3.842(95) 3.750(96) 3.504(97) 3.581(98) 3.720(99) 3.440(00) 3.644(01) 3,912(02) 3.609(03) ]

034355 - MBU-M 960532 NL eng J
Oxborough, K. - Nedbal, L. - Chylla, R. A. - Whitmarsh, J.
Light-dependent modification of photosystem II in spinach leaves.
Photosynthesis Research, 48, 247-254 (1996).
Grant: GA206/93/0663
[Impact factor:2.469(91) 3.017(92) 2.664(93) 2.903(94) 2.964(95) 2.947(96) 1.948(97) 1.689(98) 1.714(99) 1.633(00) 1.739(01) 1,567(02) 2.239(03) ]

032274 - MBU-M 960353 CZ eng CX
Páca, J. - Marek, J. - Koutský, B. - Sobotka, M.
Development of biofiltration processes and their applications in waste gas celaning.
In: CHISA 96. - Praha, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1996. - S. -.
[International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering /12./. Praha (CZ), 96.08.25-96.08.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/0496

037956 - MBU-M 970091 NL eng J
Padiglioni, P. - Polcaro, C. M. - Marchese, S. - Sinibaldi, M. - Flieger, M.
Enantiomeric separations of halogen-substituted 2-aryloxypropionic acids by high-performance liquid chromatography on a terguride-based chiral stationary phase.
Journal of Chromatography. A, 756, [-] 119-127 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 2.523(94) 2.296(95) 2.457(96) 2.697(97) 2.321(98) 2.520(99) 2.551(00) 2.793(01) 3,098(02) 2.922(03) ]

037840 - MBU-M 970052 GB eng CX
Palková, Z. - Janderová, B. - Pospíšek, M. - Gabriel, J.
Communication between yeast colonies.
In: The Biochemical Basis of Microbial Morphogenesis - 44th Harden Conference. - Cirencester, Biochemical Society 1996. - S. 59.
[Harden Conference The Biochemical Basis of Microbial Morphogenesis /44./. Cirencester (GB), 96.09.08-96.09.12]

036784 - MBU-M 960375 CZ eng A
Paltiel, J. - Homolka, L. - Voláková, I. - Nerud, F. - Hadar, Y.
The effect of growth conditions and genetic background on laccase production in the fungus Pleurotus ostreatus.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 68.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]

037945 - MBU-M 970067 IT eng CX
Pánek, J. - Vohradský, J.
An object oriented approach in 2-D gel electrophoretogram analysis - matching process.
In: From Genome to Proteome. - Siena, University of Siena 1996. - S. 122.
[Siena 2D Electrophoresis Meeting /2./. Siena (IT), 96.09.16-96.09.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/0636

031938 - MBU-M 960214 NL eng J
Papa, S. - Sardanelli, A. M. - Cocco, T. - Speranza, F. - Scacco, S. C. - Techniková-Dobrová, Z.
The nuclear-encoded 18kDa (IP) AQDQ subunit of bovine heart complex I is phosphorylated by the mitochondrial cAMP-dependent protein kinase.
FEBS Letters, 379, [-] 299-301 (1996).
Grant: CNR ACRO(IT) 104283/39/9410582
[Impact factor:3.505(92) 3.339(93) 3.600(94) 3.842(95) 3.750(96) 3.504(97) 3.581(98) 3.720(99) 3.440(00) 3.644(01) 3,912(02) 3.609(03) ]

036771 - MBU-M 960361 GB eng J
Pátek, M. - Eikmanns, B. J. - Pátek, J. - Sahm, H.
Promoters from Corynebacterium glutamicum:cloning, molecular analysis and search for a consensus motif.
Microbiology, 142 [5] 1297-1309 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1737; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA520407
[Impact factor:0.194(91) 0.268(92) 0.204(93) 0.248(94) 0.287(95)2.477(96) 2.307(97) 2.564(98) 2.700(99) ]

031967 - MBU-M 960255 DE eng J
Pazlarová, J. - Votruba, J.
Use of zeolite to control ammonium in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens a-amylase fermentations.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 45, [-] 314-318 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.426(91) 1.237(92) 1.325(93) 1.488(94) 1.363(95) 1.325(96) 1.331(97) 1.471(98) 1.641(99) 1.505(00) 1.754(01) 1,744(02) 2.034(03) ]

039500 - MBU-M 970326 DE eng A
Pažoutová, S. - Hamplová, I. - Linka, M. - Flieger, M.
The phylogeny of the genus Claviceps.
In: 3rd European Conference on Fungal Genetics - abstracts. - Münster, - 1996. - S. 200.
[European Conference on Fungal Genetics /3./. Münster (DE), 96.05.27-96.05.30]

054043 - MBU-M 980020 US eng J
Pelc, R.
A cross-talk between IP3-sensitive and ryanodine-sensitive calcium stores in guinea pig ileum smooth muscle.
Biophysical Journal, 70 [2] 167 (1996).
[Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society /40./. Baltimore (US), 96.02.17-96.02.21]
[Impact factor:4.668(91) 4.945(92) 4.385(93) 4.247(94) 4.325(95) 4.713(96) 4.332(97) 4.524(98) 4.580(99) 4.462(00) 4.636(01) 4,643(02) 4.463(03) ]

054044 - MBU-M 980022 GB eng J
Pelc, R. - Smith, P. S. J. - Ashley, C. C.
In vivo recording of calcium fluxes accompanying "catch" contraction of molluscan smooth muscle.
The Journal of Physiology, 497, [-] 41 (1996).
[Scientific Meeting. Leeds (GB), 96.09.11-96.09.13]
[Impact factor:5.231(91) 4.843(92) 4.795(93) 4.741(94) 4.327(95) 3.904(96) 3.160(97) 4.727(98) 4.552(99) 4.455(00) 4.476(01) 4,650(02) 4.352(03) ]

038658 - MBU-M 970199 US eng J
Pelc, R. - Žižka, Z. - Uhrík, B.
Measurement of bound calcium and other ions in individual intracellular granules: electron microprobe X-ray analysis of Candida boidinii cells.
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 7 [12] 456a (1996).
[International Congress on Cell Biology /6./. San Francisco (US), 96.12.07-96.12.11]
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 9.025(93) 10.195(94) 9.376(95) 9.915(96) 8.926(97) 8.256(98) 7.527(99) 8.482(00) 7.700(01) 7,599(02) 7.454(03) ]

031985 - MBU-M 960278 IL eng A
Petříček, M. - Janda, L. - Spížek, J. - Tichý, P.
A new signal pathway in prokaryotes?
In: IUMS Congresses 96 - abstracts. - Jerusalem, International Union of Microbiological Societes 1996. - S. 31.
[IUMS Congresses /8./. Jerusalem (IL), 96.08.18-96.08.23]

036789 - MBU-M 960380 DE eng A
Petříček, M. - Janda, L. - Váchalová, K. - Stoicheva, Z. - Tichý, P.
Cloning, sequencing and characterisation of two WD40 repeat protein-encoding genes from Thermomonospora curvata and Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2).
In: VAAM-Workshop Biologie der Aktinomyceten - Abstraktbuch. - Tübingen, Eberhart-Karl Universität 1996. - S. P23.
[VAAM-Workshop Biologie der Aktinomyceten. Tübingen (DE), 96.09.29-96.10.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1262

032252 - MBU-M 960326 GB eng J
Pinkhassik, E. - Stibor, I. - Havlíček, V.
Synthesis of new chiral ligands by capping of calix/4/arene derivatives.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 61 [8] 1182-1190 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.465(91) 0.466(92) 0.382(93) 0.467(94) 0.550(95) 0.549(96) 0.550(97) 0.546(98) 0.717(99) 0.960(00) 0.778(01) 0,848(02) 1.041(03) ]

031968 - MBU-M 960256 CH eng J
Plášek, J. - Sigler, K.
New trends in Photobiology. Slow fluorescent indicators of membrane potential: a survey of different approaches to probe response analysis.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B:Biology, 33, [-] 101-124 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.677(91) 1.791(92) 1.861(93) 1.784(94) 1.668(95) 1.398(96) 1.381(97) 1.365(98) 1.835(99) 1.529(00) 1.251(01) 1,573(02) 2.275(03) ]

031974 - MBU-M 960267 US eng B
Plášek, J. - Sigler, K.
Spectral effects of slow dye binding to cells and their role in membrane potential measurements.
In: Fluorescence Microscopy and Fluorescent Probes. - (Ed. Slavík, J.). - New York, Plenum 1996. - S. 157-162. - ().
Grant: GA204/95/1051

031979 - MBU-M 960272 IL eng A
Plháčková, K. - Bečka, S. - Kyslík, P.
Substrate specifity of acylases for biotransformations of cephalosporin antibiotics.
In: IUMS Congresses 96 - abstracts. - Jerusalem, International Union of Microbiological Societes 1996. - S. 142.
[IUMS Congresses /8./. Jerusalem (IL), 96.08.18-96.08.23]

068615 - MBU-M 20000206 RIV SK cze P
Plháčková, K. - Štěpánek, V. - Kyslík, P. - Sobotková, L.
Způsob submerzní kultivace buněk produkujících G-penicilin amidázu. Praha, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - 4 s.

054442 - MBU-M 980518 RIV GB eng J
Polívka, T. - Pšenčík, J. - Kroh, P. - Engst, D. - Komenda, J. - Prášil, O. - Falkowski, P. G. - Hála, J.
Hole-burning study of energy transfer in antenna proteins of Dunaliella tertiolecta affected by iron-limitation.
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 291, 111-117 (1996).
[Impact factor: 0.885(00) 0.457(01) 0,457(02) 0.446(03) ]

032265 - MBU-M 960343 GR eng J
Pospíšil, M. - Horváth, O. - Fišerová, A. - Vannucci, L. - Jelínková, M. - Trinchieri, G. - Bezouška, K.
Nk cell receptor(s) carbohydrate ligands and immunotherapeutic strategies of cancer.
International Journal of Oncology, 9 [10] 841 (1996).
[Oncology 1996. Island of Kos (GR), 96.10.03-96.10.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/93/0207; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1533; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/96/1260; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020602
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.934(93) 1.061(94) 1.110(95) 1.125(96) 1.181(97) 1.040(98) 1.381(99) 2.142(00) 2.330(01) 2,931(02) 2.536(03) ]

036791 - MBU-M 960383 US eng J
Pospíšil, R. - Fitts, M. - Mage, R. G.
CD is a potential selecting ligand for B cell surface immunoglobulin framework region sequences.
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 184, [-] 1279-1284 (1996).
[Impact factor:11.692(91) 12.274(92) 13.687(93) 13.862(94) 15.126(95) 15.572(96) 14.384(97) 15.882(98) 15.651(99) 15.236(00) 15.34(01) 15,8376(02) 15.302(03) ]

037839 - MBU-M 970051 NL eng J
Pospíšil, R. - Young-Cooper, G. O. - Mage, R. G.
Superantigen-like unconventional Ag-Ab interaction:"positive" selection of rabbit appendix B-cells.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 54 [1] 21-22 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.194(91) 1.074(92) 1.100(93) 1.201(94) 1.138(95) 1.508(96) 0.867(97) 1.138(98) 1.056(99) 1.343(00) 1.389(01) 1,659(02) 1.652(03) ]

032250 - MBU-M 960324 CA eng J
Pospíšil, S. - Přikrylová, V. - Němeček, J. - Spížek, J.
Oxidation and amidation of salicylate by Streptomyces species.
Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 42 [8] 867-869 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/95/1053
[Impact factor:1.240(91) 1.006(92) 0.906(93) 1.290(94) 1.184(95) 1.184(96) 1.243(97) 1.134(98) 1.072(99) 1.105(00) 1.071(01) 1,080(02) 1.094(03) ]

032246 - MBU-M 960304 JP eng J
Pospíšil, S. - Sedmera, P. - Havlíček, V.
2-Demethylmonensins A and B Novel Minor Congeners of Monensins from Streptomyces cinnamonensis.
Journal of Antibiotics, 49 [9] 935-937 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/95/1053
[Impact factor:1.554(91) 1.297(92) 1.634(93) 1.195(94) 1.436(95) 1.153(96) 1.523(97) 1.098(98) 1.106(99) 1.347(00) 1.264(01) 1,382(02) 1.205(03) ]

038250 - MBU-M 970508 NL eng J
Prášil, O. - Kolber, Z. - Berry, J. A. - Falkowski, P. G.
Cyclic electron flow around Photosystem 2 in vivo.
Photosynthesis Research, 48, 395-410 (1996).
Grant: (US) DE-AC02-76CH00016; GA ČR(CZ) GA206/93/0663
[Impact factor:2.469(91) 3.017(92) 2.664(93) 2.903(94) 2.964(95) 2.947(96) 1.948(97) 1.689(98) 1.714(99) 1.633(00) 1.739(01) 1,567(02) 2.239(03) ]

031997 - MBU-M 960290 CZ eng CX
Prell, A.
A new control system of bioreactors in pilot-plant scale - the use of an easy MAP platform.
In: CHISA 96. - Praha, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1996. - S. 7.
[International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering /12./. Praha (CZ), 96.08.25-96.08.30]

032275 - MBU-M 960354 CZ eng C
Prell, A.
The use of an easyMAP platform for the control of bioreactors.
In: 2nd Scientific-technical Conference Process Control - proceeding. - Horní Bečva, University of Pardubice 1996. - S. 1-4.
[Scinetific-technical conference Process Control /2./. Horní Bečva ( CZ), 96.06.03-96.06.06]

037995 - MBU-M 970111 GB eng J
Prokešová, L. - Tučková, L. - Cukrowska, B. - Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H. - Barot-Ciorbaru, R.
Occurrence and specificity of human natural and in vitro induced antibodies to Nocardia opaca antigens.
International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 18 [11] 661-668 ( 1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1366GA310/93/1094
[Impact factor:1.013(91) 1.093(92) 0.892(93) 1.170(94) 1.148(95) 0.955(96) 1.053(97) 0.531(98) 0.847(99) 1.142(00) 1.276(01) 1,559(02) ]

037844 - MBU-M 970056 CZ eng J
Přepechalová, I. - Martínková, L. - Olšovská, J.
Enantioselective enzymatic hydrolysis of 2-arylpropionamides and 2-arylpropionitriles.
Chemické listy, 90 [12] 962-963 (1996).
Grant: GA203/95/1054
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

037838 - MBU-M 970050 JP eng C
Putman, D. - Říhová, B. - Jelínková, M. - Kopeček, J.
Biorecognition and biological activity of synthetic polymer glycoconjugates containing 5-fluororacil.
In: Proceedings - 23rd International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials. - Kyoto, Controlled Release Society 1996. - S. 111-112.
[International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials /23./. Kyoto (JP), 96.07.07-96.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA307/96/1265IAA720407

031038 - MBU-M 960099 US eng B
Qureshi, N. - Hofman, J. - Takayama, K. - Vogel, S. N. - Morrison, D. C.
Diphosporyl lipid A from Rhodobacter sphaeroides A novel lipopolysaccharide antagonist.
In: Novel Therapeutic Strategies in the Treatment of Sepsis. - (Ed. Morrison, D. C.; Ryan, J. L.). - New York, Marcel Dekker 1996. - S. 111-131.

037834 - MBU-M 970046 GB eng CX
Rathi, R. C. - Kopečková, P. - Říhová, B. - Kopeček, J.
Biorecognizable N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide copolymers for colon specific drug delivery.
In: 1st International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics - from laboratory to clinical practice. - London, - 1996. - S. 33.
[International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics /1./. London (GB), 96.01.10-96.01.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA307/96/1265IAA720407

037942 - MBU-M 970064 CZ cze J
Richter, J. - Šíma, P. - Pelech, L. - Turek, B.
Nukloetidy a jejich význam ve výživě, prevenci a imunitě.
Hygiena, 41 [6] 319-323 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA305/95/0635

031034 - MBU-M 960092 CZ cze B
Rossmann, P. - Jirka, J. - Chadimová, M.
Klasifikace biopsií alotransplantovaných ledvin a její využití. Praha, Academia 1996. - 94 s. - ().
Grant: IZ2602

067113 - MBU-M 990190 SK cze A
Rychlovský, P. - Krenželok, M. - Brzáková, Š. - Gabriel, J.
Detekce a stanovení Cd-matallothioneinů kombinací metod HPLC a AAS.
In: 13. Seminár atómovej spektrochémie - zborník. - Podbanské, - 1996. - S. 279.
[Seminár atómovej spektrochemie /18./. Podbanské (SK), 96.09.15]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii

032256 - MBU-M 960331 CZ eng J
Rychtera, M. - Paulová, L. - Náhlík, J. - Melzoch, K. - Votruba, J.
Control strategy of fed-batch cultivations of yeasts.
Chemical Papers, 50 [4] 238-244 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA510/94/0648
[Impact factor:0.380(91) 0.342(92) 0.179(93) 0.224(94) 0.131(95) 0.140(96) 0.150(97) 0.156(98) 0.067(99) 0.154(00) 0.349(01) 0,336(02) 0.226(03) ]

031958 - MBU-M 960243 CZ eng J
Rychtera, M. - Paulová, L. - Votruba, J. - Melzoch, K. - Fiala, J.
Optimization of discontinuous cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [3] 289 (1996).
[Annual Conference on Yeast /25./. Smolenice (SK), 96.04.24-96.04.26]
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

031999 - MBU-M 960292 CZ eng CX
Rychtera, M. - Paulová, L. - Votruba, J. - Fiala, J. - Melzoch, K. - Náhlík, J.
Formulation and assesment of control stategies applied to fed-batch yeast cultivation under laboratory conditions.
In: CHISA 96. - Praha, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1996. - S. 8.
[International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering /12./. Praha (CZ), 96.08.25-96.08.30]

031943 - MBU-M 960228 NL eng J
Řezanka, T.
Two-dimensional separation of fatty acids by thin-layer chromatography on urea and silver nitrate silica gel plates.
Journal of Chromatography. A, 727, [-] 147-152 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 2.523(94) 2.296(95) 2.457(96) 2.697(97) 2.321(98) 2.520(99) 2.551(00) 2.793(01) 3,098(02) 2.922(03) ]

037832 - MBU-M 970044 NL eng J
Říhová, B.
Biocompatibility of biomaterials: hemocompatibility, immunocompatibility and biocompatibility of solid polymeric materials and soluble targetable polymeric carriers.
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 21 [2] 157-176 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA307/96/1265; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA720407
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 2.189(93) 1.914(94) 2.243(95) 1.916(96) 1.975(97) 2.153(98) 2.171(99) 2.406(00) 3.022(01) 4,190(02) 6.588(03) ]

037837 - MBU-M 970049 JP eng C
Říhová, B. - Jelínková, M. - Strohlam, J. - Novák, M. - Šťastný, M. - Ulbrich, K.
Combined immunotherapy with antibody-targeted doxorubicin.
In: Proceedings - 23rd International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials. - Kyoto, Controlled Release Society 1996. - S. 75-76.
[International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials /23./. Kyoto (JP), 96.07.07-96.07.10]
Grant: IAA720407

032001 - MBU-M 960294 NL eng J
Říhová, B. - Strohalm, J. - Plocová, D. - Šubr, V. - Šrogl, J. - Jelínková, M. - Šírová, M. - Ulbrich, K.
Cytotoxic and cytostatic effects of anti-Thy 1.2 targeted doxorubicin and cyclosporin A.
Journal of Controlled Release, 40, [-] 303-319 (1996).
Grant: IAA720407
[Impact factor:1.939(92) 1.474(93) 1.526(94) 1.483(95) 1.674(96) 1.493(97) 1.894(98) 2.059(99) 2.151(00) 2.626(01) 3,131(02) 3.298(03) ]

037833 - MBU-M 970045 GB eng CX
Říhová, B. - Šťastný, M. - Strohalm, J. - Ulbrich, K.
Limited side-toxicity of targeted polymer-bound cyclosporin A.
In: 1st International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics - from laboratory to clinical practice. - London, - 1996. - S. 9.
[International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics /1./. London (GB), 96.01.10-96.01.12]
Grant: IAA720407

037941 - MBU-M 970063 NL eng J
Sardanelli, A. M. - Techniková-Dobrová, Z. - Speranza, F. - Mazzocca, A. - Scacco, S. - Papa, S.
Topology of the mitochondrial cAMP-dependent protein kinase and its substrates.
FEBS Letters, 396, [-] 276-278 (1996).
[Impact factor:3.505(92) 3.339(93) 3.600(94) 3.842(95) 3.750(96) 3.504(97) 3.581(98) 3.720(99) 3.440(00) 3.644(01) 3,912(02) 3.609(03) ]

031002 - MBU-M 960074 CZ cze D
Schwippel, J.
Modelování složitých systémů pro kontinuální kultivace mikroorganismů. Praha, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - 144 s.

031956 - MBU-M 960241 CZ eng J
Sigler, K. - Stadler, N. - Hofer, M.
Oxidative inactivation of the yeast plasma membrane H+ - ATPase.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [3] 290 (1996).
[Annual Conference on Yeast /25./. Smolenice (SK), 96.04.24-96.04.26]
Grant: GA204/96/1261GA204/95/1051
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

036790 - MBU-M 960381 CZ cze P
Sobotík, R. - Bulej, P. - Kolašín, T. - Jegorov, A. - Sedmera, P. - Husek, A. - Jurčáková, A.
Method of preparation of 3,14b-dihydroxy-17-normorfinanu. Opava-Komárov, Galena 1996. - 7 s.

032237 - MBU-M 960295 US eng J
Sobotková, L. - Štěpánek, V. - Plháčková, K. - Kyslík, P.
Development of a high-expression system for penicillin G acylase based on the recombinant Escherichia coli strain RE3(pKA18).
Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 19 [2] 389-397 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.748(91) 1.315(92) 1.562(93) 1.784(94) 1.679(95) 1.611(96) 1.223(97) 1.391(98) 1.517(99) 1.411(00) 1.506(01) 1,773(02) 1.501(03) ]

054046 - MBU-M 980093 DE ger A
Spížek, J. - Felsberg, J.
Biotechnologische Forschung im Institut für Mikrobiologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Tschechischen Republik.
In: Ökologiches Wirtschaften in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen durch industrielle Biotechnologieanwendung - Kooperationsmöglichkeiten zwischen deutschen und tschechischen Unternehmen. - Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Umweltschutz und Technologie, Berlin 1996. - S. 21.
[Workshop Ökologiches Wirtschaften in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen durch industrielle Biotechnologieanwendung - Kooperationsmöglichkeiten zwischen deutschen udn tschechischen Unternehmen. Berlin (DE), 96.11.20-96.11.22]

037810 - MBU-M 970014 NL eng J
Starec, M. - Fišerová, A. - Kroftová, O. - Rašková, H. - Kršiak, M.
Different effect of agroclavine under normal and stress condition.
Toxicology Letters, 88 [4] P3T-377 (1996).
[European Congress of Toxicology EUROTOX 96 /35./. Aucante (ES), 96.09.22-96.09.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1542
[Impact factor:0.987(91) 0.774(92) 0.661(93) 1.112(94) 1.242(95) 0.895(96) 1.128(97) 1.303(98) 0.773(99) 1.401(00) 1.587(01) 2,242(02) 2.224(03) ]

037817 - MBU-M 970021 US eng CX
Starec, M. - Yamamoto, A. - Rokyta, R. - Fišerová, A. - Rašková, H. - Mráz, M. - Kršiak, M.
The strenght and frequency of prestressors and final stress response.
In: The third International Congress International Society for Neuro-Immno-Modulation. - Bethesda, International Society for Neuro-Immuno-Modulation 1996. - S. 21.
[International Congress International Society for Neuro-Immno-Modulation /3./. Bethesda (US), 96.11.13-96.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1542

031957 - MBU-M 960242 CZ eng J
Streiblová, E.
Recent advances in yeast intracellular motility research.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [3] 292 (1996).
[Annual Conference on Yeast /25./. Smolenice (SK), 96.04.24-96.04.26]
Grant: GA204/96/1368
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

037948 - MBU-M 970070 CZ cze C
Streiblová, E.
Molekulární motory u kvasinek.
In: Cytoskeletální klub. - Praha, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR 1996. - S. 122.
[Cytoskeletální klub. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 96.02.08-96.02.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA520418

031040 - MBU-M 960101 US eng B
Streiblová, E. - Hašek, J.
Light Microscopy Methods.
In: Methods in Molecular Biology. - (Ed. Evans, I.). - Totowa, Humana 1996. - S. 383-390.
Grant: GA204/93/0667GA204/96/1368IAA520418

038656 - MBU-M 970176 US eng J
Striebel, H. M. - Ryšavý, P. - Adamec, J. - Spížek, J. - Kalousek, F.
Mutational analysis of both subunits from rat mitochondrial processing peptidase.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 335, [-] 211-218 (1996).
[Impact factor:2.425(91) 2.435(92) 2.307(93) 2.824(94) 2.767(95) 2.844(96) 2.649(97) 2.497(98) 2.386(99) 2.576(00) 2.476(01) 2,606(02) 2.338(03) ]

031183 - UOCHB-X 960062 GB eng J
Svatoš, A. - Huňková, Z. - Křen, V. - Hoskovec, M. - Šaman, D. - Valterová, I. - Vrkoč, J. - Koutek, B.
Biotransformations of t-Methyl-b-Ketosulfones: Stereoselectivity of 3-Methyl-1-(Phenylsulfonyl)Hexan-2-One Reductions by Various Yeasts.
Tetrahedron. Asymmetry, 7 [5] 1285-1294 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/93/0103
[Impact factor:2.801(92) 2.808(93) 2.594(94) 2.226(95) 2.382(96) 2.499(97) 2.484(98) 2.647(99) 2.797(00) 2.265(01) 2,163(02) 2.178(03) ]

037801 - MBU-M 970005 GB eng J
Svoboda, J. - Pihera, P. - Sedmera, P. - Paleček, J.
Electrophylic substitution reactions of /1/benzothienol/3,2-b/furan.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 61 [3] 888-900 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.465(91) 0.466(92) 0.382(93) 0.467(94) 0.550(95) 0.549(96) 0.550(97) 0.546(98) 0.717(99) 0.960(00) 0.778(01) 0,848(02) 1.041(03) ]

037955 - MBU-M 970083 GB eng J
Szczelkun, M. - Dillingham, M. - Janščák, P. - Firman, K. - Halford, S. E.
Repercussions of DNA tracking by the type IC restriction endonuclease EcoR124I on linear, circular and catenated substrates.
EMBO Journal, 15 [22] 6335-6347 (1996).
[Impact factor:12.392(91) 12.634(92) 13.208(93) 13.871(94) 13.505(95) 13.255(96) 12.643(97) 13.171(98) 13.973(99) 13.999(00) 12.45(01) 10,6989(02) 10.456(03) ]

038648 - MBU-M 970140 CZ cze BX
Šašek, V.
Kultivované jedlé houby.
In: Zahradnický slovník naučný. - Praha, Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací 1996. - S. -.

036777 - MBU-M 960368 CZ eng A
Šašek, V. - Erbanová, P. - Novotný, Č. - Cajthaml, T.
Preselection of fungal strains prospective for soil remediation.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 33-34.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1190; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620425

031946 - MBU-M 960231 PL eng C
Šašek, V. - Novotný, Č. - Erbanová, P.
Application of white rot fungi to soil remediation.
In: International Conference "Municipal and Rural Water Supply and Water Quality". - Poznaň, Polskie Zrzeszenie Inžynierow i Technikow Sanitarnych 1996. - S. 61-71.
[International Conference "Municipal and Rural Water Supply and Water Quality". Poznaň (PL), 96.06.03-96.06.05]
Grant: GA204/94/1190IAA620425

031983 - MBU-M 960276 IL eng A
Šašek, V. - Novotný, Č. - Erbanová, P.
Selection of ligninolytic wood-rot fungal strains based on decolorization of poly R-478 and remazole brilliant blue R (RBBR) dyes.
In: IUMS Congresses 96 - abstracts. - Jerusalem, International Union of Microbiological Societes 1996. - S. 73.
[IUMS Congresses /8./. Jerusalem (IL), 96.08.18-96.08.23]

036778 - MBU-M 960369 CZ eng A
Šašek, V. - Zachař, P. - Novotný, Č. - Vozňáková, Z. - Matucha, M. - Tesařová, E. - Sýkora, D. - Tojnarová, D. - Kubátová, E. - Popl, M.
Contribution to studies of the determination of PCB in long-term biodegradation experiments.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 35-36.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1190; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620425

034142 - UOCHB-X 960228 CZ eng A
Ščigelová, M. - Macek, T. - Sedmera, P. - Minghetti, A. - Křen, V.
Biotransformation of Ergot Alkaloids by Plant Cell Cultures.
In: 44th Annual Congress of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research and a Joint Meeting with the Czech Biotechnology Society. - (Ed. Vaněk, T.; Valterová, I.). - Praha, ÚOCHB AV ČR 1996. - S. 18. - ().
[Annual Congress on Medicinal Plant Research and a Joint Meeting with the Czech Biotechnology Society /44./. Praha (CZ), 96.09.03-96.09.07]

037952 - MBU-M 970074 DE eng J
Šebo, P. - Basar, T. - Pánková, A. - Osička, R.
Structural flexibility probing of Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase toxin by insertion of heterologous peptides.
Chemické listy, 90 [9] 575 (1996).
[Biochemický sjezd /15./. Olomouc (CZ), 96.09.09-96.09.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/95/1048; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5020611
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

037943 - MBU-M 970065 DE eng CX
Šebo, P. - Fayolle, C. - Basar, T. - Pánková, A. - Osička, R. - Ladant, D. - Ullmann, A. - Leclerc, C.
Structural flexibility probing of Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase toxin by insertion of heterologous peptides and its application to in vivo induction of specific cellular immune responses against viral CD8+ epitopes.
In: Medical Microbiology and Immunology. - Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer 1996. - S. 118. - ().
[International Workshop on Pore-Forming Toxins /3./. Mainz (DE), 96.09.26-96.09.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/95/1048; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5020611

031033 - MBU-M 960091 CZ cze JX
Šíma, P.
Na cestě od homeoboxů k genové terapii.
Vesmír, 75 [1] 7- (1996).

054045 - MBU-M 980075 JP eng B
Šinkora, J. - Šinkora, M. - Řeháková, Z. - Šplíchal, I. - Trebichavský, I. - Dlabač, V. - Tlaskalová, H.
The CD4/CD8 T cell subpopulations in pig fetuses and gnotobiotic piglets.
In: Germfree Life and its Ramifications. - (Ed. Hashimoto, K.). - Shiozawa, ISG Publishing Committee 1996. - S. 249-252.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/97/0533

037799 - MBU-M 970003 GB eng J
Šírová, M. - Říha, I. - Říhová, B.
Limited T helper cell activity in C57BL/10 (B10) mice with inherited low IgF responsiveness.
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 44 [2] 453-460 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/95/0634
[Impact factor:2.580(91) 2.291(92) 1.894(93) 1.679(94) 1.836(95) 1.903(96) 1.749(97) 1.781(98) 1.740(99) 1.777(00) 1.739(01) 1,782(02) 1.942(03) ]

037835 - MBU-M 970047 GB eng CX
Šťastný, M. - Rossmann, P. - Ulbrich, K. - Strohalm, J. - Říhová, B.
Antibody-targeted drugs.
In: 1st International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics - from laboratory to clinical practice. - London, - 1996. - S. 50.
[International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics /1./. London (GB), 96.01.10-96.01.12]
Grant: IAA720407

037803 - MBU-M 970007 NL eng J
Šťastný, M. - Říhová, B. - Strohalm, J. - Ulbrich, K.
Comparison of the binding kinetics of antibody-targered N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide (HPMA)-bound doxorubicin in vitro and in vivo.
Journal of Controlled Release, 42, [-] 229-236 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA307/96/1265; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA720407
[Impact factor:1.939(92) 1.474(93) 1.526(94) 1.483(95) 1.674(96) 1.493(97) 1.894(98) 2.059(99) 2.151(00) 2.626(01) 3,131(02) 3.298(03) ]

032273 - MBU-M 960352 CZ eng J
Štěpánková, R. - Funda, D. - Smetana, K.
Essential fatty acid deficiency and bone fragility in rats.
Folia Biologica, 42 [5] 257-259 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA311/94/1880
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

032240 - MBU-M 960298 FI eng CX
Štěpánková, R. - Tlaskalová, H. - Šinkora, J. - Kozáková, H. - Kofroňová, O.
Experimental model of coeliac disease in non-suckling, artificially fed rats.
In: All on Coeliac Disease. - (Ed. Collin, O.; Mäki, M.). - Tampere, Organizing committee 1996. - S. 91.
[International Symposium on Coeliac Disease /7./. Tampere (FI), 96.09.05-96.09.07]
Grant: GA311/94/1880GA303/96/1256

032245 - MBU-M 960303 NO eng J
Štěpánková, R. - Tlaskalová, H. - Šinkora, J. - Jodl, J. - Frič, P.
Changes in jejunal mucosa after long-term feeding of germfree rats with gluten.
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 31 [4] 551-557 (1996).
Grant: IAA720401; GA ČR(CZ) GA311/94/1880; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/93/1093
[Impact factor:1.314(91) 0.993(92) 1.360(93) 1.484(94) 1.532(95) 1.717(96) 1.641(97) 2.360(98) 2.336(99) 1.842(00) 1.826(01) 1,847(02) 2.140(03) ]

037821 - MBU-M 970025 IT eng CX
Šterzl, I. - Milerová, J. - Šterzl, J.
Influence of TH1 or TH2 cytokines on primary and secondary antibody responses in tissue cultures.
In: Pathogenesis and Immunotherapy of Autoimmune Diseases. - Milan, Roche Milano Ricerche 1996. - S. -.
[Symposium Pathogenesis and Immunotherapy of Autoimmune Diseases /2./. Milan (IT), 96.10.25-96.10.27]

031149 - MBU-M 960110 CZ eng J
Šterzl, J.
Development and induction of the immune response-status 1995.
Folia Biologica, 42 [1] 27-40 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

037845 - MBU-M 970057 CZ eng J
Tesařová, E. - Záruba, K. - Flieger, M.
Enantioseparation of ergot alkaloids on vankomycin and teicoplanin chiral stationary phases in HPLC.
Chemické listy, 90 [12] 969 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

031675 - MBU-M 960518 ZA eng A
Tichý, V. - Xiong, F. - Grobbelaar, J. U. - Neori, A. - Nedbal, L.
Algae in intermittent light.
In: Opportunities from micro- and macroalgae. - Knysna, International Association of Applied Algology 1996. - S. 69-70.
[International Conference /7./. Knysna (ZA), 96.04.16-96.04.19]

037818 - MBU-M 970022 FI eng CX
Tlaskalová, H. - Farré, M. - Funda, D. - Tučková, L. - Horák, I. - Horáková, D. - Řeháková, Z. - Verdu, E. - Štěpánková, R.
Immunodeficient mouse model of gliadin induced enteropathy.
In: All on Coeliac Disease. - Tampere, Finnish Coeliac Society 1996. - S. 10.
[International Symposium on Coeliac Disease /7./. Tampere (FI), 96.09.05-96.09.07]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA720401GA311/94/1880GA303/96/1256

038247 - MBU-M 970505 NL eng J
Torzillo, G. - Accolla, P. - Pinzani, E. - Masojídek, J.
In situ monitoring of chlorophyll fluorescence to assess the synergistic effect of low temperature and high irradiancd stresses in Spirulina cultures grown aoutdoors in photobioreactors.
Journal of Applied Phycology, 8, 283-291 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/93/0663GA202/95/1043
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.733(93) 0.803(94) 0.903(95) 0.993(96) 0.486(97) 0.664(98) 0.881(99) 0.629(00) 0.885(01) 0,610(02) 0.828(03) ]

031674 - MBU-M 960517 ZA eng A
Torzillo, G. - Acolla, P. - Masojídek, J.
In situ monitoring of chlorophyll fluorescence to assess unfavourable growth conditions in Spirulina grown outdoors in tubular reactors.
In: Opportunities from micro- and macroalgae. - Knysna, International Association of Applied Algology 1996. - S. 70.
[International Conference /7./. Knysna (ZA), 96.04.16-96.04.19]

031980 - MBU-M 960273 IL eng A
Totevová, S. - Brenner, V. - Pazlarová, J. - Burkhard, J. - Macková, M. - Demnerová, K.
Isolation of efficient bacterial degraders of PCBs and their genetic characterization.
In: IUMS Congresses 96 - abstracts. - Jerusalem, International Union of Microbiological Societes 1996. - S. 66.
[IUMS Congresses /8./. Jerusalem (IL), 96.08.18-96.08.23]

036785 - MBU-M 960376 CZ eng A
Totevová, S. - Brenner, V. - Pazlarová, J. - Burkhard, J. - Macková, M. - Demnerová, K.
Genetic characterization of PCB degraders.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 77-78.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/94/1315

031001 - MBU-M 960047 CZ cze N
Trebichavský, I.
Rozluštění lidského kódu.
Technický magazín, 39 [2] 47-49 (96.02.00).

031044 - MBU-M 960114 CZ cze JX
Trebichavský, I.
Nové epidemie - metly nebo humbuk?
T'96, [3] 52-53 (1996).

032239 - MBU-M 960297 CZ eng J
Trebichavský, I.
Cytokines in prenatal life.
Folia Biologica, 42 [3] 126 (1996).
[Biological Days /13./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 95.09.05-95.09.06]
Grant: GA508/94/0153
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

032242 - MBU-M 960300 CZ cze N
Trebichavský, I.
Pověsti a fakta o nemoci šílených krav.
T'96, - [6] 23-25 (96.06.01).

032243 - MBU-M 960301 CZ cze JX
Trebichavský, I. - Šíma, P.
Mezibuněčná hmota.
Vesmír, 75 [8] 429-433 (1996).

032238 - MBU-M 960296 AT eng A
Trebichavský, I. - Šinkora, J. - Šinkora, M. - Šplíchal, I. - Yang, H. - Parkhouse, R. M. E. - Whyte, A. - Binns, R.
Liver T cells in the pig embryo.
In: 12th International Conference on Lymphoid Tissues and Germinal Centers in Immune Reactions - program and abstract book. - Graz, European Federation of Immunological Societes 1996. - S. 59.
[International Conference on Lymphoid Tissues and Germinal Centers in Immune Reactions /12./. Graz (AT), 96.07.01-96.07.05]

037830 - MBU-M 970042 NL eng J
Trebichavský, I. - Tlaskalová, H. - Cukrowska, B. - Šplíchal, I. - Šinkora, J. - Řeháková, Z. - Šinkora, M. - Pospíšil, R. - Kovářů, F. - Charley, B.
Early ontogeny of immune cells and their functions in the fetal pig.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 54 [1] 75-91 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1879
[Impact factor:1.194(91) 1.074(92) 1.100(93) 1.201(94) 1.138(95) 1.508(96) 0.867(97) 1.138(98) 1.056(99) 1.343(00) 1.389(01) 1,659(02) 1.652(03) ]

031035 - MBU-M 960093 DE eng B
Tučková, L. - Bilej, M.
Mechanisms of antigen processing in invertebrates: are there receptors?
In: Advances in Comparative and Environmental Physiology. - (Ed. Cooper, E. L.). - Berlin, Springer 1996. - S. 41-72.
Grant: IAA7020601

037819 - MBU-M 970023 FI eng CX
Tučková, L. - Karská, K. - Krupičková, S. - Walters, J. - Michalak, M. - Tlaskalová, H.
Cross-reactivity of antigliadin antibodies in coeliac patients with enterocyte antigens.
In: All on Coeliac Disease. - Tampere, Finnish Coeliac Society 1996. - S. 79.
[International Symposium on Coeliac Disease /7./. Tampere (FI), 96.09.05-96.09.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1366GA310/93/1093IAA720401

031030 - FKU-U 960006 GB eng J
Tučková, L. - Zídek, Z. - Hanikýřová, M. - Cukrowska, B. - Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H. - Barot-Ciorbaru, R.
Macrophage nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activation by Nocardia opaca fractions and 15- and 56-kD isolated antigens.
Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 104, 215-220 (1996).
Grant: GA307/94/0964GA310/93/1094
[Impact factor:2.475(92) 2.546(93) 2.912(94) 2.680(95) 2.599(96) 2.506(97) 2.683(98) 2.831(99) 2.544(00) 2.716(01) 2,305(02) 2.347(03) ]

034351 - MBU-M 960525 US eng J
Tukaj, Z. - Kubínová, A. - Zachleder, V.
Effect of irradiance on growth and reproductive processes during the cell cycle in Scenedesmus armatus.
Journal of Phycology, 32, 624-631 (1996).
Grant: GA206/94/1200; BW(PL) 1110-5-0124-6
[Impact factor:2.141(92) 2.213(93) 1.932(94) 1.876(95) 2.080(96) 1.847(97) 1.623(98) 2.053(99) 1.773(00) 2.057(01) 2,174(02) 2.026(03) ]

076260 - MBU-M 20000165 CZ eng A
Ulbrich, K. - Šubr, V. - Burešová, M. - Šrogl, J. - Říhová, B.
Biodegradable hydrogels as matrixes for controlled drug release.
In: 1st International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics - program and proceedings. - Prague, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry CAS 1996. - S. 69.
[International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics /1./. Prague (CZ), 96.01.10-96.01.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA307/93/0057; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA450109

032562 - UMCH-V 960161 KR eng A
Ulbrich, K. - Pechar, M. - Strohalm, J. - Šubr, V. - Říhová, B.
Polymeric carriers of drugs for site-specific therapy.
In: Abstracts. - Soul, Polymer Society of Korea 1996. - S. 494. - ().
[IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecules /36./. Seoul (KR), 96.08.04-96.08.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA450109IAA720407

032563 - UMCH-V 960162 US eng Cx
Ulbrich, K. - Pechar, M. - Strohalm, J. - Šubr, V. - Říhová, B.
Rational synthesis of biodegradable polymers.
In: Bioartificial Organs. - Nashville, United Engineering Trustees 1996. - S. 37-38.
[Bioartificial Organs: Science and Technology. Nashville (US), 96.07.21-96.07.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA450109IAA720407

031037 - MBU-M 960097 DE eng J
Ulbrich, K. - Strohalm, J. - Šubr, V. - Plocová, D. - Duncan, R. - Říhová, B.
Polymeric conjugates of drugs and antibodies for site-specific drug delivery.
Macromolecular Symposia, 103, [-] 177-192 (1996).
Grant: IAA720407
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.895(94) 0.730(95) 0.519(96) 0.677(97) 0.465(98) 0.539(99) 0.406(00) 0.634(01) 0,758(02) 0.895(03) ]

032564 - UMCH-V 960163 CZ eng CX
Ulbrich, K. - Šubr, V. - Burešová, M. - Šrogl, J. - Říhová, B.
Hydrolytically degradable hydrogels for controlled release of drugs.
In: Programme Booklet. - Praha, ÚMCH AV ČR 1996. - S. SC5. - ().
[Microsymposium Biodegradable Polymers: Chemical, Biological and Environmental Aspects /37./. Praha (CZ), 96.07.15-96.07.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA720407

076258 - MBU-M 20000123 CZ eng A
Ulrichová, J. - Křen, V. - Kubisch, J. - Walterová, D. - Šimánek, V.
Antihepatotoxic activity of two silybinin glycosides.
Chemické listy, 90 [9] 756-757 (1996).
[Bichemický sjezd /15./. Olomouc (CZ), 96.09.09-96.09.12]
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

037848 - MBU-M 970061 AU eng J
Váchová, L.
Activation of the intracellular Ca2+ -dependent serine protease ISP1 of Bacillus megaterium by purification or by high Ca2+ concentrations.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, 40 [5] 947-954 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/2224; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1050
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.566(94) 0.596(95) 0.582(96) 0.578(97) 0.792(98) 0.770(99) 0.888(00) 0.925(01) ]

031071 - UFCH-W 960052 CH eng J
Varga, V. - Mach, K. - Polášek, M. - Sedmera, P. - Hiller, J. - Thewalt, U. - Troyanov, S. I.
Titanocene-bis(trimethylsilyl)Acetylene Complexes: Effects of Methyl Substituents at the Cyclopentadienyl Ligands on the Structure of Thermolytic Products.
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 506 [1/2] 241-251 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/93/0143; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA440403
[Impact factor:1.539(91) 1.476(92) 1.552(93) 1.481(94) 1.645(95) 1.794(96) 1.724(97) 1.612(98) 1.453(99) 1.632(00) 1.803(01) 1,901(02) 2.042(03) ]

031078 - UFCH-W 960064 US eng J
Varga, V. - Polášek, M. - Hiller, J. - Thewalt, U. - Sedmera, P. - Mach, K.
Serendipitous Synthesis of [.eta.5-1,2,4,5,6-Pentakis(trimethylsilyl)cyclohexadienyl] - (.eta5-cyclopentadienyl)titanium(II) and Its 4-Alkyl Derivatives.
Organometallics, 15 [4] 1268-1274 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA440403; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/93/0143
[Impact factor:2.970(92) 2.952(93) 2.882(94) 3.118(95) 3.134(96) 3.227(97) 3.471(98) 3.215(99) 3.169(00) 3.182(01) 3,215(02) 3.375(03) ]

054369 - UMG-J 980135 NL eng A
Vavřičková, P. - Kohlwein, S. - Dráber, P. - Hašek, J.
Distribution of -tubulin in cortical domains of Sacharomyces cerevisiae cells.
In: 11th European Cytoskeleton Forum. - Maastricht, - 1996. - S. 74.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum /11./. Maastricht (NL), 96.08.31-96.09.04]

031959 - MBU-M 960244 CZ eng J
Vavřičková, P. - Hašek, J.
Distribution of F-Actin in tubulin mutants of S.cerevisiae.
Folia Microbiologica, 41 [3] 294 (1996).
[Annual Conference on Yeast /25./. Smolenice (SK), 96.04.24-96.04.26]
Grant: GA204/96/1368IAA520418
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

031990 - MBU-M 960283 NL eng CX
Vavřičková, P. - Kohlwein, S. - Dráber, P. - Hašek, J.
Distribution of b-tubulin in cortical domains of Sacharomyces cerevisiae cells.
In: 11th European Cytoskeleton Forum. - (Ed. Ramachers, F.; Teng, F.). - Maastricht, Dutch Society for Cell Biology 1996. - S. 74.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum /11./. Maastricht (NL), 96.08.31-96.09.04]
Grant: GA204/96/1368IAA520418

037994 - MBU-M 970104 CZ eng A
Veselý, P. - Chaloupková, A. - Sladká, M. - Matoušková, E. - Pavlíková, L. - Chaloupka, J. - Bereiter-Hahn, J. - Curtis, A.
Analysis of malignant cell behaviour in vitro.
In: Cytokinematics 96. - Hradec Králové, Czechoslovak Biological Society 1996. - S. 53.
[International Symposium Cytokinematics 96. Hradec Králové (CZ), 96.09.09-96.09.12]
Grant: GA312/94/1481

037954 - MBU-M 970082 DK eng C
Viard, B. - Streiblová, E. - Bonaly, R.
Effect of the cytotoxic D-galactose-specific lectin, ricin, on the morphogenesis of Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
In: Lectins: Biology, Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry. - (Ed. van Driessche, E.; Rougé, P.; Beeckmans, S.; Bog-Hansen, T. C.). - Hellerup, Textop 1996. - S. 250-259.
[International Lectin Conference /17./. Toulouse (FR), 95.06.26-95.06.30]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA520418GA204/96/1368GA204/93/0667

031984 - MBU-M 960277 IL eng A
Voláková, I. - Homolka, L.
Fruit body formation of Pleurotus ostreatus under sterile laboratory conditions.
In: IUMS Congresses 96 - abstracts. - Jerusalem, International Union of Microbiological Societes 1996. - S. 39.
[IUMS Congresses /8./. Jerusalem (IL), 96.08.18-96.08.23]

031982 - MBU-M 960275 IL eng A
Voláková, I. - Homolka, L. - Nerud, F.
Variability of production of ligninolytic enzymes in the white-rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus.
In: IUMS Congresses 96 - abstracts. - Jerusalem, International Union of Microbiological Societes 1996. - S. 73.
[IUMS Congresses /8./. Jerusalem (IL), 96.08.18-96.08.23]

032260 - MBU-M 960338 DE eng J
Volc, J. - Kubátová, E. - Daniel, G. - Přikrylová, V.
Only C-2 specific glucose oxidase activity is expressed inligninolytic cultures of the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium.
Archives of Microbiology, 165, [-] 421-424 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620421; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1191
[Impact factor:1.640(91) 1.995(92) 1.898(93) 2.126(94) 1.801(95) 1.939(96) 2.351(97) 2.272(98) 2.209(99) 2.056(00) 2.156(01) 1,903(02) 1.989(03) ]

032262 - MBU-M 960340 AT eng C
Volc, J. - Kubátová, E. - Daniel, G. - Přikrylová, V.
Pyranose 2-oxidase and not glucose 1-oxidase is expressed by the wood decay fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium underliquid culture and solid wood growth conditions.
In: Biotechnology in the pulp and paper industry: recent advances in applied and fundamental research. - (Ed. Srebotnik, E.; Messner, K.). - Vienna, Facultas University 1996. - S. 465-468. - ().
[International Conference on Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry /6./. Vienna (AT), 95.06.11-95.06.15]
Grant: GA204/94/1191IAA620421

036786 - MBU-M 960377 CZ eng A
Volc, J. - Kubátová, E. - Daniel, G.
Purification and partial characterization of a novel C-2-specific sugar dehydrogenase from Agaricus bisporus.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel, J.). - Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 79-80.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1191; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620421

036768 - MBU-M 960358 CZ eng CX
Voříšek, J. - Gas, N. - Denis-Duphil, M.
Cerium-based ultracytochemical localization of aspartate transcarbamylase activity in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
In: Progress in basic, applied and diagnostic histochemistry. - Prague, Czech Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 1996. - S. 38.
[Progress in basic, applied and diagnostic histochemistry. Prague ( CZ), 96.11.17-96.11.20]

031942 - MBU-M 960227 CZ cze C
Votruba, J.
Dynamika vývoje senzorického profilu piva v průběhu kvašení.
In: Technologie a hodnocení výrobků nápojového průmyslu - sborník. - Plzeň, Česká společnost chemická 1996. - S. 8.
[Technologie a hodnocení výrobků nápojového průmyslu /12./. Plzeň ( CZ), 96.05.28-96.05.29]

031998 - MBU-M 960291 CZ eng CX
Votruba, J.
Design of bioadsorbers for decontamination of waste water containing ions of heavy metals.
In: CHISA 96. - Praha, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1996. - S. P5.32.
[International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering /12./. Praha (CZ), 96.08.25-96.08.30]

032263 - MBU-M 960341 CZ cze BX
Votruba, J.
Biosorpce těžkých kovů - přehled.
In: Biochemie životního prostředí. - (Ed. Rauch, P.). - Praha, VŠCHT 1996. - S. -.

037829 - MBU-M 970034 CZ cze C
Votruba, J.
Použití simulačního jazyka PSI/c při řešení inženýrských úloh z oblasti biochemie a potravinářské technologie.
In: Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 8. - Janov n.N., Matematický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 207-209.
[Seminář programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky /8./. Janov n.N. (CZ), 96.06.10-96.06.14]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA510/94/0648

031992 - MBU-M 960285 SK cze C
Votruba, J. - Štěrbáček, Z.
Použití fuzzy expertního systému a metody Guha pro navrhování bioadsorbéru.
In: Zborník 23. konferencie Slovenskej spoločnosti chemického inžinierstva. - Závažná Poruba, Slovenská spoločnosť chemického inžinierstva 1996. - S. 397-399.
[Konferencia Slovenskej spoločnosti chemického inžinierstva /23./. Závažná Poruba (SK), 96.06.03-96.06.07]

039083 - MBU-M 970298 CZ eng J
Weignerová, L. - Olšovský, P. - Havlíček, V. - Huňková, Z. - Křen, V.
Enzymatic glycosylations of pyridoxine.
Chemické listy, 90 [9] 603 (1996).
[Biochemický sjezd /15./. Olomouc (CZ), 96.09.09-96.09.12]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6020605GA203/95/1054GA203/96/1267
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

031989 - MBU-M 960282 FR eng CX
Weiser, J. - Kormanec, J. - Novotná, J. - Kalachová, L. - Mikulík, K.
Is EF-Tu, if present in bacterial enzoskeleton, phosphorylated or dephosphorylated?
In: Phosphorylation des Protéines. - Dourdan, Société Francaise de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire 1996. - S. 30.
[Phosphorylation des Proteines. Dourdan (FR), 96.06.09-96.06.11]
Grant: GA204/96/1263

031960 - MBU-M 960248 DE eng CX
Weiser, J. - Kormanec, J. - Potúčková, L. - Homerová, D. - Vohradský, J. - Novotná, J. - Kalachová, L.
Comparative studies on translation elongation factor Tu from Streptomyces aureofaciens and Escherichia coli.
In: Biology of Steptomyces. - Ohrbeck, University of Osnabrück 1996. - S. V43.
[Biology of Streptomyces. Ohrbeck (DE), 96.04.10-96.04.15]
Grant: GA204/95/0636

031927 - MBU-M 960193 GB eng J
Wong-Lun-Sang, S. - Bernardini, J. J. - Hennard, C. - Kyslík, P. - Dell, A. - Abdallah, M. A.
Bacterial Siderophores structure elucidation, 2D 1H and 13C NMR assignments of Pyoverdins produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO.
Tetrahedron Letters, 37 [19] 3329-3332 (1996).
[Impact factor:2.074(91) 2.321(92) 2.258(93) 2.378(94) 2.257(95) 2.497(96) 2.500(97) 2.617(98) 2.400(99) 2.558(00) 2.280(01) 2,357(02) 2.326(03) ]

031672 - MBU-M 960504 DE eng J
Xiong, F. - Lederer, F. - Lukavský, J. - Nedbal, L.
Screening of freshwater algae (Chlorophyta, Chromophyta) for ultraviolet-B sensitivity of the photosynthetic apparatus.
Journal of Plant Physiology, 148, 42-48 (1996).
Grant: GA204/93/0663GA202/94/0457
[Impact factor:1.060(91) 0.915(92) 1.006(93) 1.088(94) 1.142(95) 1.203(96) 1.179(97) 1.195(98) 1.143(99) 0.943(00) 1.018(01) 0,941(02) 1.149(03) ]

037809 - MBU-M 970013 GB eng J
Zachař, P. - Novotný, Č. - Vozňáková, Z. - Matucha, M. - Tesařová, E. - Sýkora, D. - Kubátová, A. - Popl, M.
Physical factors negatively affecting evaluation of long-term biodegradation experiments of polychlorinated biphenyls.
Chemosphere, 33, [-] 2411-2421 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1190; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620425
[Impact factor:1.109(91) 1.211(92) 0.877(93) 1.086(94) 1.334(95) 1.204(96) 1.145(97) 1.019(98) 1.255(99) 1.033(00) 1.181(01) 1,461(02) 1.904(03) ]

034353 - MBU-M 960530 AT eng J
Zachleder, V. - Kawano, S. - Kuroiwa, T.
Uncoupling of chloroplast reproductive events from cell cycle division processes by 5-fluorodeoxyuridine in the Scenedesmus quadricauda.
Protoplasma, 192, 228-234 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/94/1200IAA52086
[Impact factor:1.717(91) 1.661(92) 1.798(93) 1.754(94) 1.487(95) 1.626(96) 1.724(97) 1.702(98) 1.631(99) 1.333(00) 1.188(01) 1,473(02) 2.206(03) ]

035222 - UPT-D 960010 CZ eng C
Zadražil, M. - Frank, L. - Kofroňová, O. - Benada, O.
Imaging of Non-Conducting Specimens by Non-Charging Scanning Electron Microscopy Method.
In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 5th Seminar. - (Ed. Müllerová, I.; Frank, L.). - Brno, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy 1996. - S. 75-77.
[Recent Trends /5./ in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Skalský Dvůr (CZ), 96.06.24-96.06.28]

032253 - MBU-M 960327 CZ cze C
Žižka, Z. - Pelc, R.
Stanovení vlivu toxických prvků a sloučenin na živé organismy přímo in situ - nová ještě neprozkoumaná možnost v enviromentální toxikologii.
In: Hodnocení vlivů na životní prostředí - sborník konference. - Praha, Environmental Impact Assessment 1996. - S. 441-444. - ().
[International Conference Environmental Impact Assessment /3./. Praha (CZ), 96.09.23-96.09.26]

036787 - MBU-M 960378 CZ eng A
Žižka, Z. - Pelc, R.
Application of X-ray microanalysis for quantitative assessment of cell damage after impact of toxic elements and compounds.
In: Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations - Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Baldrian, P.; Gabriel. J., Prague, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 81-82.
[Mini-Symposium on Biosorption and Microbial Degradations /4./. Prague (CZ), 96.11.26-96.11.29]

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