» Projekty » Přehled grantů » Hydrodynamics aspects of a fluidized bed in bio-reactors with particular emphasis on potable water denitrification

Hydrodynamics aspects of a fluidized bed in bio-reactors with particular emphasis on potable water denitrification

  • Číslo grantu: 26007 - Grantová agentura Akademie věd ČR
  • Období: 1991 - 1993
  • Vedoucí řešitel: Ing. Jiří Myška CSc.
  • Spoluřešitel: Ing. V. Matějů (Institute of Microbiology ASCR)

The aim of investigation is to determine the relationships among the complex hydrodynamic parameters required for the design of high capacity fluidized bed bioreactors such as the biofilm influence and its growth on the drag coefficient of the body, effect of particle quality change on fluidizing velocity and the importance of particle migration in the bed. It is well known that a great number of bacterial species is able to make use of chemically bound oxygen in nitrites and nitrates as an alternative substitution for the molecular oxygen dissolved in water. The procedure is used for denitrification of potable water, when the bacteria are fixed on support rigid particles in the fluidized bed. The results of the investigation can be directly employed for the improvement of the living environment: partly in treatment of potable water (the nitrate pollution of water resources in Czech Republic all the time increases), partly in waste water disposal.