published by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Description: The journal publishes original work in all areas of cybernetics, book reviews and news of significant conferences.
ISSN: 0023-5954
Appears: six times per year
Publisher: Institute of Information Theory and Automation ASCR
Editor-in-Chief: Milan Mareš
Address: Pod vodárenskou věží 4, 182 08 Praha 8
Telephone: (+420) 28 68 90 321
Fax: (+420) 26 88 49 03
CONTENTS: 40 (2004), No. 1  ·  2  ·  3  ·  4
39 (2003), No. 1  ·  2  ·  3  ·  4  ·  5  ·  6
38 (2002), No. 1  ·  2  ·  3  ·  4  ·  5  ·  6
37 (2001), No. 1  ·  2  ·  3  ·  4  ·  5  ·  6
36 (2000), No. 1  ·  2  ·  3  ·  4  ·  5  ·  6
35 (1999), No. 1  ·  2  ·  3  ·  4  ·  5  ·  6
34 (1998), No. 1  ·  2  ·  3  ·  4  ·  5  ·  6
33 (1997), No. 1  ·  2  ·  3  ·  4  ·  5  ·  6
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