Institute of Information Theory and Automation


A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V W Z All - phone directory (pdf), institution phone numbers
Name Surnamesort icon Position Department Room 26605-
Milan Bok Ph.D. student RO 217 2863
Jiří Filip research associate RO 471 2365
Jiří Grim deputy head of the department RO 462 2215
Michal Haindl head of the department RO 470 2350
Martin Hatka Ph.D. student RO 471 2365
Vojtěch Havlíček research associate RO 466 2200
Radek Holub research assistant RO 221 2262
Jan Hora Ph.D. student RO 367 2845
Jiří Humpolíček Ph.D. student RO 217 2863
Jana Krejčová secretary RO 473 2505
Stanislav Mikeš Ph.D. student RO 221 2262
Jana Novovičová research fellow RO 464 2224
Pavel Pudil research fellow RO 465 2353
Petr Somol research fellow RO 467 2205
Pavel Vácha Ph.D. student RO 471 2365
Pavel Žid research associate RO 466 2200
Responsible for information: admin
Last modification: 15.01.2009
Institute of Information Theory and Automation