ÚMBR - Ústav molekulární biologie rostlin


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

061326 - UMBR-M 990016 RIV NL eng J
Bertaccini, A. - Fránová, J. - Paltrinieri, S. - Martini, M. - Navrátil, M. - Lugaresi, C. - Nebesářová, J. - Šimková, M.
Leek proliferation: A new phytoplasma disease in the Czech Republic and Italy.
European journal of plant pathology, 105, 487-493 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/98/0792; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2022601; GA AV ČR (CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.844(95) 0.953(96) 1.027(97) 1.072(98) 1.122(99) 1.090(00) 1.010(01) 1,475(02) 1.259(03) ]

061332 - UMBR-M 990023 SIGLE SK eng A
Bříza, J. - Niedermeierová, H. - Pavingerová, D. - Thomas, C. M. - Klimyuk, V. I. - Jones, J. D. G.
Transposition pattern of Ds element in tomato.
In: Book of abstracts from 3rd international symposium Recent advances in plant biotechnology:From cells to crop. - Nitra, IPGB SAS 1999. - S. 136.
[Recent advances in plant biotechnology : From cells to crops. International Symposium /3./. Stará Lesná (SK), 99.09.04-99.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0724

066479 - UMBR-M 990055 RIV SK eng J
Bříza, J. - Niedermeierová, H. - Pavingerová, D. - Thomas, C. M. - Klimyuk, V. I. - Jones, J. D. G.
Transposition pattern of a Ds element in tomato.
Biologia, 54 [Suppl. 7] 54-55 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/0724

091279 - UMBR-M 20023002 RIV DE eng J
Bufe, A. - Uhlig, U. - Scholzen, T. - Matoušek, J. - Schlaak, M. - Weber, W.
A nonspecific, single-stranded nuclease activity with characteristics of a topoisomerase found in a major grass pollen allergen: Possible biological significance.
Biological chemistry, 380, [-] 1009-1016 (1999).
[Impact factor: 2.429(96) 2.551(97) 2.636(98) 3.356(99) 2.978(00) 2.606(01) 2,548(02) 3.366(03) ]

059510 - UMBR-M 990001 RIV GB eng J
Chytilová, E. - Macas, J. - Galbraith, D. W.
Green Fluorescent Proteins targeted to the nucleus, a transgenic phenotype useful for studies in plant biology.
Annals of botany, 83, 645-654 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2052601
[Impact factor:1.069(92) 1.041(93) 1.066(94) 1.127(95) 1.045(96) 1.301(97) 1.384(98) 1.326(99) 1.274(00) 1.352(01) 1,476(02) 1.370(03) ]

061333 - UMBR-M 990024 SIGLE SK eng A
Dědič, P. - Matoušek, J. - Ptáček, J. - Růžková, E. - Schubert, J.
PVY detection and variability.
In: Book of abstracts from 3rd international symposium Recent advances in plant biotechnology:From cells to crop. - Nitra, IPGB SAS 1999. - S. 157.
[Recent advances in plant biotechnology : From cells to crops. International Symposium /3./. Stará Lesná (SK), 99.09.04-99.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/98/1512; GA MZe(CZ) EP0960996561

066480 - UMBR-M 990056 RIV SK eng J
Dědič, P. - Matoušek, J. - Ptáček, J. - Růžková, E. - Schubert, J.
PVY detection and variability.
Biologia, 54 [Suppl. 7] 64-65 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/98/1512

061327 - UMBR-M 990017 RIV NL eng J
Dědič, R. - Lovčinský, M. - Pšenčík, J. - Vácha, M. - Vácha, F. - Hála, J.
Low temperature absorption, fluorescence, and hole-burning spectroscopy of photosystem II reaction center complex containing 1 and 2 carotenoides.
Journal of molecular structure, 481, 573-576 (1999).
[Impact factor:0.942(91) 0.943(92) 0.894(93) 0.837(94) 0.948(95) 0.867(96) 0.884(97) 0.807(98) 0.868(99) 0.849(00) 0.907(01) 1,122(02) 1.021(03) ]

066948 - UMBR-M 990066 RIV NL eng J
Dědič, R. - Lovčinský, M. - Vácha, F. - Hála, J.
Hole-burning study of excitation migration and pigment-protein interaction in photosynthetic systems.
Journal of luminescence, 83-84, 357-360 (1999).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) PG97113; GA MŠk(CZ) IF96055; VZ(CZ) J13/98 1132001 ; GAUK(CZ) 175/1999/B
[Impact factor:1.260(91) 1.197(92) 1.027(93) 1.173(94) 1.172(95) 0.793(96) 0.942(97) 0.986(98) 0.764(99) 1.101(00) 1.279(01) 1,260(02) 1.314(03) ]

063760 - UEB-Q 990076 RIV US eng J
Doležel, J. - Macas, J. - Lucretti, S.
Flow Analysis and Sorting of Plant Chromosomes.
Current Protocols in Cytometry, 9 [Supplement] 5.3.1-5.3.33 ( 1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117

061334 - UMBR-M 990025 SIGLE SK eng A
Dusbábková, J. - Požárková, D. - Našinec, V.
Transformation of Vigna unguiculata (Walp.) via infection of floral stems.
In: Book of abstracts from 3rd international symposium Recent advances in plant biotechnology:From cells to crop. - Nitra, IPGB SAS 1999. - S. 127.
[Recent advances in plant biotechnology : From cells to crops. International Symposium /3./. Stará Lesná (SK), 99.09.04-99.09.10]

066481 - UMBR-M 990057 RIV SK eng J
Dusbábková, J. - Požárková, D. - Našinec, V.
Transformation of Vigna unguiculata (Walp.) via infection of floral stems.
Biologia, 54 [Suppl. 7] 51 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/98/1512

070166 - UMBR-M 20000018 RIV IT eng J
Fránová, J. - Voráčková, Z. - Vibio, M. - Bertaccini, A. - Navrátil, M. - Špak, J. - Nebesářová, J.
Identification of phytoplasma infecting winter oilseed rape in the Czech Republic and its comparison with Italian Brassica phytoplasmas.
Petria, 9, 331 (1999).

061341 - UMBR-M 990032 RIV SK eng J
Fránová-Honetšlegrová, J. - Erbenová, M.
The discovery of rhabdovirus-like particles in strawberry in the Czech Republic.
Acta virologica, 43, 271-272 (1999).
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

066949 - UMBR-M 990067 RIV SK eng J
Fránová-Honetšlegrová, J. - Mráz, I. - Nebesářová, J. - Šíp, M.
Preferential banding of secondary veins in strawberry is caused by mixed virus infection.
Acta virologica, 43, 349-355 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA513/93/2490; GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/0854
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

065201 - ENTU-I 990102 DE eng J
Gális, I. - Šimek, P. - Macas, J. - Zahradníčková, H. - Vlasák, J. - Wabiko, H. - van Dongen, W. - van Ockelen, H. A. - Ondřej, M.
The Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58-6b gene confers resistance to N6-benzyladenine without modifying cytokinin metabolism in tobacco seedlings.
Planta, 209, 453-461 (1999).
[Impact factor:2.953(91) 2.920(92) 2.828(93) 3.300(94) 3.318(95) 3.120(96) 3.323(97) 3.093(98) 2.977(99) 3.199(00) 3.349(01) 2,960(02) 3.053(03) ]

061328 - UMBR-M 990019 RIV NL eng J
Gális, I. - Wabiko, H.
Changes in phenylpropanoid metabolism confer resistance of tobacco seedlings to N6-benzyladenine.
Biologia plantarum, 42 [Suppl.] S7 (1999).
[Auxin and cytokinins in plant development. Praha (CZ), 99.07.26-99.07.30]
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

070224 - UMBR-M 20000078 JP eng A
Gális, I. - Wabiko, H.
The accumulation of phenylpropanoid compounds controls response to exogenously applied cytokinins in Agrobacterium tumefaciens 6b gene transgenic tobacco seedlings.
In: Book of abstracts of the 12th Naito conference on bioactive natural products and their mode of action. - Kanagawa, The Naito foundation 1999. - S. 89.
[Naito conference on bioactive natural products and their mode of action /12./. Kanagawa (JP), 99.10.20-99.10.23]

062068 - MBU-M 990525 US eng J
Kaftan, D. - Mészáros, T. - Whitmarsh, J. - Nedbal, L.
Characterization of photosystem II activity and heterogeneity during the cell cycle of the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda.
Plant Physiology, 120, 433-441 (1999).
Grant: European Commission(BE) INCO-COPERNICUS IC15CT96-0105
[Impact factor:2.888(91) 2.925(92) 2.847(93) 3.542(94) 3.825(95) 3.696(96) 4.311(97) 4.521(98) 4.434(99) 4.831(00) 5.105(01) 5,800(02) 5.634(03) ]

069085 - MBU-M 20000502 RIV CZ eng J
Koblížek, M. - Ciscato, M. - Komenda, J. - Kopecký, J. - Šiffel, P. - Masojídek, J.
Photoadaptation in the green alga Spongiochloris sp. A three-fluorometer study.
Photosynthetica, 37 [2] 307-323 (1999).
[Regional Photosynthesis Workshop /2./. Lipno (CZ), 99.01.31-99.02.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/1222; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/0418; GA ČR(CZ) GA206/97/0325; NATO(EC) LG970388; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 138
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

061329 - UMBR-M 990020 RIV NL eng J
Kocábek, T. - Rakouský, S. - Ondřej, M. - Relichová, J. - Řepková, J.
Identification and mapping of T-DNA induced flower mutation in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Biologia plantarum, 42, 349-359 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0154
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

061335 - UMBR-M 990026 SIGLE SK eng A
Kocábek, T. - Rakouský, S. - Řepková, J. - Relichová, J.
Identification and mapping of T-DNA tagged flower mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana revealed the SUPERMAN epigenetic allele.
In: Book of abstracts from 3rd international symposium Recent advances in plant biotechnology:From cells to crop. - Nitra, IPGB SAS 1999. - S. 105-106.
[Recent advances in plant biotechnology : From cells to crops. International Symposium /3./. Stará Lesná (SK), 99.09.04-99.09.10]

066482 - UMBR-M 990058 RIV SK eng J
Kocábek, T. - Rakouský, S. - Řepková, J. - Relichová, J.
Identification and mapping of the T-DNA tagged flower mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana revealed the SUPERMAN epigenetic allele.
Biologia, 54 [Suppl. 7] 43 (1999).

059511 - UMBR-M 990002 RIV CZ cze J
Kubelková, D. - Špak, J.
Virové choroby máku setého (Papaver somniferum L.) a některých dalších druhů čeledi Papaveraceae.
Plant protection science, 35, 33-36 (1999).

061344 - UMBR-M 990035 RIV US eng M
Macas, J. - Nouzová, M. - Galbraith, D. W.
Adapting the Biomek (R) 2000 laboratory automation workstation for printing DNA microarrays.
In: Expression genetics: Accelerated and high-throughput methods. - (Ed. McClelland, M.; Pardee, A.). - Natick, BioTechniques Books 1999. - S. 13-19.

061336 - UMBR-M 990027 SIGLE SK eng A
Matoušek, J.
Antisense RNAs-based on DNA-dependent polymerase III expression vehicles.
In: Book of abstracts from 3rd international symposium Recent advances in plant biotechnology:From cells to crop. - Nitra, IPGB SAS 1999. - S. 144.
[Recent advances in plant biotechnology : From cells to crops. International Symposium /3./. Stará Lesná (SK), 99.09.04-99.09.10]

066483 - UMBR-M 990059 RIV SK eng J
Matoušek, J.
Antisense RNAs-based on DNA-dependent polymerase III expression vehicles.
Biologia, 54 [Suppl. 7] 58-59 (1999).

061330 - UMBR-M 990021 RIV NL eng J
Matoušek, J. - Junker, V. - Vrba, L. - Schubert, J. - Patzak, J. - Steger, G.
Molecular characterization and genome organization of 7SL RNA genes from hop (Humulus lupulus L.).
Gene, 239, 173-183 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA503/95/1583; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/99/1591
[Impact factor:3.064(91) 2.569(92) 2.407(93) 2.305(94) 2.160(95) 1.931(96) 1.838(97) 2.007(98) 2.258(99) 2.461(00) 3.041(01) 2,778(02) 2.754(03) ]

061337 - UMBR-M 990028 SIGLE SK eng A
Matoušek, J. - Vrba, L. - Patzak, J. - Schubert, J. - Steger, G.
Some aspects of genome organization of 7SL RNA genes from hop (Humulus lupulus L.).
In: Book of abstracts from 3rd international symposium Recent advances in plant biotechnology:From cells to crop. - Nitra, IPGB SAS 1999. - S. 137.
[Recent advances in plant biotechnology : From cells to crops. International Symposium /3./. Stará Lesná (SK), 99.09.04-99.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA503/95/1583; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/99/1591

061345 - UMBR-M 990036 RIV SIGLE DE eng C
Matoušek, J. - Vrba, L. - Patzak, J. - Orctová, L. - Steger, G.
Structure and modification of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) 7SL RNA genes.
In: International hop grovers convention I.H.G.C. Proceedings of the scientific commission I.H.G.C. of the 15th International hop congress. - (Ed. Seigner, E.). - Hull, BLBP 1999. - S. 66-74.
[International hop congress /15./. Pulawy (PL), 99.07.27-99.07.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/99/1591; GA MZe(CZ) EP7254

066484 - UMBR-M 990060 RIV SK eng J
Matoušek, J. - Vrba, L. - Patzak, J. - Schubert, J. - Steger, G.
Some aspects of genome organization of 7SL RNA genes from hop (Humulus lupulus L.).
Biologia, 54, 55 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA503/95/1583; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/99/1591

061331 - UMBR-M 990022 RIV DE eng J
Mráz, I. - Pánková, I. - Petrzik, K. - Šíp, M.
Erwinia and Pseudomoas bacteria can be reliably screened by an improved serological agglutination test.
Journal of phytopathology, 147, 429-431 (1999).
[Impact factor:0.484(92) 0.475(93) 0.348(94) 0.496(95) 0.444(96) 0.516(97) 0.476(98) 0.434(99) 0.442(00) 0.723(01) 0,567(02) 0.557(03) ]

059512 - UMBR-M 990003 RIV DB eng J
Mráz, I. - Petrzik, K. - Chvalová, D. - Šíp, M. - Fránová, J.
Experiences with testing of strawberry vein banding virus in strawberries by PCR and dot blot hybridization.
Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, 106, 231-236 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/0854
[Impact factor:0.594(91) 0.467(92) 0.541(93) 0.474(94) 0.564(95) 0.740(96) 0.514(97) 0.557(98) 0.618(99) 1.207(00) ]

061347 - UMBR-M 990038 RIV SIGLE CZ eng M
Navrátil, M. - Fialová, R. - Válová, P. - Šimková, M. - Fránová, J. - Nebesářová, J.
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.): a phytoplasma host in the Czech Republic.
In: Eucarpia leafy vegetables 1999. - (Ed. Lebeda, A.; Křístková, E.). - Olomouc, Palacký University 1999. - S. 165-169.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/98/0792; GA AV ČR(CZ) IPP2020702

059513 - UMBR-M 990004 RIV GB eng J
Nouzová, M. - Kubaláková, M. - Doleželová, M. - Koblížková, A. - Neumann, P. - Doležel, J. - Macas, J.
Cloning and characterization of new repetitive sequences in field bean (Vicia faba L.).
Anals of botany, 83, 535-541 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/K117
[Impact factor:1.069(92) 1.041(93) 1.066(94) 1.127(95) 1.045(96) 1.301(97) 1.384(98) 1.326(99) 1.274(00) 1.352(01) 1,476(02) 1.370(03) ]

059514 - UMBR-M 990005 RIV CZ cze J
Ondřej, M.
Perspektivy transgenních odrůd zahradních rostlin.
Zahradnictví, 26, 27-30 (1999).

059515 - UMBR-M 990006 CZ cze J
Ondřej, M.
Transgenní rostliny v ČR.
Úroda, 47, 10 (1999).

061348 - UMBR-M 990039 CZ cze N
Ondřej, M.
Motýli a transgenní kukuřice.
Vesmír, 78, 486 (99.00.00).

061349 - UMBR-M 990040 CZ cze J
Ondřej, M.
Perspektivy transgenních rostlin.
Chmelařství, - [6-7] 89-90 (1999).

061350 - UMBR-M 990041 CZ eng K
Ondřej, M.
Plant gene engineering.
In: Cells. 15th biological days. - (Ed. Berger, J.). - České Budějovice, Nakladatelství Kopp 1999. - S. 13-14.
[Biological days /15./. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.09.06-99.09.08]

061351 - UMBR-M 990042 CZ cze N
Ondřej, M.
Transgení rostliny a lektiny.
Akademický bulletin, [9] 7 (99.07.21).

070195 - UMBR-M 20000047 CZ cze N
Ondřej, M.
Transgenní rostliny pro lidské zdraví.
Vesmír, 78, 657 (00.00.00).

070198 - UMBR-M 20000050 CZ cze N
Ondřej, M.
Transgenní rostliny.
Zpravodaj Čs.biologické společnosti, 2, 14-15 (00.00.00).

070201 - UMBR-M 20000053 RIV CZ cze J
Ondřej, M.
Úvod do problematiky transgenoze rostlin.
Czech journal of genetics and plant breeding, 35, 95-108 (1999).

070200 - UMBR-M 20000052 CZ cze B
Ondřej, M. - Drobník, J. - Gartland, K. M. A. - Gartland, J. S.
Genové inženýrství rostlin. Praha, VŠCHT 1999. - 122 s.

059516 - UMBR-M 990007 RIV NL eng J
Ondřej, M. - Kocábek, T. - Rakouský, S. - Wiesnerová, D.
Segregation of T-DNA inserts in the offspring of Arabidopsis thaliana after Agrobacterium transformation.
Biologia plantarum, 42, 185-195 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0154; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2052601
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

059517 - UMBR-M 990008 CZ cze N
Ondřej, M. - Rakouský, S. - Kocábek, T.
Význam projektu studia genomu Arabidopsis thaliana.
Vesmír, 78, 256-259 (99.00.00).

059518 - UMBR-M 990009 RIV CZ cze J
Oriniaková, O. - Pavingerová, D. - Matoušek, J.
Metodické aspekty genetické transformace chmele (Humulus luulus L.).
Rostlinná výroba, 45, 219-227 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA503/95/1583
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.003(92) 0.000(93) 0.012(94) 0.008(95) 0.170(96) 0.214(97) 0.168(98) 0.192(99) 0.256(00) 0.237(01) 0,333(02) 0.276(03) ]

061346 - UMBR-M 990037 RIV SIGLE DE eng C
Patzak, J. - Matoušek, J.
The elimination of hop latent viroid (HLVd) infection by meristem in vitro culture of hop (Humulus lupulus L.).
In: International hop grovers convention I.H.G.C. Proceedings of the scientific commission I.H.G.C. of the 15th International hop congress. - (Ed. Seigner, E.). - Hull, BLBP 1999. - S. 124-129.
[International hop congress /15./. Pulawy (PL), 99.07.27-99.07.30]
Grant: GA MZe(CZ) EP0960996299

059519 - UMBR-M 990010 RIV CZ eng J
Patzak, J. - Oriniaková, P. - Matoušek, J. - Svoboda, P.
Czech hop characterization using RAPD method and genetic distance analysis of selected genotypes.
Rostlinná výroba, 45, 165-172 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA503/95/1583; GA MZe(CZ) EP7254
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.003(92) 0.000(93) 0.012(94) 0.008(95) 0.170(96) 0.214(97) 0.168(98) 0.192(99) 0.256(00) 0.237(01) 0,333(02) 0.276(03) ]

061338 - UMBR-M 990029 SIGLE SK eng A
Pavingerová, D.
Somatic embryogenesis in the hop (Humulus lupulus L.) as a source of nonchimeric transgenic plants.
In: Book of abstracts from 3rd international symposium Recent advances in plant biotechnology:From cells to crop. - Nitra, IPGB SAS 1999. - S. 130.
[Recent advances in plant biotechnology : From cells to crops. International Symposium /3./. Stará Lesná (SK), 99.09.04-99.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/99/1591

066485 - UMBR-M 990061 RIV SK eng J
Pavingerová, D.
Somatic embryogenesis in the hop (Humulus lupulus L.) as a source of nonchimeric transgenic plants.
Biologia, 54, 52 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/99/1591

061352 - UMBR-M 990043 RIV NL eng J
Pavingerová, D. - Šedivá, J.
The possibility of micropropagation and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Kalmia latifolia.
Biologia plantarum, 42, 441-444 (1999).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

061353 - UMBR-M 990044 CZ cze K
Petrzik, K.
Navozování rezistence rostlin proti virům.
In: Nové poznatky o vztahu hostitel-patogen. - Praha, Česká fytopatologická společnost 1999. - S. 10-16.
[Nové poznatky o vztahu hostitel-patogen. Praha (CZ), 99.11.04]

070209 - UMBR-M 20000061 RIV CZ cze J
Rakouský, S. - Tejklová, E.
Metody a výsledky transgenoze lnu.
Czech journal of genetics and plant breeding, 35, 125-129 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/97/1135

061339 - UMBR-M 990030 SIGLE SK eng A
Rakouský, S. - Tejklová, E. - Wiesner, I. - Wiesnerová, D. - Kocábek, T. - Ondřej, M.
Looking up for a new sources of genetic variability in flax using plant biotechnology methods.
In: Book of abstracts from 3rd international symposium Recent advances in plant biotechnology:From cells to crop. - Nitra, IPGB SAS 1999. - S. 90-91.
[Recent advances in plant biotechnology : From cells to crops. International Symposium /3./. Stará Lesná (SK), 99.09.04-99.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/97/1135

061343 - UMBR-M 990034 RIV NL eng J
Rakouský, S. - Tejklová, E. - Wiesner, I. - Wiesnerová, D. - Kocábek, T. - Ondřej, M.
Hygromycin B - an alternative in flax transformant selection.
Biologia plantarum, 42, 361-369 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/97/1135
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

066486 - UMBR-M 990062 RIV SK eng J
Rakouský, S. - Tejklová, E. - Wiesner, I. - Wiesnerová, D. - Kocábek, T. - Ondřej, M.
Looking up for new sources of genetic variability in flax using plant biotechnology methods.
Biologia, 54 [Suppl. 7] 36-37 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/97/1135

066950 - UMBR-M 990068 RIV NL eng J
Roháček, K. - Barták, M.
Technique of the modulated chlorophyll fluorescence: basic concepts, useful parameters, and some applications.
Photosynthetica, 37, 339-363 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2038602
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

061354 - UMBR-M 990045 SIGLE HU eng C
Šantrůček, J. - Nebesářová, J. - Šimková, M. - Roháček, K.
Plant leaf surface observed in low-vacuum SEM.
In: Proceedings of the 4th multinational congress on electron microscopy. - Veszprém, University of Veszprém 1999. - S. 139-140.
[Multinational congress on electron microscopy.. Veszprém (HU), 99.09.05-99.09.08]

065403 - UPB-H 990070 RIV NL eng J
Šantrůčková, H. - Šantrůček, J. - Květoň, J. - Šimková, M. - Elhottová, D. - Roháček, K.
Carbon balance of a winter wheat - root microbiota system under elevated CO2.
Photosyntetica, 36, 341-354 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/1083; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/0693; Commission EC(XE) EV5V 92-0169
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

066488 - UMBR-M 990065 RIV NL eng J
Šiffel, P. - Braunová, Z.
Release and aggregation of the light-harvesting complex in intact leaves subjected to strong CO2 deficit.
Photosynthesis research, 61, 217-226 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/97/0325; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96085
[Impact factor:2.469(91) 3.017(92) 2.664(93) 2.903(94) 2.964(95) 2.947(96) 1.948(97) 1.689(98) 1.714(99) 1.633(00) 1.739(01) 1,567(02) 2.239(03) ]

061342 - UMBR-M 990033 RIV SK eng J
Špak, J. - Kubelková, D.
Identification of raspberry bushy dwarf virus strains occuring in the Czech Republic.
Acta virologica, 43, 335-336 (1999).
Grant: GA MZe(CZ) EP0960006062
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

070216 - UMBR-M 20000069 ES eng A
Špak, J. - Kubelková, D.
Epidemiology of Raspberry bushy dwarf virus in raspberry and blackberry in Czech Republic.
In: Abstracts of the 7th international plant virus epidemiology symposium. - Aquadulce, Universidad de Almeira 1999. - S. 125.
[International plant virus epidemiology symposium /7./. Aquadulce ( ES), 99.04.11-99.04.16]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC 823.10; GA MZe(CZ) EP0960006062

069090 - MBU-M 20000507 RIV CZ eng J
Štys, D. - Šiffel, P. - Hunalová, I. - Nebesářová, J.
The relation between changes in non-photochemical quenching, low temperature fluorescence emission, and membrane ultrastructure upon binding of polyionic compounds and fragments of light-harvesting complex 2.
Photosynthetica, 37 [2] 325-334 (1999).
[Regional Photosynthesis Workshop /2./. Lipno (CZ), 99.01.31-99.02.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/97/0325; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96085
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

059523 - UMBR-M 990014 RIV DB eng J
Vaz Patto, M. C. - Torres, A. M. - Koblížková, A. - Macas, J. - Cubero, J. I.
Development of a genetic composite map of Vicia faba using F2 populaions derived from trisomic plants.
Theoretical and applied genetics, 98, 736-743 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117
[Impact factor:1.914(91) 2.095(92) 2.364(93) 2.536(94) 2.452(95) 2.313(96) 2.040(97) 2.224(98) 2.082(99) 2.358(00) 2.438(01) 2,264(02) 2.287(03) ]

061340 - UMBR-M 990031 SIGLE SK eng A
Vrba, L. - Matoušek, J.
Antisense RNA systems targeted against PSTVd.
In: Book of abstracts from 3rd international symposium Recent advances in plant biotechnology:From cells to crop. - Nitra, IPGB SAS 1999. - S. 145.
[Recent advances in plant biotechnology : From cells to crops. International Symposium /3./. Stará Lesná (SK), 99.09.04-99.09.10]

066487 - UMBR-M 990063 RIV SK eng J
Vrba, L. - Matoušek, J.
Antisense RNA systems targeted against PSTVd.
Biologia, 54 [Suppl. 7] 59 (1999).

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