NHÚ - Národohospodářský ústav


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

065593 - NHU-N 990083 CZ eng D
Bogacheva, E.
Essays on money demand, interest and exchange rates. Praha, CERGE-EI 1998. - 102 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:Z7 085 904

050133 - NHU-N 980119 RIV CZ cze J
Bohatá, M.
Teorie zájmových skupin - možnosti a limity.
Politická ekonomie, 46 [5] 733-740 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.327(99) 0.154(00) 0.141(01) 0.219(02) 0.235(03) ]

050174 - NHU-N 980160 RIV HU eng M
Bohatá, M.
Development of the SME sector in the Czech Republic.
In: The Hungarian SME sector development in comparative perspective. - (Ed. Csaba, L.). - Budapest, Kopint-Datorg 1998. - S. 145-168.

050178 - NHU-N 980164 RIV US eng J
Bohatá, M.
Czech Republic - macroeconomic situation of the Czechoslovak economy at the end of the 1980s.
Eastern European Economics, 36 [4] 75-87 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.103(99) 0.062(00) 0.098(01) 0.119(02) 0.293(03) ]

050179 - NHU-N 980165 RIV US eng J
Bohatá, M.
Czech Republic - Linde Technoplyn as.
Eastern European Economics, 36 [4] 88-96 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.103(99) 0.062(00) 0.098(01) 0.119(02) 0.293(03) ]

050898 - NHU-N 980010 RIV CZ cze J
Bohatá, M.
10. výročí konference EBEN v Praze.
Politická ekonomie, 46 [1] 128-129 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.327(99) 0.154(00) 0.141(01) 0.219(02) 0.235(03) ]

050899 - NHU-N 980011 RIV CZ eng J
Bohatá, M.
Some implications of voucher privatization for corporate governance.
Prague Economic Papers, 7 [1] 59-65 (1998).

050900 - NHU-N 980012 RIV CZ eng J
Bohatá, M.
The 10th annual EBEN conference.
Prague Economic Papers, 7 [1] 89-90 (1998).

112015 - NHU-N 20043043 RIV US eng J
Bohatá, M.
Pražské pivovary a.s.
Eastern European Economics, 36 [5] 5-25 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.103(99) 0.062(00) 0.098(01) 0.119(02) 0.293(03) ]

112016 - NHU-N 20043044 RIV US eng J
Bohatá, M.
Škoda Automobilová a.s.
Eastern European Economics, 36 [5] 26-43 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.103(99) 0.062(00) 0.098(01) 0.119(02) 0.293(03) ]

112017 - NHU-N 20043045 RIV US eng J
Bohatá, M.
Temac a.s.
Eastern European Economics, 36 [5] 44-59 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.103(99) 0.062(00) 0.098(01) 0.119(02) 0.293(03) ]

089198 - NHU-N 20020169 CZ eng M
Bohatá, M. - Hanousek, J.
In: Czech Republic 1998: facing reality. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, CERGE UK 1998. - S. 39-53.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/1470

050173 - NHU-N 980159 RIV US eng J
Bohatá, M. - Loehr, A. - Weltzien-Hoivik, H.
EBEN goes East: letter from the Editors.
Journal of Business Ethics, 17 [9-10] 947-948 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.309(99) 0.955(00) 0.401(01) 0.720(02) 0.580(03) ]

112018 - NHU-N 20043046 SIGLE CZ eng I
Břeský, M.
The effect of the reservation price on revenue and efficiency in a multiple-unit auction. Praha, Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - 47 s.

050185 - NHU-N 980171 SIGLE CZ eng I
Campos, N.
Back to the future: the growth prospects of transition economies revisited. Praha, Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - 33 s. - (Discussion paper series. 13).

112019 - NHU-N 20043047 RIV BG eng C
Campos, N.
Institutions and economic growth in transition economies.
In: Economies in transition and the variety of capitalisms: features, changes and convergence. - Varna, European Association for Comparative Economic Studies 1998. - S. 103-103.
[European Association for Comparative Economic Studies Conference /5./. Sunny Day, Varna (BG), 98.09.10-98.09.12 (WRD)]

089193 - NHU-N 20020164 CL eng J
Campos, N. - Nugent, J.
Institutions and growth: can human capital be a link?
CEPAL Review, - [64] 7-27 (1998).

050151 - NHU-N 980137 RIV CZ eng J
Campos, N. - Nugent, J. B.
Economic growth and socio-political instability: in search of a causal relationship.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [126] 1-26 (1998).

050152 - NHU-N 980138 RIV CZ eng J
Campos, N. - Nugent, J. B.
Investment and instability.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [128] 1-17 (1998).

050193 - NHU-N 980179 RIV CZ eng J
Cukrowski, J. - Čábelka, Š.
R&D in duopoly with spillovers: Evolution and aspiration learning.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [140] 1-37 (1998).

089197 - NHU-N 20020168 CZ eng M
Čábelka, Š. - Kočenda, E. - Münich, D.
In: Czech Republic 1998: facing reality. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, CERGE UK 1998. - S. 27-38.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/1470

079727 - NHU-N 20010001 US eng V
Datt, G. - Jolliffe, D. - Sharma, M.
A profile of poverty in Egypt: 1997. Washington, D.C., International Food Policy Research Institute 1998. - 102 s. - (FCND discussion paper. 49).

079767 - NHU-N 20010040 DE eng J
Erbenová, M. - Šorm, V. - Terrell, K.
Work incentives and other effects of social assistance and unemployment benefit policy in the Czech Republic.
Empirical Economics, 23 [1/2] 87-120 (1998).

112040 - NHU-N 20043068 RIV US eng M
Estrin, S. - Švejnar, J.
The effects of output, ownership, and legal form on employment and wages in Central European firms.
In: Enterprise restructuring and unemployment in models of transition. - (Ed. Commander, S.). - Washington, D.C., The World Bank 1998. - S. 31-56.

050194 - NHU-N 980180 SIGLE CZ eng V
Filer, R. K. - Hanousek, J.
Output changes and inflationary bias transition. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 8 s. - (Discussion paper series. 14/98).

112020 - NHU-N 20043048 RIV GB eng M
Gillman, M.
A macroeconomic analysis of economies in transition.
In: Handbook on the globalization of the world economy. - (Ed. Levy-Livermore, A.). - Cheltenham, Edward Elgar 1998. - S. 386-410.

050188 - NHU-N 980174 RIV CZ eng C
Hajman, D.
Demand forecasting, informational asymmetry and barriers to entry.
In: The economic, social an political problems of European integration. - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 101-124. - (Discussion paper series. 9/98).
[The economic, social and political problems of European integration: 2nd international Ph.D. student workshop.. Praha (CZ), 98.05.14-98.05.16]

050168 - NHU-N 980154 RIV US eng J
Ham, J. C. - Švejnar, J. - Terrell, K.
Unemployment and the social safety net during transitions to a market economy: evidence from the Czech and Slovak Republics.
American Economic Review, 88 [5] 1117-1142 (1998).
[Impact factor: 1.770(99) 1.795(00) 2.087(01) 2.052(02) 1.938(03) ]

112021 - NHU-N 20043049 RIV US eng V
Ham, J. C. - Švejnar, J. - Terrell, K.
Unemployment and the social safety net during transitions to a market economy: evidence from Czech and Slovak Republics. Ann Arbor, The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School 1998. - 26 s.

112022 - NHU-N 20043050 RIV CZ eng J
Ham, J. - Terrell, K. - Švejnar, J.
Unemployment and the social safety net during transition to a market economy: evidence from Czech and Slovak Republics.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [118] 1-43 (1998).

050146 - NHU-N 980132 RIV CZ eng M
Hanousek, J.
Foreign trade.
In: Czech Republic 1997: the year of crises. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 40-42.

050199 - NHU-N 980186 RIV CZ eng C
Hanousek, J.
Specification tests of (binary) choice models: a non-parametric approach.
In: Prague stochastics '98. - (Ed. Hušková, M.; Lachout, P.; Víšek, J.A.). - Praha, Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists 1998. - S. 213-216.
[Prague symposium on asymptotic statistics /6./. Prague conference on information theory, statistical decision functions and random processes /13./. Praha (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]

050907 - NHU-N 980020 SIGLE CZ eng V
Hanousek, J.
Testing of (non-nested) choice models via accuracy of prediction: a non-parametric approach. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 7 s. - (Discussion paper series. 3/98).

050910 - NHU-N 980023 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Hanousek, J.
Bank failure prediction models in transition economy: the lessons from the Czech Republic.
In: Special issue: banking in transition: a collection of papers presented at the ACE programme workshop for ACE grant No. P95-2063-R. - (Ed. Hanousek, J.). - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 91-95. - (Discussion paper series. 4/98).
[The banking sector in transition.. Praha (CZ), 98.01.08-98.01.09]
Grant: ACE(XE) P95-2063-R

112023 - NHU-N 20043051 RIV SIGLE CZ eng V
Hanousek, J.
Special issue: banking sector in transition. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 143 s.

112024 - NHU-N 20043052 SIGLE CZ eng I
Hanousek, J.
Detecting bank failures in transitional economies: a first assessment of the Czech case. Praha, Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - 21 s.

050909 - NHU-N 980022 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Hanousek, J. - Filer, R.
Efficiency of price setting based on a simple excess demand rule: the natural experiment of Czech voucher privatization.
In: Special issue: banking in transition: a collection of papers presented at the ACE programme workshop for ACE grant No. P95-2063-R. - (Ed. Hanousek, J.). - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 1-34. - (Discussion paper series. 4/98).
[The banking sector in transition.. Praha (CZ), 98.01.08-98.01.09]
Grant: ACE(XE) P95-2063-R

050197 - NHU-N 980184 RIV BG eng M
Hanousek, J. - Kočenda, E.
The impact of Czech mass privatisation on corporate governance.
In: Mass privatisation schemes in Central and East European countries: implications on corporate governance. - (Ed. Tchipev, P. D.; Backhaus, J. G.; Stephen, F. H.). - Sofia, GorexPress 1998. - S. 117-134.

050896 - NHU-N 980008 RIV CZ cze J
Hanousek, J. - Kočenda, E.
Monetární vazby na českém mezibankovním trhu.
Finance a úvěr, 48 [2] 99-109 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.281(00) 0.231(01) 0.222(02) 0.112(03) ]

050908 - NHU-N 980021 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Hanousek, J. - Kočenda, E.
Czech money market: emerging links among interest rates.
In: Special issue: banking in transition: a collection of papers presented at the ACE programme workshop for ACE GRANT No. P95-2063-R. - (Ed. Hanousek, J.). - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 1-12. - (Discussion paper series. 4-98).
[The banking sector in transition.. Praha (CZ), 98.01.08-98.01.09]
Grant: ACE(XE) P95-2063-R

050145 - NHU-N 980131 RIV CZ eng M
Hanousek, J. - Kočenda, E. - Lízal, L. - Němeček, L.
In: Czech Republic 1997: the year of crises. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 30-39.

050163 - NHU-N 980149 RIV GB eng J
Hanousek, J. - Kroch, E.
The two waves of voucher privatisation of the Czech Republic: a model of learning in sequential bidding. S. 133-143.
Applied Economics, 30 [1] 133-144 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.235(99) 0.213(00) 0.170(01) 0.213(02) 0.200(03) ]

089199 - NHU-N 20020170 CZ eng M
Hanousek, J. - Lízal, L.
Foreign trade.
In: Czech Republic 1998: facing reality. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, CERGE UK 1998. - S. 54-56.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/1470

089201 - NHU-N 20020172 CZ eng M
Hanousek, J. - Lízal, L. - Tošovská, E.
In: Czech Republic 1998: facing reality. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, CERGE UK 1998. - S. 67-71.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/1470

050148 - NHU-N 980134 RIV CZ eng M
Hanousek, J. - Münich, D.
Labor market.
In: Czech Republic 1997: the year of crises. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 51-53.

050160 - NHU-N 980146 RIV CZ eng J
Hanousek, J. - Němeček, L.
Mispricing and lasting arbitrage between parallel markets in the Czech Republic.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [136] 1-33 (1998).

098886 - NHU-N 20030012 GB eng M
Hitchens, D. W. N. - Wagner, K. - Birnie, J. E. - Hamar, J. - Zemplinerová, A.
Company competitiveness: a comparative matched plant study of three Eastern Europe countries.
In: The microeconomics of transformation and growth. - (Ed. Brezinski, H.; Franck, E.; Fritsch, M.). - Cheltenham, Edward Elgar 1998. - S. 141-162.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z7085904

079739 - NHU-N 20010013 CZ cze J
Hlušek, M.
Termínové korunové obchody - empirická studie.
Finance a úvěr, 48 [8] 513-522 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.281(00) 0.231(01) 0.222(02) 0.112(03) ]

089203 - NHU-N 20020174 CZ cze J
Hlušek, M.
Termínované korunové obchody - empirická studie.
Finance a úvěr, 48 [8] 513-522 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.281(00) 0.231(01) 0.222(02) 0.112(03) ]

050135 - NHU-N 980121 RIV CZ cze B
Janda, K.
České zemědělství a Evropská Unie. Praha, Institut výchovy a vzdělávání Ministerstva zemědělství ČR v Praze 1998. - 32 s.

050897 - NHU-N 980009 RIV CZ cze J
Janda, K. - Vološin, J.
Poptávka po dovozu potravin z rozvojových a transformujících se zemí.
Politická ekonomie, 46 [1] 43-56 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.327(99) 0.154(00) 0.141(01) 0.219(02) 0.235(03) ]

050189 - NHU-N 980175 RIV CZ eng C
Jarolím, M.
Strategic investment, trade policy and spillovers in the model of East-West trade.
In: The economic, social and political problems of European integration. - Praha, Center for the Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 125-145. - (Discussion paper series. 9/98).
[The economic, social and political problems of European integration: 2nd international Ph.D. student workshop.. Praha (CZ), 98.05.14-98.05.16]

050155 - NHU-N 980141 RIV CZ eng J
Jeong, B.
How important is uncertainty in accounting for differences in investment and output across countries?
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [131] 1-57 (1998).

050158 - NHU-N 980144 RIV CZ eng J
Jeong, B.
Measurement of human capital input across countries: new method and results.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [134] 1-22 (1998).

050172 - NHU-N 980158 RIV US eng J
Jolliffe, D.
Skills, schooling, and household income in Ghana.
World Bank Economic Review, 12 [1] 81-104 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.927(99) 0.643(00) 1.022(01) 1.270(03) ]

050154 - NHU-N 980140 RIV CZ eng J
Jurajda, Š.
Inflow into unemployment: employment spells and unemployment insurance.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [130] 1-39 (1998).

050162 - NHU-N 980148 CZ cze K
Jurajda, Š.
Měření vlivu minimální mzdy a hospodářské politiky na trhu práce.
In: Minimální mzda: co říka teorie a empirie. - Praha, Česká společnost ekonomická 1998. - S. 3-16. - (Ekonomické teorie a česká ekonomika. 6).
[Minimální mzda: co říka teorie a empirie. Praha (CZ), 98.12.10]

089200 - NHU-N 20020171 CZ eng M
Jurajda, Š. - Münich, D.
Work and pay.
In: Czech Republic 1998: facing reality. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, CERGE UK 1998. - S. 57-66.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/1470

050153 - NHU-N 980139 RIV CZ eng J
Jurajda, Š. - Tannery, F. J.
Unemployment durations and extended unemployment benefits in local labor markets.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [129] 1-35 (1998).

112025 - NHU-N 20043053 RIV BE eng V
Kállai, E. - Traistaru, I.
Characteristics and trends of regional labour markets in transition economies: empirical evidence from Romania. Leuven, Leuven Institute for Central and East European Studies, Catholic University Leuven 1998. - 31 s.

050190 - NHU-N 980176 RIV CZ eng C
Kálovec, M.
Persistence and efficiency of inter-firm trust-based relationships.
In: The economic, social and political problems of European integration. - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 147-162. - (Discussion paper series. 9/98).
[The economic, social and political problems of European integration: 2nd international Ph.D. student workshop.. Praha (CZ), 98.05.14-98.05.16]

050129 - NHU-N 980115 RIV CZ cze J
Kejak, M.
Endogenní růstové modely.
Finance a úvěr, 48 [7] 445-465 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.281(00) 0.231(01) 0.222(02) 0.112(03) ]

050165 - NHU-N 980151 RIV CZ eng J
Kejak, M.
Stages of growth in economic development.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [138] 1-35 (1998).

050159 - NHU-N 980145 RIV CZ eng J
Kinoshita, Y.
Firm size and determinants of foreign direct investment.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [135] 1-24 (1998).

050192 - NHU-N 980178 RIV CZ eng J
Kinoshita, Y.
Technology spillovers through foreign direct investment.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [139] 1-37 (1998).

050131 - NHU-N 980117 RIV CZ cze J
Kočenda, E.
Nesoulad mezi režimem měnového kurzu a monetární politikou.
Politická ekonomie, 46 [6] 661-666 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.327(99) 0.154(00) 0.141(01) 0.219(02) 0.235(03) ]

050134 - NHU-N 980120 RIV CZ eng B
Kočenda, E.
Exchange rate in transition. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 93 s.

050171 - NHU-N 980157 RIV GB eng J
Kočenda, E.
Altered band and exchange volatility.
Economics of Transition, 6 [1] 173-181 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.551(99) 0.418(00) 0.719(01) 0.897(02) 0.367(03) ]

050183 - NHU-N 980169 RIV GB cze J
Kočenda, E.
Před a po české finanční krizi roku 1997: směnné kurzy a úrokové míry.
Evropa - iniciativa pro hospodářskou politiku, - [6] 5-6 (1998).

050186 - NHU-N 980172 SIGLE CZ eng I
Kočenda, E.
Convergence of macroeconomic fundamentals in transition countries. Praha, Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - 11 s. - (Discussion paper series. 12).

050895 - NHU-N 980007 RIV CZ eng J
Kočenda, E.
Disparities of exchange rates in CEE countries.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [124] 1-30 (1998).

112026 - NHU-N 20043054 RIV US eng V
Kočenda, E.
Accession and real exchange movements: a comparison. Ann Arbor, The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School 1998. - 16 s.

112027 - NHU-N 20043055 RIV SIGLE CZ eng V
Kočenda, E. - Čábelka, Š.
Liberalization in the energy sector: transition and growth. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 13 s.

050198 - NHU-N 980185 RIV KR eng J
Kočenda, E. - Hanousek, J.
Integration of emerging equity markets: major Asian players.
Korean Economic Review, 14 [1] 99-113 (1998).

050144 - NHU-N 980130 RIV CZ eng M
Kočenda, E. - Lízal, L.
In: Czech Republic 1997: the year of crises. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 20-29.

050187 - NHU-N 980173 SIGLE CZ eng V
Krejčí, H. - Soukeník, K.
Are decisions of Czech voters based on ideological positions of political parties? Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 18 s. - (Discussion paper series. 15/98).
Grant: GA UK(CZ) 343/98/A-EK

089204 - NHU-N 20020175 AT eng V
Levínský, R. - Silárszky, P.
Voting power and coalition formation: the case of the Council of the EU. Vienna, Institute for Advanced Studies 1998. - 20 s.

112028 - NHU-N 20043056 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Levínský, R. - Silárszky, P.
Distribution of power in the Council of the EU - the consequences of entry of CEEC.
In: The economic, social and political problems of European integration. - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 163-183.
[International Ph.D. Student Workshop /2./. Praha (CZ), 98.05.14-98.05.16 (EUR)]

112029 - NHU-N 20043057 RIV SIGLE DE eng V
Levínský, R. - Silárszky, P.
Global monotonicity of values of cooperative games - an argument supporting the explanatory power of Shapley\'s approach. Freiburg, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 1998. - 18 s.

050149 - NHU-N 980135 RIV CZ eng M
Lízal, L.
In: Czech Republic 1997: the year of crises. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 54-55.

050161 - NHU-N 980147 RIV CZ eng J
Lízal, L.
Depreciation rates in a transition economy: evidence from Czech panel data.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [137] 1-26 (1998).
Grant: ACE(XE) P95-2090-R

050176 - NHU-N 980162 CZ eng D
Lízal, L.
Essays on the microeconomics of transition in the Czech Republic: dissertation thesis. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 189 s.

112030 - NHU-N 20043058 SIGLE CZ eng I
Lízal, L.
Depreciation rates in a transition economy: evidence from Czech panel data. Praha, Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - 24 s.

050147 - NHU-N 980133 RIV CZ eng M
Lízal, L. - Münich, D.
Public economy.
In: Czech Republic 1997: the year of crises. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 43-50.

050902 - NHU-N 980015 SIGLE CZ eng V
Lízal, L. - Singer, M. - Baghdasarian, A.
An estimation of Euler's equation of a profit maximising firm: the case of Czech Republic 1992-1995. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 20 s. - (Discussion paper series. 7/98).
Grant: ACE(XE) P95-2090R

050893 - NHU-N 980005 GB eng V
Lízal, L. - Švejnar, J.
Enterprise investment during the transition: evidence from Czech panel data. London, Centre for Economic Policy Research 1998. - 37 s. - (CEPR discussion paper series.; Transition economics. 1835).

112031 - NHU-N 20043059 RIV SIGLE PL rus V
Mogilevskij, R. - Cukrowski, J.
Ocenka stoimosti l´got, predostavljajemych nekotorym kategorijam graždan Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki. Warszawa, Centrum Analiz Spoleczno-Ekonomicznych (CASE) 1998. - 47 s.

050139 - NHU-N 980125 RIV CZ cze J
Münich, D.
Trh práce v Česku: pojednání o trhu práce v širších souvislostech lidského jednání.
Svobodné rozhledy: prostor pro liberálně -konzervativní diskusi, - [3] 14-23 (1998).

050175 - NHU-N 980161 CZ eng D
Münich, D.
Essays on unemployment in transitional economies: dissertation thesis. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 146 s.

112032 - NHU-N 20043060 RIV CZ cze J
Münich, D.
Minimální mzda nás asi nemine. Hezké gesto pro voliče, špatná zpráva pro zaměstnané.
Respekt, 9 [34] 6-6 (1998).

112033 - NHU-N 20043061 RIV CZ cze J
Münich, D.
Chudým brát a bohatým dávat. Vysokoškolské vzdělání bude u nás i nadále vzácné.
Respekt, 9 [20] 6-6 (1998).

112034 - NHU-N 20043062 RIV US eng V
Münich, D. - Švejnar, J. - Terrell, K.
The worker-firm matching in transition economies: (why) are the Czechs more successful than others? Ann Arbor, The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School 1998. - 38 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/95/0789

089206 - NHU-N 20020177 CZ eng V
Narwa, D.
Directional vs. proximity model of multidimensional voting behavior: an empirical evaluation. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 16 s.

112035 - NHU-N 20043063 RIV SIGLE CZ eng V
Narwa, D.
How general should the proximity model be? Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 25 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/1470

112036 - NHU-N 20043064 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Narwa, D.
Directional vs. proximity model of multidimensional voting behavior: an empirical evaluation.
In: The economic, social and political problems of European integration. - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 215-236.
[International Ph.D. Student Workshop /2./. Praha (CZ), 98.05.14-98.05.16 (EUR)]

050177 - NHU-N 980163 CZ eng D
Němeček, L.
Capital markets in the Czech Republic: birth and the first steps: dissertation thesis. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 225 s.

112037 - NHU-N 20043065 RIV US eng V
Prašnikar, J. - Švejnar, J.
Investment and wages during the transition: evidence from Slovene firms. Ann Arbor, The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School 1998. - 18 s.

112038 - NHU-N 20043066 RIV US eng V
Prašnikar, J. - Švejnar, J.
Investment, wages and ownership during the transition to a market economy: evidence from Slovenian firms. Ann Arbor, The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigin Business School 1998. - 32 s.

112039 - NHU-N 20043067 RIV CZ eng M
Silárszky, P.
Comparative tables.
In: Czech Republic 1997: the year of crises. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, CERGE UK 1998. - S. 56-58.

050184 - NHU-N 980170 US eng V
Šorm, V. - Terrell, K.
Labor market policies and unemployment in the Czech Republic. Ann Arbor, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School 1998. - 11 s. - (Davidson Institute working paper series. 216).

050195 - NHU-N 980181 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Taci, A.
The characteristics of bank lending behaviour in Czech commercial banks: firm ownership and partial state control.
In: Special issue: banking in transition. - (Ed. Hanousek, J.). - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 111-118. - (Discussion paper series. 4/98).
[The banking sector in transition.. Praha (CZ), 98.01.08-98.01.09]

050191 - NHU-N 980177 RIV CZ eng C
Taci, A. - Zampieri, E.
Efficiency in the Czech banking sector.
In: The economic, social and political problems of European integration. - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 309-334. - (Discussion paper series. 2/98).
[The economic, social and political problems of European integration: 2nd international Ph.D. student workshop.. Praha (CZ), 98.05.14-98.05.16]

050196 - NHU-N 980182 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Taci, A. - Zampieri, E.
Efficiency in the Czech banking sector.
In: Special issue: banking in transition. - (Ed. Hanousek, J.). - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 119-138. - (Discussion paper series. 4/98).
[The banking sector in transition. Praha (CZ), 98.01.08-98.01.09]

050906 - NHU-N 980019 SIGLE CZ eng V
Tegze, M.
Intertemporal comparison of welfare in the Czech Republic during the transition period. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 10 s. - (Discussion paper series. 2/98).
Grant: ACE(XE) 94-0617-R

050128 - NHU-N 980114 RIV CZ cze J
Tošovská, E.
Finanční zajištění právní odpovědnosti podnikatelských subjektů za ekologické škody.
Finance a úvěr, 48 [6] 345-356 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.281(00) 0.231(01) 0.222(02) 0.112(03) ]

050132 - NHU-N 980118 RIV CZ cze J
Tošovská, E.
Státní pomoc na ochranu životního prostředí versus pravidla Evropské unie o hospodářské soutěži.
Politická ekonomie, 46 [5] 675-686 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/0480
[Impact factor: 0.327(99) 0.154(00) 0.141(01) 0.219(02) 0.235(03) ]

050166 - NHU-N 980152 CZ cze V
Tošovská, E.
Přístup členských zemí EU k pojetí a rozsahu škod na životním prostředí a k jejich kvantifikaci. Praha, Centrum pro otázky životního prostředí Univerzity Karlovy 1998. - 64 s. - (Ekonomické nástroje pro trvale udržitelný rozvoj České republiky. 18).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/320/1/97

050167 - NHU-N 980153 CZ cze V
Tošovská, E.
Možnosti využití mimotržních oceňovacích technik v systému integrovaného environmentálního a ekonomického účetnictví. Praha, Ministerstvo životního prostředí 1998. - 27 s.
Grant: MŽP(CZ) PPŽP/320/4/98

050169 - NHU-N 980155 RIV CZ cze J
Tošovská, E.
Tlak legislativy Evropského společenství na redukci dusičnanů v podzemních a povrchových vodách (zkušenosti Španělska v komparaci s ostatními státy EU).
Zemědělská ekonomika, 44 [12] 551-556 (1998).

050170 - NHU-N 980156 RIV LT rus M
Tošovská, E.
Upravlenije i kontrol za kačestvom vody v Češskoj respublike.
In: Menedžment okružajuščej sredy na predprijatijach Srednej i Vostočnoj Evropy. - (Ed. Kreikebaum, H.). - Vilnius, Technika 1998. - S. 89-103. - (Technologičeskoje i ekonomičeskoje razvitihe chozjajstva. 16).

050180 - NHU-N 980166 RIV CZ eng M
Tošovská, E.
Distributive effects of environmental protection measures.
In: Economic aspects of environmental protection: the situation in the Czech Republic. - Praha, Karolinum 1998. - S. 24-29.

050181 - NHU-N 980167 RIV CZ eng M
Tošovská, E.
Non-market valuation methods and techniques.
In: Economic aspects of environmental protection: the situation in the Czech Republic. - Praha, Karolinum 1998. - S. 149-164.

050182 - NHU-N 980168 CZ cze K
Tošovská, E.
Odpovědnost za ekologické škody ve vazbě na Evropskou unii.
In: Sborník přednášek k environmentálnímu pojištění. - Praha, Česká asociace pojišťoven 1998. - S. 8-12.
[Environmentální pojištění: zahraniční zkušenosti, předpoklady a podmínky jeho zavedení v České republice.. Praha (CZ), 98.04.29]

050138 - NHU-N 980124 US eng V
Turnovec, F.
Privatization, ownership structure and transparency: how to measure a real involvement of the state. Ann Arbor, The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School 1998. - 16 s. - (The Davidson Institute working paper series. 170).
Grant: ACE(XE) P96-6252-R

050140 - NHU-N 980126 NL eng V
Turnovec, F.
Decision making games in the EU: Commission, Council and European Parliament. Enschede, Faculty of Public Administration and Public Policy, University of Twente 1998. - 30 s. - (NEMEU working papers. 98-3).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/1470

050142 - NHU-N 980128 RIV CZ eng M
Turnovec, F.
General information.
In: Czech Republic 1997: the year of crises. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 5-11.

050143 - NHU-N 980129 RIV CZ eng M
Turnovec, F.
Political development.
In: Czech Republic 1997: the year of crises. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - S. 12-17.

050164 - NHU-N 980150 RIV DE eng M
Turnovec, F.
Monotonicity of power indices.
In: Trends in multicriteria decision making. - (Ed. Stewart, J.; Honert, R. C. van den). - Berlin, Springer 1998. - S. 199-214. - ( Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems. 465).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/1470

050901 - NHU-N 980013 SIGLE CZ eng V
Turnovec, F.
Compound voting games: models of interactions among Commission, Council and European Parliament. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 30 s. - (Discussion paper series. 10/98).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/1470

050903 - NHU-N 980016 SIGLE CZ eng V
Turnovec, F.
New electoral history of the Czech Republic. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 49 s. - (Discussion paper series. 8/98).
Grant: ACE(XE) P96-6252-R

089195 - NHU-N 20020166 CZ eng M
Turnovec, F.
General information.
In: Czech Republic 1998: facing reality. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, CERGE UK 1998. - S. 5-15.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/1470

089196 - NHU-N 20020167 CZ eng M
Turnovec, F.
Political development.
In: Czech Republic 1998: facing reality. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, CERGE UK 1998. - S. 16-25.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/1470

089202 - NHU-N 20020173 CZ eng M
Turnovec, F.
Czech Republic and European Union.
In: Czech Republic 1998: facing reality. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, CERGE UK 1998. - S. 72-78.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/1470

089205 - NHU-N 20020176 CZ eng V
Turnovec, F.
Privatization, ownership structure and transparency: how to measure a real involvement of the state? Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 16 s.

112041 - NHU-N 20043069 RIV CZ eng B
Turnovec, F.
Czech Republic 1998: facing reality. Praha, CERGE UK 1998. - 87 s.

112042 - NHU-N 20043070 RIV CZ eng M
Turnovec, F.
Comparative statistics.
In: Czech Republic 1998: facing reality. - (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, CERGE UK 1998. - S. 79-81.

112043 - NHU-N 20043071 RIV CZ eng B
Turnovec, F.
Czech Republic 1997: the year of crises. (Ed. Turnovec, F.). - Praha, CERGE UK 1998. - 63 s.

050156 - NHU-N 980142 RIV CZ eng J
Vachadze, G.
A temporary equilibrium model of asset pricing.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [132] 1-29 (1998).

050157 - NHU-N 980143 RIV CZ eng J
Vachadze, G.
A short-horizon model of asset pricing: equilibrium analysis.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [133] 1-19 (1998).

065594 - NHU-N 990084 CZ eng D
Vachadze, G.
Asset pricing and portfolio allocation in stochastic economies with heterogeneous agents: speculative and fundamental valuation models. Praha, CERGE-EI 1998. - 76 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:Z7 085 904

050150 - NHU-N 980136 RIV GR eng M
Vavrejnová, M.
Accession to the EU, tariff protection and trade: the case of the Czech Republic.
In: Accession to the EU, tariff protection and trade: the case of Bulgaria, Hungary and the Czech Republic. - (Ed. Tsounis, N.). - Athens, Papazissis Publishers 1998. - S. 157-192.

050904 - NHU-N 980017 SIGLE CZ eng I
Vavrejnová, M.
The effects of tariff structure changes on conparative advantage after the accession of the Czech Republic to the EU. Praha, Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - 14 s. - (Discussion paper series. 10).
Grant: ACE(XE) 96-6170-R

050905 - NHU-N 980018 SIGLE CZ eng V
Vavrejnová, M. - Tegze, M.
Comparison of selected macroeconomic indicators for Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1998. - 22 s. - (Discussion paper series. 1/98).
Grant: ACE(XE) 94-0617-R

050911 - NHU-N 980024 PL eng V
Vinogradov, V. - Ruehl, C.
Social cohesion in economic development: employment and wages. Warsaw, Center for Social and Economic Research 1998. - 27 s. - ( CASE-CEU working papers series. 2).

050130 - NHU-N 980116 RIV CZ eng J
Zemplinerová, A.
Impact of foreign direct investment on the restructuring and growth in manufacturing.
Prague Economic Papers, 7 [4] 329-345 (1998).
Grant: ACE(XE) P96-6183; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA8104701

089194 - NHU-N 20020165 DB ger M
Zemplinerová, A.
Wettbewerb und Marktintegration.
In: Im Osten was Neues: Aspekte der EU-Osterweiterung. - (Ed. Wagener, H.; Fritz, H.). - Bonn, Dietz 1998. - S. 326-344.

050136 - NHU-N 980122 RIV HR eng J
Žigič, K.
Tariffs, spillovers and north-south trade. S. 21-46.
Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business, 1 [2] 21-4 (1998).

050137 - NHU-N 980123 RIV NL eng J
Žigič, K.
Intellectual property rights violations and spillovers in North-South trade.
European Economic Review, 42 [9] 1779-1799 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.980(99) 0.893(00) 0.926(01) 0.726(02) 1.021(03) ]

050141 - NHU-N 980127 GB eng V
Žigič, K.
Strategic trade policy: how important is the informational constraints?: the case of optimal tariff when technological innovations spill over to the foreign competitor. London, Centre for Economic Policy Research 1998. - 34 s. - (CEPR discussion paper series.; International trade. 1957).

050894 - NHU-N 980006 RIV CZ eng J
Žigič, K.
Strategic trade policy, spillovers, and uncertain mode of competition: Cournot versus Bertrand.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [123] 1-37 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK3028601

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