ÚEB - Ústav experimentální botaniky


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

026024 - UEB-Q 950059 ES eng A
Albrechtová, J. - Slavík, J. - Wagner, E.
Confocal pH - topography in the shoot apex of Chenopodium rumbrum in relation to different in photoperiods.
In: Abstracts - European Symposium on Photomorphogenesis in Plants. - Barcelona, Universite of Barcelona 1995. - S. 56.
[European Symposium on Photomorphogenesis in Plants. Barcelona (ES), 95.00.00]

026025 - UEB-Q 950060 NL eng C
Albrechtová, J. - Wagner, E.
The response of the target cells in the shoot apex of Chenopodium rubrum in relation to different in photoperiods.
In: Biological Rhytm Research - World Conferences on Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics. - Holandsko, Swets & Zeitlinger 1995. - S. 360.
[World Conferences on Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics. Ferrara (IT), 95.00.00]

037466 - UEB-Q 970178 TW eng C
Angelis, K. - Mannová, P. - Novák, P. - Velemínský, J.
Cloning and control of Rad expression in plants.
In: Czech - Taiwan Symposium on Biotechnology. - Taipei, 1995. - S. 53-56.
[Czech - Taiwan Symposium on Biotechnology. Praha (CZ), 95.06.05-95.06.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/1080; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5038505

037464 - UEB-Q 970176 FR eng A
Angelis, K. - Mannová, P. - Novák, P. - Velemínský, J.
Cloning and control fo Rad6 expression in plants.
In: Mechanisms of DNA Repair. - Giens, European Science Foundation 1995. - S. 1.
[European Research Conference on Mechanisms of DNA Repair. Giens ( FR), 95.09.22-95.09.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/1080; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5038505

026026 - UEB-Q 950061 US eng A
Auer, C. - Motyka, V. - Březinová, A. - Kamínek, M.
Changes in endogenous cytokinins and cytokinin oxidase activity during Petunia shoot organogenesis.
In: 15th International Conference of Plant Growth Substances. - Minneapolis, International Plant Growth Substances Association 1995. - S. 172.
[International Conference on Plant Growth Substances /15./. Minneapolis (US), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA501/93/0753GA204/93/0347

037465 - UEB-Q 970177 TW eng C
Babůrek, I. - Stibůrková, B. - Vrba, L. - Levy, A. - Angelis, K.
Tobacco cotyledons: A novel system for testing mutagenicity in plants.
In: Czech - Taiwan Symposium on Biotechnology. - Taipei, 1995. - S. 101-104.
[Czech - Taiwan Symposium on Biotechnology. Praha (CZ), 95.06.05-95.06.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/1080; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5038505

022841 - BFU-R 950102 SK sla A
Benková, E. - Vágner, M. - Brzobohatý, B.
Presmerovanie plastidovej beta-glukozidázy do vakuoly, alebo do extracelulárnej matrix a ich využitie v subcelulárnej lokalizácii cytokinínov.
In: Zborník abstraktov. - Nitra, Fyziologická sekcia Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti SAV 1995. - S. 88.
[Dni fyziológie rastlín /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.06.22-95.06.23]

054029 - UEB-Q 980367 HU eng A
Binarová, P. - Bogre, L. - Hirt, H. - Heberle-Bors, E.
Changes in subcellular localization of p34cdc2 during cell cycle progression in synchronized root meristem cells and suspension cultured cells.
In: Control of Cell Division Cycle in Higher Plants. - Szeged, - 1995. - S. 17.
[Control of Cell Division Cycle in Higher Plants. Szeged (HU), 95.10.05-95.10.07]

053924 - UEB-Q 980140 CZ eng C
Binarová, P. - Cenklová, V. - Pljusch, T. - Ohnoutková, L.
Microtubular cytoskeleton and nuclear DNA replication during induction and in early pollen embryogenesis of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and rape seed (Brassica napus).
In: The Czech - Korean Joint Seminar on Plant Biotechnology. - Praha, 1995. -
[The Czech - Korean Joint Seminar on Plant Biotechnology. Praha (CZ) , 95.10.30-95.10.31]
Grant: GA204/95/1020

026055 - UEB-Q 950090 SK eng A
Binarová, P. - Číhalíková, J. - Fowke, L. C.
Actin distribution in somatic embryos and embryogenic protoplast of white spruce (Picea glauca) and Carrot (Daucus carrota).
In: Abstracts of the Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology". - Nitra, Institute of Plant Genetics SAS 1995. - S. 12-16.
[Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

026057 - UEB-Q 950092 AT eng C
Binarová, P. - Daniel, G. - Volc, J. - Kubátová, E.
Ultrastructural localization of pyranose - 2 oxidase in Phanerocheatae oxysporium.
In: Proceedings of Conference on Wood Degradation. - Vienna, - 1995. - S. 24-29.
[Conference on Wood Degradation. Vienna (AT), 95.06.00]

026066 - UEB-Q 950101 XX eng J
Binarová, P. - Fowke, L. C. - Atree, S. M. - Galway, M. E. - Wang, H.
Conifer somatic embryogenesis for studies of plant cell biology.
In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology, 31, 1-7 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.780(91) 1.574(92) 2.534(93) 1.385(94) 1.261(95) 1.115(96) 1.256(97) 0.801(98) 1.066(99) 1.059(00) 1.263(01) 0,614(02) 0.657(03) ]

054030 - UEB-Q 980368 CZ cze A
Binarová, P. - Fujikura, Y. - Bogre, L.
Dynamická uspořádání mikrotubulů v průběhu buněčného cyklu v synchronizovaných buněčných kulturách vojtěšky a buňkách kořenových meristémů bobu.
In: Biologické dny /13./. - Hradec Králové, - 1995. - S. -.
[Bilogické dny /13./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 95.09.05-95.09.06]

026069 - UEB-Q 950104 DE eng J
Binarová, P. - Hause, G. - Cordewener, J. H. G. - Ehrmanová, M. - Hause, B. - Van Lockeren Campagne, M. M. - Van Lammeren, A. M.
Cell cycle dependent distribution of phosphorylated proteins in microspores and pollen of Brassica napus 1., detected by the monoclonal antibody MPM - 2.
Protoplasma, 187, 117-126 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.717(91) 1.661(92) 1.798(93) 1.754(94) 1.487(95) 1.626(96) 1.724(97) 1.702(98) 1.631(99) 1.333(00) 1.188(01) 1,473(02) 2.206(03) ]

026027 - UEB-Q 950062 SK cze A
Blažková, A. - Maldiney, R. - Sotta, B. - Tranvan, H. - Bonnet, M. - Miginiac, E.
Úloha hormonů v zakořeňování Sequoia sempervirens in vitro.
In: Zborník abstraktov. - Nitra, Vysoká škola poľnohospodárska - Fyziologická sekcia Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti SAV 1995. - S. 90.
[Dni fyziológie rastlín /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.06.20-95.06.22]

026028 - UEB-Q 950063 SK cze A
Blažková, J. - Krekule, J. - Tykva, R. - Procházka, S.
Nové aspekty studia apikální dominance.
In: Zborník abstraktov. - Nitra, Vysoká škola poľnohospodárska - Fyziologická sekcia Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti SAV 1995. - S. 90.
[Dni fyziológie rastlín /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.06.20-95.06.22]
Grant: GA204/93/0333GA204/93/0350

018763 - UEB-Q 940143 DE eng C
Brzobohatý, B. - Macháčková, I. - Benková, E. - Schell, J. - Palme, K.
A maize beta-glucosidase acting preferentially on cytokinin-glucosides can influence free cytokinin levels when expressed in transgenic tobacco plants.
In: Proceeding of Aharon-Katzir-Katchalsky Conference on Plant Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Environment. - -, - 1995. - S. -.
[Aharon-Katzir-Katchalsky Conference on Plant Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Environment. Köln (DE), 94.10.02]

037478 - UEB-Q 970038 CZ eng A
Březinová, A. - Malá, J. - Holík, J. - Zažímalová, E. - Vlasáková, V.
A role of cytokinins in somatic embryogenesis of oak.
In: Abstract Book. - Praha, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, ASCR 1995. - S. 4.
[Czech-Taiwan (R.O.C.) Symposium on Biotechnology. Praha (CZ), 95.06.05-95.06.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA501/93/0753

028621 - MBU-M 960034 CZ eng A
Bubner, M. - Matucha, M. - Šašek, V. - Heise, K. H. - Nitsche, H. - Velemínský, J. - Spížek, J.
Investigation of microbial degradation of PCB congeners using isotopically modified tracers.
In: 8th International Bioindicators Symposium. - České Budějovice, NEBE 1995. - S. 10.
[International Bioindicators Symposium /8./. České Budějovice (CZ), 95.05.22-95.05.28]
Grant: IAA620425GA204/94/1190IAA62001

026018 - UEB-Q 950053 CZ eng J
Burketová, L.
Changes in glugose - 6 - phosphate dehydrogenase and ribonucleases activities during PVY - RNA biosynthesis in infected potato plants.
Biologia Plantarum, 37, 423-428 (1995).
Grant: GA501/93/0355IAA63813/91
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

054031 - UEB-Q 980371 CZ eng A
Cenklová, V. - Binarová, P.
Immunocytochemical study of nuclear DNA replication during the induction of pollen embryogenesis in vitro of Brassica napus cv.Topas.
In: Biologické dny /13./. - Hradec Králové, - 1995. - S. -.
[Biologické dny /13./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 95.09.05-95.09.06]

026045 - UEB-Q 950080 CZ eng J
Cvikrová, M. - Eder, J. - Sukhova, L. S. - Korableva, N. P.
Involvement of phenolic acids in disease resistance of potato tubers from CEPA - treated plants.
Biologia Plantarum, 37, 621-629 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

026048 - UEB-Q 950083 NL eng J
Cvikrová, M. - Havlíčková, H.
Metabolism of phenolic compounds in two winter wheat cultivars differing in resistance to cereal aphids.
Aphid Resistance Newsletter, 9, 4-6 (1995).
Grant: GA513/94/0591

026029 - UEB-Q 950064 ES eng A
Cvikrová, M. - Hrubcová, M. - Eder, J.
Accumulation of phenolic acids in cell walls of alfalfa plants and cell cultures after Fusarium oxysporum filtrate treatment.
In: Abstract 7th Cell Wall Meeting. - Santiago de Compostela, Universitat de Santiago de Compostela 1995. - S. 242.
[Cell Wall Meeting /7./. Santiago de Compostela (ES), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA506/93/0369

030859 - UEB-Q 960016 SK cze C
Čatský, J. - Kamínek, M. - Pospíšilová, J. - Kotyk, A. - Zahradníček, J. - Koubová, J. - Folbergerová, Z. - Pulkrábek, J. - Šroller, J. - Švachula, V.
Účinek cytokininů na výnos, technickou jakost a metabolismus cukrovky.
In: Zborník Prednášok 14. Biochemických Dní. - Bratislava, - 1995. - S. -.
[Biochemické Dni /14./. Bratislava (SK), 95.09.06-95.09.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 94/501/0413

022251 - UEB-Q 950001 CZ eng J
Čatský, J. - Pospíšilová, J. - Solárová, J. - Synková, H. - Wilhelmová, N.
Limitations to photosynthesis under environment simulating culture in vitro.
Biologia Plantarum, 37 [1] 35-48 (1995).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA63817
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

026020 - UEB-Q 950055 SI eng A
Čeřovská, N. - Dědič, P. - Ptáček, J. - Filigarová, M.
PVS - searching for unusual (Andean) isolates.
In: Meeting book of abstracts. - -, - 1995. - S. 49-51.
[EAPR Virol Section /9./. Bled (SI), 95.06.16-95.06.22]

022262 - UEB-Q 950020 SK eng J
Čeřovská, N. - Filigarová, M.
Optimum conditions for the storage of potato virus S.
Acta Virologica, 39, 51-52 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

026019 - UEB-Q 950054 GB eng J
Čeřovská, N. - Filigarová, M.
Specific detection of the Andean strain of potato virus S by monoclonal antibodies.
Annals of Applied Biology, 127, 87-93 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.422(91) 0.569(92) 0.581(93) 0.405(94) 0.418(95) 0.462(96) 0.494(97) 0.589(98) 0.631(99) 0.597(00) 0.529(01) 0,752(02) 0.675(03) ]

026056 - UEB-Q 950091 CZ cze A
Číhalíková, J. - Doležel, J.
Cell cycle synchronization, metaphase accumulation, and isolation of mitotic chromosomes from rye (Secale cereale L.) root tips.
In: Absracts of the 28th Symposium of the Cytogenetic Section of the Biological Society of AS CR. - Brno, Biological Society AS CR 1995. - S. 10.
[Symposium of the Cytogenetic Section of the Biological Society of AS CR /28./. Brno (CZ), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA204/93/1097

026059 - UEB-Q 950094 SK cze A
Doležal, K. - Hanuš, J. - Strnad, M. - Hanke, D. E.
The effect of light on metabolism of topolins.
In: 7th Conference on Plant Physiology. - Nitra, - 1995. - S. 95.
[Conference on Plant Physiology /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

026058 - UEB-Q 950093 SK cze C
Doležal, K. - Holub, J. - Hanuš, J. - Strnad, M.
N6 - Methoxybenzylaminopurines: A highly active aromatic cytokinins.
In: 7th Conference on Plant Physiology. - Nitra, - 1995. - S. 94.
[Conference on Plant Physiology /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

026068 - UEB-Q 950103 GB eng J
Doležal, K. - Strnad, M. - Antolín, M. C. - Sánchez-Díaz, M.
Influence of mycorrhizae and Rhizobium on cytokinin content in during - stressed alfalfa.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 46, 1543-1549 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.628(91) 1.478(92) 1.558(93) 1.463(94) 1.620(95) 1.931(96) 1.988(97) 2.218(98) 2.482(99) 2.314(00) 2.433(01) 2,852(02) 3.180(03) ]

026060 - UEB-Q 950095 ES eng A
Doležel, J. - Číhalíková, J. - Macas, J. - Jones, R. N.
Isolation and flow cytometric analysis of mitotic chromosomes in rye.
In: Abstracts of the 12th International Chromosome Conference. - Madrid, San Lorenzo de El Escorial 1995. - S. 99.
[International Chromosome Conference /12./. Madrid (ES), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA204/93/1097

026061 - UEB-Q 950096 CZ eng A
Doležel, J. - Göhde, W.
High resolution DNA flow cytometry in plants.
In: Abstract of the Symposium "Fluorescence Microscopy and Fluorescent Probes". - Praha, Institute of Physiology AS CR 1995. - S. 44.
[Fluorescence Microscopy and Fluorescent Probes. Praha (CZ), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA204/93/1097

026062 - UEB-Q 950097 US eng J
Doležel, J. - Göhde, W.
Sex determination in dioecious plants Melandrium album and Melandrium rubrum using high - resolution flow cytometry.
Cytometry, 19, 103-106 (1995).
Grant: GA204/93/1097
[Impact factor:3.005(92) 2.970(93) 3.434(94) 2.552(95) 2.198(96) 2.150(97) 2.317(98) 2.843(99) 2.557(00) 2.220(01) 1,933(02) -(03) ]

026063 - UEB-Q 950098 XX eng J
Doležel, J. - Lucretti, S.
High resolution flow karyotyping and chromosome sorting in Vicia faba lines with standard and reconstructed karyotypes.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 90, 797-802 (1995).
Grant: GA204/93/1097
[Impact factor:1.914(91) 2.095(92) 2.364(93) 2.536(94) 2.452(95) 2.313(96) 2.040(97) 2.224(98) 2.082(99) 2.358(00) 2.438(01) 2,264(02) 2.287(03) ]

026064 - UEB-Q 950099 SK eng A
Doleželová, M. - Macas, J. - Lucretti, S. - Doležel, J.
The use of Vicia faba hairy root cultures for preparation of chromosome suspensions.
In: Abstracts of the symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology". - Nitra, Institute of Plant Genetics SAS 1995. - S. 159.
[Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA204/93/1097

037470 - UEB-Q 970001 IE eng J
Fellner, M.
Influence of ciprofloxacin on culture of Allium longicuspis callus-derived protoplasts.
Annals of Botany, 76 [3] 219-223 (1995).
Grant: Státní plán technického rozvoje(CZ) P-11-161-815
[Impact factor:1.069(92) 1.041(93) 1.066(94) 1.127(95) 1.045(96) 1.301(97) 1.384(98) 1.326(99) 1.274(00) 1.352(01) 1,476(02) 1.370(03) ]

037471 - UEB-Q 970006 NL eng J
Fellner, M.
Influence of Ph and sucrose concentration on nonenzymatic and enzymatic isolation of protoplast from mature pollen of Tulbaghia violacea.
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 42, [-] 157-162 (1995).
Grant: Státní plán technického rozvoje(CZ) P-11-161-815
[Impact factor:1.060(91) 0.982(92) 0.783(93) 0.745(94) 0.907(95) 0.643(96) 0.540(97) 0.495(98) 0.498(99) 0.444(00) 0.631(01) 0,632(02) 0.855(03) ]

026065 - UEB-Q 950100 CZ eng J
Fingerová, H. - Petrová, P. - Strnad, M.
Development and validation of an in - house radioimmunoassay for erythropoietin.
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, 138, 21-23 (1995).

026067 - UEB-Q 950102 CZ eng J
Gajdošová, A. - Vooková, B. - Kormuťák, A. - Libiaková, G. - Doležel, J.
Induction, protein composition and DNA ploidy level of embryogenic calli of silver fir and its hybrids.
Biologia Plantarum, 37, 169-176 (1995).
Grant: GA204/93/1097
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

026047 - UEB-Q 950082 GB eng J
Gaudinová, A. - Sussenbecková, H. - Vojtěchová, M. - Kamínek, M. - Eder, J. - Kohout, L.
Different effects of two brassinosteroids on growth, auxin and cytokinin content in tobacco callus culture.
Plant Growth Regulation, 17, 121-126 (1995).
Grant: GA204/93/0836GA204/93/0347
[Impact factor:0.701(91) 0.621(92) 0.701(93) 0.913(94) 1.286(95) 0.687(96) 0.803(97) 0.750(98) 0.887(99) 0.837(00) 0.761(01) 0,850(02) 0.688(03) ]

025994 - UEB-Q 950029 NL eng J
Gichner, T. - Stavreva, D. - Čeřovská, N. - Wagner, E. D. - Plewa, M. J.
Metabolic activation of m-phenylenediamine to products mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium by medium isolated from tobacco cell cultures.
Mutation Research, 331, 127-132 (1995).
Grant: GA506/95/0084
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

037474 - UEB-Q 970029 SK cze A
Griga, M. - Březinová, A. - Motyka, V. - Holík, J. - Zažímalová, E. - Kamínek, M.
Hormonální kontrola somatické embryogeneze sóje.
In: Zborník abstraktov. - Nitra, Vysoká škola polnohospodárska v Nitre, fyziologická sekcia Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti SAV Bratislava 1995. - S. 61.
[Dni fyziológie rastlín /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.06.20-95.06.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA501/94/1039

037477 - UEB-Q 970037 SK eng C
Griga, M. - Březinová, A. - Motyka, V. - Holík, J. - Zažímalová, E. - Kamínek, M. - Stejskal, J.
Endogenous phytohormone and protein changes connected with early somatic embryogenesis of soybean.
In: Recent advances in plant biotechnology. - Nitra, - 1995. - S. 32.
[Recent advances in plant biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.10.02-95.10.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA501/94/1039

026030 - UEB-Q 950065 SK cze A
Havlíčková, H. - Cvikrová, M.
Fyziologické a biochemické změny vyvolané u rostlin pšenice napadením obilními mšicemi.
In: Zborník abstraktov. - Nitra, Vysoká škola poľnohospodárska - Fyziologická sekcia Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti SAV 1995. - S. 25.
[Dni fyziológie rastlín /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.06.20-95.06.22]
Grant: GA513/94/0591

026070 - UEB-Q 950105 SK cze C
Holub, J. - Hanuš, J. - Strnad, M.
Meta - Topolin is a high biologically active cytokinin.
In: 7th Conference on Plant Physiology. - Nitra, - 1995. - S. 101.
[Conference on Plant Physiology /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

026050 - UEB-Q 950085 CZ eng J
Hrubcová, M. - Nedělník, J. - Cvikrová, M. - Pokorný, R.
Induction of phenylalanine ammonialyse and peroxidase in red clover plants inoculated by been yellow mosaic virus and Fusarium oxysporum.
Rostlinná výroba, 41, 541-545 (1995).
Grant: GA506/93/0369
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.003(92) 0.000(93) 0.012(94) 0.008(95) 0.170(96) 0.214(97) 0.168(98) 0.192(99) 0.256(00) 0.237(01) 0,333(02) 0.276(03) ]

022266 - UEB-Q 950024 DE eng J
Jandurová, O. M. - Doležel, J.
Cytological study of interspecific hybrid between Brassica campestris x Brassica hirta (Sinapis alba).
Sexual Plant Reproduction, 8, 37-43 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/1097
[Impact factor:0.659(92) 1.700(93) 1.556(94) 1.293(95) 1.718(96) 1.540(97) 1.533(98) 1.811(99) 2.260(00) 1.753(01) 1,176(02) 1.705(03) ]

026071 - UEB-Q 950107 SK cze A
Jindrová, M. - Kubaláková, M. - Strnad, M.
Vliv cytokininů na morfogenezi u listových explantátů Nicotiana tabacum var. Samsun.
In: Zborník abstraktov. - Nitra, Vysoká škola poľnohospodárska - Fyziologicka sekcia Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti SAV Bratislava 1995. - S. 66.
[Dni fyziológie rastlín /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.06.20-95.06.22]

026046 - UEB-Q 950081 SE eng J
Kamínek, M. - Dietrich, J. T. - Blevins, D. G. - Reinbott, T. M. - Morris, T. O.
Changes in cytokinins and cytokinin oxidase activity in developing maize kernels and the effects of exogenous cytokinins on kernel development.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 33, 327-336 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.919(91) 0.920(92) 1.288(93) 0.967(94) 0.991(95) 1.147(96) 1.613(97) 1.374(98) 1.347(99) 1.292(00) 1.333(01) 1,582(02) 1.729(03) ]

026031 - UEB-Q 950066 GB eng A
Kamínek, M. - Motyka, V. - Zažímalová, E. - Trčková, M.
Hormonal control of wheat grain development and loading.
In: International Conference on the Transport of Photoassimilates. - Canterbury, University of Kent 1995. - S. 25.
[International Conference on the Transport of Photoassimilates. Canterbury (GB), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA501/93/2136

022269 - UEB-Q 950028 CZ eng A
Kamínek, M. - Trčková, M. - Gaudinová, A. - Motyka, V.
Hormonal control of grain development of cereals and its use for crop improvement.
In: Abstract book. - (Ed. Barth, T.; Vaněk, T.). - Praha, AV ČR 1995. - S. L2.
[Czech-Taiwan Symposium on Biotechnology. Praha (CZ), 95.06.05-95.06.08]
Grant: GA501/93/2136

026032 - UEB-Q 950067 CZ eng C
Kamínek, M. - Trčková, M. - Gaudinová, A. - Motyka, V.
Improvement of grain yield and efficiency of utilisation of nitrogen by control of auxin and cytokinin levels in cereal plants.
In: The Czech - Korean Joint Seminar on Plant Biotechnology. - Praha, - 1995. - S. -.
[Czech - Korean Joint Seminar on Plant Biotechnology. Praha (CZ), 95.10.30-95.10.31]
Grant: GA501/93/2136

037475 - UEB-Q 970031 SK cze A
Kamínek, M. - Trčková, M. - Motyka, V. - Gaudinová, A.
Úloha fytohormonů při řízení vývoje zrna obilnin.
In: Zborník abstraktov. - Nitra, Vysoká škola polnohospodárska v Nitre, fyziologická sekcia Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti SAV Bratislava 1995. - S. 105.
[Dni fyziológie rastlín /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.06.20-95.06.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA501/93/2136

026072 - UEB-Q 950108 SK cze A
Kneislová, H. - Doležal, K. - Číhalíková, J. - Doležel, J. - Strnad, M.
Dynamic of endogenous cytokinins in synchronized field bean root tip cells.
In: Abstracts of the Symposium "7th Days of Plants Physiology". - Nitra, - 1995. - S. 107.
[Days of Plants Physiology /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA204/93/1097

024812 - UOCHB-X 950218 CZ eng A
Kohout, L. - Kasal, A. - Strnad, M.
Brassinosteroids with Ester Function at the Position 20.
In: 16th Conference on Isoprenoids. - (Ed. Drašar, P.; Valterová, I.). - Praha, ÚOCHB AV ČR 1995. - S. 61.
[Conference on Isoprenoids /16./. Praha (CZ), 95.09.17-95.09.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/95/1309

026033 - UEB-Q 950068 NL eng A
Kolář, J. - Macháčková, I. - Illnerová, H. - Prinsen, E. - van Dongen, W. - Onckelen, H. A.
Melatonin in higher plant determined by radioimmunoassay and liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry - mass spectrometry.
In: Biological Rhytm Research - World Conference on Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics. - Holandsko, Swets & Zeitlinger 1995. - S. 126.
[Konference. Ferrara (IT), 95.00.00]

026073 - UEB-Q 950109 SK cze C
Kotala, V. - Havlíček, L. - Holub, J. - Strnad, M.
Cytokinin and anticytokinin activity of olomoucine and related compounds.
In: 7th Conference on Plant Physiology. - Nitra, - 1995. - S. 109.
[Conference on Plant Physiology /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

026075 - UEB-Q 950111 SK eng C
Kubaláková, M. - Chen, D. F. - Elliott, M. C. - Strnad, M.
The effect of media and growth regulators on growth rate of morphogenic callus and its regeneration potential in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L).
In: Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. - Nitra, Institute of Plant Genetics SAS 1995. - S. 93.
[Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

026076 - UEB-Q 950112 SK eng A
Kubaláková, M. - Chen, D. F. - Roytchev, V. - Zhang, J. - Stefanova, A. - Atanasov, A. I. - Elliott, M. C.
Induction of somatic embryogenesis in several varietes of beet (Beta vulgaris L).
In: Zborník abstraktov. - Nitra, Vysoká škola poľnohospodárska - Fyziolicka sekcia Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti SAV Bratislava 1995. - S. 71.
[Dni fyziológie rastlín /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.06.20-95.06.22]

026074 - UEB-Q 950110 SK eng C
Kubaláková, M. - Doležel, J. - Lebeda, A.
Occurrence of polyploidy in cucumber tissue culture.
In: Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. - Nitra, Institute of Plant Genetics SAS 1995. - S. 168.
[Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

025231 - MBU-M 950221 CZ eng CX
Kubátová, A. - Erbanová, P. - Matucha, M. - Šašek, V.
Study of the fate of Č1Č4C labelled PCB during biodegradation in soil.
In: Mini-Symposium on Microbial Degradations. - Prague, Institute of Microbiology 1995. - S. 8-9.
[Mini-Symposium on Microbial Degradations. Prague (CZ), 95.11.24-95.12.01]
Grant: GA204/94/1190IAA620425

025230 - MBU-M 950220 CZ eng A
Kubátová, A. - Matucha, M. - Bubner, M. - Heise, K. H.
Applications of isotopically labelled internal standarts in GC-MS analyses of PCBs.
In: Mini-Symposium on Microbial Degradations. - Prague, Institute of Microbiology 1995. - S. 10.
[Mini-Symposium on Microbial Degradations. Prague (CZ), 95.11.24-95.12.01]
Grant: GA204/94/1190IAA620425IAA62001

028620 - MBU-M 960033 CZ eng A
Kubátová, A. - Matucha, M. - Šašek, V.
PCB congener specific analyses by GC/ECD and GC/MS based on relationship between measured and published data.
In: 8th International Bioindicators Symposium. - České Budějovice, NEBE 1995. - S. 59.
[International Bioindicators Symposium /8./. České Budějovice (CZ), 95.05.22-95.05.28]
Grant: GA204/94/1190IAA620425

028656 - MBU-M 960081 SK eng CX
Kubátová, A. - Matucha, M. - Ševčík, J.
Regression analyses of polychlorinated biphenyls measured by GC/ECD and GC/MS.
In: Zborník príspevkov 49. zjazd chemických spoločností. - Bratislava, - 1995. - S. 281-282.
[Zjazd chemických spoločností /49./. Bratislava (SK), 95.09.04-95.09.07]
Grant: GA204/94/1190IAA620425

026077 - UEB-Q 950113 SK eng A
Kubincová, M. - Doležel, J.
Ploidy level stability of dihaploid and tetraploid potato (S. tuberosum) callus cultures.
In: Abstracts of the symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology". - Nitra, Institute of Plant Genetics SAS 1995. - S. 157.
[Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

026079 - UEB-Q 950115 DE eng J
Lebeda, A. - Doležal, K.
Peroxidase isoenzyme polymorphism as a potential marker for detection od field resistance in Cucumis sativus to cucumber downy mildew (Pseudoperenospora cubensis).
Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, 102, 467-471 (1995).

026078 - UEB-Q 950114 CZ cze J
Lebeda, A. - Křístková, E. - Kubaláková, M.
Mezidruhová hybridizace: okurka setá a meloun cukrový II.
Zahradnictví, 20, 12-13 (1995).

026080 - UEB-Q 950116 SK cze C
Lenobel, R. - Strnad, M.
Development of competitive ELISA for estimation of adenosine in plants.
In: 7th Conference on Plant Physiology. - Nitra, - 1995. - S. 110.
[Conference on Plant Physiology /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

022265 - UEB-Q 950023 SK eng J
Libiaková, G. - Gajdošová, A. - Vooková, B. - Kubincová, M. - Doležel, J.
Karyological study of Abies concolor x Abies grandis calli and shoots regenerated in vitro.
Biologia, 50 [1] 61-64 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/1097
[Impact factor:0.050(91) 0.050(92) 0.038(93) 0.043(94) 0.079(95) 0.110(96) 0.283(97) 0.194(98) 0.220(99) 0.165(00) 0.208(01) 0,169(02) 0.183(03) ]

026081 - UEB-Q 950117 SK eng Jx
Libiaková, G. - Gajdošová, A. - Vooková, B. - Kubincová, M. - Doležel, J.
Karyological study of Abies concolor grandis calli and shoots regenerated in vitro.
Biológia, 50, 61-64 (1995).
Grant: GA204/93/1097
[Impact factor:0.050(91) 0.050(92) 0.038(93) 0.043(94) 0.079(95) 0.110(96) 0.283(97) 0.194(98) 0.220(99) 0.165(00) 0.208(01) 0,169(02) 0.183(03) ]

026082 - UEB-Q 950118 IT ita Jx
Lucretti, S. - Gualberti, G. - Macas, J. - Doležel, J.
Analysis and sorting of plant chromosomes using flow cytometry.
Lettere GIC, 4 [2] 39-51 (1995).
Grant: GA204/93/1097

053774 - UMBR-M 980025 IT eng J
Lucretti, S. - Gualberti, G. - Macas, J. - Doležel, J.
Analysis and sorting of plant chromosomes using flow cytometry.
Lettere GIC, 4, 39-51 (1995).

025639 - UMBR-M 950010 US eng J
Macas, J. - Doležel, J. - Gualberti, G. - Pich, U. - Schubert, I. - Lucretti, S.
Primer-induced labelling of pea and field bean chromosomes in situ and in suspension.
Biotechniques, 19 [3] 402-408 (1995).
Grant: GA204/93/1097
[Impact factor:3.000(91) 2.643(92) 2.497(93) 2.251(94) 2.305(95) 1.946(96) 1.913(97) 1.707(98) 1.749(99) 1.756(00) 1.955(01) 2,173(02) 2.383(03) ]

026083 - UEB-Q 950119 US eng Jx
Macas, J. - Doležel, J. - Gualberti, G. - Pich, U. - Schubert, I. - Lucretti, S.
Primer - induced labelling of pea and field bean chromosomes in situ and in suspension.
Biotechniques, 19 [3] 402-408 (1995).
Grant: GA204/93/1097
[Impact factor:3.000(91) 2.643(92) 2.497(93) 2.251(94) 2.305(95) 1.946(96) 1.913(97) 1.707(98) 1.749(99) 1.756(00) 1.955(01) 2,173(02) 2.383(03) ]

026084 - UEB-Q 950120 GB eng A
Macas, J. - Gualberti, G. - Doležel, J. - Lucretti, S.
Construction of recombinat DNA libraries from flow - sorted Vicia faba L. chromosomes.
In: Abstracts of the 50th SEB Symposium "Unifying Plant Genomes: Comparisons, Conservation and Collinerity". - Cambridge, Queen's College 1995. - S. 34.
[SEB Symposium "Uniflying Plant Genomes: Comparisons, Conservation and Collinerity" /50./. Cambridge (GB), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA204/93/1097

026088 - UEB-Q 950124 FR eng J
Macas, J. - Pich, U. - Meister, A. - Lucretti, S. - Schubert, I. - Doležel, J.
Primed in situ labelling facilitates flow sorting of similar sized chromosomes.
Plant Journal, 7, 1039-1044 (1995).
Grant: GA204/93/1097
[Impact factor:4.513(92) 5.389(93) 5.947(94) 6.458(95) 5.666(96) 5.804(97) 5.765(98) 5.090(99) 5.629(00) 5.792(01) 5,850(02) 5.914(03) ]

026036 - UEB-Q 950071 SK cze A
Macháčková, I.
Moderní přístupy ve studiu hormonálních regulace vývoje rostlin.
In: Zborník abstraktov. - Nitra, Vysoká škola poľnohospodárska - Fyziologická sekcia Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti SAV 1995. - S. -.
[Dni fyziológie rastlín /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.06.20-95.06.22]

026054 - UEB-Q 950089 CZ eng R
Macháčková, I.
Rec.: McKersie, B. D. - Leshem, Y. Y. / Stress and Stress Coping in Cultivated Plants.
Rec.: McKersie, B.D. - Leshem, Y.Y.: Stress and Stress Coping in Cultivated Plants.
Biologia Plantarum, 37 [3] 380 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

026038 - UEB-Q 950073 ES eng A
Macháčková, I. - Eder, J. - Hanuš, J. - Krekule, J.
Photoperiod and rhythmicity - controlled changes in phytohormone levels and transport.
In: Abstracts European Symposium on Photomorphogenesis in Plants. - Barcelona, Universite of Barcelona 1995. - S. 96.
[European Symposium on Photomorphogenesis in Plants. Barcelona (ES), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA204/93/0333

026034 - UEB-Q 950069 SK cze A
Macháčková, I. - Eder, J. - Klemš, M. - Borkovec, V. - Tesařová, Z. - Procházka, S.
Příjem, transport a metabolismus 14C - 2.4 - D v in vitro kulturách Cucumis sativus L.
In: Zborník abstraktov. - Nitra, Vysoká škola poľnohospodárska - Fyziologická sekcia Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti SAV 1995. - S. 106.
[Dni fyziológie rastlín /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.06.20-95.06.22]

026035 - UEB-Q 950070 AT eng A
Macháčková, I. - Eder, J. - Klemš, M. - Borkovec, V. - Tesařová, Z. - Procházka, S.
Uptake, transport and metabolism of 14C - 2.4 - D in in vitro cultures of Cucumis sativus L.
In: Abstract of ESNA Meeting. - Vienna, ESNA Meeting 1995. - S. 22.
[ESNA Meeting. Vienna (AT), 95.00.00]

026051 - UEB-Q 950086 CZ eng J
Macháčková, I. - Požárková, D. - Šiffelová, G. - Našinec, V.
Effects of the rolABC, rolAB and CaMV 355 - rolC genes on growth and nitrogen fixation in Lotus corniculatus L.
Biologia Plantarum, 37 [4] 491-499 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

026037 - UEB-Q 950072 CZ eng C
Macháčková, I. - Sergeeva, L. I. - Cvikrová, M. - Vágner, M. - Hrubcová, M. - Eder, J.
Hormonal regulation of in vitro growth and tuberization in potato and somatic embryogenesis in alalfa.
In: The Czech - Korean Joint Seminar on Plant Biotechnology. - Praha, - 1995. - S. -.
[Czech - Korean Joint Seminar on Plant Biotechnology. Praha (CZ), 95.10.30-95.10.31]
Grant: IAA638105

026039 - UEB-Q 950074 SK eng C
Macháčková, I. - Sergeeva, L. I. - Konstantinova, T. N. - Eder, J. - Ondřej, M. - Aksenova, N. P.
Hormonal control of potato tuber formation in vitro.
In: Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. - Nitra, Institute of Plant Genetics SAS Nitra 1995. - S. 83.
[Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

026049 - UEB-Q 950084 SE eng J
Macháčková, I. - Tykva, R. - Krekule, J.
The effects of direct electric current on transport of chloride ions, sucrose and assimilates in Chenopodium rubrum.
Plant and Cell Physiology, 36 [8] 1683-1686 (1995).
Grant: GA204/93/0333
[Impact factor:1.619(91) 1.458(92) 1.703(93) 1.957(94) 1.930(95) 1.683(96) 1.792(97) 1.828(98) 2.259(99) 2.311(00) 2.430(01) 3,084(02) 3.159(03) ]

022268 - UEB-Q 950027 CZ eng J
Macháčková, I. - Vágner, M. - Sláma, K.
Comparison between the effects of 20 - hydroxyecdysone and phytohormones on growth and development in plants.
European Journal of Entomology, 92, 309-316 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.167(94) 0.390(95) 0.633(96) 0.858(97) 0.661(98) 0.443(99) 0.716(00) 0.802(01) 0,520(02) 0.741(03) ]

022267 - UEB-Q 950026 CZ eng J
Macháň, F. - Nesvadba, Z. - Ohnoutková, L.
Production of haploid plants of new wheat and oat donors trough wheat x maize and oat x maize crosses.
Genetika a Šlechtění, 31 [1] 1-10 (1995).

037476 - UEB-Q 970036 AT eng A
Malá, J. - Březinová, A. - Holík, J.
The effect of benzylaminopurine on somatic embryogenesis of oak.
In: COST 822, Working group 3. - Eisenstadt, - 1995. - 3 s.
[Identification and Control of Phase Changes in Rejuvenation. Eisenstadt (AT), 95.10.28-95.01.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA501/93/0753

026043 - UEB-Q 950078 NL eng A
Martinec, J. - Scanlon, C. H.
Identification and preliminary charcterization of inositol - 1, 4, 5 - trisphosphate receptors from Chenopodium rubrum.
In: In Abstracts FEBS Advanced course: Single Cell Techniques in Signal Transduction Research. - Leiden, Single Cell Research Foundation 1995. - S. 32.
[Single Cell Techniques in Signal Transduction Research. Leiden (NL) , 95.05.00]
Grant: GA204/93/0633

026040 - UEB-Q 950075 US eng A
Martinec, J. - Scanlon, C. H. - Macháčková, I. - Lumsden, P. J.
Identification and preliminary characterisation of inositol - 1, 4, 5 - trisphosphate receptors from Chenopodium rubrum.
In: 15th Internaternational Conference on Plant Growth Substances. - Minneapolis, International Plant Growth Substances Association 1995. - S. 222.
[International Conference on Plant Growth Substances /15./. Minneapolis (US), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA204/93/0633

026041 - UEB-Q 950076 SK cze A
Martinec, J. - Scanlon, C. H. - Macháčková, I.
Receptory pro inositol - 1, 4, 5 - trisfosfát - indentifikace a předběžná charakterizace.
In: Zborník abstraktov. - Nitra, Vysoká škola poľnohospodárska - Fyziol. sekcia Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti SAV 1995. - S. 111.
[Dni fyziológie rastlín /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.06.20-95.06.22]
Grant: GA204/93/0633

026052 - UEB-Q 950087 GB eng J
Martinec, J. - Scanlon, C. H. - Rolph, C. E. - Lumsden, P. J.
Characterisation of IP3 receptors from Chenopodium rubrum.
Biochemical Society Transactions, 574, (1995).
Grant: GA204/93/0633
[Impact factor:1.465(91) 1.476(92) 1.807(93) 2.444(94) 1.275(95) 0.633(96) 0.758(97) 0.930(98) 0.964(99) 0.975(00) 1.402(01) 2,205(02) 2.579(03) ]

054027 - UEB-Q 980363 DE ger A
Matucha, M.
Isotopenmarkierte Verbindungen in der GC-MS: Isotopeneffekt.
In: Arbeitstagung der Regionalgruppe Zentraleuropa der International Isotope Society /4./. - Bad Soden am Taunus, - 1995. - S. 28.
[Arbeitstagung der Regionalgruppe Zentraleuropa der International Isotope Society /4./. Bad Soden am Taunus (DE), 95.05.11-95.05.12]

037472 - UEB-Q 970027 CZ eng A
Motyka, V. - Kamínek, M.
Glycosylated and non-glycosylated forms of cytokinin oxidase in tobacco tissue cultures.
In: Abstract Book. - (Ed. Barth, T.; Vaněk, T.). - Praha, AV ČR 1995. - S. 10.
[Czech-Taiwan symposium on biotechnology. Praha (CZ), 95.06.05-95.06.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 204/93/0347

026086 - UEB-Q 950122 SK eng A
Ohnoutková, L. - Doležal, K. - Doležel, J.
In vitro induction of androgenesis in vitro in Lolium x Festuca hybrids.
In: Abstracts of the symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology". - Nitra, Institute of Plant Genetics SAS 1995. - S. 166.
[Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA204/93/1097

026085 - UEB-Q 950121 CZ eng J
Ohnoutková, L. - Nesvadba, Z. - Macháň, F.
Production of haploid plants of new wheat and oat donors trough wheat x maize crosses.
Genetika a Šlechtění, 31 [1] 1-10 (1995).

026087 - UEB-Q 950123 SK eng A
Ohnoutková, L. - Vagera, J. - Doležal, K. - Doležel, J.
Genetic aspect of induced androgenesis in spring and winter barley.
In: Abstracts of the symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology". - Nitra, Institute of Plant Genetics SAS 1995. - S. 165.
[Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA204/93/1097

030943 - UEB-Q 960116 SK eng C
Ohnoutková, L. - Vagera, J. - Doležel, J. - Doležal, K.
Genetic aspects of induced androgenesis in spring and winter barley.
In: Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. - Nitra, IPG of Slovak Academy of Sciences 1995. - S. 1.
[Recent Advance in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.10.02-95.10.06]
Grant: GA506/93/0087; GA ČR(CZ) 521/95/1175GA204/93/1097

025644 - UMBR-M 950019 GB eng J
Pich, U. - Meister, A. - Macas, J. - Doležel, J. - Lucretti, S. - Schubert, I.
Primed in situ labelling facilitates flow sorting of similar sized chromosomes.
Plant Journal, 7, 1039-1044 (1995).
Grant: GA204/93/1097
[Impact factor:4.513(92) 5.389(93) 5.947(94) 6.458(95) 5.666(96) 5.804(97) 5.765(98) 5.090(99) 5.629(00) 5.792(01) 5,850(02) 5.914(03) ]

022252 - UEB-Q 950002 CZ eng Rx
Pospíšilová, J.
Effect of CO2 Concentration on Photosynthesis, Transpiration and Production of Greenhouse Fruit Vegetable Crops.
Rec.: Nederhoff, E.M.: Effect of CO2 Concentration on Photosynthesis, Transpirati on and Production of Greenhouse Fruit Vegetable Crops.
Biologia Plantarum, 37 [1] 20 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

022253 - UEB-Q 950003 CZ eng Rx
Pospíšilová, J.
Ethics and Climate Change, The Greenhouse Effect.
Rec.: Coward, H. - Hurka, T.: Ethics and Climate Change, The Greenhouse Effect.
Biologia Plantarum, 37 [1] 20 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

026003 - UEB-Q 950038 CZ eng Rx
Pospíšilová, J.
Ecophysiology of Photosynthesis.
Rec.: Schulze, E.D. - Caldwell, M.M.: Ecophysiology of Photosynthesis.
Biologia Plantarum, 37 [4] 560 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

026004 - UEB-Q 950039 CZ eng Rx
Pospíšilová, J.
Plant - Environment Interactions.
Rec.: Wilkinson, R.E.: Plant - Environment Interactions.
Photosynthetica, 31 [3] 344 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

025998 - UEB-Q 950033 CZ eng C
Pospíšilová, J. - Čatský, J. - Macháčková, I. - Synková, H. - Wilhelmová, N.
Photosynthesis of transgenic tobacco plants.
In: Proceedings of Congress. - -, - 1995. - - s.
[International Photosynthesis Congress /10./. Montpellier (FR), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA501/95/1303

030854 - UEB-Q 960006 GB eng C
Pospíšilová, J. - Čatský, J. - Macháčková, I. - Synková, H. - Wilhelmová, N.
Photosynthesis of transgenic tobacco plants.
In: Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere. - (Ed. Mathis, P.). - London, Kluwer Academic 1995. - S. 519-522.
[Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere. London (GB), 91.01.01]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 206/95/1303

067051 - UMBR-M 990064 RIV NL eng J
Požárková, D. - Šiffelová, G. - Našinec, V. - Macháčková, I.
Effects of the rolABC, rolAB, and CaMV 35S-rolC genes on growth and nitrogen fixation in Lotus corniculatis L.
Biologia plantarum, 37, 491-499 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

067037 - UMBR-M 990054 RIV US eng M
Prinsen, E. - Redig, P. - Strnad, M. - Gális, I. - Van Dongen, W. - Van Onckelen, H.
Quantifying phytohormones in transformed plants.
In: Methods in molecular biology. - (Ed. Gartland, K.; Davey, M.). - New Yersey, Human Press 1995. - S. 245-262.

037473 - UEB-Q 970028 US eng A
Schmülling, T. - Faiss, M. - Strnad, M. - Redig, P. - Van Onckelen, H. - Motyka, V. - Hanuš, J.
Chemically induced transgenic expression of cytokinin - related Agrobacterium T-DNA genes: hormonal aspects of gene product activity.
In: 15th International conference of plant growth substances. - Minneapolis, International plant growth substances association 1995. - S. 55.
[International conference of plant growth substances /15./. Minneapolis (US), 95.07.18-95.07.20]
Grant: VOLKSWAGEN STIFTUNG(DE) 1/68827; GA ČR(CZ) 204/93/0347

025646 - UMBR-M 950022 JP eng B
Schubert, I. - Macas, J. - Pich, U. - Fuchs, J. - Meister, A. - Doležel, J. - Lucretti, S.
Localization of genes and marker sequences on isolated and fractionated plant chromosomes.
In: Plant Genome and Plastone: Their Structure and Function. - (Ed. Tsunewaki, K.). - Tokyo, Kodansha Scientific 1995. - S. 89-93.
Grant: GA204/93/1097

053775 - UMBR-M 980026 JP eng Bx
Schubert, I. - Macas, J. - Pich, U. - Fuchs, J. - Meister, A. - Doležel, J. - Lucretti, S.
Localization of genes and marker sequences on isolated and fractionated plant chromosomes.
In: Plant genome and plastome: Their structure and evolution. - (Ed. Tsunewaki, K.). - Tokyo, Kodansha Scientific Ltd. 1995. - S. 89-93.

054026 - UEB-Q 980362 CZ eng A
Sieglerová, V. - Hanuš, J. - Strnad, M.
Synthesis of 2,6,9-derivates of purine.
In: Sborník abstraktů. - Praha, - 1995. - S. 80.
[Pokroky v organické, bioorganické a farmaceutické chemii. Liblice ( CZ), 95.00.00]

026089 - UEB-Q 950125 SK cze A
Strnad, M.
Aromatic cytokinins: Status and future prospects.
In: 7th Conference on Plant Physiology. - Nitra, - 1995. - S. 115.
[Conference on Plant Physiology /7./. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

026044 - UEB-Q 950079 US eng A
Strnad, M. - Schmulling, T. - Faiss, M. - Reding, P. - Van Onckelen, H. - Motyka, V. - Hanusch, J.
Chemically induced transgenic expression of cytokinin - related Agrobacterium genes: Hormonal aspests of gene product activity.
In: 15th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances. - Minneapolis, International Plant Growth Substances Association 1995. - S. 55.
[International Conference on Plant Growth Substances /15./. Minneapolis (US), 95.00.00]

025999 - UEB-Q 950034 CZ eng C
Synková, H. - Pospíšilová, J. - Valcke, R.
Photosynthesis in transgenic pssu-ipt tobacco plants as affected by water stress.
In: Proceedings of Congress. - -, - 1995. - - s.
[International Photosynthesis Congress /10./. Montpellier (FR), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA501/95/1303

030855 - UEB-Q 960007 GB eng C
Synková, H. - Pospíšilová, J. - Valcke, R.
Photosynthesis in transgenic pssu-ipt tobacco plants as affected by water stress.
In: Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere. - (Ed. Mathis, P.). - London, Kluwer Academic 1995. - S. 565-568.
[Photossynthesis: from Light to Biosphere. London (GB), 91.01.01]
Grant: GA206/95/1303IAA638106

026090 - UEB-Q 950126 SK eng C
Šafářová, D. - Vagera, J.
In vitro induced androgenesis in dioecious heterogametic plants.
In: Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. - Nitra, Institute of Plant Genetics SAS 1995. - S. 167.
[Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

026093 - UEB-Q 950130 CZ cze J
Šafářová, D. - Vagera, J.
In vitro induced androgenesis in some dioecious plants. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. (1993-1995).
Biologia, 33, 43-51 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.050(91) 0.050(92) 0.038(93) 0.043(94) 0.079(95) 0.110(96) 0.283(97) 0.194(98) 0.220(99) 0.165(00) 0.208(01) 0,169(02) 0.183(03) ]

022254 - UEB-Q 950008 CZ cze Jx
Šesták, Z.
Světovou úroveň dizertacím.
Vesmír, 74 [5] 272 (1995).

022255 - UEB-Q 950013 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
The Biosynthesis of the Tetrapyrrole Pigments.
Rec.: The Biosynthesis of the Tetrapyrrole Pigments.
Photosynthetica, 31 [1] 8 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

022256 - UEB-Q 950014 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Ecological Approaches of Environmental Chemicals.
Rec.: Mészáros, I. - Gebefugi, I. - Lorinczi, G.: Ecological Approaches of Environmental Chemicals.
Photosynthetica, 31 [1] 30 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

022257 - UEB-Q 950015 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
International Crop Science I.
Rec.: Buxton, D.R. - Shibles, R. - Forsberg, R.A. - Blad, B.L. - Asay, K.H. - Paulsen, G.M. - Wilson, R.F.: International Crop Science I.
Photosynthetica, 31 [1] 30 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

022258 - UEB-Q 950016 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Rost i Gazoobmen u Lesnykh Derev`ev.
Rec.: Rost i Gazoobmen u Lesnykh Derev`ev.
Photosynthetica, 31 [1] 58 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

022259 - UEB-Q 950017 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Trends in Photosynthesis Research.
Rec.: Barber, J. - Guerrero, M.G. - Medrano, H.: Trends in Photosynthesis Research.
Photosynthetica, 31 [1] 70 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

022260 - UEB-Q 950018 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Photosynthesis: Photoreaction to Plant Productivity.
Rec.: Abrol, Y.P. - Mohanty, P.: Photosynthesis: Photoreaction to Plant Productivity.
Photosynthetica, 31 [1] 100 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026005 - UEB-Q 950040 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
The Genetic Basis of Plant Physiological Processes.
Rec.: King, J.: The Genetic Basis of Plant Physiological Processes.
Photosynthetica, 31 [2] 176 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026006 - UEB-Q 950041 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Carbon Partitioning Within and Between Organisms.
Rec.: Pollock, C.J. - Farrar, J.F. - Gordon, A.J.: Carbon Partitioning Within and Between Organisms.
Photosynthetica, 31 [2] 176 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026007 - UEB-Q 950042 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Environmental Effects of Ozone Depletion: 1994 Assessment.
Rec.: Environmental Effects of Ozone Depletion: 1994 Assessment.
Photosynthetica, 31 [2] 240 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026008 - UEB-Q 950043 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Photosynthetic Responses to the Environment.
Rec.: Yamamoto, H.Y. - Smith, C.M.: Photosynthetic Responses to the Environment.
Photosynthetica, 31 [2] 250 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026009 - UEB-Q 950044 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Energy, Plants and Man.
Rec.: Walker, D.: Energy, Plants and Man.
Photosynthetica, 31 [3] 359-360 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026010 - UEB-Q 950045 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
How to Write a Paper.
Rec.: Hall, G.M.: How to Write a Paper.
Photosynthetica, 31 [3] 410 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026011 - UEB-Q 950046 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Ecology of Oligotrophic, Subarctic Thingvallavatn.
Rec.: Jónasson, P.M.: Ecology of Oligotrophic, Subarctic Thingvallavatn.
Photosynthetica, 31 [3] 426 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026012 - UEB-Q 950047 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Multilingual Dictionary of Agronomic Plants.
Rec.: Rehm, S.: Multilingual Dictionary of Agronomic Plants.
Photosynthetica, 31 [3] 426 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026013 - UEB-Q 950048 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Ekologiya Fotosinteza.
Rec.: Bil`, K.Ya.: Ekologiya Fotosinteza.
Photosynthetica, 31 [4] 528 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026014 - UEB-Q 950049 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Amino Acids and Their Derivatives in Higher Plants.
Rec.: Wallgrove, R.M.: Amino Acids and Their Derivatives in Higher Plants.
Photosynthetica, 31 [4] 500 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026015 - UEB-Q 950050 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
The Use of the Oxygen Electrode and Fluorescence Probes in Simple Measurements of Photosynthesis.
Rec.: Walker, D.: the Use of the Oxygen Electrode and Fluorescence Probes in Simple Measurements of Photosynthesis.
Photosynthetica, 31 [4] 500 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026016 - UEB-Q 950051 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Biologie in Zahlen.
Rec.: Findt, R.: Biologie in Zahlen.
Photosynthetica, 31 [4] 488 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026017 - UEB-Q 950052 CZ eng Rx
Šesták, Z.
Exploitation of Environmental Heterogeneity by Plants.
Rec.: Caldwell, M.M. - Pearcy, R.W.: Exploitation of Environmental Heterogeneity by Plants.
Photosynthetica, 31 [4] 540 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

025995 - UEB-Q 950030 NL eng B
Šesták, Z. - Čatský, J.
Photosynthesis Bibliography vol. 21. -, SPB Academic Publishing 1995. - - s.

025996 - UEB-Q 950031 NL eng B
Šesták, Z. - Čatský, J.
Photosynthesis Bibliograhpy vol. 22. -, SPB Academic Publishing 1995. - - s.

030857 - UEB-Q 960013 CZ eng J
Šesták, Z. - Čatský, J.
Bibliography of reviews and methods of photosynthesis-76.
Photosynthetica, 31 [3] 449-479 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

030858 - UEB-Q 960015 CZ eng Jx
Šesták, Z. - Květ, J.
Ivan Málek.
Photosynthetica, 31 [2] 161-162 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

026091 - UEB-Q 950127 SK eng C
Šimková, H.
Studies on mitochondrial genome in cytoplasmic male sterile nad fertile Daucus carota.
In: Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. - Nitra, Institute of Plant Genetics SAS 1995. - S. 114.
[Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

022261 - UEB-Q 950019 CZ eng J
Šindelář, L. - Šindelářová, M.
Biosynthesis of tobacco mosaic virus biosynthesis in tobacco protoplasts.
Biologia Plantarum, 37, 285-290 (1995).
Grant: GA501/93/0355
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

022395 - UOCHB-X 950048 AT eng A
Tykva, R. - Ruml, T. - Klotz, D. - Vlasáková, V.
A Radiotracer Study of Ground Water Pollution and Bioremediation by a Pesticide Passing through Different Soils.
In: International Symposium on Isotopes in Water Resources Management. Extended Synopses. - Vienna, UNESCO 1995. - S. 341-342.
[International Symposium on Isotopes in Water Resources Management. Vienna (AT), 95.03.20-95.03.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/0387

054028 - UEB-Q 980364 CZ eng A
Uhlířová, H. - Matucha, M. - Kretzschmar, M. - Bubner, M.
Investigation of the TCA - pathway in norway spruce (Picea abies/L. Karst) using 14C/labelling.
In: International Bioindicators Symposium /8./. - České Budějovice, - 1995. - S. 112.
[International Bioindicators Symposium /8./. České Budějovice (CZ), 95.05.22-95.05.28]

053925 - UEB-Q 980144 CZ cze J
Uhlířová, H. - Pasuthová, J. - Matucha, M.
Znečištění ovzduší a lesy. Chlorované sloučeniny.
Zprávy lesnického výzkumu, 40 [3-4] 30-35 (1995).

027256 - UEB-Q 950900 CZ cze P
Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR,
Myší lymfocytální hybridom PVS A-7 produkující protilátku proti andskému kmenu S viru bramboru.
In: P 280068. - Praha, ÚEB AV ČR 1995. - S. -.

026092 - UEB-Q 950128 SK eng C
Vagera, J.
The changes in variability of quantitative character in subsequent progenies of somaclones and controls in diploid and hexaploid wheats.
In: Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. - Nitra, Institute of Plant Genetics SAS 1995. - S. 158.
[Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

030941 - UEB-Q 960102 SK eng A
Vagera, J.
The changes in variability of quantitative characteristics in subsequent progenies of somaclones and control in diploid and hexaploid wheats.
In: Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. - Nitra, Institute of Plant. Genetic of SAS 1995. - 1 s.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.10.02-95.10.06]
Grant: MH ČR(CZ) Z660-01

030942 - UEB-Q 960103 SK eng C
Vagera, J. - Šafářová, D.
In vitro induced androgenesis in dioecious heterogametic plants.
In: Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. - Nitra, Institut of Plant. Genetic of SAS 1995. - 1 s.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.10.02-95.10.06]
Grant: GA506/93/0041

037480 - UEB-Q 970040 CZ eng A
Vlasáková, V. - Březinová, A. - Holík, J.
Application of HPLC with on-line radioisotope detection in cytokinin analysis.
In: Applications of HPLC and HPCE in the biosciences. - Praha, - 1995. - S. 57.
[International symposium on biomedical applications of chromatography and electrophoresis/13./. Praha (CZ), 95.09.04-95.09.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA501/93/0753

024837 - UOCHB-X 950244 CZ eng A
Vlasáková, V. - Tykva, R.
Radio HPLC - Analysis of Degradation Products of Juvenile Hormone Analogs.
In: 8th International Bioindicators Symposium. - České Budějovice, - 1995. - S. 115.
[International Bioindicators Symposium /8./. České Budějovice (CZ), 95.05.22-95.05.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/0387

026042 - UEB-Q 950077 SK eng C
Vondráková, Z. - Ullmann, J. - Součková, D.
The treatments to affect growth, morphology and vitrification of carnation in vitro.
In: Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. - Nitra, Institute of Plant Genetics SAS 1995. - S. 94.
[Symposium Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.00.00]

025997 - UEB-Q 950032 XX eng C
Wilhelmová, N.
Influence of exogenously applied cytokinin on thylakoid membranes.
In: Ecophysiology and Photosynthetic in Vitro Cultures. - (Ed. Carre, F.; Chagvardieff, P.). - Cadarache, - 1995. - S. 211-212.
[CEA. Cadarache (-), 95.00.00]

026000 - UEB-Q 950035 CZ eng A
Wilhelmová, N.
Thylakoid fragmentation with detergents during leaf development.
In: Proceedings of Congress. - -, - 1995. - - s.
[International Photosynthesis Congress /10./. Montpellier (FR), 95.00.00]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 206/95/1303

030856 - UEB-Q 960009 GB eng C
Wilhelmová, N.
Thylakoid fragmentation with detergents during leaf development.
In: Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere. - (Ed. Mathis, P.). - London, Kluwer Academic 1995. - S. 417-420.
[Photosynthesis" from Light to Biosphere. London (GB), 91.01.01]
Grant: GA206/95/1302

026001 - UEB-Q 950036 CZ eng J
Wilhelmová, N. - Kutík, J.
Influence of exogenously applied 6 - benzylaminopurine on the structure of chloroplasts and arrangement of their membranes.
Photosynthetica, 31 [4] 559-570 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

054032 - UEB-Q 980374 SK cze A
Zachař, P. - Vozňáková, Z. - Tesařová, E. - Sýkora, D. - Matucha, M.
Některé problémy stanovení PCB v médiích pro kultivaci mikroorganismů.
In: Sjezd chemických společností /49./. - Bratislava, - 1995. - S. 283-284.
[Sjezd chemických společností /49./. Bratislava (SK), 95.09.04-95.09.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1190; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA620425

026002 - UEB-Q 950037 CZ cze J
Zahradníček, J. - Koubová, J. - Folbergerová, Z. - Pulkrábek, J. - Šroller, J. - Švachula, V. - Čatský, J. - Kamínek, M. - Pospíšilová, J. - Kotyk, A.
Některé poznatky o vlivu cytokininů aj. růstových regulátorů na výnost, technologickou jakost a metabolismus cukrovky.
Listy Cukrovarnické a řepařské, 111, 229-235 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.028(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.012(95) 0.084(96) 0.038(97) 0.006(98) 0.033(99) 0.018(00) 0.051(01) 0,042(02) 0.085(03) ]

037479 - UEB-Q 970039 CZ eng A
Zažímalová, E. - Březinová, A.
Auxin starvation of the auxin-dependent tobacco cell culture: dynamics of endogenous auxin, cytokinins and auxin reception.
In: Abstract Book. - Praha, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, ASCR 1995. - S. 5.
[Czech-Taiwan (R.O.C.) Symposium on Biotechnology. Praha (CZ), 95.06.05-95.06.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/94/0290

026053 - UEB-Q 950088 GB eng J
Zažímalová, E. - Opatrný, Z. - Březinová, A. - Eder, J.
The effects of auxin starvation on the growth of auxin-dependent tobacco cell culture: dynamics of auxin-binding activity and endogenous free IAA content.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 46, 1205-1213 (1995).
Grant: IAA53809GA206/94/0290
[Impact factor:1.628(91) 1.478(92) 1.558(93) 1.463(94) 1.620(95) 1.931(96) 1.988(97) 2.218(98) 2.482(99) 2.314(00) 2.433(01) 2,852(02) 3.180(03) ]

022264 - UEB-Q 950022 NL eng J
Zonia, L. E. - Tupý, J.
Lithium treatment of Nicoatiana tabacum microspores blocks polar nuclear migration, disrupts the partitionning of membrane - associated Ca2+, and induces symmetrical mitosis.
Sexual Plant Reproduction, 8, 152-160 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 204/94/1242
[Impact factor:0.659(92) 1.700(93) 1.556(94) 1.293(95) 1.718(96) 1.540(97) 1.533(98) 1.811(99) 2.260(00) 1.753(01) 1,176(02) 1.705(03) ]

026021 - UEB-Q 950056 GB eng J
Zonia, L. E. - Tupý, J.
Lithium - sensitive calcium activity in the germination of apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.), tobaco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.).
Journal of Experimental Botany, 46 [289] 973-979 (1995).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA53804
[Impact factor:1.628(91) 1.478(92) 1.558(93) 1.463(94) 1.620(95) 1.931(96) 1.988(97) 2.218(98) 2.482(99) 2.314(00) 2.433(01) 2,852(02) 3.180(03) ]

026023 - UEB-Q 950058 CZ cze Jx
Žárský, V.
"De sexu plantarum epistola" - 300 let od objevu pohlavnosti u rostlin.
Vesmír, 74 [1] 33 (1995).

022263 - UEB-Q 950021 US eng J
Žárský, V. - Garrido, D. - Eller, N. - Tupý, J. - Vicente, O. - Schöffl, F. - Heberle-Bors, E.
The expresion of a small heat shock gene is activated during induction of tobacco pollen embryogenesis by starvation.
Plant Cell and Environment, 18, 139-147 (1995).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA53804
[Impact factor:4.119(92) 2.713(93) 2.291(94) 3.263(95) 3.277(96) 3.084(97) 3.070(98) 3.579(99) 2.799(00) 3.296(01) 3,015(02) 3.613(03) ]

026022 - UEB-Q 950057 DE eng J
Žárský, V. - Tupý, J.
A missed anniversary: 300 years after Rudolf Jacob Camerarius "De sexu plantarum epistola".
Sexual Plant Reproduction, 8 [6] 375-376 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.659(92) 1.700(93) 1.556(94) 1.293(95) 1.718(96) 1.540(97) 1.533(98) 1.811(99) 2.260(00) 1.753(01) 1,176(02) 1.705(03) ]

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