ÚJF - Ústav jaderné fyziky


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

011670 - UJF-V 930059 ru rus C
Adam, J. - Bialko, A. A. - Slyusarenko, A.I. - Churakov, A.K. - Cupko-Sitnikov, V.M.
Metod i programma vosstonovlenija schem raspada na osnove formalnogo-logicheskogo analiza matricy .gamma.-.gamma.-sovpadenij. Tezisy dokladov mezhdunarodnogo soveschanija. - Sankt-Peterburg, - 1993. - 353 s.
[Mezhdunarodnaja konferencia Jadernaja spektroskopija i struktura atomnogo jadra. Dubna (RF), 93.04.20-93.04.23]

011699 - UJF-V 930088 ru rus C
Adam, J. - Boncz-Osmolovskaia, N.A. - Kalinnikov, V.G. - Osipenko, B.P. - Pražák, F. - Solnyshkin, A.A. - Stegailov, V.I. - Čaloun, P.
Issledovanie raspada .SUP.159 Sb - .SUP.159 Tm.
In: Tezisy dokladov Mezhdunarodnogo soveschaniia po iadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo iadra. - D 6-93-112. - Dubna, - 1993. - S. 7.
[Mezhdunarodnoe soveschanie po iadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo iadra. Dubna (RF), 93]

011671 - UJF-V 930060 ru rus C
Adam, J. - Venos, D. - Gromov, K.Ya. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Kestarova, O. - Morozov, V. A. - Pražák, F. - Stegailov, V.I. - Cupko-Sitnikov, V. M. - Čaloun, P. - Mekl, I.
Uglovye korrelacii .gamma.-lučej v .SUP.166 Er. Tezisy dokladov mezhdunarodnogo soveschanija. - Sankt-Peterburg, - 1993. - 388 s.
[Mezhdunarodnaja konferencia Jadernaja spektroskopija i struktura atomnogo jadra. Dubna (RF), 93.04.20-93.04.23]

011637 - UJF-V 930026 US eng J
Adam, J. - Göller, H. - Arenhövel, H.
Relativistic Corrections and Unitary Equivalence in Elastic Electron Deuteron Scattering.
Physical Review. C, 48 [1] 370 (1993).

011630 - UJF-V 930019 ru rus J
Ann, P. - Borča, K. - Bimbot, R. - Borrel, V. - Gijmo-Müler, D. - Gareev, F. A. - Dlouhý, Z. - Dogni, S. - Erschov, S. N. - Kazacha, G. S. - Kordiasch, A. - Levitowicz, M. - Lukianov, S. M. - Müler, A. S. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Puszo, F. - Sen-Loran, Z. M. - Skobelev, N. K. - Tretiakova, S. P. - Švanda, J.
Uprugoe rasseianie .SUP.11 Li (29 MeV na nukleon) na jadrach .SUP.28 Si.
Izvestiia Akademii Nauk. seriia fizičeskaia, 57 [1] 127 (1993).

011676 - UJF-V 930065 DB eng C
Belozjorov, A.V. - Vincour, J. - Kolpakchieva, R. - Penionshkevich, Y. - Piskoř, Š. - Dlouhý, Z. - van Lucke-Petsch, M. - Ostrowski, A.N.
Study of the Exotic Nucleus .SUP.11 Li. Bernkastel - Kues, - 1993. - 343 s.
[International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability and 9th Constants /6./. Bernkastel (DB), 1992]

011614 - UJF-V 930003 CZ cze B
Blank, J. - Exner, P. - Havlíček, M.
Lineární operátory v kvantové fyzice. Praha, Karolinum 1993. - 680 s.

011628 - UJF-V 930017 DB eng J
Bohlen, H.G. - Gebauer, B. - von Lucke-Petsch, M. - von Oertzen, W. - Ostrowski, A.N. - Wilpert, M. - Lenske, H. - Alexandrov, D.V. - Demyanova, A.S. - Nikolskii, E. - Korsheninnikov, A. A. - Ogloblin, A. A. - Kalpakchieva, R. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Piskoř, Š.
Solution of the .SUP.10 Li-Puzzle.
Zeitschrift für Physik. A, 344, [-] 381-393 (1993).

011617 - UJF-V 930006 FR eng J
Brabec, V. - Ryšavý, M.
Effect of the Fermi-Function on the Results of the .beta.SUP.- Spectrum Evaluations.
Europhysics Letters, 21 [8] 811-816 (1993).
Grant: IA14852GA202/93/1146
[Impact factor:2.421(91) 2.463(92) 2.776(93) 2.662(94) 2.404(95)2.674(96) 2.350(97) 2.162(98) 2.214(99) 2.228(00)2.304(01) 2,360(02) 2.075(03) ]

011632 - UJF-V 930021 US eng J
Bydžovský, P. - Mach, R.
Nucleon-Nucleon Bound State Contribution to the Proton Scattering by Nuclei.
Physical Review. C, 47 [3] 2414 (1993).
Grant: IA14801

011659 - UJF-V 930048 DB eng J
Bystrický, V. M. - Kravtsov, A.V. - Rak, J.
Experimental Estimates of Rates of Muon Transfer Fromexcited to Helium Nuclei.
Kerntechnik, 58 [3] 185 (1993).
[Impact factor:0.260(92) 0.227(93) 0.223(94) 0.184(95)0.202(96) 0.193(97) 0.237(98) 0.412(99) 0.398(00)0.152(01) 0,193(02) 0.130(03) ]

011627 - UJF-V 930016 DB eng J
Cieplý, A. - Locher, M.P. - Zou, B.S.
Diquark Model for Protonium Annihilation into two Mesons.
Zeitschrift für Physik. A, 345, [-] 41-45 (1993).
Grant: IA14801

011689 - UJF-V 930078 CZ eng Z
Cieplý, A. - Mach, R.
The Influence of Nuclear Structure on the Characteristics of Light Pionic Atoms. REZ, ÚJF 1993. - - s. - (Preprint. NPI REZ-TH-93/02).

011672 - UJF-V 930061 IT eng Cx
Cisbani, C. - Frullani, S. - Garibaldi, F. - Jodice, M. - Mareš, J. - Sotona, M. - Urciuoli, G.M.
High Resolution Hypernuclear Spectroscopy with Electron Beam. Particles and Nuclei Book of Abstract. - (Ed. Mantovani, G.; Schaerf, C.). - Padova, CLEUP Padova 1993. - 640 s. - (2. session 13).
[International Conference /13./. Perugia (IT), 93.06.28-93.07.02]

011673 - UJF-V 930062 IT eng Cx
Cisbani, E. - Frullani, S. - Garibaldi, F. - Jodice, M. - Sotona, M. - Urciuoli, G.M.
Polarization Phenomena in the Electroproduction of Strangeness. Session 13 - Strangeness and Charm in Nucleons and Nuclei Book of Abstracts Particles and Nuclei. - (Ed. Mantovani, G.; Schaerf, C.). - Padova, CLEUP - Padova 1993. - 657 s. - ( 2).
[International Conference /13./. Perugia (IT), 93.06.28-93.07.02]

011690 - UJF-V 930079 US eng J
Csordas, A. - Šeba, P.
Quantum Irregular Scattering Induced by Tunneling.
Chaos, 3 [4] 637-642 (1993).

011681 - UJF-V 930070 FR eng Z
Dittrich, J. - Duclos, P. - Šeba, P.
Instability in a Classical Periodically Driven String. Marseille, CNRS Luminy 1993. - 1-12 s. - (Preprint. CPT-93/P.2916).

011615 - UJF-V 930004 GB eng J
Dittrich, J. - Inozemtsev, V.I.
On the Structure of Eigenvectors of the Multidimensional Lamé Operator.
Journal of Physics. G, 26, [-] L753-L756 (1993).

011653 - UJF-V 930042 DB eng C
Dlouhý, Z. - Švanda, J. - Bayer, R. - Wilhelm, I.
Emission of Light Charged Particles with Z .GE. 2 in Spontaneous Fission of .SUP. 252 Cf. DB, - 1993. - 481- s.
[6th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability and 9th International Conference on Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants. Bernkastel-Kues (DB), 92]

011616 - UJF-V 930005 US eng J
Dragoun, O. - Ryšavý, M. - Gunter, C.
Multipole Character of the Proposed 220 eV Transition in .SUP.229 Pa.
Physical Review. C, 47 [2] 870 (1993).
Grant: IA14852

011612 - UJF-V 930001 US eng J
Exner, P.
Bound States in Quantum Waveguides of a Slowly Decaying Curvature.
Journal of Mathematical Physics. -, 34 [1] 23-28 (1993).
[Impact factor:0.777(91) 0.880(92) 0.902(93) 0.969(94) 0.967(95)1.048(96) 1.102(97) 1.019(98) 0.976(99) 1.008(00)1.151(01) 1,387(02) 1.481(03) ]

011613 - UJF-V 930002 NL eng J
Exner, P.
A Twisted Landau Gauge.
Physics Letters. A, 178, [-] 236-238 (1993).
[Impact factor:1.091(91) 1.135(92) 1.149(93) 1.228(94) 1.190(95)1.241(96) 1.267(97) 1.272(98) 1.111(99) 1.122(00)1.220(01) 1,483(02) 1.324(03) ]

011626 - UJF-V 930015 US eng J
Fernández, F.M. - Guardiola, R. - Znojil, M.
Riccati-Padé Quantization and Oscillators V (r) = gr .SUP.alpha.
Physical Review. A, 48 [6] 4170-4174 (1993).
Grant: IA14811GA202/93/1314
[Impact factor:2.118(91) 2.157(92) 2.271(93) 2.292(94) 2.280(95)2.321(96) 2.764(97) 2.684(98) 2.639(99) 2.831(00)2.810(01) 2,986(02) 2.589(03) ]

011680 - UJF-V 930069 ru eng Z
Gangrsky, Y. P. - Hradečný, Č. - Mishinsky, G.V. - Štekl, I. - Těthal, T. - Yermolayev, I.M.
Optical Trap for Free Radioactive Atoms on Base of Light Induced Drift. Dubna, SÚJV 1993. - - s. - (Preprint. E13-93-181).

011675 - UJF-V 930064 NL eng J
Gangrsky, Y. - Hradečný, Č. - Mishinsky, G.V. - Štekl, I. - Těthal, T. - Yermolayev, I.M.
Trap for Radioactive Atoms in the Gas Phase Based on Light Induced Drift.
Physics Letters. A, 180, [-] 353-356 (1993).
[Impact factor:1.091(91) 1.135(92) 1.149(93) 1.228(94) 1.190(95)1.241(96) 1.267(97) 1.272(98) 1.111(99) 1.122(00)1.220(01) 1,483(02) 1.324(03) ]

011669 - UJF-V 930058 ru rus C
Gorožankin, V.M. - Kovalík, A. - Mahmud, M.A. - Novgorodov, A.F. - Bajer, G.Yu. - Ravn, G.
Nadezhna-li konversionnaya liniya K-32 iz raspada .SUP.83m Kr dlja kalibrovki "tritievych eksperimentov"? Tezisy dokladov mezhdunarodnogo soveschanija. - Sankt-Peterburg, - 1993. - 181 s.
[Mezhdunarodnaja konference Yadernaja spektroskopija i struktura atomnogo jadra. Dubna (RF), 93.04.20-93.04.23]

011688 - UJF-V 930077 FR eng C
Havránek, V.
The Principles and Use of RBS, PIXE, PIGE and NDP Nuclear Analytical Methods. Proceedings of the Conference PeH93. - Paris, - 1993. - 1 s.
[Conference PeH 93. Paris (FR), 93.06.28-93.07.02]
Grant: GA202/93/0121

011640 - UJF-V 930029 NL eng J
Havránek, V. - Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J. - Vacík, J. - Hoffmann, J. - Fink, D.
Neutron Depth Profiling by Large Angle Coincidence Spectrometry.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B, 73, [-] 523-530 (1993).
Grant: IA14805
[Impact factor:0.795(91) 0.962(92) 0.968(93) 1.188(94) 1.091(95)1.038(96) 0.890(97) 0.896(98) 0.921(99) 0.964(00)1.026(01) 1,167(02) 1.166(03) ]

011695 - UJF-V 930084 CZ cze C
Havránek, V. - Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J. - Obrusník, I.
Analytická metoda PIXE a její uplatnění při analýzách vzorků životního prostředí.
In: Materiály semináře Spektrometrie při kontrole životního prostředí. - (Ed. Helán, V.). - Praha, - 1993. - S. 158.
[Seminář Spektrometrie při kontrole životního prostředí. Řeka (CZ), 93.03.01-93.03.05]

011639 - UJF-V 930028 JP eng J
Hnatowicz, V. - Havránek, V. - Kvítek, J. - Peřina, V. - Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V.
Modifications of Polypropylene Induced by the Implantation of Iodine Ions.
Japanese Journal Applied Physics, 32 [4] 1810-1813 (1993).
Grant: IA14805

011645 - UJF-V 930034 NL eng J
Hnatowicz, V. - Havránek, V. - Kvítek, J. - Peřina, V. - Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V.
RBS Study of Oxidation Processes in Polypropylene and Polyethylene Implanted with Fluorine Ions.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B, 80/81, [ -] 1059-1062 (1993).
Grant: IA14805
[Impact factor:0.795(91) 0.962(92) 0.968(93) 1.188(94) 1.091(95)1.038(96) 0.890(97) 0.896(98) 0.921(99) 0.964(00)1.026(01) 1,167(02) 1.166(03) ]

011687 - UJF-V 930076 sk eng C
Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J. - Havránek, V. - Peřina, V.
Study of Thin Films by Elastic and Resonant Scattering of Charged Particles. Proceedings of the Czechoslovak Conference on Thin Films /7./ - (Ed. Tvarožek, V.; Neméth, Š.). - Liptovský Mikuláš, - 1993. - 102 s.
[Czechoslovak Conference on Thin Films. Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 93.06.14-93.06.18]
Grant: GA202/93/0121

011644 - UJF-V 930033 GB eng J
Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J. - Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V.
Oxidation of Polyethylene implanted with As Ions to Different Extents.
Europhysics Polymer Journal, 29 [9] 1255-1258 (1993).
Grant: IA14805

011649 - UJF-V 930038 NL eng J
Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J. - Voseček, V. - Černý, J.
RBS Depth Profiling of Light Elements in Non-Homogenous Binary Films.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods. B, 83, [-] 366-372 (1993).
Grant: IA14805
[Impact factor:0.795(91) 0.962(92) 0.968(93) 1.188(94) 1.091(95)1.038(96) 0.890(97) 0.896(98) 0.921(99) 0.964(00)1.026(01) 1,167(02) 1.166(03) ]

011663 - UJF-V 930052 DB eng J
Hock, R. - Vogt, T. - Kulda, J. - Mursic, Z. - Fucss, I. - Magerl, A.
Neutron Backscattering on Vibrating Silicon Crystals - Experimental Results on the Neutron Backscattering Spectrometer IN1O.
Zeitschrift für Physik. B - Condensed Matter, 90, [-] 143-153 ( 1993).
[Impact factor:2.336(91) 2.243(92) 2.345(93) 2.093(94) 1.601(95)1.647(96) 1.591(97) 1.428(98) 1.727(99) ]

011666 - UJF-V 930055 ru rus C
Honusek, M. - Špalek, A. - Adam, J. - Kudojarov, M.F. - Li, A.C. - Pasternak, A.A.
Intensivnosti .gamma. luczei jadra .SUP.100 Ru iz reakcii (.alpha.,.xn.,.gamma.). Tezisy dokladov mezhdunarodnogo soveschaniia. - Sankt-Peterburg, - 1993. - 55 s.
[Yadernaya spektroskopia i struktura atomnogo yadra. Dubna (RF), 93.04.20-93.04.23]

011667 - UJF-V 930056 ru rus C
Honusek, M. - Špalek, A. - Adam, J. - Kudojarov, M.F. - Pasternak, A.A.
Vremena žizni vysokospinovych sostojanij .SUP.101 Ru. Tezisy dokladov mezhdunarodnogo soveschaniya. - Sankt-Peterburg, - 1993. - 56 s.
[Yadernaya spektroskopia i struktura atomnogo jadra. Dubna (RF), 93.04.20-93.04.23]

011647 - UJF-V 930036 DB eng J
Honzátko, J. - Konečný, K. - Tomandl, I.
The Cross Section for (n,.gamma.) Production of the 145 keV (11/2.SUP.-).
Zeitschrift für Physik. A, 345, [-] 429-430 (1993).
Grant: IA14853

011631 - UJF-V 930020 CZ eng J
Hošek, J.
QCD Vacuum as a Type-II Dual Colour Superconductor.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. B, 43 [3/4] 309 (1993).
[Indian-Summer School on Electromagnetic and Weak Interactions of Particles with Nuclei. Sázava (CZ), 92.09.06-92.09.12]
Grant: IA14807

011654 - UJF-V 930043 SG eng C
Hošek, J.
Macroscopic model of the coulor confinement. Proceedings of the Workshop on QCD Vacuum Structure and its Applications. - (Ed. Fried, H.M.; Müller, B.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1993. - 98- s. - (World Scientific.).
[Workshop on QCD Vacuum Structure and its Applications. Paris (FR), 92.06.01-92.06.05]
Grant: IA14807

011700 - UJF-V 930089 CZ eng J
Hradečný, Č. - Shalagin, A.M. - Slovák, J. - Těthal, T. - Yermolayev, I.M.
The Light Induced Drift Effect of Radioactive Isotopes.
Acta Polytechnica, 33 [2] 93-99 (1993).
[International Interdisciplinary Doppler Symposium. Praha (CZ), 92]

011679 - UJF-V 930068 ru eng Z
Hradečný, Č. - Těthal, T. - Yermolayev, I.M. - Zemlyanoi, S.G. - Zuzaan, P.
Isotope Separation of .SUP.22 Na and .SUP.24 Na with Using Light Induced Drift Effect. Dubna, SÚJV 1993. - S. 14. - (Preprint. E13-93-181).

011668 - UJF-V 930057 ru rus C
Kalinnikov, V.G. - Evtisov, S.V. - Katushina, S.L. - Osipenko, V.P. - Pražák, F. - Solnyshkin, A.A. - Stegajlov, V.I. - Čaloun, P.
Izomernoe sostoyanie .SUP.156m Ho (T1/2 = 13 sek).
In: Tezisy dokladov mezhdunarodnogo soveschaniya. - Sankt-Peterburg, - 1993. - S. 87.
[Yadernaya spektroskopiya i struktura atomnogo jadra. Dubna (RF), 93.04.2O-93.O4.23]

011660 - UJF-V 930049 FR eng J
Klimanek, P. - Kschidock, T. - Lukáš, P. - Mikula, P. - Mücklich, A. - Vrána, M.
Substructure Analysis by Means of Neutron Diffraction.
Journal de Physique. Coloque C7, 3, [-] 2143 (1993).
Grant: IA14816GA202/93/0361

011618 - UJF-V 930007 NL eng J
Kovalík, A. - Mahmoud, M.A.
Searching for the Intermediate Coupling and Correlation Effects on the L.SUB.3-MM Auger Spectrum of .SUP.169 Tm.
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 61, [-] 323-336 (1993).
[Impact factor:1.311(91) 1.796(92) 1.483(93) 1.274(94) 1.376(95)0.791(96) 0.627(97) 1.015(98) 1.183(99) 0.875(00)1.259(01) 1,317(02) 1.237(03) ]

011677 - UJF-V 930066 CZ eng C
Kroha, V. - Kozubek, S.
An Experimental Facility for Biological Studies Exploiting Accelerated Particle Beams.
In: Radiation Biology and its Application in Space Research. - Brno, - 1993. - S. -.
[International Symposium. Brno (CZ), 92.11.26-92.11.27]

012286 - BFU-R 930200 CS eng C
Kroha, V. - Kozubek, S.
An experimental facility for biological studies exploiting accelerated particle beams.
In: Proceedings of the Symposium Radiation Biology and its Application in Space Research. - Brno, - 1993. - S. 37-39.
[Radioation Biology and its Application in Space Research. Brno (CS) , 92.11.26-92.11.27]

011650 - UJF-V 930039 AT eng C
Kugler, A. - Wagner, V. - Pachr, M. - Šumbera, M. - Sobolev, Y. - Hlavac, S. - Simon, R.S. - Lorenz, R. - Wohlgemuth, R. and TAPS and FOPI collaborations
Angular Distribution of Particle Emission Relative to the Reaction Plane in Bi+Pb collisions at 1 GeV/U. International Workshop XXI on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations. - (Ed. Feldmeier, H.). - Hirschegg, - 1993. - 22 s.
[International Workshop XXI on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations. Hirschegg (AT), 93.01.18-93.01.23]
Grant: IA14808

011685 - UJF-V 930074 DB eng Z
Kugler, A. - Wagner, V. - Pachr, M. - Šumbera, M. - Simon, R.S. - Hlaváč, S.
Flow Effects in Bi + Pb Collisions at 1 GeV/u. Darmstadt, GSI 1993. - - s. - (Preprint. GSI-93-75).

011686 - UJF-V 930075 ru eng Z
Kugler, A. - Wagner, V. - Pachr, M. - Šumbera, M. - Sobolev, Y. - Hlaváč, S. - Simon, R.S. - Lorencz, R. - Wohlgemuth, R.
Angular Distribution of Particle Emission Relative to the Reaction Plane in Heavy-Ion Collisions at 1 GeV/u. Dubna, SÚJV 1993. - 149 s. - (Preprint. E7-93-274).

011692 - UJF-V 930081 NL eng J
Lewitowicz, M. - Anne, R. - Borcea, C. - Castroiu, F. - Kordyasz, A. - Saing-Laourent, M. G. - Bimbot, R. - Borrel, V. - Dogny, S. - Guillemaud-Mueller, D. - Mueller, A. C. - Pougheon, F. - Gareev, F. A. - Ershov, S. M. - Lukyanov, S. M. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Skobelev, K. N. - Tretyakova, S. P. - Dlouhý, Z. - Nosek, L. - Švanda, J.
Elastic Scattering of a Secondary .SUP.11 Li Beam on .SUP.28 Si at 29 MeV/n.
Nuclear Physics. A, 562, [-] 301-316 (1993).
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95)1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00)2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

011694 - UJF-V 930083 GB eng C
Lewitowicz, M. - Anne, R. - Borcea, C. - Castroiu, F. - Kordyasz, A. - Saint-Laurent, M. G. - Bimbot, R. - Borrel, V. - Dogny, S. - Guillemaud-Mueller, D. - Mueller, A. C. - Pougheon, F. - Gareev, F. A. - Ershov, S. M. - Lukyanov, S. M. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Skobelev, K. N. - Tretyakova, S. P. - Dlouhý, Z. - Nosek, L. - Švanda, J.
Elastic Scattering of a Secondary .SUP.11 Li Beam on .SUP.28 Si at 29 MeV/n. Proceedings of the NFFS-6 - AMCO-9. - Bristol, IOP Publishing Ltd 1993. - 337 s.
[Conference of the NFFS-6 - AMCO-9. Bernkastel-Kues (DB), 92]

011691 - UJF-V 930080 ru eng C
Lewitowicz, M. - Borcea, C. - Anne, R. - Bimbot, R. - Borrel, V. - Carstoiu, F. - Ershov, S. - Dlouhý, Z. - Dogny, S. - Guillemaud-Mueller, D. - Gareev, F. - Kazacha, G. - Kordyasz, A. - Mueller, A. C. - Lukyanov, S. M. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Pougheon, F. - Roussel-Chomaz, P.
Elastic Scattering of .SUP.11 Li (29 MeV/n) on .SUP.28 Si.
In: Proceedings of the International School - Seminar on HIP. - Dubna, - 1993. - S. 89.
[International School - Seminar on HIP. Dubna (RF), 93]

011683 - UJF-V 930072 ru eng C
Majling, L.
Production of .lambda. Hypernuclei with a Large Neutron Excess.
In: Proceedings of the International School-Seminar on Heavy Ion Physics. - Dubna, - 1993. - S. 86.
[International School-Seminar on Heavy Ion Physics. Dubna (RF), 93-05-00]
Grant: IA14801

111272 - UJF-V 20043012 RIV RU eng J
Majling, L. - Eramzhjan, R.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA14801
[Impact factor:0.242(92) 0.204(93) 0.117(94) 0.182(95) 0.118(96) 0.131(97) 0.171(98) 0.148(99) 0.169(00) 0.088(01) ]

011656 - UJF-V 930045 ru rus J
Majling, L. - Eramzhyan, R.A.
Giperjadernaja spektroskopija: uspechi, problemy i perspektivy.
Izvestiia AN. seriia fizičeskaia, 57 [2] 2-10 (1993).
Grant: IA148401

011674 - UJF-V 930063 IT eng Cx
Mareš, J.
.omega.Lambda.Lambda Tensor Coupling in a Relativistic Description of Hypernuclei. session 13 - Strangeness and Charm in Nucleons and Nuclei Book of Abstract Particles and Nuclei. - (Ed. Mantovani, G.; Schaerf, C.). - Padova, CLEUP - Padova 1993. - 661-662 s. - ( 2).
[International Conference /13./. Perugia (IT), 93.06.28-93.07.02]

011633 - UJF-V 930022 DB eng J
Mareš, J. - Žofka, J.
Multi-Strange Systems in Relativistic Mean Fields.
Zeitschrift für Physik. A, 345, [-] 47-51 (1993).

011661 - UJF-V 930050 FR eng J
Mikula, P. - Lukáš, P. - Vrána, M. - Klimánek, P. - Kschidock, T. - Macek, K. - Janovec, J. - Osborn, J.C. - Swallowe, G.M.
Advanced neutron diffraction Techniques for Strain Measurements in Polycrystalline Materials.
Journal de Physique. Colloque C7, 3, [-] 2183 (1993).
Grant: GA202/93/0361

011634 - UJF-V 930023 NL eng J
Navrátil, P. - Geyer, H.B.
Effective Operator Theory in Boson Mappings.
Nuclear Physics. A, 556, [-] 165-189 (1993).
Grant: IA14812
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95)1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00)2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

011636 - UJF-V 930025 NL eng J
Navrátil, P. - Geyer, H.B. - Kuo, T.T.S.
Energy Independent Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Effective Operators.
Physics Letters. B, 315, [-] 1-5 (1993).
Grant: IA14812
[Impact factor:3.227(91) 3.438(92) 3.079(93) 3.056(94) 3.272(95)3.670(96) 3.581(97) 3.567(98) 3.878(99) 4.213(00)4.377(01) 4,298(02) 4.066(03) ]

011664 - UJF-V 930053 IT eng Cx
Obersteiner, P. - Plessas, W. - Truhlík, E.
Role of a .sub.1 (126O) Meson Exchange in Describing Short-Range Phenomena.
In: Particles and Nuclei. - Book of Abstract. - (Ed. Mantovani, G.; Schaerf, C.). - Padova, CLEUP Padova 1993. - 331 s.
[International Conference /13./. Perugia (IT), 93.06.28-93.07.02]

027781 - UJF-V 960231 HU eng J
Obrusník, I. - Eckschlager, K.
Application of reference materials for quality assessment in neutron activation analysis. Use of information theory.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 169 [2] 347-361 (1993).
[MTAA: International conference on modern trends in activation analysis /8./. Vienna (AT), 91.09.16-91.09.20]
[Impact factor:0.422(91) 0.471(92) 0.354(93) 0.613(94) 0.368(95) 0.244(96) 0.330(97) 0.291(98) 0.605(99) 0.488(00) 0.398(01) 0,502(02) 0.472(03) ]

011693 - UJF-V 930082 GB eng C
Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Skobelev, N.K. - Lukyanov, S.M. - Gareev, F.A. - Dlouhý, Z. - Lewitowicz, M.
Elastic Scattering of Lightest Radioactive Isobar Nuclei.
In: Proceedings of the NFFS-6 - AMCO-9 Conference. - Bristol, IOP Publishing Ltd 1993. - S. 345.
[Conference of the NFFS-6 - AMCO-9. Bernkastel-Kues (DB), 92]

011697 - UJF-V 930086 CZ cze J
Peřina, V. - Cháb, V. - Jurek, K.
Oživne mozaika "Poslední soud" na chrámu svatého Víta?
Vesmír, 72, [-] 337-343 (1993).

011696 - UJF-V 930085 CZ eng C
Peřina, V. - Janča, J.
RBS Characterization of rf Plasma Deposited Diamond-Like thin Films.
In: Proceedings of Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /16./. - (Ed. Píchal, J.). - Praha, - 1993. - S. 262-266.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /16./. Praha (CZ), 93.04.27-93.04.29]

011655 - UJF-V 930044 NL eng C
Stadler, A. - Adam, J. - Henning, H. - Sauer, P.U.
.pi.SUP.- and .ro. - Exchange Three-Nucleon Forces in the Three-Nucleon Bound State. (Ed. Kok, L.P.). - NL, - 1993. - 192-193 s. - ( Few Body 14 Conference Handbook).
[Europian Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics /14./. Amsterdam (Amsterdam), 93.08.23-93.08.27]

011662 - UJF-V 930051 FR eng J
Strunz, P. - Lukáš, P. - Šaroun, J. - Mikula, P. - Albertini, G. - Cicognani, G. - Stefanon, M.
Investigation of Vycor Glass Structure on the Double-Bent-Crystal Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument.
Journal de Physique. Colloque C7, 3, [-] 1439 (1993).
Grant: IA14816GA202/93/0361

011646 - UJF-V 930035 GB eng J
Šaroun, J. - Lukáš, P. - Mikula, P. - Alefeld, B.
Optimization of a Double-Bent-Crystal Diffractometer for Neutron Small-Angle Scattering Experiments.
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 26, [-] - (1993).
Grant: IA14816GA202/93/0361
[Impact factor:1.804(91) 1.513(92) 2.308(93) 1.951(94) 2.497(95) 2.471(96) 1.988(97) 1.569(98) 1.901(99) 1.752(00) 2.583(01) 1,871(02) 2.324(03) ]

011682 - UJF-V 930071 FR eng J
Šaroun, J. - Lukáš, P. - Mikula, P. - Strunz, P.
Focusing Double Bent Crystal Diffractometer in Combination with PSD for SANS Experiments.
Journal de Physique. C 8 Colloque, 3, [-] 439-442 (1993).
Grant: IA14816GA202/93/0361

011624 - UJF-V 930013 US eng J
Šeba, P.
Quantum Irregular Scattering in the Presence of a Classical Stability Island.
Physical Review. E, 47 [6] 3870-3878 (1993).
Grant: IA14814
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.888(94) 2.159(95)2.149(96) 2.233(97) 2.066(98) 2.045(99) 2.142(00)2.235(01) 2,397(02) 2.202(03) ]

011621 - UJF-V 930010 GB eng J
Špalek, A. - Dragoun, O.
The Effect of Electron Backscattering on the Shape of .SUP.63 Ni .beta.-ray Spectrum.
Journal of Physics. G, 19 [4] 2071-2077 (1993).
Grant: IA14852GA202/93/1146

011665 - UJF-V 930054 DB eng C
Šumbera, M. - Löhner, H. - Raschke, A.E. - Venema, L.B. - Wilschut, H.W.
Neutral Pion Production in Heavy Ion Collisions at SIS-Energies.
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations /21./ - (Ed. Feldmeier, H.). - Darmstadt, - 1993. - S. 11.
[International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations /21/. Hirschegg (AT), 93.01.18-93.01.22]

011684 - UJF-V 930073 NL eng Z
Šumbera, M. - Löhner, H. - Raschke, A.E. - Venema, L.B. - Wilschut, H.V.
Neutral Pion Production in Heavy Ion Collisions at SIS-Energies. Groningen, KVI 1993. - - s. - (Preprint. KVI-973).

011638 - UJF-V 930027 GB eng J
Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Endršt, R. - Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J.
Ion Implantation into Polyethylene.
Journal Electrochemical Society, 140 [2] 549-551 (1993).
Grant: IA14805

011643 - UJF-V 930032 GB eng J
Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Endršt, R. - Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J. - Seidl, P.
Surface Modification of Polyethylene and Polypropylene by Ion Implantation.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 49, [-] 1939-1942 (1993).
Grant: IA14805
[Impact factor:0.752(91) 0.969(92) 0.966(93) 0.870(94) 0.896(95)0.934(96) 0.841(97) 0.886(98) 0.952(99) 0.881(00)0.992(01) 0,927(02) 1.017(03) ]

011642 - UJF-V 930031 GB eng J
Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J.
The Influence of Implantation Conditions on the Surface Structure of Polypropylene.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 49, [-] 1299-1301 (1993).
Grant: IA14805
[Impact factor:0.752(91) 0.969(92) 0.966(93) 0.870(94) 0.896(95)0.934(96) 0.841(97) 0.886(98) 0.952(99) 0.881(00)0.992(01) 0,927(02) 1.017(03) ]

011641 - UJF-V 930030 GB eng J
Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Švorčíková, J. - Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J. - Vacík, J. - Červená, J. - Peřina, V.
Difusion into Polypropylene of Chlorides of Alkali Metals.
Europhysics Polymer Journal, 29 [7] 923-926 (1993).
Grant: IA14805

011635 - UJF-V 930024 GB eng J
Tater, M. - Turbiner, A.V.
Failure of the Hill Determinant Method for the Sextic Anharmonic Oscilator.
Journal of Physics. A, 26, [-] 697-710 (1993).

011622 - UJF-V 930011 US eng J
Tlustý, P. - Vénos, D. - Kugler, A. - Honusek, M. - Gorski, B.
Directional Correlation of .gamma. Rays in 31 yr .SUP. 178 Hf .SUP.m Decay.
Physical Review. C, 48 [4] 2082-2084 (1993).

011678 - UJF-V 930067 CA eng C
Trejbal, Z. - Křivánek, M. - Kučera, J. - Bejšovec, V. - Štursa, J.
Experiments on the Axial Injection System of the Cyclotron U-12O M.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference /13./. - Vancouver, World Scientific Publishing 1993. - S. 465-468.
[International Conference /13./ - Cyclotrons and their Applications. Vancouver (CA), 92.06.06-92.06.10]

011625 - UJF-V 930014 CZ eng J
Truhlík, E.
Chiral Electromagnetic Meson Exchange Currents.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 43 [3/4] 467 (1993).
[Indian Summer School on Electromagnetic and Weak Interactions of Particles with Nuclei. Sázava (CZ), 92.09.06-92.09.12]

011698 - UJF-V 930087 HU eng C
Vacík, J. - Červená, J. - Havránek, V. - Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J. - Fink, D.
Thermal Neutron Depth Profiling.
In: Proceedings of the Workshop on the International Use of Centres of Excellence and Joint Projects on Materials Science. - Budapest, - 1993. - S. 116.
[Workshop on the International Use of Centres of Excelence and Joint Projects on Materials Science. Budapest (HU), 93]

011620 - UJF-V 930009 US eng J
Venema, L. B. - Braak, H. - Löhner, H. - Raschke, A. E. - Siemssen, R. H. - Šumbera, M. - Wilschut, H. W. - Berg, F. D. - Kühn, W. - Metag, V. - Notheisen, M. - Novotny, R. - Pfeiffer, M. - Ritman, J. - Schwalb, O. - Gobbi, A. - Hildenbrand, K. D. - Hlaváč, S. - Holzmann, R. - Simon, R. S. - Sodan, U. - Teh, K. - Wessels, J. P. - Herrmann, N. - Wienold, T. - Kotte, R. - Mösner, J. - Neubert, W. - Wohlfarth, D. - Ostendorf, R. - Schutz, Y. - Brummung, N. - Santo, R.
Azimuthal Asymmetry of Neutral Pion Emission in Au+Au Reactions at 1 GeV/nucleon.
Physical Review Letters, 71 [6] 835 (1993).
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95)6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00)6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

011658 - UJF-V 930047 NL eng J
Venos, D. - Tlustý, P.
Efficiency Corrections for the .gamma.-.gamma. Coincidence Counting Rates Measured by the Multi-Detector Correlation System.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods. A, 336, [-] 567 (1993).
[Impact factor:0.795(91) 0.962(92) 0.968(93) 1.188(94) 1.091(95)1.038(96) 0.890(97) 0.896(98) 0.921(99) 0.964(00)1.026(01) 1,167(02) 1.166(03) ]

011657 - UJF-V 930046 NL eng J
Vinduška, M.
Metric Bell's Inequalities for Phases of Interferring Particles.
Physics Letters. A, 174 [112] 9-12 (1993).
[Impact factor:1.091(91) 1.135(92) 1.149(93) 1.228(94) 1.190(95)1.241(96) 1.267(97) 1.272(98) 1.111(99) 1.122(00)1.220(01) 1,483(02) 1.324(03) ]

011629 - UJF-V 930018 ru eng J
Vobecký, M. - Těthal, T.
Contamination of Mushrooms by Radiocesium in Bohemia During 1986-199O.
Radiochimica Acta, 60, [-] 165-168 (1993).
[Impact factor:0.583(91) 0.858(92) 0.611(93) 0.519(94) 0.541(95)0.843(96) 0.718(97) 1.010(98) 0.787(99) 0.775(00)0.660(01) 0,809(02) 0.940(03) ]

011619 - UJF-V 930008 NL eng J
Was, B. - Kovalík, A. - Novgorodov, A.F. - Rak, J.
A New Technique for the Preparation of Small-Size Radioactive Samples Based on the Langmuir-Blodgett Method.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. A, 332, [-] 334-341 (1993).
[Impact factor:0.795(91) 0.962(92) 0.968(93) 1.188(94) 1.091(95)1.038(96) 0.890(97) 0.896(98) 0.921(99) 0.964(00)1.026(01) 1,167(02) 1.166(03) ]

011623 - UJF-V 930012 NL eng J
Znojil, M.
Three-Point Padé Resummation of Perturbation Series for Anharmonic Oscilators.
Physics Letters. A, 177, [-] 111-120 (1993).
Grant: IA14811GA202/93/1314
[Impact factor:1.091(91) 1.135(92) 1.149(93) 1.228(94) 1.190(95)1.241(96) 1.267(97) 1.272(98) 1.111(99) 1.122(00)1.220(01) 1,483(02) 1.324(03) ]

011648 - UJF-V 930037 US eng J
Znojil, M.
Comment on the paper. "The Nonsingular Spiked Harmonic Oscillator" by G. Estévez and E. Estévez.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 34, [-] 4196 (1993).
[Impact factor:0.777(91) 0.880(92) 0.902(93) 0.969(94) 0.967(95)1.048(96) 1.102(97) 1.019(98) 0.976(99) 1.008(00)1.151(01) 1,387(02) 1.481(03) ]

011651 - UJF-V 930040 SG eng C
Znojil, M.
Symbolic Computations in Quantum Mechanics: Energies in Next-to-Solvable Systems. (Ed. Groot, R.A.; Nadrchal, J.). - Singapore, - 1993. - 502-506 s. - (World Scientific.).
[International Conference Physics Computing 92 /4./. Prague (CZ), 92.08.24-92.08.28]
Grant: IA14811GA202/93/1314

011652 - UJF-V 930041 DB eng C
Znojil, M.
Re-Construction of Polynomial Potentials with a Perturbation-Interpolation Constraint. Quantum Inversion Theory and Applications. - (Ed. von Geramb, H.V.). - Berlin, - 1993. - 458-464 s. - (Springer.).
[International Conference on Quantum Inversion Theory and Applications. Bad Honnef (DB), 93.05.17-93.05.19]
Grant: IA14811

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