ÚMG - Ústav molekulární genetiky


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

039949 - UMG-J 970042 DE eng J
Amoui, M. - Dráberová, L. - Tolar, P. - Dráber, P.
Direct interaction of Syk and Lyn protein tyrosine kinases in rat basophilic leukemia cells activated via type I Fce receptors.
European Journal of Immunology, 27 [2] 321-328 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA552402IAA5052506; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1676; GA ČR(CZ) GA301/94/1674; GA ČR(CZ) GV312/96/K205; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/97/0237; HHMI(US) 75195-540301
[Impact factor:4.934(92) 5.577(93) 5.664(94) 6.015(95) 5.701(96) 5.256(97) 5.438(98) 5.635(99) 5.240(00) 4.990(01) 4,832(02) 4.536(03) ]

055012 - UMG-J 980019 CZ eng D
Amoui, M.
Lyn and Syk kinases in Thy-1 and FceRI mediated activation of rat basophilic leukemia cells. Praha, ÚMG AV ČR 1997. - 107 s.
Grant: IAA552402; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052506; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1676; GA ČR(CZ) GA301/94/1674; GA ČR(CZ) GV312/96/K205; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/97/0237; HHMI(US) 75195-540301

055001 - UMG-J 980005 DE eng J
Amoui, M. - Dráber, P. - Dráberová, L.
Src family-selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor, PP1, inhibits both FceRI- and Thy-1-mediated activation of rat basophilic leukemia cells.
European Journal of Immunology, 27, 1881-1886 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052704; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052506; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/97/0237; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0239; GA ČR(CZ) GV312/96/K205; Howard Hughes Medical Institute(US) 75195-540301
[Impact factor:4.934(92) 5.577(93) 5.664(94) 6.015(95) 5.701(96) 5.256(97) 5.438(98) 5.635(99) 5.240(00) 4.990(01) 4,832(02) 4.536(03) ]

056525 - UMG-J 980097 US eng J
Anděra, L. - Wasylyk, B.
Transcription abnormalities potentiate apoptosis of normal human fibroblasts.
Molecular Medicine, 3 [12] 852-863 (1997).
[Impact factor: 4.155(99) 3.779(00) 3.234(01) 3,337(02) 2.656(03) ]

056540 - UMG-J 980124 GB eng C
Angelisová, P. - Černý, J. - Hořejší, V.
B-cell functional studies: Association of B-cell antigens with protein kinases.
In: Leucocyte Typing 6. White Cell Differentiation Antigens. - (Ed. Kishimoto, T.; Kikutani, H.; von dem Borne, A. E. G.; Goyert, S. M.; Mason, D. Y.; Miyasaka, M.; Moretta, L.; Okumara, K.; Shaw, S.; Springer, T. A.; Sugamura, K.; Zola, H.). - London, Garland Publishing 1997. - S. 257. - ().
[International HLDA Workshop and Conference /6./. Kobe (JP), 96.11.10-96.11.14]

056541 - UMG-J 980125 JP eng C
Angelisová, P. - Černý, J. - Hořejší, V.
T-cell Blind Panel biochemical analysis: Association of T-cell antigens with protein kinases.
In: Leucocyte Typing 6. White Cell Differentiation Antigens. - (Ed. Kishimoto, T.; Kikutani, H.; von dem Borne, A. E. G.; Goyert, S. M.; Mason, D. Y.; Miyasaka, M.; Moretta, L.; Okumara, K.; Shaw, S.; Springer, T. A.; Sugamura, K.; Zola, H.). - London, Garland Publishing 1997. - S. 81-82.
[International HLDA Workshop and Conference /6./. Kobe (JP), 96.11.10-96.11.14]

055042 - UMG-J 980052 GB eng J
Bartůněk, P. - Karafiát, V. - Dvořáková, M. - Záhorová, V. - Mandíková, S. - Zenke, M. - Dvořák, M.
The Myb leucine zipper is essential for leukemogenicity of the v-Myb protein.
Oncogene, 15 [24] 2939-2949 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/0324; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052503
[Impact factor:6.634(92) 6.991(93) 7.387(94) 7.991(95) 7.727(96) 6.772(97) 6.192(98) 6.517(99) 6.490(00) 6.737(01) 5,979(02) 6.495(03) ]

055019 - UMG-J 980028 IE eng A
Basta-Kaim, A. - Kubera, M. - Skowron-Cendrzak, A. - Roman, A. - Borycz, J. - Holáň, V. - Nowak, E.
The effect of lithium on the stress-induced depression of the cell-mediated immunity in mice.
Immunology Letters, 56 [1-3] 468 (1997).
[European Immunology Meeting /13./. Amsterdam (NL), 97.06.22-97.06.25]
Grant: IZ3964
[Impact factor:1.513(91) 1.559(92) 1.241(93) 1.223(94) 1.241(95) 1.255(96) 1.096(97) 1.485(98) 1.494(99) 1.546(00) 2.009(01) 1,847(02) 1.710(03) ]

056532 - UMG-J 980110 US eng J
Bažil, V. - Brandt, J. E. - Hoffman, R.
Resistance of human hematopoietic stem cells to a monoclonal antibody recognizing CD43.
Stem Cells, 15 [Suppl.1] 13-18 (1997).
[Impact factor: 2.780(99) 2.989(00) 2.689(01) 4,034(02) 5.802(03) ]

067306 - UFCH-W 990241 CZ cze A
Belháčová, L. - Krýsa, J. - Jirkovský, J. - Geryk, J.
Deaktivace bakterií na průtočném deskovém fotoreaktoru s fixovanou vrstvou TiO2 částic.
In: Sborník 44. konference chemického procesního inženýrství CHISA'97. - Srní, 1997. - S. 89.
[CHISA /44./. Srní (CZ), 97.10.13-97.10.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/0883

055030 - UMG-J 980040 US eng B
Bereiter-Hahn, J. - Veselý, P.
Reflection interference microscopy.
In: Cell Biology - A laboratory Hand book. - (Ed. Celis, J. E.). - San Diego, Academic Press 1997. - S. 54-62.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1481

046052 - MBU-M 970325 CZ cze A
Binarová, P. - Doležel, J. - Dráber, P.
Lokalizace t-tubulinu v mitotickém aparátu bobu (Vicia faba).
In: Cytoskeletální klub. - Vranovská Ves, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR 1997. - S. 5.
[Cytoskeletální klub. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 97.03.19-97.03.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1020

055038 - UMG-J 980048 US eng J
Brasoveanu, L. I. - Fousatti, E. - Visintin, A. - Pavlovič, M. - Cattarossi, I. - Colizzi, F. - Gasparollo, A. - Coral, S. - Hořejší, V. - Altomonte, M. - Maio, M.
Melanoma cells constitutively release an anchor-positive soluble of protectin (sCD59) that retains functional activities in homologous complement-mediated cytotoxicity.
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 100 [5] 1248-1255 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0674
[Impact factor:8.217(91) 8.389(92) 8.519(93) 8.467(94) 8.788(95) 9.486(96) 9.667(97) 9.315(98) 10.921(99) 12.015(00) 14.11(01) 14,0515(02) 14.307(03) ]

039943 - UMG-J 970036 CZ cze J
Bubeník, J.
Genová terapie zhoubných nádorů.
Praktický lékař, 77 [5] 215-216 (1997).

055009 - UMG-J 980014 CZ cze J
Bubeník, J.
Genová léčba zhoubných nádorů. Perspektivy vakcín s vnesenými geny pro cytokiny.
Časopis lékařů českých, 136 [1] 17-21 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0137; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/96/1211; IGA MZ(CZ) 3516-3; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052501

055011 - UMG-J 980016 GR eng J
Bubeník, J. - Rössner, P. - Bubeníková, D. - Šímová, J. - Indrová, M. - Šloncová, E.
Tumour vaccines expressing IL-2, CD80, and IL-2 plus CD80 gene.
International Journal of Oncology, 11 [6] 1213-1219 (1997).
Grant: IZ3516; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/96/1211; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0137; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052501
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.934(93) 1.061(94) 1.110(95) 1.125(96) 1.181(97) 1.040(98) 1.381(99) 2.142(00) 2.330(01) 2,931(02) 2.536(03) ]

055010 - UMG-J 980015 CU eng J
Bubeník, J. - Rössner, P. - Šímová, J.
Genetically modified tumour vaccines.
Advances in Modern Biotechnology, 4 [31] - (1997).
[Biotechnology Habana 97. Havana (CU), 97.12.01-97.12.06]

044202 - UMG-J 970106 GR eng A
Bubeník, J. - Rössner, P. - Šímová, J. - Bubeníková, D.
Utilization of gene transfer for treatment of cancer.
International Journal of Oncology, 11 [Supplement] 929 (1997).
[World Congress on Advances in Oncology /2./. Athens (GR), 97.10.16-97.10.18]
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.934(93) 1.061(94) 1.110(95) 1.125(96) 1.181(97) 1.040(98) 1.381(99) 2.142(00) 2.330(01) 2,931(02) 2.536(03) ]

056538 - UMG-J 980122 GB eng C
Conjeaud, H. - Rubinstein, E. - Hořejší, V.
CD53 Workshop Panel report.
In: Leucocyte Typing 6. White Cell Differentiation Antigens. - (Ed. Kishimoto, T.; Kikutani, H.; von dem Borne, A. E. G.; Goyert, S. M.; Mason, D. Y.; Miyasaka, M.; Moretta, L.; Okumara, K.; Shaw, S.; Springer, T. A.; Sugamura, K.; Zola, H.). - London, Garland Publishing, Inc. 1997. - S. 517-519. - ().
[International HLDA Workshop and Conference /6./. Kobe (JP), 96.11.10-96.11.14]

055043 - UMG-J 980053 IR eng J
Czerny, T. - Bouchard, M. - Busslinger, M. - Kozmik, Z.
The characterization of novel Pax genes of the sea urchin and drosophila reveal an ancient evolutionary origin of the Pax2/5/8 subfamily.
Mechanisms of Development, 67, 179-192 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052601; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0014
[Impact factor: 4.987(95) 4.890(96) 5.318(97) 4.861(98) 5.049(99) 4.154(00) 3.687(01) 3,462(02) 3.254(03) ]

044198 - UMG-J 970102 CZ cze A
Čapková, J. - Geussová, G. - Pěknicová, J.
Antigeny lidských spermií detegované monoklonálními protilátkami.
In: Sekce reprodukční biologie, Česká biologická společnost. - Praha, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK 1997. - S. -.
[Sekce reprodukční biologie při České biologické společnosti. Praha (CZ), 97.09.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052503; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162IZ3911

044201 - UMG-J 970105 BG eng A
Čapková, J. - Geussová, G. - Pěknicová, J.
Human sperm antigens detected with monoclonal antibodies.
In: 8th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction. - Varna, - 1997. - S. 28.
[International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction /8./. Varna ( BG), 97.10.12-97.10.14]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052503; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162IZ3911

044211 - UMG-J 970116 CZ eng A
Čapková, J. - Geussová, G. - Pěknicová, J.
Human sperm antigens detected with monoclonal antibodies.
In: 3. symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů. - Žďár nad Sázavou, Společnost reprodukčních imunologů 1997. - S. 15.
[Symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů /3./. Žďár nad Sázavou ( CZ), 97.05.29-97.06.01]
Grant: IAA7052503; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162IZ3911

044181 - UMG-J 970084 GB eng J
Čapková, J. - Pěknicová, J.
Binding of boar spermatozoa to porcine oocytes: effect of low molecular weight 17-kDa protein.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 46 [2] 168-175 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052503; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162IZ3911
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

056552 - UMG-J 980144 DE eng J
Čapková, J. - Pěknicová, J.
Binding of boar spermatozoa to porcine oocytes: the effect of ACR. 3 protein.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 46 [2] 168-175 (1997).
[International Forum of Reproductive Immunology /3./. Magdeburg (DE) , 96.06.12-96.06.15]
Grant: IAA7052503GA301/96/0721
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

042261 - MBU-M 970225 CZ cze A
Čapková, J. - Řeháková, Z. - Štěpánková, R. - Weinreich, S. - Ivanyi, P.
Imunogenetické a etiologiecké aspekty kloubního onemocnění ankylosující enhesopathie u myší.
In: 8. kongres českých a slovenských imunológov - zborník súhrnov. - Praha, Česká imunologická společnost 1997. - S. 23.
[Kongres českých a slovenských imunológov /8./. Piešťany (SK), 97.09.07-97.09.10]

044184 - UMG-J 970087 CZ cze A
Čapková, J. - Řeháková, Z. - Štěpánková, R. - Weinreich, S. - Iványi, P.
Imunogenetické a etiologické aspekty kloubního onemocnění ankylosující enthesopathie u myší.
Imunologický zpravodaj, 12(26) [2] 23 (1997).
[Kongres českých a slovenských imunológov /8./. Piešťany (SK), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: PECO(BE) ERBCIPDCT 940290

044214 - UMG-J 970119 CZ eng A
Čechová, D. - Veselský, L. - Pěknicová, J. - Jonáková, V.
Immunological properties of boar spermadhesins.
In: 3. symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů. - Žďár nad Sázavou, Společnost reprodukčních imunologů 1997. - S. 11.
[Symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů /3./. Žďár nad Sázavou ( CZ), 97.05.29-97.06.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162

056531 - UMG-J 980107 GB eng C
Černý, J. - Angelisová, P. - Hořejší, V.
Non-lineage Antigens Blind Panel biochemic alanalysis: Co-precipitation of protein kinases with Non-lineage Panel antigens.
In: Leucocyte Typing 6. White Cell Differentiation Antigens. - (Ed. Kishimoto, T.; Kikutani, H.; von dem Borne, A. E. G.; Goyert, S. M.; Mason, D. Y.; Miyasaka, M.; Moretta, L.; Okumara, K.; Shaw, S.; Springer, T. A.; Sugamura, K.; Zola, H.). - London, Garland Publishing, Inc. 1997. - S. 556. - ().
[International HLDA Workshop and Conference /6./. Kobe (JP), 96.11.10-96.11.14]

042262 - MBU-M 970226 CZ cze A
Černý, J. - Fišerová, A. - Horváth, O. - Bezouška, K. - Pospíšil, M. - Hořejší, V.
Asociace receptorů NK buněk NKR-P1 (CD161) a CD94 s protein tyrosin kinázami skupiny Src.
In: 8. kongres českých a slovenských imunológov - zborník súhrnov. - Praha, Česká imunologická společnost 1997. - S. 26.
[Kongres českých a slovenských imunológov /8./. Piešťany (SK), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/96/1260; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0639

055040 - UMG-J 980050 DE eng J
Černý, J. - Fišerová, A. - Horváth, O. - Bezouška, K. - Pospíšil, M. - Hořejší, V.
Association of human NK cell surface receptors NKR-P1 and CD94 with Src-family protein kinases.
Immunogenetics, 46 [3] 231-236 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0674; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/94/1533GA312/93/1260 IAA552404IAA7020602OK120
[Impact factor:3.540(91) 3.681(92) 3.085(93) 3.352(94) 3.373(95) 3.348(96) 3.340(97) 2.311(98) 2.899(99) 2.142(00) 2.268(01) 2,475(02) 2.690(03) ]

055006 - UMG-J 980011 eng J
Čihák, J. - Kaspers, B. - Stungassinger, M. - Hoffmann-Fezer, G. - Weining, K. C. - Stäheli, P. - Plachý, J. - Hála, K. - Wich, G.
Anti-CD4 and interferon -t treatment of OS chickens with ongoing autoimmune thyroiditis.
Experimental and Clinical Immunobiology, 197 [2-4] - (1997).
[Tagung der Gesellschaft für Immunologie /28./. Munich (DE), 97.09.24-97.09.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/96/0670

044192 - UMG-J 970096 FR eng A
Döpper, L. - Kriegerbecková, K. - Kovář, J. - Goldenberg, H.
Use of proper chelators for assessing non-transferrin bound iron uptake.
In: International Symposium Iron in Biology and Medicine. - -, - 1997. - S. 305.
[International Symposium Iron in Biology and Medicine. Saint - Malo (FR), 97.06.16-97.06.20]
Grant: Československo-americký vědecko-technický program(US) 95011

044613 - UZFG-Y 970051 GB eng J
Dostál, J. - Veselský, L. - Marounek, M. - Železná, B. - Jonáková, V.
Inhibition of bacterial and boar epididymal sperm immunogenicity by boar seminal immunosuppressive component in mice.
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 111, 135-141 (1997).
[Impact factor:2.336(91) 2.211(92) 1.736(93) 1.802(94) 1.840(95) 2.255(96) 2.038(97) 1.728(98) 1.908(99) 1.970(00) 2.148(01) 2,865(02) ]

056518 - UEB-Q 980150 GB eng J
Dráber, P. - Binarová, P. - Dráberová, E.
Probing microtubules with monoclonal antibodies.
Cell Biology International, 21 [12] 863-864 (1997).
Grant: GA204/95/1020
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

039947 - UMG-J 970040 CZ cze J
Dráber, P. - Dráberová, E.
Gama-tubulin, nový člen rodiny tubulinů.
Biologické listy, 62 [1] 37-48 (1997).
Grant: IAA505265; GA MŠk(CZ) OE10/2

067271 - UMG-J 990200 CZ cze A
Dráber, P. - Lukáš, Z. - Ivanyi, D. - Linhartová, I. - Viklický, V. - Dráberová, E.
Exprese neuron-specifického b-tubulinu třídy III v normálních a neoplastických lidských tkáních.
In: Cytoskeletální klub. - Praha, MBÚ AV ČR 1997. - S. -.
[Cytoskeletální klub. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 97.03.19-97.03.21]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) EU1450

067166 - UMG-J 990184 XX eng A
Dráber, P. - Boubelík, M. - Dráberová, L. - Šmíd, F.
Roles of Lex and E-cadherin in cell adhesion.
In: Glycoconjugate Journal. - -, Chapman and Hall 1997. - S. S30.
[International symposium on glycoconjugates /14./. Zurich (CH), 97.09.07-97.09.12]

056524 - UMG-J 980093 NL eng B
Dráber, P. - Skubitz, K. M.
Signal Transduction Mediated by the CEA Family. Amsterdam, Harwood Academic Publishers 1997. - 121-140 s.
Grant: IZ3755GA310/94/1676GA301/94/1674GV312/96/K205IAA5052704 IAA5052506; HHMI(US) 75195-540301

057028 - UMG-J 980192 NL eng M
Dráber, P. - Skubitz, K. M.
Signal transduction mediated by the CEA Family.
In: Cell adhesion and communication mediated by the CEA family: Basic and clinical. - (Ed. Stanners, C. P.). - Amsterdam, Harwood Academic Publishers 1997. - S. 121-140.
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3755; GA ČR(CZ) GA301/94/1674; GA ČR(CZ) GV312/96/K205; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052506; HHMI(US) 75195-540301

057027 - UMG-J 980189 XX eng A
Dráber, P. - Tolar, P. - Amoui, M. - Surviladze, Z. - Dráberová, L.
Thy-1 signaling in mast cells.
In: Interaction of GPI-anchors with biological membranes. - (Ed. Hoessli, D. C.; Brodbeck, U.; Robinson, P. J.; Hořejší, V.; Schwarz, R.; He, H.-T.; Butikofer, P.). - -, - 1997. - S. -.
[Interaciton of GPI-anchors with biological membranes. Splugen (CH), 97.09.14-97.09.17]

055014 - UMG-J 980021 CZ eng J
Dráberová, L. - Stanners, C. P. - Dráber, P.
A novel monoclonal antibody specific for biliary glycoprotein (CD66a).
Folia Biologica (Praha), 43 [6] 243-244 (1997).
Grant: IZ3755
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

055037 - UMG-J 980047 CZ eng J
Drbal, K. - Hilgert, I. - Cebecauer, M. - Angelisová, P. - Hořejší, V.
New monoclonal antibodies to human leucocyte surface molecule CD2.
Folia Biologica (Praha), 43 [6] 245-246 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0674
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

044176 - UMG-J 970077 GB eng J
Dujon, B. - Beneš, V. - Pačes, V. - Vlček, Č.
The nucleotide sequence of saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XV.
Nature, 387 [6632 Supplement] 98-102 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0306
[Impact factor:19.337(91) 22.139(92) 22.326(93) 25.466(94) 27.074(95) 28.417(96) 27.368(97) 28.833(98) 29.491(99) 25.814(00) 27.95(01) 30,4324(02) 30.979(03) ]

067227 - UMG-J 990075 US eng A
Franěk, F. - Holý, A. - Votruba, I. - Eckschlager, T.
Modulation of Cell Cycle Progress and of Antibody Production by Nucleotide Analogues.
In: Cell Culture Engineering 6. - San Fancisco, Engineering Foundation 1997. - S. -.
[Cell Culture Engineering /6./. San Diego (US), 97.02.07-98.02.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0519; GA ČR(CZ) GV203/96/K001; GA MZd(CZ) IZ2066

040019 - UMG-J 970052 NL eng C
Franěk, F. - Šrámková, K.
Unbalanced media for hybridoma cell culture - an alternative reality.
In: Animal cell technology. From vaccines to genetic medicine. - (Ed. Carrondo, M. J. T.; Griffiths, B.; Moreira, J. L. P.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1997. - S. 675-680.
[Meeting of European Society for Animal Cell Technology /14./. Vilamoura (PT), 96.05.20-96.05.24]
Grant: 4.rámcový program(CZ) OK 120; Volkswagen-Stiftung(DE) 1/68 957

054998 - UMG-J 980002 NL eng C
Franěk, F. - Šrámková, K.
Amino acid signaling for growth or death.
In: Animal cell technology: Basic and applied aspects. - (Ed. Funatsu, K.; Shirai, Y.; Matsushita, T.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1997. - S. 131-135.
[Annual meeting of the japanese association for animal cell technology /8./. Iizuka (JP), 95.11.06-95.11.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA503/93/2292

044177 - UMG-J 970078 CZ eng J
Fučík, V. - Chaloupecký, V. - Beran, J. - Jonák, J.
Sequencing strategy for a protein-linked genome: Spontaneous reversions of ochre triplet in the phage f29 gene 17.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 62 [7] 1136-1142 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.465(91) 0.466(92) 0.382(93) 0.467(94) 0.550(95) 0.549(96) 0.550(97) 0.546(98) 0.717(99) 0.960(00) 0.778(01) 0,848(02) 1.041(03) ]

056542 - UMG-J 980126 GB eng C
Funderud, S. - Rasmussen, A. M. - Hořejší, V.
CDw78 Workshop Panel report. (Ed. Kishimoto, T.; Kikutani, H.; von dem Borne, A. E. G.; Goyert, S. M.; Mason, D. Y.; Miyasaka, M.; Moretta, L.; Okumara, K.; Shaw, S.; Springer, T. A.; Sugamura, K.; Zola, H.). - London, Garland Publishing 1997. - S. 178-179.
[International HLDA Workshop and Conference /6/. Kobe (JP), 96.11.10-96.11.14]

044182 - UMG-J 970085 DE eng J
Geussová, G. - Pěknicová, J. - Čapková, J. - Kaláb, P. - Moos, J. - Philimonenko, V. V. - Hozák, P.
Monoclonal antibodies to canine intra-acrosomal sperm proteins recognizing acrosomal status during capacitation and acrosome reaction.
Andrologia, 29 [5] 261-268 (1997).
Grant: IAA7052503; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162IZ3911
[Impact factor: 0.770(95) 0.854(96) 0.388(97) 0.596(98) 0.982(99) 0.871(00) 0.732(01) 0,698(02) 0.939(03) ]

044195 - UMG-J 970099 CZ eng A
Geussová, G. - Pěknicová, J. - Čapková, J. - Kaláb, P. - Moos, J.
Monoclonal antibodies to canine intra-acrosomal sperm proteins.
In: 3. symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů. - Žďár nad Sázavou, Společnost reprodukčních imunologů 1997. - S. 14.
[Symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů /3./. Žďár nad Sázavou ( CZ), 97.05.29-97.06.01]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052503; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162IZ3911

044200 - UMG-J 970104 BG eng A
Geussová, G. - Pěknicová, J. - Čapková, J. - Kaláb, P. - Moos, J.
Monoclonal antibodies to canine intra-acrosomal sperm proteins recognizing acrosomal status during capacitation and acrosome reaction.
In: 8th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction. - Varna, - 1997. - S. 29.
[International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction /8./. Varna ( BG), 97.10.12-97.10.14]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052503; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162IZ3911

057026 - UMG-J 980166 CZ cze J
Hajková, Z. - Filipec, M. - Holáň, V.
Význam inkompability pohlaví dárce a příjemce a role vedlejších histokompatibilitních antigenů u transplantace rohovky.
Česká a slovenská oftalmologie, 53 [3] 128-135 (1997).

055023 - UMG-J 980033 GB eng B
Hála, K. - Plachý, J.
Inbread strains of chickens.
In: Immunology Methods Manual. - (Ed. Lefkovits, I.). - London, Academic Press Ltd. 1997. - S. 2285-2293.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/96/0670

056548 - UMG-J 980134 US eng J
Hamvas, R. M. J. - Artzt, K. - Fischer-Lindahl, K. - Trachtulec, Z. - Vernet, C. - Forejt, J.
Mouse Chromosome 17.
Mammalian Genome, 7, S274-S294 (1997).
[Impact factor:6.302(92) 3.144(93) 4.006(94) 2.714(95) 2.561(96) 2.069(97) 1.946(98) 1.890(99) 2.137(00) 2.318(01) 2,233(02) 2.685(03) ]

055016 - UMG-J 980025 IE eng A
Havelková, H. - Krulová, M. - Kosařová, M. - Holáň, V. - Augustinus, A. M. H. - Demant, P. - Lipoldová, M.
Novel genes Tria1 and Tria2 controlling T-cell proliferation.
Immunology Letters, 56 [1-3] 61 (1997).
[European Immunology Meeting /13./. Amsterdam (NL), 97.06.22-97.06.25]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052604; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1311
[Impact factor:1.513(91) 1.559(92) 1.241(93) 1.223(94) 1.241(95) 1.255(96) 1.096(97) 1.485(98) 1.494(99) 1.546(00) 2.009(01) 1,847(02) 1.710(03) ]

067268 - UMG-J 990140 RIV CZ eng J
Hilgert, I.
Flowers for George D. Snell (1903-1996).
Folia Biologica, 43 [1] 1-3 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

044189 - UMG-J 970093 GB eng A
Hložánek, P. - Dráberová, E. - Ivanyi, D. - Dráber, P.
70 kDa microtubule-interacting protein and its binding to coiled vimentin filaments.
In: ECBO 97. - Brighton, - 1997. - S. 114.
[European Congress for Molecular Cell Biology. Brighton (GB), 97.03.22-97.03.25]
Grant: IAA552407BE:ERB:3510PL927710

067272 - UMG-J 990201 CZ cze A
Hložánek, P. - Dráberová, E. - Ivanyi, D. - Dráber, P.
70 kDa protein interagující s mikrotubuly a jeho vazba na vimentinová filamenta po působení anti-mikrotubulárních drog.
In: Cytoskeletální klub. - Praha, MBÚ AV ČR 1997. - S. -.
[Cytoskeletální klub. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 97.03.19-97.03.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA552407; GA MŠk(CZ) OK 9249

055020 - UMG-J 980029 IE eng A
Holáň, V. - Hašková, Z. - Kuffová, L. - Filipec, M.
Th2-type cytokine response after orthotopic corneal transplantation in mice.
Immunology Letters, 56 [1-3] 252 (1997).
[European Immunology Meeting /13./. Amsterdam (NL), 97.06.22-97.06.25]
Grant: IZ3964
[Impact factor:1.513(91) 1.559(92) 1.241(93) 1.223(94) 1.241(95) 1.255(96) 1.096(97) 1.485(98) 1.494(99) 1.546(00) 2.009(01) 1,847(02) 1.710(03) ]

067230 - UMG-J 990093 RIV CZ cze J
Hořejší, V.
Další imunologická Nobelova cena.
Vesmír, 76 [2] 70-71 (1997).

056539 - UMG-J 980123 GB eng C
Hořejší, V. - Drbal, K. - Černý, J. - Angelisová, P. - Hilgert, I.
CDw149 Workshop Panel report.
In: Leucocyte Typing 6. White Cell Differentiation Antigens. - (Ed. Kishimoto, T.; Kikutani, H.; von dem Borne, A. E. G.; Goyert, S. M.; Mason, D. Y.; Miyasaka, M.; Moretta, L.; Okumara, K.; Shaw, S.; Springer, T. A.; Sugamura, K.; Zola, H.). - London, Garland Publishing, Inc. 1997. - S. 581-582. - ().
[International HLDA Workshop and Conference /6./. Kobe (JP), 96.11.10-96.11.14]

056543 - UMG-J 980127 GB eng C
Hořejší, V. - Stockinger, H.
CD43 Workshop Panel report.
In: Leucocyte Typing 6. White Cell Differentiation Antigens. - (Ed. Kishimoto, T.; Kikutani, H.; von dem Borne, A. E. G.; Goyert, S. M.; Mason, D. Y.; Miyasaka, M.; Moretta, L.; Okumara, K.; Shaw, S.; Springer, T. A.; Sugamura, K.; Zola, H.). - London, Garland Publishing 1997. - S. 494-497. - ().
[International HLDA Workshop and Conference /6./. Kobe (JP), 96.11.10-96.11.14]

055000 - UMG-J 980004 US eng J
Ilantzis, C. - Jothy, S. - Alpert, L. C. - Dráber, P. - Stanners, C. P.
Cell-surface levels of human carcinoembryonic antigen are inversely correlated with colonocyte differentiation in colon carcinogenesis.
Laboratory Investigation, 76 [5] 703-716 (1997).
Grant: IZ3755
[Impact factor: 4.751(95) 4.640(96) 4.653(97) 4.552(98) 4.530(99) 4.165(00) 3.934(01) 4,000(02) 4.418(03) ]

044187 - UMG-J 970090 CZ cze A
Indrová, M. - Bubeník, J. - Jandlová, T. - Rössner, P. - Sobota, V.
In vitro charakterizace buněk myšího sarkomu Mc 12 s vneseným genem pro CD80 specifitu.
Imunologický zpravodaj, 12(26) [2] 60 (1997).
[Kongres českých a slovenských imunológov /8./. Piešťany (CZ), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052501IZ3516; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0137; GA ČR (CZ) GA312/96/1211

039945 - UMG-J 970038 CZ eng J
Indrová, M. - Pajtasz-Piasecka, E. - Radzikowski, C. - Bubeník, J.
CTLL assay: comparison of two methods for IL-2 determination.
Folia Biologica, 43 [1] 45-47 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0137; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/96/1211; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA7052501IZ3516; Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy(PL) 6-7
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

044206 - UMG-J 970110 CZ cze A
Jonák, J.
Signalizační G bílkoviny.
In: 14. Biologické dny - Programová brožura sjezdu Československé biologické společnosti. - Praha, ÚMCH AV ČR 1997. - S. HP4/1.
[Biologické dny /14./. Praha (CZ), 97.11.03-97.11.06]
Grant: HHMI(US) 75195-540305; GA ČR(CZ) GV312/96/K205

044183 - UMG-J 970086 SE eng A
Jonák, J. - Anborgh, P. H. - Parmeggiani, A.
Role of His-118 of EF-Tu in the Interaction of EF-Tu with EF-Ts.
In: Structural Aspects of Protein Synthesis. - Stockholm, - 1997. - S. 41.
[Structural Aspects of Protein Synthesis. Tällberg (SE), 97.09.17-97.09.20]
Grant: HHMI(US) 75195-540305

044208 - UMG-J 970113 JP eng C
Jonák, J. - Anborgh, P. H. - Parmeggiani, A.
Interaction of EF-Tu with EF-Ts: Experimental Evidence for the Involvement of His-118 of EF-Tu.
In: 17th International tRNA Workshop. - -, - 1997. - S. 8-9.
[International tRNA Workshop /17./. Kisarazu City, Chiba (JP), 97.05.10-97.05.15]
Grant: HHMI(US) 75195-540305

044203 - UMG-J 970107 NL eng A
Jonák, J. - Habrová, V. - Takáč, M. - Mácha, J.
Defective Development of Transgenic Xenopus laevis With an Elevated Expression of Src Kinase.
In: Cell Signalling Mechanisms. - Amsterdam, FEBS Congress Secretariat 1997. - S. P4-041.
[FEBS Special Meeting 1997. Amsterdam (NL), 97.06.29-97.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1477; GA ČR(CZ) GV312/96/K205IZ3592

044204 - UMG-J 970108 CZ cze A
Jonáková, V. - Dostál, J. - Železná, B. - Veselský, L.
Účinek seminálního imunosupresoru na humorální imunitní responsi u myší.
Imunologický zpravodaj, 12 [2] 70 (1997).
[Kongres českých a slovenských imunológov. Piešťany (SK), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162

044213 - UMG-J 970118 CZ eng A
Jonáková, V. - Kraus, M. - Liberda, J. - Tichá, M.
Binding properties of boar spermadhesins.
In: 3. symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů. - Žďár nad Sázavou, Společnost reprodukčních imunologů 1997. - S. 9.
[Symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů /3./. Žďár nad Sázavou ( CZ), 97.05.29-97.06.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162(CZ) VS96141

067226 - UMG-J 990072 RIV CZ eng J
Jurovčík, M. - Turková, J.
Chymocell - a new wound cleansing agent.
Sborník lékařský, 98 [3] 209-211 (1997).

044212 - UMG-J 970117 CZ eng A
Kaláb, P. - Pěknicová, J. - Geussová, G. - Moos, J.
Protein tyrosine phosphorylation in boar sperm.
In: 3. symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů. - Žďár nad Sázavou, Společnost reprodukčních imunologů 1997. - S. 13.
[Symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů /3./. Žďár nad Sázavou ( CZ), 97.05.29-97.06.01]
Grant: IAA7052503; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162IZ3911

055035 - UMG-J 980045 GB eng B
Klein, J. - Hořejší, V.
Immunology 2nd edition. Oxford, Blackwell Science 1997. - 722 s.

045859 - UOCHB-X 970367 DE eng J
Konvalinka, J. - Litera, J. - Weber, J. - Vondrášek, J. - Hradílek, M. - Souček, M. - Pichová, I. - Majer, P. - Štrop, P. - Sedláček, J.
Configurations of Diastereomeric Hydroxyethylene Isosteres Strongly Affect Biological Activities of a Series of Specific Inhibitors of Human-Immunodeficiency-Virus Proteinase.
European Journal of Biochemistry, 250 [2] 559-566 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1235IAA4055503IZ4059
[Impact factor:3.499(92) 3.306(93) 3.578(94) 3.451(95) 3.275(96) 3.136(97) 3.249(98) 3.307(99) 2.852(00) 2.849(01) 2,999(02) 3.001(03) ]

044165 - UMG-J 970066 SK eng C
Korb, J. - Štokrová, J. - Karafiát, V.
Interaction of v-Myb protein with chromatin of avian haematopoietic cells.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - (Ed. Rečnik, A.; Čeh, M.; Dražič, G.). - Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ceramics Department, Ljubljana S1-1000 1997. - S. 119-120.
[Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy /3./. Portorož (SK), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0914

044172 - UMG-J 970073 CZ cze C
Korb, J. - Štokrová, J. - Karafiát, V.
Ultrastrukturní distribuce v-Myb onkoproteinu na isolovaném chromatinu LSCC-BM2 buněk.
In: Sborník 14. Biologických dnů. - Praha, Ústav makromolekulární chemie AV ČR 1997. - S. PS30/3.
[Biologické dny /14./. Praha (CZ), 97.11.03-97.11.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0914

044173 - UMG-J 970074 NL eng J
Korb, J. - Štokrová, J. - Říman, J. - Šulová, A.
Micromorphology of cytoplasmic nucleoprotein complex harboring an extrachromosomal DNA closely related to avian myeloblastosis virus core-bound DNA.
FEBS Letters, 414 [2] 393-396 (1997).
[Impact factor:3.505(92) 3.339(93) 3.600(94) 3.842(95) 3.750(96) 3.504(97) 3.581(98) 3.720(99) 3.440(00) 3.644(01) 3,912(02) 3.609(03) ]

056533 - UMG-J 980111 US eng J
Kořínek, V. - Barker, N. - Morin, P. J. - van Wichen, D. - de Weger, R. - Kinzler, K. W. - Vogelstein, B. - Clevers, H.
Constitutive transcriptional activation by a -catenin-Tcf complex in APC-/- colon carcinoma.
Science, 275, 1784-1787 (1997).
[Impact factor:19.607(91) 20.967(92) 21.074(93) 22.067(94) 21.911(95) 23.605(96) 24.676(97) 24.386(98) 24.595(99) 23.872(00) 23.32(01) 26,6822(02) 29.162(03) ]

040730 - MBU-M 970188 GB eng A
Kovarik, P. - Hašek, J. - Valášek, L. - Schneider, J. - Jiřincová, H. - Dráber, P. - Schuster, T. - Wiche, G. - Ruis, H.
RPG1: an essential gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae required for passage through G1 phase.
In: European Congress for Molecular Cell Biology - book of abstracts. - London, - 1997. - S. A4330.
[European Congress for Molecular Cell Biology. Brighton (GB), 97.03.22-97.03.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/1368

055022 - UMG-J 980031 CZ cze B
Kovář, J.
Buněčná proliferace a mechanismy její regulace I. Praha, - 1997. - 64 s.

044194 - UMG-J 970098 US eng J
Kovář, J. - Kühn, L. C. - Richardson, V. - Seiser, C. - Kriegerbecková, K. - Musílková, J.
The inability of cells to grow in low iron correlates with increasing activity of their iron regulatory protein (IRP).
In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal, 33 [8] 633-639 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA75260; Československo-americký vědecko-technický program(US) 95 011
[Impact factor:1.780(91) 1.574(92) 2.534(93) 1.385(94) 1.261(95) 1.115(96) 1.256(97) 0.801(98) 1.066(99) 1.059(00) 1.263(01) 0,614(02) 0.657(03) ]

044193 - UMG-J 970097 CH eng J
Kovář, J. - Stunz, L. L. - Steward, B. C. - Kriegerbecková, K. - Ashman, R. F. - Kemp, J. D.
Direct evidence that iron deprivation induces apoptosis in murine lymphoma 38C13.
Pathobiology, 65, 61-68 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/97/1029
[Impact factor:1.324(92) 1.359(93) 0.915(94) 0.810(95) 0.976(96) 0.652(97) 0.843(98) 1.318(99) 1.252(00) 1.216(01) 1,282(02) 0.955(03) ]

044197 - UMG-J 970101 SE eng A
Krásný, L. - Jonák, J.
Cloning and characterization of the tuf gene of bacillus stearothermophilus.
In: Structural aspects of protein synthesis. - (Ed. Liljas, A.; Moore, P.; Moras, D.; Brimacombe, R.). - Stockholm, - 1997. - S. 44.
[Structural aspects of protein synthesis. Tällberg (SE), 97.09.17-97.09.20]
Grant: HHMI(US) 75195-540305

076340 - UMG-J 20000076 CZ A
Krásný, L. - Jonák, J.
Klonování a charakterizace genu tuf z Bacillus stearothermohpilus.
In: XIV. Biologické dny. - Praha, UMCH AV ČR 1997. - S. KP8/1.
[Biologické dny /14./. Praha (CZ), 97.11.03-97.11.06]
Grant: HHMI(US) 75195-540305

044207 - UMG-J 970112 US eng A
Krásný, L. - Mesters, J. - Fučík, V. - Hilgenfeld, R. - Jonák, J.
Gene structure of Elongation factor Tu from Bacillus stearothermophilus.
In: 1997 Meeting of International Research Scholars from Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, and Ukraine. Program and Abstracts. - Chevy Chase, MD, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Office of Grants and Special Programs 1997. - S. 32.
[1997 Meeting of International Research Scholars. Varšava (PL), 97.06.24-97.06.27]
Grant: HHMI(US) 75195-540305

044196 - UMG-J 970100 DE eng A
Kraus, M. - Tichá, M. - Jonáková, V.
Lectin-like properties of boar spermadhesins.
European Journal of Cell Biology, 74 [46 Supplement] 19 (1997).
[International Lectin Meeting /17./. Würzburg (DE), 97.09.24-97.09.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162VS96141
[Impact factor:2.528(91) 2.595(92) 2.545(93) 2.662(94) 2.802(95) 2.619(96) 2.353(97) 2.485(98) 3.043(99) 2.801(00) 2.244(01) 2,441(02) 2.185(03) ]

054997 - UMG-J 980001 CZ eng A
Kraus, M. - Tichá, M. - Jonáková, V.
Isolation and characterization of heparin binding proteins from boar seminal plasma.
In: 3. symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů. - Žďár nad Sázavou, Společnost reprodukčních imunologů 1997. - S. 10.
[Symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů /3./. Žďár nad Sázavou ( CZ), 97.05.29-97.06.01]
Grant: VS96141; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162

044191 - UMG-J 970095 CZ cze/eng D
Kriegerbecková, K.
Úloha netransferinového železa v regulaci růstu nádorových buněk, in vitro studie. Praha, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR 1997. - 102 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA75260; Československo-americký vědecko-technický program(US) 95011

039938 - UMG-J 970031 US eng J
Krulová, M. - Havelková, H. - Kosařová, M. - Holáň, V. - Hart, A. A. M. - Demant, P. - Lipoldová, M.
IL-2-induced proliferative response is controlled by loci Cinda1 and Cinda2 on mouse chromosomes 11 and 12: A distinct control of the response induced by different IL-2 concentrations.
Genomics, 42 [1] 11-15 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052604; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1311(CZ) OK133
[Impact factor:6.726(92) 5.433(93) 5.037(94) 4.089(95) 3.666(96) 3.424(97) 3.489(98) 3.386(99) 3.425(00) 3.418(01) 3,483(02) 3.488(03) ]

055015 - UMG-J 980024 IE eng A
Krulová, M. - Havelková, H. - Kosařová, M. - Holáň, V. - Augustinus, A. M. H. - Demant, P. - Lipoldová, M.
Identification of genes controlling the T-cell proliferative response to IL-2 using recombinant congenic strains.
Immunology Letters, 56 [1-3] 420 (1997).
[European Immunology Meeting /13./. Amsterdam (NL), 97.06.22-97.06.25]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052604; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1311
[Impact factor:1.513(91) 1.559(92) 1.241(93) 1.223(94) 1.241(95) 1.255(96) 1.096(97) 1.485(98) 1.494(99) 1.546(00) 2.009(01) 1,847(02) 1.710(03) ]

055018 - UMG-J 980027 IE eng J
Kubera, M. - Holáň, V. - Basta-Kaim, A. - Simbirtsev, A. - Roman, A. - Borycz, J. - Nowak, E.
An increase in IL-10 and a decrease in IL-1 and IL-2 production in animals chronically stressed and treated with antidepressants.
Immunology Letters, 56 [1-3] 468 (1997).
[European Immunology Meeting /13./. Amsterdam (NL), 97.06.22-97.06.25]
Grant: IZ3964
[Impact factor:1.513(91) 1.559(92) 1.241(93) 1.223(94) 1.241(95) 1.255(96) 1.096(97) 1.485(98) 1.494(99) 1.546(00) 2.009(01) 1,847(02) 1.710(03) ]

067270 - UMG-J 990292 RIV US eng J
Lange-Savage, G. - Berchtold, H. - Liesum, A. - Budt, K. H. - Peyman, A. - Knolle, J. - Sedláček, J. - Fábry, M. - Hilgenfeld, R.
Structure of HOE-BAY 793 complexed to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) protease in two different crystal forms.
European Journal of Biochemistry, 248, 313-322 (1997).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3272; Copernicus(FR) CEC9329
[Impact factor:3.499(92) 3.306(93) 3.578(94) 3.451(95) 3.275(96) 3.136(97) 3.249(98) 3.307(99) 2.852(00) 2.849(01) 2,999(02) 3.001(03) ]

039951 - UMG-J 970044 GB eng J
Lescar, J. - Štouračová, R. - Riottot, M. M. - Chitarra, V. - Brynda, J. - Fábry, M. - Hořejší, M. - Sedláček, J. - Bentley, G. A.
Three-dimensional structure of an Fab-peptide complex: structural basis of HIV-1 protease inhibition by a monoclonal antibody.
Journal of Molecular Biology, 267 [5] 1207-1222 (1997).
Grant: IZ3272; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052502; CEC-Contract(FR) 9329
[Impact factor:5.495(91) 5.253(92) 5.720(93) 6.018(94) 5.346(95) 5.195(96) 5.673(97) 5.803(98) 5.501(99) 5.388(00) 5.826(01) 5,359(02) 5.239(03) ]

044169 - UMG-J 970070 US eng J
Liao, S. Y. - Aurelio, O. N. - Jan, K. - Závada, J. - Stanbridge, E. J.
Identification of the MN/CA9 protein as a reliable diagnostic biomarker of clear cell carcinoma of the kidney.
Cancer Research, 57 [14] 2827-2831 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/96/0843
[Impact factor:4.383(91) 5.156(92) 6.011(93) 6.822(94) 8.206(95) 8.958(96) 8.426(97) 8.370(98) 8.614(99) 8.460(00) 8.302(01) 8,318(02) 8.649(03) ]

055005 - UMG-J 980010 DE eng A
Liberda, J. - Jonáková, V. - Tichá, M.
Interaction of boar spermadhesins with biotinylated acidic polysaccharides.
European Journal of Cell Biology, 74 [Supplement 46] 20 (1997).
[International Lectin Meeting /17./. Würzburg (DE), 97.09.24-97.09.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844VS96141; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162
[Impact factor:2.528(91) 2.595(92) 2.545(93) 2.662(94) 2.802(95) 2.619(96) 2.353(97) 2.485(98) 3.043(99) 2.801(00) 2.244(01) 2,441(02) 2.185(03) ]

057025 - UMG-J 980055 RIV NL eng J
Liberda, J. - Kraus, M. - Tichá, M. - Jonáková, V.
Affinity purification of spermadhesins of AWN family and their binding properties.
International Journal of Bio-Chromatography, 3 [4] 281-292 ( 1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96141

039950 - UMG-J 970043 GB eng J
Liberda, J. - Tichá, M. - Jonáková, V.
Preparation of fluorescein-labelled and biotinylated derivatives of polysaccharides for lectin-saccharide binding studies.
Biotechnology Techniques, 11 [4] 265-267 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162VS96141
[Impact factor: 0.532(93) 0.612(94) 0.589(95) 0.558(96) 0.534(97) 0.557(98) 0.613(99) 0.548(00) 0.697(01) ]

067269 - UMG-J 990144 CZ cze A
Linhartová, I. - Němec, M. - Dráber, P.
Syncolin-280 kDa protein asociovaný s microtubuly.
In: Cytoskeletální klub. - Vranovská Ves, MBÚ AV ČR 1997. - S. -.
[Cytoskeletální klub. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 97.03.19-97.03.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052701

040016 - UMG-J 970049 TR eng A
Lipoldová, M. - Svobodová, M. - Krulová, M. - Havelková, H. - Nohýnková, E. - Badalová, J. - Holáň, V. - Volf, P. - Demant, P.
Multigenic control of susceptibility to Leishmania major infection. (Abstract).
Acta Parasitologica Turcica, 21 [1] 32 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1311

055017 - UMG-J 980026 IE eng A
Lipoldová, M. - Svobodová, M. - Krulová, M. - Havelková, H. - Badalová, J. - Nohýnková, E. - Holáň, V. - Volf, P. - Démant, P.
Complex genetic control of Leishmania major induced pathology in mice.
Immunology Letters, 56 [1-3] 213 (1997).
[European Immunology Meeting /13./. Amsterdam (NL), 97.06.22-97.06.25]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052604; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1311
[Impact factor:1.513(91) 1.559(92) 1.241(93) 1.223(94) 1.241(95) 1.255(96) 1.096(97) 1.485(98) 1.494(99) 1.546(00) 2.009(01) 1,847(02) 1.710(03) ]

056526 - UMG-J 980098 NL eng C
Lüdemann, I. - Pörtner R., - Schaefer, C. - Šrámková, K. - Reher, K. - Neumaier, M. - Franěk, F. - Märkl, H.
Immobilization can improve the culture stability of non-anchorage-dependent animal cells in serum-free media. (Ed. Carrondo, M. J. T.; Griffiths, B.; Moreirs, J.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1997. - 367 s. - ().
[Meeting ESACT /14./. Vilamowe (PT), 96.05.20-96.05.24]
Grant: OK120; Volkswagen Stiftung(DE) I/68 957

044180 - UMG-J 970082 CZ cze BX
Lukáš, Z. - Dráberová, E. - Feit, J. - Vojtěšek, B.
Imunohistochemické metody v biologii a v bioptické diagnostice.
In: 147. - Brno, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy Univerzity 1997. - - s.
Grant: GA301/94/1674

056522 - UMG-J 980067 CZ eng J
Mácha, J. - Štursová, D. - Takáč, M. - Habrová, V. - Jonák, J.
Uptake of plasmid RSV DNA by frog and mouse spermatozoa.
Folia Biologica (Praha), 43 [3] 123-127 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

067267 - UMG-J 990134 CZ eng J
Mácha, J. - Štursová, D. - Takáč, M. - Habrová, V. - Jonák, J.
Uptake of Plasmid RSV DNA by Frog and Mouse Spermatozoa.
Folia Biologica, 43 [3] 123-127 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/94/1477; GA ČR(CZ) GV312/96/K205; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3592
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

067165 - UMG-J 990183 CZ cze I
Malá, M. - Dráber, P.
Metody využívané k identifikaci odlišně exprimované mRNA. Praha, Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR 1997. - 105 s.
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) PG97307

056537 - UMG-J 980121 US eng J
Malnar-Dragojevic, D. - Trachtulec, Z. - Vincek, V.
Assignment of the mouse ligatin gene (Lgtn) to chromosome 1F by in situ hybridization.
Genomics, 40 [1] 192-193 (1997).
[Impact factor:6.726(92) 5.433(93) 5.037(94) 4.089(95) 3.666(96) 3.424(97) 3.489(98) 3.386(99) 3.425(00) 3.418(01) 3,483(02) 3.488(03) ]

056535 - UMG-J 980115 CZ cze J
Malý, P.
Molekulární mechanismy leukocyt-endoteliální adheze: "gene knock-out" model.
Biologické listy, 62 [2] 81-106 (1997).

056551 - UMG-J 980139 GB eng A
Malý, P. - Lácha, J. - Bushell, A. - Renkonen, R. - Smetana, K.
The role of fucosyltransferase 7 and selectin ligands in acute allograft cardiac rejection.
Glycoconjugate Journal, 14 [August 1997] S138 (1997).
Grant: GA301/97/0234
[Impact factor:1.914(91) 2.986(92) 2.139(93) 2.682(94) 2.065(95) 2.386(96) 1.786(97) 2.246(98) 1.867(99) 1.757(00) 1.585(01) 1,669(02) 0.728(03) ]

055027 - UMG-J 980037 GB eng J
Matoušková, E. - Buček, S. - Vogtová, D. - Veselý, P. - Chaloupková, A.
Treatment of burns and donor sites with human allogeneic keratinocytes grown on acellular pig dermis.
British Journal of Dermatology, 136, 901-907 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/94/1683; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1481
[Impact factor: 1.710(95) 1.885(96) 1.838(97) 2.017(98) 2.230(99) 2.214(00) 2.405(01) 2,696(02) 2.659(03) ]

055028 - UMG-J 980038 PL eng A
Matoušková, E. - Dudorkinová, D. - Pavlíková, L. - Veselý, P.
Cultivation of human tumour mammary epithelial cells with a 3T3 feeder layer.
Folia Histochemica et cytobiologica, 35 [Supplement 1] 59 (1997).
[Symposium of Tissue Cultures of Central Europen Countries /2./. Krakov (PL), 97.06.25-97.06.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/97/1222
[Impact factor: 0.712(99) 0.388(00) 0.594(01) ]

040018 - UMG-J 970051 AT eng J
Meyer, G. - Vlček, Č. - Pačes, V. - O'Hara, M. - Pastoret, P. - Thiry, E. - Schwyzer, M.
Sequence analysis of the bovine herpesvirus type 1 genes homologous to the DNA polymerase (UL30), the major DNA-binding protein (UL29) and ICP18,5 assembly protein (UL28) genes of herpes simplex virus.
Archives of Virology, 142 [1] 89-102 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 552410
[Impact factor:1.666(92) 1.379(93) 1.223(94) 1.384(95) 1.498(96) 1.479(97) 1.526(98) 1.591(99) 1.705(00) 1.711(01) 1,967(02) 1.876(03) ]

044179 - UMG-J 970081 BG eng A
Mollova, M. - Ivanova, M. - Stamenova, M. - Kyurkchiev, S. - Pěknicová, J.
Biological characterization of boar sperm postcapacitation exposed antigens.
In: 8th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction. - Varna, - 1997. - S. 35.
[International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction /8./. Varna ( BG), 97.10.12-97.10.14]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052503; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162IZ3911

056536 - UMG-J 980117 US eng J
Morin, P. J. - Sparks, A. - Kořínek, V. - Barker, N. - Clevers, H. - Vogelstein, B. - Kinzler, K.
Activation of b-catenin-Tcf signaling in colon cancer by mutation in b-catenin of APC.
Science, 275, 1787-1790 (1997).
[Impact factor:19.607(91) 20.967(92) 21.074(93) 22.067(94) 21.911(95) 23.605(96) 24.676(97) 24.386(98) 24.595(99) 23.872(00) 23.32(01) 26,6822(02) 29.162(03) ]

039946 - UMG-J 970039 DE eng J
Nováková, M. - Riederer, R. - Viklický, V. - Dráber, P.
Distinct subcellular localization of b-tubulin epitopes in the adult mouse brain.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 107 [4] 337-344 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/94/1674
[Impact factor: 0.000(95) 1.579(96) 1.730(97) 1.687(98) 2.367(99) 2.157(00) 2.477(01) 2,054(02) 2.581(03) ]

056530 - UMG-J 980102 US eng C
Novotná, B. - Linhartová, I. - Viklický, V.
The effects of bromodeoxyuridine on DNA and cytoskeleton of primitive blood cells differentiating after the exposure of chick embryo in vivo. (Ed. Bigio, I. J.; Schneckenburger, H.; Slavík, J.; Svanberg, K.; Viallet, P.). - Bellingham, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1997. - 241-252 s. - ().
[Optical Biopsies. San Remo (IT), 97.09.05-97.09.08]
Grant: IAA50527013/OER/96; NATO(BE) LG960330; NATO(BE) CNS961254

039941 - UMG-J 970034 CZ eng J
Otová, B. - Panczak, A. - Šímová, J. - Jandlová, T. - Bubeník, J. - Blažek, K. - Schramlová, J. - Marinov, I.
Treatment of transplanted spontaneous rat T-cell leukaemia with local administration of recombinant murine interleukin-2.
Folia Biologica, 43 [1] 25-32 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/93/0322; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0137IZ3516
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

056549 - UMG-J 980136 NL eng B
Pačes, V.
Transformation of Research in the Czech Republic: The Role of the Academy of Sciences.
In: The New Role of the Academies of Sciences in the Balkan Countries. - Dordrecht, Kluwer 1997. - S. 193-199. - ().

067164 - UMG-J 990030 NL eng C
Pačes, V.
Transformation of research in the Czech Republic.
In: The New Role of the Academies of Sciences in the Balkan Countries. - (Ed. Proukakis, Ch.; Katsaros, N.). - Amsterodam, ISO Press 1997. - S. 193-199.
[New Role of the Academies of Sciences in the Balkan Countries. Athény (GR), 96.11.19-96.11.23]

044209 - UMG-J 970114 BG eng A
Paleček, J. - Pěknicová, J. - Zachledarová, M.
Changes in immunocytochemical localization of cytoskeletal proteins in human and boar spermatozoa before and after acrosome reaction.
In: 8th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction. - Varna, - 1997. - S. 33.
[International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction /8./. Varna ( BG), 97.10.12-97.10.14]
Grant: AV ČR(CZ) A7052503; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162IZ3911

055029 - UMG-J 980039 GB eng A
Pavlíková, L. - Veselý, P. - Pokorná, E. - Zicha, D. - Malý, M. - Matoušková, E. - Curtis, A. - Povýšil, C.
Dynamic morphology of neoplastic cells in relation ship to in vitro conditions. Canterbury, Focus 1997. - 65-65 s.
[Society for experimental biology. Canterbury (GB), 97.04.07-97.04.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1481

055003 - UMG-J 980008 NL eng J
Pečenková, T. - Beneš, V. - Pačes, J. - Vlček, Č. - Pačes, V.
Bacteriophage B103: complete DNA sequence of its genome and relationship to the other Bacillus phages.
Gene, 199, 157-163 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052505
[Impact factor:3.064(91) 2.569(92) 2.407(93) 2.305(94) 2.160(95) 1.931(96) 1.838(97) 2.007(98) 2.258(99) 2.461(00) 3.041(01) 2,778(02) 2.754(03) ]

067163 - UMG-J 990022 RIV NL eng J
Pečenková, T. - Beneš, V. - Pačes, J. - Vlček, Č. - Pačes, V.
Bacteriophage B130: complete DNA sequence of its genome and relationship to other Bacillus phages.
Gene, 199, 157-163 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052505
[Impact factor:3.064(91) 2.569(92) 2.407(93) 2.305(94) 2.160(95) 1.931(96) 1.838(97) 2.007(98) 2.258(99) 2.461(00) 3.041(01) 2,778(02) 2.754(03) ]

044210 - UMG-J 970115 BG eng A
Pěknicová, J. - Čapková, J. - Geussová, G. - Ivanová, M. - Mollová, M.
Role of intra-acrosomal sperm proteins in fertilization (Plenary Lesson).
In: 8th International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction. - Varna, - 1997. - S. 7.
[International Symposium of Immunology of Reproduction /8./. Varna ( BG), 97.10.12-97.10.14]
Grant: AV ČR(CZ) A7052503; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162IZ3911

044199 - UMG-J 970103 CZ cze A
Pěknicová, J. - Geussová, G. - Kaláb, P.
Fosforylace na tyrozínu v kančích spermiích během kapacitace a AR.
In: Sekce reprodukční biologie, Československá biologická společnost. - Praha, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK 1997. - S. -.
[Sekce reprodukční biologie při Československé biologické společnosti. Praha (CZ), 97.09.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052503; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162IZ3911

040015 - UMG-J 970048 CZ sla J
Pivko, J. - Baran, V. - Grafenau, P. - Kopečný, V. - Pelechatyj, N. S. - Bondarčuk, V. N. - Kožuch, A. J. - Kovalčík, L. M.
A study of the dynamical ultramicromorphology of differentiating cow embryo nucleoli in embryos collected in the area of chronic irradiation near Tchernobyl.
Veterinární medicína, 42 [2] 33-38 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA752403
[Impact factor:0.112(91) 0.028(92) 0.076(93) 0.088(94) 0.250(95) 0.162(96) 0.189(97) 0.231(98) 0.220(99) 0.188(00) 0.348(01) 0,204(02) 0.608(03) ]

067228 - UMG-J 990081 RIV CZ cze J
Plachý, J.
Vědci a slepice. Spojení virologického a imunologického výzkumu.
Vesmír, 76 [9] 489-494 (1997).

067229 - UMG-J 990082 RIV CZ cze J
Plachý, J.
Vědci a slepice. Zázemí experimentální virologie a odhalení virových onkogenľ.
Vesmír, 76 [8] 425-427 (1997).

055004 - UMG-J 980009 CZ eng J
Plachý, J. - Hála, K.
Comparative aspects of the chicken immunogenetics (Review).
Folia Biologica (Praha), 43 [4] 133-151 (1997).
Grant: GA523/93/0670
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

055041 - UMG-J 980051 GB eng J
Qian, M. - Králová, J. - Weiping, Y. - Bose Jr., H. R. - Dvořák, M. - Sanders, B. G. - Kline, K.
c-Jun involvement in vitamin E succinate induced apoptosis of reticuloendotheliosis virus tranformed avian lypmhoid cells.
Oncogene, 15 [2] 223-230 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/0324; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052503
[Impact factor:6.634(92) 6.991(93) 7.387(94) 7.991(95) 7.727(96) 6.772(97) 6.192(98) 6.517(99) 6.490(00) 6.737(01) 5,979(02) 6.495(03) ]

055036 - UMG-J 980046 DE eng J
Rasmussen, A. M. - Hořejší, V. - Levy, F. O. - Blomhoff, H. K. - Smeland, X. - Beishe, K. - Michaelson, T. E. - Gaudenack, G. - Funderud, S.
CDw78 - a determinant on a major histocompatibility complex class II subpopulation that can be induced to associate with the cytoskeleton.
European Journal of Immunology, 27 [12] 3206-3213 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/0673
[Impact factor:4.934(92) 5.577(93) 5.664(94) 6.015(95) 5.701(96) 5.256(97) 5.438(98) 5.635(99) 5.240(00) 4.990(01) 4,832(02) 4.536(03) ]

055021 - UMG-J 980030 IE eng A
Roman, A. - Kubera, M. - Skowron-Cendrzak, A. - Basta-Kaim, A. - Borycz, J. - Holáň, V. - Nowak, E.
The effect of transplantation tolerance on the activity of splenocytes and macrophages in ageing female mice.
Immunology Letters, 56 [1-3] 249 (1997).
[European Immunolgy Meeting /13./. Amsterdam (NL), 97.06.22-97.06.25]
Grant: IZ3964
[Impact factor:1.513(91) 1.559(92) 1.241(93) 1.223(94) 1.241(95) 1.255(96) 1.096(97) 1.485(98) 1.494(99) 1.546(00) 2.009(01) 1,847(02) 1.710(03) ]

039944 - UMG-J 970037 GR eng J
Rössner, P. - Bubeník, J. - Indrová, M. - Sobota, V. - Vondrys, P. - Zeuthen, J. - Jandlová, T. - Takáč, M.
Genetically modified tumour vaccines: insertion of the IL-2 gene downregulates tumorigenicity more efficiently than insertion of the CD80 gene.
International Journal of Oncology, 10 [1] 77-82 (1997).
Grant: IZ3516; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052501
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.934(93) 1.061(94) 1.110(95) 1.125(96) 1.181(97) 1.040(98) 1.381(99) 2.142(00) 2.330(01) 2,931(02) 2.536(03) ]

044162 - UMG-J 970063 SK eng J
Říman, J. - Šulová, A.
Products of a lagging DNA strand synthesis of nucleoprotein complexes harboring an extrachromosomal DNA closely related to avian myeloblastosis virus core-bound DNA.
Acta Virologica, 41 [4] 205-214 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

044163 - UMG-J 970064 SK eng J
Říman, J. - Šulová, A.
Activities of a lagging DNA strand synthesis of nucleoprotein complexes harboring an extrachromosomal DNA closely related to avian myeloblastosis virus core-bound DNA.
Acta Virologica, 41 [4] 193-204 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

044164 - UMG-J 970065 SK eng J
Říman, J. - Šulová, A.
Nucleoprotein complexes harboring an extrachromosomal DNA closely related to 7S DNA of avian myeloblastosis virus: physico-chemical properties and representation of nucleic acids.
Acta Virologica, 41 [4] 181-192 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

040017 - UMG-J 970050 NL eng J
Sázelová, P. - Felsberg, J. - Pivec, L.
In vitro and in vivo transcription from a computer predicted promoter.
Gene, 187 [2] 281-287 (1997).
[Impact factor:3.064(91) 2.569(92) 2.407(93) 2.305(94) 2.160(95) 1.931(96) 1.838(97) 2.007(98) 2.258(99) 2.461(00) 3.041(01) 2,778(02) 2.754(03) ]

067232 - UMG-J 990105 RIV NL eng J
Sázelová, P. - Felsberg, J. - Pivec, L.
In vitro and in vivo transcription from a computer predicted promoter.
Gene, 187 [2] 281-287 (1997).
[Impact factor:3.064(91) 2.569(92) 2.407(93) 2.305(94) 2.160(95) 1.931(96) 1.838(97) 2.007(98) 2.258(99) 2.461(00) 3.041(01) 2,778(02) 2.754(03) ]

056534 - UMG-J 980112 US eng J
Shi, J. - Cinek, T. - Truitt, K. E. - Imboden, J. B.
Wortmannin, a phosphatidylinositol 3/kinase inhibitor, blocks antigen-mediated, but not CD3 monoclonal antibody-induced activation of murine CD4+ T cells.
Journal of Immunologzy, 158 [10] 4688-4695 (1997).
[Impact factor:7.004(91) 6.723(92) 7.065(93) 7.383(94) 7.412(95) 7.296(96) 6.937(97) 7.166(98) 7.145(99) 6.834(00) 7.065(01) 7,014(02) 6.702(03) ]

044617 - UZFG-Y 970057 US eng J
Slavík, T. - Kopečný, V. - Fulka, J.
Developmental failure of hybrid embryos originated after fertilization of bovine oocytes with ram spermatozoa.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 48 [3] 344-349 (1997).
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

044190 - UMG-J 970094 GB eng A
Smertenko, A. - Blume, Y. - Viklický, V. - Dráber, P.
Exposure of tubulin structural domains in Nicotiana tabacum microtubules.
In: ECBO 97. - Brighton, - 1997. - S. 24.
[ Brighton (GB), 97.03.22-97.03.25]
Grant: IAA552407

039948 - UMG-J 970041 DE eng J
Smertenko, A. - Blume, Y. - Viklický, V. - Opatrný, Z. - Dráber, P.
Post-translational modifications and multiple tubulin isoforms in Nicotiana tabacum L. cells.
Planta, 201 [3] 349-358 (1997).
Grant: IAA552407IAA752101
[Impact factor:2.953(91) 2.920(92) 2.828(93) 3.300(94) 3.318(95) 3.120(96) 3.323(97) 3.093(98) 2.977(99) 3.199(00) 3.349(01) 2,960(02) 3.053(03) ]

040020 - UMG-J 970053 DE eng J
Smertenko, A. - Blume, Y. - Viklický, V. - Dráber, P.
Exposure of tubulin structural domains in Nicotiana tabacum microtubules peobed by monoclonal antibodies.
European Journal of Cell Biology, 72 [2] 104-112 (1997).
Grant: IAA552407
[Impact factor:2.528(91) 2.595(92) 2.545(93) 2.662(94) 2.802(95) 2.619(96) 2.353(97) 2.485(98) 3.043(99) 2.801(00) 2.244(01) 2,441(02) 2.185(03) ]

056527 - UMG-J 980099 GB eng J
Smertenko, A. - Dráber, P. - Viklický, V. - Opatrný, Z.
Heat stress affects the organization of microtubules and cell division in Nicotiana tabacum cells.
Plant, Cell and Environment, 20 [12] 1534-1542 (1997).
Grant: GA501/94/1039IAA5052605
[Impact factor:4.119(92) 2.713(93) 2.291(94) 3.263(95) 3.277(96) 3.084(97) 3.070(98) 3.579(99) 2.799(00) 3.296(01) 3,015(02) 3.613(03) ]

039942 - UMG-J 970035 NL eng J
Sobota, V. - Bubeník, J. - Indrová, M. - Vlk, V. - Jakoubková, J.
Use of cryopreserved lymphocytes for assessment of the immunological effects of interferon therapy in renal cell carcinoma patients.
Journal of Immunological Methods, 203 [1] 1-10 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0137; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/96/1211; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA7052501IZ3516
[Impact factor:1.837(91) 1.790(92) 2.104(93) 2.029(94) 1.901(95) 1.883(96) 2.043(97) 1.855(98) 1.950(99) 1.995(00) 2.283(01) 2,598(02) 2.744(03) ]

044188 - UMG-J 970091 CZ eng A
Sobota, V. - Indrová, M. - Vlk, V. - Jakoubková, J. - Bubeník, J.
Utilization of cryopreserved lymphocytes for assessment of immunological effects of interferon therapy in renal cell carcinoma patients.
Imunologický zpravodaj, 12(26) [2] 149 (1997).
[Kongres českých a slovenských imunológov /8./. Piešťany (SK), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0137; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/96/1211; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA7052501IZ3516

039939 - UMG-J 970032 GR eng J
Sovová, V. - Kučerová, D. - Lišková, M. - Šloncová, E. - Tuháčková, Z.
Changes in c-src activity in a human colon cancer cell line during differentiation.
Oncology Reports, 4 [2] 451-453 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1482IZ2303
[Impact factor: 0.421(95) 0.476(96) 0.407(97) 0.399(98) 0.659(99) 1.290(00) 1.224(01) 1,171(02) 1.256(03) ]

040021 - UMG-J 970054 CZ eng J
Sovová, V. - Šloncová, E. - Frič, P.
Differences of alkaline phosphatase and arginase activities in human colorectal carcinoma cell lines.
Folia Biologica, 43 [3] 101-104 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1482; IGA MZ(CZ) 2303-3
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

055034 - UMG-J 980044 DE eng J
Speidel, K. - Osen, W. - Faath, S. - Hilgert, I. - Obst, R. - Braspenning, J. - Momburg, F. - Hammerling, G. J. - Rammensee, H. G.
Priming of cytotoxic T lymphocyte by five heat-aggregated antigens in vivo: conditions, efficiency, and relation to antibody responses.
European Journal of Immunology, 27 [9] 2391-2399 (1997).
[Impact factor:4.934(92) 5.577(93) 5.664(94) 6.015(95) 5.701(96) 5.256(97) 5.438(98) 5.635(99) 5.240(00) 4.990(01) 4,832(02) 4.536(03) ]

056523 - UMG-J 980069 GB eng C
Stockinger, H. - Ebel, T. - Hansmann, C. - Koch, C. - Majdic, O. - Prager, E. - Patel, D. D. - Fo, D. A. - Hořejší, V. - Sagawa, K. - Shen, D. -C.
CD147 (neurothelin/basigin) Workshop Panel report.
In: Leucocyte Typing 6. White Cell Differentiation Antigens. - (Ed. Kishimoto, T.; Kikutani, H.; von dem Borne, A. E. G.; Goyert, S.M.; Mason, D.Y.; Miyasaka, M.; Moretta, L.; Okumara, K.; Shaw, S.; Springer, T. A.; Sugamura, K.; Zola, H.). - London, Garland Publishing, Inc. 1997. - S. 760-763. - ().
[International HLDA Workshop and Conference /6./. Kobe (JP), 96.11.10-96.11.14]

055039 - UMG-J 980049 US eng J
Stulnig, T. M. - Berger, M. - Sigmund, T. - Stockinger, H. - Hořejší, V. - Waldhäusl, W.
Signal transduction via glycosyl phosphatidylinositol anchored proteins in T cells is inhibited by lowering cellular cholesterol.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 272 [31] 19242-19247 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0674
[Impact factor:6.714(91) 6.733(92) 6.739(93) 7.716(94) 7.385(95) 7.452(96) 6.963(97) 7.199(98) 7.666(99) 7.368(00) 7.258(01) 6,696(02) 6.482(03) ]

067266 - UMG-J 990129 RIV CZ eng J
Svoboda, J.
In Commemoration of Marta Grófová.
Folia Biologica, 43 [4] 129 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

055007 - UMG-J 980012 DE eng A
Svoboda, J. - Geryk, J. - Plachý, J. - Dezéleé, P. - Yatsula, B. A. - Calothy, G.
Transduction of non-truncated src oncogene in the course of ALV persistence.
Journal of Molecular Medicine, 75 [7] B197 (1997).
[Symposium of the Internationational Association for Comparative Research /19./. Mannheim (DE), 97.07.13-97.07.18]

044186 - UMG-J 970089 CZ eng A
Šímová, J. - Bubeník, J. - Rössner, P. - Bubeníková, D. - Jandlová, T.
Tumour inhibitory effects of plasmid DNA.
Imunologický zpravodaj, 12(26) [2] 154 (1997).
[Kongres českých a slovenských imunológov /8./. Piešťany (SK), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: IZ3516; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0137; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/96/1211; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052501

055008 - UMG-J 980013 GR eng J
Šímová, J. - Bubeník, J. - Rössner, P. - Bubeníková, D. - Jandlová, T.
Tumour inhibitory effects of plasmid DNA.
Oncology Reports, 4, 1161-1163 (1997).
Grant: IZ3516; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0137; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/96/1211; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052501
[Impact factor: 0.421(95) 0.476(96) 0.407(97) 0.399(98) 0.659(99) 1.290(00) 1.224(01) 1,171(02) 1.256(03) ]

054999 - UMG-J 980003 NL eng C
Šrámková, K. - Franěk, F.
Physiological status of immobilized hybridoma cells: assessment through extracellular DNA analysis.
In: Animal cell technology: Basic and applied aspects. - (Ed. Funatsu, K.; Shirai, Y.; Matsushita, T.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1997. - S. 421-425.
[Annual meeting of the Japanese association for animal cell technology /8./. Iizuka (JP), 95.11.06-95.11.10]
Grant: Volkswagen Stiftung(DE) I/68957

044166 - UMG-J 970067 SK eng C
Štokrová, J. - Korb, J. - Dvořáková, M.
What cellular structure does the Myb protein cooperate with?
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - (Ed. Rečnik, A.; Čeh, M.; Dražič, G.). - Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ceramics Department, Ljubljana S1-1000 1997. - S. 117-118.
[Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy /3./. Portorož (SK), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0914

044168 - UMG-J 970069 CZ cze C
Štokrová, J. - Korb, J. - Dvořáková, M.
Interakce produktu v-myb onkogenu s buněčnými strukturami buněk baculovirového systému.
In: Sborník 14. Biologických dnů. - Praha, ÚMCH AV ČR 1997. - S. PS31/3.
[Biologické dny /14./. Praha (CZ), 97.11.03-97.11.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0914

044167 - UMG-J 970068 SK eng C
Štokrová, J. - Korb, J. - Palková, Z. - Fischer, L. - Forstová, J.
Interaction of artificially prepared polyoma virus-like particles with heterologous DNA.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - (Ed. Rečnik, A.; Čeh, M.; Dražič, G.). - Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ceramics Department, Ljubljana S1-1000 1997. - S. 89-90.
[Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy /3./. Portorož (SK), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0256; HHMI(US) 75195-540501

039954 - UMG-J 970047 TR eng A
Tesařová, P. - Lipoldová, M. - Kalvachová, P. - Nohýnková, E. - Volf, P.
Comparison of salivary proteins of five sandfly species. (Abstract).
Acta Parasitologica Turcica, 21 [1] 165-166 (1997).
Grant: IZ4122

055013 - UMG-J 980020 DE eng J
Tolar, P. - Dráberová, L. - Dráber, P.
Protein tyrosine kinase Syk is involved in Thy-1 signaling in rat basophilic leukemia cells.
European Journal of Immunology, 27, 3389-3397 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052704; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052506; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/97/0237; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0239; GA ČR(CZ) GV312/96/K205
[Impact factor:4.934(92) 5.577(93) 5.664(94) 6.015(95) 5.701(96) 5.256(97) 5.438(98) 5.635(99) 5.240(00) 4.990(01) 4,832(02) 4.536(03) ]

056544 - UMG-J 980129 US eng J
Trachtulec, Z. - Hamvas, R. M. J. - Forejt, J. - Lehrach, H. R. - Vincek, V. - Klein, J.
Linkage of TATA-Binding Protein and Proteasome Subunit C5 Genes in Mice and Humans Reveals Synteny Conserved between Mammals and Invertebrates.
Genomics, 44, 1-7 (1997).
Grant: IAA5052709; NIH(US) MD28395-02
[Impact factor:6.726(92) 5.433(93) 5.037(94) 4.089(95)3.666(96) 3.424(97) 3.489(98) 3.386(99) 3.425(00)3.418(01) 3,483(02) 3.488(03) ]

056547 - UMG-J 980133 US eng J
Trachtulec, Z. - Mňuková-Fajdelová, M. - Hamvas, R. M. J. - Gregorová, S. - Mayer, E. W. - Lehrach, H. R. - Vincek, V. - Forejt, J. - Klein, J.
Isolation of candidate Hybrid sterility 1 genes by cDNA selection in a 1.1 megabase pair region on mouse Chromosome 17.
Mammalian genome, 8, 312-316 (1997).
Grant: IAA5052709; NIH(US) MD28395-02
[Impact factor:6.302(92) 3.144(93) 4.006(94) 2.714(95) 2.561(96) 2.069(97) 1.946(98) 1.890(99) 2.137(00) 2.318(01) 2,233(02) 2.685(03) ]

067231 - UMG-J 990094 RIV CZ cze J
Tuháčková, Z.
Cell signalling Mechanisms from Membrane to Nucleus.
Bulletin České společnosti pro biochemii a biologii, 25 [2] 94-96 (1997).
[Special Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Amsterdam (NL), 97.06.29-97.07.03]

056545 - UMG-J 980130 CZ cze A
Tuháčková, Z. - Sovová, V. - Šloncová, E.
Studium signálních cest vedoucích k fosforylaci ribosomální bílkoviny S6 pomocí syntetických peptidů.
In: Kniha abstraktů: (ÚOCHB) Biologicky aktivní peptidy 5. - (Ed. Slaninová, J.; Maletínská, L.). - Praha, - 1997. - S. 53. - ().
[Biologicky aktivní peptidy /5./. Praha (CZ), 97.04.23-97.04.25]
Grant: IZ3517GV312/96/K205

056546 - UMG-J 980131 NL eng A
Tuháčková, Z. - Sovová, V. - Šloncová, E.
Activation of p70 S6 kinase in v-src-transformed mammalian cells.
In: Cell Signalling Mechanisms Abstracts. - Amsterodam, Elsevier Science 1997. - S. P6-096.
[FEBS Special Meeting 1997. Cell Signalling Mechanisms. Amsterodam ( NL), 97.06.29-97.07.03]
Grant: IZ3517GV312/96/K205

055031 - UMG-J 980041 US eng J
Urbánek, P. - Fetka, I. - Meisler, M. H. - Busslinger, M.
Cooperation of Pax2 and Pax5 in midbrain and cerebellum development.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 94, 5703-5708 (1997).
[Impact factor:10.300(91) 10.480(92) 10.325(93) 10.667(94) 10.520(95) 10.244(96) 9.040(97) 9.821(98) 10.260(99) 10.789(00) 10.89(01) 10,7009(02) 10.272(03) ]

044178 - UMG-J 970079 US eng J
Veselský, L. - Dostál, J. - Železná, B.
Effect of boar seminal Immunosuppressive component on humoral immune response in mice.
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 38 [2] 106-113 ( 1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/93/0307; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162
[Impact factor:1.931(92) 1.253(93) 1.980(94) 1.707(95) 1.942(96) 1.858(97) 1.707(98) 2.448(99) 1.932(00) 2.020(01) 1,413(02) 2.088(03) ]

044205 - UMG-J 970109 CZ cze A
Veselský, L. - Dostál, J. - Železná, B. - Jonáková, V.
Effect of seminal immunnosuppressive component on immunogenicity of bacteria and spermatozoa.
In: 3. symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů. - Žďár nad Sázavou, Společnost reprodukčních imunologů 1997. - S. 12.
[Symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů /3./. Žďár nad Sázavou ( CZ), 97.05.29-97.06.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162

055024 - UMG-J 980034 DE eng J
Veselý, P. - Pavlíková, L. - Plachý, J. - Trejbalová, K.
Three-dimensional organization of actin cytoskeleton and podosomal contact structures in neoplastic cells in vitro.
Experimental Biology Online, 2 [6] 1-21 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1481; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/97/1222; GA ČR(CZ) GA523/96/0670

055026 - UMG-J 980036 CZ cze C
Veselý, P. - Pavlíková, L. - Plachý, J.
Význam kontaktních struktur podosomálního typu pro odhad maligního potenciálu buněk.
In: Cytoskeletální klub. - -, - 1997. - S. -.
[Cytoskeletální klub. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 97.03.19-97.03.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1481

055025 - UMG-J 980035 GB eng A
Veselý, P. - Pavlíková, L. - Trejbalová, K. - Hejnar, J. - Bereiter-Hahn, J. - Matoušková, E.
Podosomal - like contact structures in neoplastic cells.
In: Abstracts animal and cell biology. - Canterbury, Focus, Centerbury 1997. - S. 65.
[Society for Experimental Biology. Conterbury (GB), 97.04.07-97.04.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1481; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/97/1222; GA ČR(CZ) GA523/96/0670

055033 - UMG-J 980043 US eng J
Větvička, V. - Větvičková, J. - Hilgert, I. - Voburka, Z. - Fusek, M.
Analysis of the interaction of procathepsin D activation peptide with breast cancer cells.
International Journal of Cancer, 73, 403-409 (1997).
[Impact factor:2.917(92) 2.923(93) 3.276(94) 3.403(95) 3.534(96) 3.362(97) 3.283(98) 3.545(99) 3.918(00) 4.233(01) 4,056(02) 4.375(03) ]

044174 - UMG-J 970075 US eng J
Vlček, Č. - Pačes, V. - Maltsev, N. - Pačes, J. - Haselkorn, R. - Fonstein, M.
Sequence of a 189-kb segment of the chromosome of Rhodobacter capsulatus SB 1003.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 94 [ 17] 9384-9388 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/97/0206
[Impact factor:10.300(91) 10.480(92) 10.325(93) 10.667(94) 10.520(95) 10.244(96) 9.040(97) 9.821(98) 10.260(99) 10.789(00) 10.89(01) 10,7009(02) 10.272(03) ]

044185 - UMG-J 970088 CZ cze A
Vlk, V. - Eckschlager, T. - Kabíčková, E. - Kavan, P. - Koutecký, J. - Bubeník, J.
Monitorování vybraných imunologických parametrů u dětských onkologických pacientů léčených IL-2 a IFNa.
Imunologický zpravodaj, 12(26) [2] 179 (1997).
[Kongres českých a slovenských imunológov /8./. Piešťany (SK), 97.09.07-97.09.10]

039940 - UMG-J 970033 CZ eng J
Vondrys, P. - Šímová, J. - Takáčová, Š. - Jandlová, T. - Bubeník, J.
Recombinant interleukin-2 acts as an adjuvant and helps to increase the efficacy of tumour vaccines.
Folia Biologica, 43 [1] 39-40 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7052501; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/95/0137IZ3516
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

044175 - UMG-J 970076 US eng J
Voss, H. - Beneš, V. - Andrade, M. - Valencia, A. - Pačes, V.
DNA Sequencing and Analysis of 130 kb from Yeast Chromosome XV.
Yeast, 13 [3] 655-672 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/96/0306
[Impact factor:2.184(91) 2.699(92) 2.949(93) 2.862(94) 2.000(95) 2.809(96) 2.442(97) 2.221(98) 2.641(99) 2.825(00) 2.540(01) 2,340(02) 1.980(03) ]

055032 - UMG-J 980042 IE eng J
Wang, Z.-Q. - Kiefer, F. - Urbánek, P. - Wagner, E. F.
Generation of completely embryonic stem cell-derived mutant mice using tetraploid blastocyst injection.
Mechanisms of Development, 62, 137-145 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/95/1595; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052501
[Impact factor: 4.987(95) 4.890(96) 5.318(97) 4.861(98) 5.049(99) 4.154(00) 3.687(01) 3,462(02) 3.254(03) ]

045826 - UOCHB-X 970311 US eng J
Weber, J. - Majer, P. - Litera, J. - Urban, J. - Souček, M. - Vondrášek, J. - Konvalinka, J. - Novek, P. - Sedláček, J. - Štrop, P.
Potency Comparison of Peptidomimetic Inhibitors Against HIV-1 and HIV-2 Proteinases: Design of Equipotent Lead Compounds.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 341 [1] 62-69 (1997).
Grant: IAA4055503; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1235; Internation Research Scholar's(US) HHMI 75195-540801
[Impact factor:2.425(91) 2.435(92) 2.307(93) 2.824(94) 2.767(95) 2.844(96) 2.649(97) 2.497(98) 2.386(99) 2.576(00) 2.476(01) 2,606(02) 2.338(03) ]

076339 - UMG-J 20000047 RIV GB eng J
Williams, M. G. - Wilsher, J. - Nugent, P. - Dhanaraj, V. - Fábry, M. - Sedláček, J. - Uisitalo, J. M. - Penttila, M. E. - Pitts, J. E. - Blundell, T. G.
Mutagenesis, biochemical characterization and X-ray structural analysis of point mutants of bovine chymosin.
Protein Engineering, 10, 991-997 (1997).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3272; Copernicus(BE) CEC9329
[Impact factor: 3.209(99) 2.442(00) 2.718(01) 2,126(02) 2.065(03) ]

039952 - UMG-J 970045 NL eng A
Závada, J. - Závadová, Z. - Machoň, O. - Pastoreková, S. - Pastorek, J.
A novel oncoprotein, MN, implicated in cervical carcinoma.(Abstract).
Virus Research, 47 [2] 123 (1997).
[Meeting of the European Tumor Virus Group /22./. Inssbruck (AT), 97.03.05-97.03.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/96/0843
[Impact factor: 1.568(99) 1.561(00) 1.806(01) 1,597(02) 1.719(03) ]

039953 - UMG-J 970046 GR eng J
Závada, J. - Závadová, Z. - Machoň, O. - Kutinová, L. - Němečková, Š. - Opavský, R. - Pastorek, J.
Transient transformation of mammalian cells by MN protein, a tumor-associated cell adhesion molecule with carbonic anhydrase activity.
International Journal of Oncology, 10, 857-863 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/96/0843
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.934(93) 1.061(94) 1.110(95) 1.125(96) 1.181(97) 1.040(98) 1.381(99) 2.142(00) 2.330(01) 2,931(02) 2.536(03) ]

044170 - UMG-J 970071 DK eng A
Závada, J. - Závadová, Z. - Machoň, O. - Pastorek, J. - Pastoreková, S.
Novel tumor-associated protein MN.
In: Frontiers of Molecular Biology. - (Ed. Celis, J. E.; Clark, B. F.). - Copenhagen, European Molecular Biology Organization, Danish Centre for Human Genome Research 1997. - S. 19.
[EMBO New Members Workshop. Copenhagen (DK), 97.10.26-97.10.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/96/0843

044171 - UMG-J 970072 GB eng A
Závadová, Z. - Závada, J. - Machoň, O. - Pastorek, J. - Zelnik, V.
Novel tumor-associated MN protein is a cell adhesion molecule.
In: Molecular Genetics of Cancer - Proceedings. - (Ed. Stanbridge, E. J.; Bodmer, W. F.). - Oxford, American Association for Cancer Research, Inc. 1997. - S. B-50.
[Joint Conference AACR/EACR /2./. Oxford (GB), 97.09.09-97.09.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/96/0843

040896 - FKU-U 970005 GB eng J
Zídek, Z. - Franková, D. - Holý, A. - Boubelík, M. - Dráber, P.
Inhibition of murine macrophage nitric oxide synthase expression by a pivoxil prodrug of antiviral acyclic nucleotide analogue 9-(2-phosphonomethoxyethyl)adenine.
Biochemical Pharmacology, 54, 855-861 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA307/94/0964
[Impact factor:2.148(91) 2.129(92) 2.156(93) 2.263(94) 2.447(95) 2.612(96) 2.443(97) 2.719(98) 2.755(99) 2.975(00) 3.340(01) 3,542(02) 2.993(03) ]

056550 - UMG-J 980138 GB eng A
Zollner, O. - Malý, P. - Thall, A. D. - Lowe, J. B. - Vestweber, D.
Activation of the selectin ligands ESL-1 and PSGL-1 by fucosyltransferases.
Glycoconjugate Journal, 14 [August 1997] S61 (1997).
[International Symposium on Glycoconjugates /14./. Curych (CH), 97.09.07-97.09.12]
[Impact factor:1.914(91) 2.986(92) 2.139(93) 2.682(94) 2.065(95) 2.386(96) 1.786(97) 2.246(98) 1.867(99) 1.757(00) 1.585(01) 1,669(02) 0.728(03) ]

055002 - UMG-J 980007 CZ cze C
Železná, B. - Velek, J. - Veselský, L. - Zicha, J. - Dobešová, Z. - Kuneš, J.
Protilátka proti receptoru angiotensinu II typu AT1 utlumila rozvoj hypertenze u mladých potkanů s dědičnou hypertenzí.
In: Biologicky aktivní peptidy V. - Praha, ÚOCHB AV ČR 1997. - S. 57.
[Biologicky aktivní peptidy /5./. Praha (CZ), 97.04.23-97.04.25]
Grant: GA306/94/1480

056528 - UMG-J 980100 GR eng J
Železná, B. - Veselský, L.
Antibody against angiotensin 2 receptor AT2 type as a tool for the study of receptor function.
Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, 11 [2,3] 85-87 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) OK170

056529 - UMG-J 980101 US eng Jx
Železná, B. - Veselský, L. - Velek, J. - Dobešová, Z. - Zicha, J. - Kuneš, J.
Antibody against n-terminal extracellular sequence of angiotensin 2 receptor AT1 attenuated development of hypertension in young spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Hypertension, 30 [4] 985 (1997).
Grant: OK170; Copernicus(BE) CIPA CT 94-0239

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