ÚPT - Ústav přístrojové techniky


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

044723 - UPT-D 970102 CZ cze Cz
Autrata, R. - Hutař, O. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Využití detekce zpětně odražených elektronů v rastrovací elektronové mikroskopii pro studium materiálů.
In: Mezinárodní konference Diagnostika '97. - Plzeň, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni 1997. - S. 223-224.
[Diagnostika '97. Plzeň (CZ), 97.09.02-97.09.04]

044710 - UPT-D 970089 SI eng C
Autrata, R. - Hutař, O. - Schauer, P.
Low voltage single crystal backscatter electron detectors.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ceramics Department 1997. - S. 281-282.
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]

056640 - UPT-D 980071 RIV US eng J
Autrata, R. - Hutař, O. - Schauer, P.
Low voltage single crystal backscatter electron detectors.
Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, 9 [2] 105-107 (1997).
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0988

044711 - UPT-D 970090 SI eng C
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Klvač, M. - Špinka, J.
Detection of backscattered electrons in environmental scanning electron microscope.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ceramics Department 1997. - S. 287-288.
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0988

056641 - UPT-D 980072 RIV US eng J
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Klvač, M. - Špinka, J.
Detection of backscattered electrons in environmental scanning electron microscope.
Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, 9 [2] 113-114 (1997).
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0988

044712 - UPT-D 970091 SI eng C
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Romanovský, V. - Špinka, J.
Signal detection in environmental SEM with ionisation detector.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ceramics Department 1997. - S. 289-290.
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]

056642 - UPT-D 980073 RIV US eng J
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Romanovský, V. - Špinka, J.
Signal detection in environmental SEM with ionisation detector.
Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, 9 [2] 115-116 (1997).
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0988

044716 - UPT-D 970095 CZ eng C
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Detection of Signal Electrons in an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope.
In: Proceedings of Workshop '97. - 3 - Praha, Czech Technical University 1997. - S. 1025-1026.
[Workshop '97 - Czech TU. Praha (CZ), 97.01.20-97.01.22]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS460021

044722 - UPT-D 970101 CZ cze Cz
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Podmínky pozorování vzorků materiálů v ESEM.
In: Mezinárodní konference Diagnostika '97. - Plzeň, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni 1997. - S. 220-222.
[Diagnostika '97. Plzeň (CZ), 97.09.02-97.09.04]

044724 - UPT-D 970103 CZ cze Cz
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Využití ESEM v diagnostice elektrotechnických materiálů.
In: Mezinárodní konference Diagnostika '97. - Plzeň, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni 1997. - S. 225-227.
[Diagnostika '97. Plzeň (CZ), 97.09.02-97.09.04]

044647 - UPT-D 970019 AT eng C
Bartušek, K.
Baseline Correction of the Magnetic Resonance Spectra by the COBALD Method.
In: Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conference. Applied Informatics. - (Ed. Hamza, M. H.). - Anaheim, IASTED - Acta Press 1997. - S. 25-28.
[IASTED /15./ - Applied Informatics. Innsbruck (AT), 97.02.18-97.02.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1136

044678 - UPT-D 970056 BE eng A
Bartušek, K.
Fast measurement of the gradient fields in MR systems.
In: Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts of the 14th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. - (Ed. Haase, A.). -
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine, 5 [2-Suppl.] 183 (1997).
[ESMRMB /14./ - Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Brussels (BE), 97.09.18-97.09.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1136
[Impact factor: 0.795(99) ]

044685 - UPT-D 970063 PL eng A
Bartušek, K.
Signal De-Noising in the Gradient Magnetic Field Measurement.
In: 1st Kraków - Winnipeg Workshop on Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS. - Kraków, Komitet Badaň Naukovych 1997. - S. 39.
[Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS /1./. Kraków (PL), 97.11.06-97.11.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA4065601

044642 - UPT-D 970011 SK eng C
Bartušek, K. - Mlynárik, V.
Fast measurement technique to characterize the gradient fields in MR systems.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference - Measurement '97. - (Ed. Frollo, I.; Plačková, A.). - Bratislava, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences 1997. - S. 305-308.
[Measurement '97. Smolenice (SK), 97.05.29-97.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1136

044651 - UPT-D 970023 CZ eng A
Bartušek, K. - Vojta, J.
Some NMR Applications of the Wavelet Transformation.
In: 12th NMR Valtice. - Brno, The Spectroscopic Society of Johannes Marcus Marci, Central European NMR Discussion Group 1997. - S. 21.
[NMR Valtice /12./. Valtice (CZ), 97.04.07-97.04.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1136

044669 - UPT-D 970047 US eng A
Bartušek, K. - Vojta, J.
Increase in the Precision of the Gradient Magnetic Field Measurement.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy and Macroscopy - Heidelberg Conference. - Albuquerque, Division of Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance of the Groupement Ampere 1997. - S. 54.
[Magnetic Resonance Microscopy and Macroscopy/4./. Albuquerque (US), 97.09.21-97.09.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1136

044705 - UPT-D 970082 NL eng A
Brázdil, M. - Rektor, I. - Dufek, M. - Jurák, P. - Daniel, P.
Effect of subliminally presented visual stimuli on event-related potentials: Use of oddball paradigm.
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 103 [1] 109 (1997).
[EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology /14./. Florence (IT), 97.08.24-97.08.29]
[Impact factor:2.126(91) 1.872(92) 1.699(93) 1.617(94) 1.894(95) 2.027(96) 2.400(97) 2.450(98) 2.861(99) 3.327(00) ]

044632 - UPT-D 970001 US eng B
Crewe, A. V. - Hawkes, P. V. - Kruit, P. - Jansen, G. H. - Lencová, B. - Mair, G. L. R. - Munro, E. - Postek, M. T. - Sato, M. - Schwind, G. A. - Tsuno, K. - Utlaut, M.
Handbook of Charged Particle Optics. 5 Electrostatic Lenses - (Ed. Orloff, J.). - New York, CRT Pres LLC 1997. - S. 177-222.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1100; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/0565

044668 - UPT-D 970046 GB eng A
Cubric, D. - Lencová, B. - Read, F. H.
Comparison of Finite Difference, Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods for electrostatic charged particle optics.
In: Abstract Book - Electron Microscopy and Analysis Conference. - Cambridge, Institute of Physics 1997. - S. PEO.3.
[EMAG - Electron Microscopy and Analysis Conference. Cambridge (GB), 97.09.02-97.09.05]

056631 - UPT-D 980020 RIV GB eng C
Cubric, D. - Lencová, B. - Read, F. H.
Comparison of Finite Difference, Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods for Electrostatic Charged Particle Optics.
In: Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1997 - Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Conference (Series Number 153, Section 3). - (Ed. Rodenburg, J. M.). - Bristol, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd. 1997. - S. 91-94.
[EMAG '97 - Electron Microscopy and Analysis Conference. Cambridge ( GB), 97.09.02-97.09.05]
Grant: RS(GB) 630003.P607

044726 - UPT-D 970105 RU eng B
Delyagin, N. N. - Erzinkyan, A. L. - Parfenova, V. P. - Reyman, S. I. - Gurevich, G. M. - Dupák, J.
Preprint INR 0955-97: Temperature Evolution of Spin Configurations in the System with Competing Exchange Interactions (Fe0.65Ni0.35)1-xMnx (x=0.024 and 0.034). Moscow, Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1997. - 18 s.

056632 - UPT-D 980021 RIV GB eng C
El Gomati, M. M. - Assa'd, A. M. D. - El Gomati, T. - Zadražil, M.
On the measurement of low energy backscattered and secondary electron coefficients.
In: Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1997 - Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Conference (Series Number 153, Section 7). - (Ed. Rodenburg, J. M.). - Bristol, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd. 1997. - S. 265-268.
[EMAG '97 - Electron Microscopy and Analysis Conference. Cambridge ( GB), 97.09.02-97.09.05]
Grant: CEC(XE) CP93/12283

044690 - UPT-D 970068 GB eng A
El Gomati, M. M. - Müllerová, I. - Frank, L.
Image contrast by Auger and very low energy electron microscopy.
In: Programme of the International Centennial Symposium on the Electron. - Cambridge, University of Cambridge 1997. - S. P16.
[Electron - Centennial Symposium. Cambridge (GB), 97.09.15-97.10.17]

044634 - UPT-D 970003 GB eng A
Frank, L. - Müllerová, I.
Achievement of Wawe-Optical Contrasts in a Scanning Electron Microscope.
In: Book of Abstracts EMAS '97 - 5th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis. - Torquay, European Microbeam Analysis Society 1997. - S. 302.
[EMAS '97 /5./ - European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis. Torquay (GB), 97.05.11-97.05.15]

044662 - UPT-D 970040 SI eng C
Frank, L. - Müllerová, I.
Wave-optical contrast in SEM.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ceramics Department 1997. - S. 283-284.
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]

056639 - UPT-D 980070 RIV US eng J
Frank, L. - Müllerová, I.
Wave-optical contrast in SEM.
Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, 9 [2] 109-110 (1997).
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/95/0280; CEC(XE) CP93/12283

044664 - UPT-D 970042 SK eng C
Frank, L. - Müllerová, I. - El Gomati, M. M.
Localised information in scanning electron beam excited imaging of surfaces.
In: Proccedings of the International Seminar New Trends in Surface Analysis NTSA '97. - (Ed. Breza, J.; Liday, J.; Frank, L.; Král, J.). - Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 1997. - S. 1-4.
[NTSA '97 - New Trends in Surface Analysis. Bratislava (SK), 97.11.26-97.11.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/95/0280; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0961; CEC(XE) CP93:12283

044696 - UPT-D 970075 SK eng J
Gottvald, A.
On Bayesian Analysis of Generalized MR-Signals.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 48 [8/s] 137-140 (1997).
[Applied Electromagnetics /4./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Stará Lesná (SK), 97.09.18-97.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

044699 - UPT-D 970087 SK eng C
Gottvald, A.
On Bayesian Analysis of Generalized MR-Signals.
In: Proceedings of International Conference Measurement '97. - (Ed. Frollo, I.; Plačková, A.). - Bratislava, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences 1997. - S. 174-177.
[Measurement '97. Smolenice (SK), 97.05.29-97.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

044701 - UPT-D 970078 CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Biological Consequences of Evolutionary Optimizations: Mortality, Variability, Survival.
In: Mendel '97 - 3rd International Mendel Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Optimization problems, Fuzzy Logic, Neural networks, Rough Sets. - Brno, Technical University Brno, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 1997. - S. 56-58.
[Mendel '97 /3./ - Genetic Algorithms, Optimization problems, Fuzzy Logic, Neural networks, Rough Sets. Brno (CZ), 97.06.25-97.06.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

044702 - UPT-D 970079 CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Inverse Problems and Bayesian Analysis: Applications to Magnetic Resonance in Extreme Conditions.
In: AMTEE '97 - 3rd International Conference on Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering applied to power systems. - Plzeň, University of West Bohemia 1997. - S. 289-295.
[AMTEE '97 /3./. Plzeň (CZ), 97.09.09-97.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

044703 - UPT-D 970080 NL eng J
Gottvald, A.
A survey of inverse methodologies, meta-evolutionary optimization and Bayesian statistics: applications to in vivo MRS.
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 8 [1] 17-44 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282
[Impact factor: 0.607(99) 0.627(00) 0.176(01) 0,078(02) 0.033(03) ]

044695 - UPT-D 970074 SK eng J
Gottvald, A. - Kuchařová, H. - Malczyk, R.
Properties of Inhomogeneity Functions in MRS.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 48 [8/s] 145-148 (1997).
[Applied Electromagnetics /4./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Stará Lesná (SK), 97.09.18-97.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

044698 - UPT-D 970088 SK eng C
Gottvald, A. - Kuchařová, H. - Malczyk, R.
Properties of Inhomogeneity Functions in MRS.
In: Proceedings of International Conference Measurement '97. - (Ed. Frollo, I.; Plačková, A.). - Bratislava, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences 1997. - S. 320-323.
[Measurement '97. Smolenice (SK), 97.05.29-97.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

044694 - UPT-D 970073 SK eng J
Gottvald, A. - Malczyk, R.
Geometry of Generalized Signals and Spectra in MRS.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 48 [8/s] 141-144 (1997).
[Applied Electromagnetics /4./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Stará Lesná (SK), 97.09.18-97.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

044697 - UPT-D 970076 SK eng C
Gottvald, A. - Malczyk, R.
Geometry of Generalized Signals and Spectra in MRS.
In: Proceedings of International Conference Measurement '97. - (Ed. Frollo, I.; Plačková, A.). - Bratislava, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences 1997. - S. 316-319.
[Measurement '97. Smolenice (SK), 97.05.29-97.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

044639 - UPT-D 970008 SK eng C
Halámek, J. - Jurák, P. - Kasal, M.
Dynamic range and digital signal processing.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference - Measurement '97. - (Ed. Frollo, I.; Plačková, A.). - Bratislava, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences 1997. - S. 182-185.
[Measurement '97. Smolenice (SK), 97.05.29-97.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509

044692 - UPT-D 970071 SK eng J
Halámek, J. - Jurák, P. - Kasal, M. - Villa, M. - Cofrancesco, P.
Analog-to-Digital Converter and Dynamic Range.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 48 [7-8] 183-189 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270

044654 - UPT-D 970032 SK eng C
Halámek, J. - Jurák, P. - Samek, M.
The ADC frequency bandwidth.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing DSP '97. - (Ed. Kocour, D.; Levický, D.; Marchevský, S.). - Košice, Technical University in Košice 1997. - S. 121-124.
[DSP '97 /3./ - Digital Signal Processing. Herlany (SK), 97.09.03-97.09.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509

044655 - UPT-D 970033 SK eng C
Halámek, J. - Kasal, M. - Húsek, V.
Phase coherence and digital quadrature detection.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing DSP '97. - (Ed. Kocour, D.; Levický, D.; Marchevský, S.). - Košice, Technical University in Košice 1997. - S. 125-127.
[DSP '97 /3./ - Digital Signal Processing. Herlany (SK), 97.09.03-97.09.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509

044665 - UPT-D 970043 CZ cze C
Halámek, J. - Kasal, M. - Jurák, P.
Vyhodnocení úzkopásmového signálu.
In: STO-6 Seminář teorie obvodů: Moderní směry výuky elektrotechniky a elektroniky. - Brno, Katedra elektrotechniky a elektroniky FL a PVO VA Brno 1997. - S. 176-179.
[STO /6./ - Seminář teorie obvodů. Brno (CZ), 97.09.24-97.09.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509

044645 - UPT-D 970016 CZ eng J
Halámek, J. - Kasal, M. - Villa, M. - Cofrancesco, P.
Bandpass Signal Processing.
Radioengineering, 6 [1] 1-8 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509

044687 - UPT-D 970065 PL eng A
Halámek, J. - Kasal, M. - Vondra, V.
The DSP Acquisition Unit.
In: 1st Kraków - Winnipeg Workshop on Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS. - Kraków, Komitet Badaň naukovych 1997. - S. 41.
[Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS /1./. Kraków (PL), 97.11.06-97.11.08]
Grant: GA102/96/1509

044725 - UPT-D 970104 CZ cze Cz
Hutař, O.
Diagnostika elektrotechnických materiálů s použitím nízkovoltové rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie.
In: Mezinárodní konference Diagnostika '97. - Plzeň, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni 1997. - S. 262-266.
[Diagnostika '97. Plzeň (CZ), 97.09.02-97.09.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2065703

044713 - UPT-D 970092 SI eng C
Hutař, O. - Autrata, R.
Optimization of the BSE Detector for LVSEM.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ceramics Department 1997. - S. 291-292.
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2065703

056643 - UPT-D 980074 RIV US eng J
Hutař, O. - Autrata, R.
Optimization of the BSE Detector for LVSEM.
Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, 9 [2] 117-118 (1997).
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2065703

044646 - UPT-D 970017 US eng J
Jensen, H. - Sobota, J. - Sorensen, G.
Multilayer film deposition of TIN/AIN on rotating substrate holder from reactive sputtering of elemental targets of titanium and aluminium.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A, 15 [3] 941-945 (1997).
[Impact factor:2.178(91) 2.154(92) 1.699(93) 1.771(94) 1.662(95) 1.613(96) 1.576(97) 1.612(98) 1.742(99) 1.569(00) 1.448(01) 1,301(02) 1.628(03) ]

044682 - UPT-D 970060 US eng A
Jensen, H. - Sobota, J. - Sorensen, G.
Film Growth of Nanostructured C-N/TiN Multilayers Reactively Sputtered in Pure Nitrogen.
In: Abstracts: 44th National Symposium AVS. - New York, American Vacuum Society 1997. - S. 76.
[AVS /44./. San Jose, 97.10.20-97.10.24]

056635 - UPT-D 980043 RIV NL eng J
Jensen, H. - Sobota, J. - Sorensen, G.
A study of film growth and tribological characterization of nanostructured C-N/TiNx multilayer coatings.
Surface and Coatings Technology, 94-95 [1-3] 174-178 (1997).
[Impact factor:1.051(91) 0.933(92) 1.092(93) 0.901(94) 0.903(95) 0.883(96) 0.892(97) 0.900(98) 1.008(99) 1.002(00) 1.236(01) 1,267(02) 1.410(03) ]

044641 - UPT-D 970010 SK eng C
Jurák, P. - Halámek, J.
Band Pass Signal Amplitude.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference - Measurement '97. - (Ed. Frollo, I.; Plačková, A.). - Bratislava, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences 1997. - S. 336-339.
[Measurement '97. Smolenice (SK), 97.05.29-97.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509

044656 - UPT-D 970034 SK eng C
Jurák, P. - Halámek, J.
Band Pass Signal Immediate Frequency and Phase Computation.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing DSP '97. - (Ed. Kocour, D.; Levický, D.; Marchevský, S.). - Košice, Technical University in Košice 1997. - S. 234-237.
[DSP '97 /3./ - Digital Signal Processing. Herlany (SK), 97.09.03-97.09.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509

044666 - UPT-D 970044 CZ cze C
Jurák, P. - Halámek, J.
ScopeWin - systém pro záznam a zpracování signálů.
In: STO-6 Seminář teorie obvodů: Moderní směry výuky elektrotechniky a elektroniky. - Brno, Katedra elektrotechniky a elektroniky FL a PVO VA Brno 1997. - S. 204-207.
[STO /6./ - Seminář teorie obvodů. Brno (CZ), 97.09.24-97.09.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509

044653 - UPT-D 970025 SK eng C
Jurák, P. - Halámek, J. - Kára, T.
Heart Beat Intervals Setting Gained from Distorted Blood Pressure Signal.
In: Conference Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference Radioelektronika '97. - Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology 1997. - S. 327-332.
[Radioelektronika '97 /7./. Bratislava (SK), 97.03.23-97.03.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509

044680 - UPT-D 970058 CZ cze A
Kára, T. - Jurák, P. - Halámek, J. - Novotný, J. - Šumbera, J. - Souček, M. - Štejfa, M.
Spektrální analýza variability srdeční frekvence a senzitivita baroreflexu u nemocných s chronickým srdečním selháním.
In: Abstrakta - 23. den mladých výzkumníků České kardiologické společnosti. - Praha, Česká kardiologická společnost 1997. - S. 16-17.
[Den mladých výzkumníků ČKS /23./. Praha (CZ), 97.06.10]

044671 - UPT-D 970049 CZ cze A
Kára, T. - Jurák, P. - Šumbera, J. - Toman, J. - Novák, M. - Halámek, J. - Seménka, J. - Špinarová, L. - Toman, O. - Tejc, M. - Novotný, J.
Možnosti hodnocení variability srdeční frekvence a baroreflexní senzitivity metodami fázového posunu a XYt grafem.
In: Sborník abstrakt ze IV. českého sympozia o arytmiích a kardiostimulaci. - Olomouc, Česká kardiologická společnost 1997. - S. L26.
[Arytmie a kardiostimulace /5./. Olomouc (CZ), 97.10.23-97.10.24]

044670 - UPT-D 970048 CZ cze A
Kára, T. - Jurák, P. - Toman, J. - Halámek, J. - Novotný, J. - Špinarová, L. - Šumbera, J. - Souček, M. - Štejfa, M.
Spektrální analýza variability srdeční frekvence a senzitivita baroreflexu u nemocných s chronickým srdečním selháním.
In: Sborník abstrakt - V. výroční sjezd České kardiologické společnosti. - Brno, Česká kardiologická společnost 1997. - S. 126.
[ČKS /5./ - Česká kardiologická společnost. Brno (CZ), 97.05.28-97.05.31]

044652 - UPT-D 970024 SK eng C
Kasal, M. - Halámek, J.
Image Reject Mixer.
In: Conference Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference Radioelektronika '97. - Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology 1997. - S. 74-77.
[Radioelektronika '97 /7./. Bratislava (SK), 97.03.23-97.03.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270

044689 - UPT-D 970067 PL eng A
Kasal, M. - Halámek, J. - Vondra, V.
The Four-Ring Birdcage Coil and Its Equivalent Circuit.
In: 1st Kraków - Winnipeg Workshop on Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS. - Kraków, Komitet Badaň Naukovych 1997. - S. 43.
[Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS /1./. Kraków (PL), 97.11.06-97.11.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509

044640 - UPT-D 970009 SK eng C
Konzbul, P. - Švéda, K.
Measurement and Analysis of the Stationary Magnetic Fields for NMR and MRI Using Minimum Number of Data.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference - Measurement '97. - (Ed. Frollo, I.; Plačková, A.). - Bratislava, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences 1997. - S. 348-350.
[Measurement '97. Smolenice (SK), 97.05.29-97.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270

044681 - UPT-D 970059 CZ eng C
Konzbul, P. - Švéda, K.
Some Experience with Determination of Maximal Admissible Current Density in the Winding of the Shim PCB Coils for NMR.
In: AMTEE '97 - 3rd International Conference on Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering applied to power systems. - Plzeň, University of West Bohemia 1997. - S. 191-194.
[AMTEE '97 /3./. Plzeň (CZ), 97.09.09-97.09.11]

044693 - UPT-D 970072 SK eng J
Konzbul, P. - Švéda, K.
Design and Optimization of Low Power Consumption Shim-Gradient Coil of Z0 type for MRI and NMR.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 48 [8/s] 125-128 (1997).
[Applied Electromagnetics /4./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Stará Lesná (SK), 97.09.18-97.09.20]

044673 - UPT-D 970051 CZ cze C
Krejčí, I. - Kraus, M.
Měření a regulace poměru průtoků dvou kapalin.
In: Sborník příspěvků z konference IMEKO TC-9 Měření průtoku '97. - Praha, TECH-MARKET Praha 1997. - S. 79-83.
[IMEKO TC-9 - Měření průtoku '97. Praha (CZ), 97.06.05]

044658 - UPT-D 970036 SK eng C
Krejčí, I. - Stoklásek, R. - Slaměník, V.
A DSP based system for monitoring and analysis of physiological signals.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing DSP '97. - (Ed. Kocour, D.; Levický, D.; Marchevský, S.). - Košice, Technical University in Košice 1997. - S. 148-150.
[DSP '97 /3./ - Digital Signal Processing. Herlany (SK), 97.09.03-97.09.04]

044657 - UPT-D 970035 SK eng C
Krejčí, I. - Studnička, P.
The DSP controlled switching mode power supply - a new approach to negative feedback system solution.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing DSP '97. - (Ed. Kocour, D.; Levický, D.; Marchevský, S.). - Košice, Technical University in Košice 1997. - S. 73-75.
[DSP '97 /3./ - Digital Signal Processing. Herlany (SK), 97.09.03-97.09.04]

044721 - UPT-D 970100 US eng J
Lazar, J. - Číp, O.
Electronics for He-Ne-I2 stabilized laser with digital control.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 68 [10] 3660-3665 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2065504
[Impact factor:0.963(91) 1.288(92) 0.914(93) 1.095(94) 1.042(95) 1.144(96) 1.155(97) 1.177(98) 1.293(99) 1.239(00) 1.352(01) 1,437(02) 1.343(03) ]

044720 - UPT-D 970099 US eng J
Lenc, M. - Lencová, B.
Analytical and numerical computation of the multipole components of magnetic deflectors.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 68 [12] 4409-4414 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1100
[Impact factor:0.963(91) 1.288(92) 0.914(93) 1.095(94) 1.042(95) 1.144(96) 1.155(97) 1.177(98) 1.293(99) 1.239(00) 1.352(01) 1,437(02) 1.343(03) ]

044637 - UPT-D 970006 DE eng J
Lencová, B. - Lenc, M.
Third order geometrical and first order chromatic aberrations of electrostatic lenses, a comparison of formulas.
Optik, 105 [3] 121-128 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1100
[Impact factor:0.619(92) 0.558(93) 0.569(94) 0.554(95) 0.480(96) 0.401(97) 0.515(98) 0.784(99) 0.408(00) 0.475(01) 0,581(02) 0.534(03) ]

044700 - UPT-D 970077 CZ eng C
Malczyk, R. - Gottvald, A.
On Evolutionary Phase Corrections in MRS.
In: Mendel '97 - 3rd International Mendel Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Optimization problems, Fuzzy Logic, Neural networks, Rough Sets. - Brno, Technical University Brno, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 1997. - S. 83-87.
[Mendel '97 /3./ - Genetic Algorithms, Optimization problems, Fuzzy Logic, Neural networks, Rough Sets. Brno (CZ), 97.06.25-97.06.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

044715 - UPT-D 970094 SI eng C
Müllerová, I.
Microscopy with slow electrons.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ceramics Department 1997. - S. 273-278.
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/95/0280

056645 - UPT-D 980076 RIV US eng J
Müllerová, I.
Microscopy with slow electrons.
Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, 9 [2] 97-100 (1997).
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/95/0280

044633 - UPT-D 970002 GB eng A
Müllerová, I. - Frank, L.
Microscopy of Solid State Surfaces by Low Energy Electron Beams.
In: Book of Abstracts EMAS '97 - 5th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis. - Torquay, European Microbeam Analysis Society 1997. - S. 332.
[EMAS '97 /5./ - European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis. Torquay (GB), 97.05.11-97.05.15]

044663 - UPT-D 970041 SK eng C
Müllerová, I. - Frank, L.
New types of contrast at low electron energies.
In: Proccedings of the International Seminar New Trends in Surface Analysis NTSA '97. - (Ed. Breza, J.; Liday, J.; Frank, L.; Král, J.). - Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 1997. - S. 5-8.
[NTSA '97 - New Trends in Surface Analysis. Bratislava (SK), 97.11.26-97.11.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/95/0280

044719 - UPT-D 970098 CZ eng J
Müllerová, I. - Frank, L.
Low Energy Scanning Electron Microscopy (LESEM).
Jemná mechanika a optika, 42 [11-12] 335-340 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/95/0280

044661 - UPT-D 970039 SI eng C
Müllerová, I. - Zadražil, M. - Frank, L.
Low-energy SEM imaging of bevelled multilayers.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ceramics Department 1997. - S. 297-298.
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/95/0280; CEC(XE) CP93:12283

056638 - UPT-D 980069 RIV US eng J
Müllerová, I. - Zadražil, M. - Frank, L.
Low-energy SEM imaging of bevelled multilayers.
Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, 9 [2] 121-122 (1997).
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/95/0280; CEC(XE) CP93/12283

044704 - UPT-D 970081 GB eng J
Penaz, J. - Honzíková, N. - Jurák, P.
Vibration plethysmography: a method for studying the visco-elastic properties of finger arteries.
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 35 [6] 633-637 ( 1997).
[Impact factor: 1.004(99) 0.996(00) 1.172(01) 1,069(02) 0.744(03) ]

056634 - UPT-D 980041 RIV DE eng J
Petrů, F. - Lazar, J. - Číp, O. - Popescu, G. - Chartier, J. M.
Frequency comparison of He-Ne/iodine lasers at 633 nm between the NILPRP and the ISI, and traceability through the BIPM.
Metrologia, 34 [6] 515-518 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2065504
[Impact factor:0.634(92) 1.000(93) 0.906(94) 0.684(95) 0.964(96) 0.593(97) 0.420(98) 1.055(99) 0.820(00) 0.945(01) 0,842(02) 0.983(03) ]

044727 - UPT-D 970106 CZ eng J
Pokorný, P.
Control of Polarization Effects in Cube-Corner Reflectors.
Jemná mechanika a optika, 42 [11-12] 347-349 (1997).

044714 - UPT-D 970093 SI eng C
Schauer, P. - Autrata, R.
Scintillator-photocathode matching in scintillation detector for S(T)EM.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ceramics Department 1997. - S. 293-294.
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]

044718 - UPT-D 970097 CZ eng J
Schauer, P. - Autrata, R.
Inquiry of detector components for electron microscopy.
Jemná mechanika a optika, 42 [11-12] 332-334 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0677; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0988

056644 - UPT-D 980075 RIV US eng J
Schauer, P. - Autrata, R.
Scintillator-photocathode matching in scintillation detector for S(T)EM.
Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, 9 [2] 119-120 (1997).
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0988

044644 - UPT-D 970014 NL eng J
Sobota, J. - Sorensen, G.
Ion bombardment of MoS2 nanoplatelet coatings deposited by electrospraying.
Tribology Letters, 3 [2] 161-164 (1997).
[Impact factor: 1.816(00) 1.277(01) 1,008(02) 1.504(03) ]

044691 - UPT-D 970069 NL eng J
Sobota, J. - Sorensen, G.
Ion bombardment of solid lubricating nanoparticle coatings.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B, 127/128 [May] 945-948 (1997).
[Impact factor:1.179(91) 1.152(92) 1.157(93) 1.073(94) 1.193(95) 1.140(96) 1.016(97) 1.093(98) 1.118(99) 0.955(00) 1.041(01) 1,158(02) 1.041(03) ]

044707 - UPT-D 970084 SK eng A
Srnánek, R. - Kováč, J. - Fesic, V. - Frank, L. - Liday, J. - Vogrincic, P. - Novotný, I. - Hotový, I. - Buc, D.
Characterization of III-V Semiconductor Heterostructure on Bevelled Surface.
In: 3rd International Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices HEAD '97. - Bratislava, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences 1997. - S. P10.
[HEAD '97 /3./. Smolenice (SK), 97.10.12-97.10.16]

044667 - UPT-D 970045 GB eng A
Srnánek, R. - Satka, A. - Liday, J. - Vogrincic, P. - Kováč, J. - Zadražil, M. - Frank, L. - El Gomati, M. M.
Study of bevelled InP-based heterostructures by low energy SEM and AES.
In: Abstract Book - Electron Microscopy and Analysis Conference. - Cambridge, Institute of Physics 1997. - S. PSE.6.
[EMAG - Electron Microscopy and Analysis Conference. Cambridge (GB), 97.09.02-97.09.05]

056630 - UPT-D 980019 RIV GB eng C
Srnanek, R. - Satka, A. - Liday, J. - Vogrincic, P. - Kovac, J. - Zadražil, M. - Frank, L. - El Gomati, M. M.
Study of bevelled InP-based heterostructures by low energy SEM and AES.
In: Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1997 - Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Conference (Series Number 153, Section 10). - (Ed. Rodenburg, J. M.). - Bristol, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd. 1997. - S. 453-456.
[EMAG '97 - Electron Microscopy and Analysis Conference. Cambridge ( GB), 97.09.02-97.09.05]
Grant: CEC(XE) CP93/12283

044708 - UPT-D 970085 DE eng A
Srnánek, R. - Škriniarová, J. - Kováč, J. - Frank, L. - Novotný, I. - Hotový, I. - Gottschalch, V.
Efect Recognition in Semiconductor Heterostructures on Bevelled Surface.
In: Abstracts of the 7th International Conference on Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors DRIP VII. - Berlin, Institute of Crystal Growth 1997. - S. 10.8.
[DRIP /7./. Templin (DE), 97.09.07-97.09.10]

056636 - UPT-D 980065 RIV DE eng C
Srnánek, R. - Škriniarová, J. - Kováč, J. - Frank, L. - Novotný, I. - Hotový, I. - Gottschalch, V.
Recognition of defects in semiconductor heterostructures on bevelled surface.
In: Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors 1997 - Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Conference (Series Number 160). - (Ed. Donecker, J.; Rechenberg, I.). - Bristol, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd. 1997. - S. 409-412.
[DRIP /7./. Berlin (DE), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: CEC(XE) CP93/12283

044717 - UPT-D 970096 SK eng J
Srnka, A. - Musilová, V.
Field Homogeneity and Stability of Spectrotomograph Magnet MIDI-2000.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 48 [8/s] 190-191 (1997).
[Applied Electromagnetics /4./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Stará Lesná (SK), 97.09.18-97.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270

044650 - UPT-D 970022 CZ eng A
Starčuk jr., Z. - Starčuk, Z. - Horký, J. - Tkáč, I.
RF Power Deposition in High-Field in vivo 1H MR Spectroscopy.
In: 12th NMR Valtice. - Brno, The Spectroscopic Society of Johannes Marcus Marci, Central European NMR Discussion Group 1997. - S. 20.
[NMR Valtice /12./. Valtice (CZ), 97.04.07-97.04.09]

044638 - UPT-D 970007 SK eng C
Starčuk jr., Z. - Starčuk, Z. - Tkáč, I.
RF heating in high-field in vivo 1H MR spectroscopy of the human head: are 36 RF pulses too many?
In: Proceedings of the International Conference - Measurement '97. - (Ed. Frollo, I.; Plačková, A.). - Bratislava, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences 1997. - S. 157-160.
[Measurement '97. Smolenice (SK), 97.05.29-97.05.31]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA4065601; MZSR(SK) 95-03-02

046058 - UPT-D 970012 CA eng A
Starčuk jr., Z. - Starčuk, Z. - Tkáč, I.
Localized proton MR spectroscopy: Short echo-time STEAM sequence with a new approach to T1 insensitive highly effective water suppression.
In: Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - 5th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. - Berkeley, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1997. - S. 1459.
[MR in Medicine /5./ - Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. (CA), 97.03.12-97.03.18]
Grant: IAA4065601; MZSR(CZ) 95-03-02

044649 - UPT-D 970021 CZ eng A
Starčuk, Z. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Tkáč, I. - Horký, J.
STEAM Proton in vivo MR Spectroscopy: An Approach to Recording Spectra with Extremely Short Echo Times.
In: 12th NMR Valtice. - Brno, The Spectroscopic Society of Johannes Marcus Marci, Central European NMR Discussion Group 1997. - S. 19.
[NMR Valtice /12./. Valtice (CZ), 97.04.07-97.04.09]

044676 - UPT-D 970054 BE eng A
Starčuk, Z. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Tkáč, I.
Proton spectroscopy in vivo by SPRES localization with improved contamination suppression and with reduced RF power and homogeneity requirements.
In: Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts of the 14th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. - (Ed. Haase, A.). -
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine, 5 [2-Suppl.] 17 (1997).
[ESMRMB /14./ - Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Brussels (BE), 97.09.18-97.09.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA4065601; MZSR(SK) 95-03-02
[Impact factor: 0.795(99) ]

044684 - UPT-D 970062 PL eng A
Starčuk, Z. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Tkáč, I.
Low Contamination, Short Echo-Time Proton NMR Spectroscopy in vivo by STEAM and SPRES Localization.
In: 1st Kraków - Winnipeg Workshop on Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS. - Kraków, Komitet Badaň Naukovych 1997. - S. 11.
[Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS /1./. Kraków (PL), 97.11.06-97.11.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA4065601; MZSR(SK) 95-03-02

044677 - UPT-D 970055 BE eng A
Starčuk, Z. - Tkáč, I. - Starčuk jr., Z.
Whole chemical shift range in vivo 1H MR spectroscopy of the rat brain.
In: Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts of the 14th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. - (Ed. Haase, A.). -
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine, 5 [2-Suppl.] 166-167 (1997).
[ESMRMB /14./ - Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Brussels (BE), 97.09.18-97.09.21]
[Impact factor: 0.795(99) ]

044683 - UPT-D 970061 PL eng A
Starčuk, Z. - Tkáč, I. - Starčuk jr., Z.
Some Aspects of Reliable Measurement of Whole Chemical Shift Range (0-9 ppm) in vivo 1H MR Spectra in the Brain.
In: 1st Kraków - Winnipeg Workshop on Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS. - Kraków, Komitet Badaň Naukovych 1997. - S. 10.
[Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS /1./. Kraków (PL), 97.11.06-97.11.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA4065601; MZSR(SK) 95-03-02

044686 - UPT-D 970064 PL eng A
Starčuková, J. - Kozlowski, P. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Saunders, J. K. - Germanus, A. - Thiele, H.
WIN-MRI: PC Software for Imaging and Spectroscopic Imaging Data Processing and Presentation.
In: 1st Kraków - Winnipeg Workshop on Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS. - Kraków, Komitet Badaň Naukovych 1997. - S. 40.
[Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS /1./. Kraków (PL), 97.11.06-97.11.08]

044709 - UPT-D 970086 DE eng B
Starčuková, J. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Kozlowski, P.
Software Manual WIN-MRI. Bremen, Bruker-Franzen Analytik GmbH 1997. - 301 s.

044675 - UPT-D 970053 CZ eng C
Šikola, T. - Spousta, J. - Zlámal, J. - Průša, S. - Lopour, F. - Kalousek, R. - Třískala, M. - Tichopádek, P. - Krejzlík, T. - Nebojsa, A. - Lencová, B.
Ion Beam Thin Film Deposition, Surface and Thin Film Analysis.
In: Proceedings of Workshop '97. - 1 - Praha, Czech Technical University 1997. - S. 117-118.
[Workshop '97 - Czech TU. Praha (CZ), 97.01.20-97.01.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/0565CIPA CT94-0224

044706 - UPT-D 970083 SE eng A
Šikola, T. - Zlámal, J. - Spousta, J. - Štefka, J. - Lencová, B. - Nebojsa, A. - Armour, D. G.
Diagnostics of Beams and Surface Analysis in an IBAD Apparatus.
In: Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis. - (Ed. Olefjord, I.). - Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology 1997. - S. TC-34.
[ECASIA '97 /7./ - Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis. Göteborg (SE), 97.06.16-97.06.20]

056633 - UPT-D 980029 RIV SE eng C
Šikola, T. - Zlámal, J. - Spousta, J. - Štefka, J. - Lencová, B. - Nebojsa, A. - Armour, D. G.
Diagnostics of Beams and Surface Analysis in an IBAD Apparatus.
In: ECASIA 97 - 7th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis. - (Ed. Olefjord, I.; Nyborg, L.; Briggs, D.). - Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1997. - S. 991-994.
[ECASIA '97 /7./ - Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis. Göteborg (SE), 97.06.16-97.06.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/0565

044636 - UPT-D 970005 BG eng C
Škoda, P. - Dupák, J. - Ustohal, V.
Problems Regarding Electron Beam Welding of Aluminium with Stainless Steel.
In: EBT '97 - 5th International Conference on Electron Beam Technologies. - Varna, Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 1997. - S. 182-185.
[EBT '97 /5./ - Electron Beam Technologies. Varna (BG), 97.06.02-97.06.05]

046059 - UPT-D 970031 US eng A
Tarasenko, A. A. - Jastrabík, L. - Chvostova, D. - Sobota, J.
An ellipsometric study of Ni, Mo and NiNx films deposited on Si.
In: Final Program & Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry. - Charleston, University of North Carolina 1997. - S. P2.14.
[ICSE /2./ - Spectroscopic Ellipsometry. (US), 97.05.12-97.05.15]

044643 - UPT-D 970013 CA eng A
Tkáč, I. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Starčuk, Z.
Recording of short and long echo time MR spectra in vivo in a single experiment using a SPRES sequence.
In: Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - 5th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. - 3 - Berkeley, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1997. - S. 1461.
[MR in Medicine /5./ - Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. Vancouver (CA), 97.03.12-97.03.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA4065601; MZSR(SK) 95-03-02

044648 - UPT-D 970020 CZ eng A
Tkáč, I. - Starčuk, Z. - Starčuk jr., Z.
Field Gradients in Localized MR Spectroscopy.
In: 12th NMR Valtice. - Brno, The Spectroscopic Society of Johannes Marcus Marci, Central European NMR Discussion Group 1997. - S. 18.
[NMR Valtice /12./. Valtice (CZ), 97.04.07-97.04.09]

044674 - UPT-D 970052 PL cze Cz
Ustohal, V. - Škoda, P. - Dupák, J.
Spojování hliníku s nerez ocelí "pájecím svařováním" ve vakuu.
Zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Opolskiej. Mechanika, 235 [55] 103-106 (1997).
[Metody oceny struktury oraz wlasnosci materialow i wyrobow /11./. Brno (CZ), 97.12.12-97.12.14]

044659 - UPT-D 970037 SK eng C
Vojta, J. - Bartušek, K.
De-noising of FID signal by wavelets.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing DSP '97. - (Ed. Kocour, D.; Levický, D.; Marchevský, S.). - Košice, Technical University in Košice 1997. - S. 266-269.
[DSP '97 /3./ - Digital Signal Processing. Herlany (SK), 97.09.03-97.09.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1136

044672 - UPT-D 970050 CZ cze Cz
Vojta, J. - Bartušek, K.
Filtrace signálu FID pomocí waveletů.
In: Sborník přednášek celostátní konference s mezinárodní účastí Telekomunikace '97. - Brno, Vysoké učení technické, Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky, Ústav telekomunikací 1997. - S. 145-147.
[Telekomunikace '97. Brno (CZ), 97.06.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1136

044688 - UPT-D 970066 PL eng A
Vondra, V. - Halámek, J. - Kasal, M.
Elimination of digital audio filters effects in MRI.
In: 1st Kraków - Winnipeg Workshop on Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS. - Kraków, Komitet Badaň Naukovych 1997. - S. 42.
[Biomedical Applications of MRI and MRS /1./. Kraków (PL), 97.11.06-97.11.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509

044679 - UPT-D 970057 CA eng A
Vondra, V. - Wajer, F. - Halámek, J. - Ormondt van, D.
Influence of digital audio filters on image reconstruction in MRI.
In: Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - 5th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. - Berkeley, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1997. - S. 2049.
[MR in Medicine /5./ - Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. Vancouver (CA), 97.03.12-97.03.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509

056646 - UPT-D 980094 RIV US eng C
Yamamoto, K. - Tanji, T. - Hibino, M. - Schauer, P. - Autrata, R.
Improvement of Light Collection Efficiency of Lens Coupled YAG Screen TV System for HVEM.
In: Proceeding of the International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterization for New Materials and Devices '97. - Maui, The Microbeam Analysis 141 Committee of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 1997. - S. 98-101.
[Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices '97. Maui (US), 97.11.23-97.11.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1067601

044660 - UPT-D 970038 SI eng C
Zadražil, M. - El Gomati, M. M. - Walker, A.
Measurements of very low energy secondary and backscattered electron coefficients.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ceramics Department 1997. - S. 301-302.
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: CEC(XE) CP93:12283

056637 - UPT-D 980068 RIV US eng J
Zadražil, M. - El Gomati, M. M. - Walker, A.
Measurements of very low energy secondary and backscattered electron coefficients.
Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy, 9 [2] 123-124 (1997).
[MCEM '97 /3./ - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Portorož (SI), 97.10.05-97.10.08]
Grant: CEC(XE) CP93/12283

044635 - UPT-D 970004 GB eng A
Zadražil, M. - Frank, L.
Non-Charging Scanning Electron Microscopy at Critical Energies.
In: Book of Abstracts EMAS '97 - 5th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis. - Torquay, European Microbeam Analysis Society 1997. - S. 373.
[EMAS '97 /5./ - European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis. Torquay (GB), 97.05.11-97.05.15]

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