ÚRE - Ústav radiotechniky a elektroniky


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

047759 - URE-Y 980030 DE eng A
Abdelmalek, F. - Lacroix, M. - Chovelon, J. M. - Jaffrezic-Renault, N. - Berková, D. - Matějec, V. - Kašík, I. - Chomát, M.
Consequences of TiO2 doping on the optical properties of the optical fiber sensor coated with porous silica.
In: Europt(r)ode IV. Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Podmaniczky, A.). - Münster, ICB, Institut für Chemo- u. Biosensorik 1998. - S. 65-66.
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors EUROPT(R)ODE /4./. (DE), 98.03.29-98.04.01]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1067601

047817 - URE-Y 980192 RIV US eng C
Aubrecht, I.
Analytical studies of space charge field enhancement in photorefractive materials by applied high frequency electric fields of step-like wave forms.
In: Optika'98. - (Ed. Podmaniczky, A.). - Bellingham, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1998. - S. 520-523. - ( Proceedings SPIE. 3573).
[Congress on Modern Optics OPTIKA /5./. (HU), 98.09.14-98.09.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0688

047732 - URE-Y 980146 RIV GB eng J
Aubrecht, I. - Miler, M. - Koudela, I.
Recording of holographic diffraction gratings in photopolymers: theoretical modelling and real-time monitoring of grating growth. (Ed. Fan, C.M.). -
Journal of Modern Optics, 45 [7] 1465-1477 ( 1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1067601
[Impact factor:1.145(91) 0.807(92) 1.023(93) 1.005(94) 1.208(95) 1.393(96) 1.063(97) 1.165(98) 1.475(99) 1.023(00) 1.344(01) 1,717(02) 1.213(03) ]

047882 - URE-Y 980133 TN fre A
Berková, D. - Chomát, M. - Kašík, I. - Matějec, V. - Berka, Z.
Detection d`hydrocarbures a l`aide de fibres PCS courbees et de filtre de modes optiques.
In: Journées Maghreb-Europe MADICA'98 sur les Materiaux et leurs Applications aux Dispositifs Capteurs Physiques, Chmiques et Biologiques. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - [Monastir], [Université Monastir] 1998. - S. -.
[MADICA'98. (TN), 98.09.09-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/1358

047866 - URE-Y 980112 CZ eng A
Berková, D. - Chomát, M. - Matějec, V. - Kašík, I. - Berka, Z.
Detection of liquid hydrocarbons by means of sensing modules built of bent PCS optical fibers.
In: Book of abstracts of the 8th Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 34-35.
[Vienna Opt(r)ode Workshop /8./. (CZ), 98.10.07-98.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1067601

047739 - URE-Y 980083 RIV NL eng J
Berková, D. - Sedlář, M. - Matějec, V. - Kašík, I. - Chomát, M. - Abdelghani, A. - Jaffrezic-Renault, N. - Lacroix, M.
Fabrications and properties of doped porous polysiloxane sol-gel layers on optical fibers.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 13 [1/3] 569-573 ( 1998).
[Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites from Gels - SOL-GEL'97 /9./. (GB), 97.08.31-97.09.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 1.526(97) 0.946(99) 1.006(00) 0.765(01) 0,897(02) 1.546(03) ]

057868 - UACH-T 990005 CZ eng A
Bludská, J. - Jakubec, I. - Pekárek, L. - Nohavica, D.
InP, GaP and GaInP for the Water Photolysis by Solar Energy.
In: AMFO 98 Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics. - Prague, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics 1998. - S. 23.
[AMFO 98 Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics. Prague (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601; -(CZ) 7/96/K 4073

047767 - URE-Y 980052 RIV CZ eng C
Braun, J. - Berka, Z. - Žilka, Z.
Analysis of networks with distributed parameters.
In: Radioelektronika'98. - (Ed. Svačina, J.). - Brno, CERM 1998. - S. 21-24.
[International Czech-Slovak Scientific Conference Radioelektronika'98 /8./. (CZ), 98.04.28-98.04.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601

047818 - URE-Y 980055 RIV CZ eng C
Braun, J. - Berka, Z. - Žilka, Z.
Application of combinatorial methods in modeling of large complex electronic networks.
In: Aplikovaná elektronika'98. Sborník referátů mezinárodní vědecké konference. - (Ed. Pinker, J.). - Plzeň, Vydavatelství Západočeské univerzity 1998. - S. 15-18.
[Aplikovaná elektronika'98. (CZ), 98.09.09-98.09.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601

048435 - UMCH-V 980174 CZ eng A
Brynda, E. - Houska, M. - Tobiška, P. - Homola, J.
The suppression of non-specific response to human blood plasma in SPR sensor for detection of beta_2-microglobulin.
In: Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Matějec, V.; Choman, M.). - Praha, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - S. 40.
[Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop /8./. Praha (CZ), 98.10.07-98.10.08]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OE40

047750 - URE-Y 980022 RIV CZ cze V
Buzek, O.
Potenciální přesnost etalonové frekvence distribuované na území ČR dopplerovsky korigovaným družicovým systémem. Praha, ÚRE AV ČR 1998. - 18 s. - (Výzkumná zpráva. Z 2010/A).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0448

047762 - URE-Y 980038 CZ cze K
Buzek, O.
Problematika etalonáže frekvence a času.
In: Sborník přednášek přednesených na Semináři sekce elektro Českého kalibračního sdružení. - (Ed. Podmaniczky, A.). - Brno, AMTEST CZ 1998. - S. 3-8.
[Seminář Českého kalibračního sdružení, sekce elektro. (CZ), 98.03.31]
Výzkumný záměr: Realizační zakázka č. 6134/98 (řešení programu Metrologie ÚNMZ)

047764 - URE-Y 980037 RIV US eng C
Buzek, O.
Long term time transfer stability of a fiber optic link.
In: PTTI - Proceedings of the 29th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting. - (Ed. Breakiron, L.A.). - Washington, United States Naval Observatory 1998. - S. 405-414.
[PTTI /29./. (US), 97.12.02-97.12.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1242

047835 - URE-Y 980081 CZ cze K
Buzek, O.
Definice sekundy a její praktická aplikace.
In: Využití nových fyzikálních principů S139-98. - Praha, Česká metrologická společnost 1998. - S. 1-6.
[Využití nových fyzikálních principů S139-98. (CZ), 98.11.05]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1067601

047790 - URE-Y 980079 RIV CZ cze J
Buzek, O. - Čermák, J. - Rýpar, I.
Primární zdroj referenční frekvence SPT TELECOM.
Telekomunikace, 35 [11] 3-6 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1067601

047810 - URE-Y 980181 CZ cze P
Buzek, O. - Čermák, J. - Šojdr, L.
Zapojení družicového systému sdělování etalonové frekvence. Praha, ÚRE AV ČR 1998. - 5 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0448

047864 - URE-Y 980089 CZ eng A
Chomát, M. - Kašík, I. - Matějec, V. - Čtyroký, J. - Berková, D. - Gagnaire, H.
Detection of refractive-index changes by menas of the inverted-graded index optical fibers.
In: Book of abstracts of the 8th Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 41-42.
[Vienna Opt(r)ode Workshop /8./. (CZ), 98.10.07-98.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/P143

047881 - URE-Y 980132 TN fre A
Chomát, M. - Matějec, V. - Berková, D. - Kašík, I. - Sedlář, M.
Transducteurs pour la detection chimique d`espéces á l`aide de fibres optiques recouvertes par des couches poreuses.
In: Journées Maghreb-Europe MADICA'98 sur les Materiaux et leurs Applications aux Dispositifs Capteurs Physiques, Chmiques et Biologiques. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - [Monastir], [Université Monastir] 1998. - S. -.
[MADICA'98. (TN), 98.09.09-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/1358

047901 - URE-Y 980210 RIV PL eng M
Čermák, J.
1997 Activities in time and frequency metrology in the Czech republic.
In: Annual Report on Time and Frequency Field for the 12 EUROMET Committee Meeting. - (Ed. Kroupa, V.F.). - Fontenay-aux-Roses, Bureau National De Métrologie, Laboratoire Central des Industries Electriques (BNM-LCIE) - EUROMET Committee 1998. - S. X. - (Progress Report of Project 420).
Výzkumný záměr: Realizační zakázka č.6134

047859 - URE-Y 980084 RIV CZ cze V
Čermák, J. - Buzek, O. - Čemusová, B.
Výsledky pracoviště Státního etalonu času a frekvence v oblasti primární etalonáže času a frekvence. Praha, ÚRE AV ČR 1998. - 13 s. - (Výzkumná zpráva. Z 2011/A).
Výzkumný záměr: Realizační zakakázka č.6134

047749 - URE-Y 980023 RIV CZ eng V
Čermák, J. - Čemusová, B.
Systematic variations in GPS time observed in satellites without SA noise. Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - 9 s. - (Výzkumná zpráva. Z 2009/A).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2067608; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1067601

047783 - URE-Y 980044 CZ cze K
Čížek, V.
Výkony obecných periodických průběhů a jejich vyjádření pomocí analytického signálu.
In: 7. sešit katedry teoretické elektrotechniky. - (Ed. Kijonka, J.). - Ostrava, Katedra teoretické elektrotechniky, FEI, VŠB - TU 1998. - S. 25-28.
[Kvalita energie - dynamika systému. (CZ), 98.04.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0590

047766 - URE-Y 980027 RIV CZ eng C
Čížek, V. - Švandová, H.
Some properties of the quantized sinusoids.
In: Radioelektronika'98. - (Ed. Svačina, J.). - Brno, CERM 1998. - S. 184-187.
[International Czech-Slovak Scientific Conference Radioelektronika'98 /8./. (CZ), 98.04.28-98.04.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0590

047775 - URE-Y 980154 RIV GB eng J
Čtyroký, J. - Helfert, S. - Pregla, R.
Analysis of a deep waveguide Bragg grating.
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 30 [5/6] 343-358 (1998).
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC240.10
[Impact factor:0.864(91) 1.267(92) 1.010(93) 1.303(94) 0.921(95) 0.472(96) 0.552(97) 0.886(98) 0.876(99) 0.602(00) 0.706(01) 0,732(02) 0.879(03) ]

047855 - URE-Y 980088 CZ eng A
Čtyroký, J. - Homola, J. - Slavík, R. - Skalský, M. - Tichý, I. - Tobiška, P.
Optical waveguide surface plasmon resonance sensors.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 12.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358

047822 - URE-Y 980093 CZ cze K
Čtyroký, J. - Janta, J. - Skalský, M.
Optická reflektometrie s malou koherencí zdroje.
In: Optické komunikace - O.K.'98. Sborník příspěvků. - (Ed. Kucharski, M.). - Praha, TECH-MARKET 1998. - S. 104-108.
[Optické komunikace'98. (CZ), 98.10.20-98.10.21]
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC240.10

047731 - URE-Y 980189 RIV CZ cze V
Ďurovič, S.
Aplikace procesů Markova při detekci signálů s rozprostřeným spektrem. Praha, ÚRE AV ČR 1998. - 20 s. - (Výzkumná zpráva. Z 2013/B).
Výzkumný záměr: Projekt MO 0520898118

047755 - URE-Y 980147 CZ cze K
Ďurovič, S.
Úloha radiokomunikací ve 21. století.
In: Radiokomunikace'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Pardubice, UNIT 1998. - S. 1-10.
[Radiokomunikace 1998. (CZ), 98.10.14-98.10.16]

047899 - URE-Y 980191 RIV CZ cze V
Ďurovič, S.
Přenos digitální televize systémem s rozprostřeným spektrem. Praha, ÚRE AV ČR 1998. - 20 s. - (Výzkumná zpráva. Z 2015/B).
Výzkumný záměr: Projekt MO 0520898118

047878 - URE-Y 980091 BE eng A
Dyr, J. E. - Jiroušková, M. - Ryšavá, J. - Tichý, I. - Tobiška, P. - Slavík, R. - Homola, J. - Suttnar, J.
Surface plasmon resonance analysis of immobilised fibrin and its interaction with thrombin and fibrinogen.
In: BiOS Europe'98 - The European Biomedical Optics Week. Abstract book. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - Brussels, EUROPTO 1998. - S. 88.
[BiOS Europe'98. Joint Meeting of the European Laser Association and EUROPTO. Medical Sensors /5./ and Fibre Optic Sensors /6./. (SE), 98.09.08-98.09.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358

047880 - URE-Y 980158 RIV CH eng J
Dyr, J. E. - Tichý, I. - Jiroušková, M. - Tobiška, P. - Slavík, R. - Homola, J. - Brynda, E. - Houska, M. - Suttnar, J.
Molecular arrangement of adsorbed fibrinogen molecules characterized by specific monoclonal antibodies and a surface plasmon resonance sensor.
Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical, B51 [1/3] 268-272 (1998).
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors EUROPT(R)ODE /4./. (DE), 98.03.29-98.04.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358; MZ ČR(CZ) IGA4624-3
[Impact factor:1.560(91) 1.852(92) 1.210(93) 1.074(94) 1.333(95) 0.905(96) 0.858(97) 1.131(98) 1.572(99) 1.470(00) 1.440(01) 1,893(02) 2.391(03) ]

109310 - URE-Y 20040015 RIV US eng J
Dyr, J. E. - Tichý, I. - Jiroušková, M. - Tobiška, P. - Slavík, R. - Homola, J. - Suttnar, J.
Real-time sensing of surface-bound fibrinogen and fibrin interactions using spectroscopy of guided modes in optical wavegiude structures, surface plasmon resonance, and monoclonal antibodies.
Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis, 9 [7] 675 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2067918
[Impact factor: 1.390(99) 1.938(00) 1.594(01) 1,588(02) 1.319(03) ]

047776 - URE-Y 980032 DE eng A
Dyr, J. E. - Tichý, I. - Tobiška, P. - Slavík, R. - Homola, J. - Brynda, E. - Houska, M. - Suttnar, J.
Study of molecular arrangement of adsorbed fibrinogen molecules using specific monoclonal antibodies and a surface plasmon resonance sensor.
In: Europt(r)ode 4. Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Svačina, J.). - Münster, ICB, Institut für Chemo- u. Biosensorik 1998. - S. 95-96.
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors EUROPT(R)ODE /4./. (DE), 98.03.29-98.04.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358

047742 - URE-Y 980196 RIV BG eng C
Gladkov, P. - Monova, E. - Weber, J.
Photoluminescence characterization of Te-doped GaSb grown by liquid phase epitaxy from Bi melts.
In: Semiconductor Physics and Technology '17. - (Ed. Kushev, D.B.). - Sofia, Heron 1998. - S. 123-134. - (Heron Press Science; Series B).
[Bulgarian-Greek Symposium on Semiconductor and Solid-State Physics /17./. (BG), 97.06.07-97.06.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA167108; DFG(DE) 436TSE113/22/0
Výzkumný záměr: St.Kl.Ochridski Scientific Foundation (contract No 157/97)

047900 - URE-Y 980201 RIV BG eng J
Gladkov, P. - Monova, E. - Weber, J.
Photoluminescence characterization of Te-doped GaSb grown by liquid phase epitaxy from Bi melts.
Annuaire de L'Universite de Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski. Physique et Technologie des Semi-conducteurs, 88, [-] 33-40 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA167108
Výzkumný záměr: Bulgarian National Sciece Foundation (contract No F112/92)

047852 - URE-Y 980128 CZ eng A
Gladkov, P. - Weber, J.
Low temperature photoluminescence properties of p and n-type AlxGa(1-x)As for x0.42.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 26.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601

047833 - URE-Y 980122 RIV CZ eng C
Hanika, J. - Horák, P.
Epos - A new approach to the speech synthesis.
In: Text, speech, dialogue. - (Ed. Sojka, P.). - Brno, Masaryk University 1998. - S. 51-54.
[TSD'98 Workshop /1./. (CZ), 98.09.23-98.09.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

047751 - URE-Y 980200 RIV US eng J
Hasan, P.
PLL FM demodulator performance under Gaussian modulation.
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 46 [4] 437-440 (1998).
Grant: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(DE) Br617/11
[Impact factor: 1.058(99) 1.289(00) 1.466(01) 1,562(02) 1.665(03) ]

047884 - URE-Y 980195 RIV US eng J
Hoekstra, H. J. W. M. - Lambeck, P. V. - Krijnen, G. J. M. - Čtyroký, J. - De Minicis, M. - Sibilia, C. - Conradi, O. - Helfert, S. - Pregla, R.
A COST 240 benchmark test for beam propagation methods applied to an electrooptical modulator based on surface plasmons.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 16 [10] 1921-1927 (1998).
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC240.10
[Impact factor: 1.225(95) 1.347(96) 1.458(97) 1.498(98) 1.988(99) 1.587(00) 2.014(01) 1,791(02) 1.983(03) ]

047779 - URE-Y 980058 DE eng A
Homola, J. - Yee, S. S.
Novel polarization control scheme for spectral surface plasmon resonance sensors.
In: Europt(r)ode IV. Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Šurianský, J.). - Münster, ICB, Institut für Chemo- u. Biosensorik 1998. - S. 179-180.
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors EUROPT(R)ODE /4./. (DE), 98.03.29-98.04.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358

047870 - URE-Y 980194 CZ eng A
Homola, J. - Yee, S. S.
Recent development in SPR sensing.
In: Book of abstracts of the 8th Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 25-26.
[Vienna Opt(r)ode Workshop /8./. (CZ), 98.10.07-98.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358

047885 - URE-Y 980156 RIV CH eng J
Homola, J. - Yee, S. S.
Novel polarization control scheme for spectral surface plasmon resonance sensors.
Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical, B51 [1/3] 331-339 (1998).
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors EUROPT(R)ODE /4./. (DE), 98.03.29-98.04.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358; DARPA(US) DAAL01-96-K-3614
[Impact factor:1.560(91) 1.852(92) 1.210(93) 1.074(94) 1.333(95) 0.905(96) 0.858(97) 1.131(98) 1.572(99) 1.470(00) 1.440(01) 1,893(02) 2.391(03) ]

047814 - URE-Y 980120 RIV CZ eng C
Horák, P.
New approaches in Czech prosody modelling.
In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. - (Ed. Szabó, Z.). - Brno, VUTIUM Press 1998. - S. 203-205.
[BIOSIGNAL'98 /14./. (CZ), 98.06.23-98.06.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

047834 - URE-Y 980123 RIV CZ eng C
Horák, P.
The LPC analysis and synthesis of FO contour.
In: Text, speech, dialogue. - (Ed. Sojka, P.). - Brno, Masaryk Universityg 1998. - S. 219-222.
[TSD'98 Workshop /1./. (CZ), 98.09.23-98.09.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

047771 - URE-Y 980028 RIV CZ eng C
Horák, P. - Hanika, J.
User configurable text-to-speech system.
In: Radioelektronika'98. - (Ed. Svačina, J.). - Brno, CERM 1998. - S. 212-215.
[International Czech-Slovak Scientific Conference Radioelektronika'98 /8./. (CZ), 98.04.28-98.04.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

047812 - URE-Y 980119 RIV DE eng C
Horák, P. - Hanika, J.
Design of a multilingual speech synthesis system.
In: Sprachkommunikation: Vorträge der gemeinsamen Veranstaltung 5.ITG-Fachtagung "Sprachkommunikation" und 9.Konferenz "Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung". - (Ed. Hoffmann, R.). - Berlin, VDE-Verlag 1998. - S. 127-128. - (ITG-Fachtbericht; 152).
[ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation /5./ und Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung /9./. (DE), 98.08.31-98.09.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

047865 - URE-Y 980111 CZ eng A
Hüttel, I. - Gurovič, J. - Černý, F. - Chomát, M.
Carbon and carbon nitride planar waveguides on silicon substrates for optical sensors.
In: Book of abstracts of the 8th Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 51-52.
[Vienna Opt(r)ode Workshop /8./. (CZ), 98.10.07-98.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1610; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/0498; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939

047828 - URE-Y 980207 CZ cze N
Janta, J. - Procházková, S.
Setkání s Albertem Einsteinem ve Washingtonu, DC. (Ed. Vích, R.). -
Československý časopis pro fyziku, 48 [3/4] 238-240 (1998).

047765 - URE-Y 980024 RIV CZ eng C
Jelínek, F. - Pokorný, J. - Šaroch, J. - Trkal, V. - Hašek, J. - Palán, B.
Detection electrodes for measurement of electromagnetic field of living cells.
In: Biologické systémy a elektromagnetická pole. - (Ed. Coufalová, B.). - Praha, Katedra elektromagnetického pole FEL ČVUT 1998. - S. 23-25.
[Biologické systémy a elektromagnetická pole. (CZ), 98.06.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867; EU COST(XE) OC244.50

047769 - URE-Y 980026 RIV CZ eng C
Jelínek, F. - Pokorný, J. - Šaroch, J. - Trkal, V. - Hašek, J. - Palán, B.
Microelectronic sensors for measurement of electromagnetic field of living cells.
In: Radioelektronika'98. - (Ed. Svačina, J.). - Brno, CERM 1998. - S. 143-145.
[International Czech-Slovak Scientific Conference Radioelektronika'98 /8./. (CZ), 98.04.28-98.04.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867; EU COST(XE) OC244.50

052805 - URE-Y 980139 RIV TR eng V
Kaňka, J.
Experimental demonstration of Er-doped twin-core fibre wavelenght control in a high-power fibre ring laser. Izmir, EU COST 1998. - 1 s.
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC241.10

047837 - URE-Y 980141 CZ eng A
Kaňka, J. - Peterka, P. - Honzátko, P.
Er-doped twin-core fibre tracking bandpass filter for fibre lasers.
In: Poster'98. Book of extended abstracts. - (Ed. Sojka, P.). - Prague, Czech Technical University 1998. - S. EEC14/1-2.
[International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering /2./. ( CZ), 98.05.28]
Grant: EU COPERNICUS(XE) CIPA3510CT937882; EU COST(XE) OC241.10

047850 - URE-Y 980127 CZ eng A
Kaňka, J. - Peterka, P. - Honzátko, P. - Matějec, V. - Kašík, I.
Er-doped twin-core fibre coupler as a saturable-absorber-based tracking narrow-band filter for fibre lasers.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 10.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: EU COPERNICUS(XE) CIPA3510CT937882; EU COST(XE) OC241.10

047726 - URE-Y 980005 RIV GB eng J
Karásek, M.
Analysis of tunable Pr3+- doped fluoride fibre ring laser.
Pure and Applied Optics. Journal of the European Optical Society Part A, 7 [1] 61-69 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA267403
[Impact factor: 0.813(99) 1.048(00) ]

047728 - URE-Y 980004 RIV US eng J
Karásek, M.
Fast power transients in concatenated Pr3+-doped fluoride fiber amplifiers.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 16 [3] 358-363 (1998).
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC241.10
[Impact factor: 1.225(95) 1.347(96) 1.458(97) 1.498(98) 1.988(99) 1.587(00) 2.014(01) 1,791(02) 1.983(03) ]

047809 - URE-Y 980057 CZ cze K
Karásek, M.
Potlačení přechodových jevů v transportních optických WDM sítích s vícenásobným přístupem.
In: Optické komunikace - O.K.'98. Sborník příspěvků. - (Ed. Kucharski, M.). - Praha, TECH-MARKET 1998. - S. 99-103.
[Optické komunikace'98. (CZ), 98.10.20-98.10.21]
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC241.10

047851 - URE-Y 980150 CZ eng A
Karásek, M.
Design criteria for Er3+ - Yb3+ codoped fibres for large-signal high pump power applications.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 11.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]

047727 - URE-Y 980003 RIV GB eng J
Karásek, M. - Kaňka, J.
Numerical analysis of Yb3+ -sensitized Er3+ -doped fibre-ring laser.
IEE Proceedings - Optoelectronics, 145 [2] 133-137 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA267403
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.727(94) 0.706(95) 0.526(96) 0.545(97) 0.628(98) 0.826(99) 0.792(00) 0.611(01) 0,492(02) 1.034(03) ]

047741 - URE-Y 980041 RIV US eng J
Karásek, M. - Plaats van der, J. C.
Analysis of dynamic pump-loss controlled gain-locking system for erbium-doped fiber amplifiers.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 10 [8] 1171-1173 (1998).
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC241.10
[Impact factor:1.789(92) 1.738(93) 1.244(94) 0.977(95) 1.063(96) 1.610(97) 1.791(98) 2.136(99) 1.877(00) 2.004(01) 2,100(02) 2.258(03) ]

047788 - URE-Y 980046 RIV GB eng J
Karásek, M. - Plaats van der, J. C.
Modelling of pump-power-loss controlled gain-locking system for EDFA application in WDM transmission systems.
IEE Proceedings - Optoelectronics, 145 [4] 205-210 (1998).
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC241.10
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.727(94) 0.706(95) 0.526(96) 0.545(97) 0.628(98) 0.826(99) 0.792(00) 0.611(01) 0,492(02) 1.034(03) ]

063560 - URE-Y 990008 RIV GB eng J
Karásek, M. - Plaats van der, J. C.
Protection of surviving channels in a cascade of pump-loss controlled gain-locked EDFAs.
International Journal of Optoelectronics, 12 [3] 105-112 (1998).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC 241.10
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:Z2067918
[Impact factor: 0.514(99) 0.696(00) ]

047789 - URE-Y 980060 RIV US eng J
Karásek, M. - Vallés, J. A.
Analysis of channel addition/removal response in all-optical gain-controlled cascade of Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 16 [10] 1795-1803 (1998).
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC241.10
[Impact factor: 1.225(95) 1.347(96) 1.458(97) 1.498(98) 1.988(99) 1.587(00) 2.014(01) 1,791(02) 1.983(03) ]

047729 - URE-Y 980151 RIV US eng J
Karásek, M. - Willems, F. W.
Channel addition/removal response in cascades of strongly inverted erbium-doped fiber amplifiers.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 16 [12] 2311-2317 (1998).
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC241.10
[Impact factor: 1.225(95) 1.347(96) 1.458(97) 1.498(98) 1.988(99) 1.587(00) 2.014(01) 1,791(02) 1.983(03) ]

047730 - URE-Y 980040 RIV US eng J
Karásek, M. - Willems, F. W.
Suppression of dynamic cross saturation in cascades of overpumped erbium-doped fiber amplifiers.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 10 [7] 1036-1038 (1998).
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC241.10
[Impact factor:1.906(92) 1.917(93) 2.006(94) 1.940(95) 2.085(96) 1.668(97) 1.417(98) 1.882(99) 2.094(00) 2.289(01) 2,923(02) 3.823(03) ]

047883 - URE-Y 980134 TN fre A
Kašík, I. - Matějec, V. - Chomát, M. - Hayer, M. - Abdelmalek, F.
Les fibres optiques de silice modifiées pour la detection d`especes chimiques a l`aide de l`onde evanescente.
In: Journées Maghreb-Europe MADICA'98 sur les Materiaux et leurs Applications aux Dispositifs Capteurs Physiques, Chmiques et Biologiques. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - [Monastir], [Université Monastir] 1998. - S. -.
[MADICA'98. (TN), 98.09.09-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/P143

047737 - URE-Y 980137 RIV GB eng J
Kašík, I. - Matějec, V. - Kaňka, J. - Honzátko, P.
Properties and fabrications of ytterbium-erbium co-doped silica fibres for high power fiber lasers.
Pure and Applied Optics, 7 [3] 457-465 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871; EU COPERNICUS(XE) CIPA3510CT937882
[Impact factor: 0.813(99) 1.048(00) ]

047760 - URE-Y 980020 DE eng A
Kašík, I. - Pospíšilová, M. - Matějec, V. - Chomát, M. - Rose, K. - Šašek, L.
Sensitivity of silica optical fibers coated with ORMOCERS to gaseous CO2.
In: Europt(r)ode 4. Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Podmaniczky, A.). - Münster, ICB, Institut für Chemo- u. Biosensorik 1998. - S. 273-274.
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors EUROPT(R)ODE /4./. (DE), 98.03.29-98.04.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871

047816 - URE-Y 980069 RIV MX eng J
Kostka, F.
Control systems in optical fibre industry.
Computación y Sistemas, 1 [4] 195-200 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1067601

063592 - URE-Y 990065 RIV CZ cze D
Koudela, I.
Holografické difrakční elementy. Praha, MFF UK 1998. - 116 s. - (Doktorská disertační práce. DDIS 235 ).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0876
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:Z2067918

047757 - URE-Y 980016 RIV US eng C
Koudela, I. - Miler, M. - Aubrecht, I.
Parameters of the decentered Gaussian beams.
In: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics. - (Ed. Nowak, J.; Zajac, M.). - Bellingham, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1998. - S. 74-77. - (Proceedings SPIE. 3320).
[Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics /10./. (PL), 96.09.17-96.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1540

047872 - URE-Y 980160 US eng B
Kroupa, V. F.
Direct digital frequency synthesizers. (Ed. Chomát, M.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - 383 s.

047886 - URE-Y 980161 US eng M
Kroupa, V. F.
Synthesis techniques.
In: Direct digital frequency synthesizers. - (Ed. Kroupa, V.F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 3-15.

047887 - URE-Y 980162 US eng M
Kroupa, V. F.
Approximating frequency synthesizers.
In: Direct digital frequency synthesizers. - (Ed. Kroupa, V.F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 23-26.

047888 - URE-Y 980163 US eng M
Kroupa, V. F.
Spectra of pulse rate frequency synthesizers.
In: Direct digital frequency synthesizers. - (Ed. Kroupa, V.F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 65-67.

047889 - URE-Y 980164 US eng M
Kroupa, V. F.
Spectral propertiers of DDFS: computer simulations and experimental verifications.
In: Direct digital frequency synthesizers. - (Ed. Kroupa, V.F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 152-164.

047890 - URE-Y 980165 US eng M
Kroupa, V. F.
Principles of Phase-Locked Loops (PPL).
In: Direct digital frequency synthesizers. - (Ed. Kroupa, V.F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 167-174.

047891 - URE-Y 980166 US eng M
Kroupa, V. F.
Low-noise microwave-frequency synthesisers: design principles.
In: Direct digital frequency synthesizers. - (Ed. Kroupa, V.F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 175-180.

047892 - URE-Y 980167 US eng M
Kroupa, V. F.
Principles of fractional-N frequency synthesisers.
In: Direct digital frequency synthesizers. - (Ed. Kroupa, V.F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 191-196.

047893 - URE-Y 980168 US eng M
Kroupa, V. F.
Introduction to the noise properties of frequency sources.
In: Direct digital frequency synthesizers. - (Ed. Kroupa, V.F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 208-215.

047894 - URE-Y 980169 US eng M
Kroupa, V. F.
Close-to-the-Carrier noise in DDFS.
In: Direct digital frequency synthesizers. - (Ed. Kroupa, V.F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 216-223.

047895 - URE-Y 980170 US eng M
Kroupa, V. F.
Digital-to-analog converters.
In: Direct digital frequency synthesizers. - (Ed. Kroupa, V.F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 246-256.

047896 - URE-Y 980171 US eng M
Kroupa, V. F.
Quasiperiodic Omission of Pulses.
In: Direct digital frequency synthesizers. - (Ed. Kroupa, V.F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 360-366.

047897 - URE-Y 980172 US eng M
Kroupa, V. F.
Useful computer programs for investigation of spurious signals in DDFS.
In: Direct digital frequency synthesizers. - (Ed. Kroupa, V.F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 367-372.

047793 - URE-Y 980080 CZ eng K
Kroupa, V. F. - Čermák, J.
Principles of frequency stability: power line stability.
In: Sešit katedry teoretické elektrotechniky. - (Ed. Kijonka, J.). - Ostrava, Katedra teoretické elektrotechniky FEI, VŠB - TU Ostrava 1998. - S. 52-55.
[Kvalita energie, dynamika systémů. (CZ), 98.04.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0590

047768 - URE-Y 980025 RIV CZ eng C
Kroupa, V. F. - Štursa, J.
Spectral purity of DDFS output signal.
In: Radioelektronika'98. - (Ed. Svačina, J.). - Brno, CERM 1998. - S. 97-100.
[International Czech-Slovak Scientific Conference Radioelektronika'98 /8./. (CZ), 98.04.28-98.04.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0590

047795 - URE-Y 980045 RIV HR eng C
Kuchar, A.
Photonic infrastructure for the information technology age- a proposal for research.
In: WAON '98. Proceedings of the Workshop on All-Optical Networks. - (Ed. Mikac, B.; Inkret, R.). - Zagreb, University of Zagreb 1998. - S. 163-167.
[Workshop on All-Optical Networks. (HR), 98.05.06-98.05.08]
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC239.10

047815 - URE-Y 980108 RIV SK eng C
Kuchar, A.
Communications at the treshold of the third millennium.
In: Communications on the Edge of the Millenniums. Proceedings, 2nd Section. - (Ed. Szabó, Z.). - Žilina, EDIS - Žilina University publisher 1998. - S. 211-214.
[International Scientific Conference /10./. (SK), 98.09.09-98.09.11]
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC239.10

047830 - URE-Y 980109 RIV SI eng C
Kuchar, A.
Challenges of the multimedia age facing photonic network designers.
In: VITEL'98 International Telecommunications Symposium. Mobility and Convergence of Communication Technologies. - (Ed. Jagodič, M.). - Ljubljana, Electrotechnical Society of Slovenia 1998. - S. C/1-C/5.
[VITEL'98. (SI), 98.10.05-98.10.06]
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC239.10

047808 - URE-Y 980130 CZ cze K
Kuchar, A. - Lam, V. Q.
Kombinace optických a radiových sítí.
In: Optické komunikace - O.K.'98. Sborník příspěvků. - (Ed. Kucharski, M.). - Praha, TECH-MARKET 1998. - S. 69-73.
[Optické komunikace'98. (CZ), 98.10.20-98.10.21]
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC239.10

048047 - UCHP-M 980402 RIV DE eng C
Kuncová, G. - Burkhard, J. - Pazlarová, J. - Demnerová, K. - Drahoš, J. - Kotlíková, J. - Chomát, M. - Matějec, V. - Tříska, J. - Vrchotová, N.
Fiber-optic detection of polychlorinated byphenyls in water and oil.
In: Europt(r)ode 4. - Münster, 1998. - S. 85-86.
[Europt(r)ode /4./. Münster (DE), 98.03.29-98.04.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/97/1212

047861 - URE-Y 980066 RIV US eng J
Kuzmiak, V. - Maradudin, A. A.
Distribution of electromagnetic field and group velocities in two-dimensional periodic systems with dissipative metallic components.
Physical Review. B, 58 [11] 7231-7251 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1239
[Impact factor:3.535(91) 3.259(92) 3.159(93) 3.187(94) 2.834(95) 2.975(96) 2.880(97) 2.842(98) 3.008(99) 3.065(00) 3.070(01) ]

047862 - URE-Y 980067 RIV US eng J
Kuzmiak, V. - Maradudin, A. A.
Localized defect modes in a two-dimensional triangular photonic crystal.
Physical Review. B, 57 [24] 15243-15250 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1239; NSF(JP) DMR-9319404
[Impact factor:3.535(91) 3.259(92) 3.159(93) 3.187(94) 2.834(95) 2.975(96) 2.880(97) 2.842(98) 3.008(99) 3.065(00) 3.070(01) ]

049195 - UFCH-W 980193 RIV SK eng J
Lörinčík, J. - Šroubek, Z.
Linear Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for Studies of Electronic Effects in Low Energy Neutral or Ion Sputtering.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 49 [9/10] 248-254 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1067801

047820 - URE-Y 980152 RIV SK eng J
Malina, V. - Moro, L. - Pécz, B.
Technological aspects of non-alloyed Ti/Au contacts to InP.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 49 [7-8] 194-199 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1059

047747 - URE-Y 980009 RIV NL eng C
Malina, V. - Žďánský, K. - Vogel, K. - Ressel, P. - Pécz, B.
Ti/Pt/Au and WSiN/Ti/Pt/Au Schottky contacts to n-type InGaP epitaxial layers.
In: Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices - HEAD'97. - (Ed. Novák, J.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer 1998. - S. 293-296. - (NATO Science Series 3.; High Technology. 48).
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices /3./. (SK), 97.10.12-97.10.16]

047849 - URE-Y 980153 CZ eng A
Malina, V. - Žďánský, K. - Vogel, K. - Ressel, P. - Pécz, B.
Ohmic and Schottky contacts to InGaP epitaxial layers.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 24.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601

047869 - URE-Y 980115 CZ eng G
Matějec, V. - Chomát, M.
Book of abstracts of the 8th Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop. (Ed. Chomát, M.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - 80 s.
[Vienna Opt(r)ode Workshop /8./. (CZ), 98.10.07-98.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/1358

047875 - URE-Y 980131 TN fre A
Matějec, V. - Chomát, M. - Berková, D. - Abdelmalek, F. - Jaffrezic-Renault, N. - Gagnaire, H.
Nouvelles fibres optiques pour la detection de gaz.
In: Journées Maghreb-Europe MADICA'98 sur les Materiaux et leurs Applications aux Dispositifs Capteurs Physiques, Chmiques et Biologiques. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - [Monastir], [Université Monastir] 1998. - S. -.
[MADICA'98. (TN), 98.09.09-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939; GA AV ČR(C) KSK1067601

047856 - URE-Y 980110 CZ eng A
Matějec, V. - Chomát, M. - Hayer, M.
Development of special optical fibers for chemical sensing.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 9.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/1358

047761 - URE-Y 980021 DE eng A
Matějec, V. - Chomát, M. - Kašík, I. - Čtyroký, J. - Berková, D. - Hayer, M.
Inverted-graded index fiber structures for evanescent-wave chemical sensing.
In: Europt(r)ode 4. Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Podmaniczky, A.). - Münster, ICB, Institut für Chemo- u. Biosensorik 1998. - S. 185-186.
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors EUROPT(R)ODE /4./. (DE), 98.03.29-98.04.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939

047791 - URE-Y 980155 RIV CH eng J
Matějec, V. - Chomát, M. - Kašík, I. - Čtyroký, J. - Berková, D. - Hayer, M.
Inverted-graded index fiber structures for evanescent-wave chemical sensing.
Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical, B51 [1/3] 340-347 (1998).
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors EUROPT(R)ODE /4./. (DE), 98.03.29-98.04.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939
[Impact factor:1.560(91) 1.852(92) 1.210(93) 1.074(94) 1.333(95) 0.905(96) 0.858(97) 1.131(98) 1.572(99) 1.470(00) 1.440(01) 1,893(02) 2.391(03) ]

047796 - URE-Y 980125 RIV CZ cze N
Matějec, V. - Kašík, I.
Optická vlákna a komunikace.
Věda, technika a my, 52 [4] 28-30 (1998).

047740 - URE-Y 980174 RIV NL eng J
Matějec, V. - Kašík, I. - Berková, D. - Hayer, M. - Kaňka, J.
Sol-Gel fabrication and properties of silica cores of optical fibers doped with Yb3+,Er3+,Al2O3 or TiO2.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 13 [1/3] 617-621 ( 1998).
[Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites from Gels - SOL-GEL'97 /9./. (GB), 97.08.31-97.09.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 1.526(97) 0.946(99) 1.006(00) 0.765(01) 0,897(02) 1.546(03) ]

047868 - URE-Y 980114 CZ eng A
Matějec, V. - Rose, K. - Heinrich, M. - Pospíšilová, M. - Hayer, M. - Chomát, M.
Sensitivity of silica optical fibers coated with ORMOCERs to hydrocarbons and to water.
In: Book of abstracts of the 8th Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 65-66.
[Vienna Opt(r)ode Workshop /8./. (CZ), 98.10.07-98.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/1358; EU COPERNICUS(XE) CIPA-CT94-0140

047758 - URE-Y 980050 RIV US eng C
Miler, M. - Aubrecht, I. - Koudela, I. - Wágner, J.
Fabrication and properties of light spiral filters.
In: Optika'98. - (Ed. Ákos, G.; Lupkovics, G.; Podmaniczky, A.). - Bellingham, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1998. - S. 461-464. - (Proceedings SPIE. 3573).
[Congress on Modern Optics OPTIKA /5./. (HU), 98.09.14-98.09.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0876

047733 - URE-Y 980013 RIV US eng J
Miler, M. - Janta, J. - Čtyroký, J.
Holographic reflection scanners for laser processing of materials.
Lasers in Engineering, 7 [1] 69-80 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0876
[Impact factor: 0.500(99) 0.487(00) 0.286(01) 0,186(02) 0.182(03) ]

047756 - URE-Y 980015 RIV US eng C
Miler, M. - Koudela, I. - Aubrecht, I.
Zone areas of diffractive phase elements producing focal annuli.
In: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics. - (Ed. Nowak, J.; Zajac, M.). - Bellingham, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1998. - S. 210-213. - (Proceedings SPIE. 3320).
[Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics /10./. (PL), 96.09.17-96.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1540

047863 - URE-Y 980068 CZ eng A
Miler, M. - Koudela, I. - Aubrecht, I. - Pala, J.
Non-contact laser sensors for measuring angular displacement based on light reflection from a spiral filter.
In: Book of abstracts of the 8th Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 67-68.
[Vienna Opt(r)ode Workshop /8./. (CZ), 98.10.07-98.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0876

047745 - URE-Y 980007 RIV NL eng C
Nohavica, D.
Surface reconstruction processes in the scope of the BCF theory of crystal growth.
In: Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices - HEAD'97. - (Ed. Kordoš, P.; Novák, J.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer 1998. - S. 67-70. - (NATO Science Series 3.; High Technology 48).
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices /3./. (SK), 97.10.12-97.10.16]

047803 - URE-Y 980143 CZ eng A
Nohavica, D.
Surface reconstruction in MO VPE grown GaAs.
In: Development of Materials Science in Research and Education. Abstracts of the 8th joint seminar. - (Ed. Rodová, M.). - Praha, MAXDORF 1998. - S. 4.
[Development of Materials Science in Research and Education - DMS-RE'98 /8./. (CZ), 98.09.08-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047853 - URE-Y 980144 CZ eng A
Nohavica, D.
GaInAsP/InP DC PBH lasers emitting in the wavelenght region 1.07-1.67 mm.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 3.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601

047854 - URE-Y 980129 CZ eng A
Nohavica, D. - Gladkov, P. - Žďánský, K.
Preparation and properties of thick GaInP(As)/GaAs layers for optoelecronic applications.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 22.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601

047785 - URE-Y 980071 RIV CZ cze B
Novotný, J.
Epitaxní růst sloučenin AIIIBV z kapalné fáze. Academia, Praha 1998. - 129 s. - (Studie AV ČR 1/98).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047801 - URE-Y 980059 CZ eng A
Novotný, J.
The role of surface and volume duffusion in the growth of GaAlAs thin layers.
In: Development of Materials Science in Research and Education. Abstracts of the 8th joint seminar. - (Ed. Rodová, M.). - Praha, MAXDORF 1998. - S. 2.
[Development of Materials Science in Research and Education - DMS-RE'98 /8./. (CZ), 98.09.08-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047848 - URE-Y 980075 CZ eng A
Novotný, J.
Incoherent light sources for optical communications.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 2.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047805 - URE-Y 980073 RIV CZ cze C
Novotný, J. - Kostka, F. - Leba, P. - Poupa, M.
Automatizace epitaxního růstu polovodičových heterostruktur.
In: Aplikovaná elektronika'98. Sborník referátů mezinárodní vědecké konference. - (Ed. Pinker, J.). - Plzeň, Vydavatelství Západočeské univerzity 1998. - S. 126-130.
[Aplikovaná elektronika'98. (CZ), 98.09.09-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047748 - URE-Y 980011 RIV GB eng C
Novotný, J. - Procházková, O. - Pekárek, L.
Preparation of InGaAsP/InP heterostructures with defects reduction in the active region.
In: Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors 1997. - (Ed. Donecker, J.; Rechenberg, I.). - Bristol, Institute of Physics 1998. - S. 401-404. - (Institute of Physics Conference Series. 160).
[Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors - DRIP /7./. (DE), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047787 - URE-Y 980098 GB eng A
Novotný, J. - Procházková, O. - Žďánský, K. - Zavadil, J. - Šrobár, F.
Preparation and characterization of n- and p-type ytterbium doped InP epitaxial layers.
In: EXMATEC'98. Conference programme, abstracts & exhibition guide. - (Ed. Šurianský, J.). - Cardiff, Cardiff University 1998. - S. -.
[International Workshop on Expert Evaluation & Control of Compound Semiconductor Materials & Technologies /4./. (GB), 98.06.21-98.06.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047847 - URE-Y 980074 CZ eng A
Novotný, J. - Procházková, O. - Žďánský, K. - Zavadil, J. - Pekárek, L. - Šrobár, F.
Preparation and properties of rare-earth InP-based semiconductor compounds.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 4.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047836 - URE-Y 980140 RIV CZ eng C
Peterka, P. - Kaňka, J.
Er-doped twin-core as a saturable-absorber-based tracking bandpass filter for fibre lasers.
In: Workshop'98. Vol. 1. - Prague, Czech Technical University 1998. - S. 323-324.
[Annual university-wide seminar Workshop'98 /7./. (CZ), 98.02.03-98.02.05]
Grant: EU COPERNICUS(XE) CIPA3510CT937882; EU COST(XE) OC241.10

047823 - URE-Y 980126 CZ cze K
Peterka, P. - Kaňka, J. - Honzátko, P. - Matějec, V. - Kašík, I.
Dvoujádrové optické vlákno - návrh, výroba, měření.
In: Optické komunikace - O.K.'98. Sborník příspěvků. - (Ed. Kucharski, M.). - Praha, TECH-MARKET 1998. - S. 127-131.
[Optické komunikace'98. (CZ), 98.10.20-98.10.21]

047860 - URE-Y 980208 HR eng A
Pokorný, J. - Jelínek, F. - Šrobár, F. - Trkal, V.
Excitation of the endogenous electric field of microtubules by the mechanism of dynamic instability.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the European BioElectromagnetics Association /EBEA/. - (Ed. Šimunic, D.). - Zagreb, University of Zagreb 1998. - S. 53-54.
[EBEA Congress /4./. (HR), 98.11.19-98.11.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867; GA MŠk(CZ) OC 244.10

047743 - URE-Y 980095 DN eng A
Pokorný, J. - Jelínek, F. - Trkal, V. - Šrobár, F.
Electric field around microtubules.
In: Abstractbook 14th International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bionergetics. - (Ed. Kwee, S.). - Aarhus, University of Aarhus 1998. - S. 13.
[Biochemistry and Bioenergetics /14./. (DN), 98.05.23-98.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867; EU COST(XE) OC244.50

047794 - URE-Y 980096 RIV CZ eng C
Pokorný, J. - Jelínek, F. - Trkal, V.
Excitation of microtubules and generated electric field.
In: Biologické systémy a elektromagnetická pole. - (Ed. Coufalová, B.). - Praha, Katedra elektromagnetického pole FEL ČVUT 1998. - S. 45-47.
[Biologické systémy a elektromagnetická pole. (CZ), 98.06.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867; EU COST(XE) OC244.50

047843 - URE-Y 980187 RIV CH eng J
Pokorný, J. - Jelínek, F. - Trkal, V.
Electric field around microtubules.
Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 45 [2] 239-245 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867
[Impact factor:0.969(91) 1.227(92) 0.878(93) 0.940(94) 1.324(95) 1.069(96) 1.049(97) 1.363(98) 1.085(99) 1.052(00) 1.096(01) ]

047842 - URE-Y 980061 RIV DE eng B
Pokorný, J. - Wu, T. M.
Biophysical aspects of coherence and biological order. Berlin, Springer 1998. - 240 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867; EU COST(XE) OC244.50

047778 - URE-Y 980118 RIV SK sla C
Považanec, D. - Horák, P. - Fuchs, P.
Syntezátor l'udskej reči metódou TD-PSOLA.
In: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov IV. - (Ed. Šurianský, J.). - Liptovský Mikuláš, Vojenská akadémia 1998. - S. 47-50.
[Nové smery v spracovaní signálov /4./. (SK), 98.05.27-98.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087
Výzkumný záměr: Projekt 95/5195/297

047858 - URE-Y 980193 CZ eng G
Procházková, O.
AMFO'98. (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - 26 s.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047744 - URE-Y 980010 RIV GB eng C
Procházková, O. - Novotný, J. - Zavadil, J. - Žďánský, K. - Kohout, J.
Preparation of InP and GaInAsP layers with low density of defects: effect of holmium and erbium gettering.
In: Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors 1997. - (Ed. Donecker, J.; Rechenberg, I.). - Bristol, Institute of Physics 1998. - S. 405-408. - (Institute of Physics Conference Series 160).
[Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors - DRIP /7./. (DE), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047773 - URE-Y 980070 GB eng A
Procházková, O. - Novotný, J. - Zavadil, J. - Žďánský, K.
Effect of rare earth addition on liguid phase epitaxial InP and GaInAsP semiconductor layers.
In: EXMATEC'98. Conference programme, abstracts & exhibition guide. - (Ed. Svačina, J.). - Cardiff, Cardiff University 1998. - S. -.
[International Workshop on Expert Evaluation & Control of Compound Semiconductor Materials & Technologies /4./. (GB), 98.06.21-98.06.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047802 - URE-Y 980072 CZ eng A
Procházková, O. - Novotný, J. - Zavadil, J. - Žďánský, K.
Study of the influence of some F-elements on the properties of InP semiconductor layers prepared by LPE.
In: Development of Materials Science in Research and Education. Abstracts of the 8th joint seminar. - (Ed. Rodová, M.). - Praha, MAXDORF 1998. - S. 37.
[Development of Materials Science in Research and Education - DMS-RE'98 /8./. (CZ), 98.09.08-98.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047738 - URE-Y 980006 RIV NL eng C
Procházková, O. - Somogyi, K. - Novotný, J. - Zavadil, J. - Žďánský, K.
Characterisation of InP layers prepared by LPE using ytterbium and erbium admixture.
In: Heterostucture Epitaxy and Devices - HEAD'97. - (Ed. Kordoš, P.; Novák, J.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer 1998. - S. 143-146. - (NATO Science Series 3.; High Technology. 48).
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices /3./. (SK), 97.10.12-97.10.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047774 - URE-Y 980029 RIV CZ eng C
Přibil, J.
Minimization of the speech inventory description for the cepstral TTS system using the cepstral measure.
In: Radioelektronika'98. - (Ed. Svačina, J.). - Brno, CERM 1998. - S. 228-231.
[International Czech-Slovak Scientific Conference Radioelektronika'98 /8./. (CZ), 98.04.28-98.04.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087; EU COST(XE) OC258.10

047826 - URE-Y 980142 RIV CZ eng C
Přibil, J.
Spectral difference measures of the cepstral speech model.
In: Speech Processing. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 37-38.
[Czech-German Workshop on Speech Processing /7./. (CZ), 97.09.08-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

047784 - URE-Y 980136 RIV SK eng C
Přibil, J. - Mandlová, A.
Text preprocessing in the Czech and Slovak TTS system.
In: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov 4. - (Ed. Šurianský, J.). - Liptovský Mikuláš, Vojenská akadémia 1998. - S. 11-14.
[Nové smery v spracovaní signálov /4./. (SK), 98.05.27-98.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087; EU COST(XE) OC258.10
Výzkumný záměr: Projekt 95/5195/297

047827 - URE-Y 980135 RIV SK cze C
Přibil, J. - Rabadi, M.
Aplikace TTS v rámci hlasového systému voice wave.
In: 4th International Scientific Conference Telekomunikácie'98. - Bratislava, Dom Techniky ZSVTS 1998. - S. 48-53.
[Telekomunikácie'98 /4./. (SK), 98.04.21-98.04.22]
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC258.10; GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

047825 - URE-Y 980121 RIV CZ eng C
Ptáček, M. - Horák, P.
Czech diphone synthesis with the new diphone inventory.
In: Speech Processing. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 35-36.
[Czech-German Workshop on Speech Processing /7./. (CZ), 97.09.08-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

047798 - URE-Y 980180 RIV NL eng J
Rose, K. - Matějec, V. - Hayer, M. - Pospíšilová, M.
Organopolysiloxanes as chemical sensitive coatings for optical fibers.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 13 [1/3] 729-733 ( 1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0871; EU COPERNICUS(XE) CIPA-CT94-0140
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 1.526(97) 0.946(99) 1.006(00) 0.765(01) 0,897(02) 1.546(03) ]

047844 - URE-Y 980183 RIV US eng J
Sataric, M. V. - Zekovic, S. - Tuszynski, J. A. - Pokorný, J.
Mössbauer effect as a possible tool in detecting nonlinear excitation in microtubules.
Physical Review. E, 58 [5] 6333-6339 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867; EU COST(XE) OC244.50
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.888(94) 2.159(95) 2.149(96) 2.233(97) 2.066(98) 2.045(99) 2.142(00) 2.235(01) 2,397(02) 2.202(03) ]

047871 - URE-Y 980090 CZ eng A
Slavík, R. - Brynda, E. - Homola, J. - Čtyroký, J.
Fiber optic surface plasmon resonance biosensor.
In: Book of abstracts of the 8th Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 75-76.
[Vienna Opt(r)ode Workshop /8./. (CZ), 98.10.07-98.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358

047879 - URE-Y 980092 BE eng A
Slavík, R. - Brynda, E. - Homola, J. - Čtyroký, J.
Miniature fiber optic surface plasmon resonance biosensor.
In: BiOS Europe'98 - The European Biomedical Optics Week. Abstract book. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - Brussels, EUROPTO 1998. - S. 88.
[BiOS Europe'98. Joint Meeting of the European Laser Association and EUROPTO. Medical Sensors /5./ and Fibre Optic Sensors /6./. (SE), 98.09.08-98.09.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358

047777 - URE-Y 980033 DE eng A
Slavík, R. - Homola, J. - Čtyroký, J.
Miniaturization of fiber optic surface plasmon resonance sensor.
In: Europt(r)ode 4. Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Svačina, J.). - Münster, ICB, Institut für Chemo- u. Biosensorik 1998. - S. 171-172.
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors EUROPT(R)ODE /4./. (DE), 98.03.29-98.04.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358

047877 - URE-Y 980157 RIV CH eng J
Slavík, R. - Homola, J. - Čtyroký, J.
Miniaturization of fiber optic surface plasmon resonance sensor.
Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical, B51 [1/3] 311-315 (1998).
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors EUROPT(R)ODE /4./. (DE), 98.03.29-98.04.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1561; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1358
[Impact factor:1.560(91) 1.852(92) 1.210(93) 1.074(94) 1.333(95) 0.905(96) 0.858(97) 1.131(98) 1.572(99) 1.470(00) 1.440(01) 1,893(02) 2.391(03) ]

047781 - URE-Y 980101 CZ cze B
Smékal, Z. - Vích, R.
Zpracování signálů pomocí signálových procesorů. (Ed. Šurianský, J.). - Praha, RADIX 1998. - 125 s.

047867 - URE-Y 980113 CZ eng A
Sochor, J. - Abdelmalek, F. - Berková, D. - Sedlář, M. - Kašík, I. - Matějec, V. - Chomát, M. - Jaffrezic-Renault, N. - Gagnaire, H.
Detection of refractive-index changes by means of optical fibers coated with dried gel laeyrs.
In: Book of abstracts of the 8th Vienna OPT(R)ODE Workshop. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 77-78.
[Vienna Opt(r)ode Workshop /8./. (CZ), 98.10.07-98.10.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/1358

047770 - URE-Y 980176 RIV CZ eng C
Šimša, J.
Probability distribution of DS spread spectrum receiver code acquisition time.
In: Radioelektronika'98. Vol. 1. - (Ed. Svačina, J.). - Brno, CERM 1998. - S. 156-159.
[International Czech-Slovak Scientific Conference Radioelektronika'98 /8./. (CZ), 98.04.28-98.04.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/1586

047800 - URE-Y 980177 RIV US eng C
Šimša, J.
On DS-SS code acquisition time probability distribution - serial search by multiple-dwell detector in fading channel.
In: IEEE ISSSTA'98. Proceedings of the IEEE Fifth International Symposium on Spead Spectrum Techniques and Applications. - (Ed. Šimunic, D.). - IEEE, Piscataway 1998. - S. 464-468.
[Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications /5./. (ZA) , 98.09.02-98.09.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/1586

047804 - URE-Y 980175 CZ cze K
Šimša, J.
Vliv techniky rozprostřeného spektra na využití přiděleného kmitočtového pásma.
In: Radiokomunikace'98. - (Ed. Rodová, M.). - Pardubice, UNIT 1998. - S. 31-41.
[Radiokomunikace'98. (CZ), 98.10.14-98.10.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/1586

047780 - URE-Y 980078 RIV US eng C
Šojdr, L. - Čermák, J. - Buzek, O.
Standard frequency dissemination via the digital satellite TV network.
In: Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium. - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 278-283.
[IEEE Frequency Control Symposium. (US), 98.05.27-98.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0448

047746 - URE-Y 980008 RIV NL eng C
Šrobár, F.
Analysis of heterostructure laser-diode amplifier.
In: Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices - HEAD'97. - (Ed. Kordoš, P.; Novák, J.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer 1998. - S. 223-226. - (NATO Science Series 3.; High Technology. 48).
[NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices /3./. (SK), 97.10.12-97.10.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047754 - URE-Y 980065 CZ eng A
Šrobár, F.
A diagrammatic method for analysis of GaAs and InP based optoelectronic devices.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 7.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

047752 - URE-Y 980063 RIV US eng C
Šrobár, F. - Pokorný, J.
Modelling the living cell - microelectronic antenna combination: role of causal feedback.
In: ASDAM'98. Conference Proceedings Second International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems. - (Ed. Breza, J.; Donoval, D.; Drobný, V.; Uherek, F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 359-362.
[Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems /2./. (SK), 98.10.05-98.10.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867

047753 - URE-Y 980064 DK eng A
Šrobár, F. - Pokorný, J.
Role of causal feedback in the behaviour of polar oscillators embedded in the living cells.
In: Abstractbook 14th International Symposium on Bioelectricity and Bioenergetics. - (Ed. Kwee, S.). - Aarhus, University of Aarhus 1998. - S. 73.
[Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics /14./. (DK), 98.05.23-89.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867

047799 - URE-Y 980149 HR eng A
Šrobár, F. - Pokorný, J.
Qualitative features of the rate equations describing vibration modes of polar macromolecular units in the living cells.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the European BioElectromagnetics Association /EBEA/. - (Ed. Šimunic, D.). - Zagreb, University of Zagreb 1998. - S. 133-134.
[EBEA Congress /4./. (HR), 98.11.19-98.11.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0867

047874 - URE-Y 980203 RIV UA eng C
Šroubek, Z. - Lörinčík, J.
Ion emission from CaF2:Ce bombarded by charged and neutral particles.
In: Proceedings of the Eight International Workshop Ion Beam Surface Diagnostics. - (Ed. Chomát, M.). - Uzhgorod, Ministry of Education of Ukraine 1998. - S. 51-52.
[Ion Beam Surface Diagnostics /8./. (UA), 98.08.25-98.08.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1067801; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601

047786 - URE-Y 980043 RIV SK eng C
Štursa, J.
Dependence of the spectral purity of DDFS with dithering on the length of the evaluated interval.
In: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov 4. - (Ed. Šurianský, J.). - Liptovský Mikuláš, Vojenská akadémia 1998. - S. 27-30.
[Nové smery v spracovaní signálov /4./. (SK), 98.05.27-98.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0590

047763 - URE-Y 980031 DE eng A
Tobiška, P. - Chomát, M. - Matějec, V. - Hüttel, I.
Investigation of fiber-optic evanescent-wave sensors for detection of liquid hydrocarbons.
In: Europt(r)ode 4. Book of abstracts. - (Ed. Podmaniczky, A.). - Münster, ICB, Institut für Chemo- u. Biosensorik 1998. - S. 251-252.
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors EUROPT(R)ODE /4./. (DE), 98.03.29-98.04.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1067601

047792 - URE-Y 980159 RIV CH eng J
Tobiška, P. - Chomát, M. - Matějec, V. - Berková, D. - Hüttel, I.
Investigation of fiber-optic evanescent-vawe sensors for detection of liquid hydrocarbons.
Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical, B51 [1/3] 152-158 (1998).
[European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors EUROPT(R)ODE /4./. (DE), 98.03.29-98.04.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0939; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1067601; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/1358
[Impact factor:1.560(91) 1.852(92) 1.210(93) 1.074(94) 1.333(95) 0.905(96) 0.858(97) 1.131(98) 1.572(99) 1.470(00) 1.440(01) 1,893(02) 2.391(03) ]

047807 - URE-Y 980097 CZ cze K
Trkal, V.
Hrst vzpomínek na mé mládí a na válečná léta 1939-1945.
In: Věda v českých zemích za druhé světové války. - (Ed. Kostlán, A.). - Praha, Archiv AV ČR 1998. - S. 411-413. - (Práce z dějin Akademie věd: Studia Historiae Academiae Scinetiarum.; C. 3).
[Věda v českých zemích za druhé světové války. (CZ), 97.11.18-97.11.19]

047772 - URE-Y 980206 RIV CZ eng C
Tučková, J.
Fundamental frequency control in TTS system.
In: Radioelektronika'98. Vol. 1. - (Ed. Svačina, J.). - Brno, CERM 1998. - S. 216-219.
[International Czech-Slovak Scientific Conference Radioelektronika'98 /8./. (CZ), 98.04.28-98.04.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087; EU COST(XE) OC258.10

047829 - URE-Y 980086 ES eng A
Vacková, S. - Žďánský, K. - Vacek, K.
Polaron participation in thermoelectric properties of CdTe like structures.
In: Abstracts 4th European Workshop on Thermoelectrics ETS'98. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Madrid, Universidad Pontificai Comillas 1998. - S. -.
[ETS Workshop'98 /4./. (ES), 98.09.17-99.09.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601

047898 - URE-Y 980082 RIV ES eng C
Vacková, S. - Žďánský, K. - Vacek, K.
Polaron participation in thermoelectric properties of CdTe like structures.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Europoean Workshop on Thermoelectrics. - Madrid, Universidad Pontificai Comillas 1998. - S. 39-41.
[ETS Workshop'98 /4./. (ES), 98.09.17-99.09.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601

047734 - URE-Y 980173 RIV GB eng J
Vallés, J. A. - Lázaro, J. A. - Hotoleanu, M. - Karásek, M. - Voiculescu, E.
Analysis of gain and noise performance of bidirecttionally pumped Pr3+ -doped fluoride fibre amplifier configurations with umbalanced pumping.
Journal of Modern Optics, 45 [12] 2551-2560 (1998).
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC241.10
[Impact factor:1.145(91) 0.807(92) 1.023(93) 1.005(94) 1.208(95) 1.393(96) 1.063(97) 1.165(98) 1.475(99) 1.023(00) 1.344(01) 1,717(02) 1.213(03) ]

047811 - URE-Y 980048 RIV DE ger C
Vích, R.
Spektrale Fehleranalyse bei der Cepstralen Vokaltraktmodellierung.
In: Sprachkommunikation: Vorträge der gemeinsamen Veranstaltung 5.ITG-Fachtagung "Sprachkommunikation" und 9.Konferenz "Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung". - (Ed. Hoffmann, R.). - Berlin, VDE-Verlag 1998. - S. 65-68. - (ITG-Fachtbericht; 152).
[ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation /5./ und Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung /9./.. (DE), 98.08.31-98.09.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

047821 - URE-Y 980104 CZ eng G
Vích, R.
Speech Processing. Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - 51 s.
[Czech-German Workshop on Speech Processing /7./. (CZ), 97.09.08-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

047841 - URE-Y 980107 RIV DE ger C
Vích, R.
Verallgemeinerte und kanonische Synthese cepstral Sprachmodelle.
In: 43. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium. Vol. 1. - (Ed. Gens, W.). - Ilmenau, Technische Universität 1998. - S. 428-432.
[Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium /43./. (DE), 98.09.21-98.09.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

047797 - URE-Y 980102 RIV US eng C
Vích, R. - Smékal, Z.
Zero-pole cepstral vocal tract model on digital signal processor.
In: Proceedings of the 16th IASTED International Conference Applied Informatics. - (Ed. Hamza, M.H.). - Anaheim, IASTED/Acta Press 1998. - S. 248-250.
[International Conference on Applied Informatics /16./. (DE), 98.02.23-98.02.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0035

047813 - URE-Y 980103 RIV CZ eng C
Vích, R. - Smékal, Z.
All-pole and zero-pole speech modelling.
In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. - (Ed. Jan, J.; Kozumplík, J.; Szabó, Z.). - Brno, VUTIUM Press 1998. - S. 194-199.
[BIOSIGNAL'98 /14./. (CZ), 98.06.23-98.06.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0035

047824 - URE-Y 980105 RIV CZ eng C
Vích, R. - Smékal, Z.
Intensity interpolation in cepstral speech synthesis.
In: Speech Processing. - (Ed. Vích, R.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 39-41.
[Czech-German Workshop on Speech Processing /7./. (CZ), 97.09.08-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087

047839 - URE-Y 980182 RIV GR eng C
Vích, R. - Smékal, Z.
LPC and CCF vocal tract models in speech synthesis.
In: EUSIPCO-98. Signal Processing 9. Vol. 3. - (Ed. Theodoridis, S.; Pitas, I.; Stouraitis, A.; Kalouptsidis, N.). - Patras, Typorama Editions 1998. - S. 1861-1864.
[EUSIPCO-98 /9./. (GR), 98.09.08-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0035

047840 - URE-Y 980106 GR eng A
Vích, R. - Smékal, Z.
LPC and CCF vocal tract models in speech synthesis.
In: EUSIPCO-98 Conference Guide. - (Ed. Kalouptsidis, N.). - [Rhodes], EURASIP 1998. - S. 186.
[EUSIPCO-98 /9./. (GR), 98.09.08-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV102/96/K087; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0035

047736 - URE-Y 980116 RIV PL eng J
Walachová, J.
Some applications of ballistic electron emission microscopy/spectroscopy.
Acta Physica Polonica. A, 93 [2] 365-372 (1998).
[Scanning Probe Spectroscopy and Related Methods - SPS'97 /1./. (PL) , 97.07.15-97.07.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0427
[Impact factor:0.343(91) 0.222(92) 0.333(93) 0.346(94) 0.364(95) 0.345(96) 0.311(97) 0.344(98) 0.351(99) 0.409(00) 0.475(01) 0,345(02) 0.473(03) ]

047857 - URE-Y 980117 CZ eng A
Walachová, J. - Zelinka, J. - Vaniš, J. - Chow, D. H. - Karamazov, S. - Cukr, M. - Zich, P. - McGill, T. C.
Testing of quantum well structures by BEEM/BEES.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 14.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0427

047735 - URE-Y 980014 RIV US eng C
Willems, F. W. - Karásek, M. - Walker, K. L.
Inherently small multi-channel addition/removal response in cascaded EDFA-links.
In: Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit - OFC'98. - Washington, Optical Society of America 1998. - S. 316-318. - (1998 OSA Technical Digest Series 2).
[Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit - OFC'98. (US), 98.02.22-98.02.27]
Grant: EU COST(XE) OC241.10

047838 - URE-Y 980179 RIV US eng C
Yang, L.-L. - Šimša, J.
Performance evaluation of spread-spectrum code acquisition system using four-state Markov process.
In: IEEE ISSSTA'98. Proceedings of the IEEE Fifth International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications. Vol. 3/3. - IEEE, Piscataway 1998. - S. 848-852.
[Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications /5./. (ZA) , 98.09.02-98.09.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/1586; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK1075601

047832 - URE-Y 980178 RIV CN eng J
Yang, L.-L. - Šimša, J. - Li, C.-s.
Performance of RNS-Based orthogonal DS-CDMA system with concatenated coding and diversity.
Transactions of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, 5 [2] 62-67 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0574

047873 - URE-Y 980202 RIV US eng J
Yarmoff, J. A. - Liu, T. D. - Qiu, S. R. - Šroubek, Z.
Mechanism of electron emission from Al(100) bombarded by slow Li+ Ions.
Physical Review Letters, 80 [11] 2469-2472 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1067501; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 053
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

047846 - URE-Y 980077 CZ eng A
Zavadil, J. - Žďánský, K. - Procházková, O.
Electro-optical properties of InP and GaInAsP epitaxial layers grown with rare-earth admixture.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 5.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1238

063558 - URE-Y 990007 RIV GR eng C
Zhu, Y. - Handerek, V. A. - Rogers, A. J. - Kaňka, J.
Numerical simulations of low-pedestal soliton generation from a passive twin-core fibre nonlinear coupler ring laser.
In: ICT'98 International Conference on Telecommunications. Bridging East & West Through Telecommunications. - (Ed. Pavlidou, F-N.). - Thessaloniki, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 1998. - S. 348-352.
[ICT'98. (GR), 98.06.21-98.06.25]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:Z2067918

047845 - URE-Y 980087 CZ eng A
Žďánský, K. - Hawkins, I.
Slow decay of photoconductivity caused by tin-related DX centres in AlGaAs.
In: AMFO'98. - (Ed. Procházková, O.). - Prague, IREE AS CR 1998. - S. 21.
[Czech-Chinese Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics - AMFO'98. (CZ), 98.06.15-98.06.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601

047831 - URE-Y 980076 RIV US eng J
Žďánský, K. - Zavadil, J. - Nohavica, D. - Kugler, S.
Degradation of commercial high-brightness GaP:N green light emitting diodes. (Ed. Jagodič, M.). -
Journal of Applied Physics, 83 [12] 7678-7684 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601
[Impact factor:1.731(91) 1.532(92) 1.784(93) 1.658(94) 1.636(95) 1.812(96) 1.630(97) 1.729(98) 2.275(99) 2.180(00) 2.128(01) 2,281(02) 2.171(03) ]

047782 - URE-Y 980053 RIV CZ eng C
Žilka, Z. - Braun, J. - Berka, Z.
Behavioral modeling of IC devices input/output (I/O) analog characteristics.
In: MOSIS '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Štefan, J.). - Ostrava, MARQ 1998. - S. 233-238. - (Acta MOSIS. 71).
[Modelling and Simulation of Systems /32./. (CZ), 98.05.05-98.05.07]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601

047806 - URE-Y 980054 RIV CZ eng C
Žilka, Z. - Braun, J. - Berka, Z.
Mixed-signal systems modeling for signal integrity testing.
In: EDS'98 Proceedings of Electronic Devices and Systems Conference 1998. - (Ed. Pinker, J.). - Brno, PC-DIR 1998. - S. 355-358.
[EDS'98 /5./. (CZ), 98.06.11-98.06.12]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601

047819 - URE-Y 980056 RIV CZ eng C
Žilka, Z. - Braun, J. - Berka, Z.
Simulations of mixed-signal systems for fault diagnostics.
In: Aplikovaná elektronika'98. Sborník referátů mezinárodní vědecké konference. - (Ed. Pinker, J.). - Plzeň, Vydavatelství Západočeské univerzity 1998. - S. 231-234.
[Aplikovaná elektronika'98. (CZ), 98.09.09-98.09.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601

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