ÚZFG - Ústav živočišné fyziologie a genetiky


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

096048 - UZFG-Y 20023129 CZ eng A
Anger, M. - Klíma, J. - Kubelka, M. - Procházka, R. - Motlík, J. - Schultz, R. M.
The timing of PLK 1 and MPF activation after resumption of meiosis.
In: Čejkovice 2002 - From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. - Brno, Mendelova zemědělská univerzita 2002. - S. 28.
[From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. Čejkovice (CZ), 02.06.06-02.06.09 (EUR)]

088704 - UZFG-Y 20023013 RIV GB eng J
Blažková, P. - Stratil, A. - Peelman, L. J. - Poucke, M. - Reiner, G. - Geldermann, H. - Kopečný, M.
Linkage assignments of the porcine ATP1A1 and IVL genes, and RH mapping of ATP1A1, ATP1B1, V-ATPase (CGl-11) and IVL to chromosome 4.
Animal Genetics, 33, [-] 235-237 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/00/0669; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

095768 - UZFG-Y 20023115 RIV CZ cze M
Bohlen, J.
Verhaltenselemente von Steinbeissern der Gattungen Cobitis und Sabanejewia im Aquarium.
In: Verhalten der Aquarienfische (2). - (Ed. Riehl, R.; Greven, H.). - Bornheim, Schmettkamp-Verlag 2002. - S. 9-16.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114

095767 - UZFG-Y 20023114 RIV DE ger J
Bohlen, J. - Breil, M.
Turcinoemacheilus kosswigi - eine ungewöhnliche Schmerle aus dem Euphrat -Tigris System.
Aquaristik Fachmagazin, 167, [-] 56-58 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114

088717 - UZFG-Y 20023026 RIV GB eng M
Bohlen, J. - Ráb, P. - Šlechtová, V. - Rábová, M. - Ritterbusch, D. - Freyhof, J.
Hybridogenous biotypes in spined loaches (genus Cobitis) in Germany with implications for conservation.
In: Conservation of freshwater fishes: options for the future. - (Ed. Collares-Pereira, M. J.; Coelho, M. M.; Cowx, I. G.). - Oxford, Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science, Oxford 2002. - S. 311-321.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/00/0668; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916

088716 - UZFG-Y 20023025 RIV GB eng J
Čepica, S. - Rohrer, G. A. - Masopust, M.
Linkage maping of a HaeIII PCR-RFLP within the porcine EXT1 gene.
Animal Genetics, 33, [-] 81-82 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/99/0842; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

088737 - UZFG-Y 20023047 RIV CZ eng J
Čepica, S. - Rohrer, G. A. - Masopust, m. - Kubíčková, S. - Musilová, P. - Rubeš, J.
Partial clonning cytogenetic and linkage mapping of the porcine resistin (RSTN) gene.
Animal Genetics, 33, [-] 381-383 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/99/0842; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

092582 - UZFG-Y 20023071 GB eng A
Eckschlager, T. - Matoušek, J. - Činátl, J. - Činátl Jr., J.
Effect of BS RNase on chemo sensitive and chemo resistant neuroblastoma cell lines.
In: Proceedings and Abstracts. - Bath, - 2002. - S. 68.
[International Meeting on Ribonucleases /6./. Bath (GB), 02.06.19-02.06.23 (WRD)]

096044 - UZFG-Y 20023125 RIV CZ eng J
Fliegerová, K. - Pažoutová, S. - Mrázek, J. - Kopečný, J.
Special properties of polycentric anaerobic fungus Anaeromyces mucronatus.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 71, [-] 441-444 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/96/0103; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

092588 - UZFG-Y 20023077 RIV US eng J
Fulka Jr., J. - Moor, R. M. - Loi, P. - Fulka, J.
Enucleolation of porcine oocytes.
Theriogenology, 8759, [-] 1-7 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/02/0032; GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:1.725(92) 1.787(93) 1.967(94) 1.395(95) 2.320(96) 1.727(97) 1.760(98) 1.923(99) 2.062(00) 1.965(01) 2,387(02) 1.839(03) ]

092581 - UZFG-Y 20023070 GB eng A
Gotte, G. - Souček, J. - Libonati, M. - Slavík, T. - Matoušek, J.
Biological actions of RNase A oligomeric aggregates.
In: Proceedings and Abstracts. - Bath, - 2002. - S. 117-118.
[International Meeting on Ribonucleases /6./. Bath (GB), 02.06.19-02.06.23 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/01/0114

092583 - UZFG-Y 20023072 CZ eng C
Hodrová, B. - Tishchenko, G. - Bartoňová, H. - Šimůnek, J. - Rozhetsky, K. - Bleha, M.
Polygran sorbents in separation of chitinolytic enzymes.
In: Sborník prací Jubilejních XX. dnů živočišné fyziologie. - Uhříněves, Ústav živočišné fyziologie a endokrinologie v Uhřínevsi 2002. - S. -.
[Jubilejní dni živočišné fyziologie /20./. Třešť (CZ), 02.10.22-02.10.23 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA525/00/0984

095754 - UZFG-Y 20023101 CZ cze N
Horák, V.
Objasňování účinku devitalizace v základním výzkumu.
Causa Subita, 5 [8] 368-369 (2002).

095751 - UZFG-Y 20023098 US eng A
Horák, V. - Borovanský, J. - Elleder, M. - Uhrová, J. - Zíma, T.
Devitalization therapy of melanoma: a biochemical and histological study.
Pigment Cell Research, 15 [9] 68 (2002).
[International Pigment Cell Conference /18./. Egmond aan Zee (NL), 02.09.09-02.09.13 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/01/0162
[Impact factor: 1.636(99) 1.866(00) 2.102(01) 2,197(02) 2.919(03) ]

095750 - UZFG-Y 20023097 US eng A
Horák, V. - Geffrotin, C. - Crechet, F. - LeChalony, C. - LeRoy, P. - Leplat, J. J. - Renard, C. - Gruand, J. - Milan, D. - Iannuccelli, N. - Tricaud, Y. - Frelat, G. - Vincent-Naulleau, S.
A genome-wide scan for familial melanoma in the MeLiM swine model.
Pigment Cell Research, 15 [9] 64 (2002).
[International Pigment Cell Conference /18./. Egmond aan Zee (NL), 02.09.09-02.09.13 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916
[Impact factor: 1.636(99) 1.866(00) 2.102(01) 2,197(02) 2.919(03) ]

095753 - UZFG-Y 20023100 CZ eng A
Horák, V. - Reisnerová, H. - Málek, O. - Kohoutová, Z.
Characterization of pig melanoma cells in vitro.
In: Cells IV. - (Ed. Berger, J.). - České Budějovice, Kopp Publishing 2002. - S. 110.
[Cells /4./. České Budějovice (CZ), 02.09.09-02.09.11 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/01/0162

095771 - UZFG-Y 20023118 RIV CZ cze C
Horák, V. - Reisnerová, H. - Rytina, L. - Hruban, V.
Pokus o detekci apoptózy v melanomu prasete během jeho regrese.
In: Setrvalý rozvoj rostlinné a živočišné produkce - cesta k rozvoji českého venkova. - Praha, Agronomická fakulta České zemědělské univerzity v Praze 2002. - S. 150.
[Setrvalý rozvoj rostlinné a živočišné produkce - cesta k rozvoji českého venkova. Praha (CZ), 02.09.25-02.09.26 (EUR)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5045113; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5011112

095752 - UZFG-Y 20023099 CZ eng A
Horák, V. - Soukupová, P. - Hradecký, J. - Klaudy, J.
Early detected increase of heat shock proteins expression in swine melanoma treated by devitalization.
In: Cells IV. - (Ed. Berger, J.). - České Budějovice, Kopp Publishing 2002. - S. 98.
[Cells /4./. České Budějovice (CZ), 02.09.09-02.09.11 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916

092595 - UZFG-Y 20023084 DE eng A
Jacobs, K. - Rohrer, G. - Barthenschlager, H. - Stratil, A. - Van Poucke, M. - Piumi, F. - Yerle, M.
Characterization of the porcine peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma coactivator 1 (PPARGCI).
In: Proccedings 2002. - (Ed. Brenig, B.; Meyer, J.N.). - Göttingen, Institute of Veterinary Medicine 2002. - S. 56-57.
[International Conference on Animal Genetics /28./. Göttingen (DE), 02.08.11-02.08.15 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/00/0669
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916

096055 - UZFG-Y 20023136 US eng A
Kalous, J. - Kubelka, M. - Motlík, J.
The effect of PD98059 upon MAPK regulation in cumulus-enclosed and cumulus-free mouse oocytes.
Reproduction, - [29] 18 (2002).
[Society for Reproduction and Fertility Joint Winter Meeting. Tours (FR), 02.12.00 (WRD)]

092569 - UZFG-Y 20023058 NL eng A
Klein, P. - Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M. - Kleinová, T. - Volek, Z.
Measurement of intestinal permeability in preruminant calves.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. - Wageningen, Wageningen Academic Publishers 2002. - S. 149.
[Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production /53./. Cairo (EG), 02.09.01-02.09.04 (EUR)]

096060 - UZFG-Y 20023141 CZ eng A
Klíma, J. - Anger, M. - Motlík, J.
Plk2 and Plk3 mRNA expression in cultured pig granulosa cells.
In: Čejkovice 2002 From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. - Brno, Mendlova zemědělská univerzita 2002. - S. 31.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium /10./ From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. Čejkovice (CZ), 02.06.06-02.06.09 ( EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916

088714 - UZFG-Y 20023023 RIV GB eng J
Knoll, A. - Dvořák, J. - Rohrer, G. A. - Čepica, S.
Linkage and cytogenetic mapping of the BCL9 gene to porcine chromosome 4.
Animal Genetics, 33, [-] 162-163 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/99/P043; GA ČR(CZ) GA523/99/0842; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

088733 - UZFG-Y 20023043 RIV CZ eng J
Knoll, A. - Stratil, A. - Reiner, G. - Peelman, L. J. - VanPoucke, M. - Geldermann, H.
Linkage and radiation hybrid mapping of the porcine calsequestrin 1 (CASQ1) gene to chromosome 4q.
Animal Genetics, 33, [-] 390-392 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/00/0669; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

092593 - UZFG-Y 20023082 CZ eng J
Kopečný, J. - Marinšek Logar, R.
Taxonomy and role of Butyrivibrio and Pseudobutyrivibrio species in microbial ecosystem from the digestive tract of ruminants.
Reproduction, Nutrition, Development, 42 [1] S7 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/99/0602; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:0.516(91) 0.579(92) 0.743(93) 0.549(94) 0.716(95) 1.116(96) 0.619(97) 0.685(98) 0.922(99) 1.351(00) 1.567(01) 0,872(02) 0.780(03) ]

092584 - UZFG-Y 20023073 CZ eng C
Kopečný, J. - Šimůnek, J.
Cellulolytic bacteria in human gut: Irritable bowel syndrome.
In: Sborník prací jubilejních XX. dnů živočišné fyziologie. - Uhříněves, Ústav živočišné fyziologie a endokrinologie Uhříněves 2002. - S. 1.
[Jubilejní dni živočišné fyziologie /20./. Třešť (CZ), 02.10.22-02.10.23 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA525/02/0402

096043 - UZFG-Y 20023124 RIV CZ eng J
Kopečný, J. - Šimůnek, J.
Cellulolytic bacteria in human gut and irritable bowel syndrome.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 71, [-] 421-427 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA525/02/0402; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

088732 - UZFG-Y 20023042 RIV CZ eng J
Kopečný, M. - Stratil, A. - Bartenschlager, H. - Peelman, L. J. - Van Poucke, M. - Geldermann, H.
Linkage a radiation hybrid mapping of the porcine IGF1R and TPM2 genes to chromosome 1.
Animal Genetics, 33, [-] 398-400 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GP523/01/P124; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

092585 - UZFG-Y 20023074 CZ eng A
Kopečný, M. - Stratil, A. - Bartenschlager, H. - Peelman, L. J. - Geldermann, H.
PCR-RFLP and genetic mapping of the porcine IGF1R and TPM2 genes.
In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference about current problems of animal genetics and their practical application. - Brno, Mendělejova zemědělská a lesnická fakulta 2002. - S. 60-61.
[Genetické dny /20./. Brno (CZ), 02.09.12-02.09.13 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/01/P124

088702 - UZFG-Y 20023011 RIV US eng J
Kotlík, P. - Berrebi, P.
Genetic subdivision and biogeography of the Danubian rheophilic barb Barbus peteney inferred from phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA variation.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 24, [-] 10-18 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5045111; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
[Impact factor: 3.127(99) 3.345(00) 2.979(01) 2,590(02) 2.826(03) ]

092591 - UZFG-Y 20023080 RIV CZ eng J
Kotlík, P. - Tsigenopoulos, C. S. - Ráb, P. - Berrebi, P.
Two new Barbus species from the Danube River basin, with redescription of B.petenyi (Teleostei:Cyprinidae).
Folia Zoologica, 51 [3] 227-240 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5045111
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

096061 - UZFG-Y 20023143 CZ eng A
Kovářová, H. - Hajdúch, M.
Proteome study of anticancer/antimitotic activities of synthetic purine derived inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases, Bohemine.
In: Čejkovice 2002 From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. - Brno, Mendlova zemědělská univerzita v Brně 2002. - S. 33.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium /10./ From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. Čejkovice (CZ), 02.06.06-02.06.09 ( EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916

096051 - UZFG-Y 20023132 RIV US eng J
Kovářová, H. - Halada, P. - Man, P. - Dzubak, P. - Hajduch, M.
Application of Proteomics in the Search for Novel Proteins Associated with the Anti - cancer Effect of the Synthetic Cyclin - dependent Kinases Inhibitor, Bohemine.
Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment, 1 [4] 247-256 ( 2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/02/0475; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/02/0875; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK5052113

096052 - UZFG-Y 20023133 RIV DE eng J
Kovářová, H. - Halada, P. - Man, P. - Golovliov, I. - Špaček, J. - Porkertová, S. - Nečasová, R.
Proteome study of Francisella tularensis live vaccine strain-containing phagosome in Bcg/Nramp1 congenic macrophages: Resistant allele contributes to permissive environment and susceptibility to infection.
Proteomics, - [2] 85-93 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/99/1185; GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A033; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor: 4,007(02) 5.766(03) ]

096046 - UZFG-Y 20023127 RIV US eng J
Kubelka, M. - Anger, M. - Kalous, J. - Schultz, R. M. - Motlík, J.
Chromosome Condensation in Pig Oocytes: Lack of a requirement for Either cdc2 Kinase or MAP Kinase Activity.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 63, [-] 110-118 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/99/1459; GA XE(XE) QLRT-1999-00104; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

096056 - UZFG-Y 20023137 GB eng A
Kubelka, M. - Melo Sterza, F. - Vohníková, Z. - Leidig, C. - Kanitz, W. - Tomek, W.
Interplay between activation and eIF4E phosphorylation intranslation regulation during meiotic maturation of bovine oocytes.
Theriogenology, 57, [-] 730 (2002).
[IETS Meeting. Iguasu (BR), 02.01.00 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/00/0781; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:1.725(92) 1.787(93) 1.967(94) 1.395(95) 2.320(96) 1.727(97) 1.760(98) 1.923(99) 2.062(00) 1.965(01) 2,387(02) 1.839(03) ]

096064 - UZFG-Y 20023146 CZ eng A
Kubelka, M. - Melo Sterza, F. - Vohníková, Z. - Tomek, W.
Akt and eIF4E-BP1 phosphorylation: Involment in modulating translation rates during maturation of bovine oocytes in vitro.
In: Čejkovice 2002 From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. - Brno, Mendelova zemědělská univerzita 2002. - S. 20.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium /10./ From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. Čejkovice (CZ), 02.06.06-02.06.09 ( EUR)]

096045 - UZFG-Y 20023126 RIV US eng J
Kubelka, M. - Tomek, W. - Sterza Melo, F. A. - Wollenhaupt, K. - Torner, H. - Anger, M. - Kanitz, W.
Regulation of Traslantion During In Vitro Maturation of Bovine Oocytes: The Role of MAP Kinase, eIF4E (Cap Binding Protein) Phosphorylation, and eIF4E-BP1.
Biology of Reproduction, 66, [-] 1274-1282 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/00/0781; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:3.257(92) 2.782(93) 2.666(94) 3.123(95) 3.222(96) 3.036(97) 3.327(98) 3.417(99) 3.605(00) 3.508(01) 3,689(02) 3.646(03) ]

096062 - UZFG-Y 20023144 CZ eng A
Lapathitis, G. - Mikšík, I. - Pavlok, A. - Motlík, J.
Improvement of in vitro maturation system for bovine oocytes and intracellular glutathione content.
In: Čejkovice 2002 - From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. - Brno, Mendlova zemědělská univerzita 2002. - S. 34.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium /10./ From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. Čejkovice (CZ), 02.06.06-02.06.09 ( EUR)]

096054 - UZFG-Y 20023135 FR eng A
Lapathitis, G. - Mracek, T. - Cowdhury, S. K. R. - Šebesta, O. - Motlík, J. - Houstek, J.
Butyrolactone I affects cellular distribution and function of mitochondria.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. EBEC Short Reports, 12, [-] 318 ( 2002).
[European Bioenergetics Conference /12./. Arcachon (FR), 02.09.10-02.09.15 (WRD)]
[Impact factor: 2.243(00) 1,713(02) 2.137(03) ]

088729 - UZFG-Y 20023039 RIV CZ eng J
Libik, M. - Slavík, T. - Schwarz, T. - Murawski, M. - Ciuryk, S. - Wierzchos, E.
Influence of Oviductal Fluid on Ovine Embryo Viability.
Folia Biologica, 48, [-] 145-148 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/99/0844; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

093761 - UBO-W 20020001 RIV GB eng M
Lusk, S. - Lusková, V. - Halačka, K. - Šlechta, V. - Šlechtová, V.
Status and protection of species and intraspecific diversity of the ichthyofauna in the Czech Republic.
In: Conservation of freshwater fishes: options for the future. - (Ed. Collares-Pereira, M. J.; Cowx, I. G.; Coelho, M. M.). - Oxford, Fishing News 2002. - S. 23-33.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z6093917

092568 - UZFG-Y 20023057 NL eng A
Machačová, E. - Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M.
Effect of addition of plant feeds to a milk diet of calves on digestibility of nutrients and quality parameters of meat.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. - Wageningen, Wageningen Academic Publishers 2002. - S. 1.
[Annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production.. Cairo (EG), 02.09.01-02.09.04 (EUR)]

095748 - UZFG-Y 20023095 RIV GB eng J
Macholán, M. - Filippucci, M. G. - Michaux, J. R.
Genetic variation and evolution in the genus Apodemus (Muridae: Rodentia).
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 75, [-] 395-419 ( 2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916
[Impact factor:1.143(91) 1.158(92) 1.427(93) 0.971(94) 1.264(95) 0.932(96) 0.988(97) 1.594(98) 1.684(99) 2.316(00) 2.308(01) 1,705(02) 1.661(03) ]

095749 - UZFG-Y 20023096 RIV US eng J
Macholán, M. - Michaux, J. R. - Chevret, P. - Filippucci, M. G.
Phylogeny og the genus Apodemus with a special emphasis on the subgenus Sylvaemus using the nuclear IRBP gene and two mitochondrial markers: cytochrome b and 12S rRNA.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 23 [4] 1-14 (2002).
Grant: ISEM(FR) UMR554CNRS; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
[Impact factor: 3.127(99) 3.345(00) 2.979(01) 2,590(02) 2.826(03) ]

088731 - UZFG-Y 20023041 CZ cze J
Marounek, M.
Potravní strategie býložravců.
Živa, 88 [4] 178-180 (2002).

092586 - UZFG-Y 20023075 CZ eng C
Marounek, M. - Adamec, T. - Skřivanová, V. - Latsik, N. I.
Fractions of nitrogen and in vitro fermentation of nitrogenous substrates in the pig caecal contents.
In: Sborník prací jubilejních XX. dnů živočišné fyziologie. - Uhříněves, Ústav živočišné fyziologie a endokrinologie Uhříněves 2002. - S. -.
[Jubilejní dni živočišné fyziologie /20./. Třešť (CZ), 02.10.22-02.10.23 (EUR)]

095746 - UZFG-Y 20023092 RIV CZ eng J
Marounek, M. - Adamec, T. - Skřivanová, V. - Latsik, N.
Nitrogen and in vitro fermentation of nitrogenous substrates in caecal contents of the pig.
Acta veterinaria Brno, 71, [-] 429-433 (2002).
Grant: GA NATO(XX) MO-99-04; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

088692 - UZFG-Y 20023001 RIV CZ eng J
Marounek, M. - Fievez, V. - Mbanzamihigo, L. - Demeyer, D.
In vitro effects of bacitracin and monensin on ovine rumen fermentatium.
Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 33 [2] 59-62 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/00/0668; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916

088710 - UZFG-Y 20023019 RIV FR eng J
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V.
Antibacterial effect of fatty acids on Escherichia coli.
Reproduction Nutrition Development, 42 [1] 37 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/02/0460; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115
[Impact factor:0.516(91) 0.579(92) 0.743(93) 0.549(94) 0.716(95) 1.116(96) 0.619(97) 0.685(98) 0.922(99) 1.351(00) 1.567(01) 0,872(02) 0.780(03) ]

095745 - UZFG-Y 20023091 RIV CZ eng J
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V.
Effects of caprylic acid on performance and mortality of growing rabbits.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 71, [-] 435-439 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/02/0460; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

092578 - UZFG-Y 20023067 GR eng A
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Březina, P. - Volek, Z.
Concentration of copper in muscles, liver, hair and faeces of rabbits fed granulated feed supplemented with 140 mg Cu/kg.
In: Proceedings of the 2nd meeting of the working group 5 in "Meat and meat safety". - Athens, Agricultural University of Athens 2002. - S. 9.
[Meeting of the working group 5 in "Meat and meat safety" /2./. Athens (GR), 02.04.11-02.04.14 (WRD)]

095769 - UZFG-Y 20023116 CZ cze N
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Březina, P.
Výsledky měření stravitelnosti celkového a fytátového fosforu u brojlerových králíků.
Zpravodaj Unie chovatelů brojlerových králíků České republiky, - [9] 14-18 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5045012

088695 - UZFG-Y 20023004 RIV CZ cze J
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Savka, O.
Antimikrobiální účinky mastných kyselin z hlediska případného využití v živočišné výživě.
Bioprospect, 12 [1/2] 12-14 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/99/0480

088736 - UZFG-Y 20023046 RIV PL eng J
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Savka, O.
Effect of caprylic, capric and oleic acid on growth of rumen and rabbit caecal bacteria.
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 11, [-] 507-516 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/02/0460; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115
[Impact factor: 0.472(00) 0.477(01) 0,361(02) 0.402(03) ]

092560 - UZFG-Y 20023049 IT eng A
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Savka, O.
Antibacterial effect of C2-C18 fatty acids on Escherichia coli, clostridia and salmonellas.
In: Proceedings of Joint Scientific Meeting WG1 and WG4. - Perugia, Universita degli Studi di Perugia 2002. - S. 36.
[Cost Action 848 and ECVAM. Ispra - Varese (IT), 02.10.24-02.10.25 ( EUR)]

092577 - UZFG-Y 20023066 GR eng A
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Tůmová, V.
Concentration of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cd, Hg) in feed mixtures, meat and liver of rabbits.
In: Proceedings of the 2nd meeting of the working group 5 in "Meat and meat safety". - Athens, Agriculture University of Athens 2002. - S. 10.
[Meeting of the working group 5 in "Meat and meat safety" /2./. Athens (GR), 02.04.11-02.04.14 (WRD)]

096042 - UZFG-Y 20023123 RIV IT eng J
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Volek, Z. - Březina, P.
Concentration of copper in muscles, liver, hair and feaces of growing rabbits fed diet supplemented with copper sulphate.
World Rabbit Science, 10 [4] 167-170 (2002).
Grant: GA NATO(XX) MO2-99-04; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115

088711 - UZFG-Y 20023020 RIV FR eng J
Marounek, M. - Slováková, L. - Dušková, D.
Activity of pectin-degrading enzymes in rabbit caecal strains of Bifidobacterium pseudolongum, and in rumen bacterium Streptococus bovis.
Reproduction Nutrition Development, 2 [1] 48-49 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/99/0480; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115
[Impact factor:0.516(91) 0.579(92) 0.743(93) 0.549(94) 0.716(95) 1.116(96) 0.619(97) 0.685(98) 0.922(99) 1.351(00) 1.567(01) 0,872(02) 0.780(03) ]

088697 - UZFG-Y 20023006 RIV US eng J
Marounek, M. - Tůmová, E. - Skřivan, M. - Pavlásek, I. - Ledvinka, Z.
Performance and oocyst shedding in broiler chickens orally infected with Cryptosporidium baileyi and Cryptosporidium meleagridis.
Avian Diseases, 46, [-] 203-207 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/99/0480; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115
[Impact factor: 0.610(96) 0.848(97) 0.984(99) 1.306(00) 1.167(01) 1,151(02) 0.975(03) ]

095755 - UZFG-Y 20023102 CZ eng A
Matalová, E. - Chovancová, E. - Míšek, I.
Apoptic cell elimination during early tooth development.
In: XXIVth Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists. - Brno, European Association of Veterinary Anatomists 2002. - S. 159.
[Congress of the European Association of veterinary Anatomists /24./. Brno (CZ), 02.07.21-02.07.25 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/02/P112

095757 - UZFG-Y 20023104 CZ eng A
Matalová, E. - Chovancová, E. - Míšek, I.
The distribution of TUNEL positive cells during molar tooth development.
In: Cells IV. - (Ed. Berger, J.). - České Budějovice, Kopp Publishing 2002. - S. 106.
[Cells /4./. České Budějovice (CZ), 02.09.09-02.09.11 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/02/P112

095761 - UZFG-Y 20023108 PT eng A
Matalová, E. - Dubská, L. - Míšek, I.
Apoptosis detection in histological sections.
In: Mechanism of cell death and disease. - Sintra, European School of Haematology 2002. - S. 3.
[International Conference on Mechanism of Cell Death and Disease /3./. Sintra (PT), 02.06.03-02.06.05 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) FRVS731/2002

095763 - UZFG-Y 20023110 RIV CZ eng J
Matalová, E. - Dubská, L. - Míšek, I.
Detection of apoptosis in paraffin embedded tissues: the influence of tissue type and fixation.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 71 [4] 529-533 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GP204/02/P112; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

095762 - UZFG-Y 20023109 RIV CZ eng J
Matalová, E. - Kovářů, F. - Kovářů, H. - Fišerová, A. - Zelníčková, P. - Landa, L.
Biochemical markers of lymphocyte maturation.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 71 [4] 283-286 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/0850; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

095764 - UZFG-Y 20023111 RIV CZ eng J
Matalová, E. - Kovářů, F. - Kovářů, H. - Fišerová, A. - Zelníčková, P. - Landa, L.
Fetal and postnatal development of T-lymphocyte subpopulations.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 71 [4] 279-282 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/0850; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

095760 - UZFG-Y 20023107 DE eng A
Matalová, E. - Kovářů, F. - Kovářů, H. - Palíková, M. - Zelníčková, P.
Ontogenetic model of immune defence mechanism.
In: Laboratory Animal Science - Basic and Strategy for Animal Experimentation. - Aachen, Society of Laboratory Animal Science 2002. - S. 1.
[Felasa Symposium /8./. Aachen (DE), 02.06.17-02.06.20 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/0850

095756 - UZFG-Y 20023103 RIV CZ eng J
Matalová, E. - Španová, A.
Detection of apoptotic DNA ladder in pig leukocytes and its precision using LM - PCR (ligation mediated polymerase chain reaction).
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 71 [3] 163-168 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/0850; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

095758 - UZFG-Y 20023105 RIV LV eng J
Matalová, E. - Španová, A. - Kovářů, F.
Pig model in the study on apoptotic DNA fragmentation during cardiopulmonary bypass.
Baltic Journal of Laboratory Animal Science, 12, [-] 154-158 ( 2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/0850; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114

088735 - UZFG-Y 20023045 RIV NL eng J
Matoušek, J. - Poučková, P. - Souček, J. - Škvor, J.
PEG chains increase aspermatogenic and antitumor activity of RNase A and BS-RNase enzymes.
Journal of controlled release, 82, [-] 29-37 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/01/0114; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:1.939(92) 1.474(93) 1.526(94) 1.483(95) 1.674(96) 1.493(97) 1.894(98) 2.059(99) 2.151(00) 2.626(01) 3,131(02) 3.298(03) ]

092580 - UZFG-Y 20023069 GB eng A
Matoušek, J. - Slavík, T. - Počková, P. - Souček, J. - Škvor, J.
PEG chains increase aspermatogenic and antitumor activity of RNase A and BS RNase enzymes without embryotoxicity of RNase A.
In: Proceedings and Abstract. - Bath, - 2002. - S. 123.
[International Meeting on Ribonucleases /6./. Bath (GB), 02.06.19-02.06.23 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/01/0114

088698 - UZFG-Y 20023007 RIV GB eng J
Matulová, P. - Witter, K. - Míšek, I.
Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) expression in tooth primordia in the field vole (Microtus agrestis, Rodentia).
Connective Tissue Research, 43 [2/3] 138-142 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7039901; GA ČR(CZ) GP304/01/P021; GA MŠk(CZ) OC B8.20; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
[Impact factor: 0.901(99) 0.952(00) 1.265(01) 1,646(02) 0.860(03) ]

092564 - UZFG-Y 20023053 CZ eng A
Matulová, P. - Witter, K.
Proliferation markers and embryonal development.
In: Cell IV. - (Ed. Berger, J.). - České Budějovice, Kopp publication 2002. - S. 56.
[Cells /4./. České Budějovice (CZ), 02.09.09-02.09.11 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/P021; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/02/0448

092572 - UZFG-Y 20023061 CZ eng A
Matulová, P. - Witter, K. - Míšek, I.
Immunohistochemistry in collection material after long-term fixation.
In: XXIVth Congress of the European Association of veterinary Anatomists, Programme and Abstracts. - Brno, Ústav anatomie, histologie a embryologie VFU Brno 2002. - S. 158.
[Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists /24./. Brno (CZ), 02.07.21-02.07.25 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/P021; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/02/0448; GA MZd(CZ) NC7131

094101 - UBO-W 20020068 RIV CZ cze C
Mészáros, J. - Lusková, V. - Lusk, S. - Šlechtová, V. - Šlechta, V.
Kapr dunajský - divoká forma kapra obecného: uchováme jej?
In: 5. Česká ichtyologická konference. - (Ed. Spurný, P.). - Brno, MZLU 2002. - S. 11-16.
[Česká ichtyologická konference /5./. Brno (CZ), 02.09.25-02.09.26 ( EUR)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS6093007; GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5045111
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z6093917

088709 - UZFG-Y 20023018 RIV GB eng J
Michaelis, M. - Cinátl, J. - Cinatl, J. - Pouckova, P. - Langer, K. - Kreuter, J. - Matoušek, J.
Coupling of the antitumoral enzyme bovine seminal ribonuclease to polyethylene glycol chains increases its systemic efficacy in mice.
Anti-Cancer Drugs, 13, [-] 149-154 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/01/0114; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.923(93) 1.258(94) 1.418(95) 1.397(96) 0.985(97) 1.320(98) 1.594(99) 1.570(00) 1.506(01) 2,013(02) 1.938(03) ]

088700 - UZFG-Y 20023009 RIV AT ger J
Míšek, I. - Witter, K.
Die ontogenetische Entwicklung des Gebisses beim Grossen mausohr (Myotis Myotis, Chiroptera).
Wiener Tierärtzliche Monatsschrift, 89, [-] 1-6 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GP304/01/P021; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/02/0448; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK6005114
[Impact factor:0.187(91) 0.323(92) 0.184(93) 0.174(94) 0.243(95) 0.267(96) 0.190(97) 0.236(98) 0.298(99) 0.287(00) 0.237(01) 0,258(02) 0.250(03) ]

092576 - UZFG-Y 20023065 SK cze C
Míšek, I. - Witter, K.
Časný vývoj zubů ovce domácí.
In: 5. Košický morfologický deň s medzinárodnou účasťou, Zborník referátov. - Košice, Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a Slovenská anatomická spoločnosť 2002. - S. 1-2.
[Košický morfologický deň s medzinárodnou účasťou /5./. Košice (SK), 02.05.31 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/02/0448; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/P021

092571 - UZFG-Y 20023060 CZ eng A
Míšek, I. - Witter, K. - Pavlíková, H. - Páral, V.
Teaching of anatomy at the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno.
In: XXIVth Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Programme and Abstracts. - Brno, Ústav anatomie, histologie a embryologie VFU Brno. 2002. - S. 31.
[Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists /24./. Brno (CZ), 02.07.21-02.07.25 (EUR)]

096047 - UZFG-Y 20023128 RIV US eng J
Motlík, J. - Alberio, R. - Zakhartchenko, V. - Stojkovic, M. - Kubelka, M. - Wolf, E.
The Effect of Activation of Mammalian Oocytes on Remodeling of Donor Nuclei after Nuclear Transfer.
Cloning and Stem Cells, 4 [3] 245-252 (2002).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113

096058 - UZFG-Y 20023139 CZ eng A
Motlík, J. - Bjerregaard, B. - Philimonenko, V. V. - Baran, V. - Maddox-Hyttel, P.
regulation of ribosomal RNA synthesis in growing and fully-grown porcine oocytes: an interplay between p130 and UBF.
In: Čejkovice 2002, From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. - Brno, Mendlova zemědělská univerzita 2002. - S. 29.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium /10./ From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. Čejkovice (CZ), 02.06.06-02.06.09 ( EUR)]

096049 - UZFG-Y 20023130 RIV FR eng J
Motlík, J. - Dvořánková, B. - Holíková, Z. - Vacík, J. - Smetana jr., K.
Dolichos biflorus agglutinin-binding site expression in basal keratinocytes is associated with cell differentiation.
Biology of the Cell, 94 [6] 365-373 (2002).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:1.121(91) 1.114(92) 1.175(93) 1.431(94) 1.073(95) 0.879(96) 0.939(97) 1.075(98) 1.477(99) 1.670(00) 1.829(01) 2,127(02) 2.159(03) ]

096050 - UZFG-Y 20023131 RIV US eng J
Motlík, J. - Fair, T. - Hyttel, P. - Boland, M. - Lonergan, P.
Maintenance of Meiotic Arrest in Bovine Oocytes In Vitro Using Butyrolactone I: Effects on Oocyte Ultrastructure and Nucleolus Function.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 62, [-] 375-386 (2002).
Grant: GA XE(XE) QLK3-CT-1999-00104; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

095772 - UZFG-Y 20023119 RIV DK eng J
Motlík, J. - Holíková, Z. - Hrdličková-Cela, E. - Plzák, J. - Smetana jr., K. - Betka, J. - Dvořánková, B. - Esner, M. - Wasano, K. - André, S. - Kaltner, H. - Hercogová, J. - Kodet, R. - Gabius, H. J.
Defining the glycophenotype of squamous epithelia using plant and mammalian lectins. Differentiation-dependent expression of alpha2,6- and alpha2,3-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid in squamous epithelia and carcinomas, and its differential effect on binding of the endogenous lectins galectins-1 and -3.
Apmis, 110, [-] 845-856 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/02/0463; GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:0.868(92) 0.765(93) 0.917(94) 0.973(95) 1.016(96) 1.015(97) 0.765(98) 1.097(99) 1.713(00) 1.924(01) 0,968(02) 0.896(03) ]

092590 - UZFG-Y 20023079 CZ eng J
Mrázek, J. - Kopečný, J. - Avguštin, G.
Development of a competitive PCR for detection and enumeration of Butyrivibrio and Pseudobutyrivibrio strains in the rumen ecosystem.
Reproduction, Nutrition, Development, 42 [1] S8 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/99/0602; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:0.516(91) 0.579(92) 0.743(93) 0.549(94) 0.716(95) 1.116(96) 0.619(97) 0.685(98) 0.922(99) 1.351(00) 1.567(01) 0,872(02) 0.780(03) ]

095774 - UZFG-Y 20023121 CZ eng A
Nagyová, E. - Procházka, R.
Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I as intraovarian regulator of hyaluronic acid synthesis.
Reproduction - the Journal of the Society for Reproduction and Fertility, - [28] 31 (2002).
[Society for Reproduction and Fertility-Annual Conference. Leeds ( GB), 02.06.00-02.06.00 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5045102

088694 - UZFG-Y 20023003 RIV CH eng J
Nová, P. - Reutter, B. A. - Rábová, M. - Zima, J.
Sex-chromosome heterochromatin variation in the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus.
Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 96, [-] 186-190 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
[Impact factor:4.185(92) 4.115(93) 2.533(94) 3.502(95) 3.636(96) 2.466(97) 1.878(98) 1.604(99) 1.409(00) 1.271(01) 1,114(02) 1.162(03) ]

093981 - BFU-R 20023120 RIV DE eng J
Pacherník, J. - Hampl, A. - Souček, K. - Kovaříková, M. - Andrysík, Z. - Hofmanová, J. - Kozubík, A.
Multiple biological effects of inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism on human keratinocytes.
Archives of Dermatological Research, 293 [12] 626-633 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/99/0694; GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5004009; GA ČR(CZ) GA524/98/0190
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5004920
[Impact factor: 1.267(99) 1.346(00) 1.425(01) 1,452(02) 1.415(03) ]

092575 - UZFG-Y 20023064 CZ eng A
Páral, V. - Štěrba, O. - Witter, K.
Differences between bones and antlers in archaeological material.
In: XXIVth Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Programme and Abstracts. - Brno, Ústav anatomie, histologie a embryologie VFU Brno 2002. - S. 75.
[Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Programme and Abstracts /24./. Brno (CZ), 02.07.21-02.07.25 (EUR)]

092573 - UZFG-Y 20023062 CZ eng A
Pavlíková, H. - Matulová, P. - Witter, K. - Míšek, I.
Proliferating cell populations during prenatal development of the oral vestibule in the field vole (Microtus Agrestis, Rodentia).
In: XXIVth Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Programme and Abstracts. - Brno, Ústav anatomie, histologie a embryologie VFU Brno 2002. - S. 86.
[Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists /24./. Brno (CZ), 02.07.21-02.07.25 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/P021; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/02/0448; GA MZd(CZ) NC7131

092562 - UZFG-Y 20023051 CZ eng A
Pavlíková, H. - Witter, K. - Matulová, P. - Míšek, I.
Development of the lower oral vestibule in the field vole.
In: Trendy a perspektivy současné morfologie. - Plzeň, Ústav histologie a embryologie LF UK v Plzni 2002. - S. 1.
[Sjezd České anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí /40./. Plzeň (CZ), 02.09.10-02.09.12 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/02/0448; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/P021

092570 - UZFG-Y 20023059 CZ eng A
Pavlíková, H. - Witter, K. - Míšek, I.
Topography and functional anatomy of the palatal muscle found in rodents and lagomorphs.
In: XXIVth Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists. - Brno, Ústav anatomie, histologie a embryologie VFU Brno 2002. - S. 87.
[Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists /24./. Brno (CZ), 02.07.21-02.07.25 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/02/0448; GA MZd(CZ) NC7131

096057 - UZFG-Y 20023138 CZ eng A
Pavlok, A. - Baran, V. - Philimonenko, V. V. - Bjerregaard, B. - Lapathitis, G. - Motlík, J.
Down - regulation of rRNA synthesis during the final growth period of bovine oocytes.
In: Čejkovice 2002 - From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. - Brno, Mendlova zemědělská univerzita 2002. - S. 14.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium /10./ From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. Čejkovice (CZ), 02.06.06-02.06.09 ( EUR)]

096059 - UZFG-Y 20023140 CZ eng A
Pavlok, A. - Fléchon, J. E. - Motlík, J.
Architecture of zona pellucida.
In: Čejkovice 2002 - From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. - Brno, Mendlova zemědělská univerzita 2002. - S. 30.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium /10./ From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. Čejkovice (CZ), 02.06.06-02.06.09 ( EUR)]

096065 - UZFG-Y 20023147 CZ eng A
Pavlok, A. - Lapathitis, G. - Kubelka, M. - Motlík, J.
problems connected with inhibition of GVBD in bovine oocytes and their surmounting after treatment with different concentration of butyrolactone I: additive effect of reduced volume of medium per oocyte.
In: Čejkovice 2002 From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. - Brno, Mendelova zemědělská univerzita 2002. - S. 36.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium /10./ From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. Čejkovice (CZ), 02.06.06-02.06.09 ( EUR)]

096053 - UZFG-Y 20023134 RIV CZ eng J
Pavlok, A. - Říha, J. - Machatková, M.
Viability of fresh and frozen transferred IVP bovine embryos.
Czech Journal of Animal Science, 47 [7] 261-267 (2002).
Grant: GA MZe(CZ) EP7159; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor: 0.195(99) 0.172(00) 0.147(01) 0,187(02) 0.217(03) ]

088703 - UZFG-Y 20023012 RIV CH eng J
Plzák, J. - Holíková, Z. - Smetana, J. K. - Dvořánková, B. - Hercogová, J. - Kaltner, H. - Motlík, J. - Gabius, H. J.
Differentiation-Dependent Glycosylation of Cells in Squamous Cell Epithelia Detected by a Mammalian Lectin.
Cells Tissues Organs, 171, [-] 135-144 (2002).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor: 0.896(00) 1.071(01) 1,442(02) 1.757(03) ]

090674 - UMCH-V 20020263 GB eng A
Poučková, P. - Zadinová, M. - Hloušková, D. - Strohalm, J. - Plocová, D. - Špunda, M. - Olejár, T. - Zitko, M. - Matoušek, J. - Souček, J.
Polymer conjugated bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (Rnase A) for cancer therapy.
In: Abstracts. - Bath, University of Bath 2002. - S. 133.
[International Conference on Ribonucleases /6./. Bath (CZ), 02.06.19-02.06.23 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA523/01/0114

095773 - UZFG-Y 20023120 CZ eng A
Procházka, R. - Kaláb, P. - Nagyová, E.
FSH-dependent response to epidermal growth factor regulates expansion of porcine oocyte-cumulus cell-complexes in vitro.
In: Čejkovice 2002 - "From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency". - Brno, Mendelova univerzita v Brně 2002. - S. 17.
[From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A lesson from Pluripotency. Čejkovice (CZ), 02.06.06-02.06.09 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/01/0903

095775 - UZFG-Y 20023122 GB eng A
Procházka, R. - Mbaye, A. - Kaňka, J. - Nagyová, E. - Málek, S.
Expression of growth differentation factor-9 (GDF-9) in porcine ovarian follicles.
Reproduction - The Journal of the Society for Reproduction and Fertility, - [29] 16 (2002).
[Joint European Conference on Reproduction. Tours (FR), 02.12.00-02.12.00 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/01/0903

091244 - UBO-W 20020011 RIV CZ eng J
Prokeš, M. - Baruš, V. - Macholán, M. - Krupka, I. - Masár, J.
Meristic and mensural morphological characters of juvenile sterlet reared in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic.
Folia zoologica, 51 [2] 149-164 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6087804; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6093104; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK6005114
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z6093917
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

088713 - UZFG-Y 20023022 RIV DE eng J
Putnová, L. - Knoll, A. - Dvořák, J. - Čepica, S.
A new HpaII PCR-RFLP within the porcine prolactin receptor (PRLR) gene and study of its effect on litter size and number of teats.
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 119, [-] 57-63 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/99/0842; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor: 0.527(99) 0.633(00) 0.736(01) 0,795(02) 0.634(03) ]

100253 - UZFG-Y 20033005 RIV CH eng J
Ráb, P. - Crossman, E. J. - Reed, K. M. - Rábová, M.
Chromosomal characterisrics of ribosomal DNA in two extant species of North American mudminnows Umbra pygmaea and U.limi (Euteleostei: Umbridae).
Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 98, [-] 194-198 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114; GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5045111
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916
[Impact factor: 0,000(02) 0.497(03) ]

095770 - UZFG-Y 20023117 RIV UA eng J
Sirotek, K. - Benda, V. - Marounek, M.
Rabbit caecal pectinolytic and hemicellulolytic bacteria.
Scientific Messenger of Lviv State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after S. Z. Gzhytskyj, 4 [2] 206-212 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115

088730 - UZFG-Y 20023040 RIV UA eng J
Skřivan, M. - Kalachnyuk, G. I. - Dušková, D. - Skřivanová, V. - Savka, O. - Marounek, M.
Digestibility of phytate phosphorus in broiler chickens determined by isotachophoretic method.
Scientific Messenger of Lviv State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, 4 [1] 38-42 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5045012; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115

092592 - UZFG-Y 20023081 RIV CZ eng J
Skřivan, M. - Ševčíková, S. - Tůmová, E. - Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M.
Effect of copper sulphate supplementation on performance of broiler chickens, cholesterol content and fatty acid profile of meat.
Czech Journal Animal Science, 47 [7] 275-280 (2002).
Grant: GA NATO(XX) MO2-99-04; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115
[Impact factor: 0.195(99) 0.172(00) 0.147(01) 0,187(02) 0.217(03) ]

092567 - UZFG-Y 20023056 SK eng A
Skřivanová, V. - Dušková, D. - Marounek, M. - Machačová, M. - Klein, P.
Digestibility of total and phytate phosphorus in veal calves.
In: Sborník konference "V. Dni výživy a veterinarnej dietetiky". - Košice, Univerzita veterinárského lekárstva Košice 2002. - S. -.
[Dni výživy a veterinárnej dietetiky /5./. Hrádok (SK), 02.09.11-02.09.12 (EUR)]

092566 - UZFG-Y 20023055 NL eng A
Skřivanová, V. - Machačova, E. - Marounek, M. - Loučka, R.
Effect of addition of plant feeds to a milk diet on cholesterol and fatty acid profile of meat of calves.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the European Association /53./ for Animal Production. - Wageningen, Wageningen Academic Publishers 2002. - S. 60.
[Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production /53./. Cairo (EG), 02.09.01-02.09.04 (WRD)]

092587 - UZFG-Y 20023076 CZ eng C
Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M.
Effect of caprylic acid on performance and mortality of growing rabbits.
In: Sborník prací jubilejních XX. dnů živočišné fyziologie. - Uhříněves, Ústav živočišné fyziologie a endokrinologie Uhříněves 2002. - S. -.
[Jubilejní dni živočišné fyziologie /20./. Třešť (CZ), 02.10.22-02.10.23 (EUR)]

096063 - UZFG-Y 20023145 CZ eng A
Slavík, T. - Libík, M. - Schwarz, T. - Wierzchos, E.
Use of gametes from sexually immatured donors for lamb production in sheep.
In: Čejkovice 2002 - From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. - Brno, Mendlova zemědělská univerzita 2002. - S. 35.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. Čejkovice (CZ), 02.06.06-02.06.09 (EUR)]

088696 - UZFG-Y 20023005 RIV GB eng J
Slováková, L. - Dušková, D. - Marounek, M.
Fermentation of pectin and glucose, and activity of pectin-degrading enzymes in the rabbit caecal bacterium Bifidobacterium pseudolongum.
Letters in Applied Microbiology, 35, [-] 5 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115
[Impact factor:1.206(91) 1.042(92) 1.097(93) 1.040(94) 0.764(95) 0.948(96) 1.008(97) 0.964(98) 1.157(99) 1.154(00) 1.151(01) 1,182(02) 1.164(03) ]

092579 - UZFG-Y 20023068 GB eng A
Souček, J. - Strohalm, D. - Plocová, D. - Poucková, P. - Hlousková, D. - Zadinová, M. - Matoušek, J. - Ulbrich, K.
Synthesis and Properties of polymer conjugated bovine seminal and bovine pancreatic ribonucleases.
In: Proceedings and Abstracts. - Bath, - 2002. - S. 140.
[International Meeting on Ribonucleases /6./. Bath (GB), 02.06.19-02.06.23 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA523/01/0114

090673 - UMCH-V 20020262 GB eng A
Souček, J. - Strohalm, J. - Plocová, D. - Poučková, P. - Hloušková, D. - Zadinová, M. - Matoušek, J. - Ulbrich, K.
Synthesis and properties of polymer conjugated bovine seminal and bovine pancreatic ribonucleases.
In: Abstracts. - Bath, University of Bath 2002. - S. 140.
[International Conference on Ribonucleases /6./. Bath (CZ), 02.06.19-02.06.23 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA523/01/0114

095765 - UZFG-Y 20023112 CZ eng A
Soukupová, P. - Horák, V. - Hruban, V. - Hradecký, J. - Klaudy, J.
Increase of Heat Shock Protein Expression Induced by Devitalization Treatment of Swine Malignat Melanoma.
In: VIII. Symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů. - Žďár nad Sázavou, Svaz českých reprodukčních imunologů 2002. - S. 1.
[Symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů /8./. Žďár nad Sázavou ( CZ), 02.05.16-02.05.19 (EUR)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5045113

088705 - UZFG-Y 20023014 RIV GB eng J
Stratil, A. - Kubíčková, S. - Archibald, A. L. - Peelman, L. J. - McClenaghan, M. - Musilová, P. - Van Poucke, M. - Rubeš, J.
Assignment of the porcine GLUL gene to the distal end of chromosome 9q.
Animal Genetics, 33, [-] 315-316 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/00/0669; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

088706 - UZFG-Y 20023015 RIV NL eng J
Stratil, A. - Peelmann, L. J. - Mattheeuws, M. - Van Poucke, M. - Reiner, G. - Geldermann, H.
A novel porcine gene, alfa-1-antichymotrypsin 2 (SERPINA3-2): sequence, genomic organization, polymorphism and mapping.
Gene, 292, [-] 113-119 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA514/94/0269; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916
[Impact factor:3.064(91) 2.569(92) 2.407(93) 2.305(94) 2.160(95) 1.931(96) 1.838(97) 2.007(98) 2.258(99) 2.461(00) 3.041(01) 2,778(02) 2.754(03) ]

088734 - UZFG-Y 20023044 RIV CZ eng J
Stratil, A. - Reiner, G. - Peelman, L. J. - Davoli, R. - VanPoucke, M. - Zambonelli, P. - Geldermann, H.
An Aiw 261 PCR-RFLP in exon 1 of the porcine SKI oncogene and mapping the gene to the RYR1 (CRC) linkage group on chromosome 6.
Animal Genetics, 33, [-] 377-379 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/00/0669; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

092594 - UZFG-Y 20023083 DE eng A
Stratil, A. - Reiner, G. - Peelman, L. J. - Davoli, R. - Van Poucke, M. - Zambonelli, P. - Geldermann, H.
Characterization of polymorphism and mapping of the porcine SKI gene.
In: Proceedings 2002. - (Ed. Brenig, B.; Meyer, J.N.). - Göttingen, Institute of Veterinary Medicine 2002. - S. 127.
[Internatinal Conference on Animal Genetics /28./. Göttingen (DE), 02.08.11-02.08.15 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/00/0669

092589 - UZFG-Y 20023078 RIV CZ eng J
Šimůnek, J. - Kopečný, J. - Hodrová, B. - Bartoňová, H.
Identification and Characterization of Clostridium paraputrificum, a Chitinolytic Bacterium of Human Digestive Tract.
Folia Microbiologica, 47 [5] 559-564 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA525/00/0984; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5052113
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

088693 - UZFG-Y 20023002 RIV CZ eng J
Škarda, J.
Sensitivity and specificity of the bioassay of estrogenicity in mammary gland and seminal vesicles of male mice.
Physiological Research, 51 [3] 267-276 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/99/0843; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

092561 - UZFG-Y 20023050 CZ eng A
Škarda, J.
Interaction of norethindrone acetate and testosterone in mammary gland, uterus and seminal vesicles in mice.
In: Sborník prací XX. jubilejních dnů živočišné fyziologie. - Praha, Ústav živočišné fyziologie 2002. - S. 1.
[Jubilejní dny živočišné fyziologie /20./. Třešť (CZ), 02.10.22-02.10.23 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/02/0406; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115

095742 - UZFG-Y 20023088 RIV CZ eng J
Škarda, J.
Sensitivity and Specificity of Bioassay of Estrogenicity on Mammary Gland and Uterus of Female Mice.
Physiological Research, 51, [-] 407-412 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/99/0843; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

095743 - UZFG-Y 20023089 RIV CZ eng J
Škarda, J.
Norethindrone acetate and testosterone interactions in mammary gland, uterus and seminal vesicles of mice.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 71, [-] 463-471 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/02/0406; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

095744 - UZFG-Y 20023090 CZ cze A
Škarda, J. - Barth, T. - Barthová, J. - Klasová, L. - Straková, J.
Charakteristika nových semisynthetických analogů insulinu podle utilizace radioaktivního thymidinu do DNA.
In: Sborník prací XX. jubilejních dnů živočišné fyziologie. - Praha, Ústav živočišné fyziologie a genetiky 2002. - S. 1.
[Jubilejní dny živočišné fyziologie/20./. Třešť (CZ), 02.10.22-02.10.23 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/02/0406

095766 - UZFG-Y 20023113 CZ cze A
Škarda, J. - Barth, T. - Barthová, J. - Hauzerová, L. - Ciencialová, A. - Straková, J. - Klasová, L. - Zórad, Š.
Design a příprava analogů peptidových hormonů - řada insulinová.
Bulletin České společnosti pro biochemii a molekulární biologii, 30 [3] 1 (2002).
[Endokrinologické dni /25./. Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 02.00.00-02.00.00 (EUR)]

095747 - UZFG-Y 20023093 RIV CZ eng J
Šugerková, M. - Munclinger, P. - Božíková, E. - Piálek, J. - Macholán, M.
Genetic variation in house mice (Mus, Muridae, Rodentia) from the Czech and Slovak Republics.
Folia Zoologica, 51 [2] 81-92 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6045601; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6045902; GA ČR(CZ) GA206/01/0989; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

095759 - UZFG-Y 20023106 CZ cze A
Šugerková, M. - Munclinger, P. - Piálek, J. - Božíková, E. - Macholán, M.
Podivuhodnost přechodu Y chromosomu hybridní zónou Mus musculus/domesticus v západních Čechách.
In: Zoologické dny Brno 2002, sborník abstraktů z konference 14.-15. února 2002. - Brno, ÚBO AV ČR 2002. - S. 192.
[Zoologické dny Brno 2002. Brno (CZ), 02.02.14-02.02.15 (CST)]

088701 - UZFG-Y 20023010 RIV GB eng J
Tsigenopoulos, C. S. - Kotlík, P. - Berrebi, P.
Biogeography and pattern of gene flow among Barbus species (Teleostei:Cyprinidae) inhabiting the Italian Peninsula and neighbouring Adriatic drainages as revealed by allozyme and mitochondrial sequence data.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 75, [-] 83-99 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5045111; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
[Impact factor:1.143(91) 1.158(92) 1.427(93) 0.971(94) 1.264(95) 0.932(96) 0.988(97) 1.594(98) 1.684(99) 2.316(00) 2.308(01) 1,705(02) 1.661(03) ]

088708 - UZFG-Y 20023017 RIV GB eng J
Tsigenopoulos, C. S. - Ráb, P. - Naran, D. - Berrebi, P.
Multiple origins of polyploidy in the phylogeny of southern African barbs (Cyprinidae) as inferred from mtDNA markers.
Heredity, 88, [-] 466-473 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5045011; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916
[Impact factor:1.236(92) 1.410(93) 1.457(94) 1.815(95) 2.014(96) 1.894(97) 1.816(98) 1.875(99) 2.009(00) 2.297(01) 1,687(02) 1.986(03) ]

088707 - UZFG-Y 20023016 RIV NL eng J
Veselský, L. - Dostál, J. - Kraus, M. - Pěknicová, J. - Holáň, V. - Zajícová, A. - Jonáková, V. - Železná, B.
Reverse effect of indomethacin on the immunosuppressive activity of boar seminal immunosuppressive fraction.
Animal Reproduction Science, 71, [-] 111-123 (2002).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NI6883; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5011112
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916
[Impact factor:0.701(92) 0.678(93) 0.855(94) 0.709(95) 0.838(96) 0.930(97) 1.105(98) 0.813(99) 1.080(00) 1.196(01) 1,681(02) 1.286(03) ]

114701 - UMG-J 20043007 RIV US eng J
Veselský, L. - Dostál, J. - Kraus, M. - Pěknicová, J. - Holáň, V. - Zajícová, A. - Jonáková, V. - Železná, B.
Reverse effect of indomethacin on the immunosuppressive activity of boar seminal immunosuppressive fraction.
Animal Reproduction Science, - [71] 111-123 (2002).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/01/0615; GA MZd(CZ) NI6883
[Impact factor:0.701(92) 0.678(93) 0.855(94) 0.709(95)0.838(96) 0.930(97) 1.105(98) 0.813(99) 1.080(00)1.196(01) 1,681(02) 1.286(03) ]

096066 - UZFG-Y 20023148 CZ eng A
Vodička, P. - Motlík, J.
Proteasome activity is required for proper chromosome segregation in meiosis I.
In: Čejkovice 2002 From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. - Brno, Mendlova zemědělská univerzita 2002. - S. 38.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium /10./ From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. Čejkovice (CZ), 02.06.06-02.06.09 ( EUR)]

096067 - UZFG-Y 20023149 CZ eng A
Vohníková, Z. - Tomek, W. - Kubelka, M.
The role of MAP kinase in regulation of translation during in vitro maturation of pig oocytes.
In: Čejkovice 2002 From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency. - Brno, Mendelova zemědělská univerzita 2002. - S. 39.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium From Oocyte to Embryonic Stem Cell: A Lesson from Pluripotency.. Čejkovice (CZ), 02.06.06-02.06.09 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5045916

092565 - UZFG-Y 20023054 NL eng A
Volek, Z. - Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M. - Skřivan, M. - Klein, P.
Performance, digestive anatomy and caecal parameters in rabbits fed diets differing in digestible fibre contents.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 53rd Annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. - Wageningen, Wageningen Academic Publishers 2002. - S. 60.
[Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production /53./. Cairo (EG), 02.09.01-02.09.04 (WRD)]

088699 - UZFG-Y 20023008 RIV GB eng J
Witter, K. - Matulová, P. - Míšek, I.
The Lateral Enamel Lamina-Component of Tooth Primordia in Selected Mammalian Species.
Connective Tissue Research, 43 [2/3] 134-137 (2002).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7039901; GA MŠk(CZ) OC B8.20; GA ČR(CZ) GP304/01/P021; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
[Impact factor: 0.901(99) 0.952(00) 1.265(01) 1,646(02) 0.860(03) ]

092574 - UZFG-Y 20023063 CZ eng A
Witter, K. - Matulová, P. - Míšek, I.
Common principles of prenatal tooth development in selected mammalian species.
In: XXIVth Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Programme and Abstracts. - Brno, Ústav anatomie, histologie a embryologie VFU Brno 2002. - S. 84.
[Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists /24./. Brno (CZ), 02.07.21-02.07.25 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/P021; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/02/0448

092563 - UZFG-Y 20023052 CZ eng A
Witter, K. - Parál, V.
Articulationes costochondrales in selected mammalian species.
In: Trendy a perspektivy současné morfologie. - Plzeň, Ústav histologie a embryologie LF UK v Plzni 2002. - S. 58.
[Sjezd České anatomické společnosti /40./. Plzeň (CZ), 02.09.10-02.09.12 (EUR)]

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