ZA ROK 2001

A 1
BLECHA, Ivan: Filosofická čítanka.
Olomouc : Nakladatelství Olomouc, 2000. - 551 s.
38 553

BLACKMOREOVÁ, Susan: Teorie memů : kultura a její evoluce.
Praha : Portál, 2000. - 302 s.
38 759

A 2
Věda v Československu v letech 1953-1963 : sborník z konference / red. Hana Barvíková.
Praha : Arenga, 2000. - 591 s.
(Práce z dějin vědy : Sv. 1)
38 565

KOMÁREK, Stanislav: Pitevní praktikum pro pokročilé.
Brno : Petrov, 2000. - 329 s.
38 567

KOMÁREK, Stanislav: Příroda a kultura : svět jevů a svět interpretací.
Praha : Vesmír, 2000. - 180 s.
(Medúza : Sv. 12)
38 568

Two thousand outstanding scientists of the 20th century / ed. Jon Gifford. - 2nd ed.
Cambridge : International Biographical Centre, 2001. - xcix+495 s.
38 576

OCHOA, George - COREY, Melinda: Dějiny v datech: věda [Orig.: The timeline book of science] / přeložil Jaroslav Kovanda.
Praha : Knižní klub, 2000. - 362 s.
38 595

Věda v českých zemích za druhé světové války: sborník z konference / red. Hana Barvíková.
Praha : Archiv Akademie věd České republiky, 1998. - 425 s.
(Práce z dějin Akademie věd. Serie C : Sv. 3)
38 596

BEČVÁŘOVÁ, Martina: Z historie Jednoty : 1862 - 1869.
Praha : Prometheus, 1999. - 138+xvii s.
(Dějiny matematiky : Sv. 13)
38 618

Evropa mezi vědou a vírou : hledání nové konfigurace / red. Milan Klapetek.
Brno : VUT Brno, 2001. - 222 s.
38 625

GRYGAR, Jiří: O vědě a víře.
Kostelní Vydří : Karmelitánské nakladatelství, 2001. - 128 s.
38 718

RUDERMAN, David B.: Jewish thought and scientific discovery in early modern Europe.
Detroit : Wayne State University Press, 2001. - xxiii+392 s.
38 721

Transdisciplinární gratulovník k 60. narozeninám Ivana M. Havla / red. Jiří Fiala, Ivan Chvatík.
Praha : OIKOYMENH, 2000. - 627 s.
38 854

GARDNER, Howard: Dimenze myšlení: teorie rozmanitých inteligencí [Orig.: Frames of mind] / přeložila Eva Votavová.
Praha : Portál, 1999. - 398 s.
38 869

A 4
Let's go Europe 2001 / ed. Rebecca S. Tinio.
New York : St. Martin's Press, 2001. - xv+1006 s.
38 681

A 6
Universum. Všeobecná encyklopedie. Svazek 5: Ko-Ma.
Praha : Odeon, 2000. - 715 s.
38 554

Universum: všeobecná encyklopedie. Svazek 6: Mb - Op.
Praha : Odeon, 2001. - 656 s.
38 563

Diderot: velká všeobecná encyklpedie. Díl 4: daž-erb.
Praha : DIDEROT, 2001. - 639 s.
38 594

Universum: všeobecná encyklopedie. Svazek 7: Or - Q.
Praha : Odeon, 2001. - 655 s.
38 605

2001 Britannica book of the year : events of 2000 / ed. Charles P. Trumbull.
Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2001. - 936 s.
(Britannica book of the year)
38 626

Universum : všeobecná encyklopedie. Svazek 8: R - Sp.
Praha : Odeon, 2001. - 656 s.
38 722

Universum : všeobecná encyklopedie. Svazek 9: Sp - T.
Praha : Odeon, 2001. - 646 s.
38 723

Universum : všeobecná encyklopedie. Svazek 10: U-Ž.
Praha : Odeon, 2001. - 662 s.
38 758

B 1
The molecular origins of life : assembling pieces of the puzzle / ed. André Brack.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - viii+417 s.
38 620

LAHAV, Noam: Biogenesis : theories of life's origin.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1999. - xii+349 s.
38 682

SMITH, John Maynard - SZATHMÁRY, Eörs: The origins of life : from the birth of life to the origins of language.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 180 s.
38 727

MAYR, Ernst: What evolution is.
New York : Basic Books, 2001. - xv+318 s.
38 805

B 3
ALBERTS, Bruce: Základy buněčné biologie: úvod do molekulární biologie buňky [Orig.: Essential cell biology] / přeložili Arnošt Kotyk, Bohumil Bouzek, Pavel Hozák.
Ústí nad Labem : Espero Publishing, 2001. - xxvi+630+G18+A62+I30 s.
38 564

B 6
RIDLEY, Matt: Genom : životopis lidského druhu v třiadvaceti kapitolách.
Praha : Portál, 2001. - 285 s.
38 760

B 7
RÖDER, Beate: Einführung in die molekulare Photobiophysik.
Stuttgart : Teubner, 1999. - 173 s.
(Teubner-Studienbücher: Angewandte Physik)
38 542

GLASER, Roland: Biophysics. - 5th rev. ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xvi+361 s.
38 716

C 1.2
STREHLOW, Hans: Rapid reactions in solution.
Weinheim : VCH, 1992. - 341 s.
38 558

C 1.8
MUROV, Steven L. - CARMICHAEL, Ian - HUG, Gordon L.: Handbook of photochemistry. - 2nd ed., revised and expanded
New York : Marcel Dekker, 1993. - viii+420 s.
38 610

E 1.8
FAKTOR, Zdeněk: Transformátory a cívky.
Praha : BEN - technická literatura, 1999. - 393 s.
38 593

E 5
GERSHENFELD, Neil: The physics of information technology.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xiv+370 s.
38 688

F 1.1
DAVIES, Paul: O čase: Einsteinova nedokončená revoluce [Orig.: About time, Einstein's unfinished revolution]/ přeložil Zdeněk Urban.
Bratislava : Motýl, 1999. - 366 s.
38 570

DIETZ, David: Atomová energie v nastávajícím věku [Orig.: Atomic energy in the coming era] / přeložil Jindřich Fantl.
Praha : Družstevní práce, 1947. - 192 s.
(Obzory : Sv. 14)
38 580

BADII, Remo - POLITI, Antonio: Complexity : hierarchical structures and scaling in physics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997. - xiii+318 s.
(Cambridge nonlinear science series : Vol. 6)
38 621

FÖLSING, Albrecht: Albert Einstein / přeložil Miroslav Svojše.
Praha : Volvox Globator, 2001. - 895 s.
38 624

PAIS, Abraham: A tale of two continents : a physicist's life in a turbulent world.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1997. - ix+511 s.
38 631

ZEH, H. Dieter: The physical basis of the direction of time. - 4th ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - x+231 s.
38 701

GINZBURG, Vitalij L.: The physics of a lifetime : reflections on the problems and personalities of 20th century physics.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xiii+513 s.
38 749

MEHRA, Jagdish: The golden age of theoretical physics. Vol. 1.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2001. - xix+637 s.
38 769

MEHRA, Jagdish: The golden age of theoretical physics. Vol. 2.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2001. - v+s. 639-1408
38 770

WALKER, Evan H.: The physics of consciousness : quantum minds and the meaning of life.
Cambridge, Mass. : Perseus Publishing, 2000. - ix+368 s.
38 776

BARROW, John D.: Between inner space and outer space : essays on science, art, and philosophy.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - xii+274 s.
38 778

SCHWEBER, Silvan S.: In the shadow of the bomb : Oppenheimer, Bethe, and the moral responsibility of the scientist.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2000. - xviii+260 s.
(Princeton series in physics)
38 796

SMOLIN, Lee: Three roads to quantum gravity.
New York : Basic Books, 2001. - viii+231 s.
(Science masters)
38 802

TELLER, Edward: Memoirs : a twentieth-century journey in science and politics.
Cambridge, Mass. : Perseus Publishing, 2001. - xii+628 s.
38 803

Physics meets philosophy at the Planck scale : contemporary theories in quantum gravity / eds. Craig Callender, Nick Huggett.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. - x+365 s.
38 851

RUSSELL, Colin A.: Michael Faraday : physics and faith.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 124 s.
(Oxford portraits in science)
38 863

F 1.2
BOHR, Niels: Collected works. General editor Finn Aaserud. Vol. 10: Complementarity beyond physics (1928-1962) / ed. David Favrholdt.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1999. - xlix+613 s.
38 548

Selected papers of Richard Feynman : with commentary / ed. Laurie M. Brown.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2000. - xii+999 s.
(World Scientific series in 20th century physics : Vol. 27)
38 768

WOLF, Emil: Selected works of Emil Wolf : with commentary.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2001. - x+661 s.
(World Scientific series in 20th century physics : Vol. 29)
38 767

F 1.3
FEYNMAN, Richard P. - LEIGHTON, Robert B. - SANDS, Matthew: Feynmanovy přednášky z fyziky s řešenými příklady. Díl 1.
Havlíčkův Brod : Fragment, 2000. - 732 s.
38 552

FEYNMAN, Richard P. - LEIGHTON, Robert B. - SANDS, Matthew: Feynmanovy přednášky z fyziky s řešenými příklady. Díl 2. / přeložil Ivan Štoll.
Havlíčkův Brod : Fragment, 2001. - 806 s.
38 742

HALLIDAY, David - RESNICK, Robert - WALKER, Jearl: Fyzika: vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Část 1. Mechanika [Orig.: Fundamentals of physics] / přeložila J. Musilová a kol. z 5. vyd.
Brno : Prometheus, 2000. - xvi+328+D20+V5+R3 s.
(Překlady vysokoškolských učebnic : Sv. 1)
38 811

HALLIDAY, David - RESNICK, Robert - WALKER, Jearl: Fyzika: vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Část 2. Mechanika, termodynamika [Orig.: Fundamentals of physics] / přeložil J. Obdržálek a kol. z 5. vyd.
Brno : Prometheus, 2000. - viii+ 329-576 +E4+D20+V4+R6 s.
(Překlady vysokoškolských učebnic : Sv. 1)
38 812

HALLIDAY, David - RESNICK, Robert - WALKER, Jearl: Fyzika: vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Část 3. Elektřina a magnetismus [Orig.: Fundamentals of physics] / přeložil M. Štrunc a kol. z 5. vyd.
Brno : Prometheus, 2000. - viii+ 577-888 +D20+V5+R9 s.
(Překlady vysokoškolských učebnic : Sv. 1)
38 813

HALLIDAY, David - RESNICK, Robert - WALKER, Jearl: Fyzika: vysokošklská učebnice obecné fyziky. Část 4. Elektromagnetické vlny, optika, relativita [Orig.: Fundamentals of physics] / přeložil J. Komrska a kol. z 5. vyd.
Brno : Prometheus, 2000. - vii+ 889-1032 +D20+V2+R11 s.
(Překlady vysokoškolských učebnic : Sv. 1)
38 814

HALLIDAY, David - RESNICK, Robert - WALKER, Jearl: Fyzika: vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Část 5. Moderní fyzika [Orig.: Fundamentals of physics] / přeložila B. Lencová a kol. z 5. vyd.
Brno : Prometheus, 2000. - vii+ 1033-1198 +D20+V2+R13+F1 s.
(Překlady vysokoškolských učebnic : Sv. 1)
38 815

HALLIDAY, David - RESNICK, Robert - WALKER, Jearl: Fyzika: vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Část 1. Mechanika [Orig.: Fundamentals of physics] / přeložila J. Musilová a kol. z 5. vyd.
Brno : Prometheus, 2000. - xvi+328+D20+V5+R3 s.
(Překlady vysokoškolskch učebnic : Sv. 1)
38 831

HALLIDAY, David - RENICK, Robert - WALKER, Jearl: Fyzika: Vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Část 2. Mehcanika, termodynamika [Orig.: Fundamentals of physics] / přeložil J. Obdržálek a kol. z 5. vyd.
Brno : Prometheus, 2000. - viii+ 329-576 +E4+D20+V4+R6 s.
(Překlady vysokoškolských učebnic : Sv. 1)
38 832

HALLIDAY, David - RESNICK, Robert - WALKER, Jearl: Fyzika: vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Část 3. Elektřina a magnetismus [Orig.: Fundamentals of physics] / přeložil M. Štrunc a kol. z 5. vyd.
Brno : Prometheus, 2000. - viii+ 577-888 +D20+V5+R9 s.
(Překlady vysokoškolských učebnic : Sv. 1)
38 833

HALLIDAY, David - RESNICK, Robert - WALKER, Jearl: Fyzika: vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Část 4. Elektromagnetické vlny, optika, relativita [Orig.: Fundamentals of physics] / přeložil J. Komrska a kol. z 5. vyd.
Brno : Prometheus, 2000. - vii+ 889-1032 +D20+V2+R11 s.
(Překlady vysokoškolských učebnic : Sv. 1)
38 834

HALLIDAY, David - RESNICK, Robert - WALKER, Jearl: Fyzika: vysokoškolská učebnice obecné fyziky. Část 5. Moderní fyzika [Orig.: Fundamentals of physics] / přeložila L. Lencová a kol. z 5. vyd.
Brno : Prometheus, 2000. - vii+ 1033-1198 +D20+V2+R13+F1 s.
(Překlady vysokoškolských učebnic : Sv. 1)
38 835

FEYNMAN, Richard P. - LEIGHTON, Robert B. - SANDS, Matthew: Feynmanovy přednášky z fyziky s řešenými příklady 2.
Havlíčkuv Brod : Fragment, 2001. - 806 s.
38 871

F 1.7
PANG, Tao: An introduction to computational physics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997. - xvii+374 s.
38 823

F 1.8
DARROW, K. K.: Renaissance fysiky [Orig.: The renaissance of physics] / přeložil Zdeněk Pírko.
Praha : Čin, 1940. - 315 s.
(Živá věda : Sv. 3)
38 579

KLUIBER, Zdeněk: Nápaditá fyzika.
Praha : ARSCI, 2000. - 115 s.
(FYGYZ : Sv. 2)
38 627

TAYLOR, John C.: Hidden unity in nature's laws.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. - xiii+490 s.
38 687

GILMORE, Robert: The wizard of quarks : a fantasy of particle physics.
New York : Copernicus books, 2001. - xiii+202 s.
38 702

LASZLO, Pierre: Terre & eau, air & feu : histoires de sciences.
Fayard : Le Pommier, 2000. - 159 s.
38 711

F 2.1
ŽENÍŠEK, Alexander: Samozřejmosti nebo paradoxy?.
Brno : VUTIUM, 2000. - 117 s.
(Učené spisy a přednášky : Sv. 1)
38 573

CIUFOLINI, Ignazio - WHEELER, John Archibald: Gravitation and inertia.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1995. - xi+498 s.
(Princeton series in physics)
38 632

BLAGOJEVIŹ, Milutin: Gravitation and gauge symmetries.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2001. - xiii+522 s.
(Series in high energy physics, cosmology and gravitation)
38 866

WILL, Clifford M.: Theory and experiment in gravitational physics. - Revised ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993. - xvi+380 s.
38 876

F 2.2
JOSÉ, Jorge V. - SALETAN, Eugene J.: Classical dynamics : a contemporary approach.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xxv+670 s.
38 604

HORSKÝ, Jan - NOVOTNÝ, Jan - ŠTEFANÍK, Milan: Mechanika ve fyzice.
Praha : Academia, 2001. - 412 s.
38 719

F 2.3
CHENG, David Keun: Field and waves electromagnetics. - 2nd ed.
Reading : Addison-Wesley, 1992. - xvi+703 s.
(The Addison-Wesley series in electrical engineering)
38 560

JACKSON, John David: Classical electrodynamics. - 3rd ed.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1999. - xxi+808 s.
38 635

SADIKU, Matthew N. O.: Numerical techniques in electromagnetics. - 2nd ed.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2001. - xiv+743 s.
38 824

TSAI, Huan-Shang: Real time: a two-dimensional electromagnetic field simulator.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2000. - CD-ROM
38 825

F 2.4
Scalable quantum computers : paving the way to realization / eds. Samuel L. Braunstein, Hoi-Kwong Lo.
Berlin : Wiley-VCH, 2001. - vii+368 s.
38 600

Quantum computing : where do we want to go tomorrow? / ed. Samuel L. Braunstein.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 1999. - xiii+292 s.
38 601

ROBINETT, Richard W.: Quantum mechanics : classical results, modern systems, and visualized examples.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1997. - xviii+580 s.
38 725

ROBINETT, Richard W.: Solutions manual for quantum mechanics : classical results, modern systems, and visualized examples.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1997. - 252 s.
38 726

RIVAS, Martin: Kinematical theory of spinning particles : classical and quantum mechanical formalism of elementary particles.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - xxi+332 s.
(Fundamental theories of physics : Vol. 116)
38 728

YNDURÁIN, Francisco J.: Relativistic quantum mechanics and introduction to field theory.
Berlin : Springer, 1996. - xii+332 s.
(Texts and monographs in physics)
38 757

SCHWINGER, Julian S.: Quantum mechanics : symbolism of atomic measurements / ed. Berthold-Georg Englert.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xiv+484 s.
(Physics and astronomy online library)
38 799

COHEN-TANNOUDJI, Claude - DIU, Bernard - LALOÓ, Frank: Mécanique quantique I. - 2. ed., corrig.
Paris : Hermann, 1998. - xvi+889 s.
(Collection enseignement des sciences : 16)
38 837

MEHRA, Jagdish - RECHENBERG, Helmut: The historical development of quantum theory. Vol. 6. The completion of quantum mechanics 1926-1941. Part 1: The probability interpretation and the statistical transformation theory, the physical interpretation, and the empirical and mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics 1926-1932.
New York : Springer, 2000. - viii+670 s.
38 842

MEHRA, Jagdish - RECHENBERG, Helmut: The historical development of quantum theory. Vol. 6. The completion of quantum mechanics 1926-1941. Part 2: The conceptual completion and extension of quantum mechanics 1932-1941. Epilogue: Aspects of the futher development of quantum theory 1942-1999.
New York : Springer, 2001. - s. 840-1612
38 843

F 2.4.2
POLKINGHORNE, John: Kvantový svět / přeložil Jiří Rameš.
Praha : Aurora, 2000. - 159 s.
38 550

GRIBBIN, John: Schrödingerova koťata : pátrání po skutečnosti / přeložil Zdeněk Urban.
Praha : Columbus, 2001. - 333 s.
38 555

F 2.4.3
CHAICHIAN, Masud - HAGEDORN, Rolf: Symmetries in quantum mechanics : from angular momentum to supersymmetry.
Bristol and Philadelphia : Institute of Physics Publishing, 1998. - xiv+304 s.
(Graduate student series in physics)
38 544

NIELSEN, Michael A. - CHUANG, Isaac L.: Quantum computation and quantum information.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xxv+676 s.
38 686

F 2.5
MA, Shang-keng: Modern theory of critical phenomena.
Cambridge, Mass. : Perseus Publishing, 2000. - xxv+561 s.
(Advanced book classics)
38 616

Branching in nature : dynamics and morphogenesis of branching structures from cell to river networks / eds. V. Fleury, J.-F. Gouyet, M. Léonetti.
Berlin ; Les Ulis : Springer : EDP Sciences, 2001. - xxiii+476 s.
(Centre de physique des Houches : No. 14)
38 703

NISHIMORI, Hidetoshi: Statistical physics of spin glasses and information processing : an introduction.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. - xii+243 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 111)
38 740

The economy as an evolving complex system. Vol. 1. / eds. Philip W. Anderson, Kenneth J. Arrow, David Pine.
Reading, Massachsetts : Perseus Books, 1988. - xvii+317 s.
(Santa Fe Institute Studies in the sciences of complexity : Vol. 5)
38 764

The economy as an evolving complex system. Vol. 2. / eds. W. Brian Arthur, Steven N. Durlauf, David A. Lane.
Reading, Massachusetts : Perseus Books, 1997. - xii+583 s.
(Santa Fe Institute Studies in the sciences of complexity : Vol. 27)
38 765

KVASNICA, Jozef: Statistická fyzika. - 2. vyd.
Praha : Academia, 1998. - 314 s.
38 779

NAKAMURA, Katsuhiro: Quantum chaos : a new paradigm of nonlinear dynamics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1994. - xii+208 s.
(Cambridge nonlinear science series : Vol. 3)
38 875

SCHULTZ, T. D.: Quantum field theory and the many-body problem : introductory lectures.
New York : Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, 1964. - viii+150 s.
(The many-body problem. Current research and reviews : Vol. 1)
38 882

F 2.5.2
DALVIT, Diego A. R. - FRASTAI, Jaime - LAWRIE, Ian D.: Problems on statistical mechanics.
Bristol and Philadelphia : Institute of Physics Publishing, 1999. - vii+284 s.
(Graduate student series in physics)
38 546

F 2.5.3
SALMHOFER, Manfred: Renormalization : an introduction.
Berlin : Springer, 1999. - x+231 s.
(Texts and monographs in physics)
38 695

F 2.5.4
DOTSENKO, Viktor: Introduction to the replica theory of disordered statistical systems.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. - xii+220 s.
(Collection Aléa-Saclay: monographs and texts in statistical physics)
38 543

HENKEL, Malte: Conformal invariance and critical phenomena.
Berlin : Springer, 1999. - xvii+417 s.
(Texts and monographs in physics)
38 694

F 3.1
GREENE, Brian: Elegantní vesmír: superstruny, skryté rozměry a hledání finální teorie [Orig.: The elegant universe. Superstrings, hidden dimensions, and the quest for the ultimate theory] / přeložil Luboš Motl.
Praha : Mladá fronta, 2001. - 397 s.
(Kolumbus : Sv. 156)
38 585

BELLAC, Michel le: Thermal field theory.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xiii+256 s.
(Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics)
38 586

HUANG, Kerson: Quantum field theory : from operators to path integrals.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1998. - xvii+426 s.
38 599

Proceedings on the meeting on CPT and Lorentz symmetry / ed. V. Alan Kostelecký.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1999. - ix+256 s.
38 622

CHENG, Ta-Pei - LI, Ling-Fong: Gauge theory of elementary particle physics : problems and solutions.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2000. - x+306 s.
38 684

The rise of the standard model : particle physics in the 1960s and 1970s / ed. Lillian Hoddeson et al.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. - xxx+714 s.
38 685

BRANCO, Gustavo Castelo: CP violation.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1999. - xxi+511 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 103)
38 735

BARDIN, Dima - PASSARINO, Giampiero: The standard model in the making : precision study of the electroweak interactions.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1999. - xv+685 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 104)
38 739

GAMBINI, Rodolfo - PULLIN, Jorge: Loops, knots, gauge theories and quantum gravity.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xvi+321 s.
(Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics)
38 750

GREEN, Michael B. - SCHWARZ, John H. - WITTEN, Edward: Superstring theory - Vol. 1 : introduction.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. - x+470 s.
(Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics)
38 751

GREEN, Michael B. - SCHWARZ, John H. - WITTEN, Edward: Superstring theory - Vol. 2 : loop amplitudes, anomalies & phenomenology.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. - xii+596 s.
(Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics)
38 752

The Oskar Klein memorial lectures. Vol. 3. / eds. Lars Berström, Ulf Lindström.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2001. - vii+130 s.
38 772

KANE, Gordon: Supersymmetry : squarks, photinos, and the unveiling the ultimate laws of nature.
Cambridge, Mass. : Perseus Publishing, 2001. - xviii+199 s.
38 774

GUIDRY, Mike: Gauge field theories : an introduction with applications.
New York : John Wiley&Sons, 1991. - xv+605 s.
(Wiley science paperback series)
38 777

KAKU, Michio: Strings, conformal fields, and M-theory. - 2nd ed.
New York : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - xv+531 s.
(Graduate texts in contemporary physics)
38 780

Topology of strongly correlated systems : proceedings of the XVIII Lisbon autumn school / ed. Pedro Bicudo
et al.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2001. - viii+252 s.
38 839

RIORDAN, Michael: The hunting of the quark : a true story of modern physics.
New York : A Touchstone Book, 1987. - 399 s.
38 859

RAMOND, Pierre: Journeys beyond the standard model.
Cambridge, Mass. : Perseus Books, 1999. - xvi+373 s.
(Frontiers in physics : Vol. 101)
38 862

The world in eleven dimensions: supergravity, supermembranes and M-theory / ed. M. J. Duff.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 1999. - vii+513 s.
(Studies in high energy physics, cosmology and gravitation)
38 865

FEYNMAN, Richard P.: Neobyčejná teorie světla a látky: kvantová elektrodynamika [Orig.: QED: the strange theory of light and matter] / přeložili Jiří Adam, Dagmar Adamová.
Praha : Aurora, 2001. - 158 s.
38 868

BROWN, Lowell S.: Quantum field theory.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992. - xiv+542 s.
38 870

F 3.1.8
HAN, M.Y.: Quarks and gluons : a century of particle charges.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1999. - x+158 s.
38 713

BARNETT, R. Michael - MÜHRY, Henry - QUINN, Helen R.: The charm of strange quarks : mysteries and revolutions of particle physics.
New York : Springer, 2000. - x+302 s.
38 715

EZHELA, V. V.: Particle physics : one hundred years of discoveries : an annotated chronological bibliography.
New York : Springer, 1996. - viii+328 s.
38 724

F 3.2
HEYDE, K.: Basic ideas and concepts in nuclear physics : an introductory approach. - 2nd ed.
Bristol and Philadelphia : Institute of Physics Publishing, 1999. - xx+524 s.
(Graduate student series in physics)
38 545

HÁLA, Jiří: Radioaktivita, ionizující záření, jaderná energie.
Brno : Konvoj, 1998. - 310 s.
38 569

F 3.3
WIGMANS, Richard: Calorimetry : energy measurement in particle physics.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2000. - xvii+726 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 107)
38 689

GREEN, Dan: The physics of particle detectors.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xiii+361
(Cambridge monographs on particle physics, nuclear physics and cosmology : Vol. 12)
38 714

F 4.1
HECHT, Eugene: Optics. - 3rd ed.
Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, 1998. - vi+694 s.
38 602

F 4.2
GHATAK, Ajoy - THYAGARAJAN, K.: Introduction to fibre optics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - xvi+565 s.
38 849

F 4.4
HE, Guang S. - LIU, Song H.: Physics of nonlinear optics.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1999. - xxii+552 s.
38 556

MENZEL, Ralf: Photonics : linear and nonlinear interactions of laser light and matter.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2001. - xx+873 s.
38 574

Sciences aux temps ultracourts : de l'attoseconde aux petawatts / ed. Guy Laval.
Paris : Technique & Documentation, 2000. - xii+357 s.
(Rapport sur la science et la technologie : No. 9)
38 617

DIELS, Jean-Claude: Ultrashort laser pulse phenomena : fundamentals, techniques, and applications on a femtosecond time scale.
San Diego : Academic Press, 1996. - xviii+581 s.
(Optics and photonics series)
38 619

F 4.5
FLETCHER, Neville H. - ROSSING, Thomas D.: The physics of musical instruments. - 2nd ed.
New York : Springer, 1998. - xix+756 s.
38 637

F 5.1
LEACH, Andrew R.: Molecular modelling : principles and applications. - 2nd ed.
Harlow, England : Pearson Education Limited, 2001. - xxiv+744 s.
38 597

RAPPÉ, Anthony K. - CASEWIT, Carla J.: Molecular mechanics across chemistry.
Sausalito : University Science Books, 1997. - xii+444 s.
38 598

F 5.2
SALZMANN, David: Atomic physics in hot plasmas.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1998. - viii+263 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 97)
38 561

HORA, Heinrich: Plasmas at high temperature and density : applications and implications of laser-plasma interaction. - 2nd ed.
Regensburg : Roderer-Verlag, 2000. - xiii+442 s.
38 690

Low temperature plasma physics : fundamental aspects and applications / ed. Rainer Hippler et al.
Berlin : WILEY-VCH, 2001. - 523 s.
38 860

F 6.1
Chirality in liquid crystals / eds. Heinz-Siegfried Kitzerow, Christian Bahr.
New York : Springer-Verlag, 2001. - xiv+501 s.
(Partially ordered systems)
38 609

Liquid crystals : experimental study of physical properties and phase transitions / ed. Satyendra Kumar.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. - x+483 s.
38 753

F 6.1.1
ASTE, Tomaso - WEAIRE, Denis: The pursuit of perfect packing.
Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2000. - xi+136 s.
38 710

F 6.1.2
MITOV, Michel: Les cristaux liquides.
Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2000. - 127 s.
(Que sais-je? : Vol. 1296)
38 562

MUŠEVIČ, Igor - BLINC, Robert - ŽENKŠ, Boštjan: The physics of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric liquid crystals.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2000. - xi+668 s.
38 566

From quasicrystals to more complex systems / eds. F. Axel, F. Dénoyer, J. P. Gazeau.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xx+374 s.
(Centre de physique des Houches : No. 13)
38 575

F 6.1.3
Separation of fullerenes by liquid chromatography / ed. Kiyokatsu Jinno.
Cambridge : The Royal Society of Chemistry, [1998]. - xviii+179 s.
(RSC chromatography monographs)
38 541

Fullerenes : synthesis, properties, and chemistry of large carbon clusters / eds. George S. Hammond, Valerie J. Kuck.
Washington : American Chemical Society, 1992. - xiii+195 s.
(ACS Symposium Series : Vol. 481)
38 559

F 6.2
Influences of interface and dislocation behavior on microstructure evolution / ed. Mark Aindow et al.
Warrendale, Penn. : Materials Research Society, 2001. - xi+přeruš. str.
(Materials Research Society symposium proceedings : Vol. 652)
38 853

F 6.3
GOTTSTEIN, Günter - SHVINDLERMAN, Lasar S.: Grain boundary migration in metals : thermodynamics, kinetics, applications.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 1999. - 385 s.
38 557

High-temperature ordered intermetallic alloys IX / ed. Joachim H. Schneibel et al.
Warrendale, Penn. : Materials Research Society, 2001. - xvii+přeruš. str.
(Material Research Society symposium proceedings : Vol. 646)
38 852

F 6.4
CARDARELLI, Fran(ois: Materials handbook : a concise desktop reference.
London : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xi+595 s.
38 608

CHOW, T. S.: Mesoscopic physics of complex materials.
New York : Springer, 2000. - ix+196 s.
(Graduate texts in contemporary physics)
38 699

CALLISTER, JR, William D.: Fundamentals of materials science and engineering : an interactive e-text. - 5th ed.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2001. - xxi+524 s.+CD
38 861

CAHN, Robert W.: The coming of materials science.
Amsterdam : Pergamon, 2001. - xvii+568 s.
(Pergamon materials series : Vol. 5)
38 855

NEELAKANTA, Perambur S.: Handbook of electromagnetic materials : monolithic and composite versions and their applications.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 1995. - 591 s.
38 826

F 7.1
CHAIKIN, P. M. - LUBENSKY, T. C.: Principles of condensed matter physics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xx+699 s.
38 634

CHAIKIN, P. M. - LUBENSKY, T. C.: Principles of condensed matter physics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - xx+699 s.
38 636

MARDER, Michael P.: Condensed matter physics.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2000. - xvi+895 s.
38 633

More is different : fifty years of condensed matter physics / eds. N. Phuan Ong, Ravin N. Bhatt.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2001. - xvii+345 s.
(Princeton series in physics)
38 729

GROSSO, Giuseppe - PARRAVICINI, Giuseppe P.: Solid state physics.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2000. - xiii+727 s.
38 771

KOSEVIČ, Arnol'd M.: The crystal lattice : photons, solitons, dislocations.
Berlin : WILEY-VCH, 1999. - 326 s.
38 797

MAHAN, Gerald D.: Many-particle physics. - 3rd ed.
New York : Kluwer Academic, 2000. - xii+785 s.
(Physics of solids and liquids)
38 838

MAHAN, Gerald D.: Many-particle physics. - 3rd ed.
New York : Kluwer Academic, 2000. - xii+785 s.
(Physics of solids and liquids)
38 841

ECKERTOVÁ, Ludmila: Fyzikální elektronika pevných látek.
Praha : Karolinum, 1992. - 344 s.
38 872

F 7.2
YU, Peter Y. - CARDONA, Manuel: Fundamentals of semiconductors : physics and materials properties. - 3rd ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xviii+639 s.
38 691

HAMAGUCHI, Chihiro: Basic semiconductor physics.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xii+434 s.
38 692

F 7.4
DOBBS, E. R.: Hellium three.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - xxiv+1057 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 108)
38 736

PISMEN, L. M.: Vortices in nonlinear fields : from liquid crystals to superfluids, from non-equilibrium patterns to cosmic strings.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1999. - xv+290 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 100)
38 737

KOPNIN, Nikolai B.: Theory of nonequilibrium superconductivity.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. - xiii+328 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol. 110)
38 738

GRIFFIN, Allan: Excitations in a Bose-condensed liquid.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993. - xii+308 s.
(Cambridge studies in low temperature physics : Vol. 4)
38 877

F 7.7
Science and technology of integrated ferroelectrics : selected papers from eleven years of the proceedings of the international symposium on integrated ferroelectrics / ed. Carlos P. de Araujo.
Amsterdam : Gordon and Breach, 2000. - lxxxi+677 s.
(Ferroelectricity and related phenomena : Vol. 11)
38 589

WADHAWAN, Vinod K.: Introduction to ferroic materials.
Amsterdam : Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 2000. - xxiv+740 s.
38 590

F 7.8
Handbook of surface science. Vol. 2: Electronic structure / eds. K. Horn, M. Scheffler.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2000. - xii+1058 s.
38 540

F 7.9
Handbook of advanced plasma processing techniques / eds. R. J. Shul, S. J. Pearton.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000. - xvi+653 s.
38 628

F 8.1
ALS-NIELSEN, Jens - MCMORROW, Des: Elements of modern X-ray physics.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2001. - xi+318 s.
38 630

ALS-NIELSEN, Jens - MCMORROW, Des: Elements of modern X-ray physics.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2001. - xi+318 s.
38 683

AUTHIER, André: Dynamical theory of X-ray diffraction.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. - xviii+661 s.
(International Union of Crystallography Monographs on Crystallography : Vol. 11)
38 704

ALS-NIELSEN, Jens - MCMORROW, Des: Elements of modern X-ray physics.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2001. - xi+318 s.
38 708

AUTHIER, André: Dynamical theory of X-ray diffraction.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. - xviii+661 s.
(IUCr monographs on crystallography : Vol. 11)
38 844

Handbook of microscopy: Applications in materials science, solid-state physics and chemistry. Methods I / ed. S. Amelinckx et al.
Weinheim : VCH, 1997. - xxiv+536 s.
38 856

Handbook of microscopy: Applications in materials science, solid-state physics and chemistry. Methods II / ed. S. Amelinckx et al.
Weinheim : VCH, 1997. - xxv+s. 540-986
38 857

Handbook of microscopy: Applications in materials science, solid-state physics and chemistry. Applications / ed. S. Amelinckx et al.
Weinheim : VCH, 1997. - xxxi+833 s.
38 858

VALVODA, Václav - POLCAROVÁ, Milena - LUKÁČ, Pavel: Základy strukturní analýzy.
Praha : Karolinum, 1992. - 489 s.
38 873

Proceedings of the 12th European congress on electron microscopy. Volume II. Physical sciences / eds. Juliana Gemperlová, Ivo Vávra.
Brno : Czechoslovak society for Electron Microscopy, 2000. - xxxii+688 s.
38 874

F 9.1
FERRIS, Timothy: Zpráva o stavu vesmíru / přeložili Jiří Adam, Dagmar Adamová.
Praha : Aurora, 2000. - 312 s.
38 551

RICH, James: Fundamentals of cosmology.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xi+302 s.
38 700

REES, Martin: Before the beginning : our Universe and others.
Cambridge, Mass. : Perseus Books, 1998. - ix+291 s.
38 775

RAMEŠOVÁ, Stanislava - GRÜN, Marcel - GRYGAR, Jiří: Trialog o životě ve vesmíru.
Praha : Eminent, 2001. - 205 s.
38 829

PEEBLES, P. J. E.: Principles of physical cosmology.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1993. - xviii+718 s.
(Princeton series in physics)
38 827

The anthropic principle : proceedings of the second Venice conference on Cosmology and philosophy / eds. Francesco Bertola, Umberto Curi.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993. - x+181 s.
38 850

SCIAMA, D. W.: Modern cosmology and the dark matter problem.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993. - xv+216 s.
(Cambridge lectures notes in physics : Vol. 3)
38 878

The renaissance of general relativity and cosmology : a survey to celebrate the 65th birthday of Dennis Sciama / eds. George Ellis, Antonio Lanza, John Miller.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993. - x+332 s.
38 879

FRONEK, Josef: Velký česko-anglický slovník.
Praha : Leda, 2000. - xlvii+1597 s.
38 571

FRONEK, Josef: Anglicko-český slovník s nejnovějšími výrazy.
Voznice : Leda, 1998. - xxix+1204 s.
38 572

NEUMANN, Josef - HOŘEJŠÍ, Vladimír: Velký francouzsko-český slovník. I. díl: A-K. - 2. revid., oprav. a dopl. vyd.
Praha : Academia, 1992. - 833 s.
38 581

NEUMANN, Josef - HOŘEJŠÍ, Vladimír: Velký francouzsko-český slovník. II. díl: L-Z. - 2. revid., oprav. a dopl. vyd.
Praha : Academia, 1992. - 756 s.
38 582

NEUMANN, Josef - HOŘEJŠÍ, Vladimír: Velký francouzsko-český slovník. Dodatky. - 2. revid., oprav. a dopl. vyd.
Praha : Academia, 1992. - 367 s.
38 583

NEUMANN, Josef - HOŘEJŠÍ, Vladimír: Velký francouzsko-český slovník. Dodatky. - 2. revid., oprav. a dopl. vyd.
Praha : Academia, 1992. - 367 s.
38 584

Příruční mluvnice češtiny / eds. Petr Karlík, Marek Nekula, Zdenka Rusínová. - 2., opr. vyd.
Praha : Nakladatelství Lidové Noviny, 2001. - 799 s.
38 741

HAIS, Karel - HODEK, Břetislav: Velký anglicko-český slovník. I.díl: A-E. - 2. rev. vyd.
Praha : Academia, 1991. - 755 s.
38 743

HAIS, Karel - HODEK, Břetislav : Velký anglicko-český slovník. II.díl: F-M. - 2. rev. vyd.
Praha : Academia, 1992. - 778 s.
38 744

HAIS, Karel - HODEK, Břetislav : Velký anglicko-český slovník. III.díl: N-S . - 2. rev. vyd.
Praha : Academia, 1992. - 882 s.
38 745

HAIS, Karel - HODEK, Břetislav: Velký anglicko-český slovník. IV.díl: T-Z. - 2. rev. vyd.
Praha : Academia, 1993. - 553 s.
38 746

M 1.1
WATTS, Duncan J.: Small worlds : the dynamics of networks between order and randomness.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1999. - xv+262 s.
(Princeton studies in complexity)
38 613

GUEDJ, Denis: Numbers : the universal language.
New York : Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1997. - 175 s.
38 614

M 1.2
KAUFFMAN, Louis H.: Knots and physics. - 3rd ed.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2001. - xvi+770 s.
(Series on knots and everything : Vol. 1)
38 773

FUCHS, Jürgen: Affine Lie algebras and quantum groups : an introduction, with applications in conformal field theory.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992. - xiv+433 s.
(Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics)
38 880

M 1.5
VOPĚNKA, Petr: Úhelný kámen evropské vzdělanosti a moci : souborné vydání Rozprav s geometrií. - 2. vyd.
Praha : Práh, 2001. - 918 s.
38 607

ISHAM, Chris J.: Modern differential geometry for physicists. - 2nd ed.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1999. - xiii+290 s.
(World Scientific lecture notes in physics : Vol. 61)
38 840

M 1.6
ADAMS, Colin C.: The knot book : an elementary introduction to the mathematical theory of knots.
New York : W. H. Freeman and Company, 2001. - xiii+306 s.
38 712

DEWITT, Bryce S.: Supermanifolds. - 2nd ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992. - xviii+407 s.
(Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics)
38 881

M 2.0
GERSHENFELD, Neil: The nature of mathematical modeling.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. - xii+344 s.
38 709

CHAICHIAN, M. - DEMICHEV, A.: Path integrals in physics. Vol. 1. Stochastic processes and quantum mechanics.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2001. - x+336 s.
(Series in mathematical and computational physics)
38 800

CHAICHIAN, M. - DEMICHEV, A.: Path integrals in physics. Vol. 2. Quantum field theory, statistical physics and other modern applications.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2001. - x+345 s.
(Series in mathematical and computational physics)
38 801

M 3.1
ÖKSENDAL, Bernt: Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applications. - 5th ed.
Berlin : Springer, 2000. - xix+326 s.
38 717

M 3.2
LIU, Jun S.: Monte Carlo strategies in scientific computing.
New York : Springer, 2001. - xvi+343 s.
(Springer series in statistics)
38 798

M 4.2
PRESS, William H.: Numerical recipes in C: the art of scientific computing. - 2nd ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. - xxvi+994 s.
38 587

PRESS, William H.: Numerical recipes : the art of scientific computing.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997. - CD ROM
38 588

STONES, Richard - NEIL, Matthew: Linux: začínáme programovat [Orig.: Beginning Linux programming].
Praha : Computer Press, 2000. - xxxviii+897 s.
38 592

SIEVER, Ellen: Linux v kostce: pohotová referenční příručka [Orig.: Linux in a nutshell].
Praha : Computer Press, 1999. - xiv+560 s.
38 591

PRESTON, W. Curtis: UNIX backup & recovery.
Beijing : O'Reilly, 1999. - xxiii+707 s.; CD-rom
38 611

FRISCH, Aeleen: Essential system administration. - 2nd ed.
Beijing : O'Reilly, 1995. - xxvii+758 s.
38 612

METCALF, Michael - REID, John: Fortran 90/95 explained. - 2nd ed.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - xv+341 s.
38 734

CHAPMAN, Stephen J.: Fortran 90/95 for scientists and engineers.
Boston : McGraw-Hill, 1998. - xiv+874 s.
38 747

LAMPORT, Leslie: A document preparation system LATEX : user's guide and reference manual. - 2nd. ed.
Boston : Addison-Wesley, 2001. - xvi+272 s.
38 761

GOOSSENS, Michael - RAHTZ, Sebastian - MITTELBACH, Frank: The LATEX graphics companion : illustrating documants with TEX and PostScript.
Boston : Addison-Wesley, 2000. - xxv+554 s.
38 762

GOOSSENS, Michel - MITTELBACH, Frank - SAMARIN, Alexander: The LATEX companion.
Boston : Addison-Wesley, 2001. - xxx+528 s.
38 763

FANNING, David W.: IDL programming techniques. - 2nd ed.
Fort Collins : Fanning Software Consulting, 2000. - xviii+445 s.
38 766

HANSELMAN, Duane - LITTLEFIELD, Bruce: Mastering MATLAB 6 : a comprehensive tutorial and reference.
Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall, 2001. - xviii+814 s.
38 793

WRIGHT, Francis: Computing with Maple.
Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall, 2000. - xvii+532 s.
38 794

AYERS, Larry: GNU, Emacs and XEmacs : a better way to learn Emacs and Lisp.
Roseville : Prima Publishing, 2001. - xxxv+508 s.+CD
38 822

M 4.3
GOEDECKER, Stefan - HOISIE, Adolfy: Performance optimization of numerically intensive codes.
Philadelphia : Siam, 2001. - xi+173 s.
(Sofware, environments, tools)
38 795

M 5.4
SINGH, Simon: Velká Fermatova věta / přeložili Luboš Pick, Jiří Rákosník, Mirko Rokyta.
Praha : Academia, 2000. - 198 s.
38 549

GUEDJ, Denis: The parrot's theorem.
London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2000. - vii+344 s.
38 615

Wolf prize in mathematics. Vol. 1 / eds. S. S. Chern, F. Hirzebruch.
Sigapore : World Scientific, 2000. - xii+761 s.
38 847

Wolf prize in mathematics. Vol. 2 / eds. S. S. Chern, F. Hirzebruch.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2001. - xiii+918 s.
38 848

Annual review of physical chemistry. Vol. 48 / eds. Herbert L. Strauss, Gerald T. Babcock, Stephen R. Leone.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 1997. - x+875 s.
38 781

Annual review of physical chemistry. Vol. 49 / eds. Herbert L. Strauss, Gerald T. Babcock, Stephen R. Leone.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 1998. - ix+678+C7 s.
38 782

Annual reviews of computational physics VIII / ed. Dietrich Stauffer.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2001. - ix+339 s.
38 845

Annual reviews of computational physics IX / ed. Dietrich Stauffer.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2001. - vii+323 s.
38 846

The primordial universe = L'univers primordial / eds. Pierre Binétruy, R. Schaeffer, J. Silk, F. David.
Les Ulis ; Berlin : EDP Sciences : Springer, 2000. - xxxvi+628 s.
(École d'été de physique théorique : Vol. 71)
38 755

Coherent atomic matter waves = Ondes de matiere cohérentes / eds. Robin Kaiser, Chris Westbrook, Fra(ois David.
Les Ulis ; Berlin : EDP Sciences : Springer, 2001. - xxxvi+714 s.
(École d'été de physique théorique : Vol. 72)
38 754

Advances in surface science / ed. Hari Singh Nalwa.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2001. - xv+454 s.
(Experimental methods in the physical sciences : Vol. 38)
38 820

Modern acoustical techniques for the mesurement of mechanical properties / eds. Moises Levy, Henry E. Bass, Richard Stern.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2001. - xxi+434 s.
(Experimental methods in the physical sciences : Vol. 39)
38 821

Hvězdářská ročenka 2002. Ročník 78 / red. Pavel Příhoda a kol.
Praha : Hvězdárna a planetárium hl. m. Prahy, 2001. - 250 s.
38 830

Granular gases / eds. Thorsten Pöschel, Stefan Luding.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2001.
(Lectures notes in physics : Vol. 564)
38 578

Coherent structures in complex systems / eds. D. Reguera, L. L. Bonilla, J. M. Rubí.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - ix+465 s.
(Lecture notes in physics : Vol. 567)
38 698

Continuous and discontinuous modelling of cohesive-frictional materials / ed. P. A. Vermeer a kol.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2001. - xiv+307 s
(Lecture notes in physics : Vol. 568)
38 577

Quantized vortex dynamics and superfluid turbulence / eds. C.F. Barenghi, R.J. Donnelly, W.F. Vinen.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xxii+455 s.
(Lecture notes in physics : Vol. 571)
38 748

Band-ferromagnetism : ground-state and finite-temperature phenomena / eds. K. Baberschke, M. Donath, W. Nolting.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - ix+394 s.
(Lecture notes in physics : Vol. 580)
38 720

HAUSSMANN, Rudolf: Self-consistent quantum field theory and bosonization for strongly correlated electron systems.
Berlin : Springer, 1999. - viii+175 s.
(Lecture notes in physics: monographs : Vol. m56)
38 696

Connectivity and superconductivity / eds. Jorge Berger, Jacob Rubinstein.
Berlin : Springer, 2000. - xiv+256 s.
(Lecture notes in physics: monographs : Vol. m62)
38 697

POLONSKY, Nir: Supersymmetry: structure and phenomena : extension of the Standard Model.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xv+169 s.
(Lecture notes in physics: monographs : Vol. m68)
38 804

Defects in SiO2 and related dielectrics: science and technology / eds. G. Pacchioni, L. Skuja, D.L. Griscom.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. - viii+624 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 2)
38 806

Modern trends in magnetostriction study and application / ed. M. R. J. Gibbs.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - xi+349 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 5)
38 792

Frontiers of nano-optoelectronic systems / eds. Lorenzo Pavesi, Eugenia Buzaneva.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. - xiv+473 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 6)
38 783

Supermaterials / ed. Rudi Cloots et al.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. - xii+228 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 8)
38 784

Properties and applications of amorphous materials / eds. M.F. Thorpe, L. Tichý.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - ix+447 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 9)
38 807

Fundamentals of tribology and bridging the gap between the macro- and micro/nanoscales / ed. Bharat Bhushan.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - xxii+963 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 10)
38 808

Super-intense laser-atom physics / eds. Bernard Piraux, Kazimierz Rzazewski.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - xviii+416 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 12)
38 785

Rare earth transition metal borocarbides (nitrides): superconducting, magnetic and normal state properties / eds. Karl-Hartmut Müller, Vladimir Narozhnyi.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - xii+445 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 14)
38 809

Open problems in strongly correlated electron systems / ed. Janez Bonča a kol.
Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - xvi+459 s.
(NATO science series. Series II, Mathematics, physics, and chemistry : Vol. 15)
38 606

Functional gradient materials and surface layers prepared by fine particles technology / eds. Marie-Isabelle Baraton, Irina Uvarova.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - x+317 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 16)
38 810

Noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics / eds. Steven Duplij, Julius Wess.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - ix+483 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 22)
38 786

New theoretical approaches to strongly correlated systems / ed. Alexei M. Tsvelik.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - viii+301 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 23)
38 787

Nanostructured carbon for advanced applications / eds. G. Benedek, P. Milani, V. G. Ralchenko.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - ix+368 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 24)
38 788

Soliton-driven photonics / eds. A. D. Boardman, A. P. Sukhorukov.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - x+525 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 31)
38 789

Physical aspects of fracture / ed. Elisabeth Bouchaud et al.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - xv+369 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 32)
38 790

Integrable structures of exactly solvable two-dimensional models of quantum field theory / eds. S. Pakuliak, G. von Gehlen.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. - vii+334 s.
(NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol. 35)
38 791

Proceedings of the 15th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the EPS / eds. G. Chiarotti, L. C. Andreani, A. Stella.
Stockholm : Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 1996. - 286 s.
(Physica Scripta : Vol. T66)
38 623

Dark matter in the Universe / eds. S. Bonometto, J. R. Primack, A. Provenzale.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 1996. - xviii+711 s.
(Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi" : Vol. 132)
38 732

Heavy flavour physics: a probe of nature's grand design / eds. I. Bigi, L. Moroni.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 1998. - xvi+645 s.
(Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi" : Vol. 137)
38 731

Unfolding the matter of nuclei / eds. A. Molinari, R. A. Ricci.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 1998. - xv+520 s.
(Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi" : Vol. 138)
38 733

Bose-Einstein condensation in atomic gases / eds. M. Inguscio, S. Stringari, C. E. Wieman.
Amsterdam : IOS press, 1999. - xviii+637 s.
(Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi" : Vol. 140)
38 730

Generation and application of high power microwaves / eds. R. A. Cairns, A. D. R. Phelps.
Bristol : SUSSP Publishing/Institute of Physics Publishing, 1997. - xiii+333 s.
(SUSSP proceedings : Vol. 48)
38 867

Advances in lasers and applications / eds. D. M. Finlayson, B. D. Sinclair.
Bristol : SUSSP Publications/Institute of Physics Publishing, 1999. - xiii+346 s.
(SUSSP proceedings : Vol. 52)
38 864

Soft and fragile matter : nonequilibrium dynamics, metastability and flow: Proceedings of the fifty third Scottish universities summer school in physics / eds. M. E. Cates, M. R. Evans.
Edinburgh : Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, 2000. - xi+393 s.
(SUSSP proceedings: Vol. 53)
38 547

Solid state physics : advances in research and applications. Vol. 56 / eds. Henry Ehrenreich, Frans Spaepen.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2001. - xi+483 s.
38 836

Organic electronic materials : conjugated polymers and low molecular weight organic solids / eds. R. Farchioni, G. Grosso.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xviii+448 s.
(Springer series in materials science : Vol. 41)
38 638

MUTAFTSCHIEV, Boyan: The atomistic nature of crystal growth.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2001. - xiii+368 s.
(Springer series in materials science : Vol. 43)
38 603

DONTH, E.: The glass transition : relaxation dynamics in liquids and disordered materials.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xvii+418 s.
(Springer series in materials science : Vol. 48)
38 639

Nonlinear optical effects and materials / ed. Peter Günter.
Berlin : Springer, 2000. - xi+540 s.
(Springer series in optical sciences : Vol. 72)
38 693

MAUGIS, D.: Contact, adhesion and rupture of elastic solids.
Berlin : Springer, 2000. - xiii+414 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences : Vol. 130)
38 819

Magnetic multilayers and giant magnetoresistance : fundamentals and industrial applications / ed. Uwe Hartmann.
Berlin : Springer, 2000. - x+321 s.
(Springer series in surface sciences : Vol. 37)
38 756

LUDWIG, W.: Recent developments in lattice theory.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1967. - 301 s.
(Springer tracts in modern physics = Ergebnisse der exakten Naturwissenschaften : Vol. 43)
38 828

SHALAEV, Vladimir M.: Nonlinear optics of random media : fractal composites and metal-dielectric films.
Berlin : Springer, 2000. - xii+158 s.
(Springer tracts in modern physics : Vol. 158)
38 816

LEHNDORFF, Beate R.: High-Tc superconductors for magnet and energy technology : fundamental aspects.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xii+209 s.
(Springer tracts in modern physics : Vol. 171)
38 817

BRAUN, Daniel: Dissipative quantum chaos and decoherence.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xi+132 s.
(Springer tracts in modern physics : Vol. 172)
38 818

ALBER, G. et al.: Quantum information : an introduction to basic theoretical concepts and experiments.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - x+216 s.
(Springer tracts in modern physics : Vol. 173)
38 641

Carbon nanotubes : synthesis, structure, properties, and applications / eds. Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Gene Dresselhaus, Phaedon Avouris.
Berlin : Springer, 2001. - xv+447 s.
(Topics in applied physics : Vol. 80)
38 640

T 4
AUGUSTA, Pavel a kol.: Velká kniha o energii.
Praha : L. A. Consulting Agency, 2001. - 383 s.
38 642

T 6
DREXLER, K. Eric: Nanosystems : molecular machinery, manufacturing, and computation.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1992. - xx+556 s.
38 629