ÚFA - Ústav fyziky atmosféry


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

037885 - UFA-U 970025 BE eng V
Afonin, V. V. - Bassolo, S. - Šmilauer, J. - Lemaire, J.
Motion and erosion of the night side plasmapause region and of the associated subauroral electron temperature enhancement: COSMOS-900 observations. Brusel, Institute for Space Aeromomy 1996. - 29 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575

033500 - UFA-U 960141 DE eng A
Agafonov, Y. N. - Eismont, N. - Ryazanova, E. - Khrapchenkov, V. - Truhlík, V. - Chum, J. - Šimůnek, J.
Orbital and attitude control of MAGION spacecraft as a subsatellite in INTERBALL mission.
In: 4th International symposium on space mission operations and ground data systems. Abstracts. - Mnichov, European Space Agency, DLR 1996. - S. 247.
[International symposium on space mission operations and ground data systems /4./. Mnichov (DE), 96.09.16-96.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 102/96/1575

033497 - UFA-U 960138 RU eng J
Agafonov, Y. N. - Vojta, J. - Tříska, P. - Khrapchenkov, V. V.
Subsatellites of the Project INTERBALL.
Kosmicheskie issledovanija, 34, 371-380 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 102/96/1575

031459 - UFA-U 960045 GB eng J
Alberca, L. F. - Apostolov, E. M. - Gil, M. - Kazimirovsky, E. S. - Laštovička, J. - De la Morena, B. A. - Pancheva, D.
The possible coupling of the stratosphere and lower ionosphere at middle latitudes.
Advances in Space Research, 18 [3] 141-144 (1996).
Grant: GA205/93/0411
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.268(96) 0.468(97) 0.623(98) 0.521(99) 0.353(00) 0.462(01) 0,448(02) 0.483(03) ]

033443 - UFA-U 960083 RU rus J
Alberka, L. - Apostolov, E. M. - Gil, M. - Danilov, A. D. - Kazimirovskij, E. S. - Laštovička, J. - De la Morena, B. A. - Pančeva, D.
Vzaimodějstvie stratosfery i nižněj ionosfery na srednich širotach.
Geomagnetizm i aeronomija, 36, 145-153 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/0411
[Impact factor:0.197(91) 0.156(92) 0.172(93) 0.268(94) 0.386(95) 0.181(96) 0.295(97) 0.094(98) 1.103(99) ]

037862 - UFA-U 970001 IT eng J
Altadill, D. - Laštovička, J.
Quasi-five- and ten-day oscillations in foF2 and their possible connection with oscillations at lower ionospheric heights.
Annali di Geofísica, 39 [4] 705-712 (1996).
Grant: MŠMTOC251.10

033496 - UFA-U 960137 FR eng C
Blecki, J. - Grygorczuk, J. - Juchniewicz, J. - Kossacki, K. - Slominski, J. - Wronowski, R. - Klimov, S. I. - Romanov, S. - Savin, S. P. - Tříska, P. - Vojta, J. - Czapek, A.
ULF/ELF plasma waves observed by PROGNOZ-8 satellite and MAGION-4 subsatellite for INTERBALL-1 in the magnetospheric tail during disturbed periods.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd conference on the substorms. - Versailles, European Space Agency 1996. - S. 91-94.
[Conference on the substorms /3./. Versailles (FR), 96.05.13-96.05.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 312405; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575

033485 - UFA-U 960125 GB eng A
Blecki, J. - Juchniewicz, J. - Slominski, J. - Wronowski, R. - Savin, S. P. - Tříska, P. - Vojta, J.
ELF/VLF plasma waves measurements in the magnetospheric tail - new results from the subsatellite MAGION-4 in the INTERBALL mission.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 222.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 312405; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

031464 - UFA-U 960051 CZ cze C
Boška, J.
Mimořádné jevy v ionosféře.
In: Člověk ve svém pozemském a kosmickém prostředí 1995. - (Ed. Marková, E.). - Úpice, Hvězdárna Úpice 1996. - S. 74-76.
[Člověk ve svém pozemském a kosmickém prostředí 1995. Úpice (CZ), 95.04.25-95.04.28]

033448 - UFA-U 960088 BE eng CX
Boška, J.
Gravity wave activity in the ionosphere.
In: Proceedings of 25th General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale. - Brusel, International Union on Radio Science 1996. - S. 408.
[General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale /25./. Lille (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.06]
Grant: MŠMTOC251.10

031456 - UFA-U 960041 GB eng J
Bošková, J. - Truhlík, V. - Šmilauer, J. - Tříska, P.
Behaviour of the ionospheric thermal O++ ions during various phases of geomagnetic storms.
Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial Physics, 58 [7] 867-874 ( 1996).
[Impact factor:1.283(91) 0.799(92) 0.765(93) 0.892(94) 1.189(95) 0.652(96) 0.000(97) 0.000(98) 0.000(99) ]

033449 - UFA-U 960089 DE eng JX
Bradley, P. - Hanbaba, R. - Laštovička, J.
COST238 - PRIME (Prediction and Retrospective Ionospheric Modelling over Europe).
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [Supplement] C719 (1996).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) COST251.10
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

037863 - UFA-U 970002 IT eng J
Bremer, J. - Laštovička, J. - Tulunay, Y.
Influence of the interplanetary magnetic field on the variability of the mid-latitude F2-layer.
Annali di Geofísica, 39 [4] 721-727 (1996).
Grant: MŠMTOC251.10

033450 - UFA-U 960090 DE eng JX
Burešová, D.
Results of foF2 data testing with UNDIV program.
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [Supplement] C715 (1996).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) COST251.10
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

033451 - UFA-U 960091 GB eng A
Burešová, D. - Mosert de Gonzalez, M. - Adeniyi, J. O.
Positive and negative storm effects on the electron density profile at low solar activity.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 162.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) COST251.10

035682 - GFU-E 960127 DE eng A
Charvátová, I. - Novotná, D.
Does the solar inertial motion play a primary role in a causal chain of solar-terrestrial relations?
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [Supplement 1] C21 (1996).
[EGS General Assembly /21./. Den Hague (NL), 96.05.06-96.05.10]
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

033492 - UFA-U 960132 DE eng C
Ciobanu, M. I. - Vojta, J. - Comisel, H.
The SG-R6,7,8 fluxgate magnetometers for MAGION-2,3,4 and 5 small satellites.
In: Small Satellites for Earth Observation. - Berlín, International Astronautical Academy 1996. - S. 113-114.
[Small Satellites for Earth Observation. Berlín (DE), 96.11.04-96.11.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

037877 - UFA-U 970017 CZ cze V
Czapek, A.
Cadstar, VER 6.2. Manuál ke knihovnám. OHA T96-1. Praha, Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR 1996. - 79 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

037880 - UFA-U 970020 CZ eng V
Czapek, A.
Auroral subsatellite MAGION 5. Plasmawaves frequency analysis (Noise channels and amplifier circuits solution). OHA T96-4. Praha, Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR 1996. - 56 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

037881 - UFA-U 970021 CZ eng V
Czapek, A.
Auroral subsatellite MAGION 5. Control and housekeeping system (Higher radiation resistance concept). OHA T96-5. Praha, Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR 1996. - 103 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

031457 - UFA-U 960042 CZ eng C
Čermák, J.
On a method of solution of the multidimensional diffusion equation.
In: Proceedings of the 11th Summer school software and numerical mathematics. - Plzeň, Západočeská universita 1996. - S. 66-72.
[Summer school software and numerical mathematics /11./. Železná Ruda (CZ), 95.09.04-95.09.09]

031438 - UFA-U 960021 CZ cze I
Čermák, J. - Školoud, O.
Experimentálně zjištěná výkonová křivka větrné elektrárny EWT-315. Praha, Ústav fyziky atmoséry AV ČR 1996. - 8+6 s.

038104 - UFA-U 970047 CZ eng CX
Datsenko, N. - Sonechkin, D. - Novotná, D.
Wavelet Analysis of the Klementinum's Air Temperature Time Series.
In: Environmental Statistics and Earth Science. - (Ed. Horová, I.; Jurečková, J.; Vosmanský, J.). - Brno, Masaryk University 1996. - S. 18.
[Environmental Statistics and Earth Science. Brno (CZ), 96.08.20-96.08.24]

033482 - UFA-U 960122 GB eng A
Deminov, M. G. - Annakuliev, S. K. - Karpachev, A. T. - Afonin, V. V. - Šmilauer, J.
Dynamics of the sub-auroral ionospheric troughs during intense magnetospheric storms.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 219.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575; GA AV ČR(CZ) 312405

031444 - UFA-U 960029 GB eng J
Deminov, M. G. - Karpachev, A. T. - Annakuliev, S. K. - Afonin, V. V. - Šmilauer, J.
Dynamics of the ionization troughs in the night-time subauroral F-region during geomangetic storms.
Advances in Space Research, 17 [10] 141-145 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.268(96) 0.468(97) 0.623(98) 0.521(99) 0.353(00) 0.462(01) 0,448(02) 0.483(03) ]

033486 - UFA-U 960126 GB eng A
Dokukin, V. S. - Afonin, V. V. - Arshinkov, I. - Bochev, A. - Chmyrev, V. M. - Choueri, E. Y. - Ciobanu, M. - Dachev, T. S. - Förster, M. - Kanonidi, K. D. - Kiraga, A. - Klos, Z. - Lakhina, D. G. - Michailov, Y. M. - Němeček, Z. - Oraevsky, V. N. - Petkov, N. P. - Pulinets, S. A. - Prutensky, I. S. - Rothkaehl, H. D. - Ruzhin, Y. A. - Rustenbach, J. - Šafránková, J. - Singh, B. P. - Shutte, N. M. - Šmilauer, J. - Sauer, K. - Tříska, P. - Teltsov, M. V. - Vokokitin, A. S. - Vojta, J. - Zbyszynski, Z.
Active plasma experiments-project APEX results overview.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 230.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575

033430 - UFA-U 960070 CZ eng C
Dubrovský, M.
MET&ROLL - The weather generator for the crop growth model.
In: Climate variability and climate change vulnerability and adaptation. - Prague, ÚFA AV ČR 1996. - S. 285-292.
[Regional Workshop on Climate Variability and Climate Change Vulnerability and adaptation. Prague (CZ), 95.09.11-95.09.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1669; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1670

033432 - UFA-U 960072 CZ cze J
Dubrovský, M.
MET&ROLL: Stochastický generátor denních klimatických dat pro růstový simulační model.
Meteorologické zprávy, 49, 97-105 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1669; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1670

038106 - UFA-U 970049 CZ eng CX
Dubrovský, M.
Creating weather series for changed climate conditions.
In: Environmental Statistics and Earth Science. - (Ed. Horová, I.; Jurečková, J.; Vosmanský, J.). - Brno, Masaryk University 1996. - S. 13.
[Environmental Statistics and Earth Science. Brno (CZ), 96.08.20-96.08.24]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3-060-605; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1669; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1670

054212 - UFA-U 980057 CZ eng J
Dubrovský, M.
Validation of the stochastic weather generator Met&Roll.
Meteorologické zprávy, 49, 129-138 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1669; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1670

033431 - UFA-U 960071 DE eng JX
Dubrovský, M. - Huth, R.
Validation of the MC/AR weather generator (WG) and design of the WG linked with circulation patterns.
Annales Geophysicae, 14 Hague [Supplement 2] C338 (1996).
[General Assembly of European Geophysical Society /18./. Hague (NL), 96.05.06-96.05.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1669; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1670
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

033499 - UFA-U 960140 RU eng J
Eismont, N. A. - Ryazanova, E. E. - Khrapchenkov, V. V. - Agafonov, Y. N. - Klas, J. - Truhlík, V. - Šimůnek, J. - Chum, J.
Attitude determination and control of motion around the center of mass of a satellite and subsatellite in the INTERBALL project.
Kosmicheskie issledovanija, 34, 391-399 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 102/96/1575

033495 - UFA-U 960136 DE eng CX
Eismont, N. - Ryazanova, E. - Agafonov, Y. N. - Khrapchenkov, V. - Chum, J. - Tříska, P. - Truhlík, V.
Attitude stabilization and control of the small spacecraft with the use jets and light pressure in hazard situation.
In: Small Satellites for Earth Observation. - Berlín, International Astronautical Academy 1996. - S. 405-405.
[Small Satellites for Earth Observation. Berlín (DE), 96.11.04-96.11.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

033472 - UFA-U 960112 GB eng A
Ershova, V. A. - Kochnev, V. A. - Roste, O. Z. - Shultchishin, Y. A. - Šmilauer, J. - Třísková, L.
The He ion dominance in the high-latitude upper ionosphere as observed in "ACTIVE" experiment.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 127.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575; GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042603

033438 - UFA-U 960078 BE eng CX
Fiala, V.
Sheath waves and antenna-plasma instability.
In: Proceedings of 25th General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale. - Brusel, International Union on Radio Science 1996. - S. 499.
[General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale /25./. Lille (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 205/96; GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; US-Czech Science and Technology joint Fund(CZ-US) 95043

033440 - UFA-U 960080 GB eng B
Fiala, V. (Ed.)
Waves in Plasmas.
In: Review of Radio Science. - (Ed. Stone, R. W.). - Oxford, Oxford University 1996. - S. 649-836. - ().
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 205/96; GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; US-Czech Science and Technology joint Fund(CZ-US) 95043

031458 - UFA-U 960043 CZ eng V
Fišer, O.
Analysis of dual wavalength weather radar data: Theory and applications. Praha, TESTCOM & ÚFA AV ČR 1996. - 42 s.
Grant: Comission of European Union(XE) PADRE Project EV5V-CT92-0181

033441 - UFA-U 960081 BE eng CX
Fišer, O.
On Theoretical Utility of the Dual Wavelength Weather Radar MRL-5.
In: Proceedings of 25th General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale. - Brusel, International Union on Radio Science 1996. - S. 269.
[General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale /25./. Lille (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.06]
Grant: MŠMTOC255.10GA205/96/1555

033442 - UFA-U 960082 CZ eng J
Fišer, O.
Prediction of Rain and Water Vapour Attenuation at Frequencies 10-30 GHz.
Radioengineering, 5 [3] 26-30 (1996).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) COST255; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1555

054213 - UFA-U 980064 CZ eng C
Fišer, O.
Computer Generator and Analysis of Ideal Dual Wavelength Weather Radar Data.
In: Proceedings of Workshop Computer Added Design & Computer Added Education '96. - Praha, Czech Technical University - faculty of electroingeneering 1996. - S. 6-9.
[Workshop Computer Added Design & Computer Added Education '96. Praha (CZ), 96.11.30-96.11.30]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC255.10

031462 - UFA-U 960049 CZ eng J
Halenka, T. - Mlch, P.
On the relationship between vertical ozone distribution and the synoptic situation.
Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 40, 192-215 (1996).
Grant: GA205/93/0411
[Impact factor:0.091(91) 0.194(92) 0.178(93) 0.143(94) 0.051(95) 0.000(96) 0.000(97) 0.000(98) 0.000(99) 0.761(00) 0.680(01) 0,571(02) 0.426(03) ]

033452 - UFA-U 960092 DE eng JX
Halenka, T. - Mlch, P.
On the intercomparison of the laminae distribution over ozonesonde sites in Europe.
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [Supplement] C706 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

033453 - UFA-U 960093 IT eng A
Halenka, T. - Mlch, P.
On the parameterization of the ozone vertical profile changes after a strong volcanic eruption.
In: Book of Abstracts of 18th Quadrennial Ozone Symposium. - Aquila, University of l'Aquila 1996. - S. 219.
[Quadrennial Ozone Symposium /18./. Aquila (IT), 96.09.11-96.09.21]

037873 - UFA-U 970012 US eng JX
Harvey, C. C. - Vannaroni, G. - Lebreton, J. P. - Fiala, V. - Iess, L. - Dobrowolny, M. - de Venuto, F. - Onelli, A. - Melchioni, E.
RETE wave experiment: electric and magnetic wave activity in the satellite environment during the deployed phase of the TSS=1R mission.
EOS - Weekly Edition - Washington & EOS bound shelf edition, 77 [46] F550 (1996).
[1996 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. San Francisco (US), 96.12.10-96.12.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; GA MŠk(CZ) ES038; GA AV ČR(CZ) -; US-Czech Science and Technology Joint Program(CZ-US) 95043

037875 - UFA-U 970014 FR fre D
Hellinger, P.
Contribution á la théorie des ondes de choc sans collisions, applications á l'onde de choc de la Terre. Meudon, Département de Recherche Spatiale, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon 1996. - 115 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; GA MŠk(CZ) ES038; GA AV ČR(CZ) -; US-Czech Science and Technology Joint Program(CZ-US) 95043

033439 - UFA-U 960079 BE eng CX
Hellinger, P. - Mangeney, A.
Nonhomogeneous ion beam instability.
In: Proceedings of 25th General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale. - Brusel, International Union on Radio Science 1996. - S. 478.
[General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale /25./. Lille (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 205/96; GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; US-Czech Science and Technology joint Found(CZ-US) 95043

037867 - UFA-U 970006 CZ eng C
Hellinger, P. - Mangeney, A.
Electromagnetic ion beam instability.
In: WDS'96 Proceedings, F2 Section, Physics of plasmas and ionized media. - (Ed. Šafránková, J.). - Praha, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK 1996. - S. 62-67.
[Week of doctoral students 1996. Praha (CZ), 96.09.16-96.09.20]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; GA MŠk(CZ) ES038; GA AV ČR(CZ) -; US-Czech Science and Technology Joint Program(CZ-US) 95043

037874 - UFA-U 970013 US eng JX
Hellinger, P. - Mangeney, A.
Hybrid simulation of the interaction between a relatively dense proton beam and magnetized plasma.
EOS - Weekly Edition - Washington & EOS bound shelf edition, 77 [46] F581 (1996).
[1996 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. San Francisco (US), 96.12.10-96.12.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; GA MŠk(CZ) ES038; GA AV ČR(CZ) -; US-Czech Science and Technology Joint Program(CZ-US) 95043

031453 - UFA-U 960038 US eng J
Hellinger, P. - Mangeney, A. - Matthews, A.
Whistler waves in 3D hybrid simulation of quasi-perpendicular shocks.
Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 621-624 (1996).
[Impact factor:2.864(91) 1.937(92) 2.087(93) 2.145(94) 2.606(95) 2.195(96) 2.180(97) 2.290(98) 2.306(99) 2.719(00) 2.516(01) 2,150(02) 2.422(03) ]

037869 - UFA-U 970008 CZ eng C
Heyrovský, E.
Shielding of a line charge in magnetized plasma.
In: WDS'96 Proceedings, F2 Section, Physics of plasmas and ionized media. - (Ed. Šafránková, J.). - Praha, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK 1996. - S. 80-84.
[Week of doctoral students 1996. Praha (CZ), 96.09.16-96.09.20]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; GA MŠk(CZ) ES038; GA AV ČR(CZ) -; US-Czech Science and Technology Joint Program(CZ-US) 95043

033436 - UFA-U 960076 US eng J
Heyrovský, E. - Fiala, V.
On the field of a line charge in magnetized plasma.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 46 [10] 995-998 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 205/96; GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; US-Czech Science and Technology joint Fund(US-CZ) 95043
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

037886 - UFA-U 970027 CZ cze B
Horák, J. - Krlín, L.
Deterministický chaos a matematické modely turbulence. Praha, Akademia 1996. - 444 s. - ().

031441 - UFA-U 960024 NL eng B
Hug, S. - Mata, L. J. - Nemešová, I. - Toure, S.
Regional Summary.
In: Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change. - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic 1996. - S. 69-108. - ().

033426 - UFA-U 960063 GB eng J
Huth, R.
An intercomparison of computer-assisted circulation classification methods.
International Journal of Climatology, 16 [8] 893-922 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/0294
[Impact factor:0.742(91) 1.155(92) 1.000(93) 0.745(94) 1.408(95) 1.032(96) 1.157(97) 1.052(98) 1.675(99) 1.492(00) 1.523(01) 1,559(02) 1.859(03) ]

033427 - UFA-U 960064 AT eng J
Huth, R.
Properties of the circulation classification scheme based on the rotated principal component analysis.
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 59 [3-4] 217-233 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/0294; ERB(XX) 3510PL923141
[Impact factor:0.546(91) 0.673(92) 0.408(93) 0.645(94) 1.000(95) 0.921(96) 0.788(97) 0.737(98) 0.574(99) 0.536(00) 0.714(01) 0,887(02) 0.820(03) ]

033428 - UFA-U 960065 US eng C
Huth, R.
Temporal stability of circulation-to-weather links: Are assumptions for downscaling from continental-scale circulation valid?
In: Proceedings of the 13rd Conference on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences. - San Francisco, American Meteorological Society 1996. - S. 150-153.
[Conference on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences /13./. San Francisco (US), 96.02.21-96.02.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/0294

033429 - UFA-U 960066 SE eng C
Huth, R. - Bárta, P.
Changes in climate elements under different synoptic conditions, Czech Republic, 1949-1980.
In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Applied Climatology. - Norrköping, CA-Tryck 1996. - S. 45-46.
[European Conference on Applied Climatology. Norrkoping (SE), 96.05.07-96.05.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/0294

037882 - UFA-U 970022 CZ cze V
Jiříček, F.
Širokopásmová měření v pásmu ELF-VLF na družicích řady Intercosmos a MAGION v letech 1970-1995. OHA T96-6. Praha, Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR 1996. - 40 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

031451 - UFA-U 960036 GB eng J
Jiříček, F. - Šmilauer, J. - Tříska, P. - Třísková, L.
Response of the outer ionosphere to the magnetic storm of March 20-22 1990.
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 58 [7] 855-865 ( 1996).
[Impact factor:1.283(91) 0.799(92) 0.765(93) 0.892(94) 1.189(95) 0.652(96) 0.000(97) 0.000(98) 0.000(99) ]

031455 - UFA-U 960040 GB eng J
Jiříček, F. - Šmilauer, J. - Tříska, P. - Třísková, L. - Kudela, K.
Dynamics of the plasmasphere during magnetic storm as measured in the project active.
Advances in Space Research, 17 [10] 129-134 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.268(96) 0.468(97) 0.623(98) 0.521(99) 0.353(00) 0.462(01) 0,448(02) 0.483(03) ]

033470 - UFA-U 960110 DE eng JX
Jiříček, F. - Šmilauer, J. - Tříska, P. - Třísková, L.
Response of the outer ionosphere to the magnetic storm with SSC on June 12, 1990.
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [Supplement 3] 757 (1996).
[General Assembly of European Geophysical Society /21./. Hague (NL), 96.05.06-96.05.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 312405; GA ČR(CZ) 205961575
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

033474 - UFA-U 960114 GB eng A
Jiříček, F. - Šmilauer, J. - Tříska, P. - Rothkaehl, H.
Midlatitude outer ionosphere during a major magnetic storm.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 156.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 312405; GA ČR(CZ) 205961575

038103 - UFA-U 970046 CZ eng CX
Kalvová, J. - Nemešová, I.
Comparison of GCM-simulated daily extreme temperatures with current climate datasets.
In: Environmental Statistics and Earth Science. - (Ed. Horová, I.; Jurečková, J.; Vosmanský, J.). - Brno, Masaryk University 1996. - S. 15.
[ Brno (CZ), 96.08.20-96.08.24]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3-060-605; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1669; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1670

033494 - UFA-U 960134 DE eng CX
Khrapchenkov, V. - Pivovarov, M. - Eismont, N. - Tříska, P. - Shuster, M. D.
MAGION small spacecraft as a tool for flight dynamics learning.
In: Small Satellites for Earth Observation. - Berlín, International Astronautical Academy 1996. - S. 216-216.
[Small Satellites for Earth Observation. Berlín (DE), 96.11.04-96.11.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

033489 - UFA-U 960129 BE eng CX
Klimov, S. I. - Romanov, S. A. - Nozdrachev, M. N. - Tříska, P. - Vojta, J.
In situ plasma waves and fields observations by INTERBALL.
In: Proceedings of 25th General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale. - Brusel, International Union on Radio Science 1996. - S. 461.
[General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale /25./. Lille (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 102/96/941

033444 - UFA-U 960084 CZ eng J
Knížová, P.
Estimation of the value of electric field in the upper ionosphere before an earthquake.
Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 40, 430-438 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 312405; GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/0177
[Impact factor:0.091(91) 0.194(92) 0.178(93) 0.143(94) 0.051(95) 0.000(96) 0.000(97) 0.000(98) 0.000(99) 0.761(00) 0.680(01) 0,571(02) 0.426(03) ]

033454 - UFA-U 960094 BE eng CX
Knížová, P.
Estimations of the anomalous seismo electric field.
In: Proceedings of 25th General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale. - Brusel, International Union on Radio Science 1996. - S. 675.
[General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale /25./. Lille (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.06]

037878 - UFA-U 970018 CZ eng V
Koráb, J. - Šimůnek, J.
MAGION 4. Intervals of scientific payload activity August 1995 - March 1996. OHA T96-2. Praha, Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR 1996. - 30 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

037883 - UFA-U 970023 CZ cze V
Krupka, F. - Šimůnek, J. - Střihavka, F.
Kabeláž antén na telemetrické stanici Panská Ves. OHA T96-7. Praha, Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR 1996. - 15 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

033487 - UFA-U 960127 GB eng A
Kudela, K. - Slivka, M. - Jiříček, F. - Tříska, P. - Shuiskaya, F. K. - Martin, I. M.
Strong fluctuations of energetic electrons at low altitudes.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 221.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 312405

033488 - UFA-U 960128 BE eng CX
Kudela, K. - Slivka, M. - Jiříček, F. - Tříska, P. - Shuiskaya, F. K. - Martin, I. M.
Fine structure of precipitating energetic electrons: IK-24 measurements.
In: Proceedings of 25th General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale. - Brusel, International Union on Radio Science 1996. - S. 445.
[General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale /25./. Lille (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 312405; GA ČR(CZ) 205961575

031461 - UFA-U 960048 GB eng J
Laštovička, J.
Effects of geomagnetic storms in the lower ionosphere, middle atmosphere and troposphere.
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 58, 831-843 ( 1996).
[Impact factor:1.283(91) 0.799(92) 0.765(93) 0.892(94) 1.189(95) 0.652(96) 0.000(97) 0.000(98) 0.000(99) ]

031463 - UFA-U 960050 CZ cze C
Laštovička, J.
Efekty geomagnetických bouří - různý původ v horní střední atmosféře a v troposféře.
In: Člověk ve svém pozemském a kosmickém prostředí 1995. - (Ed. Marková, E.). - Úpice, Hvězdárna Úpice 1996. - S. 69-73.
[Člověk ve svém pozemském a kosmickém prostředí 1995. Úpice (CZ), 95.04.25-95.04.28]

033445 - UFA-U 960085 CZ eng C
Laštovička, J.
Influence of the stratosphere on climate change.
In: Climate Variability and Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation. - Prague, Institute of Atmospheric Physics CAS 1996. - S. 243-248.
[Regional Workshop on Climate Variability and Climate Change Vulnerability and adaptation. Prague (CZ), 95.09.11-95.09.16]

033455 - UFA-U 960095 DE eng JX
Laštovička, J.
Solar-terrestrial event of 12 June 1990 - from the Sun to the Earth's atmosphere.
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [Supplement] C758 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

033456 - UFA-U 960096 GB eng A
Laštovička, J.
Observations of tides and planetary waves in the atmosphere-ionosphere system.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 98.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) COST251.10

033457 - UFA-U 960097 GB eng A
Laštovička, J.
Long-term trends in the upper middle atmosphere as detected by ionospheric measurements.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 119.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) COST251.10

033463 - UFA-U 960103 GB eng V
Laštovička, J.
Long-term trends in other ionospheric characteristics. Didcot, Secretariat of Project EU COST251, Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory 1996. - 1-11 s.
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) COST251.10

037865 - UFA-U 970004 CZ cze B
Laštovička, J.
Vliv ozonu a stratosféry na klima.
In: Národní klimatický program ČR. - (Ed. Bucha, V.; Charvátová, I.). - Praha, Český hydrometeorologický ústav 1996. - S. 92-100.

033458 - UFA-U 960098 GB eng A
Laštovička, J. - Apostolov, E. M. - Altadill, D.
Vertical coupling via planetary waves?
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 98.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) COST251.10

031460 - UFA-U 960046 US eng B
Laštovička, J. - Kazimirovsky, E. S.
Influence of geomagnetic activity and energetic electrons on the dynamics, composition, and ionization of the upper middle atmosphere.
In: The Solar Cycle Variation of the Stratosphere. - (Ed. Hood, L. L.). - Tucson, University of Arizona 1996. - S. -.

033446 - UFA-U 960086 CZ cze J
Laštovička, J. - Mlch, P.
Cirkulace působí na ozonovou vrstvu.
Vesmír, 75, 309-309 (1996).

037864 - UFA-U 970003 IT eng J
Laštovička, J. - Mlch, P.
Solar cycle effects on oscillations in the period range of 2-20 days in the F-region of the ionosphere.
Annali di Geofísica, 39 [4] 783-790 (1996).
Grant: MŠMTOC251.10

033490 - UFA-U 960130 BE eng CX
Lundin, B. V. - Krafft, C. - Mathieussent, G. - Jiříček, F. - Šmilauer, J. - Tříska, P.
Quasi-electrostatic VLF emissions of warm plasma mode in the ionospheric plasma.
In: Proceedings of 25th General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale. - Brusel, International Union on Radio Science 1996. - S. 496.
[General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale /25./. Lille (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 312405; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575

031452 - UFA-U 960037 DE eng J
Lundin, B. - Krafft, C. - Mathieussent, G. - Jiříček, F. - Šmilauer, J. - Tříska, P.
Excitation of VLF quasi-electrostatic oscillations in the ionospheric plasma.
Annales Geophysicae, 14, 27-32 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

054215 - UFA-U 980066 NL eng E
Mazánek, M. - Hajný, M. - Bažant, L. - Kvičera, V. - Fišer, O.
Scattering Functions for Pruppacher-Pitter Raindrop Forms at 37 GHz.
In: 2nd Management Committee and Technical Committee meeting of the COST255 (Cooperation of science and technology) Project. - NL, European Space Agency 1996. -
[Management Committee and Technical Committee meeting of the COST255 (Cooperation of science and technology) Project /2./. Atény (GR), 96.11.26-97.11.26]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC255.10

031465 - UFA-U 960052 CZ cze C
Mlch, P.
Vztah mezi dlouhodobými změnami celkového množství ozonu a tvarem ozonového profilu ve střední Evropě.
In: Člověk ve svém pozemském a kosmickém prostředí 1995. - (Ed. Marková, E.). - Úpice, Hvězdárna Úpice 1996. - S. 77-80.
[Člověk ve svém pozemském a kosmickém prostředí 1995. Úpice (CZ), 95.04.25-95.04.28]
Grant: GA205/93/0411

033459 - UFA-U 960099 DE eng JX
Mlch, P.
On the estimate of the role of different mechanisms in the formation of laminar structure of ozone vertical distribution.
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [Supplement] C709 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

033460 - UFA-U 960100 IT eng A
Mlch, P. - Halenka, T.
On the intercomparison of the laminar structures in ozone profiles over Europe and Canada.
In: Book of Abstracts of 18th Quadrennial Ozone Symposium. - Aquila, University of l'Aquila 1996. - S. 360.
[Quadrennial Ozone Symposium /18./. Aquila (IT), 96.09.11-96.09.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/0411

033461 - UFA-U 960101 IT eng A
Mlch, P. - Halenka, T.
The detection of the extremelly well developed convective systems in the ozone vertical profile.
In: Book of Abstracts of 18th Quadrennial Ozone Symposium. - Aquila, University of l'Aquila 1996. - S. 361.
[Quadrennial Ozone Symposium /18./. Aquila (IT), 96.09.11-96.09.21]

033447 - UFA-U 960087 DE eng J
Mlch, P. - Laštovička, J.
Analysis of laminated structure in ozone vertical profiles in central Europe.
Annales Geophysicae, 14, 744-752 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/0411
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

033462 - UFA-U 960102 GB eng A
Mlch, P. - Laštovička, J.
Ozone laminae at high middle latitudes - comparison of long-term changes.
In: Book of Abstracts 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 106.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]

031442 - UFA-U 960025 NL eng B
Moldan, B. - Kalvová, J. - Nemešová, I. - Hladný, J. - Brázdil, R. - Rožnovský, J. - Vinš, B.
Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment for the Czech Republic.
In: Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change. - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic 1996. - S. 225-247. - ().
Grant: GA205/93/0411

033477 - UFA-U 960117 GB eng A
Němeček, Z. - Šafránková, J. - Zastenker, G. - Tříska, P.
Multipoint study of the solar wind: Interball contribution to the topic.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 169.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575

033421 - UFA-U 960058 CZ eng C
Nemešová, I. (Ed.)
Climate Variability and climate change vulnerability and adaptation.
In: Proceedings. - Praha, ÚFA AV ČR 1996. - 394 s.
[Climate Variability and climate change vulnerability and adaptation.]

031439 - UFA-U 960022 SE eng C
Nemešová, I. - Kalvová, J.
Czech Republic`s climate change scenarios based on GCM outputs.
In: European Conference on Applied Climatology. - Nörrkoping, CA-Tryck AB 1996. - S. 219-220.
[European Conference on Applied Climatology. Nörrkoping (SE), 96.05.07-96.05.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA3060605; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1670

038105 - UFA-U 970048 CZ eng CX
Paluš, M. - Novotná, D.
The application of nonlinearity test to multivariate meteorological time series.
In: Environmental Statistics and Earth Science. - (Ed. Horová, I.; Jurečková, J.; Vosmanský, J.). - Brno, Masaryk University 1996. - S. 23.
[Environmental Statistics and Earth Science. Brno (CZ), 96.08.20-96.08.24]

031470 - UFA-U 960057 DE eng CX
Paluš, M. - Novotná, D.
Detecting nonlinearity in multivariate time series.
In: Proceedings of 21st 0GA EGS. - Katlenburg-Lindau, EGS Office 1996. - S. C653.
[GA EGS /21./. Haag (NL), 96.05.06-96.05.10]

033434 - UFA-U 960074 CZ cze J
Pešice, P. - Řezáčová, D. - Sokol, Z. - Bednář, J. - Zikmunda, O.
Výukový system EDUMAP.
Meteorologické zprávy, 49 [4] 106-111 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/0296

033483 - UFA-U 960123 GB eng A
Rothkaehl, H. - Jiříček, F. - Šmilauer, J. - Foerster, M.
Dynamic changes in the outer ionosphere in the region of ionospheric trough during an intense magnetic storm.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 219.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 312405; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575

037879 - UFA-U 970019 CZ cze V
Růžička, P.
Datový spoj Praha - Panská Ves. OHA T96-3. Praha, Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR 1996. - 9 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

037887 - UFA-U 970028 CZ cze C
Řezáčová, D. - Sokol, Z.
Využití prognostické a diagnostické informace pro předpověď konvekčních jevů, perspektivy aplikace prostředků umělé inteligence.
In: Tradice a pokrok v meteorologii. - Praha, Český hydrometeorologický ústav Praha 1996. - S. 92-98. - ().
[Tradice a pokrok v meteorologii. Radostovice (CZ), 96.09.10-96.09.12]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 342102

033433 - UFA-U 960073 CZ cze V
Řezáčová, D. - Sokol, Z. - Bednář, J.
Vliv vleček z chladících věží ECHVA na šíření atmosférických příměsí. Praha, ÚFA AV ČR, Katedra meteorologie a ochrany prostředí MFF KU 1996. - 51 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 342102

033435 - UFA-U 960075 DE eng J
Řezáčová, D. - Sokol, Z. - Pešice, P.
Forecast of convective events using statistcal adaptation of direct model output and measured data.
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [supplement 2] C496 (1996).
[General Assembly of European Geophysical Society /18./. Hague (NL), 96.05.06-96.05.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 342102
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

033481 - UFA-U 960121 GB eng A
Savin, S. P. - Borodkova, N. L. - Budnik, E. Y. - Dubinin, E. M. - Fedorov, A. O. - Klimov, S. I. - Lutsenko, V. N. - Nozdrachev, M. N. - Petruchovich, A. A. - Pissarenko, N. F. - Romanov, S. A. - Skalsky, A. A. - Yermolayev, Y. I. - Zastenker, G. N. - Zelenyi, L. M. - Agafonov, Y. N. - Grushin, V. A. - Khrapchenkov, V. V. - Rybjeva, N. E. - Tříska, P. - Vojta, J. - Jiříček, F. - Šmilauer, J. - Šafránková, J. - Němeček, Z. - Amata, E. - Bellucci, G. - Formisano, V. - Orsini, S. - Sauaud, J. A. - Sandahl, I. - Koskinen, H. - Büchner, J. - Nikutowski, B. - Rustenbach, J. - Ciobanu, M. - Balan, O. - Blagau, A. - Echim, M. - Marghitu, O. - Kudela, K. - Blecki, J. - Juchniewicz, J. - Grard, R. - Rauch, J. L. - Trotignon, J. G.
INTERBALL case magnetotail boundary study.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 183.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575

033491 - UFA-U 960131 BE eng CX
Savin, S. P. - Borodkova, N. L. - Budnik, E. Yu. - Tříska, P. - Vojta, J. - Jiříček, F. - Šmilauer, J.
First Interball results in magnetotail boundary study.
In: Proceedings of 25th General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale. - Brusel, International Union on Radio Science 1996. - S. 501.
[General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale /25./. Lille (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575

033422 - UFA-U 960059 CZ eng C
Sedlák, P.
Influence of katabatic flow on the Greenland ice sheet melting: numerical experiments.
In: Climate Variability and Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation. - Prague, Institute of Atmospheric Physics CAS 1996. - S. 374-378.
[Regional Workshop on Climate Variability and Climate Change Vulnerability and adaptation. Prague (CZ), 95.09.11-95.09.16]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OK9480; ERB(XX) CIPDCT930006

033423 - UFA-U 960060 SK eng C
Sedlák, P.
On the broadband radiative fluxes in urban environment.
In: Meteorological Processes in the Boundary Layer of the Atmosphere. - Bratislava, Geophysical Institute SAS & Slovak Meteorological Society 1996. - S. 72-75.
[International Conference on Meteorological Processes in the Boundary Layer of the Atmosphere. Stará Lesná (SK), 96.10.07-96.10.11]

033424 - UFA-U 960061 SK eng C
Sedlák, P.
Simulated energy fluxes in melting zone of the Greenland ice sheet.
In: Meteorological Processes in the Boundary Layer of the Atmosphere. - Bratislava, Geophysical Institute SAS & Slovak Meteorological Society 1996. - S. 168-172.
[International Conference on Meteorological Processes in the Boundary Layer of the Atmosphere. Stará Lesná (SK), 96.10.07-96.10.11]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OK9480; ERB(XX) CIPDCT930006

033425 - UFA-U 960062 DE eng JX
Sedlák, P. - Svoboda, J.
Simulated katabatic flow over the Greenland ice sheet in summer.
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [supplement 2] 484 (1996).
[General Assembly of European Geophysical Society /18./. Hague (NL), 96.05.06-96.05.10]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OK9480; ERB(XX) CIPDCT930006
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

031443 - UFA-U 960028 GB eng J
Shultchishin, Y. A. - Afonin, V. V. - Grechnev, K. V. - Ershova, V. A. - Kochnev, V. A. - Roste, O. Z. - Smirnova, N. F. - Šmilauer, J.
INTERCOSMOS-24: Helium ion predominance during equinox at low and middle latitudes in the 22nd solar activity cycle.
Advances in Space Research, 18 [3] 15-18 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.268(96) 0.468(97) 0.623(98) 0.521(99) 0.353(00) 0.462(01) 0,448(02) 0.483(03) ]

033464 - UFA-U 960104 RU rus J
Shutte, N. M. - Telcov, M. V. - Marin, B. V. - Lazarev, V. I. - Němeček, Z. - Šafránková, J. - Šmilauer, J. - Šimůnek, J.
Dinamika vysokoshirotnykh potokov zaryazhennykh chastic po rezultatam izmerenij na sputnike APEKS.
Geomagnetizm i aeronomija, 36, 61-68 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575
[Impact factor:0.197(91) 0.156(92) 0.172(93) 0.268(94) 0.386(95) 0.181(96) 0.295(97) 0.094(98) 1.103(99) ]

031440 - UFA-U 960023 NL eng B
Smith, J. B. - Hug, S. - Lenhart, S. - Mata, L. J. - Nemešová, I. - Toure, S.
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic 1996. - 365 s. - ().

037888 - UFA-U 970029 CZ cze V
Sokol, Z. - Řezáčová, D.
Vliv vleček z chladících věží ECHVA na šíření atmosférických příměsí. Část 2. Praha, Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR 1996. - 17 s.

031436 - UFA-U 960019 CZ eng J
Sokol, Z. - Řezáčová, D. - Pešice, P.
The inclusion of surface synoptic data in very short range predictions of convective events.
Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 40, 178-186 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 342102
[Impact factor:0.091(91) 0.194(92) 0.178(93) 0.143(94) 0.051(95) 0.000(96) 0.000(97) 0.000(98) 0.000(99) 0.761(00) 0.680(01) 0,571(02) 0.426(03) ]

031437 - UFA-U 960020 GB eng J
Sokol, Z. - Řezáčová, D. - Pešice, P.
Categorical forecasts of convective events using upper air predictors.
Meteorological applications, 3, 19-30 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/93/0296
[Impact factor: 0.932(01) 0,457(02) 0.443(03) ]

054214 - UFA-U 980065 NL eng E
Sokol, Z. - Řezáčová, D. - Školoud, O. - Fišer, O.
Meteorological Parameters Relevant to Propagation Studies Based on Objective Analysis of Aerological Data.
In: Cooperation in science and technology 255 - MC4 Meeting - Contributions. - Brusel, European Space Agency 1996. -
[1st Management Committee and Technical Committee meeting of the COST255 (Cooperation of science and technology) Project. Brusel (BE), 96.05.22-97.05.22]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC255.10

033437 - UFA-U 960077 BE eng CX
Sotnikov, V. - Fiala, V. - Truhlík, V.
Quasilinear mechanism of O+ ion heating by ion cyclotron waves in the ionosphere.
In: Proceedings of 25th General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale. - Brusel, International Union on Radio Science 1996. - S. 487.
[General Assembly of Union Radio Scientifique Internationale /25./. Lille (FR), 96.08.28-96.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 205/96; GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; US-Czech Science and Technology joint Fund(US-CZ) 95043

037871 - UFA-U 970010 FR eng CX
Sotnikov, V. - Fiala, V. - Truhlík, V.
Quasilinear mechanism of O+ ion heating by ion cyclotron waves in the ionosphere.
In: Séminaire de Chantilly. - (Ed. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N.; Rézeau, L.). - Vélizy, Centre d'études terrestre et planétaires 1996. - S. A 116.
[Séminaire de Chantilly, Groupe de Recherches Plasmae Magnétohydrodynamique Solaire et Stellaire. Chantilly (FR), 96.12.02-96.12.05]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; GA MŠk(CZ) ES038; GA AV ČR(CZ) -; US-Czech Science and Technology Joint Program(CZ-US) 95043

037870 - UFA-U 970009 FR eng CX
Sotnikov, V. - Schriver, D. - Ashour-Abdalla, M. - Fiala, V. - Décréau, P. M. E.
Plasma wave excitation inside the electron foreshock region.
In: Séminaire de Chantilly. - (Ed. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N.; Rézeau, L.). - Vélizy, Centre d'études terrestre et planétaires 1996. - S. A 120.
[Séminaire de Chantilly, Groupe de Recherches Plasmae Magnétohydrodynamique Solaire et Stellaire. Chantilly (FR), 96.12.02-96.12.05]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; GA MŠk(CZ) ES038; GA AV ČR(CZ) -; US-Czech Science and Technology Joint Program(CZ) 95043

037872 - UFA-U 970011 US eng JX
Sotnikov, V. - Schriver, D. - Ashour-Abdalla, M. - Labelle, J.
Generation of auroral radio waves by a gyrating electron beam.
EOS - Weekly Edition - Washington & EOS bound shelf edition, 77 [46] F544 (1996).
[1996 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. San Francisco (US), 96.12.10-96.12.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; GA MŠk(CZ) ; GA AV ČR(CZ) -; US-Czech Science and Technology Joint Program(CZ-US) 95043

037866 - UFA-U 970005 CZ cze J
Svoboda, J.
Výpočet průměrných rychlostí větru v horských regionech pomocí simulovaných polí proudění vzduchu.
Meteorologické zprávy, 49 [3] 77-80 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/94/0714; Energetická agentura ČR(CZ) -

033478 - UFA-U 960118 GB eng A
Šafránková, J. - Němeček, Z. - Přech, L. - Zastenker, G. - Fedorov, A. - Romanov, S. - Šimůnek, J. - Sibeck, D.
Two point observation of magnetopause motion: INTERBALL project.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 171.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

031448 - UFA-U 960033 GB eng J
Šimůnek, J. - Šafránková, J. - Němeček, Z. - Shutte, N. M.
Latitudinal energy dispersion of the ion and electron fluxes in the auroral oval.
Advances in Space Research, 18 [8] 127-130 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.268(96) 0.468(97) 0.623(98) 0.521(99) 0.353(00) 0.462(01) 0,448(02) 0.483(03) ]

031454 - UFA-U 960039 GB eng J
Šmilauer, J. - Truhlík, V. - Bošková, J. - Tříska, P. - Kudela, K.
Observations of thermal O++ ions in the outer ionosphere.
Advances in Space Research, 17 [10] 135-140 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.268(96) 0.468(97) 0.623(98) 0.521(99) 0.353(00) 0.462(01) 0,448(02) 0.483(03) ]

031466 - UFA-U 960053 CZ cze N
Štekl, J.
Silné větry a provoz větrné elektrárny.
Větrná energie, 2 [1] 2-5 (1996).

031467 - UFA-U 960054 CZ cze n
Štekl, J.
Hluk emitovaný větrnými elektrárnami a jeho šíření.
Větrná energie, 2 [1] 12-15 (1996).

031468 - UFA-U 960055 CZ cze C
Štekl, J.
Možnosti větrné energetiky v ČR.
In: Obnovitelné zdroje energie. - Praha, VUSTE APIS 1996. - S. 26-30.
[Obnovitelné zdroje energie. Praha (CZ), 96.06.04-96.06.06]

031469 - UFA-U 960056 CZ cze N
Štekl, J.
Větrná energie ano, či ne?
Českomoravský Profit. Nezávislý hospodářský a podnikatelský list, 7 [8] 27-28 (96.02.20).

037868 - UFA-U 970007 CZ eng C
Trávníček, P.
Database systems in space projects.
In: WDS'96 Proceedings, F2 Section, Physics of plasmas and ionized media. - (Ed. Šafránková, J.). - Praha, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK 1996. - S. 85-90.
[Week of doctoral students 1996. Praha (CZ), 96.09.16-96.09.20]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042601; GA MŠk(CZ) ES038; GA AV ČR(CZ) -; US-Czech Science and Technology Joint Program(CZ-US) 95043

054211 - UFA-U 980051 CZ eng D
Trávníček, P.
Graded Contractions and Physical Applications. Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University 1996. - 62 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/1314; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0218

033484 - UFA-U 960124 GB eng A
Truhlík, V.
Theoretical interpretation of thermal O ion density enhancement in the midlatitude outer ionosphere.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 219.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042603

033467 - UFA-U 960107 DE eng JX
Truhlík, V. - Šmilauer, J. - Třísková, L. - Smirnova, N. F.
Empirical model of the upper transition (O to light ions) height.
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [Supplement 3] 724 (1996).
[General Assembly of European Geophysical Society /21./. Hague (NL), 96.05.06-96.05.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575; GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042603
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

033468 - UFA-U 960108 DE eng JX
Truhlík, V. - Šmilauer, J. - Třísková, L. - Smirnova, N. F.
Electron and ion temperature in the mid-latitude outer ionosphere.
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [Supplement 3] 723 (1996).
[General Assembly of European Geophysical Society /21./. Hague (NL), 96.05.06-96.05.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575; GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042603
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

033475 - UFA-U 960115 GB eng CX
Truhlík, V. - Šmilauer, J. - Třísková, L. - Smirnova, N. F. - Shultchishin Yu. A.,
Manifestation of ionospheric storms in the upper transition height.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 159.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042603

037876 - UFA-U 970016 CZ eng C
Truhlík, V. - Šmilauer, J. - Třísková, L. - Shultchishin, J.
Variation of ion composition in the topside ionosphere.
In: WDS'96 Proceedings, F2 Section, Physics of plasmas and ionized media. - (Ed. Šafránková, J.). - Praha, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK 1996. - S. 50-55.
[Week of doctoral students 1996. Praha (CZ), 96.09.16-96.09.20]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042603

033473 - UFA-U 960113 GB eng A
Truhlík, V. - Třísková, L. - Šmilauer, J. - Afonin, V. V.
Low latitude electron density and temperature under disturbed conditions.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 156.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3042603

033480 - UFA-U 960120 GB eng A
Tříska, P. - Jiříček, F. - Czapek, A. - Hruška, F. - Vojta, J. - Blecki, J. - Juchniewicz, J. - Gadomski, S. - Wronowski, R.
Wave measurements onboard MAGION 4.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 180.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 312405; GA ČR(CZ) 102960941

033469 - UFA-U 960109 DE eng JX
Tříska, P. - Jiříček, F. - Truhlík, V.
MAGION 4 - plasmasphere boundary observations.
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [Supplement 3] 732 (1996).
[General Assembly of European Geophysical Society /21./. Hague (NL), 96.05.06-96.05.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

033465 - UFA-U 960105 DE eng C
Tříska, P. - Vojta, J. - Baše, J. - Chum, J. - Czapek, A. - Hruška, F. - Koráb, J. - Agafonov, Y. N. - Khrapchenkov, V. - Friedrich, M. - Puerstl, F.
Small satellites for the INTERBALL mission.
In: Small Satellites for Earth Observation. - Berlín, International Astronautical Academy 1996. - S. 212-215.
[Small Satellites for Earth Observation. Berlín (DE), 96.11.04-96.11.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

033493 - UFA-U 960133 DE eng A
Tříska, P. - Vojta, J. - Baše, J. - Chum, J. - Czapek, A. - Hruška, F. - Koráb, J. - Agafonov, Y. N. - Khrapchenkov, V. - Friedrich, M. - Puerstl, F.
Small satellites for the INTERBALL mission.
In: Small Satellites for Earth Observation (Abstracts). - Berlín, International Astronautical Academy 1996. - S. -.
[Small Satellites for Earth Observation. Berlín (DE), 96.11.04-96.11.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

033471 - UFA-U 960111 DE eng JX
Tříska, P. - Zelenyi, L. M. - Riedler, W.
MAGION 4 magnetosphere observations.
Annales Geophysicae, 14 [Supplement 3] 741 (1996).
[General Assembly of European Geophysical Society /21./. Hague (NL), 96.05.06-96.05.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941
[Impact factor:1.162(92) 0.995(93) 1.076(94) 1.336(95) 0.996(96) 1.245(97) 1.423(98) 1.727(99) 1.760(00) 1.199(01) 1,189(02) 1.031(03) ]

031445 - UFA-U 960030 GB eng J
Třísková, L. - Chum, J.
Hysteresis in dependence of foF2 on solar indices.
Advances in Space Research, 18 [6] 145-148 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.268(96) 0.468(97) 0.623(98) 0.521(99) 0.353(00) 0.462(01) 0,448(02) 0.483(03) ]

031446 - UFA-U 960031 GB eng J
Třísková, L. - Šmilauer, J. - Truhlík, V. - Afonin, V. V.
On the low latitude topside models: I. Electron density.
Advances in Space Research, 18 [6] 209-212 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.268(96) 0.468(97) 0.623(98) 0.521(99) 0.353(00) 0.462(01) 0,448(02) 0.483(03) ]

031447 - UFA-U 960032 GB eng J
Třísková, L. - Šmilauer, J. - Truhlík, V. - Afonin, V. V.
On the low latitude topside models: II. Electron temperature.
Advances in Space Research, 18 [6] 213-216 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.268(96) 0.468(97) 0.623(98) 0.521(99) 0.353(00) 0.462(01) 0,448(02) 0.483(03) ]

031450 - UFA-U 960035 CZ eng B
Třísková, L. - Veselovsky, I.
Coupling of midlatitude night ionosphere parameters with processes in the ring current region.
In: Travaux Géophysiques. - Praha, Geofyzikální ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 89-96.

031449 - UFA-U 960034 CZ eng B
Veselovsky, I. - Třísková, L.
On the filling of the heliosphere by galactic cosmic rays under various conditions on the Sun.
In: Travaux Géophysiques. - Praha, Geofyzikální ústav AV ČR 1996. - S. 97-102.
Grant: GA205/93/0411

033498 - UFA-U 960139 RU eng J
Vojta, J. - Chum, J.
Sensor system for orientation determination of the MAGION-4 spacecraft.
Kosmicheskie issledovanija, 34, 380-390 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 102/96/1575

037884 - UFA-U 970024 CZ cze V
Vojta, J. - Chum, J.
Systém čidel pro určení orientace družice MAGION 4. OHA T96-8. Praha, Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR 1996. - 10 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

033466 - UFA-U 960106 DE eng C
Vojta, J. - Zuik, S. - Baturkin, V. - Shcoda, K. - Grechina, N. - Agafonov, Y. N. - Ustinov, S.
Thermocontrol system concept of Magion small subsatellites of INTERBALL mission.
In: Small Satellites for Earth Observation. - Berlín, International Astronautical Academy 1996. - S. 380-383.
[Small Satellites for Earth Observation. Berlín (DE), 96.11.04-96.11.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

033479 - UFA-U 960119 GB eng A
Zastenker, G. - Mukai, T. - Tříska, P. - Green, J. L. - Nishida, A. - Zelenyi, L. - Savin, S. - Nozdrachev, M. - Agafonov, Y. N. - Blecki, J. - Borodkova, N. L. - Budnik, E. - Ciobanu, M. - Dubinin, E. - Fedorov, A. - Juchniewicz, J. - Klimov, S. - Kokubun, S. - Lutsenko, V. - Matsumoto, H. - Nikolayeva, N. - Němeček, Z. - Petruchovich, A. - Pissarenko, N. - Romanov, S. - Šafránková, J. - Tsuruda, K. - Yermolayev, Y. - Vojta, J.
First comparative Interball/Geotail magnetotail study.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 175.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/96/1575

033476 - UFA-U 960116 GB eng A
Zelenyi, L. M. - Tříska, P.
Interball project: dual probe and dual mission.
In: Book of Abstracts of 31st General Assembly of Committee of Space Research. - Birmingham, University of Birmingham 1996. - S. 167.
[General Assembly of Committee of Space Research /31./. Birmingham ( GB), 96.07.14-96.07.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0941

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