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11 Dec 09 - 11 Dec 09
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Surfaces and interfaces in structural materials - applications of modern technologies and computer modelling
Investigator: Ing. Oldřich Schneeweiss, DrSc.
Number of Project: S2041105
Agency: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Duration: 01. 01. 2001 - 31. 12. 2005
The proposed project is focused on research of progressive technologies of surface modification of modern structural and construction materials and on engineering of interfaces in these materials. The main attention will be paid to the research directions which have increasing potential for applications in praxis, namely in machine engineering and electronics. We plan to make the research using modern technologies of nitriding and carbonitriding of steel surfaces, plasma sprayed coatings on Ni-based superalloys and intermetallics and determination of redistribution of alloying elements along grain boundaries and weldment joints in high alloyed Ni-Cr steels and Ni3Al-based intermetallic compounds. Modern methods of experimental research supported by theoretical calculations and computer modelling will be used in the planned research. Besides the above mentioned materials a limited part of the research capacity will be devoted to materials which would be of actual interest for technical practice.
J. Čermák, V. Rothová, D. Eversheim and I. Stloukal: Tracer Diffusion of 71Ge and 68Ge in Mg and in Mg-2Al Alloy. METAL 2005 - 14th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 23-26 2005, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák and I. Stloukal: Apparatus for Sputter-Profiling - Analysis of Output Data. METAL 2005 - 14th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 23-26 2005, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák, V. Rothová, D. Eversheim and I. Stloukal: Impurity Diffusion of In-114m in Mg-Al Based Alloys. METAL 2005 - 14th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 23-26 2005, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák, I. Stloukal and Y. Jirásková: Iron Diffusion in Alloy Fe75Mo9B15Cu1. METAL 2004 - 13th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 18-20 2004, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák, I. Stloukal and Y. Jirásková: Diffusion of Fe in Fe75Mo9B15Cu1 Amorphous Alloy During Crystallization. Nano 03 Proceedings, Brno, Czech Republic, October 21-23 2003, 236.
J. Čermák, V. Rothová, I. Stloukal and Y. Jirásková: Study of Diffusion on Fe-Nb and Fe75Mo9B15Cu1. Meeting of the Materials Dynamics Network 3, Valtice, Czech Republic, October 10-11 2003.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Surface Barrier for Hydrogen Permeability in Ni3Al – Influence of Cr, Fe and Zr. Intermetallics 9, 2001, 403.
J. Čermák: Energy of Vacancy Formation and Migration by Two Σ5 Tilt Grain Boundaries in Ni3Al Intermetallic: A MC Simulation Study. Def. Dif. For. 203-205, 2002, 161.
J. Čermák: Vacancies by Selected Special Tilt Grain Boundaries in Ni3Al, Comput. Mater. Sci. 25, 2002, 606.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Ni and Ga Diffusion in Polycrystalline Ni3Ga. Intermetallics 10, 2002, 765.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Influence of Composition on Diffusion in Binary Nickel Aluminides. Def. Dif. For. 237-240, 2005, 390. (Presented as poster on DIMAT 2004, 6th International Conference on Diffusion Materials, July 18-23, 2004, Cracow, Poland)
J. Čermák: Combined Diffusion Regime of a Low-Soluble Element in a Polycrystal - Model System: Ge in Mg and in Mg-1.8 wt.% Al. METAL 2005 - 14th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 23-26 2005, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák: Grain Boundary Diffusion - Evaluation of Data in Case of Strong Segregation to Grain Boundaries. Abstract Book of the 5th International Workshop Surface and Interface Segregation, Nové Hrady, Czech Republic, September 19-23, 2005.
J. Čermák and I. Stloukal: Diffusion Study of Fe and Mo in Fe76Mo8B15Cu1 Alloy. Proceedings NANO '05, Brno, Czech Republic, November 8-10, 2005, p. 290.
J. Čermák, I. Stloukal and O. Schneeweiss: Short-Circuit Diffusion of 99Mo in Partly Crystallized Fe76Mo8B15Cu1, Fe40Ni40B20 and Fe80B20 Alloys. Proceedings NANO '05, Brno, Czech Republic, November 8-10, 2005, p. 302.
J. Čermák and I. Stloukal: Diffusion of 99Mo in Thermally Treated Fe76Mo8B15Cu1 Alloy. Proceedings NANO '05, Brno, Czech Republic, November 8-10, 2005, p. 306.
J. Čermák and J. Vřešt,ál (Eds.): D&T 02 Proceedings of VIIIth Seminar Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Materials, IPM AS CR and Masaryk University, Brno, 2002.
J. Čermák, A. Gazda and V. Rothová: Interdiffusion in Ternary Ni3Al/Ni3Al-X Diffusion Couples with X=Cr, Fe, Nb and Ti. Intermetallics 11, 2003, 939.
J. Čermák, and V. Rothová: Concentration Dependence of Ternary Interdiffusion Coefficients in Ni3Al/Ni3Al-X Couples with X=Cr, Fe, Nb and Ti. Acta Mater. 51, 2003, 4411.
J. Čermák, J. Růžičková, M. Konecny and H. Ipser: Grain Boundaries in Ni3Ga as Paths of Rapid Diffusion. METAL 2001 - 10th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Ostrava, Czech Republic, May 15-17 2001, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák, J. Růžičková, M. Konecny and H. Ipser: Grain Boundary Diffusion of the Major Element in A3B Intermetallic with L12 Structure - Ni3Ga as a Model Compound. 11th International Symposium on Metallography, Stará Lesná, Slovak Republic, April 25-27, 2001. (Acta Metall. Slovaca 7, 2001, 487.)
J. Čermák: Chemical Composition of (310)[100] Symmetrical Tilt Grain Boundary in Ni3Al. 3th International Conference on Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture, Brno, Czech Republic, June 27-29 2001.
J. Čermák: Interaction of Vacancy with Chosen Special Tilt Grain Boundaries - Monte Carlo Simulation. METAL 2001 - 10th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Ostrava, Czech Republic, May 15-17 2001, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Modification of Transmissivity of Hydrogen through the Surface of Ni3Al by alloying. METAL 2001 - 10th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Ostrava, Czech Republic, May 15-17 2001, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Hydrogen Permeation in Alloyed Nickel-Aluminides Influenced by Surface Reaction. 11th International Symposium on Metallography, Stará Lesná, Slovak Republic, April 25-27, 2001. (Acta Metall. Slovaca 7, 2001, 465.)
J. Čermák, V. Rothová and A. Gazda: A New Method of Estimation of Diffusion Characteristics in Ternary Systems. METAL 2003 - 12th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 22-25 2003, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Modeling of Diffusion Barrier in Nanocrystalline Growth. Nano 03 Proceedings, Brno, Czech Republic, October 21-23 2003, 232.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Grain Boundary Diffusion of 67Ga and 68Ge in Nickel. METAL 2004 - 13th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 18-20 2004, CD-ROM.
L. Král, B. Million and J. Čermák: Difúze C a Mn ve svarovém spoji Fe-0,3C/Fe-0,3C-15Mn. METAL 2005 - 14th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 23-26 2005, CD-ROM.
L. Král, J. Čermák and B. Million: Diffusion of Mn in Steel Weldments of 0-15 % Mn. Internat. Conf. Juniormat 05, Brno Univ. Technol., Czech Rep., Brno September 20 – 21, 2005, p. 319.
L. Král and B. Milion: Difúze manganu v systému Fe-C-Mn. Víceúrovňový design pokrokových materiálů ´05, Brno, December 20, 2005, p. 57.
L. Král, B. Million and J. Čermák: Difúze C ve svarovém spoji Fe-0,3C-5%Mn/Fe-0,3C-15Mn. METAL 2006 - 15th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 23-25 2006, CD-ROM.
L. Král, B. Million and J. Čermák: Diffusion of Carbon and Manganese in Fe-C-Mn. Def. Dif. For. 263, 2007, 153. (Presented as poster on D&T 06, 9th Seminar on Diffusion and Thermodynamics in Materials, September 13-15, 2006, Brno, Czech Republic)
B. Million, K. Stránský, P. Michalička, A. Rek: Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Phosphorus, Carbon, Chromium, and Nickel in Welding Joints of Steels. Kovove Mater. 39, 2001, 161.
B. Million: Up-hill Diffusion of Interstitial Elements. 16. mezinárodní sympozium Struktura a vlastnosti konstrukčních materiálů, Komorní Lhotka, Czech Republic, December 11-12, 2001. (Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Opolskiej 279, 2001, 149.)
V. Rothová and J. Čermák: Bulk and Grain Boundary Diffusion of 67Ga in Ni3Al - Influence of Composition. Intermetallics 13, 2005, 113.
V. Rothová: Nanodiffusion 1. Data Evaluation in the AB-type Transition Regime. Proceedings NANO '05, Brno, Czech Republic, 8-10 November 2005, p. 322.
V. Rothová and J. Buršík: Nanodiffusion 2. Anomalous Diffusion in Coarse-Grained Mg-2Al. Proceedings NANO '05, Brno, Czech Republic, November 8-10, 2005, p. 326.
V. Rothová: Nanodiffusion 3. Anomalous Diffusion in Coarsed-Grained Si. Proceedings NANO '05, Brno, Czech Republic, November 8-10, 2005, p. 330.
A. Gazda, V. Rothová and J. Čermák: Comparison of Al/Ni and C/Ni Interdiffusion Coefficients in Pseudobinary Sections of Ni3Al-Co Alloys. Proceedings of VIIIth Seminar Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Materials 2002, p. 148.
V. Rothová and J. Čermák: Diffusion of Ni and Ga along High-Diffusivity Paths in Polycrystalline Ni3Ga. Proceedings of VIIIth Seminar Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Materials 2002, p. 156.
A. Gazda, V. Rothová and J. Čermák: Influence of Chosen Alloying Elements upon Interdiffusion in Ni3Al-X. METAL 2003 - 12th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 22-25 2003, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová and J. Čermák: In-Situ Monitoring of Phase Transformation in Ni3Al Based Alloys by Means of Hydrogen Permeation Measurement. METAL 2003 - 12th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 22-25 2003, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová and J. Čermák: Grain Boundary Diffusion of Al-Substituting Elements in Ni3Al. METAL 2004 - 13th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 18-20 2004, CD-ROM.
I. Stloukal and Chr. Herzig: Determination of Diffusion and Segregation Characteristics of 32P in Polycrystalline Fe - 2.2 wt.% Si. METAL 2003 - 12th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 22-25 2003, CD-ROM.
O. Schneeweiss, Y. Jirásková, J. Čermák and P. Lejček: Comparison of Site Preferences of 57Co at Grain Boundaries in Fe-Si and Fe-Al Alloys. METAL 2001 - 10th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Ostrava, Czech Republic, May 15-17 2001, CD-ROM.
Last update
11. 11. 2009