RNDr. Jiří Svoboda, CSc.
Position: scientific
Group: Advanced High-temperature Materials Group
Rooms: 201
Phone numbers: +420 532 290 407
Fax: +420 541 218 657
Modelování kinetiky difúzních fázových transformací v pevných látkách
Modelling of diffusive and massive phase transformations in solids
Characterization of the precipitate microstucture
F.D. Fischer and J. Svoboda
Void growth due to vacancy supersaturation – A non-equilibrium thermodynamics study
Scripta Materialia, Volume 58, Issue 2, January 2008, Pages 93-95
Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, Jiří, Gamsjäger, E., Oberaigner, E.
From distribution functions to evolution equations.
Acta Materialia. Vol. 56, No 19 (2008), p. 5395-5400.
Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, Jiří
High temperature instability of hollow nanoparticles.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research. Vol. 10, 2 (2008), p. 255-261.
Gamsjäger, E., Svoboda, Jiří, Fischer, F. D.
Solute drag or diffusion process in a migrating thick interface.
Philosophical Magazine Letters. Vol. 88, 6 (2008), p. 415-420.
Sonderegger, B., Kozeschnik, E., Leitner, H., Clemens, H., Svoboda, Jiří, Fischer, F. D.
Computational analysis of the precipitation kinetics in a complex tool steel.
International Journal of Materials Research. Vol. 99, 4 (2008), p. 410-415.
Svoboda, Jiří, Fischer, F. D., Mayrhofer, P. H.
A model for evolution of shape changing precipitates.
Acta Materialia. Vol. 56, 17 (2008), p. 4896-4904.
Svoboda, Jiří, Fischer, F. D., Gamsjaeger, E.
Simulation of chemically driven inelastic strain in multi-component systems with non-ideal sources and sinks for vacancies.
Acta Materialia. Vol. 56, 3 (2008), p. 351-357.
Svoboda, Jiří, Fischer, F. D., Vala, J.
Thermodynamic extermal principle and its application to Dufour and Soret effect and plasticity.
Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Vol. 86, 1 (2008), p. 1-11.
Ženíšek, J., Svoboda, Jiří, Kozeschnik, E., Fischer, F. D.
A combined cluster dynamics/kinetic Monte Carlo model for precipitate nucleation in interstitial/substitutional alloys.
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 16, 7 (2008), Art. N. 075005.
E. Gamsjäger, J. Svoboda, F.D. Fischer and M. Rettenmayr
Kinetics of solute driven melting and solidification
Acta Materialia ,Vol. 55, Issue 8, May 2007, Pages 2599-2607
J. Svoboda and F.D. Fischer
A new approach to modelling of non-steady grain growth
Acta Materialia, Volume 55, Issue 13, August 2007, Pages 4467-4474
Svoboda, J., Vala, J., Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F. D.:
A thick-interface model for diffusive and massiv phase transformation in substitutional alloys.
Acta Materialia, 54,(2006), p. 3953-3960.
Svoboda, J., Gamsjaeger, E., Fischer, F. D.:
Influence of diffusional stress relaxation on growth of stoichiometric precipitates in binary systems.
Acta Materialia, 54,(2006), p. 4575-4581
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D., Fratzl, P.:
Diffusion and creep in multi-component alloys with non-ideal sources and sinks for vacancies.
Acta Materialia, 54, (2006), p. 3043-3053.
Kozeschnik, E., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D.:
Shape factors in modeling of precipitation.
Material Science and Engineering A: Structural materials. A 441, (2006), p. 68-72.
Svoboda, J., Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F. D.:Modelling of massive transformation in substitutional alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 37, 2006), p. 125-132.
Gamsjäger, E., Militzer, M., Fazeli, F., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D.:
Interface mobility in case of the austenite to ferrite phase transformation.
Computational Materials Science, 37, 1-2 (2006), p. 94-100.
Svoboda, J., Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F. D., Kozeschnik, E.: Modelling of kinetics of diffusive phase transformation in binary systems with multiple stoichiometric phases.
Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 27, 6 (2006), p. 622-628.
Ženíšek, J., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F.D.:
Defect and Diffusion Forum, 237-240 (2005) 1168-1173
Hartmann, M., Weinkamer, R., Fratzl, P., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F.D.:
Phil. Mag., 85 (2005) 1243-1260
Gamsjäger, E., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F.D.:
Comput. Mater. Sci., 32 (2005) 360-369
Svoboda, J., Vala, J., Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F.D.:
Defect and Diffusion Forum, 237-240 (2005) 647-652
Svoboda, J., Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F.D.:
Solid State Transformation and Heat Treatment (A. Hazotte, Edt.), Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim (2005) 26-33
Ženíšek, J., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F.D.:
Phil. Mag., 85 (2005) 2363-2389
Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F.D., Svoboda, J.:
Mater. Sci. Eng. A, A365 (2004) 291-297
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F.D., Fratzl, P., Kozeschnik; E.:
Mat. Sci. Engng. A, 385 (2004) 166-174
Kozeschnik, E., Svoboda, J., Fratzl, P., Fischer, F.D.:
Mat. Sci. Engng. A, 385 (2004) 157-165
Svoboda, J., Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F.D., Fratzl, P.:
Acta mater., 52 (2004) 959-967
Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F.D., Svoboda, J.:
Journal de Physique IV, 120 (2004) 79-84
Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F.D., Svoboda, J.:
"Distortion Engineering – Verzugsbeherrschung in der Fertigung", Sonderforschungsbereich 570, Universität Bremen, Kolloquium, Band 2 (2004) 61-76
Leitner, H., Staron, P., Bischof, M., Clemens, H., Kozeschnik, E., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F.D.:
Proc. Materials Science & Technology 2004, TMS, Warrendale (2004) 623-632
Kozeschnik, E., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F.D.:
CALPHAD, 28 (2004) 379-382
Fischer, F.D., Simha, N.K., Svoboda, J.:
ASME J. Eng. Mat. & Technology, 125 (2003) 266-276
Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F.D., Svoboda, J.:
ASME J. Eng. Mater. Technol., 125 (2003), 22-26
Fischer, F.D., Svoboda, J., Fratzl, P.:
Phil. Mag. A, 83 (2003) 1075-1093
Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F.D., Svoboda, J.:
Transformation and Deformation Mechanisms in Advanced High Strength Steels, (M. Militzer, W.J. Poole, E. Essadiqi, Edts.), MET SOC (Metallugical Society of CIM) Montréal, Canada, (2003) 187-201
Kozeschnik, E., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F.D.:
Modeling, Control, and Optimization in Ferrous and Nonferrous Industry, (F. Kongoli, B.G. Thomas, and K. Sawamiphakdi, Edts.), ISBN: 0-87339-561-1 (2003) 429-434
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F.D., Fratzl, P., Kroupa, A.:
Acta mater., 50 (2002) 1369-1381
Gamsjäger, E., Antretter, T., Schmaranzer, C., Preis, W., Chimani, C.M., Simha, N.K., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F.D.:
Comp. Mat. Sci., 25 (2002) 92-99
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F.D., Gamsjäger, E.:
Acta mater., 50 (2002) 967-977
Gamsjäger, E., Chimani, C.M., Fischer, F.D., Svoboda, J.:
J. Phys. IV France, 11 (2001) 149-156
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F.D., Fratzl, P., Gamsjäger, E., Simha, N.K.:
Acta mater., 49 (2001) 1249-1259
Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F.D., Chimani, C.M., Svoboda, J.:
Proc. of the 4th international ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, (A.M. Habraken, Edt.), University of Liège, Belgium, Vol. 2 (2001) 871-874
Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F.D., Chimani, C.M., Svoboda, J.:
Int. J. Forming Processes, 4 (2001) 551-572
Gamsjäger, E., Chimani, C.M., Fischer, F.D., Svoboda, J.:
Proc. EUROMAT 2000, Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage (D. Miannay, P. Costa, D. François, A. Pineau, Edts.), Vol. 2 (2000) 853-858
Fischer, F.D., Chimani, C.M., Gamsjäger, E., Simha, N.K., Svoboda, J.:
Plastic and Viscoplastic Response of Materials and Metal Forming (A.S. Khan, H. Zhang, Y. Yuan, Edts.), Neat Press, Fulton (2000) 181-183
Last update
11. 11. 2009