Turn-back diffusion of interstitial elements in weld joints of steels
Investigator: Ing. Bořivoj Million, DrSc.
Number of Project: 106/01/0382
Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 01. 01. 2001 - 31. 12. 2003
It may be expected, with respect to the previous measurements, that in a weld joint of the steels (creep resisting steel P91)/(stainless steel 18/8) the C and N diffusion from the steel P91 into the steel 18/8, as well as in opposite direction will occur.
J. Kučera, B. Million, K. Stránský, P. Michalička, A. Rek: Redistribution of Phosphorus and Carbon in the Steel Weldments. Z. Metallkd. 93, 2002, 212.
J. Sopoušek and B. Million: Carbon Profile Analysis of Fe-Cr-C/Fe-Cr-Ni-C Diffusion Joints. Kovove Mater. 41, 2003, 118.
J. Kučera, B. Million and K. Stránský: Chemical Diffusion of Al, Cr, Fe, Ni in Steel Weldments in the Temperature Range of 500-1100 Degrees C. Kovove Mater. 41, 2003, 325.
J. Kučera, P. Michalička, B. Million, A. Rek and K. Stránský: The Influence of High Temperatures on the Direction of Carbon Diffusion Flux in Steel Weldments. Proceedings of VIIIth Seminar Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Materials 2002, p. 180.
K. Stránský, B. Million, R. Foret and P. Michalička: On the Redistribution of Aluminium and Carbon in a Weld Joints of Steels Among 500 to 1000 °C. METAL 2002 - 11th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 14-16 2002, CD-ROM.
K. Stránský, B. Million, R. Foret, A. Rek and P. Michalička: Simultaneous Diffusion of Aluminium, Carbon, Chromium, Iron and Nickel in Steel Weldments at Temperature Interval 500 to 1100°C. 9. konference Přínos metalografie pro řešení výrobních problémů, Lázně Libverda, Czech Republic, June 19-21, 2002.
J. Kučera, B. Million and K. Stránský: The Redistribution of Carbon and Phosphorus in Steel Weldments. 11th International Symposium on Metallography, Stará Lesná, Slovak Republic, April 25-27, 2001. (Acta Metall. Slovaca 7, 2001, 499.)
B. Million: Up-hill Diffusion of Interstitial Elements. 16. mezinárodní sympozium Struktura a vlastnosti konstrukčních materiálů, Komorní Lhotka, Czech Republic, December 11-12, 2001. (Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Opolskiej 279, 2001, 149.)
L. Řeháčková, B. Million, J. Dobrovská and K. Stránský: On the Mutual Relation Between Thermodynamic Interaction Coefficients and the Diffusion Interaction Coefficients. 11th International Symposium on Metallography, Stará Lesná, Slovak Republic, April 25-27, 2001. (Acta Metall. Slovaca 7, 2001, 61.)
K. Stránský, B. Million, R. Foret P. Michalička and A. Rek: A Contribution to the Redistribution of Aluminium in a Weld Joints of Steels. METAL 2001 - 10th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Ostrava, Czech Republic, May 15-17 2001, CD-ROM.
K. Stránský, J. Šenberger and B. Million: Influence of Charging Raw Materials on Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron Properties. Slévárenství 49, 2001, 388.
F. Kavička, K. Stránský, K. Dobrovská, V. Dobrovská, J. Heger, B. Million and A. Rek: Chemical Heterogeneity of Ductile Iron - Models and Measurements. METAL 2002 - 11th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 14-16 2002, CD-ROM.
J. Kučera, B. Million and K. Stránský: Redistribution of Al, C, Cr, Fe, Ni in Steel Weldments at High Temperatures 500 up to 1100 C. Acta Technica CSAV 47, 2002, 419.
J. Kučera, P. Michalička, B. Million, A. rek and K. Stránský: The Influence of High Temperatures on the Direction of Carbon Diffusion Flux in Steel Weldments. 1st International Conference Segregation,02, Košice, Slovak Republic, June 6-7, 2002. (Acta Metall. Slovaca 8, 2002, 165.)
K. Stránský, B. Million, R. Foret, P. Michalička and A. Rek: Aluminium and Carbon Redistribution in Steel Weldments in the Temperature Range of 500-1100 Degrees C (0.34 wt. Al). 18. mezinárodní sympózium Struktura a vlastnosti konstrukčních materiálů, Svratka, Czech Republic, November 25-27 2003. (Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Opolskiej 76, 2003, 213.)
K. Stránský, B. Million, R. Foret, P. Michalička and A. Rek: On the Redistribution of Aluminium and Carbon in the Weld Joints of Steels in the Temperature Range 500-1100oC (1.15 wt.% Al). METAL 2003 - 12th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 22-25 2003, CD-ROM.
Last update
11. 11. 2009