RNDr. Věra Rothová, Ph.D.
Position: scientific
Group: Diffusion and Thermodynamics Group
Rooms: 317, ,
Phone numbers: +420 532 290 418, +420 532 290 333, +420 532 290 334
Fax: +420 541 218 657
Diffusion of 67Ga a 114mIn isotopes along grain boundaries in Ni3Al
V. Rothová, M. Svoboda and J. Buršík: The Effect of Annealing Conditions on Grain Growth and Microstructure in Nickel. METAL 2009 Conference Proceedings, 2009, 473. (Presented as poster)
V. Rothová, J. Buršík and M. Svoboda: Control of Intergranular Oxidation of Thermal Treatment. METAL 2009 Conference Proceedings, 2009, 465. (Presented as poster)
V. Rothová, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda and J. Čermák: Effect of Nickel Purity on Self-Diffusion along High-Diffusivity Paths. Mat. Sci. For. 567-568, 2008, 245.
V. Rothová, J. Buršík and M. Svoboda: Grain Growth in Technical Nickel. METAL 2008 - 17th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 13-15 2008, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová, M. Svoboda and J. Buršík: Grain Boundary Self-Diffusion in Technical Nickel 4. The effect of Sample Pre-Annealing. METAL 2008 - 17th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 13-15 2008, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová: A Simple Method for Diffusion Measurements by Residual Activity Method. METAL 2008 - 17th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 13-15 2008, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová: Diffusion in the Presence of Twin Boundaries. Def. Dif. For. 263, 2007, 201. (Presented as poster on D&T 06, 9th Seminar on Diffusion and Thermodynamics in Materials, September 13-15, 2006, Brno, Czech Republic)
V. Rothová, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda and J. Čermák: Grain Boundary Self-Diffusion in Nickel. Def. Dif. For. 263, 2007, 207. (Presented as poster on D&T 06, 9th Seminar on Diffusion and Thermodynamics in Materials, September 13-15, 2006, Brno, Czech Republic)
V. Rothová, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda and J. Čermák: Grain Boundary Self-Diffusion in Nickel 3. The Effect of Sample Purity. METAL 2007 - 16th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 22-24 2007, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová and J. Buršík: Anomalous Diffusion in Presence of Twin Boundaries. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 68, 2007, 785. (Presented as poster on 7th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry, September 24-29, 2006, Pardubice, Czech Republic)
V. Rothová: Evaluation of Diffusion Data in the Type AB Transition Regime. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 68, 2007, 791. (Presented as poster on 7th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry, September 24-29, 2006, Pardubice, Czech Republic)
V. Rothová and J. Čermák: Vzájemná difúze v systému Mg/Mg17Al12. METAL 2006 - 15th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 23-25 2006, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová, M. Svoboda, J. Buršík and J. Čermák: Autodifúze niklu po hranicích zrn 1. Vliv způsobu přípravy vzorku. METAL 2006 - 15th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 23-25 2006, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová, M. Svoboda, J. Buršík and J. Čermák: Autodifúze niklu po hranicích zrn 2. Vliv tepelného zpracování. METAL 2006 - 15th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 23-25 2006, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová: Diffusion in Presence of Twin Boundaries. D&T '06 IXth Seminar on Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Materials Book of Abstracts, 2006, p. 52.
V. Rothová, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda and J. Čermák: Grain Boundary Self-Diffusion in Nickel. D&T '06 IXth Seminar on Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Materials Book of Abstracts, 2006, p. 53.
J. Čermák, V. Rothová, D. Eversheim and I. Stloukal: Tracer Diffusion of 71Ge and 68Ge in Mg and in Mg-2Al Alloy. METAL 2005 - 14th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 23-26 2005, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák, V. Rothová, D. Eversheim and I. Stloukal: Impurity Diffusion of In-114m in Mg-Al Based Alloys. METAL 2005 - 14th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 23-26 2005, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Ternary Interdiffusion Coefficients in Chosen Ni3Al-Based Alloys. Def. Dif. For. 237-240, 2005, 83.(Presented as oral contribution on DIMAT 2004, 6th International Conference on Diffusion Materials, July 18-23, 2004, Cracow, Poland)
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Influence of Composition on Diffusion in Binary Nickel Aluminides. Def. Dif. For. 237-240, 2005, 390. (Presented as poster on DIMAT 2004, 6th International Conference on Diffusion Materials, July 18-23, 2004, Cracow, Poland)
V. Rothová, L. Král and J. Čermák: Diffusion as Stability – Limiting Factor in FINEMET – Type Materials. Def. Dif. For. 237-240, 2005, 1066. (Presented as poster on DIMAT 2004, 6th International Conference on Diffusion Materials, July 18-23, 2004, Cracow, Poland)
V. Rothová and J. Čermák: Bulk and Grain Boundary Diffusion of 67Ga in Ni3Al - Influence of Composition. Intermetallics 13, 2005, 113.
V. Rothová: Nanodiffusion 1. Data Evaluation in the AB-type Transition Regime. Proceedings NANO '05, Brno, Czech Republic, 8-10 November 2005, p. 322.
V. Rothová and J. Buršík: Nanodiffusion 2. Anomalous Diffusion in Coarse-Grained Mg-2Al. Proceedings NANO '05, Brno, Czech Republic, November 8-10, 2005, p. 326.
V. Rothová: Nanodiffusion 3. Anomalous Diffusion in Coarsed-Grained Si. Proceedings NANO '05, Brno, Czech Republic, November 8-10, 2005, p. 330.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Grain Boundary Diffusion of 67Ga and 68Ge in Nickel. METAL 2004 - 13th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 18-20 2004, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová and J. Čermák: Grain Boundary Diffusion of Al-Substituting Elements in Ni3Al. METAL 2004 - 13th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 18-20 2004, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák, V. Rothová, I. Stloukal and Y. Jirásková: Study of Diffusion on Fe-Nb and Fe75Mo9B15Cu1. Meeting of the Materials Dynamics Network 3, Valtice, Czech Republic, October 10-11 2003.
J. Čermák, A. Gazda and V. Rothová: Interdiffusion in Ternary Ni3Al/Ni3Al-X Diffusion Couples with X=Cr, Fe, Nb and Ti. Intermetallics 11, 2003, 939.
J. Čermák, and V. Rothová: Concentration Dependence of Ternary Interdiffusion Coefficients in Ni3Al/Ni3Al-X Couples with X=Cr, Fe, Nb and Ti. Acta Mater. 51, 2003, 4411.
J. Čermák, V. Rothová and A. Gazda: A New Method of Estimation of Diffusion Characteristics in Ternary Systems. METAL 2003 - 12th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 22-25 2003, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Modeling of Diffusion Barrier in Nanocrystalline Growth. Nano 03 Proceedings, Brno, Czech Republic, October 21-23 2003, 232.
A. Gazda, V. Rothová and J. Čermák: Influence of Chosen Alloying Elements upon Interdiffusion in Ni3Al-X. METAL 2003 - 12th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 22-25 2003, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová and J. Čermák: In-Situ Monitoring of Phase Transformation in Ni3Al Based Alloys by Means of Hydrogen Permeation Measurement. METAL 2003 - 12th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 22-25 2003, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Ni and Ga Diffusion in Polycrystalline Ni3Ga. Intermetallics 10, 2002, 765.
A. Gazda, V. Rothová and J. Čermák: Interdiffusion in Pseudobinary Sections of Ni3Al-Co Ternary System. Intermetallics 10, 2002, 859.
A. Gazda, V. Rothová and J. Čermák: Comparison of Al/Ni and C/Ni Interdiffusion Coefficients in Pseudobinary Sections of Ni3Al-Co Alloys. Proceedings of VIIIth Seminar Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Materials 2002, p. 148.
V. Rothová and J. Čermák: Diffusion of Ni and Ga along High-Diffusivity Paths in Polycrystalline Ni3Ga. Proceedings of VIIIth Seminar Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Materials 2002, p. 156.
J. Čermák, V. Rothová and I. Stloukal: Volumetric Measurement of Hydrogen Permeation in Certain Ni-Al-based Alloys. Def. Dif. For. 194-197, 2001, 1075. (Presented as poster on DIMAT 2000, 5th International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, July 17-21, 2000, Paris, France)
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Influence of Cr Upon Hydrogen Permeation in Ni3Al at Low Partial Pressure of Oxygen, Intermetallics 9, 2001, 245.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Surface Barrier for Hydrogen Permeability in Ni3Al – Influence of Cr, Fe and Zr. Intermetallics 9, 2001, 403.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Modification of Transmissivity of Hydrogen through the Surface of Ni3Al by alloying. METAL 2001 - 10th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Ostrava, Czech Republic, May 15-17 2001, CD-ROM.
J. Čermák and V. Rothová: Hydrogen Permeation in Alloyed Nickel-Aluminides Influenced by Surface Reaction. 11th International Symposium on Metallography, Stará Lesná, Slovak Republic, April 25-27, 2001. (Acta Metall. Slovaca 7, 2001, 465.)
J. Čermák, V. Rothová and I. Stloukal: Hydrogen Permeation in CMSX-4 and in Its Structural Components. International Congress on Advanced Materials and Applications Materials Week 2000, Munich 25-28 Sept 2000.
V. Rothová, I. Stloukal and J. Čermák: Permeation of Hydrogen in Ni-based superalloy CMSX-4. Acta Mater. 48, 2000, 827.
Last update
11. 11. 2009