Ing. Adéla Zemanová, Ph.D.
Position: scientific
Group: Structure of Phases Group
Rooms: 302
Phone numbers: +420 532 290 402
Fax: +420 541 218 657
Silver-Indium-Tin Alloys as Possible Lead-free Soldering Materials: Interaction with Nickel and Palladium
Dinsdale A., Watson A., Kroupa A., Vřešťál J., Zemanová A., Vízdal J.: Atlas of Phase Diagrams for Lead-free Soldering, COST office, Brno 2008, ISBN 978-80-86292-28-1
A. Kroupa, A.T. Dinsdale, A. Watson, J. Vrestal, J. Vizdal, and A. Zemanova: The Development of the COST 531 Lead-Free Solders Thermodynamic Database, JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 59 (2007) 20-25.
Kroupa, A; Dinsdale, AT; Watson, A, Vrestal, J., Vizdal, J., Zemanova, A.: The development of the COST 531 lead-free solders thermodynamic diabase, JOM, 59(2007)/ 7, 20-25
A. Zemanová, O. Semenova, A. Kroupa, J. Vrestal, K. Chandrasekaran, K.W. Richter, H. Ipser: Assessment of thermodynamic properties and phase diagram in the Ag-In-Pd system, Intermetallics 15 (2007) 77-84.
J. Vízdal, A. Kroupa, J. Popovič, A. Zemanová: The Experimental and Theoretical Study of Phase Equilibria in the Pd-Zn(-Sn) System, Advanced Engineering Materials 8 (2006) 164-176.
A. Zemanová, O. Semenova, A. Kroupa, J. Vřešťál, K. Chandrasekaran, K.W. Richter, H. Ipser: Phase equilibria in the Ag-In-Pd system at 700 °C. Monatsh. Chem. 136 (2005) 1931-1937.
Last update
11. 11. 2009