Basic fatigue characteristic and fracture of advanced building materiále
Co-investigator: Ing. Stanislav Seitl, Ph.D.
Number of Project: 103/08/0963
Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 01. 01. 2008 - 31. 12. 2010
The subject-matter of the project is the effort to gain new pieces of knowledge about behaviour of advanced building materials through the effective application of till this time not used methods of complex determining of physicalmechanical and performance qualities. These are predetermined to describe fatigue, fracture and microstructural characteristics. Mentioned qualities will be modelled on the level of continuum/multiphase composite. There is presumption that will be gained results describing fatigue behaviour of studied materials, especially for application in construction with demands for high durability, it is necessary to follow initiation and propagation of microcracks complexly. Following results are presumed: determining fatigue characteristics of different advanced building materials and a proposal of corresponding standards for their measurement; description of behaviour of materials during fatigue/fracture tests (initiation and propagation of cracks); determining relationship among fatigue, fracture and microstructure characteristics of given specimen`s materials.
Seitl, S. Řoutil, L., Klusák, J., Veselý, V.: The influence of the shape of a saw-cut notch in quasi-brittle 3PB specimens on the critical applied force, Applied and Computational Mechanics 2 (1), 2008, 123-132, ISSN: 1802-680X
SEITL, S., KEŠNER, Z., ŘOUTIL, L., KNÉSL, Z. Selected fatigue and fracture parameters of glass fiber cement based composite. 8th International Symposium on Utilization of High-Strength and High-Performance Concrete, Japansko, 2008, p. 363–368.
Last update
11. 11. 2009