Position: scientific
Group: High Cycle Fatigue Group
Rooms: 106, 119
Phone numbers: +420 532 290 358, +420 532 290 351
Fax: +420 541 218 657
![]() ZIZKOVA 22
616 62 Brno Czech Republic
ICO: 68081723
DIC: CZ68081723 |
![]() prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Knésl, CSc.
Position: scientific
Group: High Cycle Fatigue Group Rooms: 106, 119 Phone numbers: +420 532 290 358, +420 532 290 351 Fax: +420 541 218 657 E-mail: knesl@DELETE-THIS.CZ@DELETE-THIS.COMipm.COM.cz Projects Toughness of Polyolefins Composites with Micro-fillers
Fracture Behaviour of Polyolephine Composite´s Pipes
Solution of general stress concentrators in anisotropic heterogeneous media via combination of FEM and continuously distributed dislocation technique
Publications: 2009 Hutař, P., Náhlík, L., Knésl, Z.: Quantification of the influence of vertex singularities on fatigue crack behavior. Computational Materials Science, Volume 45, Issue 3, May 2009, Pages 653-657
2008 Knésl, Z., Náhlík, L., Bareš, P. Crack initiation kriteria for singular stress concentrators, Part IV: Applications to fracture of coated structures. Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 15, No. 4, p.263-270, 2008.
Náhlík, L., Hutař, P., Knésl, Z., Transverse cracking of layered structures: evaluation of fatigue crack propagation, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 567-568, pp. 221-224, 2008
Náhlík, L., Knésl, Z., Klusák, J. Crack initiation kriteria for singular stress concentrators. Part III: An aplication to a crack touching a bimaterial interface. Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 99-114, 2008
Seitl, S., Knésl, Z. Two Parameter Fracture Mechanics: Fatigue Crack Behavior under Mixed Mode Conditions, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 75, Issues 3-4, 857-865, 2008
SEITL, S., KEŠNER, Z., ŘOUTIL, L., KNÉSL, Z. Selected fatigue and fracture parameters of glass fiber cement based composite. 8th International Symposium on Utilization of High-Strength and High-Performance Concrete, Japansko, 2008, p. 363–368.
Hutař, P., Náhlík, L., Knésl, Z. The effect of the singularity induced by the free surface on fatigue crack growth in thin structures. Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 385-387 pp. 317-320, 2008
Hutař, P., Náhlík, L., Knésl, Z., Seitl, S. The influence of vertex singularities on fatigue crack shape. European Conference on Fracture (ECF-17), p. 1060-1066, Brno, 2008.
2007 Klusák, J., Knésl, Z.: Determination of crack initiation direction from a bi-material notch based on the strain energy density concept, Computational Materials Science (2007), Volume 39, issue 1, pp. 214-218.
Klusák, J., Knésl, Z., Náhlík, L. Crack initiation criteria for singular stress concentrations, Part II: Stability of sharp and bi-material notches, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 409-422, 2007
Knésl, Z., Klusák, J., Náhlík, L. Crack initiation criteria for singular stress concentrations, Part I: A universal assessment of singular stress concentrations, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 399-408, 2007
Knésl, Z., Hutař, P., Náhlík, L., Nezbedová, E., Vlach, B., Role of particle size and filler matrix on stress state in thermoplastic composites, Computational modeling and experiment of composite materials, Liptovský Mikuláš, 2007
Náhlík, L., Hutař, P., Knésl, Z., The influence of loading ratio on fatigue crack propagation through a bi-material interface, Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 348-349, 317-320, 2007
Hutař, P., Náhlík, L., Knésl, Z., Numerical investigations of corner singularities in cracked bodies, Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 348-349, 377-380, 2007
Hutař, P., Náhlík, L., Knésl, Z., Kunz, L., Matušek, P., Model analysis of fatigue crack growth during EN 13262 wheel standard testing, 15 International Wheelset Congress, Praha, 2007
2006 Klusák, J., Knésl, Z.: A Bi-material Wedge – a Model for the Prediction of Failure Initiation at Shape and Material Discontinuities. Key Engineering Materials Vols. 324-325 (2006), pp. 1305-1308.
Knésl, Z., Náhlík, L., Bareš, P. Failure behaviour of coated structures. Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2006.
Knésl, Z., Hutař,P., Seitl, S.: Constraint aspects of the evaluation of fatigue test results in Paris region, Communication 2006, Volume 4: pp. 25-28.
Náhlík, L., Hutař, P., Knésl, Z. Influence of residual stresses on threshold values for crack propagation through an interface between two materials. Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 325, p. 1153-1156, 2006.
Hutař, P., Knésl, Z., Relation between constraint and fatigue crack growth rate, Fatigue 2006, Atlanta, 2006.
Hutař, P., Seitl, S., Knésl, Z., Effect of constraint on fatigue crack propagation near threshold in medium carbon steel, Computational materials Science, Vol. 37, 51-57, 2006.
2005 J. Klusák, Z. Knésl: Assessment of a bi-material wedge with two stress singularities. In: Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics IV, eds. M.H.Aliabadi et al., EC, ltd, UK, ISBN:0-9547783-1-6, 2005, pp. 211-216.
Z. Knésl, L. Náhlík, P. Bareš: Failure behaviour of coated materials. Numerical methods in continuum mechanics, CD-rom proceedings, Žilina, 2005.
Z. Knésl, P. Bareš, L. Náhlík. Evaluation of the fatigue threshold of coated structures. Twelfth Annual international Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, ed. D.Hui, CD-rom edition, Tenerife 2005.
Z. Knésl, J. Klusák, L. Náhlík: Fracture mechanics parameters of general singular stress concentrators. International scientific conference held on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of founding the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Session 8 – Applied Mechanics, Ostrava 2005, pp. 385-390.
Z. Knésl, L. Náhlík: Resistance of coated structures to failure. Conference Coatings Science International 2005, Book of Abstracts, Noordwijk, Netherlands 2005, pp.161-164.
Z. Knésl, P. Bareš: Fracture conditions for a crack terminating at the interface of two elastic materials. 10. Tagung Problemseminar Deformation und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen, Merseburg, Cd-rom edition, Merseburg 2005.
L. Náhlík, Z. Knésl, F. Kroupa: Interaction of a crack in the plasma-sprayed ceramic coating with the metal substrate. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 482, 2005, pp. 223-226.
Hutař, P., Seitl, S., Knésl, Z., The role of the constraint in the case of short cracks, Material Science Forum, Vol. 482, 2005, pp. 303-306
2004 J. Klusák, Z. Knésl: Determination of crack initiation direction from a bi-material notch based on the strain energy density concept. In: Conference proceedings ICCES'04, [CD-ROM] ISBN: 0-9657001-6-X, 2004.
F. Kroupa, L. Náhlík, Z. Knésl: Crack growth in thermally sprayed ceramic coatings. Acta Technica CSAV 49, No. 2, 2004, pp. 149-168.
S. Seitl, P. Hutař, Z. Knésl: Calculation and assessment of constraint for short fatigue cracks. Materials Engineering, Volume 11, No.4, 2004, pp. 7-12.
P. Hutař, S. Seitl, Z. Knésl: Quantification of the effect of specimen geometry on the fatigue crack growth response by two-parameter fracture mechanics. Materials Science and Engineering, A 387-389, 2004, pp.491-494.
P. Hutař, S. Seitl, Z. Knésl: Effect of constraint on fatigue crack propagation near threshold in medium carbon steel. 14th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Goa, India, 2004.
P. Hutař, S. Seitl, Z. Knésl: The role of constraint in the case of short cracks. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 482, 2004, pp. 303-306.
2003 Z. Knésl, L. Náhlík, J.C Radon: Influence of interface on fatigue threshold values in elastic bimaterials. Computational Materials Science 28, 2003, pp. 620-627.
L. Nešpůrek, Z. Knésl: Stress singularity at intersection of crack front and free body surface. IXth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics, Žilina 2003, CD ROM.
Z. Knésl, L. Náhlík, J.C. Radon: Influence of coating cracking on substrate failure. Tenth Annual international Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, ed. D.Hui, New Orleans (2003),p. 347.
Z. Knésl, P. Preclík, J.C. Radon: Two-parameter characterization of notched specimen under creep. Metallic Materials (Kovové Materiály), 41 (2003), pp. 84-96.
2002 J. Klusák, Z. Knésl: Evaluation of the threshold values for the propagation of a fatigue crack starting at a V-notch. Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Science, 9 (2002), pp. 459-468.
Z. Knésl, S. Seitl, P. Hutař: Accounting for effects of constraint on propagation of a fatigue crack. Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII (Computer Aided Assessment and Control), eds. C.A.Brebbia, S-I. Nishida, WIT Press, Southampton 2002, p.245.
J.C. Radon, Z. Knésl: Creep and fatigue crack propagation at high temperatures. Materials Enginnering (Materiálové inženýrstvo), Vol.9, 2002, 1-8.
E. Czoboly. Z. Knésl, J.C. Radon: Creep and fatigue crack growth at elevated temperatures. Journal for Material Testing, 2002, No.4, pp.103-109.
2001 Z. Knésl, L. Náhlík, Z. Keršner: Calculation of the critical stress in two-phase materials. Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, 2001, pp. 737-744.
L.Náhlík, Z.Knésl, J.Vrbka: Propagation of a fatigue crack through a protective layer. In: proceedings of conference Surface Treatment 2001,ed. C.A. Brebbia, Sevilla 2001, WIT Press Southampton 2001, p. 181-190.
Last update
11. 11. 2009 |