Position: scientific
Group: Brittle Fracture Group
Rooms: 109
Phone numbers: +420 532 290 364
Fax: +420 541 218 657
![]() ZIZKOVA 22
616 62 Brno Czech Republic
ICO: 68081723
DIC: CZ68081723 |
![]() Ing. Vladislav Kozák, CSc.
Position: scientific
Group: Brittle Fracture Group Rooms: 109 Phone numbers: +420 532 290 364 Fax: +420 541 218 657 E-mail: kozak@DELETE-THIS.CZ@DELETE-THIS.COMipm.COM.cz Projects Simulation of the brittle damage and fracture of heteroneneous materials
Damage prediction of structural materials using cohesive models
Bainitic cast steel for dynamically loaded components
The transferability of fracture toughness characteristics from point a view of integrity of components with defects
Physical metallurgy aspects of the intergranular fracture damage of the structural steels
Publications: 2009 Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I., Gürbüz, S., Dericioglu, A.F., Kozák, V.: Interfacial characterisation in transparent spinel matrix reinforced by SiC fibre; Key Engineering Materials. 2009. 409. p. 252-259.
2008 Dlouhý, I.; Chlup, Z., Kozák, V.: Micromechanisms and Micomechanics of Fracture of TiAl Intermetalics; Meždunarodnaja konferencija „Sovremennyje problemy fiziki metallov“; 7-9.10.2008, Kyjev, Ukrajina
Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I., Gürbüz, S., Dericioglu, A.F., Kozák, V.: Interfacial characterisation in transparent spinel matrix reinforced by SiC fibre, Fractography of Advanced Ceramics III, Stará Lesná, Slovensko, 2008.
Chlup, Z., Harrer, W., Kozák, V., Řehořek, L.: Cone Crack Development during Ball on the Three Balls Test, 17th European conference on Fracture, Brno, ISBN 978-80-214-3692-3, 2008, pp. 2192-2199.
Kozák, V., Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z.: Cohesive zone model and GTN model collation for ductile crack growth; Materials Science Forum 567-568 ,2008, 145-148 (Materials Structure and Micromechanical of Fracture V; ISBN / ISBN-13 : 0-87849-469-3 / 978-0-87849-469-9)
Kozák, V., Dlouhý, I.: A Crack Growth Modelling in Materials with Heterogeneous Microstructure; 17th Eutopean conference on Fracture, Brno, 2008, pp. 350-357.
Kozák, V.: Ductile crack growth modelling using cohesive zone approach, Composites with Micro-and Nano-Structure, ISBN 978-1-4020-6974-1, (2008) 191-208.
2007 Chlup, Z., Kozák, V., Supancic, Z.: Použití centrálně zatěžované desky na třech podporách k určení pevnosti křehkých materiálů, In Porušování a design materiálů, Sborník semináře Křehký lom 2007, ISBN 978-80-254-0725-7, Dlouhý Ivo, Brno, ÚFM AVČR, 2007, str. 195-208.
Kozák, V., Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z.: Cohesive zone model and GTN model collation for ductile crack growth; MSMF-5, Abstracts Booklet, Brno 2007, s.46 (Materials Science Forum 567-568 ,2008, 145-148)
2006 Kozák, V., Chlup, Z., Dlouhý, I.: Použití kohezních prvků pro modelování šíření trhliny; Bulletin Asociace strojních inženýrů, č. 37, červenec 2006, str. 20-24.
2004 Dlouhý, I., Chlup, Z., Kozák, V.: Constraint effects at brittle fracture initiation in a cast ferritic steel, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 71, 2004, pp.873-883.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, V. Kozák: Fracture Toughness Transferability – from Small to Full Scale Specimens; Conf. Fracture Damage of Structural Parts, Ostrava, 2004, pp. 53-60.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, V. Kozák: Constraint Effects at Brittle Fracture Initiation in a Cast Ferritic Steel; Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 71, No. 4-6, 2004, pp. 873-883.
2002 I. Dlouhý, V. Kozák, M. Holzmann: Toughness Scaling Model Applications; Transferability of Fracture Mechanical Characteristics, 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 195-212.
I. Dlouhý, V. Kozák, Z. Chlup: Fracture toughness transferability - from small to full scale specimens; New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture, Francie, Metz, 2002, on CD.
V. Kozák, I. Dlouhý: Weibull stress model in cleavage fracture and toughness scaling model; XXX Summer School "Advanced Problems in Mechanics", St. Petersburg (Repino), Russia, 2002 (sborník 2003), pp. 384-389.
V. Kozák, I. Dlouhý, M. Holzmann: The fracture behaviour and its predicion based on the local approach; Nuclear Eng. And Design, č. 212, 2002, pp. 67-73.
2001 I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, V. Kozák: Constraint Effects at Brittle Fracture Initiation in Cast Ferritic Steel; Joint Meeting of ESIS TC1 + TC8, Mol, Belgie, 2001, (abstract).
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, V. Kozák: Constraint Effects at Brittle Fracture Initiation in Cast Ferritic Steel; Conf.: Fracture and Damage Mechanics (FDM-2001), Milan, Italy, 2001, pp. 245-250.
I. Dlouhý, Z. Chlup, V. Kozák, M. Holzmann: Fracture Toughness Transferability - from Small to Full Scale Specimens; Charpy Centenary Conference - CCC 2001, Poitiers, Francie, 2001, pp. 817-824.
V. Kozák, I. Dlouhý: The transferability of fracture toughness characteristics from point a view of the integrity of components with defects; Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements (CMEM 2001), Alicante, Španělsko, 2001, pp. 757-766.
V. Kozák, M. Holzmann, I. Dlouhý: The Transferability of Brittle Fracture Toughness Characteristics; Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology; SMIRT 16, Washington, DC, 2001, Proc. on CD (Paper#1079).
Last update
11. 11. 2009 |