Pozice: vědecký pracovník
Skupina: Skupina elektrických a magnetických vlastností
Místnosti: 311
Telefonní čísla: +420 532 290 437
Fax: +420 541 218 657
![]() ŽIŽKOVA 22
616 62 Brno Česká republika
IČO: 68081723
DIČ: CZ68081723 |
![]() doc. RNDr. Ilja Turek, DrSc.
Pozice: vědecký pracovník
Skupina: Skupina elektrických a magnetických vlastností Místnosti: 311 Telefonní čísla: +420 532 290 437 Fax: +420 541 218 657 E-mail: turek@DELETE-THIS.CZ@DELETE-THIS.COMipm.COM.cz Projekty Elektronová struktura a fyzikální vlastnosti materiálů pro nanoelektroniku
Ab initio teorie magnetických polovodičů
Publikace: 2008 J. Kudrnovsky, V. Drchal, F. Maca, I. Turek:
Electronic and magnetic properties of quaternary (Cu,Ni)MnSb alloys, Philosophical Magazine 88 (2008) 2739-2746 I. Turek, K. Carva:
Spin-mixing conductances of Ni-based films attached to Cu(100) leads, Acta Physica Polonica A 113 (2008) 11-14 2007 J. Kudrnovsky, G. Bouzerar, I. Turek
Relation of Curie temperature and conductivity: (Ga,Mn)As alloy as a case study Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 (2007) 102509. P. Ferriani, I. Turek, S. Heinze, G. Bihlmayer, S. Bluegel
Magnetic phase control in monolayer films by substrate tuning Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 187203 2006 Carva K, Turek I, Kudrnovsky J, Bengone O
Disordered magnetic multilayers: Electron transport within the coherent potential approximation PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73 (14): Art. No. 144421 APR 2006 Turek I, Kudrnovsky J, Drchal V, Bruno P
Exchange interactions, spin waves, and transition temperatures in itinerant magnets PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE 86 (12): 1713-1752 APR 21 2006 2005 Turek I, Rusz J, Divis M
Electronic structure and volume magnetostriction of rare-earth metals and compounds JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 290: 357-363 Part 1 Sp. Iss. SI, APR 2005 2004 Turek I, Kudrnovsky J, Drchal V, Weinberger P
Residual resistivity of diluted III-V magnetic semiconductors JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 16 (48): S5607-S5614 Sp. Iss. SI, DEC 8 2004 Bergqvist L, Eriksson O, Kudrnovsky J, Drchal V, Korzhavyi P, Turek I
Magnetic percolation in diluted magnetic semiconductors PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 93 (13): Art. No. 137202 SEP 24 2004 Kudrnovsky J, Turek I, Drchal V, Maca F, Weinberger P, Bruno P
Exchange interactions in III-V and group-IV diluted magnetic semiconductors PHYSICAL REVIEW B 69 (11): Art. No. 115208 MAR 2004 2003 Turek I, Kudrnovsky J, Divis M, Franek P, Bihlmayer G, Blugel S
First-principles study of the electronic structure and exchange interactions in bcc europium PHYSICAL REVIEW B 68 (22): Art. No. 224431 DEC 2003 Turek I, Kudrnovsky J, Bihlmayer G, Blugel S
Ab initio theory of exchange interactions and the Curie temperature of bulk Gd JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 15 (17): 2771-2782 MAY 7 2003 2002 Xia K, Kelly PJ, Bauer GEW, Turek I
Spin-dependent transparency of ferromagnet/superconductor interfaces PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 89 (16): Art. No. 166603 OCT 14 2002 Turek I, Kudrnovsky J, Drchal V, Szunyogh L, Weinberger P
Interatomic electron transport by semiempirical and ab initio tight-binding approaches PHYSICAL REVIEW B 65 (12): Art. No. 125101 MAR 15 2002 2000 O. Schneeweiss, J. Čermák, I. Turek and P. Lejček: Investigations of grain boundaries in copper using emission Mössbauer spectroscopy. Hyperfine Interactions 126, 2000, 215.
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11. 11. 2009 |