Role of oxide dispersion in fatigue behaviour of ODS type steels
Investigator: prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kruml, CSc.
Number of Project: 106/09/1954
Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 01. 01. 2009 - 31. 12. 2012
The main topic of this project is to investigate the role of fine oxide dispersion as a strengthening element during cyclic plastic deformation of ODS steels which are under development in fusion program. It is known that ODS ferritic and ferritic/martensitic steels posses longer lifetime and higher resistance against cyclic degradation especially at elevated temperatures in comparison with alloys without oxide dispersion. Miniaturized specimens will serve for measuring of fatigue life curves, cyclic stress-strain curve etc. from room temperature up to 800°C, to define specific material behaviour. TEM analysis will be used for understanding of interaction dislocations-oxide dispersion and for investigation of the microstructure produced during cyclic loading. Influence of the small specimen size on fatigue crack growth rate will be studied experimentally on the sheet specimens with varying thickness and by mathematical modelling using the finite elements calculations. The final results of the project can help with more effective design of ODS steels for specific requirement as needed for the fusion program.