Determination of conditions of failure initiation in bi-material wedges composed of two orthotropic materials
Investigator: Ing. Jan Klusák, Ph.D.
Number of Project: 101/08/0994
Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 01. 01. 2008 - 31. 12. 2010
Modern constructions composed of orthotropic materials enable to achieve properties that could not be attained by means of homogeneous materials. However, material discontinuities occurring in compound structures induce general singular stress concentrations that preclude the use of the fracture mechanics approaches developed for cracks in homogeneous materials. The objective of the project is to study and extend approaches for crack initiation assessment of the discontinuities modelled as bi-material wedges with orthotropic materials properties. We assume to apply generalized procedures to materials with a relatively brittle matrix and with behaviour leading to matrix cracking of a scale that allows the use of continuum damage mechanics or possibly linear elastic fracture mechanics. The combination of the numerical (FEM) and analytical methods (S-L formalism) will be used for the calculations. The results will extend the applicability of fracture mechanics and will contribute to the formulation of a general approach to the description of general stress singularity concentrators.